[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/gpg-skip-broken-html, repushed

? sunnavy sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Thu Oct 4 15:49:32 EDT 2018

The branch 4.4/gpg-skip-broken-html was deleted and repushed:
       was 877abee2ee32a488dbbd1b7e96de6be57df3658e
       now cf6bbc86f96af0941fdc4aaee75e87f48d203f24

1: 06b6d4519 = 1: 06b6d4519 Skip broken html that wraps gpg encrypted message
2: 877abee2e ! 2: cf6bbc86f Test broken html that wraps gpg encrypted message
    @@ -79,8 +79,16 @@
     +    my $parts = $txn->Attachments->ItemsArrayRef;
     +    is (scalar @$parts, 4, 'alternative, text, html and original');
     +    like( $txn->Content, qr/This is decrypted plain content/, 'got decrypted content' );
     +    unlike( $txn->Content, qr/BEGIN PGP MESSAGE/, 'no undecrypted content' );
    ++    like(
    ++        $txn->Content( Type => 'text/html' ),
    ++        qr/This is decrypted plain content/,
    ++        'got decrypted content with text/html'
    ++    );
    ++    unlike( $txn->Content( Type => 'text/html' ), qr/BEGIN PGP MESSAGE/, 'no undecrypted content with text/html' );
     +    $m->goto_ticket($tick->id);
     +    $m->text_contains('This is decrypted plain content', 'got decrypted content on the page');
     +    $m->text_lacks('BEGIN PGP MESSAGE', 'no undecrypted content on the page');

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