[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.6/txn-query-builder, created. rt-4.4.4-94-g640e19a80
? sunnavy
sunnavy at bestpractical.com
Fri Jul 5 15:46:00 EDT 2019
The branch, 4.6/txn-query-builder has been created
at 640e19a80bfd33df247c481bd9b515d533426fc4 (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 640e19a80bfd33df247c481bd9b515d533426fc4
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri Jun 28 04:26:07 2019 +0800
Initial ticket transaction query builder
Currently, the following fields are supported:
* transaction core fields
* transaction custom fields
* ticket core fields
The code is generally copied from ticket search builder with a few
diff --git a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
index 67d402ab8..9166a8e68 100644
--- a/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
+++ b/etc/RT_Config.pm.in
@@ -2248,6 +2248,68 @@ Set($PreferDropzone, 1);
+=head2 Transaction search
+=over 4
+=item C<%TransactionDefaultSearchResultFormat>
+C<%TransactionDefaultSearchResultFormat> is the default format for RT
+transaction search results for various object types. Keys are object types
+like C<RT::Ticket>, values are the format string.
+ 'RT::Ticket' => qq{
+ '<B><A HREF="__WebPath__/Transaction/Display.html?id=__id__">__id__</a></B>/TITLE:#',
+ '<B><A HREF="__WebPath__/Ticket/Display.html?id=__ObjectId__">__ObjectId__</a></B>/TITLE:Ticket',
+ '__Description__',
+ '<small>__OldValue__</small>',
+ '<small>__NewValue__</small>',
+ '<small>__Content__</small>',
+ '<small>__CreatedRelative__</small>',
+ },
+=item C<%TranactionDefaultSearchResultOrderBy>
+What Transactions column should we order by for RT Transaction search
+results for various object types. Keys are object types like C<RT::Ticket>,
+values are the column names.
+Defaults to I<id>.
+Set( %TransactionDefaultSearchResultOrderBy, 'RT::Ticket' => 'id' );
+=item C<%TransactionDefaultSearchResultOrder>
+When ordering RT Transaction search results by
+C<%TransactionDefaultSearchResultOrderBy>, should the sort be ascending
+(ASC) or descending (DESC). Keys are object types like C<RT::Ticket>,
+values are either "ASC" or "DESC".
+Defaults to I<ASC>.
+Set( %TransactionDefaultSearchResultOrder, 'RT::Ticket' => 'ASC' );
+=item C<%TransactionShowSearchResultCount>
+Display search result count on transaction lists. Keys are object types
+like C<RT::Ticket>, values are either 1 or 0.
+Defaults to 1 (show them).
+Set( %TransactionShowSearchResultCount, 'RT::Ticket' => 1 );
=head2 Transaction display
=over 4
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
index 0d86db633..01361f407 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
@@ -4549,6 +4549,34 @@ sub GetCustomFieldInputNamePrefix {
+=head2 LoadTransaction id
+Takes a transaction id as its only variable. if it's handed an array, it takes
+the first value.
+Returns an RT::Transaction object as the current user.
+sub LoadTransaction {
+ my $id = shift;
+ if ( ref($id) eq "ARRAY" ) {
+ $id = $id->[0];
+ }
+ unless ($id) {
+ Abort("No ticket specified", Code => HTTP::Status::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST);
+ }
+ my $Transaction = RT::Transaction->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ $Transaction->Load($id);
+ unless ( $Transaction->id ) {
+ Abort("Could not load ticket $id", Code => HTTP::Status::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
+ }
+ return $Transaction;
package RT::Interface::Web;
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/MenuBuilder.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/MenuBuilder.pm
index 806d23888..56e18de0e 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/MenuBuilder.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/MenuBuilder.pm
@@ -170,6 +170,10 @@ sub BuildMainNav {
$search->child( assets => title => loc("Assets"), path => "/Asset/Search/" )
if $current_user->HasRight( Right => 'ShowAssetsMenu', Object => RT->System );
+ my $txns = $search->child( transactions => title => loc('Transactions'), path => '/Transaction/Search/Build.html?ObjectType=RT::Ticket' );
+ my $txns_tickets = $txns->child( new => title => loc('Tickets'), path => "/Transaction/Search/Build.html?ObjectType=RT::Ticket" );
+ $txns_tickets->child( new => title => loc('New Search'), path => "/Transaction/Search/Build.html?ObjectType=RT::Ticket&NewQuery=1" );
my $reports = $top->child( reports =>
title => loc('Reports'),
description => loc('Reports summarizing ticket resolution and status'),
@@ -565,6 +569,79 @@ sub BuildMainNav {
+ if ( $request_path =~ m{^/Transaction/Search/} ) {
+ my $search = $top->child('search')->child('transactions');
+ my $current_search = $HTML::Mason::Commands::session{"CurrentSearchHash"} || {};
+ my $search_id = $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'SavedSearchLoad'} || $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'SavedSearchId'} || $current_search->{'SearchId'} || '';
+ $has_query = 1 if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'Query'} or $current_search->{'Query'} );
+ my %query_args;
+ my %fallback_query_args = (
+ SavedSearchId => ( $search_id eq 'new' ) ? undef : $search_id,
+ (
+ Class => 'RT::Transactions',
+ map {
+ my $p = $_;
+ $p => $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{$p} || $current_search->{$p}
+ } qw(Query Format OrderBy Order Page ObjectType)
+ ),
+ RowsPerPage => (
+ defined $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'RowsPerPage'}
+ ? $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'RowsPerPage'}
+ : $current_search->{'RowsPerPage'}
+ ),
+ );
+ if ($query_string) {
+ $args = '?' . $query_string;
+ }
+ else {
+ my %final_query_args = ();
+ # key => callback to avoid unnecessary work
+ for my $param (keys %fallback_query_args) {
+ $final_query_args{$param} = defined($query_args->{$param})
+ ? $query_args->{$param}
+ : $fallback_query_args{$param};
+ }
+ for my $field (qw(Order OrderBy)) {
+ if ( ref( $final_query_args{$field} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
+ $final_query_args{$field} = join( "|", @{ $final_query_args{$field} } );
+ } elsif (not defined $final_query_args{$field}) {
+ delete $final_query_args{$field};
+ }
+ else {
+ $final_query_args{$field} ||= '';
+ }
+ }
+ $args = '?' . QueryString(%final_query_args);
+ }
+ my $current_search_menu;
+ if ( $request_path =~ m{^/Transaction/[^/]+\.html} ) {
+ $current_search_menu = $search->child( current_search => title => loc('Current Search') );
+ $current_search_menu->path("/Transaction/Search/Results.html$args") if $has_query;
+ } else {
+ $current_search_menu = $page;
+ }
+ $current_search_menu->child( edit_search =>
+ title => loc('Edit Search'), path => "/Transaction/Search/Build.html" . ( ($has_query) ? $args : '' ) );
+ $current_search_menu->child( advanced =>
+ title => loc('Advanced'), path => "/Transaction/Search/Edit.html$args" );
+ if ($has_query) {
+ $current_search_menu->child( results => title => loc('Show Results'), path => "/Transaction/Search/Results.html$args" );
+ }
+ if ( $has_query ) {
+ my $more = $current_search_menu->child( more => title => loc('Feeds') );
+ $more->child( spreadsheet => title => loc('Spreadsheet'), path => "/Transaction/Search/Results.tsv$args" );
+ }
+ }
if ( $request_path =~ m{^/Article/} ) {
if ( $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'} && $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'} =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
my $id = $HTML::Mason::Commands::DECODED_ARGS->{'id'};
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder/Tree.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder/Tree.pm
index 1ab187794..2da719c9c 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder/Tree.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web/QueryBuilder/Tree.pm
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ sub GetReferencedQueues {
return unless $node->isLeaf;
my $clause = $node->getNodeValue();
- return unless $clause->{Key} eq 'Queue';
+ return unless $clause->{Key} =~ /^(?:Ticket)?Queue$/;
return unless $clause->{Op} eq '=';
$queues->{ $clause->{Value} } = 1;
@@ -251,13 +251,14 @@ sub ParseSQL {
my %args = (
Query => '',
CurrentUser => '', #XXX: Hack
+ Class => 'RT::Tickets',
my $string = $args{'Query'};
my @results;
- my %field = %{ RT::Tickets->new( $args{'CurrentUser'} )->FIELDS };
+ my %field = %{ $args{Class}->new( $args{'CurrentUser'} )->FIELDS };
my %lcfield = map { ( lc($_) => $_ ) } keys %field;
my $node = $self;
diff --git a/lib/RT/Transactions.pm b/lib/RT/Transactions.pm
index 6c602b39d..48cdefea7 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Transactions.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Transactions.pm
@@ -138,6 +138,728 @@ sub AddRecord {
return $self->SUPER::AddRecord($record);
+ id => [ 'INT', ], #loc_left_pair
+ ObjectId => [ 'ID', ], #loc_left_pair
+ ObjectType => [ 'STRING', ], #loc_left_pair
+ Creator => [ 'ENUM' => 'User', ], #loc_left_pair
+ TimeTaken => [ 'INT', ], #loc_left_pair
+ Created => [ 'DATE' => 'Created', ], #loc_left_pair
+ Type => ['STRING'],
+ Field => ['STRING'],
+ OldValue => ['STRING'],
+ NewValue => ['STRING'],
+ ReferenceType => ['STRING'],
+ OldReference => ['STRING'],
+ NewReference => ['STRING'],
+ Data => ['STRING'],
+ CustomFieldValue => [ 'CUSTOMFIELD' => 'Transaction' ], #loc_left_pair
+ CustomField => [ 'CUSTOMFIELD' => 'Transaction' ], #loc_left_pair
+ CF => [ 'CUSTOMFIELD' => 'Transaction' ], #loc_left_pair
+ Content => [ 'ATTACHCONTENT', ], #loc_left_pair
+ ContentType => [ 'ATTACHFIELD', ], #loc_left_pair
+ Filename => [ 'ATTACHFIELD', ], #loc_left_pair
+ Subject => [ 'ATTACHFIELD', ], #loc_left_pair
+ TicketId => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ], #loc_left_pair
+ TicketSubject => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ], #loc_left_pair
+ TicketQueue => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketStatus => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketOwner => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketCreator => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketLastUpdatedBy => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketUpdatedBy => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketCreated => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketStarted => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketResolved => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketTold => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketLastUpdated => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketStarts => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketDue => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+ TicketUpdated => [ 'TICKETFIELD', ],
+# Lower Case version of FIELDS, for case insensitivity
+our %LOWER_CASE_FIELDS = map { ( lc($_) => $_ ) } (keys %FIELD_METADATA);
+our %dispatch = (
+ INT => \&_IntLimit,
+ ID => \&_IdLimit,
+ ENUM => \&_EnumLimit,
+ DATE => \&_DateLimit,
+ STRING => \&_StringLimit,
+ CUSTOMFIELD => \&_CustomFieldLimit,
+ ATTACHFIELD => \&_AttachLimit,
+ ATTACHCONTENT => \&_AttachContentLimit,
+ TICKETFIELD => \&_TicketLimit,
+sub FIELDS { return \%FIELD_METADATA }
+our @SORTFIELDS = qw(id ObjectId Created);
+=head2 SortFields
+Returns the list of fields that lists of tickets can easily be sorted by
+sub SortFields {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return (@SORTFIELDS);
+=head1 Limit Helper Routines
+These routines are the targets of a dispatch table depending on the
+type of field. They all share the same signature:
+ my ($self,$field,$op,$value, at rest) = @_;
+The values in @rest should be suitable for passing directly to
+Essentially they are an expanded/broken out (and much simplified)
+version of what ProcessRestrictions used to do. They're also much
+more clearly delineated by the TYPE of field being processed.
+=head2 _IdLimit
+Handle ID field.
+sub _IdLimit {
+ my ( $sb, $field, $op, $value, @rest ) = @_;
+ if ( $value eq '__Bookmarked__' ) {
+ return $sb->_BookmarkLimit( $field, $op, $value, @rest );
+ } else {
+ return $sb->_IntLimit( $field, $op, $value, @rest );
+ }
+=head2 _EnumLimit
+Handle Fields which are limited to certain values, and potentially
+need to be looked up from another class.
+This subroutine actually handles two different kinds of fields. For
+some the user is responsible for limiting the values. (i.e. ObjectType).
+For others, the value specified by the user will be looked by via
+specified class.
+Meta Data:
+ name of class to lookup in (Optional)
+sub _EnumLimit {
+ my ( $sb, $field, $op, $value, @rest ) = @_;
+ # SQL::Statement changes != to <>. (Can we remove this now?)
+ $op = "!=" if $op eq "<>";
+ die "Invalid Operation: $op for $field"
+ unless $op eq "="
+ or $op eq "!=";
+ my $meta = $FIELD_METADATA{$field};
+ if ( defined $meta->[1] && defined $value && $value !~ /^\d+$/ ) {
+ my $class = "RT::" . $meta->[1];
+ my $o = $class->new( $sb->CurrentUser );
+ $o->Load($value);
+ $value = $o->Id || 0;
+ }
+ $sb->Limit(
+ FIELD => $field,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ @rest,
+ );
+=head2 _IntLimit
+Handle fields where the values are limited to integers. (For example,
+Meta Data:
+ None
+sub _IntLimit {
+ my ( $sb, $field, $op, $value, @rest ) = @_;
+ my $is_a_like = $op =~ /MATCHES|ENDSWITH|STARTSWITH|LIKE/i;
+ # We want to support <id LIKE '1%'>, but we need to explicitly typecast
+ # on Postgres
+ if ( $is_a_like && RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType') eq 'Pg' ) {
+ return $sb->Limit(
+ FUNCTION => "CAST(main.$field AS TEXT)",
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ @rest,
+ );
+ }
+ $sb->Limit(
+ FIELD => $field,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ @rest,
+ );
+=head2 _DateLimit
+Handle date fields. (Created, LastTold..)
+Meta Data:
+ 1: type of link. (Probably not necessary.)
+sub _DateLimit {
+ my ( $sb, $field, $op, $value, %rest ) = @_;
+ die "Invalid Date Op: $op"
+ unless $op =~ /^(=|>|<|>=|<=|IS(\s+NOT)?)$/i;
+ my $meta = $FIELD_METADATA{$field};
+ die "Incorrect Meta Data for $field"
+ unless ( defined $meta->[1] );
+ if ( $op =~ /^(IS(\s+NOT)?)$/i) {
+ return $sb->Limit(
+ FUNCTION => $sb->NotSetDateToNullFunction,
+ FIELD => $meta->[1],
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => "NULL",
+ %rest,
+ );
+ }
+ my $date = RT::Date->new( $sb->CurrentUser );
+ $date->Set( Format => 'unknown', Value => $value );
+ if ( $op eq "=" ) {
+ # if we're specifying =, that means we want everything on a
+ # particular single day. in the database, we need to check for >
+ # and < the edges of that day.
+ $date->SetToMidnight( Timezone => 'server' );
+ my $daystart = $date->ISO;
+ $date->AddDay;
+ my $dayend = $date->ISO;
+ $sb->_OpenParen;
+ $sb->Limit(
+ FIELD => $meta->[1],
+ OPERATOR => ">=",
+ VALUE => $daystart,
+ %rest,
+ );
+ $sb->Limit(
+ FIELD => $meta->[1],
+ OPERATOR => "<",
+ VALUE => $dayend,
+ %rest,
+ );
+ $sb->_CloseParen;
+ }
+ else {
+ $sb->Limit(
+ FUNCTION => $sb->NotSetDateToNullFunction,
+ FIELD => $meta->[1],
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $date->ISO,
+ %rest,
+ );
+ }
+=head2 _StringLimit
+Handle simple fields which are just strings. (Subject,Type)
+Meta Data:
+ None
+sub _StringLimit {
+ my ( $sb, $field, $op, $value, @rest ) = @_;
+ # FIXME:
+ # Valid Operators:
+ # =, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE
+ if ( RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType') eq 'Oracle'
+ && (!defined $value || !length $value)
+ && lc($op) ne 'is' && lc($op) ne 'is not'
+ ) {
+ if ($op eq '!=' || $op =~ /^NOT\s/i) {
+ $op = 'IS NOT';
+ } else {
+ $op = 'IS';
+ }
+ $value = 'NULL';
+ }
+ $sb->Limit(
+ FIELD => $field,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ @rest,
+ );
+=head2 _CustomFieldDecipher
+Try and turn a CF descriptor into (cfid, cfname) object pair.
+Takes an optional second parameter of the CF LookupType, defaults to Ticket CFs.
+sub _CustomFieldDecipher {
+ my ($self, $string, $lookuptype) = @_;
+ $lookuptype ||= $self->_SingularClass->CustomFieldLookupType;
+ my ($object, $field, $column) = ($string =~ /^(?:(.+?)\.)?\{(.+)\}(?:\.(Content|LargeContent))?$/);
+ $field ||= ($string =~ /^\{(.*?)\}$/)[0] || $string;
+ my ($cf, $applied_to);
+ if ( $object ) {
+ my $record_class = RT::CustomField->RecordClassFromLookupType($lookuptype);
+ $applied_to = $record_class->new( $self->CurrentUser );
+ $applied_to->Load( $object );
+ if ( $applied_to->id ) {
+ RT->Logger->debug("Limiting to CFs identified by '$field' applied to $record_class #@{[$applied_to->id]} (loaded via '$object')");
+ }
+ else {
+ RT->Logger->warning("$record_class '$object' doesn't exist, parsed from '$string'");
+ $object = 0;
+ undef $applied_to;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $field =~ /\D/ ) {
+ $object ||= '';
+ my $cfs = RT::CustomFields->new( $self->CurrentUser );
+ $cfs->Limit( FIELD => 'Name', VALUE => $field, CASESENSITIVE => 0 );
+ $cfs->LimitToLookupType($lookuptype);
+ if ($applied_to) {
+ $cfs->SetContextObject($applied_to);
+ $cfs->LimitToObjectId($applied_to->id);
+ }
+ # if there is more then one field the current user can
+ # see with the same name then we shouldn't return cf object
+ # as we don't know which one to use
+ $cf = $cfs->First;
+ if ( $cf ) {
+ $cf = undef if $cfs->Next;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $cf = RT::CustomField->new( $self->CurrentUser );
+ $cf->Load( $field );
+ $cf->SetContextObject($applied_to)
+ if $cf->id and $applied_to;
+ }
+ return ($object, $field, $cf, $column);
+=head2 _CustomFieldLimit
+Limit based on CustomFields
+Meta Data:
+ none
+sub _CustomFieldLimit {
+ my ( $self, $_field, $op, $value, %rest ) = @_;
+ my $meta = $FIELD_METADATA{ $_field };
+ my $class = $meta->[1] || 'Transaction';
+ my $type = "RT::$class"->CustomFieldLookupType;
+ my $field = $rest{'SUBKEY'} || die "No field specified";
+ # For our sanity, we can only limit on one object at a time
+ my ($object, $cfid, $cf, $column);
+ ($object, $field, $cf, $column) = $self->_CustomFieldDecipher( $field, $type );
+ $self->_LimitCustomField(
+ %rest,
+ LOOKUPTYPE => $type,
+ CUSTOMFIELD => $cf || $field,
+ KEY => $cf ? $cf->id : "$type-$object.$field",
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ COLUMN => $column,
+ SUBCLAUSE => "txnsql",
+ );
+=head2 _AttachLimit
+Limit based on the ContentType or the Filename of an attachment.
+sub _AttachLimit {
+ my ( $self, $field, $op, $value, %rest ) = @_;
+ unless ( defined $self->{_sql_attachalias} ) {
+ $self->{_sql_attachalias} = $self->Join(
+ TYPE => 'LEFT', # not all txns have an attachment
+ FIELD1 => 'id',
+ TABLE2 => 'Attachments',
+ FIELD2 => 'TransactionId',
+ );
+ }
+ $self->Limit(
+ %rest,
+ ALIAS => $self->{_sql_attachalias},
+ FIELD => $field,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ );
+=head2 _AttachContentLimit
+Limit based on the Content of a transaction.
+sub _AttachContentLimit {
+ my ( $self, $field, $op, $value, %rest ) = @_;
+ $field = 'Content' if $field =~ /\W/;
+ my $config = RT->Config->Get('FullTextSearch') || {};
+ unless ( $config->{'Enable'} ) {
+ $self->Limit( %rest, FIELD => 'id', VALUE => 0 );
+ return;
+ }
+ unless ( defined $self->{_sql_attachalias} ) {
+ $self->{_sql_attachalias} = $self->Join(
+ TYPE => 'LEFT', # not all txns have an attachment
+ FIELD1 => 'id',
+ TABLE2 => 'Attachments',
+ FIELD2 => 'TransactionId',
+ );
+ }
+ $self->_OpenParen;
+ if ( $config->{'Indexed'} ) {
+ my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ my $alias;
+ if ( $config->{'Table'} and $config->{'Table'} ne "Attachments") {
+ $alias = $self->{'_sql_aliases'}{'full_text'} ||= $self->Join(
+ TYPE => 'LEFT',
+ ALIAS1 => $self->{'_sql_attachalias'},
+ FIELD1 => 'id',
+ TABLE2 => $config->{'Table'},
+ FIELD2 => 'id',
+ );
+ } else {
+ $alias = $self->{'_sql_attachalias'};
+ }
+ #XXX: handle negative searches
+ my $index = $config->{'Column'};
+ if ( $db_type eq 'Oracle' ) {
+ my $dbh = $RT::Handle->dbh;
+ my $alias = $self->{_sql_attachalias};
+ $self->Limit(
+ %rest,
+ FUNCTION => "CONTAINS( $alias.$field, ".$dbh->quote($value) .")",
+ OPERATOR => '>',
+ VALUE => 0,
+ );
+ # this is required to trick DBIx::SB's LEFT JOINS optimizer
+ # into deciding that join is redundant as it is
+ $self->Limit(
+ ALIAS => $self->{_sql_attachalias},
+ FIELD => 'Content',
+ VALUE => 'NULL',
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'Pg' ) {
+ my $dbh = $RT::Handle->dbh;
+ $self->Limit(
+ %rest,
+ ALIAS => $alias,
+ FIELD => $index,
+ OPERATOR => '@@',
+ VALUE => 'plainto_tsquery('. $dbh->quote($value) .')',
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'mysql' and not $config->{Sphinx}) {
+ my $dbh = $RT::Handle->dbh;
+ $self->Limit(
+ %rest,
+ FUNCTION => "MATCH($alias.Content)",
+ VALUE => "(". $dbh->quote($value) ." IN BOOLEAN MODE)",
+ );
+ # As with Oracle, above, this forces the LEFT JOINs into
+ # JOINS, which allows the FULLTEXT index to be used.
+ # Orthogonally, the IS NOT NULL clause also helps the
+ # optimizer decide to use the index.
+ $self->Limit(
+ ALIAS => $alias,
+ FIELD => "Content",
+ VALUE => 'NULL',
+ );
+ }
+ elsif ( $db_type eq 'mysql' ) {
+ # This is a special character. Note that \ does not escape
+ # itself (in Sphinx 2.1.0, at least), so 'foo\;bar' becoming
+ # 'foo\\;bar' is not a vulnerability, and is still parsed as
+ # "foo, \, ;, then bar". Happily, the default mode is
+ # "all", meaning that boolean operators are not special.
+ $value =~ s/;/\\;/g;
+ my $max = $config->{'MaxMatches'};
+ $self->Limit(
+ %rest,
+ ALIAS => $alias,
+ FIELD => 'query',
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => "$value;limit=$max;maxmatches=$max",
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ # This is the main difference from ticket content search.
+ # For transaction searches, it probably worths keeping emails.
+ # $self->Limit(
+ # %rest,
+ # FIELD => 'Type',
+ # VALUE => ['EmailRecord', 'CommentEmailRecord'],
+ # );
+ $self->Limit(
+ ALIAS => $self->{_sql_attachalias},
+ FIELD => $field,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ );
+ }
+ if ( RT->Config->Get('DontSearchFileAttachments') ) {
+ $self->Limit(
+ ALIAS => $self->{_sql_attachalias},
+ FIELD => 'Filename',
+ VALUE => 'NULL',
+ );
+ }
+ $self->_CloseParen;
+sub _TicketLimit {
+ my ( $self, $field, $op, $value, %rest ) = @_;
+ $field =~ s!^Ticket!!;
+ unless ( defined $self->{_sql_ticketalias} ) {
+ $self->{_sql_ticketalias} = $self->Join(
+ TYPE => 'LEFT',
+ FIELD1 => 'ObjectId',
+ TABLE2 => 'Tickets',
+ FIELD2 => 'id',
+ );
+ $self->Limit(
+ FIELD => 'ObjectType',
+ VALUE => 'RT::Ticket',
+ );
+ }
+ if ( $field eq 'Queue' && $value =~ /\D/ ) {
+ my $queue = RT::Queue->new($self->CurrentUser);
+ $queue->Load($value);
+ $value = $queue->id if $queue->id;
+ }
+ if ( $field =~ /^(?:Owner|Creator)$/ && $value =~ /\D/ ) {
+ my $user = RT::User->new( $self->CurrentUser );
+ $user->Load($value);
+ $value = $user->id if $user->id;
+ }
+ $self->Limit(
+ %rest,
+ ALIAS => $self->{_sql_ticketalias},
+ FIELD => $field,
+ OPERATOR => $op,
+ VALUE => $value,
+ );
+sub PrepForSerialization {
+ my $self = shift;
+ delete $self->{'items'};
+ delete $self->{'items_array'};
+ $self->RedoSearch();
+sub _OpenParen {
+ $_[0]->SUPER::_OpenParen( $_[1] || 'txnsql' );
+sub _CloseParen {
+ $_[0]->SUPER::_CloseParen( $_[1] || 'txnsql' );
+sub Limit {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %args = @_;
+ $self->{'must_redo_search'} = 1;
+ delete $self->{'raw_rows'};
+ delete $self->{'count_all'};
+ $args{SUBCLAUSE} ||= "txnsql"
+ if $self->{parsing_txnsql} and not $args{LEFTJOIN};
+ $self->SUPER::Limit(%args);
+=head2 FromSQL
+Convert a RT-SQL string into a set of SearchBuilder restrictions.
+Returns (1, 'Status message') on success and (0, 'Error Message') on
+sub _parser {
+ my ($self,$string) = @_;
+ require RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree;
+ my $tree = RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree->new;
+ my @results = $tree->ParseSQL(
+ Query => $string,
+ CurrentUser => $self->CurrentUser,
+ Class => ref $self || $self,
+ );
+ die join "; ", map { ref $_ eq 'ARRAY' ? $_->[ 0 ] : $_ } @results if @results;
+ my $ea = '';
+ $tree->traverse(
+ sub {
+ my $node = shift;
+ $ea = $node->getParent->getNodeValue if $node->getIndex > 0;
+ return $self->_OpenParen unless $node->isLeaf;
+ my ($key, $subkey, $meta, $op, $value, $bundle)
+ = @{$node->getNodeValue}{qw/Key Subkey Meta Op Value Bundle/};
+ # normalize key and get class (type)
+ my $class = $meta->[0];
+ # replace __CurrentUser__ with id
+ $value = $self->CurrentUser->id if $value eq '__CurrentUser__';
+ # replace __CurrentUserName__ with the username
+ $value = $self->CurrentUser->Name if $value eq '__CurrentUserName__';
+ my $sub = $dispatch{ $class }
+ or die "No dispatch method for class '$class'";
+ # A reference to @res may be pushed onto $sub_tree{$key} from
+ # above, and we fill it here.
+ $sub->( $self, $key, $op, $value,
+ SUBKEY => $subkey,
+ BUNDLE => $bundle,
+ );
+ },
+ sub {
+ my $node = shift;
+ return $self->_CloseParen unless $node->isLeaf;
+ }
+ );
+sub FromSQL {
+ my ($self,$query) = @_;
+ $self->CleanSlate;
+ return (1, $self->loc("No Query")) unless $query;
+ $self->{_sql_query} = $query;
+ eval {
+ local $self->{parsing_txnsql} = 1;
+ $self->_parser( $query );
+ };
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ my $error = "$@";
+ $RT::Logger->error("Couldn't parse query: $error");
+ return (0, $error);
+ }
+ # set SB's dirty flag
+ $self->{'must_redo_search'} = 1;
+ return (1, $self->loc("Valid Query"));
+=head2 Query
+Returns the last string passed to L</FromSQL>.
+sub Query {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{_sql_query};
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/CollectionList b/share/html/Elements/CollectionList
index 275ea76b6..c141b18e6 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/CollectionList
+++ b/share/html/Elements/CollectionList
@@ -46,8 +46,11 @@
-if (!$Collection && $Class eq 'RT::Tickets') {
- $Collection = RT::Tickets->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+if (!$Collection) {
+ $Collection = $Class->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ if ( $Class eq 'RT::Transactions' ) {
+ $Query = join ' AND ', "ObjectType = '$ObjectType'", $Query ? "($Query)" : ();
+ }
@@ -210,4 +213,5 @@ $ShowHeader => 1
$ShowEmpty => 0
$Query => 0
$HasResults => undef
+$ObjectType => 'RT::Ticket'
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType b/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
index c94780c7b..be38726bc 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
+++ b/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
@@ -46,15 +46,16 @@
<select name="<%$Name%>">
-<option value="Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
-<option value="Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
-<option value="Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
-<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
-<option value="LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
-<option value="Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
-<option value="Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
-<option value="Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
+<option value="<% $Prefix %>Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
+<option value="<% $Prefix %>Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
+<option value="<% $Prefix %>Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
+<option value="<% $Prefix %>Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
+<option value="<% $Prefix %>LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
+<option value="<% $Prefix %>Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
+<option value="<% $Prefix %>Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
+<option value="<% $Prefix %>Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
$Name => 'DateType'
+$Prefix => ''
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch b/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch
index 8e415f636..965f4c6e1 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch
+++ b/share/html/Elements/ShowSearch
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
titleright => $customize ? loc('Edit') : '',
titleright_href => $customize,
hideable => $hideable &>
-<& $query_display_component, hideable => $hideable, %$ProcessedSearchArg, ShowNavigation => 0, Class => 'RT::Tickets', HasResults => $HasResults, PreferOrderBy => 1 &>
+<& $query_display_component, hideable => $hideable, %$ProcessedSearchArg, ShowNavigation => 0, Class => $class, HasResults => $HasResults, PreferOrderBy => 1 &>
my $search;
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ my $SearchArg;
my $customize;
my $query_display_component = '/Elements/CollectionList';
my $query_link_url = RT->Config->Get('WebPath').'/Search/Results.html';
+my $class = 'RT::Tickets';
if ($SavedSearch) {
my ( $container_object, $search_id ) = _parse_saved_search($SavedSearch);
@@ -76,7 +77,11 @@ if ($SavedSearch) {
$SearchArg->{'SavedSearchId'} ||= $SavedSearch;
$SearchArg->{'SearchType'} ||= 'Ticket';
- if ( $SearchArg->{SearchType} ne 'Ticket' ) {
+ if ( $SearchArg->{SearchType} eq 'Transaction' ) {
+ $class = 'RT::Transactions';
+ $query_link_url = RT->Config->Get('WebPath') . "/Transaction/Search/Results.html";
+ }
+ elsif ( $SearchArg->{SearchType} ne 'Ticket' ) {
# XXX: dispatch to different handler here
@@ -133,14 +138,30 @@ my $QueryString = '?' . $m->comp( '/Elements/QueryString', %$SearchArg );
my $title_raw;
if ($ShowCount) {
- my $tickets = RT::Tickets->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
- $tickets->FromSQL($ProcessedSearchArg->{Query});
- my $count = $tickets->CountAll();
+ my $collection = $class->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ my $query;
+ if ( $class eq 'RT::Transactions' ) {
+ $query = join ' AND ', "ObjectType = '$ProcessedSearchArg->{ObjectType}'",
+ $ProcessedSearchArg->{Query} ? "($ProcessedSearchArg->{Query})" : ();
+ }
+ else {
+ $query = $ProcessedSearchArg->{Query};
+ }
- $title_raw = '<span class="results-count">' . loc('(Found [quant,_1,ticket,tickets])', $count) . '</span>';
+ $collection->FromSQL($query);
+ my $count = $collection->CountAll();
+ my $title;
+ if ( $class eq 'RT::Transactions' ) {
+ $title = loc('(Found [quant,_1,transaction,transactions])', $count);
+ }
+ else {
+ $title = loc('(Found [quant,_1,ticket,tickets])', $count);
+ }
+ $title_raw = '<span class="results-count">' . $title . '</span>';
# don't repeat the search in CollectionList
- $ProcessedSearchArg->{Collection} = $tickets;
+ $ProcessedSearchArg->{Collection} = $collection;
$ProcessedSearchArg->{TotalFound} = $count;
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType b/share/html/Transaction/Display.html
similarity index 71%
copy from share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
copy to share/html/Transaction/Display.html
index c94780c7b..133bc151f 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Display.html
@@ -45,16 +45,23 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<select name="<%$Name%>">
-<option value="Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
-<option value="Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
-<option value="Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
-<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
-<option value="LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
-<option value="Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
-<option value="Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
-<option value="Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
+<& /Elements/Header, Title => loc('Transaction #[_1]', $id) &>
+<& /Elements/Tabs &>
+<& /Elements/ShowTransaction, Transaction => $txn,
+ DisplayPath => RT->Config->Get('WebPath') . '/Ticket/Display.html',
+ AttachmentPath => RT->Config->Get('WebPath') . '/Ticket/Attachment',
+ UpdatePath => RT->Config->Get('WebPath') . '/Ticket/Update.html',
+ ForwardPath => RT->Config->Get('WebPath') . '/Ticket/Forward.html',
+ EmailRecordPath => RT->Config->Get('WebPath') . '/Ticket/ShowEmailRecord.html',
+ EncryptionPath => RT->Config->Get('WebPath') . '/Ticket/Crypt.html',
-$Name => 'DateType'
+$id => undef
+Abort('No transaction specified') unless $id;
+my $txn = LoadTransaction($id);
+Abort( "No permission to view transaction", Code => HTTP::Status::HTTP_FORBIDDEN ) unless $txn->CurrentUserCanSee;
diff --git a/share/html/Transaction/Search/Build.html b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Build.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d896e7ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Build.html
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2019 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+%# <sales at bestpractical.com>
+%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+%# from www.gnu.org.
+%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%# General Public License for more details.
+%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
+%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+%# Data flow here:
+%# The page receives a Query from the previous page, and maybe arguments
+%# corresponding to actions. (If it doesn't get a Query argument, it pulls
+%# one out of the session hash. Also, it could be getting just a raw query from
+%# Build/Edit.html (Advanced).)
+%# After doing some stuff with default arguments and saved searches, the ParseQuery
+%# function (which is similar to, but not the same as, _parser in lib/RT/Tickets.pm)
+%# converts the Query into a RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree. This mason file
+%# then adds stuff to or modifies the tree based on the actions that had been requested
+%# by clicking buttons. It then calls GetQueryAndOptionList on the tree to generate
+%# the SQL query (which is saved as a hidden input) and the option list for the Clauses
+%# box in the top right corner.
+%# Worthwhile refactoring: the tree manipulation code for the actions could use some cleaning
+%# up. The node-adding code is different in the "add" actions from in ParseQuery, which leads
+%# to things like ParseQuery correctly not quoting numbers in numerical fields, while the "add"
+%# action does quote it (this breaks SQLite).
+<& /Elements/Header, Title => $title &>
+<& /Elements/Tabs, %TabArgs &>
+<form method="post" action="Build.html" name="BuildQuery" id="BuildQuery">
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="SavedSearchId" value="<% $saved_search{'Id'} %>" />
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="Query" value="<% $query{'Query'} %>" />
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="Format" value="<% $query{'Format'} %>" />
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="ObjectType" value="<% $query{'ObjectType'} %>" />
+<div id="pick-criteria">
+ <& Elements/PickCriteria, query => $query{'Query'}, queues => $queues &>
+<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Add these terms'), SubmitId => 'AddClause', Name => 'AddClause'&>
+<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Add these terms and Search'), SubmitId => 'DoSearch', Name => 'DoSearch'&>
+<div id="editquery">
+<& /Search/Elements/EditQuery,
+ %ARGS,
+ actions => \@actions,
+ optionlist => $optionlist,
+ Description => $saved_search{'Description'},
+ &>
+<div id="editsearches">
+ <& Elements/EditSearches, %saved_search, CurrentSearch => \%query &>
+<span id="display-options">
+<& Elements/DisplayOptions,
+ %ARGS, %query,
+ AvailableColumns => $AvailableColumns,
+ CurrentFormat => $CurrentFormat,
+<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc('Update format and Search'), Name => 'DoSearch', id=>"formatbuttons"&>
+use RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder;
+use RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree;
+my $title = loc("Query Builder");
+my %query;
+for( qw(Query Format OrderBy Order RowsPerPage ObjectType) ) {
+ $query{$_} = $ARGS{$_};
+my %saved_search;
+my @actions = $m->comp( 'Elements/EditSearches:Init', %ARGS, Query => \%query, SavedSearch => \%saved_search);
+if ( $NewQuery ) {
+ # Wipe all data-carrying variables clear if we want a new
+ # search, or we're deleting an old one..
+ %query = ();
+ %saved_search = ( Id => 'new' );
+ # ..then wipe the session out..
+ delete $session{'CurrentTransactionSearchHash'};
+ # ..and the search results.
+ $session{'txns'}->CleanSlate if defined $session{'txns'};
+{ # Attempt to load what we can from the session and preferences, set defaults
+ my $current = $session{'CurrentTransactionSearchHash'};
+ my $prefs = $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Preferences("SearchDisplay") || {};
+ my $default = { Query => '',
+ Format => '',
+ OrderBy => RT->Config->Get('TransactionDefaultSearchResultOrderBy')->{$ObjectType},
+ Order => RT->Config->Get('TransactionDefaultSearchResultOrder')->{$ObjectType},
+ ObjectType => 'RT::Ticket',
+ RowsPerPage => 50 };
+ for( qw(Query Format OrderBy Order RowsPerPage ObjectType) ) {
+ $query{$_} = $current->{$_} unless defined $query{$_};
+ $query{$_} = $prefs->{$_} unless defined $query{$_};
+ $query{$_} = $default->{$_} unless defined $query{$_};
+ }
+ for( qw(Order OrderBy) ) {
+ if (ref $query{$_} eq "ARRAY") {
+ $query{$_} = join( '|', @{ $query{$_} } );
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $query{'Format'} ) {
+ # Clean unwanted junk from the format
+ $query{'Format'} = $m->comp( '/Elements/ScrubHTML', Content => $query{'Format'} );
+ }
+my $ParseQuery = sub {
+ my ($string, $results) = @_;
+ my $tree = RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree->new('AND');
+ @$results = $tree->ParseSQL( Query => $string, CurrentUser => $session{'CurrentUser'}, Class => 'RT::Transactions' );
+ return $tree;
+my @parse_results;
+my $tree = $ParseQuery->( $query{'Query'}, \@parse_results );
+# if parsing went poorly, send them to the edit page to fix it
+if ( @parse_results ) {
+ push @actions, @parse_results;
+ return $m->comp(
+ "Edit.html",
+ Query => $query{'Query'},
+ Format => $query{'Format'},
+ SavedSearchId => $saved_search{'Id'},
+ actions => \@actions,
+ );
+my @options = $tree->GetDisplayedNodes;
+my @current_values = grep defined, @options[@clauses];
+my @new_values = ();
+my $cf_field_names =
+ join "|",
+ map quotemeta,
+ grep { $RT::Tickets::FIELD_METADATA{$_}->[0] eq 'CUSTOMFIELD' }
+ sort keys %RT::Tickets::FIELD_METADATA;
+# Try to find if we're adding a clause
+foreach my $arg ( keys %ARGS ) {
+ next unless $arg =~ m/^ValueOf(\w+|($cf_field_names).\{.*?\}|CustomRole.\{.*?\})$/
+ && ( ref $ARGS{$arg} eq "ARRAY"
+ ? grep $_ ne '', @{ $ARGS{$arg} }
+ : $ARGS{$arg} ne '' );
+ # We're adding a $1 clause
+ my $field = $1;
+ my ($op, $value);
+ #figure out if it's a grouping
+ my $keyword = $ARGS{ $field . "Field" } || $field;
+ my ( @ops, @values );
+ if ( ref $ARGS{ 'ValueOf' . $field } eq "ARRAY" ) {
+ # we have many keys/values to iterate over, because there is
+ # more than one CF with the same name.
+ @ops = @{ $ARGS{ $field . 'Op' } };
+ @values = @{ $ARGS{ 'ValueOf' . $field } };
+ }
+ else {
+ @ops = ( $ARGS{ $field . 'Op' } );
+ @values = ( $ARGS{ 'ValueOf' . $field } );
+ }
+ $RT::Logger->error("Bad Parameters passed into Query Builder")
+ unless @ops == @values;
+ for ( my $i = 0; $i < @ops; $i++ ) {
+ my ( $op, $value ) = ( $ops[$i], $values[$i] );
+ next if !defined $value || $value eq '';
+ my $clause = {
+ Key => $keyword,
+ Op => $op,
+ Value => $value,
+ };
+ push @new_values, RT::Interface::Web::QueryBuilder::Tree->new($clause);
+ }
+push @actions, $m->comp('/Search/Elements/EditQuery:Process',
+ %ARGS,
+ Tree => $tree,
+ Selected => \@current_values,
+ New => \@new_values,
+# Rebuild $Query based on the additions / movements
+my $optionlist_arrayref;
+($query{'Query'}, $optionlist_arrayref) = $tree->GetQueryAndOptionList(\@current_values);
+my $optionlist = join "\n", map { qq(<option value="$_->{INDEX}" $_->{SELECTED}>)
+ . (" " x (5 * $_->{DEPTH}))
+ . $m->interp->apply_escapes($_->{TEXT}, 'h') . qq(</option>) } @$optionlist_arrayref;
+my $queues = $tree->GetReferencedQueues;
+# Deal with format changes
+my ( $AvailableColumns, $CurrentFormat );
+( $query{'Format'}, $AvailableColumns, $CurrentFormat ) = $m->comp(
+ 'Elements/BuildFormatString',
+ %ARGS,
+ queues => $queues,
+ Format => $query{'Format'},
+# if we're asked to save the current search, save it
+push @actions, $m->comp( 'Elements/EditSearches:Save', %ARGS, Query => \%query, SavedSearch => \%saved_search);
+# Populate the "query" context with saved search data
+if ($ARGS{SavedSearchSave}) {
+ $query{'SavedSearchId'} = $saved_search{'Id'};
+# Push the updates into the session so we don't lose 'em
+$session{'CurrentTransactionSearchHash'} = {
+ %query,
+ SearchId => $saved_search{'Id'},
+ Object => $saved_search{'Object'},
+ Description => $saved_search{'Description'},
+# Show the results, if we were asked.
+if ( $ARGS{'DoSearch'} ) {
+ my $redir_query_string = $m->comp(
+ '/Elements/QueryString',
+ %query,
+ SavedSearchId => $saved_search{'Id'},
+ );
+ RT::Interface::Web::Redirect(RT->Config->Get('WebURL') . 'Transaction/Search/Results.html?' . $redir_query_string);
+ $m->abort;
+# Build a querystring for the tabs
+my %TabArgs = ();
+if ($NewQuery) {
+ $TabArgs{QueryString} = 'NewQuery=1';
+elsif ( $query{'Query'} ) {
+ $TabArgs{QueryArgs} = \%query;
+$NewQuery => 0
+ at clauses => ()
+$ObjectType => 'RT::Ticket'
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Edit.html
similarity index 62%
copy from share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
copy to share/html/Transaction/Search/Edit.html
index c94780c7b..540097ef8 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Edit.html
@@ -45,16 +45,43 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<select name="<%$Name%>">
-<option value="Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
-<option value="Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
-<option value="Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
-<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
-<option value="LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
-<option value="Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
-<option value="Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
-<option value="Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
+<& /Elements/Header, Title => $title&>
+<& /Elements/Tabs &>
+<& /Search/Elements/NewListActions, actions => \@actions &>
+<form method="post" action="Build.html" id="BuildQueryAdvanced" name="BuildQueryAdvanced">
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="SavedSearchId" value="<% $SavedSearchId %>" />
+<&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('Query'), &>
+<textarea name="Query" rows="8" cols="72"><% $Query %></textarea>
+<&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('Format'), &>
+<textarea name="Format" rows="8" cols="72"><% $Format %></textarea>
+<& /Elements/Submit, Label => loc("Apply"), Reset => 1, Caption => loc("Apply your changes")&>
+my $title = loc("Edit Query");
+$Format = $m->comp('/Elements/ScrubHTML', Content => $Format);
+my $QueryString = $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString',
+ Query => $Query,
+ Format => $Format,
+ RowsPerPage => $Rows,
+ OrderBy => $OrderBy,
+ Order => $Order,
+ );
-$Name => 'DateType'
+$SavedSearchId => 'new'
+$Query => ''
+$Format => ''
+$Rows => '50'
+$OrderBy => 'id'
+$Order => 'ASC'
+ at actions => ()
diff --git a/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5df516cb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/BuildFormatString
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2019 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+%# <sales at bestpractical.com>
+%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+%# from www.gnu.org.
+%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%# General Public License for more details.
+%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
+%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+$ObjectType => 'RT::Ticket'
+$Format => ''
+%queues => ()
+$Face => undef
+$Size => undef
+$Link => undef
+$Title => undef
+$AddCol => undef
+$RemoveCol => undef
+$ColUp => undef
+$ColDown => undef
+$SelectDisplayColumns => undef
+$CurrentDisplayColumns => undef
+# This can't be in a <once> block, because otherwise we return the
+# same \@fields every request, and keep tacking more CustomFields onto
+# it -- and it grows per request.
+# All the things we can display in the format string by default
+my @fields = qw( id ObjectId ObjectType ObjectName Type Field TimeTaken
+ OldValue NewValue ReferenceType OldReference NewReference
+ Created CreatedRelative CreatedBy Description Content
+ NEWLINE NBSP ); # loc_qw
+my $CustomFields = RT::CustomFields->new( $session{'CurrentUser'});
+foreach my $id (keys %queues) {
+ # Gotta load up the $queue object, since queues get stored by name now.
+ my $queue = RT::Queue->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $queue->Load($id);
+ next unless $queue->Id;
+ $CustomFields->LimitToQueue($queue->Id);
+ $CustomFields->SetContextObject( $queue ) if keys %queues == 1;
+ ALIAS => $CustomFields->_OCFAlias,
+ FIELD => 'ObjectId',
+ VALUE => 0,
+while ( my $CustomField = $CustomFields->Next ) {
+ push @fields, "CustomField.{" . $CustomField->Name . "}";
+$m->callback( Fields => \@fields, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
+my ( @seen);
+$Format ||= RT->Config->Get('TransactionDefaultSearchResultFormat')->{$ObjectType};
+my @format = $m->comp('/Elements/CollectionAsTable/ParseFormat', Format => $Format);
+foreach my $field (@format) {
+ # "title" is for columns like NEWLINE, which doesn't have "attribute"
+ $field->{Column} = $field->{attribute} || $field->{title} || '<blank>';
+ push @seen, $field;
+my @format_string;
+if ( $RemoveCol ) {
+ # we do this regex match to avoid a non-numeric warning
+ my ($index) = ($CurrentDisplayColumns // '') =~ /^(\d+)/;
+ if ( defined($index) ) {
+ delete $seen[$index];
+ my @temp = @seen;
+ @seen = ();
+ foreach my $element (@temp) {
+ next unless $element;
+ push @seen, $element;
+ }
+ }
+elsif ( $AddCol ) {
+ if ( defined $SelectDisplayColumns ) {
+ my $selected = $SelectDisplayColumns;
+ my @columns;
+ if (ref($selected) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @columns = @$selected;
+ } else {
+ push @columns, $selected;
+ }
+ foreach my $col (@columns) {
+ my %column = ();
+ $column{Column} = $col;
+ if ( $Face eq "Bold" ) {
+ $column{Prefix} .= "<b>";
+ $column{Suffix} .= "</b>";
+ }
+ if ( $Face eq "Italic" ) {
+ $column{Prefix} .= "<i>";
+ $column{Suffix} .= "</i>";
+ }
+ if ($Size) {
+ if ( $Size eq 'Large' ) {
+ $column{Prefix} .= '<span style="font-size:larger">';
+ $column{Suffix} .= '</span>';
+ }
+ else {
+ $column{Prefix} .= "<" . $m->interp->apply_escapes( $Size, 'h' ) . ">";
+ $column{Suffix} .= "</" . $m->interp->apply_escapes( $Size, 'h' ) . ">";
+ }
+ }
+ if ( $Link eq "Display" ) {
+ $column{Prefix} .= q{<a HREF="__WebPath__/Transaction/Display.html?id=__id__">};
+ $column{Suffix} .= "</a>";
+ }
+ if ($Title) {
+ $column{Suffix} .= "/TITLE:" . $m->interp->apply_escapes( $Title, 'h' );
+ }
+ push @seen, \%column;
+ }
+ }
+elsif ( $ColUp ) {
+ my ($index) = ($CurrentDisplayColumns // '') =~ /^(\d+)/;
+ if ( defined $index && ( $index - 1 ) >= 0 ) {
+ my $column = $seen[$index];
+ $seen[$index] = $seen[ $index - 1 ];
+ $seen[ $index - 1 ] = $column;
+ $CurrentDisplayColumns = $index - 1;
+ }
+elsif ( $ColDown ) {
+ my ($index) = ($CurrentDisplayColumns // '') =~ /^(\d+)/;
+ if ( defined $index && ( $index + 1 ) < scalar @seen ) {
+ my $column = $seen[$index];
+ $seen[$index] = $seen[ $index + 1 ];
+ $seen[ $index + 1 ] = $column;
+ $CurrentDisplayColumns = $index + 1;
+ }
+foreach my $field (@seen) {
+ next unless $field;
+ my $row = "";
+ if ( $field->{'original_string'} ) {
+ $row = $field->{'original_string'};
+ }
+ else {
+ $row .= $field->{'Prefix'} if defined $field->{'Prefix'};
+ $row .= "__$field->{'Column'}__"
+ unless ( $field->{'Column'} eq "<blank>" );
+ $row .= $field->{'Suffix'} if defined $field->{'Suffix'};
+ $row =~ s!([\\'])!\\$1!g;
+ $row = "'$row'";
+ }
+ push( @format_string, $row );
+$Format = join(",\n", @format_string);
+return($Format, \@fields, \@seen);
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/DisplayOptions
similarity index 80%
copy from share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
copy to share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/DisplayOptions
index c94780c7b..4a3939d0d 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/DisplayOptions
@@ -45,16 +45,9 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<select name="<%$Name%>">
-<option value="Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
-<option value="Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
-<option value="Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
-<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
-<option value="LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
-<option value="Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
-<option value="Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
-<option value="Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
-$Name => 'DateType'
+<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Sorting"), id => 'sorting' &>
+<& EditSort, %ARGS &>
+<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Display Columns"), id => 'columns' &>
+<& EditFormat, %ARGS &>
diff --git a/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/EditFormat b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/EditFormat
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30cfcd4fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/EditFormat
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2019 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+%# <sales at bestpractical.com>
+%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+%# from www.gnu.org.
+%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%# General Public License for more details.
+%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
+%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+<table class="edit-columns">
+<th><&|/l&>Add Columns</&>:</th>
+<th><&|/l&>Show Columns</&>:</th>
+<script type="text/javascript">
+jQuery( function() {
+ jQuery('select[name=SelectDisplayColumns].chosen').chosen({ width: '12em', placeholder_text_multiple: ' ', no_results_text: ' ', search_contains: true });
+ jQuery('[name=AddCol], [name=RemoveCol], [name=ColUp], [name=ColDown]').click( function() {
+ var name = jQuery(this).attr('name');
+ var form = jQuery(this).closest('form');
+ jQuery.ajax({
+ url: '<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath') %>/Helpers/BuildFormatString?' + name + '=1&' + form.serialize(),
+ success: function (data) {
+ if ( data.status == 'success' ) {
+ form.find('input[name=Format]').val(data.Format);
+ form.find('select[name=CurrentDisplayColumns]').html(data.CurrentDisplayColumns);
+ form.find('select[name=SelectDisplayColumns]').val('').trigger("chosen:updated");
+ form.find('[name=Link],[name=Title],[name=Size],[name=Face]').val('');
+ }
+ else {
+ alert('<% loc("Failed to update format. Reason:") %>' + ' ' + data.message);
+ }
+ },
+ error: function (xhr, reason) {
+ alert('<% loc("Failed to update format. Reason:") %>' + ' ' + reason);
+ }
+ });
+ return false;
+ });
+<td valign="top"><select name="SelectDisplayColumns" multiple="multiple" class="chosen">
+% my %seen;
+% foreach my $field ( grep !$seen{lc $_}++, @$AvailableColumns) {
+<option value="<% $field %>" <% $selected{$field} ? 'selected="selected"' : '' |n%>>\
+<% $field =~ /^(?:CustomField|CF)\./ ? $field : loc($field) %></option>
+% }
+<div class="row">
+<span class="label"><&|/l&>Link</&>:</span>
+<span class="value">
+<select name="Link">
+<option value="None">-</option>
+<option value="Display"><&|/l&>Display</&></option>
+<div class="row">
+<span class="label"><&|/l&>Title</&>:</span>
+<span class="value"><input name="Title" size="10" /></span>
+<div class="row">
+<span class="label"><&|/l&>Size</&>:</span>
+<span class="value"><select name="Size">
+<option value="">-</option>
+<option value="Small"><&|/l&>Small</&></option>
+<option value="Large"><&|/l&>Large</&></option>
+<div class="row">
+<span class="label"><&|/l&>Style</&>:</span>
+<span class="value"><select name="Face">
+<option value="">-</option>
+<option value="Bold"><&|/l&>Bold</&></option>
+<option value="Italic"><&|/l&>Italic</&></option>
+<td><input type="submit" class="button" name="AddCol" value=" → " /></td>
+<td valign="top">
+<select size="8" name="CurrentDisplayColumns">
+% my $i=0;
+% my $current = $ARGS{CurrentDisplayColumns} || ''; $current =~ s/^\d+>//;
+% foreach my $field ( @$CurrentFormat ) {
+<option value="<% $i++ %>><% $field->{Column} %>" <% $field->{Column} eq $current ? 'selected="selected"' : '' |n%>>\
+<% $field->{Column} =~ /^(?:CustomField|CF)\./ ? $field->{Column} : loc( $field->{Column} ) %></option>
+% }
+<br />
+<input type="submit" class="button" name="ColUp" value=" ↑ " />
+<input type="submit" class="button" name="ColDown" value=" ↓ " />
+<input type="submit" class="button" name="RemoveCol" value="<%loc('Delete')%>" />
+my $selected = $ARGS{AddCol} ? [] : $ARGS{SelectDisplayColumns};
+$selected = [ $selected ] unless ref $selected;
+my %selected;
+$selected{$_}++ for grep {defined} @{ $selected };
+$CurrentFormat => undef
+$AvailableColumns => undef
diff --git a/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/EditSearches b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/EditSearches
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d33e2c4da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/EditSearches
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2019 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+%# <sales at bestpractical.com>
+%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+%# from www.gnu.org.
+%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%# General Public License for more details.
+%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
+%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+<div class="edit-saved-searches">
+<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc($Title)&>
+%# Hide all the save functionality if the user shouldn't see it.
+% if ( $can_modify ) {
+<span class="label"><&|/l&>Privacy</&>:</span>
+<& /Search/Elements/SelectSearchObject, Name => 'SavedSearchOwner', Objects => \@Objects, Object => ( $Object && $Object->id ) ? $Object->Object : '' &>
+<br />
+<span class="label"><&|/l&>Description</&>:</span>
+<input size="25" name="SavedSearchDescription" value="<% $Description || '' %>" />
+% if ($Id ne 'new') {
+% if ( $Dirty ) {
+<input type="submit" class="button" name="SavedSearchRevert" value="<%loc('Revert')%>" />
+% }
+<input type="submit" class="button" name="SavedSearchDelete" value="<%loc('Delete')%>" />
+% if ( $AllowCopy ) {
+<input type="submit" class="button" name="SavedSearchCopy" value="<%loc('Save as New')%>" />
+% }
+% }
+% if ( $Object && $Object->Id && $Object->CurrentUserHasRight('update') ) {
+<input type="submit" class="button" id="SavedSearchSave" name="SavedSearchSave" value="<%loc('Update')%>" />
+% } elsif ( !$Object ) {
+<input type="submit" class="button" id="SavedSearchSave" name="SavedSearchSave" value="<%loc('Save')%>" />
+% }
+<br />
+<hr />
+<span class="label"><&|/l&>Load saved search</&>:</span>
+<& SelectSearchesForObjects, Name => 'SavedSearchLoad', Objects => \@Objects, SearchType => $Type &>
+<input type="submit" value="<% loc('Load') %>" id="SavedSearchLoadSubmit" name="SavedSearchLoadSubmit" class="button" />
+return unless $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight(
+ Right => 'LoadSavedSearch',
+ Object => $RT::System,
+my $can_modify = $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight(
+ Right => 'CreateSavedSearch',
+ Object => $RT::System,
+use RT::SavedSearch;
+my @Objects = RT::SavedSearch->new($session{CurrentUser})->_PrivacyObjects;
+push @Objects, RT::System->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} )
+ if $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object=> $RT::System,
+ Right => 'SuperUser' );
+my $is_dirty = sub {
+ my %arg = (
+ Query => {},
+ SavedSearch => {},
+ SearchFields => [qw(Query Format OrderBy Order RowsPerPage)],
+ @_
+ );
+ my $obj = $arg{'SavedSearch'}->{'Object'};
+ return 0 unless $obj && $obj->id;
+ foreach( @{ $arg{'SearchFields'} } ) {
+ return 1 if $obj->SubValue( $_ ) ne $arg{'Query'}->{$_};
+ }
+ return 0;
+# If we're modifying an old query, check if it's been changed
+my $Dirty = $is_dirty->(
+ Query => $CurrentSearch,
+ SavedSearch => { Id => $Id, Object => $Object, Description => $Description },
+ SearchFields => \@SearchFields,
+$Id => 'new'
+$Object => undef
+$Type => 'Transaction'
+$Description => ''
+$CurrentSearch => {}
+ at SearchFields => ()
+$AllowCopy => 1
+$Title => loc('Saved searches')
+<%METHOD Init>
+$Query => {}
+$SavedSearch => {}
+ at SearchFields => qw(Query Format OrderBy Order RowsPerPage ObjectType)
+$SavedSearch->{'Id'} = $ARGS{'SavedSearchId'} || 'new';
+$SavedSearch->{'Description'} = $ARGS{'SavedSearchDescription'} || '';
+$SavedSearch->{'Privacy'} = $ARGS{'SavedSearchOwner'} || undef;
+$SavedSearch->{'Type'} = $ARGS{'Type'} || 'Transaction';
+my @results;
+if ( $ARGS{'SavedSearchRevert'} ) {
+ $ARGS{'SavedSearchLoad'} = $SavedSearch->{'Id'};
+if ( $ARGS{'SavedSearchLoad'} ) {
+ my ($container, $id ) = _parse_saved_search ($ARGS{'SavedSearchLoad'});
+ if ( $container ) {
+ my $search = RT::Attribute->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ $search->Load( $id );
+ $SavedSearch->{'Id'} = $ARGS{'SavedSearchLoad'};
+ $SavedSearch->{'Object'} = $search;
+ $SavedSearch->{'Description'} = $search->Description;
+ $Query->{$_} = $search->SubValue($_) foreach @SearchFields;
+ if ( $ARGS{'SavedSearchRevert'} ) {
+ push @results, loc('Loaded original "[_1]" saved search', $SavedSearch->{'Description'} );
+ } else {
+ push @results, loc('Loaded saved search "[_1]"', $SavedSearch->{'Description'} );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ push @results, loc( 'Can not load saved search "[_1]"',
+ $ARGS{'SavedSearchLoad'} );
+ return @results;
+ }
+elsif ( $ARGS{'SavedSearchDelete'} ) {
+ # We set $SearchId to 'new' above already, so peek into the %ARGS
+ my ($container, $id) = _parse_saved_search( $SavedSearch->{'Id'} );
+ if ( $container && $container->id ) {
+ # We have the object the entry is an attribute on; delete the entry...
+ my ($val, $msg) = $container->Attributes->DeleteEntry( Name => 'SavedSearch', id => $id );
+ unless ( $val ) {
+ push @results, $msg;
+ return @results;
+ }
+ }
+ $SavedSearch->{'Id'} = 'new';
+ $SavedSearch->{'Object'} = undef;
+ $SavedSearch->{'Description'} = undef;
+ push @results, loc("Deleted saved search");
+elsif ( $ARGS{'SavedSearchCopy'} ) {
+ my ($container, $id ) = _parse_saved_search( $ARGS{'SavedSearchId'} );
+ $SavedSearch->{'Object'} = RT::Attribute->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ $SavedSearch->{'Object'}->Load( $id );
+ if ( $ARGS{'SavedSearchDescription'} && $ARGS{'SavedSearchDescription'} ne $SavedSearch->{'Object'}->Description ) {
+ $SavedSearch->{'Description'} = $ARGS{'SavedSearchDescription'};
+ } else {
+ $SavedSearch->{'Description'} = loc( "[_1] copy", $SavedSearch->{'Object'}->Description );
+ }
+ $SavedSearch->{'Id'} = 'new';
+ $SavedSearch->{'Object'} = undef;
+if ( $SavedSearch->{'Id'} && $SavedSearch->{'Id'} ne 'new'
+ && !$SavedSearch->{'Object'} )
+ my ($container, $id ) = _parse_saved_search( $ARGS{'SavedSearchId'} );
+ $SavedSearch->{'Object'} = RT::Attribute->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ $SavedSearch->{'Object'}->Load( $id );
+ $SavedSearch->{'Description'} ||= $SavedSearch->{'Object'}->Description;
+return @results;
+<%METHOD Save>
+$Query => {}
+$SavedSearch => {}
+ at SearchFields => qw(Query Format OrderBy Order RowsPerPage ObjectType)
+return unless $ARGS{'SavedSearchSave'} || $ARGS{'SavedSearchCopy'};
+my @results;
+my $obj = $SavedSearch->{'Object'};
+my $id = $SavedSearch->{'Id'};
+my $desc = $SavedSearch->{'Description'};
+my $privacy = $SavedSearch->{'Privacy'};
+my %params = map { $_ => $Query->{$_} } @SearchFields;
+my ($new_obj_type, $new_obj_id) = split(/\-/, ($privacy || ''));
+if ( $obj && $obj->id ) {
+ # permission check
+ if ($obj->Object->isa('RT::System')) {
+ unless ($session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object=> $RT::System, Right => 'SuperUser')) {
+ push @results, loc("No permission to save system-wide searches");
+ return @results;
+ }
+ }
+ $obj->SetSubValues( %params );
+ $obj->SetDescription( $desc );
+ my $obj_type = ref($obj->Object);
+ # We need to get current obj_id now, because when we change obj_type to
+ # RT::System, $obj->Object->Id returns 1, not the old one :(
+ my $obj_id = $obj->Object->Id;
+ if ( $new_obj_type && $new_obj_id ) {
+ my ($val, $msg);
+ # we need to check right before we change any of ObjectType and ObjectId,
+ # or it will fail the 2nd change if we use SetObjectType and
+ # SetObjectId sequentially
+ if ( $obj->CurrentUserHasRight('update') ) {
+ if ( $new_obj_type ne $obj_type ) {
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $obj->__Set(
+ Field => 'ObjectType',
+ Value => $new_obj_type,
+ );
+ push @results, loc( 'Unable to set privacy object: [_1]', $msg )
+ unless ($val);
+ }
+ if ( $new_obj_id != $obj_id ) {
+ ( $val, $msg ) = $obj->__Set(
+ Field => 'ObjectId',
+ Value => $new_obj_id,
+ );
+ push @results, loc( 'Unable to set privacy id: [_1]', $msg )
+ unless ($val);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # two loc are just for convenience so we don't need to
+ # write an extra i18n translation item
+ push @results,
+ loc( 'Unable to set privacy object or id: [_1]',
+ loc('Permission Denied') )
+ }
+ } else {
+ push @results, loc('Unable to determine object type or id');
+ }
+ push @results, loc('Updated saved search "[_1]"', $desc);
+elsif ( $id eq 'new' and defined $desc and length $desc ) {
+ my $saved_search = RT::SavedSearch->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ my ($status, $msg) = $saved_search->Save(
+ Privacy => $privacy,
+ Name => $desc,
+ Type => $SavedSearch->{'Type'},
+ SearchParams => \%params,
+ );
+ if ( $status ) {
+ $SavedSearch->{'Object'} = RT::Attribute->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ $SavedSearch->{'Object'}->Load( $saved_search->Id );
+ # Build new SearchId
+ $SavedSearch->{'Id'} =
+ ref( $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj ) . '-'
+ . $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Id
+ . '-SavedSearch-'
+ . $SavedSearch->{'Object'}->Id;
+ }
+ else {
+ push @results, loc("Can't find a saved search to work with").': '.loc($msg);
+ }
+elsif ( $id eq 'new' ) {
+ push @results, loc("Can't save a search without a Description");
+else {
+ push @results, loc("Can't save this search");
+return @results;
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/EditSort
similarity index 52%
copy from share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
copy to share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/EditSort
index c94780c7b..252d71804 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/EditSort
@@ -45,16 +45,88 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<select name="<%$Name%>">
-<option value="Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
-<option value="Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
-<option value="Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
-<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
-<option value="LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
-<option value="Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
-<option value="Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
-<option value="Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
+<table valign="top">
+% for my $o (0..3) {
+% $Order[$o] ||= ''; $OrderBy[$o] ||= '';
+<td class="label">
+% if ($o == 0) {
+<&|/l&>Order by</&>:
+% }
+<td class="value">
+<select name="OrderBy">
+% if ($o > 0) {
+<option value=""><&|/l&>~[none~]</&></option>
+% }
+% # %fields maps display name to SQL column/function
+% foreach my $field (sort keys %fields) {
+% next unless $field;
+% my $fieldval = $fields{$field};
+<option value="<%$fieldval%>"
+% if (defined $OrderBy[$o] and $fieldval eq $OrderBy[$o]) {
+% }
+><% $field =~ /^(?:CustomField|CF)\./ ? $field : loc($field) %></option>
+% }
+<select name="Order">
+<option value="ASC"
+% unless ( ($Order[$o]||'') eq "DESC" ) {
+% }
+<option value="DESC"
+% if ( ($Order[$o]||'') eq "DESC" ) {
+% }
+% }
+<td class="label">
+<&|/l&>Rows per page</&>:
+</td><td class="value">
+<& /Elements/SelectResultsPerPage,
+ Name => "RowsPerPage",
+ Default => $RowsPerPage &>
+my $txns = RT::Transactions->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+my %FieldDescriptions = %{$txns->FIELDS};
+my %fields;
+for my $field (keys %FieldDescriptions) {
+ next unless $FieldDescriptions{$field}->[0] =~ /^(?:ENUM|QUEUE|INT|DATE|STRING|ID)$/;
+ $fields{$field} = $field;
+# Add all available CustomFields to the list of sortable columns.
+my @cfs = grep /^CustomField/, @{$ARGS{AvailableColumns}};
+$fields{$_} = $_ for @cfs;
+$m->callback(CallbackName => 'MassageSortFields', Fields => \%fields );
+my @Order = split /\|/, $Order;
+my @OrderBy = split /\|/, $OrderBy;
+if ($Order =~ /\|/) {
+ @Order = split /\|/, $Order;
+} else {
+ @Order = ( $Order );
-$Name => 'DateType'
+$Order => ''
+$OrderBy => ''
+$RowsPerPage => undef
+$Format => undef
+$GroupBy => 'id'
diff --git a/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickBasics b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickBasics
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9f7534966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickBasics
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2019 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+%# <sales at bestpractical.com>
+%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+%# from www.gnu.org.
+%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%# General Public License for more details.
+%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
+%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+% foreach( @lines ) {
+<& /Search/Elements/ConditionRow, Condition => $_ &>
+% }
+my @lines = (
+ {
+ Name => 'id',
+ Field => loc('id'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectEqualityOperator',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'Attachment',
+ Field => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectAttachmentField',
+ },
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectBoolean',
+ Arguments => {
+ True => loc("matches"),
+ False => loc("doesn't match"),
+ TrueVal => 'LIKE',
+ FalseVal => 'NOT LIKE',
+ },
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 20 },
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'Creator',
+ Field => loc('Creator'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectBoolean',
+ Arguments => { TrueVal=> '=', FalseVal => '!=' },
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 },
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'Created',
+ Field => loc('Created'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectDateRelation',
+ },
+ Value => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectDate',
+ Arguments => { ShowTime => 0, Default => '' },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'TimeTaken',
+ Field => loc('Time Taken'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectEqualityOperator',
+ },
+ Value => [
+ { Type => 'text', Size => 5 },
+ {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectTimeUnits',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'Field',
+ Field => loc('Field'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectMatch',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'Type',
+ Field => loc('Type'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectMatch',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'OldValue',
+ Field => loc('Old Value'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectMatch',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'NewValue',
+ Field => loc('New Value'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectMatch',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'Reference Type',
+ Field => loc('Reference Type'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectMatch',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'OldReference',
+ Field => loc('Old Reference'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectMatch',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'NewReference',
+ Field => loc('New Reference'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectMatch',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'Data',
+ Field => loc('Data'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectMatch',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+$m->callback( Conditions => \@lines );
+%queues => ()
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickCFs
similarity index 58%
copy from share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
copy to share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickCFs
index c94780c7b..15d5d6c23 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickCFs
@@ -45,16 +45,64 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<select name="<%$Name%>">
-<option value="Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
-<option value="Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
-<option value="Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
-<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
-<option value="LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
-<option value="Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
-<option value="Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
-<option value="Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
+% foreach( @lines ) {
+<& /Search/Elements/ConditionRow, Condition => $_ &>
+% }
+ CallbackName => 'MassageCustomFields',
+ CustomFields => $CustomFields,
+my @lines;
+while ( my $CustomField = $CustomFields->Next ) {
+ my %line;
+ $line{'Name'} = "$TransactionSQLField.{" . $CustomField->Name . "}";
+ $line{'Field'} = $CustomField->Name;
+ # Op
+ if ($CustomField->Type =~ /^Date(Time)?$/ ) {
+ $line{'Op'} = {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectDateRelation',
+ Arguments => {},
+ };
+ }
+ elsif ($CustomField->Type =~ /^IPAddress(Range)?$/ ) {
+ $line{'Op'} = {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectIPRelation',
+ Arguments => {},
+ };
+ } else {
+ $line{'Op'} = {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectCustomFieldOperator',
+ Arguments => { True => loc("is"),
+ False => loc("isn't"),
+ TrueVal=> '=',
+ FalseVal => '!=',
+ },
+ };
+ }
+ # Value
+ $line{'Value'} = {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectCustomFieldValue',
+ Arguments => { CustomField => $CustomField },
+ };
+ push @lines, \%line;
+$m->callback( Conditions => \@lines, Queues => \%queues );
-$Name => 'DateType'
+%queues => ()
+$TransactionSQLField => 'CF'
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickCriteria
similarity index 78%
copy from share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
copy to share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickCriteria
index c94780c7b..3eb0deca1 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickCriteria
@@ -45,16 +45,29 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<select name="<%$Name%>">
-<option value="Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
-<option value="Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
-<option value="Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
-<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
-<option value="LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
-<option value="Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
-<option value="Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
-<option value="Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
+<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('Add Criteria')&>
+<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
+% $m->callback( %ARGS, CallbackName => "BeforeBasics" );
+<& PickBasics, queues => \%queues &>
+<& PickTransactionCFs, queues => \%queues &>
+<& PickTickets, queues => \%queues &>
+<tr class="separator"><td colspan="3"><hr /></td></tr>
+<td class="label"><&|/l&>Aggregator</&></td>
+<td class="operator" colspan="2"><& /Search/Elements/SelectAndOr, Name => "AndOr" &></td>
-$Name => 'DateType'
+$addquery => 0
+$query => undef
+%queues => ()
diff --git a/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickTickets b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickTickets
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..30ff0ab44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickTickets
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2019 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+%# <sales at bestpractical.com>
+%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+%# from www.gnu.org.
+%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%# General Public License for more details.
+%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
+%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+<tr class="separator">
+ <td colspan="3">
+ <hr><em><% loc("Ticket Fields") %></em>
+ </td>
+% foreach( @lines ) {
+<& /Search/Elements/ConditionRow, Condition => $_ &>
+% }
+my @lines = (
+ {
+ Name => 'TicketId',
+ Field => loc('id'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectEqualityOperator',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'TicketSubject',
+ Field => loc('Subject'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectMatch',
+ },
+ Value => { Type => 'text', Size => 5 }
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'TicketQueue',
+ Field => loc('Queue'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectMatch',
+ Arguments => { Default => '=' },
+ },
+ Value => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectQueue',
+ Arguments => { NamedValues => 1, },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'TicketStatus',
+ Field => loc('Status'),
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectBoolean',
+ Arguments => { TrueVal=> '=', FalseVal => '!=' },
+ },
+ Value => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Ticket/Elements/SelectStatus',
+ Arguments => { SkipDeleted => 1, Queues => \%queues, ShowActiveInactive => 1 },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'TicketActor',
+ Field => {
+ Type => 'select',
+ Options => [
+ TicketOwner => loc('Owner'),
+ TicketCreator => loc('Creator'),
+ TicketLastUpdatedBy => loc('Last updated by'),
+ TicketUpdatedBy => loc('Updated by'),
+ ],
+ },
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectBoolean',
+ Arguments => { TrueVal=> '=', FalseVal => '!=' },
+ },
+ Value => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectOwner',
+ Arguments => { ValueAttribute => 'Name', Queues => \%queues },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'TicketDate',
+ Field => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectDateType',
+ Arguments => { Prefix => 'Ticket' },
+ },
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectDateRelation',
+ },
+ Value => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectDate',
+ Arguments => { ShowTime => 0, Default => '' },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ Name => 'TicketTime',
+ Field => {
+ Type => 'select',
+ Options => [
+ TicketTimeWorked => loc('Time Worked'),
+ TicketTimeEstimated => loc('Time Estimated'),
+ TicketTimeLeft => loc('Time Left'),
+ ],
+ },
+ Op => {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectEqualityOperator',
+ },
+ Value => [
+ { Type => 'text', Size => 5 },
+ {
+ Type => 'component',
+ Path => '/Elements/SelectTimeUnits',
+ },
+ ],
+ },
+$m->callback( Conditions => \@lines );
+%queues => ()
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickTransactionCFs
similarity index 65%
copy from share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
copy to share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickTransactionCFs
index c94780c7b..ec2e4966d 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/PickTransactionCFs
@@ -45,16 +45,34 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<select name="<%$Name%>">
-<option value="Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
-<option value="Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
-<option value="Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
-<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
-<option value="LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
-<option value="Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
-<option value="Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
-<option value="Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
-$Name => 'DateType'
+%queues => ()
+my $CustomFields = RT::CustomFields->new( $session{'CurrentUser'});
+foreach my $id (keys %queues) {
+ # Gotta load up the $queue object, since queues get stored by name now.
+ my $queue = RT::Queue->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $queue->Load($id);
+ next unless $queue->Id;
+ $CustomFields->Limit(
+ ALIAS => $CustomFields->_OCFAlias,
+ FIELD => 'ObjectId',
+ VALUE => $queue->id,
+ ) if defined $queue;
+ $CustomFields->LimitToLookupType('RT::Queue-RT::Ticket-RT::Transaction');
+ $CustomFields->SetContextObject( $queue ) if keys %queues == 1;
+ ALIAS => $CustomFields->_OCFAlias,
+ FIELD => 'ObjectId',
+ VALUE => 0
+$CustomFields->OrderBy( FIELD => 'Name', ORDER => 'ASC' );
+<& PickCFs, %ARGS, TransactionSQLField => 'CF', CustomFields => $CustomFields &>
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/SelectSearchesForObjects
similarity index 68%
copy from share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
copy to share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/SelectSearchesForObjects
index c94780c7b..6c78e3f67 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Elements/SelectSearchesForObjects
@@ -45,16 +45,27 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<select name="<%$Name%>">
-<option value="Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
-<option value="Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
-<option value="Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
-<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
-<option value="LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
-<option value="Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
-<option value="Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
-<option value="Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
+ at Objects => undef
+$Name => undef
+$SearchType => 'Transaction',
+$ObjectType => 'RT::Ticket',
+<select id="<%$Name%>" name="<%$Name%>">
+<option value="">-</option>
+% foreach my $object (@Objects) {
+% my @searches = $object->Attributes->Named('SavedSearch');
+% if ( @searches ) {
+% @searches = sort { lcfirst($a->Description) cmp lcfirst($b->Description) } @searches;
+% $m->callback( CallbackName => 'ManageSavedSearches', ARGSRef => \%ARGS, SearchesRef => \@searches );
+<optgroup label="<& /Search/Elements/SearchPrivacy, Object => $object &>">
+% foreach my $search (@searches) {
+% # Skip it if it is not of search type we want.
+% next if ($search->SubValue('SearchType') // '') ne $SearchType;
+% next if ($search->SubValue('ObjectType') // '') ne $ObjectType;
+<option value="<%ref($object)%>-<%$object->id%>-SavedSearch-<%$search->Id%>"><%$search->Description||loc('Unnamed search')%></option>
+% }
+% }
+% }
-$Name => 'DateType'
diff --git a/share/html/Transaction/Search/Results.html b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Results.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08c10e745
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Results.html
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2019 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
+%# <sales at bestpractical.com>
+%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
+%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
+%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
+%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
+%# from www.gnu.org.
+%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+%# General Public License for more details.
+%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
+%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
+%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
+%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
+%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
+%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
+%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
+%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
+%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
+%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
+%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
+%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
+%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
+%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
+%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
+<& /Elements/Header, Title => $title,
+ Refresh => $refresh,
+ LinkRel => \%link_rel &>
+<& /Elements/Tabs &>
+% my $DisplayFormat;
+% $m->callback( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, Format => \$Format, DisplayFormat => \$DisplayFormat, CallbackName => 'BeforeResults' );
+% unless ($ok) {
+% $msg =~ s{ at .*? line .*}{}s;
+<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Error"), class => "error-titlebox" &>
+<&|/l_unsafe, "<i>".$m->interp->apply_escapes($msg, "h")."</i>" &>There was an error parsing your search query: [_1]. Your RT admin can find more information in the error logs.</&>
+% } else {
+<& /Elements/CollectionList,
+ Query => $Query,
+ TotalFound => $txncount,
+ AllowSorting => 1,
+ OrderBy => $OrderBy,
+ Order => $Order,
+ Rows => $Rows,
+ Page => $Page,
+ Format => $Format,
+ DisplayFormat => $DisplayFormat, # in case we set it in callbacks
+ Class => 'RT::Transactions',
+ BaseURL => $BaseURL,
+ SavedSearchId => $ARGS{'SavedSearchId'},
+ ObjectType => $ObjectType,
+ PassArguments => [qw(Query Format Rows Page Order OrderBy SavedSearchId ObjectType)],
+% }
+% $m->callback( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, CallbackName => 'AfterResults' );
+% my %hiddens = (Query => $Query, Format => $Format, Rows => $Rows, OrderBy => $OrderBy, Order => $Order, HideResults => $HideResults, Page => $Page, );
+<div align="right" class="refresh">
+<form method="get" action="<%RT->Config->Get('WebPath')%>/Search/Results.html">
+% foreach my $key (keys(%hiddens)) {
+<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="<%$key%>" value="<% defined($hiddens{$key})?$hiddens{$key}:'' %>" />
+% }
+<& /Elements/Refresh, Name => 'TicketsRefreshInterval', Default => $session{'tickets_refresh_interval'}||RT->Config->Get('SearchResultsRefreshInterval', $session{'CurrentUser'}) &>
+<input type="submit" class="button" value="<&|/l&>Change</&>" />
+%# Keyboard shortcuts info
+<div class="clear"></div>
+<div class="keyboard-shortcuts footer">
+ <p><&|/l_unsafe, '<span class="keyboard-shortcuts-key">?</span>' &>Press [_1] to view keyboard shortcuts.</&></p>
+$m->callback( ARGSRef => \%ARGS, CallbackName => 'Initial' );
+# Read from user preferences
+my $prefs = $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj->Preferences("SearchDisplay") || {};
+# These variables are what define a search_hash; this is also
+# where we give sane defaults.
+$Format ||= $prefs->{'Format'} || RT->Config->Get('TransactionDefaultSearchResultFormat')->{$ObjectType};
+$Order ||= $prefs->{'Order'} || RT->Config->Get('TransactionDefaultSearchResultOrder')->{$ObjectType};
+$OrderBy ||= $prefs->{'OrderBy'} || RT->Config->Get('TransactionDefaultSearchResultOrderBy')->{$ObjectType};
+# Some forms pass in "RowsPerPage" rather than "Rows"
+# We call it RowsPerPage everywhere else.
+if ( !defined($Rows) ) {
+ if (defined $ARGS{'RowsPerPage'} ) {
+ $Rows = $ARGS{'RowsPerPage'};
+ } elsif ( defined $prefs->{'RowsPerPage'} ) {
+ $Rows = $prefs->{'RowsPerPage'};
+ } else {
+ $Rows = 50;
+ }
+$Page = 1 unless $Page && $Page > 0;
+$session{'txns'} = RT::Transactions->new($session{'CurrentUser'}) ;
+my ( $ok, $msg )
+ = $Query
+ ? $session{'txns'}->FromSQL( join ' AND ', "ObjectType = '$ObjectType'", "($Query)" )
+ : ( 1, "Vacuously OK" );
+# Provide an empty search if parsing failed
+$session{'txns'}->FromSQL("id < 0") unless ($ok);
+if ($OrderBy =~ /\|/) {
+ # Multiple Sorts
+ my @OrderBy = split /\|/,$OrderBy;
+ my @Order = split /\|/,$Order;
+ $session{'txns'}->OrderByCols( map { { FIELD => $OrderBy[$_], ORDER => $Order[$_] } } ( 0 .. $#OrderBy ) );
+} else {
+ $session{'txns'}->OrderBy(FIELD => $OrderBy, ORDER => $Order);
+$session{'txns'}->RowsPerPage( $Rows ) if $Rows;
+$session{'txns'}->GotoPage( $Page - 1 );
+$session{'CurrentTransactionSearchHash'} = {
+ Format => $Format,
+ Query => $Query,
+ Page => $Page,
+ Order => $Order,
+ OrderBy => $OrderBy,
+ RowsPerPage => $Rows
+my ($title, $txncount) = (loc("Find transactions"), 0);
+if ( $session{'txns'}->Query()) {
+ $txncount = $session{txns}->CountAll();
+ $title = loc('Found [quant,_1,transaction,transactions]', $txncount);
+my $QueryString = "?".$m->comp('/Elements/QueryString',
+ Query => $Query,
+ Format => $Format,
+ Rows => $Rows,
+ OrderBy => $OrderBy,
+ Order => $Order,
+ Page => $Page);
+my $ShortQueryString = "?".$m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', Query => $Query);
+if ($ARGS{'TransactionsRefreshInterval'}) {
+ $session{'transactions_refresh_interval'} = $ARGS{'TransactionsRefreshInterval'};
+my $refresh = $session{'transactions_refresh_interval'}
+ || RT->Config->Get('SearchResultsRefreshInterval', $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+# Check $m->request_args, not $DECODED_ARGS, to avoid creating a new CSRF token on each refresh
+if (RT->Config->Get('RestrictReferrer') and $refresh and not $m->request_args->{CSRF_Token}) {
+ my $token = RT::Interface::Web::StoreRequestToken( $session{'CurrentTransactionSearchHash'} );
+ $m->notes->{RefreshURL} = RT->Config->Get('WebURL')
+ . "Search/Results.html?CSRF_Token="
+ . $token;
+my %link_rel;
+my $genpage = sub {
+ return $m->comp(
+ '/Elements/QueryString',
+ Query => $Query,
+ Format => $Format,
+ Rows => $Rows,
+ OrderBy => $OrderBy,
+ Order => $Order,
+ Page => shift(@_),
+ );
+if ( RT->Config->Get('SearchResultsAutoRedirect') && $txncount == 1 &&
+ $session{txns}->First ) {
+ RT::Interface::Web::Redirect( RT->Config->Get('WebURL')
+ ."Transaction/Display.html?id=". $session{txns}->First->id );
+my $BaseURL = RT->Config->Get('WebPath')."/Transaction/Search/Results.html?";
+$link_rel{first} = $BaseURL . $genpage->(1) if $Page > 1;
+$link_rel{prev} = $BaseURL . $genpage->($Page - 1) if $Page > 1;
+$link_rel{next} = $BaseURL . $genpage->($Page + 1) if ($Page * $Rows) < $txncount;
+$link_rel{last} = $BaseURL . $genpage->(POSIX::ceil($txncount/$Rows)) if $Rows and ($Page * $Rows) < $txncount;
+$Query => undef
+$Format => undef
+$HideResults => 0
+$Rows => undef
+$Page => 1
+$OrderBy => undef
+$Order => undef
+$SavedSearchId => undef
+$ObjectType => 'RT::Ticket'
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Results.tsv
similarity index 72%
copy from share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
copy to share/html/Transaction/Search/Results.tsv
index c94780c7b..873efb07c 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/SelectDateType
+++ b/share/html/Transaction/Search/Results.tsv
@@ -45,16 +45,30 @@
%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<select name="<%$Name%>">
-<option value="Created"><&|/l&>Created</&></option>
-<option value="Started"><&|/l&>Started</&></option>
-<option value="Resolved"><&|/l&>Resolved</&></option>
-<option value="Told"><&|/l&>Last Contacted</&></option>
-<option value="LastUpdated"><&|/l&>Last Updated</&></option>
-<option value="Starts"><&|/l&>Starts</&></option>
-<option value="Due"><&|/l&>Due</&></option>
-<option value="Updated"><&|/l&>Updated</&></option>
-$Name => 'DateType'
+$Format => undef
+$Query => ''
+$OrderBy => 'id'
+$Order => 'ASC'
+$PreserveNewLines => 0
+$UserData => 0
+$ObjectType => 'RT::Ticket'
+my $Transactions = RT::Transactions->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+$Transactions->FromSQL( join ' AND ', "ObjectType = '$ObjectType'", $Query ? "($Query)" : () );
+if ( $OrderBy =~ /\|/ ) {
+ # Multiple Sorts
+ my @OrderBy = split /\|/, $OrderBy;
+ my @Order = split /\|/, $Order;
+ $Transactions->OrderByCols(
+ map { { FIELD => $OrderBy[$_], ORDER => $Order[$_] } }
+ ( 0 .. $#OrderBy )
+ );
+else {
+ $Transactions->OrderBy( FIELD => $OrderBy, ORDER => $Order );
+$m->comp( "/Elements/TSVExport", Collection => $Transactions, Format => $Format, PreserveNewLines => $PreserveNewLines );
diff --git a/share/static/css/rudder/ticket-search.css b/share/static/css/rudder/ticket-search.css
index 8f022ae20..c07bf7e28 100644
--- a/share/static/css/rudder/ticket-search.css
+++ b/share/static/css/rudder/ticket-search.css
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-#comp-Search-Build #body {
+#comp-Search-Build #body,
+#comp-Transaction-Search-Build #body {
position: relative
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