[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.6/core-group-management-extensions, repushed

Blaine Motsinger blaine at bestpractical.com
Fri May 31 19:24:20 EDT 2019

The branch 4.6/core-group-management-extensions was deleted and repushed:
       was 789d1de16893138a2e04b10bd92cffa7adbb78a4
       now 523b6bb6caad9be6b019149869a86c34fc210831

1: 5619366f5 = 1: 5619366f5 Core RT-Extension-GroupLinks
2: d9b9d1d97 = 2: d9b9d1d97 Core RT-Extension-GroupSummary
3: c61bca7bb = 3: c61bca7bb Core RT-Extension-GroupSelfService
4: 789d1de16 ! 4: 523b6bb6c Fix tests for initialdata change
    @@ -4,6 +4,66 @@
         Use the custom field id created through the tests instead of the
         previously hardcoded values.
    +diff --git a/t/api/customfield.t b/t/api/customfield.t
    +--- a/t/api/customfield.t
    ++++ b/t/api/customfield.t
    + use_ok('RT::CustomField');
    ++# store the cf_id for loading instead of the magic #2
    ++my $cf_id;
    + my $queue = RT::Queue->new( RT->SystemUser );
    + $queue->Load( "General" );
    + ok( $queue->id, "found the General queue" );
    + ok($cf->SingleValue, "Also a single-value CF");
    + is($cf->MaxValues, 1, "...meaning only one value, max");
    ++# set $cf_id for loading later
    ++$cf_id = $cf->id;
    + ($ok, $msg) = $cf->SetMaxValues('0');
    + ok($ok, "Set to infinite values: $msg");
    + is($cf->Type, 'Select', "Still a select CF");
    + ok( ! $ok, "Correctly could not create with bogus type: $msg");
    + # Test adding and removing CFVs
    + ($ok, $msg) = $cf->AddValue(Name => 'foo' , Description => 'TestCFValue', SortOrder => '6');
    + ok($ok, "Added a new value to the select options");
    + ($ok, $msg) = $cf->DeleteValue($ok);
    + # Make it only apply to one queue
    + my $ocf = RT::ObjectCustomField->new( RT->SystemUser );
    + ( $ok, $msg ) = $ocf->LoadByCols( CustomField => $cf->id, ObjectId => 0 );
    + ok( $ok, "Found global application of CF" );
    + # Change the lookup type to be a _user_ CF
    + ($ok, $msg) = $cf->SetLookupType( RT::User->CustomFieldLookupType );
    + ok($ok, "Changed CF type to be a CF on users" );
    + $ocf = RT::ObjectCustomField->new( RT->SystemUser );
    + # Add a second, queue-specific CF to test load order
    + ($ok, $msg) = $cf->SetLookupType( RT::Ticket->CustomFieldLookupType );
    + ok($ok, "Changed CF type back to be a CF on tickets" );
    + $ocf = RT::ObjectCustomField->new( RT->SystemUser );
     diff --git a/t/web/cf_image.t b/t/web/cf_image.t
     --- a/t/web/cf_image.t

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