[Rt-commit] rtir branch, 4.2-theme/migrate-to-elevator-themes, repushed

Blaine Motsinger blaine at bestpractical.com
Wed Sep 11 15:41:55 EDT 2019

The branch 4.2-theme/migrate-to-elevator-themes was deleted and repushed:
       was fe82b5b6bb67400e10e048d6a5d3f086b7fcbe04
       now 30b221adcbdff0cdf22ba34f4fa629583c53a6c6

1: f56a1b23 = 1: f56a1b23 Migrate RTIR/index to elevator themes
2: f9412999 = 2: f9412999 Migrate RTIR/Display to elevator themes
3: 3338c963 = 3: 3338c963 Fix has_watchers test regex for elevator themes
4: 25fa0be6 = 4: 25fa0be6 Fix ticket_is_linked_to_inc test regex for elevator themes
5: fe82b5b6 ! 5: bb68b79a Migrate RTIR/Incident/Display to elevator themes
    @@ -1,6 +1,85 @@
     Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
         Migrate RTIR/Incident/Display to elevator themes
    +diff --git a/html/Callbacks/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky/Default b/html/Callbacks/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky/Default
    +--- a/html/Callbacks/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky/Default
    ++++ b/html/Callbacks/RTIR/Elements/MakeClicky/Default
    +         $args{value} = $escaper->($args{value});
    +         # don't execute on non-rtir tickets or in SelfService
    +         return $args{value} unless defined $args{type} and !$SelfService;
    +-        return qq{<a href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo("Tools/Lookup.html?".$args{lookup_params}."q=".$args{value}).qq{">$args{value}</a>};
    ++        return qq{ <a href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo("Tools/Lookup.html?".$args{lookup_params}."q=".$args{value}).qq{">$args{value}</a>};
    +     },
    +     url => sub {
    +         my %args = @_;
    +         # don't execute on non-rtir tickets or in SelfService
    +         return $super unless defined $args{type} and !$SelfService;
    +-        my $result = qq{<a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo("Tools/Lookup.html?".$args{lookup_params}."type=host&q=".$escaped_host).qq{">}
    ++        my $result = qq{ <a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo("Tools/Lookup.html?".$args{lookup_params}."type=host&q=".$escaped_host).qq{">}
    +             .loc('lookup "[_1]"', $host) .qq{</a>};
    +         return $super . qq{ <span class="clickylink">$result</span>};
    +     },
    +         # don't execute on non-rtir tickets or in SelfService
    +         return $super unless defined $args{type} and !$SelfService;
    +-        my $result = qq{<a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo("Tools/Lookup.html?".$args{lookup_params}."type=host&q=".$escaped_host).qq{">}
    ++        my $result = qq{ <a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo("Tools/Lookup.html?".$args{lookup_params}."type=host&q=".$escaped_host).qq{">}
    +             .loc('lookup "[_1]"', $host) .qq{</a>};
    +         return $super . qq{ <span class="clickylink">$result</span>};
    +     },
    +         $args{host} ||= $args{value};
    +         my $escaped_host = $escaper->($args{host});
    +-        my $result .= qq{<a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo("Tools/Lookup.html?".$args{lookup_params}."type=ip&q=".$escaped_host).qq{">}
    ++        my $result .= qq{ <a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo("Tools/Lookup.html?".$args{lookup_params}."type=ip&q=".$escaped_host).qq{">}
    +                       .loc('Lookup IP') .q{</a>};
    +         if ( $args{incident} && !RT->Config->Get('RTIR_DisableCountermeasures') ) {
    +-            $result .= qq{<a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary create_child_} . RT::IR->lifecycle_countermeasure . qq{" href="} .
    ++            $result .= qq{ <a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary create_child_} . RT::IR->lifecycle_countermeasure . qq{" href="} .
    +             RT::IR->HREFTo("CreateInQueue.html?Incident=".$args{incident}."&Lifecycle=".RT::IR->lifecycle_countermeasure.qq{&IP-Value=$escaped_host})
    +             .qq{">Block</a>};
    +         }
    +         if ( $args{'object'} && $args{'object'}->id ) {
    +             my $cf = RT::IR::GetCustomField('IP');
    +             my $tid = $args{'object'}->id;
    +-            $result .= qq{<a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}.
    ++            $result .= qq{ <a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}.
    +             RT::IR->HREFTo("Edit.html?id=".$tid
    +                 .qq{&Object-RT::Ticket-$tid-CustomField-}. $cf->id .qq{-AddValue=$escaped_host}
    +                 .q{&SaveChanges=1})
    +             if ( $r->uri =~ /Lookup.html$/ ) {
    +                 $result .= qq{<input type="checkbox" name="Requestorbox-$escaped_email" unchecked />};
    +             }
    +-            $result .= qq{<a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}.
    ++            $result .= qq{ <a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}.
    +                 RT::IR->HREFTo( "CreateInQueue.html"
    +                 . qq{?Incident=$args{'incident'}}
    +                 . qq{&Lifecycle=}.RT::IR->lifecycle_investigation
    +         return $escaper->($args{value}) unless defined $args{type} and !$SelfService;
    +         $args{value} = $escaper->($args{value});
    +-        my $result = qq{<a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo(qq{Tools/Lookup.html?$args{lookup_params}type=handle&q=$args{value}}).qq{">}
    ++        my $result = qq{ <a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo(qq{Tools/Lookup.html?$args{lookup_params}type=handle&q=$args{value}}).qq{">}
    +                .loc('lookup') .qq{</a>};
    +         return $args{value} . qq{ <span class="clickylink">$result</span>};
    +     },
    +         return $escaper->($args{value}) unless defined $args{type} and !$SelfService;
    +         $args{value} = $escaper->($args{value});
    +-        my $result = qq{<a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo(qq{Tools/Lookup.html?$args{lookup_params}type=host&q=$args{value}}). qq{">}
    ++        my $result = qq{ <a class="button button-small btn btn-lg btn-primary" href="}. RT::IR->HREFTo(qq{Tools/Lookup.html?$args{lookup_params}type=host&q=$args{value}}). qq{">}
    +                .loc('lookup host') .qq{</a>};
    +         return $args{value} . qq{ <span class="clickylink">$result</span>};
    +     },
     diff --git a/html/RTIR/Incident/Display.html b/html/RTIR/Incident/Display.html
     --- a/html/RTIR/Incident/Display.html
    @@ -164,3 +243,22 @@
    +diff --git a/static/css/rtir-styles.css b/static/css/rtir-styles.css
    +--- a/static/css/rtir-styles.css
    ++++ b/static/css/rtir-styles.css
    +     width: 80%;
    + }
    ++/* TODO: this section of styling has been commented out to disable colored tabs until we re-implement.
    + body.rtir .titlebox.ticket-info-articles        .titlebox-title .left { background-color: #316531; color: #fff; }
    + body.rtir .titlebox.tickets-list-report         .titlebox-title .left { background-color: #316531; color: #fff; }
    + body.rtir .titlebox.tickets-list-incident       .titlebox-title .left { background-color: #316531; color: #fff; }
    + body.rtir .titlebox.tickets-list-investigation  .titlebox-title .left { background-color: #316531; color: #fff; }
    + body.rtir .titlebox.tickets-list-countermeasure .titlebox-title .left { background-color: #316531; color: #fff; }
    + body.rtir #comp-RTIR-Search #body {
-:  ------- > 6: 30b221ad Migrate RTIR/Incident/Create to elevator themes

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