[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.6/search-selection-next, repushed

Blaine Motsinger blaine at bestpractical.com
Thu Feb 13 21:23:06 EST 2020

The branch 4.6/search-selection-next was deleted and repushed:
       was bd7c2e5011b8a093b89dfa9946d4c079dd57dd5d
       now baffe69511891bf21496d89e8217aeb5edbaab5d

1: 2aab9ecde = 1: 2aab9ecde Add RT-Extension-DashboardSelectionUI to core
2: 6deca7f57 = 2: 6deca7f57 Upgrade jQuery ui sortable and add disableSelection
3: dd7e3e5e8 = 3: dd7e3e5e8 Update DashboardSelectionUI to elevator-light
4: 5d2fb31b1 = 4: 5d2fb31b1 Switch remove icon to fontawesome
5: f554b70cb = 5: f554b70cb Fix reset to defaults
6: 0cc961e47 = 6: 0cc961e47 Force redirect back to the current page on submit
7: e5ff16c4d = 7: e5ff16c4d Add name to forms for UpdateDashboard
8: bd7c2e501 ! 8: baffe6951 Update tests for MyRT Helper changes
    @@ -207,3 +207,210 @@
    +diff --git a/t/web/dashboards-basics.t b/t/web/dashboards-basics.t
    +--- a/t/web/dashboards-basics.t
    ++++ b/t/web/dashboards-basics.t
    + $m->follow_link_ok({text => "Basics"});
    + $m->content_contains("Modify the dashboard different dashboard");
    ++# add 'Unowned Tickets' to body of 'different dashboard' dashboard
    + $m->follow_link_ok({text => "Content"});
    + $m->content_contains("Modify the content of dashboard different dashboard");
    +-my $form = $m->form_name('Dashboard-Searches-body');
    +-my @input = $form->find_input('Searches-body-Available');
    +-my ($unowned) =
    +-  map { ( $_->possible_values )[1] }
    +-  grep { ( $_->value_names )[1] =~ /Saved Search: Unowned Tickets/ } @input;
    +-$form->value('Searches-body-Available' => $unowned );
    +-$m->click_button(name => 'add');
    +-$m->content_contains("Dashboard updated");
    ++my ( $dashboard_id ) = ( $m->uri =~ /id=(\d+)/ );
    ++ok( $dashboard_id, "got a dashboard ID, $dashboard_id" );  # 8
    ++my $payload = {
    ++    "dashboard_id" => $dashboard_id,
    ++    "panes"        => {
    ++        "body"    => [
    ++            {
    ++              "description" => "Unowned Tickets",
    ++              "name" => "Unowned Tickets",
    ++              "searchId" => "4",
    ++              "searchType" => "",
    ++              "type" => "system"
    ++            },
    ++        ],
    ++        "sidebar" => [
    ++        ]
    ++    }
    ++my $json = JSON::to_json( $payload );
    ++my $res  = $m->post(
    ++    $url . 'Helpers/UpdateDashboard',
    ++    [ content => $json ],
    ++is( $res->code, 200, "add 'unowned tickets' to body" );
    + my $dashboard = RT::Dashboard->new($currentuser);
    +-my ($id) = $m->content =~ /name="id" value="(\d+)"/;
    +-ok($id, "got an ID, $id");
    +-is($dashboard->Name, "different dashboard");
    ++is($dashboard->Name, 'different dashboard', "'different dashboard' name is correct");
    + is($dashboard->Privacy, 'RT::User-' . $user_obj->Id, "correct privacy");
    + is($dashboard->PossibleHiddenSearches, 0, "all searches are visible");
    + is(@searches, 1, "one saved search in the dashboard");
    + like($searches[0]->Name, qr/newest unowned tickets/, "correct search name");
    +-$form = $m->form_name('Dashboard-Searches-body');
    +- at input = $form->find_input('Searches-body-Available');
    +-my ($my_tickets) =
    +-  map { ( $_->possible_values )[1] }
    +-  grep { ( $_->value_names )[1] =~ /Saved Search: My Tickets/ } @input;
    +-$form->value('Searches-body-Available' => $my_tickets );
    +-$m->click_button(name => 'add');
    +-$m->content_contains("Dashboard updated");
    ++    @{$payload->{panes}->{body}},
    ++    {
    ++      "description" => "My Tickets",
    ++      "name" => "My Tickets",
    ++      "searchId" => "3",
    ++      "searchType" => "",
    ++      "type" => "system"
    ++    },
    +-$dashboard = RT::Dashboard->new($currentuser);
    ++$json = JSON::to_json( $payload );
    ++$res  = $m->post(
    ++    $url . 'Helpers/UpdateDashboard',
    ++    [ content => $json ],
    ++is( $res->code, 200, "add 'My Tickets' to body" );
    + @searches = $dashboard->Searches;
    + is(@searches, 2, "two saved searches in the dashboard");
    + like($searches[0]->Name, qr/newest unowned tickets/, "correct existing search name");
    + like($searches[1]->Name, qr/highest priority tickets I own/, "correct new search name");
    +     Subject   => 'dashboard test',
    + );
    ++$m->follow_link_ok({text => "different dashboard"});
    + $m->follow_link_ok({id => 'page-show'});
    + $m->content_contains("50 highest priority tickets I own");
    + $m->content_contains("50 newest unowned tickets");
    +     'only dashboard queries show up' );
    + $m->content_contains("dashboard test", "ticket subject");
    +-$m->get_ok("/Dashboards/$id/This fragment left intentionally blank");
    ++$m->get_ok("/Dashboards/$dashboard_id/This fragment left intentionally blank");
    + $m->content_contains("50 highest priority tickets I own");
    + $m->content_contains("50 newest unowned tickets");
    + $m->content_unlike( qr/Bookmarked Tickets.*Bookmarked Tickets/s,
    +     'only dashboard queries show up' );
    + $m->content_contains("dashboard test", "ticket subject");
    + is($m->status, HTTP::Status::HTTP_FORBIDDEN);
    + $m->content_contains("Permission Denied", "unable to delete dashboard because we lack DeleteOwnDashboard");
    + $user_obj->PrincipalObj->GrantRight(Right => 'DeleteOwnDashboard', Object => $RT::System);
    + $m->content_contains('Delete', "Delete button shows because we have DeleteOwnDashboard");
    + $m->form_name('ModifyDashboard');
    + $m->click_button(name => 'Delete');
    + $m->content_contains("Deleted dashboard");
    + $m->content_lacks("different dashboard", "dashboard was deleted");
    +-$m->content_contains("Could not load dashboard $id");
    ++$m->content_contains("Could not load dashboard $dashboard_id");
    + $m->next_warning_like(qr/Failed to load dashboard/, "the dashboard was deleted");
    + $m->next_warning_like(qr/Could not load dashboard/, "the dashboard was deleted");
    + $m->follow_link_ok({id => 'page-content'});
    +-$form = $m->form_name('Dashboard-Searches-body');
    +- at input = $form->find_input('Searches-body-Available');
    +-my ($personal) =
    +-  map { ( $_->possible_values )[1] }
    +-  grep { ( $_->value_names )[1] =~ /Saved Search: personal search/ } @input;
    +-$form->value('Searches-body-Available' => $personal );
    +-$m->click_button(name => 'add');
    +-$m->content_contains("Dashboard updated");
    ++my ( $system_dashboard_id ) = ( $m->uri =~ /id=(\d+)/ );
    ++ok( $system_dashboard_id, "got a dashboard ID for the system dashboard, $system_dashboard_id" );  # 10
    ++# get the saved search name from the content
    ++my ( $saved_search_name ) = ( $m->content =~ /(RT::User-\d+-SavedSearch-\d+)/ );
    ++ok( $saved_search_name, "got a saved search name, $saved_search_name" );  # RT::User-27-SavedSearch-9
    ++# add 'personal search' to 'system dashboard' dashboard
    ++$payload = {
    ++    "dashboard_id" => $system_dashboard_id,
    ++    "panes"        => {
    ++        "body"    => [
    ++            {
    ++              "description" => "personal search",
    ++              "name" => $saved_search_name,
    ++              "searchId" => "4",
    ++              "searchType" => "Ticket",
    ++              "type" => "saved"
    ++            },
    ++        ],
    ++        "sidebar" => [
    ++        ]
    ++    }
    ++$json = JSON::to_json( $payload );
    ++$res  = $m->post(
    ++    $url . 'Helpers/UpdateDashboard',
    ++    [ content => $json ],
    ++is( $res->code, 200, "add 'personal search' to body" );
    +-$m->content_contains("The following queries may not be visible to all users who can see this dashboard.");
    ++$m->content_contains("Warning: may not be visible to all viewers");
    + $m->follow_link_ok({id => 'page-show'});
    + $m->content_contains("personal search", "saved search shows up");
    + $omech->warning_like(qr/User .* tried to load container user /, "can't see other users' personal searches");
    + # make sure that navigating to dashboard pages with bad IDs throws an error
    + my ($bad_id) = $personal =~ /^search-(\d+)/;
    +     $m->next_warning_like(qr/Could not load dashboard $bad_id/);
    + }

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