[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.4/recently-viewed-bogus-tickets, repushed

Michel Rodriguez michel at bestpractical.com
Wed Feb 26 06:26:20 EST 2020

The branch 4.4/recently-viewed-bogus-tickets was deleted and repushed:
       was b0a6ca663319b47cd7368022d462f6478651bfb3
       now 967526f8403a22d5331d1f5589c7615d761fff06

1: 8f74b4877 ! 1: 6c69944e2 Fix RecentlyViewedTickets to deal with shredded/merged tickets.
    @@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
     Author: michel <michel at bestpractical.com>
    -    fixes RecentlyViewedTickets to deal with shredded/merged tickets
    +    Fix RecentlyViewedTickets to deal with shredded/merged tickets.
    -    if a ticket that was recently visited is:
    +    If a ticket that was recently visited is:
           shredded : it is now removed from the list
           merged   : the list is deduplicated if the parent was already included
    -    the cached RecentlyViewedTickets attribute is then updated
    +    The cached RecentlyViewedTickets attribute is then updated
         RecentlyViewedTickets now returns a list of hashes { id => , subject => }
         so that the code in the template doesn't have to deal with this
           Fixes: I#213199
    +    cosm
     diff --git a/lib/RT/User.pm b/lib/RT/User.pm
     --- a/lib/RT/User.pm
    @@ -34,38 +36,37 @@
          my $self = shift;
     -    my $content = $self->FirstAttribute('RecentlyViewedTickets');
     -    return $content ? @{$content->Content} : ();
    -+    my $recentlyViewedTickets = $self->FirstAttribute('RecentlyViewedTickets');
    -+    my $content= $recentlyViewedTickets ? $recentlyViewedTickets->Content : undef;
    -+    my @storedList= $content ? @$content : (); # [ [ <id>, <timestamp>], ...]
    -+    my @toDisplay=();                          # [ { id => <id>, title => <title> }, ... ]
    -+    if( @storedList) {
    ++    my $recentlyViewedTickets = $self->FirstAttribute( 'RecentlyViewedTickets' );
    ++    my $content    = $recentlyViewedTickets ? $recentlyViewedTickets->Content : undef;
    ++    my @storedList = $content ? @$content : ();  # [ [ <id>, <timestamp>], ...]
    ++    my @toDisplay  = ();                         # [ { id => <id>, title => <title> }, ... ]
    ++    if ( @storedList ) {
     +        my @currentList;       # same as @storedList, without deleted tickets
     +        my $updateStoredList;  # set to 1 if a ticket does not load
     +        my %seen;              # used to check that we don't have duplicates (in case of merges)
    -+        foreach my $ticketRef ( @storedList) {
    ++        foreach my $ticketRef ( @storedList ) {
     +            my ($ticketId, $timestamp) = @$ticketRef;
    -+            my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new($self);
    -+            $ticket->Load($ticketId);
    ++            my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $self );
    ++            $ticket->Load( $ticketId );
     +            my $realId= $ticket->Id; # can be undef or changed in case of merge
    -+            if( $ticket->Id && ! $seen{$realId}) {
    ++            if ( $ticket->Id && ! $seen{$realId} ) {
     +                push @toDisplay, { id => $ticket->Id, subject => $ticket->Subject };
     +                push @currentList, [ $ticketId, $timestamp ];
     +                $seen{$realId}++;
     +            } else {
     +                # non existent ticket, do not add to @currentList, list needs to be updated
    -+                $updateStoredList = 1; 
    ++                $updateStoredList = 1;
     +            }
     +        }
    -+        if( $updateStoredList) {
    ++        if ( $updateStoredList ) {
     +            $self->SetAttribute(
     +                Name    => 'RecentlyViewedTickets',
     +                Content => \@currentList,
     +            );
    -+        }   
    -+    }       
    ++        }
    ++    }
     +    return @toDisplay;
    @@ -94,9 +95,9 @@
     -            }
     -            $title = "#$ticketId: " . $title;
     -            $recents->child( "$ticketId" => title => $title, path => "/Ticket/Display.html?id=" . $ticket->Id );
    -+    for my $ticket ($session{CurrentUser}->RecentlyViewedTickets) {
    -+        my $title = $ticket->{subject} || loc("(No subject)");
    -+        if (length $title > 50) {
    ++    for my $ticket ( $session{CurrentUser}->RecentlyViewedTickets ) {
    ++        my $title = $ticket->{subject} || loc( "(No subject)" );
    ++        if ( length $title > 50 ) {
     +            $title = substr($title, 0, 47);
     +            $title =~ s/\s+$//;
     +            $title .= "...";
    @@ -107,78 +108,3 @@
          $search->child( articles => title => loc('Articles'),   path => "/Articles/Article/Search.html" )
    -diff --git a/t/ticket/recently_visited.t b/t/ticket/recently_visited.t
    -new file mode 100644
    ---- /dev/null
    -+++ b/t/ticket/recently_visited.t
    -+use strict;
    -+use warnings;
    -+# test the RecentlyViewedTickets method
    -+use Test::Deep;
    -+use RT::Test::Shredder tests => 8;
    -+my $test = "RT::Test::Shredder";
    -+use RT::Ticket;
    -+{   my @tickets=(undef); # the empty element is there so that $ticket[$i]->Id is $i
    -+                         # (arrays start at 0, ids at 1);
    -+    my $user = RT->SystemUser;
    -+    is( $user->_visited_nb, 0, 'init: empty RecentlyViewedTickets');
    -+    foreach my $ticket_nb (1..20) {
    -+        my $ticket = RT::Ticket->new( $user );
    -+        my ($id) = $ticket->Create( Subject => "test #$ticket_nb", Queue => 1 );
    -+        push @tickets, $ticket;
    -+        $ticket->ApplyTransactionBatch;
    -+    }
    -+    is( $user->_visited_nb, 0, 'tickets created: empty RecentlyViewedTickets');
    -+    foreach my $viewed ( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 2, 16, 17, 3) {
    -+      $user->AddRecentlyViewedTicket( $tickets[$viewed]);
    -+    }
    -+    is( $user->_visited, '3,17,16,2,5,4,1', 'visited tickets after inital visits');
    -+    my $shredder = $test->shredder_new();
    -+    $shredder->PutObjects( Objects => $tickets[13] );
    -+    $shredder->WipeoutAll;
    -+    is( $user->_visited, '3,17,16,2,5,4,1', 'visited tickets after shredding an unvisited ticket');
    -+    $shredder->PutObjects( Objects => $tickets[16]);
    -+    $shredder->PutObjects( Objects => $tickets[4] );
    -+    $shredder->WipeoutAll;
    -+    is( $user->_visited, '3,17,2,5,1', 'visited tickets after shredding 2 visited tickets');
    -+    $tickets[2]->MergeInto( 10); 
    -+    is( $user->_visited, '3,17,10,5,1', 'visited tickets after merging into a ticket that was NOT on the list');
    -+    $tickets[5]->MergeInto( 10); 
    -+    is( $user->_visited, '3,17,10,1', 'visited tickets after merging into a ticket that was on the list');
    -+    foreach my $viewed ( 12, 14, 18, 10, 3, 8, 11, 3, 17, 3, 11, 9) {
    -+      $user->AddRecentlyViewedTicket( $tickets[$viewed]);
    -+    }
    -+    is( $user->_visited, '9,11,3,17,8,10,18,14,12,1', 'visited more than 10 tickets');
    -+package RT::User;
    -+sub _visited_nb
    -+  { return scalar shift->RecentlyViewedTickets; }
    -+sub _visited
    -+  { return join ',', map { $_->{id} } shift->RecentlyViewedTickets; }
2: f06ee2882 < -:  ------- Fixes RecentlyViewedTickets to deal with shredded/merged tickets
3: b0a6ca663 ! 2: 967526f84 Tests for recently-viewed-bogus-tickets.
    @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
     Author: michel <michel at bestpractical.com>
    -    Added test to the fix
    +    Tests for recently-viewed-bogus-tickets.
     diff --git a/t/api/user_recently_visited.t b/t/api/user_recently_visited.t
     new file mode 100644

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