[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.6/search-selection-next, repushed

Blaine Motsinger blaine at bestpractical.com
Fri Jan 24 16:38:40 EST 2020

The branch 4.6/search-selection-next was deleted and repushed:
       was acb4fdf66b83ddb0244f57bc1332ef415996d025
       now 9a4a2ef097910c782a4604e5bfd2d2cd6185680f

1: e722e0841e ! 1: e169b539e6 Add RT-Extension-DashboardSelectionUI to core
    @@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
    -Author: Shawn M Moore <shawn at bestpractical.com>
    +Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
    -    New drag and drop UI for selecting searches for homepage and dashboards
    -    This is a rough draft :)
    +    Add RT-Extension-DashboardSelectionUI to core
     diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
     --- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
    @@ -15,6 +13,368 @@
    +diff --git a/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html b/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html
    +--- a/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html
    ++++ b/share/html/Admin/Global/MyRT.html
    + %# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
    + %#
    +-<& /Admin/Elements/Header, Title => loc("RT at a glance") &>
    ++<& /Elements/Header, Title => $title &>
    + <& /Elements/Tabs &>
    ++<& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@results &>
    +-<& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@actions &>
    +-<br />
    +-% for my $pane (@panes) {
    +-<&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('RT at a glance').': '.loc($pane->{Name}), bodyclass => "" &>
    +-<& /Widgets/SelectionBox:show, self => $pane &></&>
    +-<br />
    +-% }
    +-my @actions;
    +-my @items = map { [ "component-$_", loc($_) ] } sort @{ RT->Config->Get('HomepageComponents') };
    +-my $sys = RT::System->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
    +-# XXX: put this in savedsearches_to_portlet_items
    +-for ( $m->comp( "/Search/Elements/SearchesForObject",
    +-                Object => $sys )) {
    +-    my ( $desc, $loc_desc, $search ) = @$_;
    +-    my $SearchType = $search->Content->{'SearchType'} || 'Ticket';
    +-    if ( $SearchType eq 'Ticket' ) {
    +-        push @items, [ "system-$desc", $loc_desc ];
    +-    } else {
    +-        my $oid = ref($sys) . '-' . $sys->Id . '-SavedSearch-' . $search->Id;
    +-        my $type = ( $SearchType eq 'Ticket' )
    +-          ? 'Saved Search'    # loc
    +-          : $SearchType;
    +-        push @items, [ "saved-$oid", loc($type) . ": $loc_desc" ];
    ++<form method="post" action="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath') %>/Helpers/UpdateDashboard" data-dashboard_id='MyRT' data-is_global=True>
    ++  <& /Widgets/SearchSelection,
    ++    pane_name => \%pane_name,
    ++    sections  => \@sections,
    ++    selected  => \%selected,
    ++    filters   => \@filters,
    ++  &>
    ++  <input type="submit" class="button" name="UpdateSearches" value="<% loc('Save') %>" />
    ++my @results;
    ++my $title = loc("Customize").' '.loc("Global RT at a glance");
    ++my $user = $session{'CurrentUser'}->UserObj;
    ++my $portlets;
    ++my ($defaults) = RT::System->new($session{'CurrentUser'})->Attributes->Named('HomepageSettings');
    ++$portlets = $defaults ? $defaults->Content : {};
    ++my @sections;
    ++my %item_for;
    ++my @components = map { type => "component", name => $_, label => loc($_) }, @{RT->Config->Get('HomepageComponents')};
    ++$item_for{ $_->{type} }{ $_->{name} } = $_ for @components;
    ++push @sections, {
    ++    id    => 'components',
    ++    label => loc("Components"),
    ++    items => \@components,
    ++my $sys = RT::System->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
    ++my @objs = ($sys);
    ++push @objs, RT::SavedSearch->new( $session{CurrentUser} )->ObjectsForLoading
    ++    if $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right  => 'LoadSavedSearch',
    ++                                          Object => $RT::System );
    ++for my $object (@objs) {
    ++    my @items;
    ++    my $object_id = ref($object) . '-' . $object->Id;
    ++    $object_id = 'system' if $object eq $sys;
    ++    for ($m->comp("/Search/Elements/SearchesForObject", Object => $object)) {
    ++        my ($desc, $loc_desc, $search) = @$_;
    ++        my $SearchType = 'Ticket';
    ++        if ((ref($search->Content)||'') eq 'HASH') {
    ++            $SearchType = $search->Content->{'SearchType'}
    ++                if $search->Content->{'SearchType'};
    ++        }
    ++        else {
    ++            $RT::Logger->debug("Search ".$search->id." ($desc) appears to have no Content");
    ++        }
    ++        my $item;
    ++        if ($object eq $sys && $SearchType eq 'Ticket') {
    ++            $item = { type => 'system', name => $desc, label => $loc_desc };
    ++        }
    ++        else {
    ++            my $oid = $object_id.'-SavedSearch-'.$search->Id;
    ++            $item = { type => 'saved', name => $oid, search_type => $SearchType, label => $loc_desc };
    ++        }
    ++        $item_for{ $item->{type} }{ $item->{name} } = $item;
    ++        push @items, $item;
    +     }
    ++    my $label = $object eq $sys           ? loc('System')
    ++              : $object->isa('RT::Group') ? $object->Label
    ++                                          : $object->Name;
    ++    push @sections, {
    ++        id    => $object_id,
    ++        label => $label,
    ++        items => [ sort { lc($a->{label}) cmp lc($b->{label}) } @items ],
    ++    };
    + }
    +-my ($default_portlets) = $sys->Attributes->Named('HomepageSettings');
    +-my $has_right = $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Object=> $RT::System, Right => 'SuperUser');
    +-my @panes = $m->comp(
    +-    '/Admin/Elements/ConfigureMyRT',
    +-    panes  => [
    +-        'body', #loc
    +-        'sidebar', #loc
    +-    ],
    +-    Action => 'MyRT.html',
    +-    items => \@items,
    +-    ReadOnly => !$has_right,
    +-    current_portlets => $default_portlets->Content,
    +-    OnSave => sub {
    +-        my ( $conf, $pane ) = @_;
    +-        if (!$has_right) {
    +-            push @actions, loc( 'Permission Denied' );
    ++my %selected;
    ++for my $pane (keys %$portlets) {
    ++    my @items;
    ++    for my $saved (@{ $portlets->{$pane} }) {
    ++        my $item = $item_for{ $saved->{type} }{ $saved->{name} };
    ++        if ($item) {
    ++            push @items, $item;
    +         }
    +         else {
    +-            $default_portlets->SetContent( $conf );
    +-            push @actions, loc( 'Global portlet [_1] saved.', $pane );
    ++            push @results, loc('Unable to find [_1] [_2]', $saved->{type}, $saved->{name});
    +         }
    +     }
    +-$m->comp( '/Widgets/SelectionBox:process', %ARGS, self => $_ )
    +-    for @panes;
    ++    $selected{$pane} = \@items;
    ++my %pane_name = (
    ++    'body'    => loc('Body'),
    ++    'sidebar' => loc('Sidebar'),
    ++my @filters = (
    ++    [ 'component' => loc('Components') ],
    ++    [ 'ticket'    => loc('Tickets') ],
    ++    [ 'chart'     => loc('Charts') ],
    ++    CallbackName => 'Default',
    ++    pane_name    => \%pane_name,
    ++    sections     => \@sections,
    ++    selected     => \%selected,
    ++    filters      => \@filters,
    +diff --git a/share/html/Admin/Users/MyRT.html b/share/html/Admin/Users/MyRT.html
    +--- a/share/html/Admin/Users/MyRT.html
    ++++ b/share/html/Admin/Users/MyRT.html
    + <& /Admin/Elements/Header, Title => $title  &>
    + <& /Elements/Tabs &>
    + <& /Elements/ListActions, actions => \@actions &>
    +-<form method="post" action="MyRT.html">
    +-<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<% $id %>" />
    +-<input type="hidden" name="Reset" value="1" />
    ++<form method="post" action="<% RT->Config->Get('WebPath')  %> /Helpers/UpdateDashboard" data-dashboard_id = "MyRT" data-user_id = '<% $id %>'>
    ++  <& /Widgets/SearchSelection,
    ++                    pane_name => \%pane_name,
    ++                    sections  => \@sections,
    ++                    selected  => \%selected,
    ++                    filters   => \@filters,
    ++    &>
    ++<input type="hidden" name="id" value="<% $id %>"/>
    ++<input type"submit" class="button" name="UpdateSearches" value= "<% loc('Save') %>"  >
    + <div class="form-row">
    +   <div class="col-md-12">
    +     <input type="submit" class="button form-control btn btn-primary" value="<%loc('Reset to default')%>">
    + </div>
    + </form>
    +-<br />
    +-% for my $pane (@panes) {
    +-<&|/Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc('RT at a glance').': '.loc($pane->{Name}), bodyclass => "" &>
    +-<& /Widgets/SelectionBox:show, self => $pane &></&>
    +-<br />
    +-% }
    + <%init>
    + my @actions;
    + my $UserObj = RT::User->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
    + $UserObj->Load($id) || Abort("Couldn't load user '" . ($id || '') . "'");
    ++my $user = RT::User->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
    + my $title = loc("RT at a glance for the user [_1]", $UserObj->Name);
    +-if ($ARGS{Reset}) {
    +-    my ($ok, $msg) = $UserObj->SetPreferences('HomepageSettings', {});
    +-    push @actions, $ok ? loc('Preferences saved for user [_1].', $UserObj->Name) : $msg;
    ++my $portlets = $UserObj->Preferences('HomepageSettings');
    ++unless ($portlets) {
    ++   my ($defaults) = RT::System->new($session{'CurrentUser'})->Attributes->Named('HomepageSettings');
    ++   $portlets = $defaults ? $defaults->Content : {};
    + }
    +-my ($default_portlets) = RT::System->new($session{'CurrentUser'})->Attributes->Named('HomepageSettings');
    +-my $portlets  = $UserObj->Preferences('HomepageSettings', $default_portlets ? $default_portlets->Content  : {});
    +-my %allowed_components = map {$_ => 1} @{ RT->Config->Get('HomepageComponents') };
    ++my @sections;
    ++my %item_for;
    +-my @items;
    +-push @items, map {["component-$_", loc($_)]} sort keys %allowed_components;
    ++my @components = map { type => "component", name => $_, label => loc($_) }, @{RT->Config->Get('HomepageComponents')};
    ++$item_for{ $_->{type} }{ $_->{name} } = $_ for @components;
    +-my $sys = RT::System->new( RT::CurrentUser->new($UserObj) );
    ++push @sections, {
    ++      id    => 'components',
    ++      label => loc("Components"),
    ++      items => \@components,
    ++    };
    ++my $sys = RT::System->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
    ++$sys->Load($id) || Abort("Couldn't load user '" . ($id || '') . "'");
    + my @objs = ($sys);
    ++push @objs, RT::SavedSearch->new ($session{'CurrentUser'})->ObjectsForLoading
    ++    if $session{'CurrentUser'}->HasRight( Right  => 'LoadSavedSearch',
    ++                                          Object => $RT::System );
    ++for my $object (@objs) {
    ++     my @items;
    ++     my $object_id = ref($object) . '-' . $object->Id;
    ++     $object_id = 'system' if $object eq $sys;
    +-push @objs, RT::SavedSearch->new( RT::CurrentUser->new( $UserObj ) )->ObjectsForLoading;
    ++     for ($m->comp("/Search/Elements/SearchesForObject", Object => $object)) {
    ++         my ($desc, $loc_desc, $search) = @$_;
    +-for my $object (@objs) {
    +-    for ($m->comp("/Search/Elements/SearchesForObject", Object => $object)) {
    +-        my ($desc, $loc_desc, $search) = @$_;
    +-        my $SearchType = $search->Content->{'SearchType'} || 'Ticket';
    +-        if ($object eq $sys && $SearchType eq 'Ticket') {
    +-            push @items, ["system-$desc", $loc_desc];
    ++         my $SearchType = 'Ticket';
    ++         if ((ref($search->Content)||'') eq 'HASH') {
    ++             $SearchType = $search->Content->{'SearchType'}
    ++                 if $search->Content->{'SearchType'};
    ++         }
    ++         else {
    ++           $RT::Logger->debug("Search ".$search->id." ($desc) appears to have  no Content");
    ++           }
    ++         my $item;
    ++         if ($object eq $sys && $SearchType eq 'Ticket') {
    ++             $item = { type => 'system', name => $desc, label => $loc_desc };
    ++         }
    ++         else {
    ++             my $oid = $object_id.'-SavedSearch-'.$search->Id;
    ++             $item = { type => 'saved', name => $oid, search_type => $SearchType, label => $loc_desc };
    ++           }
    ++           $item_for{ $item->{type} }{ $item->{name} } = $item;
    ++           push @items, $item;
    ++     }
    ++     my $label = $object eq $sys           ? loc('System')
    ++               : $object->isa('RT::Group') ? $object->Label
    ++                                           : $object->Name;
    ++     push @sections, {
    ++         id    => $object_id,
    ++         label => $label,
    ++         items => [ sort { lc($a->{label}) cmp lc($b->{label}) } @items ],
    ++     };
    ++ }
    ++my %selected;
    ++for my $pane (keys %$portlets) {
    ++    my @items;
    ++    for my $saved (@{ $portlets->{$pane} }) {
    ++        my $item = $item_for{ $saved->{type} }{ $saved->{name} };
    ++        if ($item) {
    ++            push @items, $item;
    +         }
    +         else {
    +-            my $oid = ref($object).'-'.$object->Id.'-SavedSearch-'.$search->Id;
    +-            my $type = ($SearchType eq 'Ticket')
    +-                ? 'Saved Search' # loc
    +-                : $SearchType;
    +-            push @items, ["saved-$oid", loc($type).": $loc_desc"];
    ++            push @actions, loc('Unable to find [_1] [_2]', $saved->{type}, $saved->{name});
    +         }
    +     }
    +-my @panes = $m->comp(
    +-    '/Admin/Elements/ConfigureMyRT',
    +-    panes  => ['body', 'sidebar'],
    +-    Action => "MyRT.html?id=$id",
    +-    items => \@items,
    +-    current_portlets => $portlets,
    +-    OnSave => sub {
    +-        my ( $conf, $pane ) = @_;
    +-        my ($ok, $msg) = $UserObj->SetPreferences( 'HomepageSettings', $conf );
    +-        push @actions, $ok ? loc('Preferences [_1] for user [_2].', $pane, $UserObj->Name) : $msg;
    ++    $selected{$pane} = \@items;
    +     }
    ++my %pane_name = (
    ++  'body'    => loc('Body'),
    ++  'sidebar' => loc('Sidebar'),
    + );
    +-$m->comp( '/Widgets/SelectionBox:process', %ARGS, self => $_ )
    +-    for @panes;
    ++my @filters = (
    ++  [ 'component' => loc('Components') ],
    ++  [ 'ticket'    => loc('Tickets') ],
    ++  [ 'chart'     => loc('Charts') ],
    ++    CallbackName => 'Default',
    ++    pane_name    => \%pane_name,
    ++    sections     => \@sections,
    ++    selected     => \%selected,
    ++    filters      => \@filters,
    + <%ARGS>
    +-$id => undef
    ++  $id => undef
    + </%ARGS>
     diff --git a/share/html/Dashboards/Elements/DashboardsForObject b/share/html/Dashboards/Elements/DashboardsForObject
     --- a/share/html/Dashboards/Elements/DashboardsForObject
    @@ -553,11 +913,24 @@
     +my $args = JSON::from_json($content);
     +my $id = $args->{dashboard_id};
    ++my $user_id = $args->{user_id};
    ++my $is_global = $args->{is_global};
     +my ($ok, $msg);
     +if ($id eq 'MyRT') {
    -+    my $user = $session{CurrentUser}->UserObj;
    -+    ($ok, $msg) = $user->SetPreferences('HomepageSettings', $args->{panes});
    ++        my $user = $session{CurrentUser};
    ++        if($user_id){
    ++            $user->Load($user_id);
    ++            ($ok, $msg) = $user->SetPreferences('HomepageSettings', $args->{panes});
    ++      }
    ++      elsif($is_global){
    ++        my $sys = RT::System->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
    ++        my ($default_portlets) = $sys->Attributes->Named('HomepageSettings');
    ++        ($ok, $msg) = $default_portlets->SetContent( $args->{panes} );
    ++      }
    ++      else{
    ++          ($ok, $msg) = $user->SetPreferences('HomepageSettings', $args->{panes});
    ++        }
     +else {
     +    use RT::Dashboard;
    @@ -867,7 +1240,7 @@
     +        <div class="section">
     +          <h3><% $label | n %></h3>
     +          <ul>
    -+%           for my $item (@$items) {
    ++%           for my $item (sort {$a->{'label'} cmp $b->{'label'}} @$items) {
     +              <& /Elements/ShowSelectSearch, %$item &>
     +%           }
     +          </ul>
    @@ -880,6 +1253,7 @@
     +<div class="clear"></div>
    ++use utf8;
     +    CallbackName => 'Default',
     +    sections     => \@sections,
    @@ -1043,17 +1417,26 @@
     +        container.find('.destination ul').sortable({
     +            connectWith: '.destination ul',
    -+            containment: container.find('.destinations'),
     +            placeholder: 'placeholder',
     +            forcePlaceholderSize: true,
    -+            axis: 'y',
     +            cancel: '.remove',
     +            // drag a clone of the source item
     +            receive: function (e, ui) {
     +                draggedIntoDestination = true;
     +                copyHelper = null;
    -+            }
    ++            },
    ++           over: function () {
    ++               removeIntent = false;
    ++           },
    ++           out: function () {
    ++               removeIntent = true;
    ++           },
    ++           beforeStop: function (event, ui) {
    ++               if(removeIntent == true){
    ++                   ui.item.remove();
    ++               }
    ++           },
     +        }).disableSelection().on('click', '.remove', function (e) {
     +            e.preventDefault();
     +            jQuery(e.target).closest('li').remove();
2: b2d3f14fd6 < -:  ------- Add support for Drag and Drop UI to Admin->Global and Admin->Users
3: 2d3ab4dc92 < -:  ------- Alpha sort items in the select from list
4: cad0f59072 < -:  ------- Specify UTF-8 encoding
5: ab34697bf9 < -:  ------- Remove line in JS limiting axis
6: acb4fdf66b < -:  ------- Add drag out to remove from list functionality
-:  ------- > 2: 9a4a2ef097 Upgrade jQuery ui sortable and add disableSelection

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