[Rt-commit] rt branch, 4.6/mysql-utf8mb4, repushed

Michel Rodriguez michel at bestpractical.com
Mon Jan 27 10:00:24 EST 2020

The branch 4.6/mysql-utf8mb4 was deleted and repushed:
       was 8cca778fee787fbcfa884822c6aff5e48fae7dcd
       now 72a5c50f916cc75b19c6fbe384c3f7931d8b74a1

1: 09feb791d0 ! 1: b429057a78 Support for utf8mb4 in mysql.
    @@ -7,6 +7,28 @@
         It requires the database to be converted to utf8mb4 to
         support those characters.
    +    MySQL version should be >= 5.7.7
    +    MariaDB version should be >= 10.2.5
    +    https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql/5.7/en/news-5-7-7.html#mysqld-5-7-7-feature
    +    https://mariadb.com/kb/en/changes-improvements-in-mariadb-102/
    +    https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-1025-changelog/ (search for utf8)
    +    Before this version utf8mb4 tables could not have indexes with type VARCHAR(255):
    +    the default size for index entries was 767 bytes, which is enough for 255 chars
    +    stored as at most 3 chars (the utf8 format), but not as 4 bytes (utf8mb4).
    +    5.7.7 sets the default index size to 3072, so all of RT indexes are now OK.
    +    Detection of MariaDB is done on the version string (it must match "mariadb"),
    +    which is the case in both Debian and RedHat based distributions, and likely
    +    everywhere else.
    +    To check that fields are set to utf8mb4 we check one column (Tickets.Subject)
    +    for practical reasons.
    +    Simplify checks on max_allowed_packet since MySQL version is now higher.
    +    No need to check version > 5.6.20 or 5.6.22 anymore, min version is 5.7.7.
     diff --git a/README b/README
     --- a/README
    @@ -291,18 +313,14 @@
     --- a/lib/RT/Handle.pm
     +++ b/lib/RT/Handle.pm
    +     );
          if ( $db_type eq 'mysql' ) {
    -         my $version = $self->DatabaseVersion;
    +-        my $version = $self->DatabaseVersion;
     -        ($version) = $version =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)/;
     -        $self->dbh->do("SET NAMES 'utf8'") if $version >= 4.1;
    -+        if( cmp_version( $version, '5.5.3') > 0 ) {
    -+            $self->dbh->do("SET NAMES 'utf8mb4'");
    -+        }
    -+        elsif( cmp_version( $version, '4.1') >= 0 ) {
    -+            $self->dbh->do("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
    -+        }
    ++        # set the character set
    ++        $self->dbh->do("SET NAMES 'utf8mb4'");
          elsif ( $db_type eq 'Pg' ) {
              my $version = $self->DatabaseVersion;
    @@ -321,18 +339,65 @@
     -        ($version) = $version =~ /^(\d+\.\d+)/;
     -        return (0, "RT is unsupported on MySQL versions before 4.1.  Your version is $version.")
     -            if $version < 4.1;
    -+        my $min_version = '5.6';
    -+        return (0, "RT is unsupported on MySQL versions before $min_version.  Your version is $version.")
    -+            if cmp_version( $version, $min_version) < 0;
    ++        # MySQL and MariaDB are both 'mysql' type.
    ++        # the minimum version supported is MySQL 5.7.7 / MariaDB 10.2.2
    ++        # the version string for MariaDB includes "MariaDB" in Debian/RedHat
    ++        my $is_mariadb        = $version =~ m{mariadb}i ? 0 : 1;
    ++        my $mysql_min_version = '5.7.7';    # so index sizes allow for VARCHAR(255) fields
    ++        my $mariadb_min_version = '10.2.5'; # uses innodb by default
    ++        return ( 0, "RT is unsupported on MySQL versions before $mysql_min_version.  Your version is $version.")
    ++            if !$is_mariadb && cmp_version( $version, $mysql_min_version ) < 0;
    ++        return ( 0, "RT is unsupported on MariaDB versions before $mariadb_min_version.  Your version is $version.")
    ++            if $is_mariadb && cmp_version( $version, $mariadb_min_version ) < 0;
              # MySQL must have InnoDB support
              local $dbh->{FetchHashKeyName} = 'NAME_lc';
    -                 }
    +                 warn "max_allowed_packet is set to $max_packet, which limits the maximum attachment or email size that RT can process.  Consider adjusting MySQL's max_allowed_packet setting.\n";
    +             }
    +-            my $full_version = $show_var->("version");
    +-            if ($full_version =~ /^5\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ and (($1 == 6 and $2 >= 20) or $1 > 6)) {
    +-                my $redo_log_size = $show_var->("innodb_log_file_size");
    +-                $redo_log_size *= $show_var->("innodb_log_files_in_group")
    +-                    if $full_version =~ /^5\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/ and (($1 == 6 and $2 >= 22) or $1 > 6);
    ++            my $redo_log_size = $show_var->("innodb_log_file_size");
    ++            $redo_log_size *= $show_var->("innodb_log_files_in_group");
    ++            if ( $redo_log_size / 10 < 5 * 1024 * 1024 ) {
    ++                $redo_log_size = sprintf("%.1fM",$redo_log_size/1024/1024);
    ++                warn "innodb_log_file_size is set to $redo_log_size; attachments can only be 10% of this value on MySQL 5.6.  Consider adjusting MySQL's innodb_log_file_size setting.\n";
    ++            }
    ++        }
    +-                if ($redo_log_size / 10 < 5 * 1024 * 1024) {
    +-                    $redo_log_size = sprintf("%.1fM",$redo_log_size/1024/1024);
    +-                    warn "innodb_log_file_size is set to $redo_log_size; attachments can only be 10% of this value on MySQL 5.6.  Consider adjusting MySQL's innodb_log_file_size setting.\n";
    +-                }
    ++        # check that the DB encoding is utf8mb4
    ++        # we check one specific column (Tickets.Subject):
    ++        #  - checking the DB default may be misleading (what's relevant is whether RT tables have the proper charset)
    ++        #  - checking all columns would be expensive
    ++        my $allowed_charset = 'utf8mb4';
    ++        my $column_info = $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "show full columns from Tickets where Field = 'Subject'" );
    ++        if( $column_info ) {
    ++            # $column_info is only defined if the table exists, skip the check it it doesn't (during make initdb)
    ++            # we get the charset from the collation on the field
    ++            my $collation = $column_info->{collation};
    ++            my $collation_info =  $dbh->selectrow_hashref( "SHOW COLLATION WHERE Collation = ?", {}, $collation );
    ++            my $charset =  $collation_info->{charset} || '';
    ++            if( $charset ne $allowed_charset ) {
    ++                warn "table encoding set to $charset, it should be $allowed_charset\n";
    --    }
    -     return (1)
    - }
    +     }
    +                     delete $item->{'BasedOn'};
    +                 }
    +-            } 
    ++            }
    +             my ( $return, $msg ) = $new_entry->Create(%$item);
    +             unless( $return ) {
2: 7e61acceae < -:  ------- Check that the database charset is utf8mb4.
3: bc347b3f1d = 2: 206cc765ea Explain utf8mb4 character set options.
4: b0837b7ddc = 3: db07145553 Normalize character set/collation declaration for all tables.
5: 052c2b8d93 < -:  ------- Test for 4-byte utf-8 character searches.
-:  ------- > 4: 2ff0cfd4ac Test for 4-byte utf-8 character searches.
6: 984b3a7889 = 5: cee4a4d508 Change the full text indexer charset to utf8mb4.
7: 8bd009b4cf ! 6: 72a5c50f91 Alter all relevant tables to use the utf8mb4 charset.
    @@ -38,4 +38,3 @@
     + ALTER TABLE `Catalogs` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
     + ALTER TABLE `CustomRoles` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
     + ALTER TABLE `ObjectCustomRoles` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
8: ac4f8b2a03 < -:  ------- Improve mysql/mariadb version checks.
9: 8cca778fee < -:  ------- Simplify checks on max_allowed_packet since MySQL version is now higher.

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