[Rt-commit] rt branch, 5.0/convert-fulltextsearch-utf8mb4, repushed
Aaron Trevena
ast at bestpractical.com
Thu Jul 9 07:46:32 EDT 2020
The branch 5.0/convert-fulltextsearch-utf8mb4 was deleted and repushed:
was 762087b030b6d09af7045285d34ce6456136bc2f
now 6950a615ebd907fbf9d023771a47a8925c049981
1: e3ddbf40d4 = 1: e3ddbf40d4 Increase the size of the Width and Height input fields.
2: 105831eb0e = 2: 105831eb0e No need to specify character-set for mysqldump because client above includes it
3: b94ac9ee23 = 3: b94ac9ee23 Split character-set options for server/client as they have different names
4: 040903b84e = 4: 040903b84e Change config section "Ticket display" to "Ticket options".
5: 85f057077a = 5: 85f057077a Move the HideOneTimeSuggestions option to the "Ticket options" section
6: 14ea72ae48 = 6: 14ea72ae48 Recommend installing into a fresh /opt/rt5 directory
7: f29217c2dd = 7: f29217c2dd Clarify notes on when Articles was added to core
8: 9bba695a34 = 8: 9bba695a34 Separate changes from general upgrading notes
9: 0833aca8ef = 9: 0833aca8ef Add link back to the ticket from a single transaction page.
10: 566926c3d2 = 10: 566926c3d2 Convert linked classes in Articles > Search to a portlet.
11: dde01d0f15 = 11: dde01d0f15 Remove colored top border for queue default CFs
12: 0a6d54ad7b = 12: 0a6d54ad7b Core RT-Extension-CustomRole-Visibility
13: 6691e962d9 = 13: 6691e962d9 Migrate Visibility.html to elevator themes
14: aef6fdb99e = 14: aef6fdb99e Add test for customrole visibility
15: 840738e025 = 15: 840738e025 Fix RecentlyViewedTickets to deal with shredded/merged tickets.
16: 6614c842a8 = 16: 6614c842a8 Make [Update] in Articles > Overview look like Take link in ticket searches.
17: ec85db1726 = 17: ec85db1726 Make headers smaller in Article search results.
18: d76940b63b = 18: d76940b63b Change "Modify this search" to the gear icon in the article search.
19: ba44d1d9f1 = 19: ba44d1d9f1 Add formatting to the "Topics" heading in article search results.
20: 83632ed4f9 = 20: 83632ed4f9 Remove "Search results" header in the article search result page.
21: 8c93f3021f = 21: 8c93f3021f Format newest/most recently updated article headers.
22: 05e156db45 = 22: 05e156db45 Fix bug that kept 11 tickets in the "recently visited" list instead of 10.
23: dd95c46b91 = 23: dd95c46b91 Test recently viewed tickets that are merged or shredded.
24: a954d18edd = 24: a954d18edd Move the data table in charts lower, aligned with the chart.
25: d34d59696f = 25: d34d59696f Set undef for test plan
26: 504e2e244a = 26: 504e2e244a Allow RT_HOST to be set via environment variable for testing
27: ed92fa39c5 = 27: ed92fa39c5 Add configuration for testing on Travis with Docker
28: 62536f6253 = 28: 62536f6253 Configure slack notifications from Travis
29: 67ee644ce5 = 29: 67ee644ce5 Make "Select one value" custom fields default to "Dropdown".
30: 30873e18f7 = 30: 30873e18f7 No need to log "No META info" as META info is optional
31: 020ad76279 = 31: 020ad76279 Core RT-Extension-PriorityAsString
32: 00e43354ee = 32: 00e43354ee Add "priority-" prefix to css classes of priority strings
33: d4833d2397 = 33: d4833d2397 Drop @PriorityAsStringOrder and %PriorityAsStringQueues configs
34: 0cd0ff4787 = 34: 0cd0ff4787 Add $EnablePriorityAsString config to globally disable PriorityAsString
35: ae6fc9a9d9 = 35: ae6fc9a9d9 Add LDAPBase description to the config file.
36: 81cbaecf09 = 36: 81cbaecf09 Use String widget for LDAPBase.
37: 85a9cc398f = 37: 85a9cc398f Refactor %PriorityAsString format to be more flexible and powerful
38: aea948b080 = 38: aea948b080 Display priority options per queue like status options in search builder
39: 90add74160 = 39: 90add74160 Show string version of priorities to end users when possible
40: c70858329c = 40: c70858329c Update tests as PriorityAsString is enabled by default
41: 0bd0ec5336 = 41: 0bd0ec5336 Test the PriorityAsString feature
42: 8f4722c85c = 42: 8f4722c85c Hide the confusing FinalPriority from end users
43: 99a8edfb22 = 43: 99a8edfb22 Move unread message count to core
44: 33af799792 = 44: 33af799792 Add top border to asset portlets
45: f66ec078dc = 45: f66ec078dc Refactor unread message count to be consistent with core
46: 039be68775 = 46: 039be68775 Schema updates for tracking db configuration changes in transactions
47: c6d96d3d70 = 47: c6d96d3d70 Increase the size of id fields for transactions and attachments to bigint.
48: fdd1531995 = 48: fdd1531995 Move one time suggestion boxes closer to relevant input
49: bf7540a397 = 49: bf7540a397 Use tooltips for one-time suggestion hint
50: a76aefbed4 = 50: a76aefbed4 Fix transaction width size
51: 14306b24f5 = 51: 14306b24f5 Document a fix for perl module permissions problem
52: 47c0ce08b5 = 52: 47c0ce08b5 Increase the size of id fields for transactions and attachments to number(19,0).
53: 023305fd57 = 53: 023305fd57 Update _CoreAccessible and pod for the bigint changes.
54: 62ee6030e6 = 54: 62ee6030e6 Clean up RT::Configuration::_SerializeContent calls
55: 48a892509c = 55: 48a892509c Log DB config changes as transactions
56: 8d4c217599 = 56: 8d4c217599 Remove unused stringify function in configuration edit page
57: c238c86a5f = 57: c238c86a5f Page to view DB config transaction history
58: 92d1331222 = 58: 92d1331222 Tests for DB config transactions and history
59: 846c82b605 = 59: 846c82b605 No need to compare 2 plain strings using cmp_deeply
60: 5da73ebd50 = 60: 5da73ebd50 Use same method for getting user as group
61: 7883e98265 = 61: 7883e98265 Add PriorityAsString notes to UPGRADING
62: e1ca246a21 = 62: e1ca246a21 Test if pages are fully rendered for both privileged and unprivleged users
63: a63e7ea575 = 63: a63e7ea575 Respect AllowUserAutocompleteForUnprivileged for email inputs in self service UI
64: 23c7e900df = 64: 23c7e900df Merge multiple schema changes of Attachments into one SQL
65: ef0b83a14d = 65: ef0b83a14d Bug fix: use the right CurrentUserCanSetOwner return value.
66: 0d14950bf4 = 66: 0d14950bf4 Hide the pencil icon if the user doesn't have the rights.
67: 381f2e33b7 = 67: 381f2e33b7 Denser layout for CreateTicket portlet on user summary page
68: 7584ff8a8e = 68: 7584ff8a8e Add the queue name to the ticket update page.
69: b5e8c09773 = 69: b5e8c09773 Update tests for the change of default render type of select custom fields
70: b9af312342 = 70: b9af312342 Fix keyboard shortcut highlight and scroll
71: 7595dd6b3e = 71: 7595dd6b3e Change keyboard shortcut color to grey background
72: d12942f0a1 = 72: d12942f0a1 Display custom role hints as tooltips
73: 9867e327f8 = 73: 9867e327f8 Migrate EditPeopleInline to new elevator themes
74: 82cd02978c = 74: 82cd02978c Add checkboxes before multiple-role labels like modify people page
75: 2aedfd7638 = 75: 2aedfd7638 Respect custom role visibility and callbacks on modify people page
76: 4b0457b1db = 76: 4b0457b1db Add Create Ticket link to Home menu
77: b690768413 = 77: b690768413 Add ModifyContent callback to ShowTransactionAttachments
78: 50fe3e9b1d = 78: 50fe3e9b1d Add an option to reverse the transaction history on ticket display
79: bc58322ccf = 79: bc58322ccf Add a parameter to give context to history header
80: 1f9fdb66c1 = 80: 1f9fdb66c1 Clear Subject header from auto-generated text email part
81: 6c5ef9dfef = 81: 6c5ef9dfef Core JSON initialdata format handler
82: 4aff358e40 = 82: 4aff358e40 Core RT-Extension-AssetSQL
83: ec2fa1e561 = 83: ec2fa1e561 Core AssetSQL tests
84: 628f98f022 = 84: 628f98f022 Drop ParseAssetSQL since ParseSQL now supports Assets too
85: 95ec79bc5b = 85: 95ec79bc5b Use txn's custom field search names for txn searches
86: 335d0aa649 = 86: 335d0aa649 Enable $IncludeTicketLinks for tickets only in search builder
87: a1502ee212 = 87: a1502ee212 Fix txn display link generated in txn search builder
88: d5f7253fb2 = 88: d5f7253fb2 Limit to asset lifecycles to find active/inactive statuses in asset searches
89: b104060b1f = 89: b104060b1f Default ObjectType to RT::Ticket only for transactions
90: 947bf96344 = 90: 947bf96344 Fix refresh select name on search results page
91: 57e62b20cd = 91: 57e62b20cd Use consistent names in session for searches
92: b087eddc40 = 92: b087eddc40 Merge asset search pages into general search pages(/Search)
93: 47272c797f = 93: 47272c797f Get rid of duplicated inputs on asset bulk update page from simple searches
94: 422de426ad = 94: 422de426ad Hide AssetSQL links from simple search's bulk update page
95: d55029fda8 = 95: d55029fda8 Tweak asset search menu to show current search
96: eae6b9c895 = 96: eae6b9c895 Show current search on individual asset pages like ticket/txn
97: 4f76e38957 = 97: 4f76e38957 Respect %TransactionShowSearchResultCount to show saved txn searches
98: 62c2554584 = 98: 62c2554584 Rename config $AssetSQL_HideSimpleSearch to $AssetHideSimpleSearch
99: f6161ca103 = 99: f6161ca103 Rename config $AssetSearchFormat to $AssetSimpleSearchFormat
100: 38d53540b0 = 100: 38d53540b0 Add config $AssetDefaultSearchResultFormat for AssetSQL searches
101: 72d950a803 = 101: 72d950a803 Add configs $AssetDefaultSearchResultOrderBy and $AssetDefaultSearchResultOrder
102: 9a1fc66f31 = 102: 9a1fc66f31 Add config $AssetShowSearchResultCount for asset saved searches
103: 17caf22242 = 103: 17caf22242 Fix custom field list for AssetSQL searches on bulk update page
104: 0fca135af1 = 104: 0fca135af1 Fix header link and show edit link for transaction saved search widgets
105: 813959636d = 105: 813959636d Show "Spreadsheet" under "Feeds" for asset bulk page from SQL search
106: 5a881a49cc = 106: 5a881a49cc Make search menus under "Assets" more consistent with top "Search" menu
107: b4cdb379ba = 107: b4cdb379ba Prettier related ticket buttons on asset search result
108: 95bd085f77 = 108: 95bd085f77 Tweak asset default search format to show more info and show it more clearly
109: fce585f28b = 109: fce585f28b Always pass args to "Edit Search" link in "Current Search"
110: d88d5d7daa = 110: d88d5d7daa Add asset query builder basic tests
111: 7389924096 = 111: 7389924096 Make sure default value of RowsPerPage is numeric
112: 53e1063a92 = 112: 53e1063a92 Fix typo to make @Assets really work
113: 806b286538 = 113: 806b286538 Add support for asset and catalog attributes for initialdata
114: 7c323f7f69 = 114: 7c323f7f69 Add support for OCFVs in initialdata
115: dc2b770b8d = 115: dc2b770b8d Insert @Members later, after queues, assets, custom roles etc have been created
116: c6bda1a9af = 116: c6bda1a9af Support all the role group domains for @ACL
117: 9d9cf8f499 = 117: 9d9cf8f499 initialdata support for @Articles
118: e91750203b = 118: e91750203b Defer setting BasedOn for CFs later in the @CustomFields list
119: 1e769efa6b = 119: 1e769efa6b Handle ObjectScrip Stage in initialdata
120: 165996c89d = 120: 165996c89d Handle passing a hash with Stage as first param to Queue
121: 1e4203fd45 = 121: 1e4203fd45 Fixing up ObjectScrip sort order
122: 6c3b3f9d33 = 122: 6c3b3f9d33 Support GroupDomain for item in @Members
123: fb480a9593 = 123: fb480a9593 NoAutoGlobal option for @Scrips
124: ea31e15ea9 = 124: ea31e15ea9 Support import of queue watcher groups
125: 6a34818011 = 125: 6a34818011 Handle explicit ApplyTo => 0 to make a CF which is global
126: 08c1ffcac7 = 126: 08c1ffcac7 Handle RightName in initialdata
127: 7a27392fed = 127: 7a27392fed Handle global Class records more consistently in initialdata
128: 4cdf2ee85e = 128: 4cdf2ee85e Correctly load ACLs granted on user-defined groups
129: a76b447065 = 129: a76b447065 Avoid creating duplicate SystemInternal and RT::Role-System groups
130: b91898c0f7 = 130: b91898c0f7 Allow passing SortOrder to CustomField->Create
131: 276ba10379 = 131: 276ba10379 Avoid undef warnings when checking a new queue for name uniqueness
132: 2b06b0335d = 132: 2b06b0335d When serializing an ACE, make sure its user is too
133: 3109835f41 = 133: 3109835f41 Make sure queue-specific templates get serialized
134: 9fad20c42d = 134: 9fad20c42d Skip tickets ASAP as an optimization
135: 48157ff4b6 = 135: 48157ff4b6 Migrate Storable-related concerns from Serializer to File
136: 30801c2bb5 = 136: 30801c2bb5 First pass at initialdata.json serializer export format
137: 497a9a8b3e = 137: 497a9a8b3e Sort JSON keys so its output can be versioned
138: c19125afad = 138: c19125afad Store records by id
139: 85f1ba1073 = 139: 85f1ba1073 For now, rather than deleting references, dereference them
140: 1a6961fc01 = 140: 1a6961fc01 Use initialdata's type names rather than RT class names
141: d449c66dd5 = 141: d449c66dd5 Defer canonicalizing away "RT::" from class names
142: c271c5f835 = 142: c271c5f835 Canonicalize references by name
143: a49a3b7538 = 143: a49a3b7538 Canonicalize OCFs as CF.ApplyTo
144: 04fa45c018 = 144: 04fa45c018 Canonicalize ObjectClass into Class.ApplyTo
145: ec1ee60516 = 145: ec1ee60516 Factor out _GetRecordByRef
146: e526db68e3 = 146: e526db68e3 Canonicalize ObjectScrips as Scrips.Queue
147: 0651d2b306 = 147: 0651d2b306 Handle ObjectScrip Stage in serializer importer
148: 89aa8a0b86 = 148: 89aa8a0b86 Canonicalize ObjectCustomRole as CustomRole.ApplyTo
149: a88166eee5 = 149: a88166eee5 Avoid serializing attributes (for now)
150: adc4dede71 = 150: adc4dede71 Only serialize user-defined groups for initialdata
151: 68da7e499d = 151: 68da7e499d Have _GetRecordByRef dereference if needed
152: 687f23ec36 = 152: 687f23ec36 Try harder to load references
153: 3b18bbf7a0 = 153: 3b18bbf7a0 Canonicalize ACLs the way initialdata needs them
154: 33577686e1 = 154: 33577686e1 Disambiguate _GetSerializedByRef from _GetObjectByRef
155: 61f101d8da = 155: 61f101d8da Handle systemuser
156: 1038d7f760 = 156: 1038d7f760 Creator and LastUpdatedBy are always user ids
157: 9518e4f781 = 157: 9518e4f781 Avoid uniqueness violations (for now) by skipping id from initialdata output
158: 7273a5f0f8 = 158: 7273a5f0f8 CanonicalizeUsers
159: 0087b5cfd5 = 159: 0087b5cfd5 Fix serialized OCFs for queues
160: c59beec052 = 160: c59beec052 Roundtrip CFVs
161: 98038e8940 = 161: 98038e8940 Roundtrip group members
162: d372c8fc75 = 162: d372c8fc75 Fixing up ObjectScrip sort order
163: eb3f756f62 = 163: eb3f756f62 Round-trip unapplied scrips using a NoAutoGlobal key
164: 21199aa24c = 164: 21199aa24c Export OCFVs as CustomFields key on object for initialdata
165: fc6797fd61 = 165: fc6797fd61 No need to rewrite LargeContent as Content
166: be62d1c482 = 166: be62d1c482 Remove create/update metadata on initialdata export
167: 4415ab9dbd = 167: 4415ab9dbd Remove spurious Principal and PrincipalId fields on Groups
168: ee7a81b7b7 = 168: ee7a81b7b7 Remove spurious NoAutoGlobal
169: cdd22450d3 = 169: cdd22450d3 ACLs without object type are for RT::System
170: f29a41c64f = 170: f29a41c64f ACL PrincipalType is implicit
171: 15d27b5f26 = 171: 15d27b5f26 Instance doesn't make sense for UserDefined or SystemInternal groups
172: 25a55a7da9 = 172: 25a55a7da9 Avoid serializing some empty keys for CFs
173: 91d34a8421 = 173: 91d34a8421 Avoid serializing Disabled:0 for all objects
174: bc90ea38a5 = 174: bc90ea38a5 Avoid exporting crucial system objects like RT_System user
175: 393f8b92dc = 175: 393f8b92dc Improve export of group membership
176: d87f31dd70 = 176: d87f31dd70 Refactor ShouldExcludeObject for clarity
177: b509a8028d = 177: b509a8028d Serialize role members but not role groups
178: 53a6306ff6 = 178: 53a6306ff6 Support export of queue watcher groups
179: eac9b1efcf = 179: eac9b1efcf Handle group, role, and user ACLs
180: 3ad0de8abe = 180: 3ad0de8abe Round-trip articles
181: 1586afae84 = 181: 1586afae84 Avoid throwing errors on disabled many-to-many relationships
182: abc3fbb3cd = 182: abc3fbb3cd Avoid undef warnings on CFs without a pattern
183: b2ba8052a3 = 183: b2ba8052a3 Skip serializing OCFVs on live objects for disabled CFs
184: 25090b1acd = 184: 25090b1acd For stability, sort records consistently
185: 9b7d350ef1 = 185: 9b7d350ef1 Clear user passwords and authtokens
186: 2691da38f1 = 186: 2691da38f1 Remove more empty fields
187: a3a2e2efa2 = 187: a3a2e2efa2 Handle disabled OCFVs by skipping them
188: ab24898ae4 = 188: ab24898ae4 Remove empty user keys
189: 7aeb5e3157 = 189: 7aeb5e3157 Avoid undef warnings with sorting by sortorder
190: affb237943 = 190: affb237943 Sort ObjectScrips by queue name for stability
191: 0e4de80819 = 191: 0e4de80819 Don't serialized disabled OCFVs
192: cc0ac8c779 = 192: cc0ac8c779 Factor out repeated deep hash lookups
193: 34feb6c7e6 = 193: 34feb6c7e6 No need to include nobody member for single-member groups
194: 0a9492dfb3 = 194: 0a9492dfb3 Add Sync option for JSON serializer
195: a684411487 = 195: a684411487 Delete empty Values => [] from custom fields
196: a1f5e4c120 = 196: a1f5e4c120 Default FollowTickets and FollowTransactions to 0 for initialdata
197: d06c768b0b = 197: d06c768b0b Default to exporting scrips and ACLs
198: 5af4b7d4e4 = 198: 5af4b7d4e4 Add FollowDisabled option to serializer
199: d365e261c5 = 199: d365e261c5 Avoid serializing ACLs and GroupMembers if either parent is disabled
200: 94c54110b9 = 200: 94c54110b9 Avoid error on broken ACLEquivalence principals
201: e5ee5cc119 = 201: e5ee5cc119 Sort OCFV values to keep the original id order
202: af58359a3a = 202: af58359a3a Add a --no-disabled flag to serializer
203: 6715ae9f6d = 203: 6715ae9f6d Add --no-transactions flag to rt-serializer
204: d838d31836 = 204: d838d31836 Initial rt-dump-initialdata
205: 1c4fe0e12b = 205: 1c4fe0e12b Make label column a bit wider considering we have ObjectCustomFieldValues now
206: 4450e4fbb6 = 206: 4450e4fbb6 Fix plural of words like "Class" in the progress bar of migration
207: c3adc2874f = 207: c3adc2874f Fix plural of "ACE" in the progress bar of migration
208: 6a2aaf8de8 = 208: 6a2aaf8de8 First initialdata roundtrip tests
209: 68fc211d0a = 209: 68fc211d0a Support more string formats for Object in @Attributes
210: 85578c03b9 = 210: 85578c03b9 Support import/export of @Attribute for JSON serializer
211: 6afd5116d5 = 211: 6afd5116d5 Support @Topics and @ObjectTopics in initialdata
212: 6574829b30 = 212: 6574829b30 Support Topics for json serializer
213: bff549e8b0 = 213: bff549e8b0 Support disabled CustomRoles creation in initialdata
214: f050917a1c = 214: f050917a1c Encode LargeContent to base64 for upload custom fields in json serializer
215: e0dc78d558 = 215: e0dc78d558 Support update/delete actions in initialdata
216: d0188c7ab4 = 216: d0188c7ab4 Add --base option to generate changes between 2 initialdata.json files
217: 3a70a45efe = 217: 3a70a45efe Load template with both name and queue in initialdata
218: 5245dcf0e3 = 218: 5245dcf0e3 Refactor attributes sort code to be more scalable on insert
219: ed0f2606cf = 219: ed0f2606cf Convert subscription dashboard link to dashboard id
220: 80053c4ffc = 220: 80053c4ffc Add attributes tests to JSON initialdata tests
221: 8c347b0f13 = 221: 8c347b0f13 No need to add not existing templates on scrip serialization
222: 77006b235b = 222: 77006b235b Drop outdated doc of @Attributes limitation and add more code examples
223: 8417d0e22a = 223: 8417d0e22a Render attachment box below message box in self-service
224: 812738d746 = 224: 812738d746 Improve layout and spacing on self-service create page
225: 30486256d1 = 225: 30486256d1 Bug fix: use the right CurrentUserCanSetOwner return value.
226: 18d87a3ee7 = 226: 18d87a3ee7 Select Catalog in Asset Create page.
227: becfac9f09 = 227: becfac9f09 Remove select catalog modal popup on asset creation.
228: 2ee16f6bd4 = 228: 2ee16f6bd4 Test catalog select on asset create page
229: 06c617443c = 229: 06c617443c Set a max width for Ticket Forward page
230: 7c747ab85f = 230: 7c747ab85f Document disk space needs for DB upgrade
231: 30b2342d72 = 231: 30b2342d72 Correct typo in form-control class
232: 48b5f464e6 = 232: 48b5f464e6 Add RT-Extension-DashboardSelectionUI to core
233: e542ff268e = 233: e542ff268e Update DashboardSelectionUI to elevator-light
234: 243b18e826 = 234: 243b18e826 No need to warn "RT::Extension::Initialdata::JSON" as it was not public
235: fcaf5da073 = 235: fcaf5da073 Correct RT version and note Current Search feature
236: 1bcdd32b1a = 236: 1bcdd32b1a Refactor DashboardSelectionUI
237: f86c871ffc = 237: f86c871ffc Update tests for the new DashboardSelectionUI
238: 252a0bca03 = 238: 252a0bca03 Load system saved searches correctly
239: dbf0fef6f5 = 239: dbf0fef6f5 Restore paging and pagenum styles from rudder
240: 07c22ca552 = 240: 07c22ca552 Fix active menus with URI escaped chars or "&" query delimiter
241: 1f2abd3e83 = 241: 1f2abd3e83 Avoid running multiple rt-externalize-attachments simultaneously in tests
242: 20d8b918f2 = 242: 20d8b918f2 Fix assignment because HiddenForURLs returns a hashref
243: 094fd0fc81 = 243: 094fd0fc81 Respect AdminCustomRoles right on custom role update
244: 2c79b28c2f = 244: 2c79b28c2f Use the same logic of "Basics" to show custom role "Visibility" page
245: 07ec8a8536 = 245: 07ec8a8536 Allow datepicker to be variable size
246: eaf984e742 = 246: eaf984e742 Add supposition to nav menu items
247: 425055e8cf = 247: 425055e8cf Fill up cells of record's last row in search results
248: e3a94f7aaa = 248: e3a94f7aaa Update background and borders for elevator-dark
249: f1c72eb35d = 249: f1c72eb35d Migrate from col-md-* to col-* except for boxcontainers
250: 3b28ed9473 = 250: 3b28ed9473 Override .btn-primary's blue border-color for buttons
251: 9b254f307c = 251: 9b254f307c List unread messages buttons vertically on small screens
252: d4d43bbb83 = 252: d4d43bbb83 Tweak search builder format widget for small screens
253: 9db6361ac7 = 253: 9db6361ac7 Increase ShowLinks label col size for sm screens
254: cfe5ea92fe = 254: cfe5ea92fe Fix downloadattachment overlapping border
255: 87dfb9b0d9 = 255: 87dfb9b0d9 Fix borders for menus
256: 5167576f4a = 256: 5167576f4a Fix ticket history transaction link colors
257: 891bbf0852 = 257: 891bbf0852 Fix text color for reply/comment box
258: 52a5eb8e85 = 258: 52a5eb8e85 Fix card-header overlap on query builder
259: 162e1f4f28 = 259: 162e1f4f28 Add borders to dropzone divs for elevator-dark theme
260: 43b4018fef = 260: 43b4018fef Show menu dropdown arrows for elevator-dark theme
261: 17dbf9e487 = 261: 17dbf9e487 Core RT::Extension::LifecycleUI
262: a2cd069d49 = 262: a2cd069d49 Switch to semicolon as query param delimiter in MenuBuilder for lifecycle menus
263: 90ab779575 = 263: 90ab779575 Migrate lifecycle UI pages to new elevator themes
264: 41df0459f9 = 264: 41df0459f9 Add POD doc for new added public methods
265: 6cc14c8de1 = 265: 6cc14c8de1 Ensure lifecycle cache is updated across threads when flagged
266: fa33147c0f = 266: fa33147c0f Add select/create links on all lifecycle admin pages like other objects
267: 3cc659d8e4 = 267: 3cc659d8e4 Limit lifecycle admin pages only to superusers
268: e4e3f327c6 = 268: e4e3f327c6 Support to disable lifecycles
269: 2a423e8ae9 = 269: 2a423e8ae9 Add d3.js to RT
270: 347f041c54 = 270: 347f041c54 Abstract ValidateLifecycle and ValidateLifecycleMaps from FillCache
271: 9e9c46c1fe = 271: 9e9c46c1fe New lifecycle editor based on original extension and Craig's big refactor
272: ac964e55ed = 272: ac964e55ed Add lifecycle UI Advanced page
273: ce0d00fdeb = 273: ce0d00fdeb Add lifecycle UI Actions page
274: 54884727d6 = 274: 54884727d6 Add lifecycle UI Rights page
275: 5a96380c42 = 275: 5a96380c42 Default on_create to the first initial status
276: 2f3a6ca41c = 276: 2f3a6ca41c Skip form and show hints if mapping is not needed
277: e494c51735 = 277: e494c51735 Redirect to Advanced page on lifecycle modify page for IE
278: cbca7a71d2 = 278: cbca7a71d2 Add inline documentation to guide lifecycle users
279: c6930e214c = 279: c6930e214c Add file configs as fallbacks for hash database configs
280: 83bbec828b = 280: 83bbec828b Tweak ticket form submit position mainly for consistent margin-top
281: 4e6359f2c2 = 281: 4e6359f2c2 Simply the ticket create submit logic by checking SubmitTicket
282: 61f67b5a6e = 282: 61f67b5a6e Update tests for the submit logic change of ticket create form
283: 664633ac35 = 283: 664633ac35 Add trailing semicolon to lifecycleui.css import
284: 6a84e78fa8 = 284: 6a84e78fa8 Convert the RT logo from png to svg
285: 9e90e551fa = 285: 9e90e551fa Display the attachment name in ticket history
286: cd8dbde976 = 286: cd8dbde976 Update attachment link checking code in tests as we updated link DOM
287: e1efbd848d = 287: e1efbd848d Do not output mason component into loc
288: 5544908dd3 = 288: 5544908dd3 Migrate SelectKeyForSigning component to bootstrap
289: 58a3a7aa4b = 289: 58a3a7aa4b Fix missing closing div when outgoing crypt is GnuPG in SignEncryptWidget
290: 0e0e496580 = 290: 0e0e496580 Update README for RT 5.0
291: 0cd51462a3 = 291: 0cd51462a3 Convert summary page asset searches to use AssetSQL
292: 879148e95d = 292: 879148e95d Convert asset lists to FromSQL searches
293: ad74962bd7 = 293: ad74962bd7 Show HeldBy assets in self service view
294: 00d10d6efa = 294: 00d10d6efa Remove references to end-of-life versions and software
295: 9c8fee4684 = 295: 9c8fee4684 Update old session name "tickets" to current version "collection-RT::Tickets"
296: 8e99f1269d = 296: 8e99f1269d Fill highlighted background color(on hover) for page menu icons in dark theme
297: a9c70a1cbe = 297: a9c70a1cbe Move ticket search navigation from top menu to ticket display's page menu
298: ef962f58b9 = 298: ef962f58b9 Add fontawesome icons for ticket search navigation
299: 82136e8b8f = 299: 82136e8b8f Moved initial dashboards to the Reports menu.
300: 16957ce4c8 = 300: 16957ce4c8 Get the list of reports in the Reports menu from attribute
301: 64138321a3 = 301: 64138321a3 Add upgrade step: create the ReportsInMenu attribute if needed.
302: f046ab5d51 = 302: f046ab5d51 Fix tests to reflect changes in dashboard menu ids.
303: decfb5af82 = 303: decfb5af82 Update report menu description
304: 7381e93352 = 304: 7381e93352 Use selectize.js for display columns add columns input
305: 6d4a9d766b = 305: 6d4a9d766b Use empty quotes for 'None' value of Link display columns input
306: 6febe8c2e1 = 306: 6febe8c2e1 Set max-height for display columns selectize input
307: 6d23ff0789 = 307: 6d23ff0789 Increase column size for format column in display columns
308: 017aa9aab1 = 308: 017aa9aab1 Migrate to fontawesome icons for ticket search navigation page menu
309: c234d3e20c = 309: c234d3e20c Handle updating statuses in the ticket create '' transition
310: bfff6e6c3b = 310: bfff6e6c3b Add and remove reports from the Reports menu
311: 6da5aeb299 = 311: 6da5aeb299 Add reports to global reports menu editor
312: b8611593ca = 312: b8611593ca Add reports to user admin menu edit
313: d65fb8477f = 313: d65fb8477f Update label to reflect new Reports menu location
314: aefd36bfb8 = 314: aefd36bfb8 Update dashboard pref tests as we updated reset input name
315: 8eda0dc817 = 315: 8eda0dc817 Note reports change in upgrading doc
316: 93ccb98443 = 316: 93ccb98443 Schema updates for tracking db configuration changes in transactions
317: f6c3e48742 = 317: f6c3e48742 Clean up RT::Configuration::_SerializeContent calls
318: 352d0ce7f8 = 318: 352d0ce7f8 Log DB config changes as transactions
319: ab70a56c8c = 319: ab70a56c8c Remove unused stringify function in configuration edit page
320: da6d1a98b5 = 320: da6d1a98b5 Page to view DB config transaction history
321: b1b368d5cf = 321: b1b368d5cf Tests for DB config transactions and history
322: f59f56470c = 322: f59f56470c No need to compare 2 plain strings using cmp_deeply
323: b89b8c63df = 323: b89b8c63df Add ShowSearchAdvanced/ShowSearchBulkUpdate rights
324: 3703add97f = 324: 3703add97f Show ticket shredder link on all ticket search pages
325: 1de7733dc3 = 325: 1de7733dc3 Support to filter lifecycle in ticket search builder
326: ba040fedf4 = 326: ba040fedf4 Add BeforeDisplay callback to search builder page
327: 412706a7a1 = 327: 412706a7a1 Add ExtraQueryParams parameter to search pages
328: 6dd0e50ac5 = 328: 6dd0e50ac5 Add ResultPage parameter to redirect to customized search result page
329: 961ed496ca = 329: 961ed496ca Add example documentation for using rt-dump-initialdata tool
330: df91599f84 = 330: df91599f84 Avoid triggering RT::System method calls when loading configuration
331: 05e110ee16 = 331: 05e110ee16 Move saved search buttons to a new row
332: 3b59cb0295 = 332: 3b59cb0295 Fix col overlap for ticket display in IE11
333: 1088cc5571 = 333: 1088cc5571 Fix missing chevrons in menus for IE11
334: 7b0c448aaa = 334: 7b0c448aaa Fix max-width for query builder in IE11
335: 77cd4ea99c = 335: 77cd4ea99c Make rebalanceOverflowMenu work in IE11
336: 6f01d74663 = 336: 6f01d74663 Migrate CustomDateRanges page to elevator themes
337: c24bf9daa1 = 337: c24bf9daa1 Switch from system attribute to "CustomDateRangesUI" configuration
338: 17d87aed17 = 338: 17d87aed17 Abstract (Show/Edit/Process)CustomDateRanges for future reusage
339: 408895569c = 339: 408895569c Delete before checking other rules for conflicts
340: 0c25a01ff7 = 340: 0c25a01ff7 Move CustomDateRanges to the Features section of the web config editor.
341: a6718b57ff = 341: a6718b57ff Add missing EOF newline
342: ebc027161b = 342: ebc027161b Move CustomDateRanges to system edit config page
343: 45fc8e9483 = 343: 45fc8e9483 Add decent space for nested widgets on system edit config page
344: 5fcae3941b = 344: 5fcae3941b Support users(with ModifySelf) to update custom date ranges
345: 07989c4868 = 345: 07989c4868 Warn custom date range name conflicts on config load
346: 9ca4b0c7f6 = 346: 9ca4b0c7f6 Don't cache CustomDateRanges in ColumnMap
347: bc3ada1d43 = 347: bc3ada1d43 Break longer column headings for better spacing
348: b10d4d3c3b = 348: b10d4d3c3b Reference web UI options in CustomDateRanges docs
349: 72a6f2848a = 349: 72a6f2848a Fix styling for reminders
350: f938286cc3 = 350: f938286cc3 Default mobile devices to the full RT UI
351: edbac9ccd7 = 351: edbac9ccd7 Update tests for mobile defaulting off
352: e9a902f4ef = 352: e9a902f4ef Don't cache status nodes for SQL because Lifecycles can be updated via web UI
353: 0a3355b758 = 353: 0a3355b758 Don't cache CustomDateRanges in ticket reports
354: 9fe8330032 = 354: 9fe8330032 Suppress padding on the sides and bottom of results text
355: eab5cffd3e = 355: eab5cffd3e Remove duplicate "Owner" select id introduced by inline edit in search results
356: dcca813016 = 356: dcca813016 Remove duplicate SLA id introduced by inline edit in search results
357: 21e4b5662a = 357: 21e4b5662a Remove duplicate TimeUnit id introduced by inline edit in search results
358: fe707a0026 = 358: fe707a0026 Migrate owner autocomplete to the general autocomplete
359: 86a85bc19e = 359: 86a85bc19e Add a configurable queue portlet to ticket display page
360: 749b692f19 = 360: 749b692f19 Add test for Linked Queue Portlets
361: 0c6e667c34 = 361: 0c6e667c34 Use LinkedQueuePortletFormats for ShowLinkedQueues
362: df45abbab5 = 362: df45abbab5 Add spacing between title and table showing linked tickets
363: ffa0b41f97 = 363: ffa0b41f97 Fix inline edit icons in ticket list when height is not big enough
364: 0fe7db27b6 = 364: 0fe7db27b6 Initial check-in of RT::Extension::REST2
365: 46209b5da6 = 365: 46209b5da6 Update paths to remove Extension
366: 34abf4b5a9 = 366: 34abf4b5a9 Add licence tag to all REST2 files
367: c81b47de4c = 367: c81b47de4c Enable REST2 inside RT
368: cbd3b792a3 = 368: cbd3b792a3 Update paths in REST2 test files
369: 96d7ac6db5 = 369: 96d7ac6db5 Replace hard tabs with spaces
370: 14fd38f08f = 370: 14fd38f08f Add required perl modules for REST2
371: 83083906d3 = 371: 83083906d3 Add REST2 to cored plugins
372: 80f172bba3 = 372: 80f172bba3 Encode to UTF-8 for json serializer
373: 6f31268c64 = 373: 6f31268c64 Explicitly encode to UTF-8 for json serializer only when it's Pg/Oracle
374: 9ee3646cdb = 374: 9ee3646cdb Drop unique constraint of Configurations Name column for Oracle
375: b74a252e8f = 375: b74a252e8f Add parens because . has higher precedence than ||
376: 9223d74b03 = 376: 9223d74b03 Get rid of uninitialized warnings on Oracle
377: 268f4b96ca = 377: 268f4b96ca Give fields true values to make REST2 tests happy on Oracle
378: 85ef69cc3f = 378: 85ef69cc3f Use is_empty to make tests happy on Oracle
379: b1146b795f = 379: b1146b795f Wrap Submit into a form-row for decent spacing especially margin-top
380: 4cfda3bfb4 = 380: 4cfda3bfb4 Core RT::Authen::Token
381: 33e7e52f53 = 381: 33e7e52f53 Upgrade charset of AuthTokens table to utf8mb4 for MySQL/MariaDB
382: e1e2e13068 = 382: e1e2e13068 Reduce our z-index to coordinate with ones in bootstrap
383: 60f3fec50c = 383: 60f3fec50c Re-implement Authen-Token web UI to work like other RT pages
384: 7ed36c94fa = 384: 7ed36c94fa Add documentation for using token auth
385: ecbcb721de = 385: ecbcb721de Show an error message on create failure
386: 4429119c71 = 386: 4429119c71 Fix the version format of REST2 module depedencies
387: 734bc6972f = 387: 734bc6972f Fix uninitialized warnings of $latest_user_main_key for gpg 2.2
388: 4cc1b76b74 = 388: 4cc1b76b74 Handle FAILURE keyword for gpg 2.2
389: ee9a2a7bcf = 389: ee9a2a7bcf Add extra ignored keywords for gnupg 2.2.x
390: 37eb1901a6 = 390: 37eb1901a6 Default cert-digest-algo from SHA1 to SHA256
391: 9f530c6e79 = 391: 9f530c6e79 Add gpg.conf for gpg 2.2 so we can specify passphrase in command line
392: 57b2292a26 = 392: 57b2292a26 Update warning message tests for gpg 2.2
393: 2bc08cfd89 = 393: 2bc08cfd89 Don't override fingerprint if it exsits already
394: c3101d5b1f = 394: c3101d5b1f Make t/mail/crypt-gnupg.t happy with gpg 2.2
395: c2eaf92a4e = 395: c2eaf92a4e Bump GnuPG::Interface to 1.00 to support gpg 2.2
396: aa620ae296 = 396: aa620ae296 Quit gpg-agent after tests for gpg 2.2
397: 122f8af631 = 397: 122f8af631 Move signed_old_style_with_attachment.eml to emails directory where it belongs to
398: 4126e51357 = 398: 4126e51357 Always use temp gpg homedir to get a cleaner env
399: 5f1ea5d0b8 = 399: 5f1ea5d0b8 Enable gpg and smime in travis config
400: e5a8529127 = 400: e5a8529127 Fix pinned menu overlap
401: 95bd7bbba4 = 401: 95bd7bbba4 Note gpg updates in UPGRADING doc
402: 2e417b469f = 402: 2e417b469f Update copyright to 2020
403: cb1e16e282 = 403: cb1e16e282 Update chart docs for chartjs
404: b58ec5b71e = 404: b58ec5b71e Revert "Fix inline edit icons in ticket list when height is not big enough"
405: 87fa545ce9 = 405: 87fa545ce9 Set direction of inline-edit icon tooltips to horizontal in ticket list
406: 5269c8177a = 406: 5269c8177a Set method to POST for CreateTicketInQueue form in top actions
407: b8e1ba812a = 407: b8e1ba812a Add reciprocal re-clip button to "show less"
408: ddda286757 = 408: ddda286757 Add a bit more space between clipped content and clip buttons
409: 1036c9837f = 409: 1036c9837f Fix edit CF dropdown color for dark theme
410: 4c476bd27b = 410: 4c476bd27b Fix background color for current-value dark theme
411: 73b5ed1e20 = 411: 73b5ed1e20 Merge schema changes for Configurations table to avoid confusion
412: 4a415ef1ca = 412: 4a415ef1ca Add ShowEditSystemConfig option to disable EditConfig page
413: ecce5539b9 = 413: ecce5539b9 Test ShowEditSystemConfig option
414: 59f48f2f48 = 414: 59f48f2f48 Note web UI configuration in upgrading doc
415: fe23632cb7 = 415: fe23632cb7 Drop UpdateChecks and rename methods it calls for better clarification
416: aa4629b440 = 416: aa4629b440 Only delete the link related entries in rights/actions on link deletion
417: 4e0ebf89ce = 417: 4e0ebf89ce Update names in defaults/actions/rights instead of delete them on node update
418: 3c2775a654 = 418: 3c2775a654 Restrict inputs to ModifyLifecycle from to avoid possible conflicts
419: 44dcefb6a6 = 419: 44dcefb6a6 Update maps for status renaming on lifecycle modify page
420: a6c12e6bbc = 420: a6c12e6bbc Drop unused submit trigger in lifecycle UI
421: c59e4f154d = 421: c59e4f154d Allow extensions to add custom field groupings to queue defaults
422: 93d291dbe1 = 422: 93d291dbe1 Switch gearbox label to options on Ticket Display
423: 0b96decd17 = 423: 0b96decd17 Fix background colors for ckeditor darkmode
424: 09712d90a5 = 424: 09712d90a5 Fix borders for ckeditor darkmode
425: 4e84b0f2b0 = 425: 4e84b0f2b0 Fix toolbar text color for ckeditor darkmode
426: fc99f872f2 = 426: fc99f872f2 Fix toolbar icon color for ckeditor darkmode
427: 8347e64ca7 = 427: 8347e64ca7 Fix borders of styles/formats for ckeditor darkmode
428: 5bf216ba74 = 428: 5bf216ba74 Fix toolbar dropdown color for ckeditor darkmode
429: 7c4ef30ee6 = 429: 7c4ef30ee6 Drop jquery.event.hover-1.0.js
430: 1d8d664b5d = 430: 1d8d664b5d Fix colors in "More colors" modal for ckeditor darkmode
431: b3781ab70d = 431: b3781ab70d Fix main body font color for ckeditor darkmode
432: 7859f3e8bd = 432: 7859f3e8bd Tweak marker bg color to make marked text readable for ckeditor darkmode
433: e58d3d30f5 ! 433: 35a91a1276 Update id column in fulltextsearch table to BIGINT
@@ -5,20 +5,6 @@
Update id column in fulltextsearch index table to BIGINT for postgres
and mysql when creating in fulltext search setup script and upgrade
-diff --git a/docs/UPGRADING-5.0 b/docs/UPGRADING-5.0
---- a/docs/UPGRADING-5.0
-+++ b/docs/UPGRADING-5.0
- temporary copy of the table while running. If you don't have sufficient
- space, it can cause this step to fail.
-+You can skip this step by setting NoBigintUpgrade to 1 in the $FullTextSearch
-+section of your RT configuration.
- =back
- =head2 Notable Changes
diff --git a/etc/upgrade/4.5.8/content b/etc/upgrade/4.5.8/content
new file mode 100644
@@ -38,10 +24,6 @@
+ # check config to see if db type is applicable
+ my $db_type = RT->Config->Get('DatabaseType');
+ return unless ($db_type eq 'Pg' or $db_type eq 'mysql');
-+ # check we don't have a flag or config to not upgrade to bigint as the
-+ # size of tables could be large and users may want to do this as a seperate step
-+ return if ($fts_config->{'NoBigintUpgrade'} or $ENV{NO_BIGINT_UPGRADE});
+ my $dbh = RT->DatabaseHandle->dbh;
434: fb59da120c < ---: ------- Update fulltextsearch table to new utf8mb4 charset
435: 225b999635 = 434: f32e56725b Provide admin dbh to upgrade perl scripts
436: 762087b030 ! 435: 6950a615eb Update fulltextsearch table to new utf8mb4 charset
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
Author: Aaron Trevena <ast at bestpractical.com>
- Updated upgrade script for fulltextsearch tables
+ Update fulltextsearch table to new utf8mb4 charset
+ Add table encoding change for fulltextsearch table in
+ upgrade script for 4.5.7
Use RT::Handle admin dbh added to RT::Handle by rt-setup-database script
in content perl script to ensure we have permission to alter db tables
- Remove flag to skip upgrading the fulltextsearch table, and update
- documentation accordingly
diff --git a/docs/UPGRADING-5.0 b/docs/UPGRADING-5.0
--- a/docs/UPGRADING-5.0
+++ b/docs/UPGRADING-5.0
+ temporary copy of the table while running. If you don't have sufficient
+ space, it can cause this step to fail.
- If you have Fulltext searching enabled in mysql, mariadb or postgres this
- step can require a significantly large amount of disk space and you can skip
--this step for the fulltexts search index table by setting
--NoFulltextsearchTableUpgrade to 1 in the $FullTextSearch section of your
--RT configuration.
++If you have Fulltext searching enabled in mysql, mariadb or postgres this
++step can require a significantly large amount of disk space and you can skip
+this step for the fulltexts search index table by skipping the db upgrade in 4.5.8,
+i.e. run make upgrade-database twice, first to 4.5.7 then from 4.5.9
+ =head2 Notable Changes
diff --git a/etc/upgrade/4.5.8/content b/etc/upgrade/4.5.8/content
--- a/etc/upgrade/4.5.8/content
@@ -39,10 +39,6 @@
- return unless ($db_type eq 'Pg' or $db_type eq 'mysql');
+ return 1 unless ($db_type eq 'Pg' or $db_type eq 'mysql');
-- # check we don't have a flag or config to not upgrade to bigint as the
-- # size of tables could be large and users may want to do this as a seperate step
-- return if ($fts_config->{'NoFulltextsearchTableUpgrade'});
- my $dbh = RT->DatabaseHandle->dbh;
+ my $dbh = $RT::Handle::admin_dbh;
@@ -56,3 +52,12 @@
+ sub get_mysql_ddl_query {
+ my ($table) = @_;
+ }
+ sub table_exists {
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