[Rt-commit] rtir branch, 5.0/font-awesome-icon-links, repushed
Craig Kaiser
craig at bestpractical.com
Thu Jun 4 09:13:03 EDT 2020
The branch 5.0/font-awesome-icon-links was deleted and repushed:
was c6a3f7a747cec62243ef0731b7cc53b1958ab9c2
now a208c0fd0f322a89028b23daf2cf6bfd402ba509
1: 9378a6e9 = 1: 9378a6e9 Use font awesome icons for Incident display links
2: 99fecf6c = 2: 99fecf6c Migrate basics links to font awesome icons
3: fc1b005d = 3: fc1b005d Use font awesome icon for RTIR at a glance edit button
4: c6a3f7a7 ! 4: a208c0fd Update tests for font awesome icons
@@ -15,6 +15,19 @@
# Check that the desired incident occurs in the list of available incidents; if not, keep
+diff --git a/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t b/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t
+--- a/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t
++++ b/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t
+ );
+ $agent->display_ticket($incident_foo);
+-$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Launch', n => 2}, "Followed 'Launch' link");
++$agent->follow_link_ok({url_regex => qr(/RTIR/Create\.html\?Incident=\d+&Lifecycle=investigations)i}, "Followed 'Launch' link");
+ $agent->form_name('TicketCreate');
+ is($agent->value('Incident'), $incident_foo, 'Incident foo is checked');
+ $agent->field('Incident', $incident_bar);
diff --git a/t/custom-fields/defaults-on-linking.t b/t/custom-fields/defaults-on-linking.t
--- a/t/custom-fields/defaults-on-linking.t
+++ b/t/custom-fields/defaults-on-linking.t
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