[Rt-commit] rtir branch, 5.0/restore-incidents-and-investigations-on-create, created. 4.0.1rc1-145-g2f95e6da
Aaron Trevena
ast at bestpractical.com
Fri Jun 12 10:30:38 EDT 2020
The branch, 5.0/restore-incidents-and-investigations-on-create has been created
at 2f95e6da341f94eb57712070eb67eb1106a324db (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit fb4aafbec37a6c01ae7d38426e6f24077675904f
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon May 18 14:26:14 2020 -0500
Core RT::Extension::CreateIncidentAndInvestigation
This commit moves the RT::Extension::CreateIncidentAndInvestigation
extension back to core RTIR.
The code was removed in commit 5f72e57 due to complexity which has
since been solved by moving the dropdown to the create pages.
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html b/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
index a4ecd5a6..d8510d3f 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
+++ b/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
@@ -313,6 +313,19 @@ if ( $ChildObj && $ChildObj->id && !$ChildObj->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket
</div> <!-- end ticket-create-incident -->
+<div id="ticket-create-investigation">
+<a name="investigation"></a>
+<& /RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create,
+ %ARGS,
+ NamePrefix => 'Investigation',
+ QueueObj => $InvestigationsQueueObj,
+ Lifecycle => RT::IR->lifecycle_investigation,
+ Constituency => $constituency,
+ SkipField => { Owner => 1, Attachments => 1, DateFields => 1 },
+ IncludeSignature => (exists $ARGS{'InvestigationContent'} ? 0 : 1),
% $m->callback( CallbackName => 'FormEnd', QueueObj => $QueueObj, Constituency => $constituency,
% ChildObj => $ChildObj, SplitObj => $SplitObj, ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
@@ -400,6 +413,12 @@ if (!$QueueObj->Name) {
Abort( loc("Queue '[_1]' could not be loaded.", $queue) );
+# Load appropriate Investigations queue
+my $InvestigationsQueue = 'Investigations' . ( $constituency ? ' - ' . $constituency : '' );
+my $InvestigationsQueueObj = RT::Queue->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+my ($ret, $msg) = $InvestigationsQueueObj->Load( $InvestigationsQueue );
+RT->Logger->error("Unable to load $InvestigationsQueue : $msg") unless $ret;
if( !RT::IR->IsIncidentQueue($QueueObj) ) {
RT::Interface::Web::Redirect(RT::IR->HREFTo( '/Create.html?' . $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', %ARGS )));
@@ -450,6 +469,23 @@ if ( $CreateIncident ) {
+if ( $CreateWithInvestigation ) {
+ $checks_failure += RT::IR->FilterRTAddresses(
+ ARGSRef => \%ARGS,
+ Fields => {
+ InvestigationRequestors => 'Requestor',
+ InvestigationCc => 'Cc',
+ InvestigationAdminCc => 'AdminCc',
+ },
+ results => @results,
+ );
+if ( $CreateWithInvestigation && !$InvestigationRequestors ) {
+ push @results, loc( "You must enter a correspondent for the investigation" );
+ $checks_failure = 1;
$m->callback( CallbackName => 'BeforeCreateRedirect', ARGSRef => \%ARGS,
Child => $ChildObj, results => \@results, checks_failure => \$checks_failure );
@@ -465,6 +501,26 @@ if ( !$checks_failure && $CreateIncident ) {
push @results, @tmp;
if( $inc_obj ) {
+ my $inv_obj;
+ if ( $CreateWithInvestigation ) {
+ my (@tmp);
+ ($inv_obj, @tmp) = $m->comp(
+ '/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create:Process',
+ %ARGS,
+ NamePrefix => 'Investigation',
+ DefaultsNamePrefix => '',
+ );
+ push @results, @tmp;
+ if ( $inv_obj ) {
+ my($id, $msg) = $inv_obj->AddLink(
+ Type => 'MemberOf',
+ Target => $inc_obj->id
+ );
+ #XXX: correct message on success
+ push @results, $msg if !$id || $msg;
+ }
+ }
$m->callback(CallbackName => 'BeforeDisplay', ARGSRef => \%ARGS, Child => $ChildObj, TicketObj => $inc_obj,
results => \@results );
@@ -506,7 +562,9 @@ unless ( exists $ARGS{'Content'} ) {
$Title => loc("Create a new Incident")
$QuoteTransaction => undef
-$CreateIncident => 0
+$CreateWithInvestigation => 0
+$CreateIncident => $CreateWithInvestigation
+$InvestigationRequestors => 0
$Split => undef
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create b/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
index 69d5680b..351668c1 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
+++ b/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
@@ -212,6 +212,13 @@ email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></font></i
% }
+<& /Elements/Submit,
+ Name => 'CreateWithInvestigation',
+ Label => loc("Create Incident and run Investigation"),
+ SubmitId => 'create-ticket-with-investigation'
% $m->callback( CallbackName => 'AfterTable', ARGSRef => \%ARGS, TicketObj => $ticket,
% QueueObj => $QueueObj, DefaultsFrom => $TicketObj );
commit 6b6ff8c147972dc52180229706562140c2b1cdf7
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon May 18 19:05:39 2020 -0500
Migrate Investigation/Elements/Create to elevator themes
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create b/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
index 351668c1..f0cb7d37 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
+++ b/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
@@ -50,60 +50,95 @@
<div class="ticket-create-basics">
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Basics"), class => 'ticket-info-basics' &>
-<table width="100%" border="0">
-% if($Constituency) {
-<tr class="constituency">
- <td class="label"><%loc('Constituency') %>:</td>
- <td><% $Constituency %></td>
+% if ($Constituency) {
+ <div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-3">
+ <% loc('Constituency') %>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <span class="current-value"><% $Constituency %></span>
+ </div>
+ </div>
% }
-<tr class="queue">
- <td class="label"><&|/l&>Queue</&>:</td>
- <td>
+ <div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-3">
+ <&|/l&>Queue</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
<& /Ticket/Elements/ShowQueue, QueueObj => $QueueObj &>
- </td>
+ </div>
+ </div>
% unless ( $SkipField{'Owner'} || $HideField{'Owner'} ) {
- <td class="label"><&|/l&>Owner</&>:</td>
- <td class="value"><& /Elements/SelectOwner,
- Name => $NamePrefix ."Owner",
- QueueObj => $QueueObj,
- Default => $value_cb->('Owner') || $session{'CurrentUser'}->Id,
+ <div class="form-row owner">
+ <div class="label col-3">
+ <&|/l&>Owner</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <& /Elements/SelectOwner,
+ Name => $NamePrefix ."Owner",
+ QueueObj => $QueueObj,
+ Default => $value_cb->('Owner') || $session{'CurrentUser'}->Id,
+ &>
+ </div>
+ </div>
% }
% unless ( $SkipField{'TimeFields'} ) {
-<tr class="time-worked">
- <td class="label"><&|/l&>Time Worked</&>:</td>
- <td class="value"><& /Elements/EditTimeValue,
- Name => $NamePrefix .'TimeWorked',
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-3">
+ <&|/l&>Time Worked</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <& /Elements/EditTimeValue,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'TimeWorked',
Default => $value_cb->('TimeWorked') || '',
- &></td>
- </tr>
-<tr class="time-left">
- <td class="label"><&|/l&>Time Left</&>:</td>
- <td class="value"><& /Elements/EditTimeValue,
- Name => $NamePrefix .'TimeLeft',
+ &>
+ </div>
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-3">
+ <&|/l&>Time Left</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <& /Elements/EditTimeValue,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'TimeLeft',
Default => $value_cb->('TimeLeft') || '',
- &></td>
+ &>
+ </div>
% }
% unless ( $SkipField{'DateFields'} ) {
-<tr><td> </td><td valign="top"><&| /Widgets/TitleBox,
- title => loc("Dates"),
- class=> 'ticket-info-dates',
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Starts</&>:</td>
-<td class="value"><& /Elements/SelectDate, Name => $NamePrefix .'Starts', Default => $value_cb->('Starts') || '' &></td></tr>
+<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Dates"), class => 'ticket-info-dates' &>
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-3">
+ <&|/l&>Starts</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <& /Elements/SelectDate,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Starts',
+ Default => $value_cb->('Starts') || '',
+ &>
+ </div>
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Due</&>:</td>
-<td class="value"><& /Elements/SelectDate, Name => $NamePrefix .'Due', Default => $value_cb->('Due') || '' &></td></tr>
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-3">
+ <&|/l&>Due</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <& /Elements/SelectDate,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Due',
+ Default => $value_cb->('Due') || '',
+ &>
+ </div>
% }
% if ( ($QueueObj || $TicketObj) && !$SkipField{'CustomFields'} ) {
@@ -118,7 +153,7 @@
% }
% if ( ($QueueObj || $TicketObj) && !$SkipField{'CustomFields'} ) {
<& /Elements/EditCustomFieldCustomGroupings,
@@ -134,90 +169,141 @@
<div class="ticket-create-details">
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox,
- title => loc("Launch Investigation"),
+ title => loc("Launch a new investigation"),
class => 'ticket-info-message',
-<table width="100%" border="0">
% unless ( $SkipField{'Requestors'} || $HideField{'Requestors'} ) {
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Correspondents</&>:</td>
-<td class="value"><& /Elements/EmailInput,
- Name => $NamePrefix .'Requestors', Default => $value_cb->('Requestors'), Size => undef,
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-2">
+ <&|/l&>Correspondents</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <& /Elements/EmailInput,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Requestors',
+ Default => $value_cb->('Requestors'),
+ Size => undef,
+ &>
+ </div>
% $m->callback( CallbackName => 'AfterRequestors', ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
% }
% unless ( $SkipField{'Cc'} || $HideField{'Cc'} ) {
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Cc</&>:</td>
-<td class="value"><& /Elements/EmailInput,
- Name => $NamePrefix .'Cc', Default => $value_cb->('Cc'), Size => undef,
-<tr><td> </td><td class="comment">
-<i><font size="-2"><&|/l&>(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of
-email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></font></i>
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-2">
+ <&|/l&>Cc</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <& /Elements/EmailInput,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Cc',
+ Default => $value_cb->('Cc'),
+ Size => undef,
+ &>
+ </div>
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-2"></div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <i><&|/l&>(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></i>
+ </div>
% }
% unless ( $SkipField{'AdminCc'} && $HideField{'AdminCc'} ) {
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Admin Cc</&>:</td>
-<td class="value"><& /Elements/EmailInput,
- Name => $NamePrefix .'AdminCc', Default => $value_cb->('AdminCc'), Size => undef,
-<tr><td> </td><td class="comment">
-<i><font size="-2"><&|/l&>(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of administrative
-email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></font></i>
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-2">
+ <&|/l&>Admin Cc</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <& /Elements/EmailInput,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'AdminCc',
+ Default => $value_cb->('AdminCc'),
+ Size => undef,
+ &>
+ </div>
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-2"></div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <i><&|/l&>(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of administrative email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></i>
+ </div>
% }
% unless ( $SkipField{'Subject'} || $HideField{'Subject'} ) {
-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Subject</&>:</td>
-<td class="value">
-<input type="text" name="<% $NamePrefix %>Subject" size="60" maxsize="100" value="<% $value_cb->('Subject') %>" />
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="form-group label col-2">
+ <&|/l&>Subject</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="form-group value col-9">
+ <input class="form-control" type="text" name="<% $NamePrefix %>Subject" value="<% $value_cb->('Subject') %>" />
+ </div>
% }
% if ( !$SkipField{'SignEncrypt'} && RT->Config->Get('GnuPG')->{'Enable'} ) {
-<tr><td> </td><td>
-<% loc('Sign')%> <& /Widgets/Form/Boolean:InputOnly,
- Name => $NamePrefix .'Sign',
- CurrentValue => $ARGS{ $NamePrefix .'Sign' },
-<% loc('Encrypt')%> <& /Widgets/Form/Boolean:InputOnly,
- Name => $NamePrefix .'Encrypt',
- CurrentValue => $ARGS{ $NamePrefix .'Encrypt' },
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-2">
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <div>
+ <% loc('Sign')%>
+ <& /Widgets/Form/Boolean:InputOnly,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Sign',
+ CurrentValue => $ARGS{ $NamePrefix . 'Sign' },
+ &>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <% loc('Encrypt')%>
+ <& /Widgets/Form/Boolean:InputOnly,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Encrypt',
+ CurrentValue => $ARGS{ $NamePrefix . 'Encrypt' },
+ &>
+ </div>
+ </div>
% }
% unless ( $SkipField{'Content'} || $HideField{'Content'} ) {
-<tr><td class="labeltop"><&|/l&>Message</&>:</td>
+<div class="form-group">
% if ( RT->Config->Get('ArticleOnTicketCreate')) {
-<& /Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox, %ARGS, QueueObj => $QueueObj, MessageBoxName => $NamePrefix .'Content' &>
+ <& /Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox,
+ %ARGS,
+ QueueObj => $QueueObj,
+ MessageBoxName => $NamePrefix . 'Content',
+ &>
% }
-% $m->callback( %ARGS, MessageBoxName => $NamePrefix .'Content',
+% $m->callback( %ARGS, MessageBoxName => $NamePrefix . 'Content',
% CallbackPage => '/Ticket/Create.html', CallbackName => 'BeforeMessageBox' );
% my $content = $value_cb->('Content');
-<& /Elements/MessageBox,
- Name => $NamePrefix .'Content',
- Default => $content,
- IncludeSignature => exists $ARGS{'IncludeSignature'} ? $ARGS{'IncludeSignature'} : !$content,
- QuoteTransaction => $value_cb->('QuoteTransaction'),
+ <& /Elements/MessageBox,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Content',
+ Default => $content,
+ IncludeSignature => exists $ARGS{'IncludeSignature'} ? $ARGS{'IncludeSignature'} : !$content,
+ QuoteTransaction => $value_cb->('QuoteTransaction'),
+ &>
% }
% unless ( $SkipField{'Attachments'} ) {
<& /RTIR/Create.html:AttachmentsForm &>
% }
-<& /Elements/Submit,
- Name => 'CreateWithInvestigation',
- Label => loc("Create Incident and run Investigation"),
- SubmitId => 'create-ticket-with-investigation'
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="col-12">
+ <& /Elements/Submit,
+ Name => 'CreateWithInvestigation',
+ Label => loc("Create Incident and run Investigation"),
+ SubmitId => 'create-ticket-with-investigation'
+ &>
+ </div>
% $m->callback( CallbackName => 'AfterTable', ARGSRef => \%ARGS, TicketObj => $ticket,
% QueueObj => $QueueObj, DefaultsFrom => $TicketObj );
commit 7ac8ea18e239f934eb998a0fef64237b5e74c7e3
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed May 20 17:47:16 2020 -0500
Replace Cc and AdminCc helper text with tooltips
This commit replaces the Cc and AdminCc helper text on the
create investigation element with fontawesome icons and
bootstrap tooltips.
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create b/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
index f0cb7d37..c918b87a 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
+++ b/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@
<div class="form-row">
<div class="label col-2">
+ <span class="far fa-question-circle icon-helper" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="<&|/l&>Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of email addresses. These people will receive future updates.</&>"></span>
<div class="value col-9">
<& /Elements/EmailInput,
@@ -202,19 +203,13 @@
-<div class="form-row">
- <div class="label col-2"></div>
- <div class="value col-9">
- <i><&|/l&>(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></i>
- </div>
% }
% unless ( $SkipField{'AdminCc'} && $HideField{'AdminCc'} ) {
<div class="form-row">
<div class="label col-2">
<&|/l&>Admin Cc</&>:
+ <span class="far fa-question-circle icon-helper" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" data-original-title="<&|/l&>Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of administrative email addresses. These people will receive future updates.</&>"></span>
<div class="value col-9">
<& /Elements/EmailInput,
@@ -224,13 +219,6 @@
-<div class="form-row">
- <div class="label col-2"></div>
- <div class="value col-9">
- <i><&|/l&>(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of administrative email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></i>
- </div>
% }
% unless ( $SkipField{'Subject'} || $HideField{'Subject'} ) {
commit cf010fd38398dccd6869339a2dd5283e07c5a1ae
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Thu May 21 18:25:48 2020 -0500
Allow investigation queue to be selected
This commit updates the investigation on create element to allow
changing the investigation queue. Prior to this the queue was
tied to the selected incident and couldn't be changed.
Both selected incident and selected investigation now persist
through the reload by reading the InvestigationQueue arg on post.
If the user can't load the Queue then load one they can
SeeQueue and CreateTicket for.
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html b/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
index d8510d3f..5a9fb168 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
+++ b/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
@@ -414,10 +414,31 @@ Abort( loc("Queue '[_1]' could not be loaded.", $queue) );
# Load appropriate Investigations queue
-my $InvestigationsQueue = 'Investigations' . ( $constituency ? ' - ' . $constituency : '' );
+my $InvestigationsQueue = $ARGS{InvestigationQueue} || 'Investigations' . ( $constituency ? ' - ' . $constituency : '' );
my $InvestigationsQueueObj = RT::Queue->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
-my ($ret, $msg) = $InvestigationsQueueObj->Load( $InvestigationsQueue );
-RT->Logger->error("Unable to load $InvestigationsQueue : $msg") unless $ret;
+$InvestigationsQueueObj->Load( $InvestigationsQueue );
+# Users limited by constituency may not be able to use the queue provided or selected
+# Look up what queue the user has SeeQueue and CreateTicket for and use that instead.
+unless ( $InvestigationsQueueObj->Name ) {
+ RT->Logger->debug( "Investigation Queue '$InvestigationsQueue' could not be loaded for user " . $session{'CurrentUser'}->Id . "." );
+ my $investigation_queues = RT::Queues->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
+ $investigation_queues->Limit(
+ FIELD => 'Lifecycle',
+ OPERATOR => '=',
+ VALUE => RT::IR->lifecycle_investigation,
+ );
+ while (my $object = $investigation_queues->Next) {
+ # Ensure the user can CreateTicket in the queue
+ next unless $session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Object => $object, Right => 'CreateTicket' );
+ $InvestigationsQueueObj = $object;
+ last;
+ }
if( !RT::IR->IsIncidentQueue($QueueObj) ) {
RT::Interface::Web::Redirect(RT::IR->HREFTo( '/Create.html?' . $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', %ARGS )));
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create b/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
index c918b87a..fd38ecfa 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
+++ b/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
@@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
<input type="hidden" name="<% $NamePrefix %>Status" value="<% $ARGS{ $NamePrefix .'Status' } || $QueueObj->LifecycleObj->DefaultOnCreate %>" />
-<input type="hidden" class="hidden" name="<% $NamePrefix %>Queue" value="<% $QueueObj->Id %>" />
<div class="ticket-create-basics">
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox, title => loc("Basics"), class => 'ticket-info-basics' &>
@@ -67,7 +66,14 @@
<div class="value col-9">
- <& /Ticket/Elements/ShowQueue, QueueObj => $QueueObj &>
+ <& /RTIR/Elements/SelectRTIRQueue,
+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Queue',
+ Default => $QueueObj->Name,
+ Lifecycle => $QueueObj->Lifecycle,
+ AutoSubmit => 1,
+ ShowNullOption => 0,
+ Constituency => $Constituency
+ &>
commit 2f95e6da341f94eb57712070eb67eb1106a324db
Author: Aaron Trevena <ast at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon Jun 8 18:51:06 2020 +0100
Reinstate "Incident"/"Launch Investigation" page menu
Reinstated tabbed switching view between incident and investigation
Fixed passing results to FilterRTAddresses as array when should be arrayref
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html b/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
index 5a9fb168..2948e018 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
+++ b/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
<& /RTIR/Elements/Header,
Title => $Title,
+ onload => "function () { hide('ticket-create-investigation') }",
<& /Elements/Tabs &>
@@ -418,7 +419,7 @@ my $InvestigationsQueue = $ARGS{InvestigationQueue} || 'Investigations' . ( $con
my $InvestigationsQueueObj = RT::Queue->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
$InvestigationsQueueObj->Load( $InvestigationsQueue );
-# Users limited by constituency may not be able to use the queue provided or selected
+# Users limited by constituency may not be able to use the default or specified investigations queue
# Look up what queue the user has SeeQueue and CreateTicket for and use that instead.
unless ( $InvestigationsQueueObj->Name ) {
RT->Logger->debug( "Investigation Queue '$InvestigationsQueue' could not be loaded for user " . $session{'CurrentUser'}->Id . "." );
@@ -498,7 +499,7 @@ if ( $CreateWithInvestigation ) {
InvestigationCc => 'Cc',
InvestigationAdminCc => 'AdminCc',
- results => @results,
+ results => \@results,
@@ -561,6 +562,21 @@ else {
$SubmitLabel = loc('Create');
+ incident => raw_html =>
+ q{<a href="#incident"}
+ . q{onclick="return switchVisibility('ticket-create-incident','ticket-create-investigation');"}
+ . q{>} . loc('Incident') . q{</a>}
+ );
+ investigation => raw_html =>
+ q[<a href="#investigation"]
+ . q[ onclick="return switchVisibility('ticket-create-investigation','ticket-create-incident');"]
+ . q[>] . loc('Launch Investigation') . q[</a>]
+ );
unless ( exists $ARGS{'Content'} ) {
my $Transactions;
if ( $SplitObj ) {
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