[Rt-commit] rtir branch, 4.2/restore-previous-menu-2, updated. 4.0.1rc1-131-gee5365ee
Blaine Motsinger
blaine at bestpractical.com
Wed May 13 20:50:55 EDT 2020
The branch, 4.2/restore-previous-menu-2 has been updated
via ee5365eeb3bd124bfd0361705cd7c781349c79fc (commit)
via ebf3062677277a05508008f967ca5d6262d1d9d1 (commit)
via 7a2d48949324b51d9a8a1e5de0fa613bfb1c456c (commit)
via 92ae79de1d495951ca7f8ffac8703081ca0c101e (commit)
via 578343e7ad85b1668450c60904e3b75332d39233 (commit)
via 3d0fbecbc12e08425d73e6e61cd300f98a0032e9 (commit)
via 737e6174da5fb3c6f2890c616aedbcba47e539b1 (commit)
via e8c544492ec80a654d04ea09a7b1d86b3f283b4d (commit)
from d8d63ae75e92d5fcd31299a5fa831e5ce9bf558c (commit)
Summary of changes:
docs/UPGRADING-5.0 | 12 +++
html/RTIR/Create.html | 49 +++++----
html/RTIR/CreateInQueue.html | 1 +
html/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal | 49 ---------
html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html | 16 ++-
lib/RT/IR.pm | 1 -
lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm | 19 +---
static/js/rtir.js | 75 --------------
t/009-attachments-processing.t | 10 +-
t/020-incident-and-investigation.t | 1 -
t/constituency/modal.t | 164 -------------------------------
t/constituency/queue_select.t | 164 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
t/custom-fields/defaults-on-linking.t | 1 -
t/incident/split.t | 1 -
14 files changed, 225 insertions(+), 338 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 html/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal
delete mode 100644 static/js/rtir.js
delete mode 100644 t/constituency/modal.t
create mode 100644 t/constituency/queue_select.t
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit e8c544492ec80a654d04ea09a7b1d86b3f283b4d
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri May 8 18:35:10 2020 -0500
Fix form name for creating tickets in tests
diff --git a/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm b/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm
index 36c9e7fc..763a882d 100644
--- a/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm
@@ -405,7 +405,7 @@ sub click_through_createinqueue
$args{fields} = { Queue => $queue } if $queue;
- form_id => 'CreateInQueue',
+ form_id => 'CreateTicketInQueue',
commit 737e6174da5fb3c6f2890c616aedbcba47e539b1
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Fri May 8 19:06:03 2020 -0500
Remove unneeded method call to fix tests
The additional steps performed by click_through_createinqueue are
no longer needed since tickets are now created directly through
the ticket create page.
diff --git a/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm b/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm
index 763a882d..fb21de65 100644
--- a/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm
@@ -149,7 +149,6 @@ sub create_incident_for_ir {
# Select the "New" link from the Display page
$self->follow_link_ok({id => 'create-incident'}, "Followed 'New (Incident)' link")
or Test::More::diag $self->content;
- $self->click_through_createinqueue;
diff --git a/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t b/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t
index 1e04b5d6..eabd3bf7 100755
--- a/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t
+++ b/t/020-incident-and-investigation.t
@@ -72,7 +72,6 @@ my $incident_bar = $agent->create_incident(
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => 'Launch', n => 2}, "Followed 'Launch' link");
is($agent->value('Incident'), $incident_foo, 'Incident foo is checked');
$agent->field('Incident', $incident_bar);
diff --git a/t/custom-fields/defaults-on-linking.t b/t/custom-fields/defaults-on-linking.t
index 37d12c32..5392643d 100644
--- a/t/custom-fields/defaults-on-linking.t
+++ b/t/custom-fields/defaults-on-linking.t
@@ -55,7 +55,6 @@ my $agent = default_agent();
$agent->display_ticket( $ir_id );
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => "New"}, "Followed 'New (Incident)' link")
or diag $agent->content;
- $agent->click_through_createinqueue;
my $input = $agent->custom_field_input( 'Incidents', $cf_name );
diff --git a/t/incident/split.t b/t/incident/split.t
index 8e8e313f..bd1b6a53 100644
--- a/t/incident/split.t
+++ b/t/incident/split.t
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ my $rtir_user = rtir_user();
ok ($new_id, "Ticket created successfully: #$new_id.");
$agent->follow_link_ok({text => "Launch", n => 2 }, "Followed link");
- $agent->click_through_createinqueue;
$agent->field('Requestors', $rtir_user->EmailAddress);
commit 3d0fbecbc12e08425d73e6e61cd300f98a0032e9
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Mon May 11 13:29:18 2020 -0500
Fix test regex for file link names
diff --git a/t/009-attachments-processing.t b/t/009-attachments-processing.t
index c8c6796d..70e7ea24 100644
--- a/t/009-attachments-processing.t
+++ b/t/009-attachments-processing.t
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ $agent->goto_create_rtir_ticket('Incident Reports');
my $attachment_link = $agent->find_link(
tag => 'a',
url_regex => qr/\Q$filename/,
- text => '',
+ text_regex => qr/\Q$filename/,
ok($attachment_link, "has link to attachment");
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ $agent->goto_create_rtir_ticket('Incident Reports');
my @links = $agent->find_all_links(
tag => 'a',
url_regex => qr/(?:\Q$fn1\E|\Q$fn2\E)/,
- text => '',
+ text_regex => qr/(?:\Q$fn1\E|\Q$fn2\E)/,
is( scalar @links, 2, "has link to two attachments");
unlink $fn1 or die "couldn't delete file '$fn1': $!";
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ SKIP: {
my $attachment_link = $agent->find_link(
tag => 'a',
url_regex => qr/\Q$filename/,
- text => '',
+ text_regex => qr/\Q$filename/,
ok(!$attachment_link, "no link to attachment");
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ $agent->goto_create_rtir_ticket('Countermeasures');
my $attachment_link = $agent->find_link(
tag => 'a',
url_regex => qr/\Q$filename/,
- text => '',
+ text_regex => qr/\Q$filename/,
ok($attachment_link, "has link to attachment");
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ $agent->goto_create_rtir_ticket('Countermeasures');
my $attachment_link = $agent->find_link(
tag => 'a',
url_regex => qr/\Q$filename/,
- text => '',
+ text_regex => qr/\Q$filename/,
ok($attachment_link, "has link to attachment");
commit 578343e7ad85b1668450c60904e3b75332d39233
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed May 13 18:54:04 2020 -0500
Remove CreateInQueue modal element and JS
RTIR is linking directly to the Create.html pages and no longer
using the modal.
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal b/html/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal
deleted file mode 100644
index e8d38960..00000000
--- a/html/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
-%# This software is Copyright (c) 1996-2018 Best Practical Solutions, LLC
-%# <sales at bestpractical.com>
-%# (Except where explicitly superseded by other copyright notices)
-%# This work is made available to you under the terms of Version 2 of
-%# the GNU General Public License. A copy of that license should have
-%# been provided with this software, but in any event can be snarfed
-%# from www.gnu.org.
-%# This work is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-%# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-%# General Public License for more details.
-%# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-%# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-%# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-%# 02110-1301 or visit their web page on the internet at
-%# http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html.
-%# (The following paragraph is not intended to limit the rights granted
-%# to you to modify and distribute this software under the terms of
-%# the GNU General Public License and is only of importance to you if
-%# you choose to contribute your changes and enhancements to the
-%# community by submitting them to Best Practical Solutions, LLC.)
-%# By intentionally submitting any modifications, corrections or
-%# derivatives to this work, or any other work intended for use with
-%# Request Tracker, to Best Practical Solutions, LLC, you confirm that
-%# you are the copyright holder for those contributions and you grant
-%# Best Practical Solutions, LLC a nonexclusive, worldwide, irrevocable,
-%# royalty-free, perpetual, license to use, copy, create derivative
-%# works based on those contributions, and sublicense and distribute
-%# those contributions and any derivatives thereof.
-<& /RTIR/Elements/CreateInRTIRQueueModal, %ARGS &>
-% $m->abort;
diff --git a/lib/RT/IR.pm b/lib/RT/IR.pm
index 7459e6e8..415dbb4e 100644
--- a/lib/RT/IR.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/IR.pm
@@ -135,7 +135,6 @@ use Parse::BooleanLogic;
my $ticket_sql_parser = Parse::BooleanLogic->new;
RT->AddStyleSheets( 'rtir-styles.css' );
# Add the RTIR search result page to the whitelist to allow
diff --git a/static/js/rtir.js b/static/js/rtir.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 92616cb0..00000000
--- a/static/js/rtir.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-jQuery(function() {
- var getQueryString = function(element) {
- var href = jQuery(element).attr('href');
- if (!href) return '';
- var questionMarkIndex = href.indexOf('?');
- if (!questionMarkIndex) return '';
- return href.substring(questionMarkIndex+1);
- };
- var showModal = function(lifecycle, triggeringObject) {
- var queryString = getQueryString(triggeringObject);
- var constituency = '';
- var uri = window.location.href.split('/');
- for (var i = 0; i < uri.length; i++) {
- if (uri[i] === 'c') {
- constituency = '/c/' + uri[i+1];
- break;
- }
- }
- jQuery.get(
- RT.Config.WebHomePath + '/RTIR' + constituency + '/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=' + lifecycle + '&' + queryString,
- function(html) {
- // If there's only one queue, just create a ticket in it and skip the modal
- var queues = jQuery(html).find("select[name='Queue'] > option");
- if (queues.length === 1) {
- window.location.href = RT.Config .WebHomePath + '/RTIR/Create.html?Queue=' + queues.first().val() + '&' + queryString;
- return;
- }
- var modal = jQuery("<div class='modal'></div>");
- modal.append(html).appendTo("body");
- modal.bind('modal:close', function(ev) { modal.remove(); })
- modal.on('hide.bs.modal', function(ev) { modal.remove(); })
- modal.modal('show');
- // We need to refresh the select picker plugin on AJAX calls
- // since the plugin only runs on page load.
- jQuery('.selectpicker').selectpicker('refresh');
- }
- );
- };
- var showReportsModal = function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- showModal('incident_reports', this);
- };
- var showInvestigationsModal = function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- showModal('investigations', this);
- };
- var showCountermeasuresModal = function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- showModal('countermeasures', this);
- };
- var showIncidentsModal = function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- showModal('incidents', this);
- };
- jQuery('body').on('click', '#reports-create', showReportsModal);
- jQuery('body').on('click', '#investigations-launch', showInvestigationsModal);
- jQuery('body').on('click', '#countermeasures-create', showCountermeasuresModal);
- jQuery('body').on('click', '#incidents-create', showIncidentsModal);
- jQuery('body').on('click', '#create-incident', showIncidentsModal);
- jQuery('body').on('click', '.create_child_incidents', showIncidentsModal);
- jQuery('body').on('click', '.create_child_incident_reports', showReportsModal);
- jQuery('body').on('click', '.create_child_investigations', showInvestigationsModal);
- jQuery('body').on('click', '.create_child_countermeasures', showCountermeasuresModal);
commit 92ae79de1d495951ca7f8ffac8703081ca0c101e
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed May 13 18:58:03 2020 -0500
Add deprecated warning to CreateInQueue.html
For users linking directly to CreateInQueue.html a deprecated
warning and entry to UPGRADING-5.0 has been added with instructions
to switch to the Create.html pages.
diff --git a/docs/UPGRADING-5.0 b/docs/UPGRADING-5.0
index e4e5d081..6d16f9cb 100644
--- a/docs/UPGRADING-5.0
+++ b/docs/UPGRADING-5.0
@@ -17,6 +17,18 @@ to add for each queue. This change made it harder to access the
default RT menus, so we have reverted to the previous configuration
with a single RTIR menu item containing relevant links.
+=item *
+To align with RT's create pages we removed the modal to select queue
+before the create page and now give users the option to select
+queue directly on create. CreateInQueue.html still remains available
+incase users are linking directly to it but now logs a deprecated
+warning when accessed.
+CreateInQueue.html will be removed in a future version of RTIR.
+Please update any links directly accessing CreateInQueue.html to
+instead link to RTIR/Create.html or RTIR/Incident/RTIR/Create.html.
diff --git a/html/RTIR/CreateInQueue.html b/html/RTIR/CreateInQueue.html
index 77571253..08b6dd8a 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/CreateInQueue.html
+++ b/html/RTIR/CreateInQueue.html
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
<& /RTIR/Elements/CreateInRTIRQueue, %ARGS &>
+RT->Logger->warning( "CreateInQueue.html has been deprecated. See RTIR's docs/UPGRADING-5.0 for more information." );
$ARGS{ticket_type} = RT::IR::TicketType( Lifecycle => $Lifecycle );
my $title = "Select Queue for New $ARGS{ticket_type}";
commit 7a2d48949324b51d9a8a1e5de0fa613bfb1c456c
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed May 13 19:08:17 2020 -0500
Fix default queue and queue select on create pages
If the Queue arg is not defined, RT's GetDefaultQueue sub was
returning a queue not correctly scoped to the current user which
lead to an Abort for unable to load queue.
This commit modifies the Create.html pages to get a default queue
limited to the Lifecycle arg or RTIR Lifecycles for the current
This commit also modifies the SelectRTIRQueue dropdown to limit
based on constituency.
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Create.html b/html/RTIR/Create.html
index 19e246d8..6d09fe27 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Create.html
+++ b/html/RTIR/Create.html
@@ -110,6 +110,8 @@
Default => $Queue,
ShowNullOption => 0,
AutoSubmit => 1,
+ LimitToConstituency => (( $constituency || RT::IR->StrictConstituencyLinking ) ? 1 : 0 ),
+ Constituency => $constituency,
@@ -392,36 +394,45 @@
# Make sure even a single checkbox value becomes an arrayref
$ARGS{'SkipNotification'} = \@SkipNotification;
-# XXX TODO remove this code that maps lifecycles to queues
-if ($Lifecycle && ! $Queue) {
- $Queue=ucfirst($Lifecycle);
- $Queue=~ s/_r/ R/;
- $ARGS{'Queue'} = $Queue;
my $constituency = $m->{'RTIR_ConstituencyFilter'};
my %CFDefaults;
CallbackName => 'Init', CallbackPage => '/Ticket/Create.html',
ARGSRef => \%ARGS,
-# Use default queue from config site or user prefs if none provided
+# If the Queue is not passed in as an ARG go get and set the default queue from the queues the user can CreateTicket.
+# For constituency users without access to the default RTIR queues we need to specifically check and limit else we
+# Abort below when we attempt to load the default queue as the user.
+# For creating tickets through the main navigation links, no Queue ARG is passed because we don't come from a context
+# where it would be known.
unless ($Queue) {
- $Queue = GetDefaultQueue();
+ my $collection = RT::Queues->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
-# pick first in list in normal order unless queue provided from form/url/defaults
-unless ($Queue) {
- my $cache_key = SetObjectSessionCache(
- ObjectType => 'Queue',
- CheckRight => 'CreateTicket',
- CacheNeedsUpdate => RT->System->QueueCacheNeedsUpdate,
- );
+ # RT::Queues::AddRecord verifies the user has 'SeeQueue', so we don't
+ # need to specifically test for that in the while loop below.
+ if ($Lifecycle) {
+ $collection->Limit(FIELD => 'Lifecycle', VALUE => $Lifecycle);
+ }
+ else {
+ $collection->Limit(
+ FIELD => 'Lifecycle',
+ VALUE => [RT::IR->Lifecycles],
+ );
+ }
- $Queue = $session{$cache_key}{objects}[0]->{Id};
+ while (my $object = $collection->Next) {
+ # Ensure the user can CreateTicket in the queue.
+ if ($session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Object => $object, Right => 'CreateTicket' )) {
+ # We only need the first one here, no need to parse them all.
+ if ($object->Id) {
+ $Queue = $object->Id;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
$session{DefaultQueue} = $Queue;
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html b/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
index 5e587e28..8d6c4c2f 100644
--- a/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
+++ b/html/RTIR/Incident/Create.html
@@ -130,7 +130,8 @@ if ( $ChildObj && $ChildObj->id && !$ChildObj->CurrentUserHasRight('ModifyTicket
<div class="value col-md-9">
- <& /RTIR/Elements/SelectRTIRQueue, Name => "Queue", Default => $queue, AutoSubmit => 1, ShowNullOption => 0 &>
+ <& /RTIR/Elements/SelectRTIRQueue, Name => "Queue", Default => $queue, AutoSubmit => 1, ShowNullOption => 0,
+ LimitToConstituency => (( $constituency || RT::IR->StrictConstituencyLinking ) ? 1 : 0 ), Constituency => $constituency, &>
<div class="form-row">
@@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ for my $related_ticket ($ChildObj, $SplitObj) {
# Load the first Incident queue if none is provided
my $queue = $ARGS{'Queue'};
unless ( $queue ) {
- my $queues = RT::Queues->new( RT->SystemUser );
+ my $queues = RT::Queues->new($session{'CurrentUser'});
FIELD => 'Lifecycle',
@@ -374,8 +375,15 @@ unless ( $queue ) {
VALUE => RT::IR->lifecycle_incident,
- if ( my $first_queue = $queues->First ) {
- $queue = $first_queue->Id;
+ while (my $object = $queues->Next) {
+ # Ensure the user can CreateTicket in the queue.
+ if ($session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Object => $object, Right => 'CreateTicket' )) {
+ # We only need the first one here, no need to parse them all.
+ if ($object->Id) {
+ $queue = $object->Id;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
commit ebf3062677277a05508008f967ca5d6262d1d9d1
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed May 13 19:33:23 2020 -0500
Update test library to create tickets directly
This commit updates the test library to create tickets through
the Create.html pages instead of the deprecated CreateInQueue.html.
diff --git a/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm b/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm
index fb21de65..21e588f4 100644
--- a/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/IR/Test/Web.pm
@@ -86,8 +86,7 @@ sub goto_create_rtir_ticket {
warn "Failed to load queue: $queue";
- $self->get_ok("/RTIR/CreateInQueue.html?Lifecycle=$lifecycle");
- $self->click_through_createinqueue( $queue );
+ $self->get_ok("/RTIR/" . ($lifecycle eq 'incidents' ? 'Incident/' : '') . "Create.html?Lifecycle=$lifecycle&Queue=" . $queue_obj->id);
# set the form
return $self->form_number(3);
@@ -394,19 +393,4 @@ sub bulk_abandon {
-sub click_through_createinqueue
- my $self = shift;
- my $queue = shift || undef;
- my %args;
- $args{fields} = { Queue => $queue } if $queue;
- $self->submit_form(
- form_id => 'CreateTicketInQueue',
- %args,
- );
commit ee5365eeb3bd124bfd0361705cd7c781349c79fc
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
Date: Wed May 13 19:45:01 2020 -0500
Update test for modal removal
The functionality tested in modal.t is still valueable, although
not correctly named since removing the create in queue modal. This
commit renames the test as well as updates the tests to verify the
queue select options on the Create pages instead.
Additionally, the regexs within the tests were slightly loosened to
more easily allow for pre-selected options in the dropdown.
diff --git a/t/constituency/modal.t b/t/constituency/modal.t
deleted file mode 100644
index 43852f05..00000000
--- a/t/constituency/modal.t
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use RT::IR::Test tests => undef;
-my ($baseurl) = RT::Test->started_ok;
-my $m = default_agent();
-my $rtir_user = RT::CurrentUser->new( rtir_user() );
-my ($ok, $msg);
-diag "create constituencies EDUNET and GOVNET" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- for my $constituency_name ( qw(EDUNET GOVNET) ) {
- my $manager = RT::IR::ConstituencyManager->new(Constituency => $constituency_name);
- ok($manager->AddConstituency, "added constituency $constituency_name");
- }
-my $eduhandler = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'eduhandler', Password => 'eduhandler' );
-ok $eduhandler->id, "Created eduhandler";
-my $govhandler = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'govhandler', Password => 'govhandler' );
-ok $govhandler->id, "Created govhandler";
-my $edugroup = RT::Group->new( RT->SystemUser );
-$edugroup->LoadUserDefinedGroup('DutyTeam EDUNET');
-$edugroup->AddMember( $eduhandler->PrincipalId );
-$edugroup->AddMember( $rtir_user->PrincipalId );
-my $govgroup = RT::Group->new( RT->SystemUser );
-$govgroup->LoadUserDefinedGroup('DutyTeam GOVNET');
-$govgroup->AddMember( $govhandler->PrincipalId );
-$govgroup->AddMember( $rtir_user->PrincipalId );
-diag "check queue visibility in modal" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=incident_reports");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has standard incident reports queue');
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET incident reports queue');
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incident reports queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=incidents");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has standard incidents queue');
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET incidents queue');
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incidents queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=investigations");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has standard investigations queue');
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET investigations queue');
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET investigations queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=countermeasures");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has standard countermeasures queue');
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET countermeasures queue');
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET countermeasures queue');
-diag "check queue visibility in modal when created from incident" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $i = RT::Ticket->new( $rtir_user );
- ($ok, $msg) = $i->Create(
- Subject => 'test incident',
- Queue => 'Incidents - GOVNET',
- );
- ok($ok, 'created test incident');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=incident_reports&Incident=".$i->id);
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incident reports queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incident reports queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET incident reports queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=investigations&Incident=".$i->id);
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET investigations queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard investigations queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET investigations queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=countermeasures&Incident=".$i->id);
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET countermeasures queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard countermeasures queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET countermeasures queue');
-diag "check queue visibility in modal when created from incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- my $r = RT::Ticket->new( $rtir_user );
- ($ok, $msg) = $r->Create(
- Subject => 'test incident report',
- Queue => 'Incident Reports - GOVNET',
- );
- ok($ok, 'created test incident report');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=incidents&Child=".$r->id);
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incidents queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incidents queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET incidents queue');
-diag "check queue visibility in modal when filtering constituency" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/c/GOVNET/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=incidents");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incidents queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET incidents queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incidents queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/c/EDUNET/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=incidents");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET incidents queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incidents queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have GOVNET incidents queue');
-diag "check queue visibility in modal - eduhandler" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- $m->login('eduhandler', 'eduhandler', logout => 1);
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=incident_reports");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET incident reports queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incident reports queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have GOVNET incident reports queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=incidents");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET incidents queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incidents queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have GOVNET incidents queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=investigations");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET investigations queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard investigations queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have GOVNET investigations queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=countermeasures");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET countermeasures queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard countermeasures queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have GOVNET countermeasures queue');
-diag "check queue visibility in modal - govhandler" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
- $m->login('govhandler', 'govhandler', logout => 1);
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=incident_reports");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incident reports queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET incident reports queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incident Reports</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incident reports queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=incidents");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incidents queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET incidents queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incidents queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=investigations");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET investigations queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET investigations queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Investigations</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard investigations queue');
- $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Helpers/CreateInRTIRQueueModal?Lifecycle=countermeasures");
- $m->content_like(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET countermeasures queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET countermeasures queue');
- $m->content_unlike(qr{<option value="\d+">Countermeasures</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard countermeasures queue');
-undef $m;
diff --git a/t/constituency/queue_select.t b/t/constituency/queue_select.t
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..55ca765d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/t/constituency/queue_select.t
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RT::IR::Test tests => undef;
+my ($baseurl) = RT::Test->started_ok;
+my $m = default_agent();
+my $rtir_user = RT::CurrentUser->new( rtir_user() );
+my ($ok, $msg);
+diag "create constituencies EDUNET and GOVNET" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ for my $constituency_name ( qw(EDUNET GOVNET) ) {
+ my $manager = RT::IR::ConstituencyManager->new(Constituency => $constituency_name);
+ ok($manager->AddConstituency, "added constituency $constituency_name");
+ }
+my $eduhandler = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'eduhandler', Password => 'eduhandler' );
+ok $eduhandler->id, "Created eduhandler";
+my $govhandler = RT::Test->load_or_create_user( Name => 'govhandler', Password => 'govhandler' );
+ok $govhandler->id, "Created govhandler";
+my $edugroup = RT::Group->new( RT->SystemUser );
+$edugroup->LoadUserDefinedGroup('DutyTeam EDUNET');
+$edugroup->AddMember( $eduhandler->PrincipalId );
+$edugroup->AddMember( $rtir_user->PrincipalId );
+my $govgroup = RT::Group->new( RT->SystemUser );
+$govgroup->LoadUserDefinedGroup('DutyTeam GOVNET');
+$govgroup->AddMember( $govhandler->PrincipalId );
+$govgroup->AddMember( $rtir_user->PrincipalId );
+diag "check queue visibility" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=incident_reports");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incident Reports</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has standard incident reports queue');
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incident Reports - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET incident reports queue');
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incident Reports - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incident reports queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Incident/Create.html?Lifecycle=incidents");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has standard incidents queue');
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET incidents queue');
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incidents queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=investigations");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Investigations</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has standard investigations queue');
+ $m->content_like(qr{Investigations - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET investigations queue');
+ $m->content_like(qr{Investigations - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET investigations queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=countermeasures");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Countermeasures</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has standard countermeasures queue');
+ $m->content_like(qr{Countermeasures - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET countermeasures queue');
+ $m->content_like(qr{Countermeasures - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET countermeasures queue');
+diag "check queue visibility when created from incident" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ my $i = RT::Ticket->new( $rtir_user );
+ ($ok, $msg) = $i->Create(
+ Subject => 'test incident',
+ Queue => 'Incidents - GOVNET',
+ );
+ ok($ok, 'created test incident');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=incident_reports&Incident=".$i->id);
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incident Reports - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incident reports queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incident Reports</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incident reports queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incident Reports - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET incident reports queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=investigations&Incident=".$i->id);
+ $m->content_like(qr{Investigations - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET investigations queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Investigations</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard investigations queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Investigations - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET investigations queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=countermeasures&Incident=".$i->id);
+ $m->content_like(qr{Countermeasures - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET countermeasures queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Countermeasures</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard countermeasures queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Countermeasures - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET countermeasures queue');
+diag "check queue visibility when created from incident report" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ my $r = RT::Ticket->new( $rtir_user );
+ ($ok, $msg) = $r->Create(
+ Subject => 'test incident report',
+ Queue => 'Incident Reports - GOVNET',
+ );
+ ok($ok, 'created test incident report');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=incidents&Child=".$r->id);
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incidents queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incidents queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET incidents queue');
+diag "check queue visibility when filtering constituency" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/c/GOVNET/Create.html?Lifecycle=incidents");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incidents queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET incidents queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incidents queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/c/EDUNET/Create.html?Lifecycle=incidents");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET incidents queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incidents queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have GOVNET incidents queue');
+diag "check queue visibility - eduhandler" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ $m->login('eduhandler', 'eduhandler', logout => 1);
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=incident_reports");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incident Reports - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET incident reports queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incident Reports</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incident reports queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incident Reports - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have GOVNET incident reports queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Incident/Create.html?Lifecycle=incidents");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET incidents queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incidents queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have GOVNET incidents queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=investigations");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Investigations - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET investigations queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Investigations</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard investigations queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Investigations - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have GOVNET investigations queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=countermeasures");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Countermeasures - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has EDUNET countermeasures queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Countermeasures</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard countermeasures queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Countermeasures - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have GOVNET countermeasures queue');
+diag "check queue visibility - govhandler" if $ENV{'TEST_VERBOSE'};
+ $m->login('govhandler', 'govhandler', logout => 1);
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=incident_reports");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incident Reports - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incident reports queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incident Reports - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET incident reports queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incident Reports</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incident reports queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Incident/Create.html?Lifecycle=incidents");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Incidents - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET incidents queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incidents - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET incidents queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Incidents</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard incidents queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=investigations");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Investigations - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET investigations queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Investigations - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET investigations queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Investigations</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard investigations queue');
+ $m->get("$baseurl/RTIR/Create.html?Lifecycle=countermeasures");
+ $m->content_like(qr{Countermeasures - GOVNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown has GOVNET countermeasures queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Countermeasures - EDUNET</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have EDUNET countermeasures queue');
+ $m->content_unlike(qr{Countermeasures</option>}, 'Queue dropdown doesn\'t have standard countermeasures queue');
+undef $m;
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