[Rt-commit] rtir branch, 5.0/restore-incidents-and-investigations-on-create, repushed
Blaine Motsinger
blaine at bestpractical.com
Tue May 19 14:05:52 EDT 2020
The branch 5.0/restore-incidents-and-investigations-on-create was deleted and repushed:
was 78635159cfbffda0bac4ff0544bbb8746e1e6b40
now 9fe4c2c520ab2d7df911e6dbf9e451d3e4f10509
1: 990ea293 ! 1: ebc13027 Core RT::Extension::CreateIncidentAndInvestigation
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+<& /RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create,
+ %ARGS,
+ NamePrefix => 'Investigation',
-+ QueueObj => $investigations_queue_obj,
++ QueueObj => $InvestigationsQueueObj,
+ Lifecycle => RT::IR->lifecycle_investigation,
+ Constituency => $constituency,
+ SkipField => { Owner => 1, Attachments => 1, DateFields => 1 },
@@ -36,11 +36,10 @@
+# Load appropriate Investigations queue
-+my $investigations_queue = defined RT->Config->Get('DefaultInvestigationsQueue') ?
-+ RT->Config->Get('DefaultInvestigationsQueue') : 'Investigations';
-+my $investigations_queue_obj = RT::Queue->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
-+my ($ret, $msg) = $investigations_queue_obj->Load( $investigations_queue );
-+RT::Logger->error("Unable to load $investigations_queue : $msg") unless $ret;
++my $InvestigationsQueue = 'Investigations';
++my $InvestigationsQueueObj = RT::Queue->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
++my ($ret, $msg) = $InvestigationsQueueObj->Load( $InvestigationsQueue );
++RT::Logger->error("Unable to load $InvestigationsQueue : $msg") unless $ret;
if( !RT::IR->IsIncidentQueue($QueueObj) ) {
RT::Interface::Web::Redirect(RT::IR->HREFTo( '/Create.html?' . $m->comp('/Elements/QueryString', %ARGS )));
2: 78635159 ! 2: 9fe4c2c5 Migrate Investigation/Elements/Create to elevator themes
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Author: Blaine Motsinger <blaine at bestpractical.com>
- WIP - Migrate to elevator-light theme
+ Migrate Investigation/Elements/Create to elevator themes
diff --git a/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create b/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
--- a/html/RTIR/Investigation/Elements/Create
@@ -72,17 +72,6 @@
+<div class="form-row">
+ <div class="label col-3">
+ <&|/l&>Time Worked</&>:
-+ </div>
-+ <div class="value col-9">
-+ <& /Elements/EditTimeValue,
-+ Name => $NamePrefix . 'TimeWorked',
-+ Default => $value_cb->('TimeWorked') || '',
-+ &>
-+ </div>
-+<div class="form-row">
-+ <div class="label col-3">
-+ <&|/l&>Time Left</&>:
+ </div>
+ <div class="value col-9">
+ <& /Elements/EditTimeValue,
@@ -100,6 +89,17 @@
+ &>
+ </div>
++<div class="form-row">
++ <div class="label col-3">
++ <&|/l&>Time Left</&>:
++ </div>
++ <div class="value col-9">
++ <& /Elements/EditTimeValue,
++ Name => $NamePrefix . 'TimeWorked',
++ Default => $value_cb->('TimeWorked') || '',
++ &>
++ </div>
% }
% unless ( $SkipField{'DateFields'} ) {
@@ -154,14 +154,196 @@
<& /Elements/EditCustomFieldCustomGroupings,
- </div>
-+% # !!!!!!! HERE !!!!!!!
<div class="ticket-create-details">
<&| /Widgets/TitleBox,
- title => loc("Launch Investigation"),
+ title => loc("Launch a new investigation"),
class => 'ticket-info-message',
- <table width="100%" border="0">
+-<table width="100%" border="0">
+ % unless ( $SkipField{'Requestors'} || $HideField{'Requestors'} ) {
+-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Correspondents</&>:</td>
+-<td class="value"><& /Elements/EmailInput,
+- Name => $NamePrefix .'Requestors', Default => $value_cb->('Requestors'), Size => undef,
++<div class="form-row">
++ <div class="label col-2">
++ <&|/l&>Correspondents</&>:
++ </div>
++ <div class="value col-9">
++ <& /Elements/EmailInput,
++ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Requestors',
++ Default => $value_cb->('Requestors'),
++ Size => undef,
++ &>
++ </div>
+ % $m->callback( CallbackName => 'AfterRequestors', ARGSRef => \%ARGS );
+ % }
+ % unless ( $SkipField{'Cc'} || $HideField{'Cc'} ) {
+-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Cc</&>:</td>
+-<td class="value"><& /Elements/EmailInput,
+- Name => $NamePrefix .'Cc', Default => $value_cb->('Cc'), Size => undef,
+-<tr><td> </td><td class="comment">
+-<i><font size="-2"><&|/l&>(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of
+-email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></font></i>
++<div class="form-row">
++ <div class="label col-2">
++ <&|/l&>Cc</&>:
++ </div>
++ <div class="value col-9">
++ <& /Elements/EmailInput,
++ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Cc',
++ Default => $value_cb->('Cc'),
++ Size => undef,
++ &>
++ </div>
++<div class="form-row">
++ <div class="label col-2"></div>
++ <div class="value col-9">
++ <i><&|/l&>(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></i>
++ </div>
+ % }
+ % unless ( $SkipField{'AdminCc'} && $HideField{'AdminCc'} ) {
+-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Admin Cc</&>:</td>
+-<td class="value"><& /Elements/EmailInput,
+- Name => $NamePrefix .'AdminCc', Default => $value_cb->('AdminCc'), Size => undef,
+-<tr><td> </td><td class="comment">
+-<i><font size="-2"><&|/l&>(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of administrative
+-email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></font></i>
++<div class="form-row">
++ <div class="label col-2">
++ <&|/l&>Admin Cc</&>:
++ </div>
++ <div class="value col-9">
++ <& /Elements/EmailInput,
++ Name => $NamePrefix . 'AdminCc',
++ Default => $value_cb->('AdminCc'),
++ Size => undef,
++ &>
++ </div>
++<div class="form-row">
++ <div class="label col-2"></div>
++ <div class="value col-9">
++ <i><&|/l&>(Sends a carbon-copy of this update to a comma-delimited list of administrative email addresses. These people <b>will</b> receive future updates.)</&></i>
++ </div>
+ % }
+ % unless ( $SkipField{'Subject'} || $HideField{'Subject'} ) {
+-<tr><td class="label"><&|/l&>Subject</&>:</td>
+-<td class="value">
+-<input type="text" name="<% $NamePrefix %>Subject" size="60" maxsize="100" value="<% $value_cb->('Subject') %>" />
++<div class="form-row">
++ <div class="form-group label col-2">
++ <&|/l&>Subject</&>:
++ </div>
++ <div class="form-group value col-9">
++ <input class="form-control" type="text" name="<% $NamePrefix %>Subject" value="<% $value_cb->('Subject') %>" />
++ </div>
+ % }
+ % if ( !$SkipField{'SignEncrypt'} && RT->Config->Get('GnuPG')->{'Enable'} ) {
+-<tr><td> </td><td>
+-<% loc('Sign')%> <& /Widgets/Form/Boolean:InputOnly,
+- Name => $NamePrefix .'Sign',
+- CurrentValue => $ARGS{ $NamePrefix .'Sign' },
+-<% loc('Encrypt')%> <& /Widgets/Form/Boolean:InputOnly,
+- Name => $NamePrefix .'Encrypt',
+- CurrentValue => $ARGS{ $NamePrefix .'Encrypt' },
++<div class="form-row">
++ <div class="label col-2">
++ </div>
++ <div class="value col-9">
++ <div>
++ <% loc('Sign')%>
++ <& /Widgets/Form/Boolean:InputOnly,
++ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Sign',
++ CurrentValue => $ARGS{ $NamePrefix . 'Sign' },
++ &>
++ </div>
++ <div>
++ <% loc('Encrypt')%>
++ <& /Widgets/Form/Boolean:InputOnly,
++ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Encrypt',
++ CurrentValue => $ARGS{ $NamePrefix . 'Encrypt' },
++ &>
++ </div>
++ </div>
+ % }
+ % unless ( $SkipField{'Content'} || $HideField{'Content'} ) {
+-<tr><td class="labeltop"><&|/l&>Message</&>:</td>
++<div class="form-group">
+ % if ( RT->Config->Get('ArticleOnTicketCreate')) {
+-<& /Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox, %ARGS, QueueObj => $QueueObj, MessageBoxName => $NamePrefix .'Content' &>
++ <& /Articles/Elements/BeforeMessageBox,
++ %ARGS,
++ QueueObj => $QueueObj,
++ MessageBoxName => $NamePrefix . 'Content',
++ &>
+ % }
+-% $m->callback( %ARGS, MessageBoxName => $NamePrefix .'Content',
++% $m->callback( %ARGS, MessageBoxName => $NamePrefix . 'Content',
+ % CallbackPage => '/Ticket/Create.html', CallbackName => 'BeforeMessageBox' );
+ % my $content = $value_cb->('Content');
+-<& /Elements/MessageBox,
+- Name => $NamePrefix .'Content',
+- Default => $content,
+- IncludeSignature => exists $ARGS{'IncludeSignature'} ? $ARGS{'IncludeSignature'} : !$content,
+- QuoteTransaction => $value_cb->('QuoteTransaction'),
++ <& /Elements/MessageBox,
++ Name => $NamePrefix . 'Content',
++ Default => $content,
++ IncludeSignature => exists $ARGS{'IncludeSignature'} ? $ARGS{'IncludeSignature'} : !$content,
++ QuoteTransaction => $value_cb->('QuoteTransaction'),
++ &>
+ % }
+ % unless ( $SkipField{'Attachments'} ) {
+ <& /RTIR/Create.html:AttachmentsForm &>
+ % }
+-<& /Elements/Submit,
+- Name => 'CreateWithInvestigation',
+- Label => loc("Create Incident and run Investigation"),
+- SubmitId => 'create-ticket-with-investigation'
++<div class="form-row">
++ <div class="col-md-12">
++ <& /Elements/Submit,
++ Name => 'CreateWithInvestigation',
++ Label => loc("Create Incident and run Investigation"),
++ SubmitId => 'create-ticket-with-investigation'
++ &>
++ </div>
+ % $m->callback( CallbackName => 'AfterTable', ARGSRef => \%ARGS, TicketObj => $ticket,
+ % QueueObj => $QueueObj, DefaultsFrom => $TicketObj );
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