[Rt-commit] rtir branch, 4.2/restore-previous-menu-2, repushed
Blaine Motsinger
blaine at bestpractical.com
Wed May 20 14:55:27 EDT 2020
The branch 4.2/restore-previous-menu-2 was deleted and repushed:
was 6966576706018752e23f29b4d9abe38930b42098
now 8596122aaad739531a77f200f9eecdd33242df37
1: 9c64af32 = 1: 9c64af32 Restore RTIR menu into single parent
2: 39a3da54 = 2: 39a3da54 Align menu item with queue name for Incident Reports
3: 520265b9 = 3: 520265b9 Explain menu change in UPGRADING doc
4: 56765d4e = 4: 56765d4e Load incident create page without a queue
5: db1ca1c6 = 5: db1ca1c6 Link directly to create pages in menus
6: 62f0065f = 6: 62f0065f Update tests to find links after menu updates
7: d8d63ae7 = 7: d8d63ae7 Link directly to updated create page rather than modal
8: 9f6320a2 = 8: 9f6320a2 Remove CreateInQueue modal element and JS
9: b6fd8238 = 9: b6fd8238 Add deprecated warning to CreateInQueue.html
10: 5badd7c8 ! 10: 46245c6b Fix default queue on create pages
@@ -169,13 +169,10 @@
- $queue = $first_queue->Id;
+ while (my $object = $queues->Next) {
+ # Ensure the user can CreateTicket in the queue.
-+ if ($session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Object => $object, Right => 'CreateTicket' )) {
-+ # We only need the first one here, no need to parse them all.
-+ if ($object->Id) {
-+ $Queue = $object->Id,
-+ last;
-+ }
-+ }
++ next unless $session{CurrentUser}->HasRight( Object => $object, Right => 'CreateTicket' );
++ $Queue = $object->Id;
++ last;
11: 675f332a < --: ------- small logic change
12: 22c0fd9b = 11: ec9687ee Fix available statuses on create pages
13: 0896f40a = 12: a5df956f Update test library to create tickets directly
14: 6f2221aa = 13: 8973e30a Update test for modal removal
15: 69665767 = 14: 8596122a Fix test regexes for file link names
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