[Rt-commit] rt branch 5.0/upgrade-bootstrap-to-4.6.1 created. rt-5.0.2-54-g783ed5f0f2

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Thu Dec 30 17:36:53 UTC 2021

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The branch, 5.0/upgrade-bootstrap-to-4.6.1 has been created
        at  783ed5f0f28dc0cfd2fb177e3972139e16b2b89a (commit)

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 783ed5f0f28dc0cfd2fb177e3972139e16b2b89a
Author: sunnavy <sunnavy at bestpractical.com>
Date:   Tue Dec 28 05:40:09 2021 +0800

    Upgrade bootstrap to 4.6.1
    popper.js 1.16.1(bootstrap requires) can't be added as a standalone file
    straightforwardly because of a syntax error:
        "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token 'export'
    here we include the bundled version of bootstrap which contains
    compatible popper.js.

diff --git a/devel/third-party/README b/devel/third-party/README
index 846e6f9da8..daab0e353f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/README
+++ b/devel/third-party/README
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ users over developer modification.
 The rest of this file documents the contents of the directory.
-* bootstrap-4.2.1
+* bootstrap-4.6.1
 Description: front-end framework
 Origin: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap
 License: MIT
@@ -80,11 +80,6 @@ Description: keyboard shortcuts
 Origin: https://github.com/ccampbell/mousetrap
 License: Apache
-* popper-1.14.6.js
-Description: computes and, optionally, applies the styles to the poppers(bootstrap requires it)
-Origin: https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js
-License: MIT
 * fontawesome-5.11.2
 Description: A set of SVG icons. Icon files are installed via npm, then webpack tree-shakes to generate js for only the icons we use.
 Origin: https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/tree/master/js-packages/%40fortawesome
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/dist/bootstrap.js b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/dist/bootstrap.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 867da25717..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/dist/bootstrap.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4249 +0,0 @@
-  * Bootstrap v4.2.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
-  * Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors)
-  * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
-  */
-(function (global, factory) {
-  typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('popper.js'), require('jquery')) :
-  typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'popper.js', 'jquery'], factory) :
-  (factory((global.bootstrap = {}),global.Popper,global.jQuery));
-}(this, (function (exports,Popper,$) { 'use strict';
-  Popper = Popper && Popper.hasOwnProperty('default') ? Popper['default'] : Popper;
-  $ = $ && $.hasOwnProperty('default') ? $['default'] : $;
-  function _defineProperties(target, props) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
-      var descriptor = props[i];
-      descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
-      descriptor.configurable = true;
-      if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
-      Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
-    }
-  }
-  function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
-    if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
-    if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
-    return Constructor;
-  }
-  function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) {
-    if (key in obj) {
-      Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
-        value: value,
-        enumerable: true,
-        configurable: true,
-        writable: true
-      });
-    } else {
-      obj[key] = value;
-    }
-    return obj;
-  }
-  function _objectSpread(target) {
-    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-      var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {};
-      var ownKeys = Object.keys(source);
-      if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols === 'function') {
-        ownKeys = ownKeys.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(source).filter(function (sym) {
-          return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, sym).enumerable;
-        }));
-      }
-      ownKeys.forEach(function (key) {
-        _defineProperty(target, key, source[key]);
-      });
-    }
-    return target;
-  }
-  function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
-    subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
-    subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
-    subClass.__proto__ = superClass;
-  }
-  /**
-   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Bootstrap (v4.2.1): util.js
-   * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
-   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Private TransitionEnd Helpers
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var TRANSITION_END = 'transitionend';
-  var MAX_UID = 1000000;
-  var MILLISECONDS_MULTIPLIER = 1000; // Shoutout AngusCroll (https://goo.gl/pxwQGp)
-  function toType(obj) {
-    return {}.toString.call(obj).match(/\s([a-z]+)/i)[1].toLowerCase();
-  }
-  function getSpecialTransitionEndEvent() {
-    return {
-      bindType: TRANSITION_END,
-      delegateType: TRANSITION_END,
-      handle: function handle(event) {
-        if ($(event.target).is(this)) {
-          return event.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments); // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params
-        }
-        return undefined; // eslint-disable-line no-undefined
-      }
-    };
-  }
-  function transitionEndEmulator(duration) {
-    var _this = this;
-    var called = false;
-    $(this).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function () {
-      called = true;
-    });
-    setTimeout(function () {
-      if (!called) {
-        Util.triggerTransitionEnd(_this);
-      }
-    }, duration);
-    return this;
-  }
-  function setTransitionEndSupport() {
-    $.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = transitionEndEmulator;
-    $.event.special[Util.TRANSITION_END] = getSpecialTransitionEndEvent();
-  }
-  /**
-   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Public Util Api
-   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var Util = {
-    TRANSITION_END: 'bsTransitionEnd',
-    getUID: function getUID(prefix) {
-      do {
-        // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
-        prefix += ~~(Math.random() * MAX_UID); // "~~" acts like a faster Math.floor() here
-      } while (document.getElementById(prefix));
-      return prefix;
-    },
-    getSelectorFromElement: function getSelectorFromElement(element) {
-      var selector = element.getAttribute('data-target');
-      if (!selector || selector === '#') {
-        var hrefAttr = element.getAttribute('href');
-        selector = hrefAttr && hrefAttr !== '#' ? hrefAttr.trim() : '';
-      }
-      return selector && document.querySelector(selector) ? selector : null;
-    },
-    getTransitionDurationFromElement: function getTransitionDurationFromElement(element) {
-      if (!element) {
-        return 0;
-      } // Get transition-duration of the element
-      var transitionDuration = $(element).css('transition-duration');
-      var transitionDelay = $(element).css('transition-delay');
-      var floatTransitionDuration = parseFloat(transitionDuration);
-      var floatTransitionDelay = parseFloat(transitionDelay); // Return 0 if element or transition duration is not found
-      if (!floatTransitionDuration && !floatTransitionDelay) {
-        return 0;
-      } // If multiple durations are defined, take the first
-      transitionDuration = transitionDuration.split(',')[0];
-      transitionDelay = transitionDelay.split(',')[0];
-      return (parseFloat(transitionDuration) + parseFloat(transitionDelay)) * MILLISECONDS_MULTIPLIER;
-    },
-    reflow: function reflow(element) {
-      return element.offsetHeight;
-    },
-    triggerTransitionEnd: function triggerTransitionEnd(element) {
-      $(element).trigger(TRANSITION_END);
-    },
-    // TODO: Remove in v5
-    supportsTransitionEnd: function supportsTransitionEnd() {
-      return Boolean(TRANSITION_END);
-    },
-    isElement: function isElement(obj) {
-      return (obj[0] || obj).nodeType;
-    },
-    typeCheckConfig: function typeCheckConfig(componentName, config, configTypes) {
-      for (var property in configTypes) {
-        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(configTypes, property)) {
-          var expectedTypes = configTypes[property];
-          var value = config[property];
-          var valueType = value && Util.isElement(value) ? 'element' : toType(value);
-          if (!new RegExp(expectedTypes).test(valueType)) {
-            throw new Error(componentName.toUpperCase() + ": " + ("Option \"" + property + "\" provided type \"" + valueType + "\" ") + ("but expected type \"" + expectedTypes + "\"."));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    findShadowRoot: function findShadowRoot(element) {
-      if (!document.documentElement.attachShadow) {
-        return null;
-      } // Can find the shadow root otherwise it'll return the document
-      if (typeof element.getRootNode === 'function') {
-        var root = element.getRootNode();
-        return root instanceof ShadowRoot ? root : null;
-      }
-      if (element instanceof ShadowRoot) {
-        return element;
-      } // when we don't find a shadow root
-      if (!element.parentNode) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      return Util.findShadowRoot(element.parentNode);
-    }
-  };
-  setTransitionEndSupport();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME = 'alert';
-  var VERSION = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY = 'bs.alert';
-  var EVENT_KEY = "." + DATA_KEY;
-  var DATA_API_KEY = '.data-api';
-  var Selector = {
-    DISMISS: '[data-dismiss="alert"]'
-  };
-  var Event = {
-    CLOSE: "close" + EVENT_KEY,
-    CLOSED: "closed" + EVENT_KEY,
-  };
-  var ClassName = {
-    ALERT: 'alert',
-    FADE: 'fade',
-    SHOW: 'show'
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var Alert =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function () {
-    function Alert(element) {
-      this._element = element;
-    } // Getters
-    var _proto = Alert.prototype;
-    // Public
-    _proto.close = function close(element) {
-      var rootElement = this._element;
-      if (element) {
-        rootElement = this._getRootElement(element);
-      }
-      var customEvent = this._triggerCloseEvent(rootElement);
-      if (customEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      this._removeElement(rootElement);
-    };
-    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
-      $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY);
-      this._element = null;
-    }; // Private
-    _proto._getRootElement = function _getRootElement(element) {
-      var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);
-      var parent = false;
-      if (selector) {
-        parent = document.querySelector(selector);
-      }
-      if (!parent) {
-        parent = $(element).closest("." + ClassName.ALERT)[0];
-      }
-      return parent;
-    };
-    _proto._triggerCloseEvent = function _triggerCloseEvent(element) {
-      var closeEvent = $.Event(Event.CLOSE);
-      $(element).trigger(closeEvent);
-      return closeEvent;
-    };
-    _proto._removeElement = function _removeElement(element) {
-      var _this = this;
-      $(element).removeClass(ClassName.SHOW);
-      if (!$(element).hasClass(ClassName.FADE)) {
-        this._destroyElement(element);
-        return;
-      }
-      var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(element);
-      $(element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function (event) {
-        return _this._destroyElement(element, event);
-      }).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-    };
-    _proto._destroyElement = function _destroyElement(element) {
-      $(element).detach().trigger(Event.CLOSED).remove();
-    }; // Static
-    Alert._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var $element = $(this);
-        var data = $element.data(DATA_KEY);
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new Alert(this);
-          $element.data(DATA_KEY, data);
-        }
-        if (config === 'close') {
-          data[config](this);
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    Alert._handleDismiss = function _handleDismiss(alertInstance) {
-      return function (event) {
-        if (event) {
-          event.preventDefault();
-        }
-        alertInstance.close(this);
-      };
-    };
-    _createClass(Alert, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return Alert;
-  }();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Data Api implementation
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $(document).on(Event.CLICK_DATA_API, Selector.DISMISS, Alert._handleDismiss(new Alert()));
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME] = Alert._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME].Constructor = Alert;
-  $.fn[NAME].noConflict = function () {
-    return Alert._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME$1 = 'button';
-  var VERSION$1 = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY$1 = 'bs.button';
-  var EVENT_KEY$1 = "." + DATA_KEY$1;
-  var DATA_API_KEY$1 = '.data-api';
-  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$1 = $.fn[NAME$1];
-  var ClassName$1 = {
-    ACTIVE: 'active',
-    BUTTON: 'btn',
-    FOCUS: 'focus'
-  };
-  var Selector$1 = {
-    DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT: '[data-toggle^="button"]',
-    DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="buttons"]',
-    INPUT: 'input:not([type="hidden"])',
-    ACTIVE: '.active',
-    BUTTON: '.btn'
-  };
-  var Event$1 = {
-    CLICK_DATA_API: "click" + EVENT_KEY$1 + DATA_API_KEY$1,
-    FOCUS_BLUR_DATA_API: "focus" + EVENT_KEY$1 + DATA_API_KEY$1 + " " + ("blur" + EVENT_KEY$1 + DATA_API_KEY$1)
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var Button =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function () {
-    function Button(element) {
-      this._element = element;
-    } // Getters
-    var _proto = Button.prototype;
-    // Public
-    _proto.toggle = function toggle() {
-      var triggerChangeEvent = true;
-      var addAriaPressed = true;
-      var rootElement = $(this._element).closest(Selector$1.DATA_TOGGLE)[0];
-      if (rootElement) {
-        var input = this._element.querySelector(Selector$1.INPUT);
-        if (input) {
-          if (input.type === 'radio') {
-            if (input.checked && this._element.classList.contains(ClassName$1.ACTIVE)) {
-              triggerChangeEvent = false;
-            } else {
-              var activeElement = rootElement.querySelector(Selector$1.ACTIVE);
-              if (activeElement) {
-                $(activeElement).removeClass(ClassName$1.ACTIVE);
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          if (triggerChangeEvent) {
-            if (input.hasAttribute('disabled') || rootElement.hasAttribute('disabled') || input.classList.contains('disabled') || rootElement.classList.contains('disabled')) {
-              return;
-            }
-            input.checked = !this._element.classList.contains(ClassName$1.ACTIVE);
-            $(input).trigger('change');
-          }
-          input.focus();
-          addAriaPressed = false;
-        }
-      }
-      if (addAriaPressed) {
-        this._element.setAttribute('aria-pressed', !this._element.classList.contains(ClassName$1.ACTIVE));
-      }
-      if (triggerChangeEvent) {
-        $(this._element).toggleClass(ClassName$1.ACTIVE);
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
-      $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$1);
-      this._element = null;
-    }; // Static
-    Button._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$1);
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new Button(this);
-          $(this).data(DATA_KEY$1, data);
-        }
-        if (config === 'toggle') {
-          data[config]();
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    _createClass(Button, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION$1;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return Button;
-  }();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Data Api implementation
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $(document).on(Event$1.CLICK_DATA_API, Selector$1.DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT, function (event) {
-    event.preventDefault();
-    var button = event.target;
-    if (!$(button).hasClass(ClassName$1.BUTTON)) {
-      button = $(button).closest(Selector$1.BUTTON);
-    }
-    Button._jQueryInterface.call($(button), 'toggle');
-  }).on(Event$1.FOCUS_BLUR_DATA_API, Selector$1.DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT, function (event) {
-    var button = $(event.target).closest(Selector$1.BUTTON)[0];
-    $(button).toggleClass(ClassName$1.FOCUS, /^focus(in)?$/.test(event.type));
-  });
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME$1] = Button._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME$1].Constructor = Button;
-  $.fn[NAME$1].noConflict = function () {
-    $.fn[NAME$1] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$1;
-    return Button._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME$2 = 'carousel';
-  var VERSION$2 = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY$2 = 'bs.carousel';
-  var EVENT_KEY$2 = "." + DATA_KEY$2;
-  var DATA_API_KEY$2 = '.data-api';
-  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$2 = $.fn[NAME$2];
-  var ARROW_LEFT_KEYCODE = 37; // KeyboardEvent.which value for left arrow key
-  var ARROW_RIGHT_KEYCODE = 39; // KeyboardEvent.which value for right arrow key
-  var TOUCHEVENT_COMPAT_WAIT = 500; // Time for mouse compat events to fire after touch
-  var SWIPE_THRESHOLD = 40;
-  var Default = {
-    interval: 5000,
-    keyboard: true,
-    slide: false,
-    pause: 'hover',
-    wrap: true,
-    touch: true
-  };
-  var DefaultType = {
-    interval: '(number|boolean)',
-    keyboard: 'boolean',
-    slide: '(boolean|string)',
-    pause: '(string|boolean)',
-    wrap: 'boolean',
-    touch: 'boolean'
-  };
-  var Direction = {
-    NEXT: 'next',
-    PREV: 'prev',
-    LEFT: 'left',
-    RIGHT: 'right'
-  };
-  var Event$2 = {
-    SLIDE: "slide" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    SLID: "slid" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    KEYDOWN: "keydown" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    TOUCHSTART: "touchstart" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    TOUCHMOVE: "touchmove" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    TOUCHEND: "touchend" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    POINTERDOWN: "pointerdown" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    POINTERUP: "pointerup" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    DRAG_START: "dragstart" + EVENT_KEY$2,
-    LOAD_DATA_API: "load" + EVENT_KEY$2 + DATA_API_KEY$2,
-  };
-  var ClassName$2 = {
-    CAROUSEL: 'carousel',
-    ACTIVE: 'active',
-    SLIDE: 'slide',
-    RIGHT: 'carousel-item-right',
-    LEFT: 'carousel-item-left',
-    NEXT: 'carousel-item-next',
-    PREV: 'carousel-item-prev',
-    ITEM: 'carousel-item',
-    POINTER_EVENT: 'pointer-event'
-  };
-  var Selector$2 = {
-    ACTIVE: '.active',
-    ACTIVE_ITEM: '.active.carousel-item',
-    ITEM: '.carousel-item',
-    ITEM_IMG: '.carousel-item img',
-    NEXT_PREV: '.carousel-item-next, .carousel-item-prev',
-    INDICATORS: '.carousel-indicators',
-    DATA_SLIDE: '[data-slide], [data-slide-to]',
-    DATA_RIDE: '[data-ride="carousel"]'
-  };
-  var PointerType = {
-    TOUCH: 'touch',
-    PEN: 'pen'
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var Carousel =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function () {
-    function Carousel(element, config) {
-      this._items = null;
-      this._interval = null;
-      this._activeElement = null;
-      this._isPaused = false;
-      this._isSliding = false;
-      this.touchTimeout = null;
-      this.touchStartX = 0;
-      this.touchDeltaX = 0;
-      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
-      this._element = element;
-      this._indicatorsElement = this._element.querySelector(Selector$2.INDICATORS);
-      this._touchSupported = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0;
-      this._pointerEvent = Boolean(window.PointerEvent || window.MSPointerEvent);
-      this._addEventListeners();
-    } // Getters
-    var _proto = Carousel.prototype;
-    // Public
-    _proto.next = function next() {
-      if (!this._isSliding) {
-        this._slide(Direction.NEXT);
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.nextWhenVisible = function nextWhenVisible() {
-      // Don't call next when the page isn't visible
-      // or the carousel or its parent isn't visible
-      if (!document.hidden && $(this._element).is(':visible') && $(this._element).css('visibility') !== 'hidden') {
-        this.next();
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.prev = function prev() {
-      if (!this._isSliding) {
-        this._slide(Direction.PREV);
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.pause = function pause(event) {
-      if (!event) {
-        this._isPaused = true;
-      }
-      if (this._element.querySelector(Selector$2.NEXT_PREV)) {
-        Util.triggerTransitionEnd(this._element);
-        this.cycle(true);
-      }
-      clearInterval(this._interval);
-      this._interval = null;
-    };
-    _proto.cycle = function cycle(event) {
-      if (!event) {
-        this._isPaused = false;
-      }
-      if (this._interval) {
-        clearInterval(this._interval);
-        this._interval = null;
-      }
-      if (this._config.interval && !this._isPaused) {
-        this._interval = setInterval((document.visibilityState ? this.nextWhenVisible : this.next).bind(this), this._config.interval);
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.to = function to(index) {
-      var _this = this;
-      this._activeElement = this._element.querySelector(Selector$2.ACTIVE_ITEM);
-      var activeIndex = this._getItemIndex(this._activeElement);
-      if (index > this._items.length - 1 || index < 0) {
-        return;
-      }
-      if (this._isSliding) {
-        $(this._element).one(Event$2.SLID, function () {
-          return _this.to(index);
-        });
-        return;
-      }
-      if (activeIndex === index) {
-        this.pause();
-        this.cycle();
-        return;
-      }
-      var direction = index > activeIndex ? Direction.NEXT : Direction.PREV;
-      this._slide(direction, this._items[index]);
-    };
-    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
-      $(this._element).off(EVENT_KEY$2);
-      $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$2);
-      this._items = null;
-      this._config = null;
-      this._element = null;
-      this._interval = null;
-      this._isPaused = null;
-      this._isSliding = null;
-      this._activeElement = null;
-      this._indicatorsElement = null;
-    }; // Private
-    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
-      config = _objectSpread({}, Default, config);
-      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$2, config, DefaultType);
-      return config;
-    };
-    _proto._handleSwipe = function _handleSwipe() {
-      var absDeltax = Math.abs(this.touchDeltaX);
-      if (absDeltax <= SWIPE_THRESHOLD) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var direction = absDeltax / this.touchDeltaX; // swipe left
-      if (direction > 0) {
-        this.prev();
-      } // swipe right
-      if (direction < 0) {
-        this.next();
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._addEventListeners = function _addEventListeners() {
-      var _this2 = this;
-      if (this._config.keyboard) {
-        $(this._element).on(Event$2.KEYDOWN, function (event) {
-          return _this2._keydown(event);
-        });
-      }
-      if (this._config.pause === 'hover') {
-        $(this._element).on(Event$2.MOUSEENTER, function (event) {
-          return _this2.pause(event);
-        }).on(Event$2.MOUSELEAVE, function (event) {
-          return _this2.cycle(event);
-        });
-      }
-      this._addTouchEventListeners();
-    };
-    _proto._addTouchEventListeners = function _addTouchEventListeners() {
-      var _this3 = this;
-      if (!this._touchSupported) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var start = function start(event) {
-        if (_this3._pointerEvent && PointerType[event.originalEvent.pointerType.toUpperCase()]) {
-          _this3.touchStartX = event.originalEvent.clientX;
-        } else if (!_this3._pointerEvent) {
-          _this3.touchStartX = event.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX;
-        }
-      };
-      var move = function move(event) {
-        // ensure swiping with one touch and not pinching
-        if (event.originalEvent.touches && event.originalEvent.touches.length > 1) {
-          _this3.touchDeltaX = 0;
-        } else {
-          _this3.touchDeltaX = event.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX - _this3.touchStartX;
-        }
-      };
-      var end = function end(event) {
-        if (_this3._pointerEvent && PointerType[event.originalEvent.pointerType.toUpperCase()]) {
-          _this3.touchDeltaX = event.originalEvent.clientX - _this3.touchStartX;
-        }
-        _this3._handleSwipe();
-        if (_this3._config.pause === 'hover') {
-          // If it's a touch-enabled device, mouseenter/leave are fired as
-          // part of the mouse compatibility events on first tap - the carousel
-          // would stop cycling until user tapped out of it;
-          // here, we listen for touchend, explicitly pause the carousel
-          // (as if it's the second time we tap on it, mouseenter compat event
-          // is NOT fired) and after a timeout (to allow for mouse compatibility
-          // events to fire) we explicitly restart cycling
-          _this3.pause();
-          if (_this3.touchTimeout) {
-            clearTimeout(_this3.touchTimeout);
-          }
-          _this3.touchTimeout = setTimeout(function (event) {
-            return _this3.cycle(event);
-          }, TOUCHEVENT_COMPAT_WAIT + _this3._config.interval);
-        }
-      };
-      $(this._element.querySelectorAll(Selector$2.ITEM_IMG)).on(Event$2.DRAG_START, function (e) {
-        return e.preventDefault();
-      });
-      if (this._pointerEvent) {
-        $(this._element).on(Event$2.POINTERDOWN, function (event) {
-          return start(event);
-        });
-        $(this._element).on(Event$2.POINTERUP, function (event) {
-          return end(event);
-        });
-        this._element.classList.add(ClassName$2.POINTER_EVENT);
-      } else {
-        $(this._element).on(Event$2.TOUCHSTART, function (event) {
-          return start(event);
-        });
-        $(this._element).on(Event$2.TOUCHMOVE, function (event) {
-          return move(event);
-        });
-        $(this._element).on(Event$2.TOUCHEND, function (event) {
-          return end(event);
-        });
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._keydown = function _keydown(event) {
-      if (/input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      switch (event.which) {
-        case ARROW_LEFT_KEYCODE:
-          event.preventDefault();
-          this.prev();
-          break;
-        case ARROW_RIGHT_KEYCODE:
-          event.preventDefault();
-          this.next();
-          break;
-        default:
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._getItemIndex = function _getItemIndex(element) {
-      this._items = element && element.parentNode ? [].slice.call(element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(Selector$2.ITEM)) : [];
-      return this._items.indexOf(element);
-    };
-    _proto._getItemByDirection = function _getItemByDirection(direction, activeElement) {
-      var isNextDirection = direction === Direction.NEXT;
-      var isPrevDirection = direction === Direction.PREV;
-      var activeIndex = this._getItemIndex(activeElement);
-      var lastItemIndex = this._items.length - 1;
-      var isGoingToWrap = isPrevDirection && activeIndex === 0 || isNextDirection && activeIndex === lastItemIndex;
-      if (isGoingToWrap && !this._config.wrap) {
-        return activeElement;
-      }
-      var delta = direction === Direction.PREV ? -1 : 1;
-      var itemIndex = (activeIndex + delta) % this._items.length;
-      return itemIndex === -1 ? this._items[this._items.length - 1] : this._items[itemIndex];
-    };
-    _proto._triggerSlideEvent = function _triggerSlideEvent(relatedTarget, eventDirectionName) {
-      var targetIndex = this._getItemIndex(relatedTarget);
-      var fromIndex = this._getItemIndex(this._element.querySelector(Selector$2.ACTIVE_ITEM));
-      var slideEvent = $.Event(Event$2.SLIDE, {
-        relatedTarget: relatedTarget,
-        direction: eventDirectionName,
-        from: fromIndex,
-        to: targetIndex
-      });
-      $(this._element).trigger(slideEvent);
-      return slideEvent;
-    };
-    _proto._setActiveIndicatorElement = function _setActiveIndicatorElement(element) {
-      if (this._indicatorsElement) {
-        var indicators = [].slice.call(this._indicatorsElement.querySelectorAll(Selector$2.ACTIVE));
-        $(indicators).removeClass(ClassName$2.ACTIVE);
-        var nextIndicator = this._indicatorsElement.children[this._getItemIndex(element)];
-        if (nextIndicator) {
-          $(nextIndicator).addClass(ClassName$2.ACTIVE);
-        }
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._slide = function _slide(direction, element) {
-      var _this4 = this;
-      var activeElement = this._element.querySelector(Selector$2.ACTIVE_ITEM);
-      var activeElementIndex = this._getItemIndex(activeElement);
-      var nextElement = element || activeElement && this._getItemByDirection(direction, activeElement);
-      var nextElementIndex = this._getItemIndex(nextElement);
-      var isCycling = Boolean(this._interval);
-      var directionalClassName;
-      var orderClassName;
-      var eventDirectionName;
-      if (direction === Direction.NEXT) {
-        directionalClassName = ClassName$2.LEFT;
-        orderClassName = ClassName$2.NEXT;
-        eventDirectionName = Direction.LEFT;
-      } else {
-        directionalClassName = ClassName$2.RIGHT;
-        orderClassName = ClassName$2.PREV;
-        eventDirectionName = Direction.RIGHT;
-      }
-      if (nextElement && $(nextElement).hasClass(ClassName$2.ACTIVE)) {
-        this._isSliding = false;
-        return;
-      }
-      var slideEvent = this._triggerSlideEvent(nextElement, eventDirectionName);
-      if (slideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      if (!activeElement || !nextElement) {
-        // Some weirdness is happening, so we bail
-        return;
-      }
-      this._isSliding = true;
-      if (isCycling) {
-        this.pause();
-      }
-      this._setActiveIndicatorElement(nextElement);
-      var slidEvent = $.Event(Event$2.SLID, {
-        relatedTarget: nextElement,
-        direction: eventDirectionName,
-        from: activeElementIndex,
-        to: nextElementIndex
-      });
-      if ($(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$2.SLIDE)) {
-        $(nextElement).addClass(orderClassName);
-        Util.reflow(nextElement);
-        $(activeElement).addClass(directionalClassName);
-        $(nextElement).addClass(directionalClassName);
-        var nextElementInterval = parseInt(nextElement.getAttribute('data-interval'), 10);
-        if (nextElementInterval) {
-          this._config.defaultInterval = this._config.defaultInterval || this._config.interval;
-          this._config.interval = nextElementInterval;
-        } else {
-          this._config.interval = this._config.defaultInterval || this._config.interval;
-        }
-        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(activeElement);
-        $(activeElement).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function () {
-          $(nextElement).removeClass(directionalClassName + " " + orderClassName).addClass(ClassName$2.ACTIVE);
-          $(activeElement).removeClass(ClassName$2.ACTIVE + " " + orderClassName + " " + directionalClassName);
-          _this4._isSliding = false;
-          setTimeout(function () {
-            return $(_this4._element).trigger(slidEvent);
-          }, 0);
-        }).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-      } else {
-        $(activeElement).removeClass(ClassName$2.ACTIVE);
-        $(nextElement).addClass(ClassName$2.ACTIVE);
-        this._isSliding = false;
-        $(this._element).trigger(slidEvent);
-      }
-      if (isCycling) {
-        this.cycle();
-      }
-    }; // Static
-    Carousel._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$2);
-        var _config = _objectSpread({}, Default, $(this).data());
-        if (typeof config === 'object') {
-          _config = _objectSpread({}, _config, config);
-        }
-        var action = typeof config === 'string' ? config : _config.slide;
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new Carousel(this, _config);
-          $(this).data(DATA_KEY$2, data);
-        }
-        if (typeof config === 'number') {
-          data.to(config);
-        } else if (typeof action === 'string') {
-          if (typeof data[action] === 'undefined') {
-            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + action + "\"");
-          }
-          data[action]();
-        } else if (_config.interval) {
-          data.pause();
-          data.cycle();
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    Carousel._dataApiClickHandler = function _dataApiClickHandler(event) {
-      var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this);
-      if (!selector) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var target = $(selector)[0];
-      if (!target || !$(target).hasClass(ClassName$2.CAROUSEL)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var config = _objectSpread({}, $(target).data(), $(this).data());
-      var slideIndex = this.getAttribute('data-slide-to');
-      if (slideIndex) {
-        config.interval = false;
-      }
-      Carousel._jQueryInterface.call($(target), config);
-      if (slideIndex) {
-        $(target).data(DATA_KEY$2).to(slideIndex);
-      }
-      event.preventDefault();
-    };
-    _createClass(Carousel, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION$2;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "Default",
-      get: function get() {
-        return Default;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return Carousel;
-  }();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Data Api implementation
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $(document).on(Event$2.CLICK_DATA_API, Selector$2.DATA_SLIDE, Carousel._dataApiClickHandler);
-  $(window).on(Event$2.LOAD_DATA_API, function () {
-    var carousels = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(Selector$2.DATA_RIDE));
-    for (var i = 0, len = carousels.length; i < len; i++) {
-      var $carousel = $(carousels[i]);
-      Carousel._jQueryInterface.call($carousel, $carousel.data());
-    }
-  });
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME$2] = Carousel._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME$2].Constructor = Carousel;
-  $.fn[NAME$2].noConflict = function () {
-    $.fn[NAME$2] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$2;
-    return Carousel._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME$3 = 'collapse';
-  var VERSION$3 = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY$3 = 'bs.collapse';
-  var EVENT_KEY$3 = "." + DATA_KEY$3;
-  var DATA_API_KEY$3 = '.data-api';
-  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$3 = $.fn[NAME$3];
-  var Default$1 = {
-    toggle: true,
-    parent: ''
-  };
-  var DefaultType$1 = {
-    toggle: 'boolean',
-    parent: '(string|element)'
-  };
-  var Event$3 = {
-    SHOW: "show" + EVENT_KEY$3,
-    SHOWN: "shown" + EVENT_KEY$3,
-    HIDE: "hide" + EVENT_KEY$3,
-    HIDDEN: "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$3,
-  };
-  var ClassName$3 = {
-    SHOW: 'show',
-    COLLAPSE: 'collapse',
-    COLLAPSING: 'collapsing',
-    COLLAPSED: 'collapsed'
-  };
-  var Dimension = {
-    WIDTH: 'width',
-    HEIGHT: 'height'
-  };
-  var Selector$3 = {
-    ACTIVES: '.show, .collapsing',
-    DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="collapse"]'
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var Collapse =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function () {
-    function Collapse(element, config) {
-      this._isTransitioning = false;
-      this._element = element;
-      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
-      this._triggerArray = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("[data-toggle=\"collapse\"][href=\"#" + element.id + "\"]," + ("[data-toggle=\"collapse\"][data-target=\"#" + element.id + "\"]")));
-      var toggleList = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(Selector$3.DATA_TOGGLE));
-      for (var i = 0, len = toggleList.length; i < len; i++) {
-        var elem = toggleList[i];
-        var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(elem);
-        var filterElement = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).filter(function (foundElem) {
-          return foundElem === element;
-        });
-        if (selector !== null && filterElement.length > 0) {
-          this._selector = selector;
-          this._triggerArray.push(elem);
-        }
-      }
-      this._parent = this._config.parent ? this._getParent() : null;
-      if (!this._config.parent) {
-        this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this._element, this._triggerArray);
-      }
-      if (this._config.toggle) {
-        this.toggle();
-      }
-    } // Getters
-    var _proto = Collapse.prototype;
-    // Public
-    _proto.toggle = function toggle() {
-      if ($(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$3.SHOW)) {
-        this.hide();
-      } else {
-        this.show();
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.show = function show() {
-      var _this = this;
-      if (this._isTransitioning || $(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$3.SHOW)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var actives;
-      var activesData;
-      if (this._parent) {
-        actives = [].slice.call(this._parent.querySelectorAll(Selector$3.ACTIVES)).filter(function (elem) {
-          if (typeof _this._config.parent === 'string') {
-            return elem.getAttribute('data-parent') === _this._config.parent;
-          }
-          return elem.classList.contains(ClassName$3.COLLAPSE);
-        });
-        if (actives.length === 0) {
-          actives = null;
-        }
-      }
-      if (actives) {
-        activesData = $(actives).not(this._selector).data(DATA_KEY$3);
-        if (activesData && activesData._isTransitioning) {
-          return;
-        }
-      }
-      var startEvent = $.Event(Event$3.SHOW);
-      $(this._element).trigger(startEvent);
-      if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      if (actives) {
-        Collapse._jQueryInterface.call($(actives).not(this._selector), 'hide');
-        if (!activesData) {
-          $(actives).data(DATA_KEY$3, null);
-        }
-      }
-      var dimension = this._getDimension();
-      $(this._element).removeClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSE).addClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSING);
-      this._element.style[dimension] = 0;
-      if (this._triggerArray.length) {
-        $(this._triggerArray).removeClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSED).attr('aria-expanded', true);
-      }
-      this.setTransitioning(true);
-      var complete = function complete() {
-        $(_this._element).removeClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSING).addClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSE).addClass(ClassName$3.SHOW);
-        _this._element.style[dimension] = '';
-        _this.setTransitioning(false);
-        $(_this._element).trigger(Event$3.SHOWN);
-      };
-      var capitalizedDimension = dimension[0].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice(1);
-      var scrollSize = "scroll" + capitalizedDimension;
-      var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);
-      $(this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-      this._element.style[dimension] = this._element[scrollSize] + "px";
-    };
-    _proto.hide = function hide() {
-      var _this2 = this;
-      if (this._isTransitioning || !$(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$3.SHOW)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var startEvent = $.Event(Event$3.HIDE);
-      $(this._element).trigger(startEvent);
-      if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var dimension = this._getDimension();
-      this._element.style[dimension] = this._element.getBoundingClientRect()[dimension] + "px";
-      Util.reflow(this._element);
-      $(this._element).addClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSING).removeClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSE).removeClass(ClassName$3.SHOW);
-      var triggerArrayLength = this._triggerArray.length;
-      if (triggerArrayLength > 0) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < triggerArrayLength; i++) {
-          var trigger = this._triggerArray[i];
-          var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(trigger);
-          if (selector !== null) {
-            var $elem = $([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector)));
-            if (!$elem.hasClass(ClassName$3.SHOW)) {
-              $(trigger).addClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSED).attr('aria-expanded', false);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      this.setTransitioning(true);
-      var complete = function complete() {
-        _this2.setTransitioning(false);
-        $(_this2._element).removeClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSING).addClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSE).trigger(Event$3.HIDDEN);
-      };
-      this._element.style[dimension] = '';
-      var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);
-      $(this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-    };
-    _proto.setTransitioning = function setTransitioning(isTransitioning) {
-      this._isTransitioning = isTransitioning;
-    };
-    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
-      $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$3);
-      this._config = null;
-      this._parent = null;
-      this._element = null;
-      this._triggerArray = null;
-      this._isTransitioning = null;
-    }; // Private
-    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
-      config = _objectSpread({}, Default$1, config);
-      config.toggle = Boolean(config.toggle); // Coerce string values
-      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$3, config, DefaultType$1);
-      return config;
-    };
-    _proto._getDimension = function _getDimension() {
-      var hasWidth = $(this._element).hasClass(Dimension.WIDTH);
-      return hasWidth ? Dimension.WIDTH : Dimension.HEIGHT;
-    };
-    _proto._getParent = function _getParent() {
-      var _this3 = this;
-      var parent;
-      if (Util.isElement(this._config.parent)) {
-        parent = this._config.parent; // It's a jQuery object
-        if (typeof this._config.parent.jquery !== 'undefined') {
-          parent = this._config.parent[0];
-        }
-      } else {
-        parent = document.querySelector(this._config.parent);
-      }
-      var selector = "[data-toggle=\"collapse\"][data-parent=\"" + this._config.parent + "\"]";
-      var children = [].slice.call(parent.querySelectorAll(selector));
-      $(children).each(function (i, element) {
-        _this3._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(Collapse._getTargetFromElement(element), [element]);
-      });
-      return parent;
-    };
-    _proto._addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function _addAriaAndCollapsedClass(element, triggerArray) {
-      var isOpen = $(element).hasClass(ClassName$3.SHOW);
-      if (triggerArray.length) {
-        $(triggerArray).toggleClass(ClassName$3.COLLAPSED, !isOpen).attr('aria-expanded', isOpen);
-      }
-    }; // Static
-    Collapse._getTargetFromElement = function _getTargetFromElement(element) {
-      var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);
-      return selector ? document.querySelector(selector) : null;
-    };
-    Collapse._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var $this = $(this);
-        var data = $this.data(DATA_KEY$3);
-        var _config = _objectSpread({}, Default$1, $this.data(), typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {});
-        if (!data && _config.toggle && /show|hide/.test(config)) {
-          _config.toggle = false;
-        }
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new Collapse(this, _config);
-          $this.data(DATA_KEY$3, data);
-        }
-        if (typeof config === 'string') {
-          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
-            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
-          }
-          data[config]();
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    _createClass(Collapse, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION$3;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "Default",
-      get: function get() {
-        return Default$1;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return Collapse;
-  }();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Data Api implementation
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $(document).on(Event$3.CLICK_DATA_API, Selector$3.DATA_TOGGLE, function (event) {
-    // preventDefault only for <a> elements (which change the URL) not inside the collapsible element
-    if (event.currentTarget.tagName === 'A') {
-      event.preventDefault();
-    }
-    var $trigger = $(this);
-    var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this);
-    var selectors = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
-    $(selectors).each(function () {
-      var $target = $(this);
-      var data = $target.data(DATA_KEY$3);
-      var config = data ? 'toggle' : $trigger.data();
-      Collapse._jQueryInterface.call($target, config);
-    });
-  });
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME$3] = Collapse._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME$3].Constructor = Collapse;
-  $.fn[NAME$3].noConflict = function () {
-    $.fn[NAME$3] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$3;
-    return Collapse._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME$4 = 'dropdown';
-  var VERSION$4 = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY$4 = 'bs.dropdown';
-  var EVENT_KEY$4 = "." + DATA_KEY$4;
-  var DATA_API_KEY$4 = '.data-api';
-  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$4 = $.fn[NAME$4];
-  var ESCAPE_KEYCODE = 27; // KeyboardEvent.which value for Escape (Esc) key
-  var SPACE_KEYCODE = 32; // KeyboardEvent.which value for space key
-  var TAB_KEYCODE = 9; // KeyboardEvent.which value for tab key
-  var ARROW_UP_KEYCODE = 38; // KeyboardEvent.which value for up arrow key
-  var ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE = 40; // KeyboardEvent.which value for down arrow key
-  var RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WHICH = 3; // MouseEvent.which value for the right button (assuming a right-handed mouse)
-  var Event$4 = {
-    HIDE: "hide" + EVENT_KEY$4,
-    HIDDEN: "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$4,
-    SHOW: "show" + EVENT_KEY$4,
-    SHOWN: "shown" + EVENT_KEY$4,
-    CLICK: "click" + EVENT_KEY$4,
-    CLICK_DATA_API: "click" + EVENT_KEY$4 + DATA_API_KEY$4,
-    KEYDOWN_DATA_API: "keydown" + EVENT_KEY$4 + DATA_API_KEY$4,
-  };
-  var ClassName$4 = {
-    DISABLED: 'disabled',
-    SHOW: 'show',
-    DROPUP: 'dropup',
-    DROPRIGHT: 'dropright',
-    DROPLEFT: 'dropleft',
-    MENURIGHT: 'dropdown-menu-right',
-    MENULEFT: 'dropdown-menu-left',
-    POSITION_STATIC: 'position-static'
-  };
-  var Selector$4 = {
-    DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="dropdown"]',
-    FORM_CHILD: '.dropdown form',
-    MENU: '.dropdown-menu',
-    NAVBAR_NAV: '.navbar-nav',
-    VISIBLE_ITEMS: '.dropdown-menu .dropdown-item:not(.disabled):not(:disabled)'
-  };
-  var AttachmentMap = {
-    TOP: 'top-start',
-    TOPEND: 'top-end',
-    BOTTOM: 'bottom-start',
-    BOTTOMEND: 'bottom-end',
-    RIGHT: 'right-start',
-    RIGHTEND: 'right-end',
-    LEFT: 'left-start',
-    LEFTEND: 'left-end'
-  };
-  var Default$2 = {
-    offset: 0,
-    flip: true,
-    boundary: 'scrollParent',
-    reference: 'toggle',
-    display: 'dynamic'
-  };
-  var DefaultType$2 = {
-    offset: '(number|string|function)',
-    flip: 'boolean',
-    boundary: '(string|element)',
-    reference: '(string|element)',
-    display: 'string'
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var Dropdown =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function () {
-    function Dropdown(element, config) {
-      this._element = element;
-      this._popper = null;
-      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
-      this._menu = this._getMenuElement();
-      this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar();
-      this._addEventListeners();
-    } // Getters
-    var _proto = Dropdown.prototype;
-    // Public
-    _proto.toggle = function toggle() {
-      if (this._element.disabled || $(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$4.DISABLED)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this._element);
-      var isActive = $(this._menu).hasClass(ClassName$4.SHOW);
-      Dropdown._clearMenus();
-      if (isActive) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var relatedTarget = {
-        relatedTarget: this._element
-      };
-      var showEvent = $.Event(Event$4.SHOW, relatedTarget);
-      $(parent).trigger(showEvent);
-      if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      } // Disable totally Popper.js for Dropdown in Navbar
-      if (!this._inNavbar) {
-        /**
-         * Check for Popper dependency
-         * Popper - https://popper.js.org
-         */
-        if (typeof Popper === 'undefined') {
-          throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\'s dropdowns require Popper.js (https://popper.js.org/)');
-        }
-        var referenceElement = this._element;
-        if (this._config.reference === 'parent') {
-          referenceElement = parent;
-        } else if (Util.isElement(this._config.reference)) {
-          referenceElement = this._config.reference; // Check if it's jQuery element
-          if (typeof this._config.reference.jquery !== 'undefined') {
-            referenceElement = this._config.reference[0];
-          }
-        } // If boundary is not `scrollParent`, then set position to `static`
-        // to allow the menu to "escape" the scroll parent's boundaries
-        // https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/24251
-        if (this._config.boundary !== 'scrollParent') {
-          $(parent).addClass(ClassName$4.POSITION_STATIC);
-        }
-        this._popper = new Popper(referenceElement, this._menu, this._getPopperConfig());
-      } // If this is a touch-enabled device we add extra
-      // empty mouseover listeners to the body's immediate children;
-      // only needed because of broken event delegation on iOS
-      // https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html
-      if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement && $(parent).closest(Selector$4.NAVBAR_NAV).length === 0) {
-        $(document.body).children().on('mouseover', null, $.noop);
-      }
-      this._element.focus();
-      this._element.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);
-      $(this._menu).toggleClass(ClassName$4.SHOW);
-      $(parent).toggleClass(ClassName$4.SHOW).trigger($.Event(Event$4.SHOWN, relatedTarget));
-    };
-    _proto.show = function show() {
-      if (this._element.disabled || $(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$4.DISABLED) || $(this._menu).hasClass(ClassName$4.SHOW)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var relatedTarget = {
-        relatedTarget: this._element
-      };
-      var showEvent = $.Event(Event$4.SHOW, relatedTarget);
-      var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this._element);
-      $(parent).trigger(showEvent);
-      if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      $(this._menu).toggleClass(ClassName$4.SHOW);
-      $(parent).toggleClass(ClassName$4.SHOW).trigger($.Event(Event$4.SHOWN, relatedTarget));
-    };
-    _proto.hide = function hide() {
-      if (this._element.disabled || $(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$4.DISABLED) || !$(this._menu).hasClass(ClassName$4.SHOW)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var relatedTarget = {
-        relatedTarget: this._element
-      };
-      var hideEvent = $.Event(Event$4.HIDE, relatedTarget);
-      var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this._element);
-      $(parent).trigger(hideEvent);
-      if (hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      $(this._menu).toggleClass(ClassName$4.SHOW);
-      $(parent).toggleClass(ClassName$4.SHOW).trigger($.Event(Event$4.HIDDEN, relatedTarget));
-    };
-    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
-      $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$4);
-      $(this._element).off(EVENT_KEY$4);
-      this._element = null;
-      this._menu = null;
-      if (this._popper !== null) {
-        this._popper.destroy();
-        this._popper = null;
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.update = function update() {
-      this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar();
-      if (this._popper !== null) {
-        this._popper.scheduleUpdate();
-      }
-    }; // Private
-    _proto._addEventListeners = function _addEventListeners() {
-      var _this = this;
-      $(this._element).on(Event$4.CLICK, function (event) {
-        event.preventDefault();
-        event.stopPropagation();
-        _this.toggle();
-      });
-    };
-    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
-      config = _objectSpread({}, this.constructor.Default, $(this._element).data(), config);
-      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$4, config, this.constructor.DefaultType);
-      return config;
-    };
-    _proto._getMenuElement = function _getMenuElement() {
-      if (!this._menu) {
-        var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this._element);
-        if (parent) {
-          this._menu = parent.querySelector(Selector$4.MENU);
-        }
-      }
-      return this._menu;
-    };
-    _proto._getPlacement = function _getPlacement() {
-      var $parentDropdown = $(this._element.parentNode);
-      var placement = AttachmentMap.BOTTOM; // Handle dropup
-      if ($parentDropdown.hasClass(ClassName$4.DROPUP)) {
-        placement = AttachmentMap.TOP;
-        if ($(this._menu).hasClass(ClassName$4.MENURIGHT)) {
-          placement = AttachmentMap.TOPEND;
-        }
-      } else if ($parentDropdown.hasClass(ClassName$4.DROPRIGHT)) {
-        placement = AttachmentMap.RIGHT;
-      } else if ($parentDropdown.hasClass(ClassName$4.DROPLEFT)) {
-        placement = AttachmentMap.LEFT;
-      } else if ($(this._menu).hasClass(ClassName$4.MENURIGHT)) {
-        placement = AttachmentMap.BOTTOMEND;
-      }
-      return placement;
-    };
-    _proto._detectNavbar = function _detectNavbar() {
-      return $(this._element).closest('.navbar').length > 0;
-    };
-    _proto._getPopperConfig = function _getPopperConfig() {
-      var _this2 = this;
-      var offsetConf = {};
-      if (typeof this._config.offset === 'function') {
-        offsetConf.fn = function (data) {
-          data.offsets = _objectSpread({}, data.offsets, _this2._config.offset(data.offsets) || {});
-          return data;
-        };
-      } else {
-        offsetConf.offset = this._config.offset;
-      }
-      var popperConfig = {
-        placement: this._getPlacement(),
-        modifiers: {
-          offset: offsetConf,
-          flip: {
-            enabled: this._config.flip
-          },
-          preventOverflow: {
-            boundariesElement: this._config.boundary
-          }
-        } // Disable Popper.js if we have a static display
-      };
-      if (this._config.display === 'static') {
-        popperConfig.modifiers.applyStyle = {
-          enabled: false
-        };
-      }
-      return popperConfig;
-    }; // Static
-    Dropdown._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$4);
-        var _config = typeof config === 'object' ? config : null;
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new Dropdown(this, _config);
-          $(this).data(DATA_KEY$4, data);
-        }
-        if (typeof config === 'string') {
-          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
-            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
-          }
-          data[config]();
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    Dropdown._clearMenus = function _clearMenus(event) {
-      if (event && (event.which === RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WHICH || event.type === 'keyup' && event.which !== TAB_KEYCODE)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var toggles = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(Selector$4.DATA_TOGGLE));
-      for (var i = 0, len = toggles.length; i < len; i++) {
-        var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(toggles[i]);
-        var context = $(toggles[i]).data(DATA_KEY$4);
-        var relatedTarget = {
-          relatedTarget: toggles[i]
-        };
-        if (event && event.type === 'click') {
-          relatedTarget.clickEvent = event;
-        }
-        if (!context) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        var dropdownMenu = context._menu;
-        if (!$(parent).hasClass(ClassName$4.SHOW)) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        if (event && (event.type === 'click' && /input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName) || event.type === 'keyup' && event.which === TAB_KEYCODE) && $.contains(parent, event.target)) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        var hideEvent = $.Event(Event$4.HIDE, relatedTarget);
-        $(parent).trigger(hideEvent);
-        if (hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-          continue;
-        } // If this is a touch-enabled device we remove the extra
-        // empty mouseover listeners we added for iOS support
-        if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
-          $(document.body).children().off('mouseover', null, $.noop);
-        }
-        toggles[i].setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
-        $(dropdownMenu).removeClass(ClassName$4.SHOW);
-        $(parent).removeClass(ClassName$4.SHOW).trigger($.Event(Event$4.HIDDEN, relatedTarget));
-      }
-    };
-    Dropdown._getParentFromElement = function _getParentFromElement(element) {
-      var parent;
-      var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);
-      if (selector) {
-        parent = document.querySelector(selector);
-      }
-      return parent || element.parentNode;
-    }; // eslint-disable-next-line complexity
-    Dropdown._dataApiKeydownHandler = function _dataApiKeydownHandler(event) {
-      // If not input/textarea:
-      //  - And not a key in REGEXP_KEYDOWN => not a dropdown command
-      // If input/textarea:
-      //  - If space key => not a dropdown command
-      //  - If key is other than escape
-      //    - If key is not up or down => not a dropdown command
-      //    - If trigger inside the menu => not a dropdown command
-      if (/input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName) ? event.which === SPACE_KEYCODE || event.which !== ESCAPE_KEYCODE && (event.which !== ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE && event.which !== ARROW_UP_KEYCODE || $(event.target).closest(Selector$4.MENU).length) : !REGEXP_KEYDOWN.test(event.which)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      event.preventDefault();
-      event.stopPropagation();
-      if (this.disabled || $(this).hasClass(ClassName$4.DISABLED)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this);
-      var isActive = $(parent).hasClass(ClassName$4.SHOW);
-      if (!isActive || isActive && (event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE || event.which === SPACE_KEYCODE)) {
-        if (event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE) {
-          var toggle = parent.querySelector(Selector$4.DATA_TOGGLE);
-          $(toggle).trigger('focus');
-        }
-        $(this).trigger('click');
-        return;
-      }
-      var items = [].slice.call(parent.querySelectorAll(Selector$4.VISIBLE_ITEMS));
-      if (items.length === 0) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var index = items.indexOf(event.target);
-      if (event.which === ARROW_UP_KEYCODE && index > 0) {
-        // Up
-        index--;
-      }
-      if (event.which === ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE && index < items.length - 1) {
-        // Down
-        index++;
-      }
-      if (index < 0) {
-        index = 0;
-      }
-      items[index].focus();
-    };
-    _createClass(Dropdown, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION$4;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "Default",
-      get: function get() {
-        return Default$2;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "DefaultType",
-      get: function get() {
-        return DefaultType$2;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return Dropdown;
-  }();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Data Api implementation
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $(document).on(Event$4.KEYDOWN_DATA_API, Selector$4.DATA_TOGGLE, Dropdown._dataApiKeydownHandler).on(Event$4.KEYDOWN_DATA_API, Selector$4.MENU, Dropdown._dataApiKeydownHandler).on(Event$4.CLICK_DATA_API + " " + Event$4.KEYUP_DATA_API, Dropdown._clearMenus).on(Event$4.CLICK_DATA_API, Selector$4.DATA_TOGGLE, function (event) {
-    event.preventDefault();
-    event.stopPropagation();
-    Dropdown._jQueryInterface.call($(this), 'toggle');
-  }).on(Event$4.CLICK_DATA_API, Selector$4.FORM_CHILD, function (e) {
-    e.stopPropagation();
-  });
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME$4] = Dropdown._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME$4].Constructor = Dropdown;
-  $.fn[NAME$4].noConflict = function () {
-    $.fn[NAME$4] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$4;
-    return Dropdown._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME$5 = 'modal';
-  var VERSION$5 = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY$5 = 'bs.modal';
-  var EVENT_KEY$5 = "." + DATA_KEY$5;
-  var DATA_API_KEY$5 = '.data-api';
-  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$5 = $.fn[NAME$5];
-  var ESCAPE_KEYCODE$1 = 27; // KeyboardEvent.which value for Escape (Esc) key
-  var Default$3 = {
-    backdrop: true,
-    keyboard: true,
-    focus: true,
-    show: true
-  };
-  var DefaultType$3 = {
-    backdrop: '(boolean|string)',
-    keyboard: 'boolean',
-    focus: 'boolean',
-    show: 'boolean'
-  };
-  var Event$5 = {
-    HIDE: "hide" + EVENT_KEY$5,
-    HIDDEN: "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$5,
-    SHOW: "show" + EVENT_KEY$5,
-    SHOWN: "shown" + EVENT_KEY$5,
-    FOCUSIN: "focusin" + EVENT_KEY$5,
-    RESIZE: "resize" + EVENT_KEY$5,
-    CLICK_DISMISS: "click.dismiss" + EVENT_KEY$5,
-    KEYDOWN_DISMISS: "keydown.dismiss" + EVENT_KEY$5,
-    MOUSEUP_DISMISS: "mouseup.dismiss" + EVENT_KEY$5,
-    MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS: "mousedown.dismiss" + EVENT_KEY$5,
-  };
-  var ClassName$5 = {
-    SCROLLBAR_MEASURER: 'modal-scrollbar-measure',
-    BACKDROP: 'modal-backdrop',
-    OPEN: 'modal-open',
-    FADE: 'fade',
-    SHOW: 'show'
-  };
-  var Selector$5 = {
-    DIALOG: '.modal-dialog',
-    DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="modal"]',
-    DATA_DISMISS: '[data-dismiss="modal"]',
-    FIXED_CONTENT: '.fixed-top, .fixed-bottom, .is-fixed, .sticky-top',
-    STICKY_CONTENT: '.sticky-top'
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var Modal =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function () {
-    function Modal(element, config) {
-      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
-      this._element = element;
-      this._dialog = element.querySelector(Selector$5.DIALOG);
-      this._backdrop = null;
-      this._isShown = false;
-      this._isBodyOverflowing = false;
-      this._ignoreBackdropClick = false;
-      this._isTransitioning = false;
-      this._scrollbarWidth = 0;
-    } // Getters
-    var _proto = Modal.prototype;
-    // Public
-    _proto.toggle = function toggle(relatedTarget) {
-      return this._isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(relatedTarget);
-    };
-    _proto.show = function show(relatedTarget) {
-      var _this = this;
-      if (this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) {
-        return;
-      }
-      if ($(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$5.FADE)) {
-        this._isTransitioning = true;
-      }
-      var showEvent = $.Event(Event$5.SHOW, {
-        relatedTarget: relatedTarget
-      });
-      $(this._element).trigger(showEvent);
-      if (this._isShown || showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      this._isShown = true;
-      this._checkScrollbar();
-      this._setScrollbar();
-      this._adjustDialog();
-      this._setEscapeEvent();
-      this._setResizeEvent();
-      $(this._element).on(Event$5.CLICK_DISMISS, Selector$5.DATA_DISMISS, function (event) {
-        return _this.hide(event);
-      });
-      $(this._dialog).on(Event$5.MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS, function () {
-        $(_this._element).one(Event$5.MOUSEUP_DISMISS, function (event) {
-          if ($(event.target).is(_this._element)) {
-            _this._ignoreBackdropClick = true;
-          }
-        });
-      });
-      this._showBackdrop(function () {
-        return _this._showElement(relatedTarget);
-      });
-    };
-    _proto.hide = function hide(event) {
-      var _this2 = this;
-      if (event) {
-        event.preventDefault();
-      }
-      if (!this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var hideEvent = $.Event(Event$5.HIDE);
-      $(this._element).trigger(hideEvent);
-      if (!this._isShown || hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      this._isShown = false;
-      var transition = $(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$5.FADE);
-      if (transition) {
-        this._isTransitioning = true;
-      }
-      this._setEscapeEvent();
-      this._setResizeEvent();
-      $(document).off(Event$5.FOCUSIN);
-      $(this._element).removeClass(ClassName$5.SHOW);
-      $(this._element).off(Event$5.CLICK_DISMISS);
-      $(this._dialog).off(Event$5.MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS);
-      if (transition) {
-        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);
-        $(this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function (event) {
-          return _this2._hideModal(event);
-        }).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-      } else {
-        this._hideModal();
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
-      [window, this._element, this._dialog].forEach(function (htmlElement) {
-        return $(htmlElement).off(EVENT_KEY$5);
-      });
-      /**
-       * `document` has 2 events `Event.FOCUSIN` and `Event.CLICK_DATA_API`
-       * Do not move `document` in `htmlElements` array
-       * It will remove `Event.CLICK_DATA_API` event that should remain
-       */
-      $(document).off(Event$5.FOCUSIN);
-      $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$5);
-      this._config = null;
-      this._element = null;
-      this._dialog = null;
-      this._backdrop = null;
-      this._isShown = null;
-      this._isBodyOverflowing = null;
-      this._ignoreBackdropClick = null;
-      this._isTransitioning = null;
-      this._scrollbarWidth = null;
-    };
-    _proto.handleUpdate = function handleUpdate() {
-      this._adjustDialog();
-    }; // Private
-    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
-      config = _objectSpread({}, Default$3, config);
-      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$5, config, DefaultType$3);
-      return config;
-    };
-    _proto._showElement = function _showElement(relatedTarget) {
-      var _this3 = this;
-      var transition = $(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$5.FADE);
-      if (!this._element.parentNode || this._element.parentNode.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
-        // Don't move modal's DOM position
-        document.body.appendChild(this._element);
-      }
-      this._element.style.display = 'block';
-      this._element.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
-      this._element.setAttribute('aria-modal', true);
-      this._element.scrollTop = 0;
-      if (transition) {
-        Util.reflow(this._element);
-      }
-      $(this._element).addClass(ClassName$5.SHOW);
-      if (this._config.focus) {
-        this._enforceFocus();
-      }
-      var shownEvent = $.Event(Event$5.SHOWN, {
-        relatedTarget: relatedTarget
-      });
-      var transitionComplete = function transitionComplete() {
-        if (_this3._config.focus) {
-          _this3._element.focus();
-        }
-        _this3._isTransitioning = false;
-        $(_this3._element).trigger(shownEvent);
-      };
-      if (transition) {
-        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._dialog);
-        $(this._dialog).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, transitionComplete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-      } else {
-        transitionComplete();
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._enforceFocus = function _enforceFocus() {
-      var _this4 = this;
-      $(document).off(Event$5.FOCUSIN) // Guard against infinite focus loop
-      .on(Event$5.FOCUSIN, function (event) {
-        if (document !== event.target && _this4._element !== event.target && $(_this4._element).has(event.target).length === 0) {
-          _this4._element.focus();
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    _proto._setEscapeEvent = function _setEscapeEvent() {
-      var _this5 = this;
-      if (this._isShown && this._config.keyboard) {
-        $(this._element).on(Event$5.KEYDOWN_DISMISS, function (event) {
-          if (event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE$1) {
-            event.preventDefault();
-            _this5.hide();
-          }
-        });
-      } else if (!this._isShown) {
-        $(this._element).off(Event$5.KEYDOWN_DISMISS);
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._setResizeEvent = function _setResizeEvent() {
-      var _this6 = this;
-      if (this._isShown) {
-        $(window).on(Event$5.RESIZE, function (event) {
-          return _this6.handleUpdate(event);
-        });
-      } else {
-        $(window).off(Event$5.RESIZE);
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._hideModal = function _hideModal() {
-      var _this7 = this;
-      this._element.style.display = 'none';
-      this._element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);
-      this._element.removeAttribute('aria-modal');
-      this._isTransitioning = false;
-      this._showBackdrop(function () {
-        $(document.body).removeClass(ClassName$5.OPEN);
-        _this7._resetAdjustments();
-        _this7._resetScrollbar();
-        $(_this7._element).trigger(Event$5.HIDDEN);
-      });
-    };
-    _proto._removeBackdrop = function _removeBackdrop() {
-      if (this._backdrop) {
-        $(this._backdrop).remove();
-        this._backdrop = null;
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._showBackdrop = function _showBackdrop(callback) {
-      var _this8 = this;
-      var animate = $(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$5.FADE) ? ClassName$5.FADE : '';
-      if (this._isShown && this._config.backdrop) {
-        this._backdrop = document.createElement('div');
-        this._backdrop.className = ClassName$5.BACKDROP;
-        if (animate) {
-          this._backdrop.classList.add(animate);
-        }
-        $(this._backdrop).appendTo(document.body);
-        $(this._element).on(Event$5.CLICK_DISMISS, function (event) {
-          if (_this8._ignoreBackdropClick) {
-            _this8._ignoreBackdropClick = false;
-            return;
-          }
-          if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) {
-            return;
-          }
-          if (_this8._config.backdrop === 'static') {
-            _this8._element.focus();
-          } else {
-            _this8.hide();
-          }
-        });
-        if (animate) {
-          Util.reflow(this._backdrop);
-        }
-        $(this._backdrop).addClass(ClassName$5.SHOW);
-        if (!callback) {
-          return;
-        }
-        if (!animate) {
-          callback();
-          return;
-        }
-        var backdropTransitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._backdrop);
-        $(this._backdrop).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, callback).emulateTransitionEnd(backdropTransitionDuration);
-      } else if (!this._isShown && this._backdrop) {
-        $(this._backdrop).removeClass(ClassName$5.SHOW);
-        var callbackRemove = function callbackRemove() {
-          _this8._removeBackdrop();
-          if (callback) {
-            callback();
-          }
-        };
-        if ($(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$5.FADE)) {
-          var _backdropTransitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._backdrop);
-          $(this._backdrop).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, callbackRemove).emulateTransitionEnd(_backdropTransitionDuration);
-        } else {
-          callbackRemove();
-        }
-      } else if (callback) {
-        callback();
-      }
-    }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    // the following methods are used to handle overflowing modals
-    // todo (fat): these should probably be refactored out of modal.js
-    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-    _proto._adjustDialog = function _adjustDialog() {
-      var isModalOverflowing = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight;
-      if (!this._isBodyOverflowing && isModalOverflowing) {
-        this._element.style.paddingLeft = this._scrollbarWidth + "px";
-      }
-      if (this._isBodyOverflowing && !isModalOverflowing) {
-        this._element.style.paddingRight = this._scrollbarWidth + "px";
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._resetAdjustments = function _resetAdjustments() {
-      this._element.style.paddingLeft = '';
-      this._element.style.paddingRight = '';
-    };
-    _proto._checkScrollbar = function _checkScrollbar() {
-      var rect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
-      this._isBodyOverflowing = rect.left + rect.right < window.innerWidth;
-      this._scrollbarWidth = this._getScrollbarWidth();
-    };
-    _proto._setScrollbar = function _setScrollbar() {
-      var _this9 = this;
-      if (this._isBodyOverflowing) {
-        // Note: DOMNode.style.paddingRight returns the actual value or '' if not set
-        //   while $(DOMNode).css('padding-right') returns the calculated value or 0 if not set
-        var fixedContent = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(Selector$5.FIXED_CONTENT));
-        var stickyContent = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(Selector$5.STICKY_CONTENT)); // Adjust fixed content padding
-        $(fixedContent).each(function (index, element) {
-          var actualPadding = element.style.paddingRight;
-          var calculatedPadding = $(element).css('padding-right');
-          $(element).data('padding-right', actualPadding).css('padding-right', parseFloat(calculatedPadding) + _this9._scrollbarWidth + "px");
-        }); // Adjust sticky content margin
-        $(stickyContent).each(function (index, element) {
-          var actualMargin = element.style.marginRight;
-          var calculatedMargin = $(element).css('margin-right');
-          $(element).data('margin-right', actualMargin).css('margin-right', parseFloat(calculatedMargin) - _this9._scrollbarWidth + "px");
-        }); // Adjust body padding
-        var actualPadding = document.body.style.paddingRight;
-        var calculatedPadding = $(document.body).css('padding-right');
-        $(document.body).data('padding-right', actualPadding).css('padding-right', parseFloat(calculatedPadding) + this._scrollbarWidth + "px");
-      }
-      $(document.body).addClass(ClassName$5.OPEN);
-    };
-    _proto._resetScrollbar = function _resetScrollbar() {
-      // Restore fixed content padding
-      var fixedContent = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(Selector$5.FIXED_CONTENT));
-      $(fixedContent).each(function (index, element) {
-        var padding = $(element).data('padding-right');
-        $(element).removeData('padding-right');
-        element.style.paddingRight = padding ? padding : '';
-      }); // Restore sticky content
-      var elements = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("" + Selector$5.STICKY_CONTENT));
-      $(elements).each(function (index, element) {
-        var margin = $(element).data('margin-right');
-        if (typeof margin !== 'undefined') {
-          $(element).css('margin-right', margin).removeData('margin-right');
-        }
-      }); // Restore body padding
-      var padding = $(document.body).data('padding-right');
-      $(document.body).removeData('padding-right');
-      document.body.style.paddingRight = padding ? padding : '';
-    };
-    _proto._getScrollbarWidth = function _getScrollbarWidth() {
-      // thx d.walsh
-      var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div');
-      scrollDiv.className = ClassName$5.SCROLLBAR_MEASURER;
-      document.body.appendChild(scrollDiv);
-      var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.getBoundingClientRect().width - scrollDiv.clientWidth;
-      document.body.removeChild(scrollDiv);
-      return scrollbarWidth;
-    }; // Static
-    Modal._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config, relatedTarget) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$5);
-        var _config = _objectSpread({}, Default$3, $(this).data(), typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {});
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new Modal(this, _config);
-          $(this).data(DATA_KEY$5, data);
-        }
-        if (typeof config === 'string') {
-          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
-            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
-          }
-          data[config](relatedTarget);
-        } else if (_config.show) {
-          data.show(relatedTarget);
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    _createClass(Modal, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION$5;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "Default",
-      get: function get() {
-        return Default$3;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return Modal;
-  }();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Data Api implementation
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $(document).on(Event$5.CLICK_DATA_API, Selector$5.DATA_TOGGLE, function (event) {
-    var _this10 = this;
-    var target;
-    var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this);
-    if (selector) {
-      target = document.querySelector(selector);
-    }
-    var config = $(target).data(DATA_KEY$5) ? 'toggle' : _objectSpread({}, $(target).data(), $(this).data());
-    if (this.tagName === 'A' || this.tagName === 'AREA') {
-      event.preventDefault();
-    }
-    var $target = $(target).one(Event$5.SHOW, function (showEvent) {
-      if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        // Only register focus restorer if modal will actually get shown
-        return;
-      }
-      $target.one(Event$5.HIDDEN, function () {
-        if ($(_this10).is(':visible')) {
-          _this10.focus();
-        }
-      });
-    });
-    Modal._jQueryInterface.call($(target), config, this);
-  });
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME$5] = Modal._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME$5].Constructor = Modal;
-  $.fn[NAME$5].noConflict = function () {
-    $.fn[NAME$5] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$5;
-    return Modal._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME$6 = 'tooltip';
-  var VERSION$6 = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY$6 = 'bs.tooltip';
-  var EVENT_KEY$6 = "." + DATA_KEY$6;
-  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$6 = $.fn[NAME$6];
-  var CLASS_PREFIX = 'bs-tooltip';
-  var BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + CLASS_PREFIX + "\\S+", 'g');
-  var DefaultType$4 = {
-    animation: 'boolean',
-    template: 'string',
-    title: '(string|element|function)',
-    trigger: 'string',
-    delay: '(number|object)',
-    html: 'boolean',
-    selector: '(string|boolean)',
-    placement: '(string|function)',
-    offset: '(number|string)',
-    container: '(string|element|boolean)',
-    fallbackPlacement: '(string|array)',
-    boundary: '(string|element)'
-  };
-  var AttachmentMap$1 = {
-    AUTO: 'auto',
-    TOP: 'top',
-    RIGHT: 'right',
-    BOTTOM: 'bottom',
-    LEFT: 'left'
-  };
-  var Default$4 = {
-    animation: true,
-    template: '<div class="tooltip" role="tooltip">' + '<div class="arrow"></div>' + '<div class="tooltip-inner"></div></div>',
-    trigger: 'hover focus',
-    title: '',
-    delay: 0,
-    html: false,
-    selector: false,
-    placement: 'top',
-    offset: 0,
-    container: false,
-    fallbackPlacement: 'flip',
-    boundary: 'scrollParent'
-  };
-  var HoverState = {
-    SHOW: 'show',
-    OUT: 'out'
-  };
-  var Event$6 = {
-    HIDE: "hide" + EVENT_KEY$6,
-    HIDDEN: "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$6,
-    SHOW: "show" + EVENT_KEY$6,
-    SHOWN: "shown" + EVENT_KEY$6,
-    INSERTED: "inserted" + EVENT_KEY$6,
-    CLICK: "click" + EVENT_KEY$6,
-    FOCUSIN: "focusin" + EVENT_KEY$6,
-    FOCUSOUT: "focusout" + EVENT_KEY$6,
-    MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter" + EVENT_KEY$6,
-    MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave" + EVENT_KEY$6
-  };
-  var ClassName$6 = {
-    FADE: 'fade',
-    SHOW: 'show'
-  };
-  var Selector$6 = {
-    TOOLTIP: '.tooltip',
-    TOOLTIP_INNER: '.tooltip-inner',
-    ARROW: '.arrow'
-  };
-  var Trigger = {
-    HOVER: 'hover',
-    FOCUS: 'focus',
-    CLICK: 'click',
-    MANUAL: 'manual'
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var Tooltip =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function () {
-    function Tooltip(element, config) {
-      /**
-       * Check for Popper dependency
-       * Popper - https://popper.js.org
-       */
-      if (typeof Popper === 'undefined') {
-        throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\'s tooltips require Popper.js (https://popper.js.org/)');
-      } // private
-      this._isEnabled = true;
-      this._timeout = 0;
-      this._hoverState = '';
-      this._activeTrigger = {};
-      this._popper = null; // Protected
-      this.element = element;
-      this.config = this._getConfig(config);
-      this.tip = null;
-      this._setListeners();
-    } // Getters
-    var _proto = Tooltip.prototype;
-    // Public
-    _proto.enable = function enable() {
-      this._isEnabled = true;
-    };
-    _proto.disable = function disable() {
-      this._isEnabled = false;
-    };
-    _proto.toggleEnabled = function toggleEnabled() {
-      this._isEnabled = !this._isEnabled;
-    };
-    _proto.toggle = function toggle(event) {
-      if (!this._isEnabled) {
-        return;
-      }
-      if (event) {
-        var dataKey = this.constructor.DATA_KEY;
-        var context = $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey);
-        if (!context) {
-          context = new this.constructor(event.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig());
-          $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey, context);
-        }
-        context._activeTrigger.click = !context._activeTrigger.click;
-        if (context._isWithActiveTrigger()) {
-          context._enter(null, context);
-        } else {
-          context._leave(null, context);
-        }
-      } else {
-        if ($(this.getTipElement()).hasClass(ClassName$6.SHOW)) {
-          this._leave(null, this);
-          return;
-        }
-        this._enter(null, this);
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
-      clearTimeout(this._timeout);
-      $.removeData(this.element, this.constructor.DATA_KEY);
-      $(this.element).off(this.constructor.EVENT_KEY);
-      $(this.element).closest('.modal').off('hide.bs.modal');
-      if (this.tip) {
-        $(this.tip).remove();
-      }
-      this._isEnabled = null;
-      this._timeout = null;
-      this._hoverState = null;
-      this._activeTrigger = null;
-      if (this._popper !== null) {
-        this._popper.destroy();
-      }
-      this._popper = null;
-      this.element = null;
-      this.config = null;
-      this.tip = null;
-    };
-    _proto.show = function show() {
-      var _this = this;
-      if ($(this.element).css('display') === 'none') {
-        throw new Error('Please use show on visible elements');
-      }
-      var showEvent = $.Event(this.constructor.Event.SHOW);
-      if (this.isWithContent() && this._isEnabled) {
-        $(this.element).trigger(showEvent);
-        var shadowRoot = Util.findShadowRoot(this.element);
-        var isInTheDom = $.contains(shadowRoot !== null ? shadowRoot : this.element.ownerDocument.documentElement, this.element);
-        if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || !isInTheDom) {
-          return;
-        }
-        var tip = this.getTipElement();
-        var tipId = Util.getUID(this.constructor.NAME);
-        tip.setAttribute('id', tipId);
-        this.element.setAttribute('aria-describedby', tipId);
-        this.setContent();
-        if (this.config.animation) {
-          $(tip).addClass(ClassName$6.FADE);
-        }
-        var placement = typeof this.config.placement === 'function' ? this.config.placement.call(this, tip, this.element) : this.config.placement;
-        var attachment = this._getAttachment(placement);
-        this.addAttachmentClass(attachment);
-        var container = this._getContainer();
-        $(tip).data(this.constructor.DATA_KEY, this);
-        if (!$.contains(this.element.ownerDocument.documentElement, this.tip)) {
-          $(tip).appendTo(container);
-        }
-        $(this.element).trigger(this.constructor.Event.INSERTED);
-        this._popper = new Popper(this.element, tip, {
-          placement: attachment,
-          modifiers: {
-            offset: {
-              offset: this.config.offset
-            },
-            flip: {
-              behavior: this.config.fallbackPlacement
-            },
-            arrow: {
-              element: Selector$6.ARROW
-            },
-            preventOverflow: {
-              boundariesElement: this.config.boundary
-            }
-          },
-          onCreate: function onCreate(data) {
-            if (data.originalPlacement !== data.placement) {
-              _this._handlePopperPlacementChange(data);
-            }
-          },
-          onUpdate: function onUpdate(data) {
-            return _this._handlePopperPlacementChange(data);
-          }
-        });
-        $(tip).addClass(ClassName$6.SHOW); // If this is a touch-enabled device we add extra
-        // empty mouseover listeners to the body's immediate children;
-        // only needed because of broken event delegation on iOS
-        // https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html
-        if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
-          $(document.body).children().on('mouseover', null, $.noop);
-        }
-        var complete = function complete() {
-          if (_this.config.animation) {
-            _this._fixTransition();
-          }
-          var prevHoverState = _this._hoverState;
-          _this._hoverState = null;
-          $(_this.element).trigger(_this.constructor.Event.SHOWN);
-          if (prevHoverState === HoverState.OUT) {
-            _this._leave(null, _this);
-          }
-        };
-        if ($(this.tip).hasClass(ClassName$6.FADE)) {
-          var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this.tip);
-          $(this.tip).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-        } else {
-          complete();
-        }
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.hide = function hide(callback) {
-      var _this2 = this;
-      var tip = this.getTipElement();
-      var hideEvent = $.Event(this.constructor.Event.HIDE);
-      var complete = function complete() {
-        if (_this2._hoverState !== HoverState.SHOW && tip.parentNode) {
-          tip.parentNode.removeChild(tip);
-        }
-        _this2._cleanTipClass();
-        _this2.element.removeAttribute('aria-describedby');
-        $(_this2.element).trigger(_this2.constructor.Event.HIDDEN);
-        if (_this2._popper !== null) {
-          _this2._popper.destroy();
-        }
-        if (callback) {
-          callback();
-        }
-      };
-      $(this.element).trigger(hideEvent);
-      if (hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      $(tip).removeClass(ClassName$6.SHOW); // If this is a touch-enabled device we remove the extra
-      // empty mouseover listeners we added for iOS support
-      if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
-        $(document.body).children().off('mouseover', null, $.noop);
-      }
-      this._activeTrigger[Trigger.CLICK] = false;
-      this._activeTrigger[Trigger.FOCUS] = false;
-      this._activeTrigger[Trigger.HOVER] = false;
-      if ($(this.tip).hasClass(ClassName$6.FADE)) {
-        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(tip);
-        $(tip).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-      } else {
-        complete();
-      }
-      this._hoverState = '';
-    };
-    _proto.update = function update() {
-      if (this._popper !== null) {
-        this._popper.scheduleUpdate();
-      }
-    }; // Protected
-    _proto.isWithContent = function isWithContent() {
-      return Boolean(this.getTitle());
-    };
-    _proto.addAttachmentClass = function addAttachmentClass(attachment) {
-      $(this.getTipElement()).addClass(CLASS_PREFIX + "-" + attachment);
-    };
-    _proto.getTipElement = function getTipElement() {
-      this.tip = this.tip || $(this.config.template)[0];
-      return this.tip;
-    };
-    _proto.setContent = function setContent() {
-      var tip = this.getTipElement();
-      this.setElementContent($(tip.querySelectorAll(Selector$6.TOOLTIP_INNER)), this.getTitle());
-      $(tip).removeClass(ClassName$6.FADE + " " + ClassName$6.SHOW);
-    };
-    _proto.setElementContent = function setElementContent($element, content) {
-      var html = this.config.html;
-      if (typeof content === 'object' && (content.nodeType || content.jquery)) {
-        // Content is a DOM node or a jQuery
-        if (html) {
-          if (!$(content).parent().is($element)) {
-            $element.empty().append(content);
-          }
-        } else {
-          $element.text($(content).text());
-        }
-      } else {
-        $element[html ? 'html' : 'text'](content);
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.getTitle = function getTitle() {
-      var title = this.element.getAttribute('data-original-title');
-      if (!title) {
-        title = typeof this.config.title === 'function' ? this.config.title.call(this.element) : this.config.title;
-      }
-      return title;
-    }; // Private
-    _proto._getContainer = function _getContainer() {
-      if (this.config.container === false) {
-        return document.body;
-      }
-      if (Util.isElement(this.config.container)) {
-        return $(this.config.container);
-      }
-      return $(document).find(this.config.container);
-    };
-    _proto._getAttachment = function _getAttachment(placement) {
-      return AttachmentMap$1[placement.toUpperCase()];
-    };
-    _proto._setListeners = function _setListeners() {
-      var _this3 = this;
-      var triggers = this.config.trigger.split(' ');
-      triggers.forEach(function (trigger) {
-        if (trigger === 'click') {
-          $(_this3.element).on(_this3.constructor.Event.CLICK, _this3.config.selector, function (event) {
-            return _this3.toggle(event);
-          });
-        } else if (trigger !== Trigger.MANUAL) {
-          var eventIn = trigger === Trigger.HOVER ? _this3.constructor.Event.MOUSEENTER : _this3.constructor.Event.FOCUSIN;
-          var eventOut = trigger === Trigger.HOVER ? _this3.constructor.Event.MOUSELEAVE : _this3.constructor.Event.FOCUSOUT;
-          $(_this3.element).on(eventIn, _this3.config.selector, function (event) {
-            return _this3._enter(event);
-          }).on(eventOut, _this3.config.selector, function (event) {
-            return _this3._leave(event);
-          });
-        }
-      });
-      $(this.element).closest('.modal').on('hide.bs.modal', function () {
-        if (_this3.element) {
-          _this3.hide();
-        }
-      });
-      if (this.config.selector) {
-        this.config = _objectSpread({}, this.config, {
-          trigger: 'manual',
-          selector: ''
-        });
-      } else {
-        this._fixTitle();
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._fixTitle = function _fixTitle() {
-      var titleType = typeof this.element.getAttribute('data-original-title');
-      if (this.element.getAttribute('title') || titleType !== 'string') {
-        this.element.setAttribute('data-original-title', this.element.getAttribute('title') || '');
-        this.element.setAttribute('title', '');
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._enter = function _enter(event, context) {
-      var dataKey = this.constructor.DATA_KEY;
-      context = context || $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey);
-      if (!context) {
-        context = new this.constructor(event.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig());
-        $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey, context);
-      }
-      if (event) {
-        context._activeTrigger[event.type === 'focusin' ? Trigger.FOCUS : Trigger.HOVER] = true;
-      }
-      if ($(context.getTipElement()).hasClass(ClassName$6.SHOW) || context._hoverState === HoverState.SHOW) {
-        context._hoverState = HoverState.SHOW;
-        return;
-      }
-      clearTimeout(context._timeout);
-      context._hoverState = HoverState.SHOW;
-      if (!context.config.delay || !context.config.delay.show) {
-        context.show();
-        return;
-      }
-      context._timeout = setTimeout(function () {
-        if (context._hoverState === HoverState.SHOW) {
-          context.show();
-        }
-      }, context.config.delay.show);
-    };
-    _proto._leave = function _leave(event, context) {
-      var dataKey = this.constructor.DATA_KEY;
-      context = context || $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey);
-      if (!context) {
-        context = new this.constructor(event.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig());
-        $(event.currentTarget).data(dataKey, context);
-      }
-      if (event) {
-        context._activeTrigger[event.type === 'focusout' ? Trigger.FOCUS : Trigger.HOVER] = false;
-      }
-      if (context._isWithActiveTrigger()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      clearTimeout(context._timeout);
-      context._hoverState = HoverState.OUT;
-      if (!context.config.delay || !context.config.delay.hide) {
-        context.hide();
-        return;
-      }
-      context._timeout = setTimeout(function () {
-        if (context._hoverState === HoverState.OUT) {
-          context.hide();
-        }
-      }, context.config.delay.hide);
-    };
-    _proto._isWithActiveTrigger = function _isWithActiveTrigger() {
-      for (var trigger in this._activeTrigger) {
-        if (this._activeTrigger[trigger]) {
-          return true;
-        }
-      }
-      return false;
-    };
-    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
-      config = _objectSpread({}, this.constructor.Default, $(this.element).data(), typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {});
-      if (typeof config.delay === 'number') {
-        config.delay = {
-          show: config.delay,
-          hide: config.delay
-        };
-      }
-      if (typeof config.title === 'number') {
-        config.title = config.title.toString();
-      }
-      if (typeof config.content === 'number') {
-        config.content = config.content.toString();
-      }
-      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$6, config, this.constructor.DefaultType);
-      return config;
-    };
-    _proto._getDelegateConfig = function _getDelegateConfig() {
-      var config = {};
-      if (this.config) {
-        for (var key in this.config) {
-          if (this.constructor.Default[key] !== this.config[key]) {
-            config[key] = this.config[key];
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return config;
-    };
-    _proto._cleanTipClass = function _cleanTipClass() {
-      var $tip = $(this.getTipElement());
-      var tabClass = $tip.attr('class').match(BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX);
-      if (tabClass !== null && tabClass.length) {
-        $tip.removeClass(tabClass.join(''));
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._handlePopperPlacementChange = function _handlePopperPlacementChange(popperData) {
-      var popperInstance = popperData.instance;
-      this.tip = popperInstance.popper;
-      this._cleanTipClass();
-      this.addAttachmentClass(this._getAttachment(popperData.placement));
-    };
-    _proto._fixTransition = function _fixTransition() {
-      var tip = this.getTipElement();
-      var initConfigAnimation = this.config.animation;
-      if (tip.getAttribute('x-placement') !== null) {
-        return;
-      }
-      $(tip).removeClass(ClassName$6.FADE);
-      this.config.animation = false;
-      this.hide();
-      this.show();
-      this.config.animation = initConfigAnimation;
-    }; // Static
-    Tooltip._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$6);
-        var _config = typeof config === 'object' && config;
-        if (!data && /dispose|hide/.test(config)) {
-          return;
-        }
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new Tooltip(this, _config);
-          $(this).data(DATA_KEY$6, data);
-        }
-        if (typeof config === 'string') {
-          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
-            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
-          }
-          data[config]();
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    _createClass(Tooltip, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION$6;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "Default",
-      get: function get() {
-        return Default$4;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "NAME",
-      get: function get() {
-        return NAME$6;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "DATA_KEY",
-      get: function get() {
-        return DATA_KEY$6;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "Event",
-      get: function get() {
-        return Event$6;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "EVENT_KEY",
-      get: function get() {
-        return EVENT_KEY$6;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "DefaultType",
-      get: function get() {
-        return DefaultType$4;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return Tooltip;
-  }();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME$6] = Tooltip._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME$6].Constructor = Tooltip;
-  $.fn[NAME$6].noConflict = function () {
-    $.fn[NAME$6] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$6;
-    return Tooltip._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME$7 = 'popover';
-  var VERSION$7 = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY$7 = 'bs.popover';
-  var EVENT_KEY$7 = "." + DATA_KEY$7;
-  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$7 = $.fn[NAME$7];
-  var CLASS_PREFIX$1 = 'bs-popover';
-  var BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX$1 = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + CLASS_PREFIX$1 + "\\S+", 'g');
-  var Default$5 = _objectSpread({}, Tooltip.Default, {
-    placement: 'right',
-    trigger: 'click',
-    content: '',
-    template: '<div class="popover" role="tooltip">' + '<div class="arrow"></div>' + '<h3 class="popover-header"></h3>' + '<div class="popover-body"></div></div>'
-  });
-  var DefaultType$5 = _objectSpread({}, Tooltip.DefaultType, {
-    content: '(string|element|function)'
-  });
-  var ClassName$7 = {
-    FADE: 'fade',
-    SHOW: 'show'
-  };
-  var Selector$7 = {
-    TITLE: '.popover-header',
-    CONTENT: '.popover-body'
-  };
-  var Event$7 = {
-    HIDE: "hide" + EVENT_KEY$7,
-    HIDDEN: "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$7,
-    SHOW: "show" + EVENT_KEY$7,
-    SHOWN: "shown" + EVENT_KEY$7,
-    INSERTED: "inserted" + EVENT_KEY$7,
-    CLICK: "click" + EVENT_KEY$7,
-    FOCUSIN: "focusin" + EVENT_KEY$7,
-    FOCUSOUT: "focusout" + EVENT_KEY$7,
-    MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter" + EVENT_KEY$7,
-    MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave" + EVENT_KEY$7
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var Popover =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function (_Tooltip) {
-    _inheritsLoose(Popover, _Tooltip);
-    function Popover() {
-      return _Tooltip.apply(this, arguments) || this;
-    }
-    var _proto = Popover.prototype;
-    // Overrides
-    _proto.isWithContent = function isWithContent() {
-      return this.getTitle() || this._getContent();
-    };
-    _proto.addAttachmentClass = function addAttachmentClass(attachment) {
-      $(this.getTipElement()).addClass(CLASS_PREFIX$1 + "-" + attachment);
-    };
-    _proto.getTipElement = function getTipElement() {
-      this.tip = this.tip || $(this.config.template)[0];
-      return this.tip;
-    };
-    _proto.setContent = function setContent() {
-      var $tip = $(this.getTipElement()); // We use append for html objects to maintain js events
-      this.setElementContent($tip.find(Selector$7.TITLE), this.getTitle());
-      var content = this._getContent();
-      if (typeof content === 'function') {
-        content = content.call(this.element);
-      }
-      this.setElementContent($tip.find(Selector$7.CONTENT), content);
-      $tip.removeClass(ClassName$7.FADE + " " + ClassName$7.SHOW);
-    }; // Private
-    _proto._getContent = function _getContent() {
-      return this.element.getAttribute('data-content') || this.config.content;
-    };
-    _proto._cleanTipClass = function _cleanTipClass() {
-      var $tip = $(this.getTipElement());
-      var tabClass = $tip.attr('class').match(BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX$1);
-      if (tabClass !== null && tabClass.length > 0) {
-        $tip.removeClass(tabClass.join(''));
-      }
-    }; // Static
-    Popover._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$7);
-        var _config = typeof config === 'object' ? config : null;
-        if (!data && /dispose|hide/.test(config)) {
-          return;
-        }
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new Popover(this, _config);
-          $(this).data(DATA_KEY$7, data);
-        }
-        if (typeof config === 'string') {
-          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
-            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
-          }
-          data[config]();
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    _createClass(Popover, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      // Getters
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION$7;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "Default",
-      get: function get() {
-        return Default$5;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "NAME",
-      get: function get() {
-        return NAME$7;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "DATA_KEY",
-      get: function get() {
-        return DATA_KEY$7;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "Event",
-      get: function get() {
-        return Event$7;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "EVENT_KEY",
-      get: function get() {
-        return EVENT_KEY$7;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "DefaultType",
-      get: function get() {
-        return DefaultType$5;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return Popover;
-  }(Tooltip);
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME$7] = Popover._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME$7].Constructor = Popover;
-  $.fn[NAME$7].noConflict = function () {
-    $.fn[NAME$7] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$7;
-    return Popover._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME$8 = 'scrollspy';
-  var VERSION$8 = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY$8 = 'bs.scrollspy';
-  var EVENT_KEY$8 = "." + DATA_KEY$8;
-  var DATA_API_KEY$6 = '.data-api';
-  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$8 = $.fn[NAME$8];
-  var Default$6 = {
-    offset: 10,
-    method: 'auto',
-    target: ''
-  };
-  var DefaultType$6 = {
-    offset: 'number',
-    method: 'string',
-    target: '(string|element)'
-  };
-  var Event$8 = {
-    ACTIVATE: "activate" + EVENT_KEY$8,
-    SCROLL: "scroll" + EVENT_KEY$8,
-  };
-  var ClassName$8 = {
-    DROPDOWN_ITEM: 'dropdown-item',
-    DROPDOWN_MENU: 'dropdown-menu',
-    ACTIVE: 'active'
-  };
-  var Selector$8 = {
-    DATA_SPY: '[data-spy="scroll"]',
-    ACTIVE: '.active',
-    NAV_LIST_GROUP: '.nav, .list-group',
-    NAV_LINKS: '.nav-link',
-    NAV_ITEMS: '.nav-item',
-    LIST_ITEMS: '.list-group-item',
-    DROPDOWN: '.dropdown',
-    DROPDOWN_ITEMS: '.dropdown-item',
-    DROPDOWN_TOGGLE: '.dropdown-toggle'
-  };
-  var OffsetMethod = {
-    OFFSET: 'offset',
-    POSITION: 'position'
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var ScrollSpy =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function () {
-    function ScrollSpy(element, config) {
-      var _this = this;
-      this._element = element;
-      this._scrollElement = element.tagName === 'BODY' ? window : element;
-      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
-      this._selector = this._config.target + " " + Selector$8.NAV_LINKS + "," + (this._config.target + " " + Selector$8.LIST_ITEMS + ",") + (this._config.target + " " + Selector$8.DROPDOWN_ITEMS);
-      this._offsets = [];
-      this._targets = [];
-      this._activeTarget = null;
-      this._scrollHeight = 0;
-      $(this._scrollElement).on(Event$8.SCROLL, function (event) {
-        return _this._process(event);
-      });
-      this.refresh();
-      this._process();
-    } // Getters
-    var _proto = ScrollSpy.prototype;
-    // Public
-    _proto.refresh = function refresh() {
-      var _this2 = this;
-      var autoMethod = this._scrollElement === this._scrollElement.window ? OffsetMethod.OFFSET : OffsetMethod.POSITION;
-      var offsetMethod = this._config.method === 'auto' ? autoMethod : this._config.method;
-      var offsetBase = offsetMethod === OffsetMethod.POSITION ? this._getScrollTop() : 0;
-      this._offsets = [];
-      this._targets = [];
-      this._scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight();
-      var targets = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(this._selector));
-      targets.map(function (element) {
-        var target;
-        var targetSelector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);
-        if (targetSelector) {
-          target = document.querySelector(targetSelector);
-        }
-        if (target) {
-          var targetBCR = target.getBoundingClientRect();
-          if (targetBCR.width || targetBCR.height) {
-            // TODO (fat): remove sketch reliance on jQuery position/offset
-            return [$(target)[offsetMethod]().top + offsetBase, targetSelector];
-          }
-        }
-        return null;
-      }).filter(function (item) {
-        return item;
-      }).sort(function (a, b) {
-        return a[0] - b[0];
-      }).forEach(function (item) {
-        _this2._offsets.push(item[0]);
-        _this2._targets.push(item[1]);
-      });
-    };
-    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
-      $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$8);
-      $(this._scrollElement).off(EVENT_KEY$8);
-      this._element = null;
-      this._scrollElement = null;
-      this._config = null;
-      this._selector = null;
-      this._offsets = null;
-      this._targets = null;
-      this._activeTarget = null;
-      this._scrollHeight = null;
-    }; // Private
-    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
-      config = _objectSpread({}, Default$6, typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {});
-      if (typeof config.target !== 'string') {
-        var id = $(config.target).attr('id');
-        if (!id) {
-          id = Util.getUID(NAME$8);
-          $(config.target).attr('id', id);
-        }
-        config.target = "#" + id;
-      }
-      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$8, config, DefaultType$6);
-      return config;
-    };
-    _proto._getScrollTop = function _getScrollTop() {
-      return this._scrollElement === window ? this._scrollElement.pageYOffset : this._scrollElement.scrollTop;
-    };
-    _proto._getScrollHeight = function _getScrollHeight() {
-      return this._scrollElement.scrollHeight || Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight);
-    };
-    _proto._getOffsetHeight = function _getOffsetHeight() {
-      return this._scrollElement === window ? window.innerHeight : this._scrollElement.getBoundingClientRect().height;
-    };
-    _proto._process = function _process() {
-      var scrollTop = this._getScrollTop() + this._config.offset;
-      var scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight();
-      var maxScroll = this._config.offset + scrollHeight - this._getOffsetHeight();
-      if (this._scrollHeight !== scrollHeight) {
-        this.refresh();
-      }
-      if (scrollTop >= maxScroll) {
-        var target = this._targets[this._targets.length - 1];
-        if (this._activeTarget !== target) {
-          this._activate(target);
-        }
-        return;
-      }
-      if (this._activeTarget && scrollTop < this._offsets[0] && this._offsets[0] > 0) {
-        this._activeTarget = null;
-        this._clear();
-        return;
-      }
-      var offsetLength = this._offsets.length;
-      for (var i = offsetLength; i--;) {
-        var isActiveTarget = this._activeTarget !== this._targets[i] && scrollTop >= this._offsets[i] && (typeof this._offsets[i + 1] === 'undefined' || scrollTop < this._offsets[i + 1]);
-        if (isActiveTarget) {
-          this._activate(this._targets[i]);
-        }
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._activate = function _activate(target) {
-      this._activeTarget = target;
-      this._clear();
-      var queries = this._selector.split(',').map(function (selector) {
-        return selector + "[data-target=\"" + target + "\"]," + selector + "[href=\"" + target + "\"]";
-      });
-      var $link = $([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(queries.join(','))));
-      if ($link.hasClass(ClassName$8.DROPDOWN_ITEM)) {
-        $link.closest(Selector$8.DROPDOWN).find(Selector$8.DROPDOWN_TOGGLE).addClass(ClassName$8.ACTIVE);
-        $link.addClass(ClassName$8.ACTIVE);
-      } else {
-        // Set triggered link as active
-        $link.addClass(ClassName$8.ACTIVE); // Set triggered links parents as active
-        // With both <ul> and <nav> markup a parent is the previous sibling of any nav ancestor
-        $link.parents(Selector$8.NAV_LIST_GROUP).prev(Selector$8.NAV_LINKS + ", " + Selector$8.LIST_ITEMS).addClass(ClassName$8.ACTIVE); // Handle special case when .nav-link is inside .nav-item
-        $link.parents(Selector$8.NAV_LIST_GROUP).prev(Selector$8.NAV_ITEMS).children(Selector$8.NAV_LINKS).addClass(ClassName$8.ACTIVE);
-      }
-      $(this._scrollElement).trigger(Event$8.ACTIVATE, {
-        relatedTarget: target
-      });
-    };
-    _proto._clear = function _clear() {
-      [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(this._selector)).filter(function (node) {
-        return node.classList.contains(ClassName$8.ACTIVE);
-      }).forEach(function (node) {
-        return node.classList.remove(ClassName$8.ACTIVE);
-      });
-    }; // Static
-    ScrollSpy._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var data = $(this).data(DATA_KEY$8);
-        var _config = typeof config === 'object' && config;
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new ScrollSpy(this, _config);
-          $(this).data(DATA_KEY$8, data);
-        }
-        if (typeof config === 'string') {
-          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
-            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
-          }
-          data[config]();
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    _createClass(ScrollSpy, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION$8;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "Default",
-      get: function get() {
-        return Default$6;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return ScrollSpy;
-  }();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Data Api implementation
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $(window).on(Event$8.LOAD_DATA_API, function () {
-    var scrollSpys = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(Selector$8.DATA_SPY));
-    var scrollSpysLength = scrollSpys.length;
-    for (var i = scrollSpysLength; i--;) {
-      var $spy = $(scrollSpys[i]);
-      ScrollSpy._jQueryInterface.call($spy, $spy.data());
-    }
-  });
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME$8] = ScrollSpy._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME$8].Constructor = ScrollSpy;
-  $.fn[NAME$8].noConflict = function () {
-    $.fn[NAME$8] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$8;
-    return ScrollSpy._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME$9 = 'tab';
-  var VERSION$9 = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY$9 = 'bs.tab';
-  var EVENT_KEY$9 = "." + DATA_KEY$9;
-  var DATA_API_KEY$7 = '.data-api';
-  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$9 = $.fn[NAME$9];
-  var Event$9 = {
-    HIDE: "hide" + EVENT_KEY$9,
-    HIDDEN: "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$9,
-    SHOW: "show" + EVENT_KEY$9,
-    SHOWN: "shown" + EVENT_KEY$9,
-  };
-  var ClassName$9 = {
-    DROPDOWN_MENU: 'dropdown-menu',
-    ACTIVE: 'active',
-    DISABLED: 'disabled',
-    FADE: 'fade',
-    SHOW: 'show'
-  };
-  var Selector$9 = {
-    DROPDOWN: '.dropdown',
-    NAV_LIST_GROUP: '.nav, .list-group',
-    ACTIVE: '.active',
-    ACTIVE_UL: '> li > .active',
-    DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="tab"], [data-toggle="pill"], [data-toggle="list"]',
-    DROPDOWN_TOGGLE: '.dropdown-toggle',
-    DROPDOWN_ACTIVE_CHILD: '> .dropdown-menu .active'
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var Tab =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function () {
-    function Tab(element) {
-      this._element = element;
-    } // Getters
-    var _proto = Tab.prototype;
-    // Public
-    _proto.show = function show() {
-      var _this = this;
-      if (this._element.parentNode && this._element.parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && $(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$9.ACTIVE) || $(this._element).hasClass(ClassName$9.DISABLED)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      var target;
-      var previous;
-      var listElement = $(this._element).closest(Selector$9.NAV_LIST_GROUP)[0];
-      var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this._element);
-      if (listElement) {
-        var itemSelector = listElement.nodeName === 'UL' || listElement.nodeName === 'OL' ? Selector$9.ACTIVE_UL : Selector$9.ACTIVE;
-        previous = $.makeArray($(listElement).find(itemSelector));
-        previous = previous[previous.length - 1];
-      }
-      var hideEvent = $.Event(Event$9.HIDE, {
-        relatedTarget: this._element
-      });
-      var showEvent = $.Event(Event$9.SHOW, {
-        relatedTarget: previous
-      });
-      if (previous) {
-        $(previous).trigger(hideEvent);
-      }
-      $(this._element).trigger(showEvent);
-      if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
-        return;
-      }
-      if (selector) {
-        target = document.querySelector(selector);
-      }
-      this._activate(this._element, listElement);
-      var complete = function complete() {
-        var hiddenEvent = $.Event(Event$9.HIDDEN, {
-          relatedTarget: _this._element
-        });
-        var shownEvent = $.Event(Event$9.SHOWN, {
-          relatedTarget: previous
-        });
-        $(previous).trigger(hiddenEvent);
-        $(_this._element).trigger(shownEvent);
-      };
-      if (target) {
-        this._activate(target, target.parentNode, complete);
-      } else {
-        complete();
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
-      $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$9);
-      this._element = null;
-    }; // Private
-    _proto._activate = function _activate(element, container, callback) {
-      var _this2 = this;
-      var activeElements = container && (container.nodeName === 'UL' || container.nodeName === 'OL') ? $(container).find(Selector$9.ACTIVE_UL) : $(container).children(Selector$9.ACTIVE);
-      var active = activeElements[0];
-      var isTransitioning = callback && active && $(active).hasClass(ClassName$9.FADE);
-      var complete = function complete() {
-        return _this2._transitionComplete(element, active, callback);
-      };
-      if (active && isTransitioning) {
-        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(active);
-        $(active).removeClass(ClassName$9.SHOW).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-      } else {
-        complete();
-      }
-    };
-    _proto._transitionComplete = function _transitionComplete(element, active, callback) {
-      if (active) {
-        $(active).removeClass(ClassName$9.ACTIVE);
-        var dropdownChild = $(active.parentNode).find(Selector$9.DROPDOWN_ACTIVE_CHILD)[0];
-        if (dropdownChild) {
-          $(dropdownChild).removeClass(ClassName$9.ACTIVE);
-        }
-        if (active.getAttribute('role') === 'tab') {
-          active.setAttribute('aria-selected', false);
-        }
-      }
-      $(element).addClass(ClassName$9.ACTIVE);
-      if (element.getAttribute('role') === 'tab') {
-        element.setAttribute('aria-selected', true);
-      }
-      Util.reflow(element);
-      $(element).addClass(ClassName$9.SHOW);
-      if (element.parentNode && $(element.parentNode).hasClass(ClassName$9.DROPDOWN_MENU)) {
-        var dropdownElement = $(element).closest(Selector$9.DROPDOWN)[0];
-        if (dropdownElement) {
-          var dropdownToggleList = [].slice.call(dropdownElement.querySelectorAll(Selector$9.DROPDOWN_TOGGLE));
-          $(dropdownToggleList).addClass(ClassName$9.ACTIVE);
-        }
-        element.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);
-      }
-      if (callback) {
-        callback();
-      }
-    }; // Static
-    Tab._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var $this = $(this);
-        var data = $this.data(DATA_KEY$9);
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new Tab(this);
-          $this.data(DATA_KEY$9, data);
-        }
-        if (typeof config === 'string') {
-          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
-            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
-          }
-          data[config]();
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    _createClass(Tab, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION$9;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return Tab;
-  }();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Data Api implementation
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $(document).on(Event$9.CLICK_DATA_API, Selector$9.DATA_TOGGLE, function (event) {
-    event.preventDefault();
-    Tab._jQueryInterface.call($(this), 'show');
-  });
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME$9] = Tab._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME$9].Constructor = Tab;
-  $.fn[NAME$9].noConflict = function () {
-    $.fn[NAME$9] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$9;
-    return Tab._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Constants
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  var NAME$a = 'toast';
-  var VERSION$a = '4.2.1';
-  var DATA_KEY$a = 'bs.toast';
-  var EVENT_KEY$a = "." + DATA_KEY$a;
-  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$a = $.fn[NAME$a];
-  var Event$a = {
-    CLICK_DISMISS: "click.dismiss" + EVENT_KEY$a,
-    HIDE: "hide" + EVENT_KEY$a,
-    HIDDEN: "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$a,
-    SHOW: "show" + EVENT_KEY$a,
-    SHOWN: "shown" + EVENT_KEY$a
-  };
-  var ClassName$a = {
-    FADE: 'fade',
-    HIDE: 'hide',
-    SHOW: 'show',
-    SHOWING: 'showing'
-  };
-  var DefaultType$7 = {
-    animation: 'boolean',
-    autohide: 'boolean',
-    delay: 'number'
-  };
-  var Default$7 = {
-    animation: true,
-    autohide: true,
-    delay: 500
-  };
-  var Selector$a = {
-    DATA_DISMISS: '[data-dismiss="toast"]'
-    /**
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * Class Definition
-     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-     */
-  };
-  var Toast =
-  /*#__PURE__*/
-  function () {
-    function Toast(element, config) {
-      this._element = element;
-      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
-      this._timeout = null;
-      this._setListeners();
-    } // Getters
-    var _proto = Toast.prototype;
-    // Public
-    _proto.show = function show() {
-      var _this = this;
-      $(this._element).trigger(Event$a.SHOW);
-      if (this._config.animation) {
-        this._element.classList.add(ClassName$a.FADE);
-      }
-      var complete = function complete() {
-        _this._element.classList.remove(ClassName$a.SHOWING);
-        _this._element.classList.add(ClassName$a.SHOW);
-        $(_this._element).trigger(Event$a.SHOWN);
-        if (_this._config.autohide) {
-          _this.hide();
-        }
-      };
-      this._element.classList.remove(ClassName$a.HIDE);
-      this._element.classList.add(ClassName$a.SHOWING);
-      if (this._config.animation) {
-        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);
-        $(this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-      } else {
-        complete();
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.hide = function hide(withoutTimeout) {
-      var _this2 = this;
-      if (!this._element.classList.contains(ClassName$a.SHOW)) {
-        return;
-      }
-      $(this._element).trigger(Event$a.HIDE);
-      if (withoutTimeout) {
-        this._close();
-      } else {
-        this._timeout = setTimeout(function () {
-          _this2._close();
-        }, this._config.delay);
-      }
-    };
-    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
-      clearTimeout(this._timeout);
-      this._timeout = null;
-      if (this._element.classList.contains(ClassName$a.SHOW)) {
-        this._element.classList.remove(ClassName$a.SHOW);
-      }
-      $(this._element).off(Event$a.CLICK_DISMISS);
-      $.removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$a);
-      this._element = null;
-      this._config = null;
-    }; // Private
-    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
-      config = _objectSpread({}, Default$7, $(this._element).data(), typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {});
-      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$a, config, this.constructor.DefaultType);
-      return config;
-    };
-    _proto._setListeners = function _setListeners() {
-      var _this3 = this;
-      $(this._element).on(Event$a.CLICK_DISMISS, Selector$a.DATA_DISMISS, function () {
-        return _this3.hide(true);
-      });
-    };
-    _proto._close = function _close() {
-      var _this4 = this;
-      var complete = function complete() {
-        _this4._element.classList.add(ClassName$a.HIDE);
-        $(_this4._element).trigger(Event$a.HIDDEN);
-      };
-      this._element.classList.remove(ClassName$a.SHOW);
-      if (this._config.animation) {
-        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);
-        $(this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
-      } else {
-        complete();
-      }
-    }; // Static
-    Toast._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
-      return this.each(function () {
-        var $element = $(this);
-        var data = $element.data(DATA_KEY$a);
-        var _config = typeof config === 'object' && config;
-        if (!data) {
-          data = new Toast(this, _config);
-          $element.data(DATA_KEY$a, data);
-        }
-        if (typeof config === 'string') {
-          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
-            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
-          }
-          data[config](this);
-        }
-      });
-    };
-    _createClass(Toast, null, [{
-      key: "VERSION",
-      get: function get() {
-        return VERSION$a;
-      }
-    }, {
-      key: "DefaultType",
-      get: function get() {
-        return DefaultType$7;
-      }
-    }]);
-    return Toast;
-  }();
-  /**
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * jQuery
-   * ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  $.fn[NAME$a] = Toast._jQueryInterface;
-  $.fn[NAME$a].Constructor = Toast;
-  $.fn[NAME$a].noConflict = function () {
-    $.fn[NAME$a] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$a;
-    return Toast._jQueryInterface;
-  };
-  /**
-   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   * Bootstrap (v4.2.1): index.js
-   * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
-   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-   */
-  (function () {
-    if (typeof $ === 'undefined') {
-      throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery. jQuery must be included before Bootstrap\'s JavaScript.');
-    }
-    var version = $.fn.jquery.split(' ')[0].split('.');
-    var minMajor = 1;
-    var ltMajor = 2;
-    var minMinor = 9;
-    var minPatch = 1;
-    var maxMajor = 4;
-    if (version[0] < ltMajor && version[1] < minMinor || version[0] === minMajor && version[1] === minMinor && version[2] < minPatch || version[0] >= maxMajor) {
-      throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires at least jQuery v1.9.1 but less than v4.0.0');
-    }
-  })();
-  exports.Util = Util;
-  exports.Alert = Alert;
-  exports.Button = Button;
-  exports.Carousel = Carousel;
-  exports.Collapse = Collapse;
-  exports.Dropdown = Dropdown;
-  exports.Modal = Modal;
-  exports.Popover = Popover;
-  exports.Scrollspy = ScrollSpy;
-  exports.Tab = Tab;
-  exports.Toast = Toast;
-  exports.Tooltip = Tooltip;
-  Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
-//# sourceMappingURL=bootstrap.js.map
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_functions.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_functions.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b8c8f104..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_functions.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-// Bootstrap functions
-// Utility mixins and functions for evaluating source code across our variables, maps, and mixins.
-// Ascending
-// Used to evaluate Sass maps like our grid breakpoints.
- at mixin _assert-ascending($map, $map-name) {
-  $prev-key: null;
-  $prev-num: null;
-  @each $key, $num in $map {
-    @if $prev-num == null or unit($num) == "%" {
-      // Do nothing
-    } @else if not comparable($prev-num, $num) {
-      @warn "Potentially invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} whose unit makes it incomparable to #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
-    } @else if $prev-num >= $num {
-      @warn "Invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} which isn't greater than #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
-    }
-    $prev-key: $key;
-    $prev-num: $num;
-  }
-// Starts at zero
-// Another grid mixin that ensures the min-width of the lowest breakpoint starts at 0.
- at mixin _assert-starts-at-zero($map) {
-  $values: map-values($map);
-  $first-value: nth($values, 1);
-  @if $first-value != 0 {
-    @warn "First breakpoint in `$grid-breakpoints` must start at 0, but starts at #{$first-value}.";
-  }
-// Replace `$search` with `$replace` in `$string`
-// Used on our SVG icon backgrounds for custom forms.
-// @author Hugo Giraudel
-// @param {String} $string - Initial string
-// @param {String} $search - Substring to replace
-// @param {String} $replace ('') - New value
-// @return {String} - Updated string
- at function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
-  $index: str-index($string, $search);
-  @if $index {
-    @return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace + str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);
-  }
-  @return $string;
-// Color contrast
- at function color-yiq($color, $dark: $yiq-text-dark, $light: $yiq-text-light) {
-  $r: red($color);
-  $g: green($color);
-  $b: blue($color);
-  $yiq: (($r * 299) + ($g * 587) + ($b * 114)) / 1000;
-  @if ($yiq >= $yiq-contrasted-threshold) {
-    @return $dark;
-  } @else {
-    @return $light;
-  }
-// Retrieve color Sass maps
- at function color($key: "blue") {
-  @return map-get($colors, $key);
- at function theme-color($key: "primary") {
-  @return map-get($theme-colors, $key);
- at function gray($key: "100") {
-  @return map-get($grays, $key);
-// Request a theme color level
- at function theme-color-level($color-name: "primary", $level: 0) {
-  $color: theme-color($color-name);
-  $color-base: if($level > 0, $black, $white);
-  $level: abs($level);
-  @return mix($color-base, $color, $level * $theme-color-interval);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_grid.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_grid.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index a227515379..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_grid.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-// Container widths
-// Set the container width, and override it for fixed navbars in media queries.
- at if $enable-grid-classes {
-  .container {
-    @include make-container();
-    @include make-container-max-widths();
-  }
-// Fluid container
-// Utilizes the mixin meant for fixed width containers, but with 100% width for
-// fluid, full width layouts.
- at if $enable-grid-classes {
-  .container-fluid {
-    @include make-container();
-  }
-// Row
-// Rows contain and clear the floats of your columns.
- at if $enable-grid-classes {
-  .row {
-    @include make-row();
-  }
-  // Remove the negative margin from default .row, then the horizontal padding
-  // from all immediate children columns (to prevent runaway style inheritance).
-  .no-gutters {
-    margin-right: 0;
-    margin-left: 0;
-    > .col,
-    > [class*="col-"] {
-      padding-right: 0;
-      padding-left: 0;
-    }
-  }
-// Columns
-// Common styles for small and large grid columns
- at if $enable-grid-classes {
-  @include make-grid-columns();
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_border-radius.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_border-radius.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 2024febcfa..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_border-radius.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-// Single side border-radius
- at mixin border-radius($radius: $border-radius) {
-  @if $enable-rounded {
-    border-radius: $radius;
-  }
- at mixin border-top-radius($radius) {
-  @if $enable-rounded {
-    border-top-left-radius: $radius;
-    border-top-right-radius: $radius;
-  }
- at mixin border-right-radius($radius) {
-  @if $enable-rounded {
-    border-top-right-radius: $radius;
-    border-bottom-right-radius: $radius;
-  }
- at mixin border-bottom-radius($radius) {
-  @if $enable-rounded {
-    border-bottom-right-radius: $radius;
-    border-bottom-left-radius: $radius;
-  }
- at mixin border-left-radius($radius) {
-  @if $enable-rounded {
-    border-top-left-radius: $radius;
-    border-bottom-left-radius: $radius;
-  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_box-shadow.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_box-shadow.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index b2410e53ac..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_box-shadow.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- at mixin box-shadow($shadow...) {
-  @if $enable-shadows {
-    box-shadow: $shadow;
-  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_float.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_float.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 48fa8b6d59..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_float.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
- at mixin float-left {
-  float: left !important;
- at mixin float-right {
-  float: right !important;
- at mixin float-none {
-  float: none !important;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_text-emphasis.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_text-emphasis.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 1819fb03df..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_text-emphasis.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
-// Typography
- at mixin text-emphasis-variant($parent, $color) {
-  #{$parent} {
-    color: $color !important;
-  }
-  a#{$parent} {
-    @include hover-focus {
-      color: darken($color, $emphasized-link-hover-darken-percentage) !important;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_transition.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_transition.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 485f76c768..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_transition.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-// stylelint-disable property-blacklist
- at mixin transition($transition...) {
-  @if $enable-transitions {
-    @if length($transition) == 0 {
-      transition: $transition-base;
-    } @else {
-      transition: $transition;
-    }
-  }
-  @if $enable-prefers-reduced-motion-media-query {
-    @media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
-      transition: none;
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_display.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_display.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 20aeeb5f3e..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_display.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
-// Utilities for common `display` values
- at each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
-  @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
-    $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
-    .d#{$infix}-none         { display: none !important; }
-    .d#{$infix}-inline       { display: inline !important; }
-    .d#{$infix}-inline-block { display: inline-block !important; }
-    .d#{$infix}-block        { display: block !important; }
-    .d#{$infix}-table        { display: table !important; }
-    .d#{$infix}-table-row    { display: table-row !important; }
-    .d#{$infix}-table-cell   { display: table-cell !important; }
-    .d#{$infix}-flex         { display: flex !important; }
-    .d#{$infix}-inline-flex  { display: inline-flex !important; }
-  }
-// Utilities for toggling `display` in print
- at media print {
-  .d-print-none         { display: none !important; }
-  .d-print-inline       { display: inline !important; }
-  .d-print-inline-block { display: inline-block !important; }
-  .d-print-block        { display: block !important; }
-  .d-print-table        { display: table !important; }
-  .d-print-table-row    { display: table-row !important; }
-  .d-print-table-cell   { display: table-cell !important; }
-  .d-print-flex         { display: flex !important; }
-  .d-print-inline-flex  { display: inline-flex !important; }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_float.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_float.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 01655e9a52..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_float.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- at each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
-  @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
-    $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
-    .float#{$infix}-left  { @include float-left; }
-    .float#{$infix}-right { @include float-right; }
-    .float#{$infix}-none  { @include float-none; }
-  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_visibility.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_visibility.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 823406dc3c..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_visibility.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-// Visibility utilities
-.visible {
-  @include invisible(visible);
-.invisible {
-  @include invisible(hidden);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/.browserslistrc b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/.browserslistrc
old mode 100755
new mode 100644
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/.browserslistrc
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/.browserslistrc
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/bootstrap.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/bootstrap.scss
similarity index 71%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/bootstrap.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/bootstrap.scss
index 0ea513ca24..df6f96ea7a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/bootstrap.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/bootstrap.scss
@@ -4,8 +4,11 @@ $font-family-monospace: 'Inter', monospace;
 $input-border-color: #c0c7d1;
 $input-border-width: 1px;
 $input-border-radius: 3px;
-$input-padding-x: 6px;
-$input-padding-y: 6px;
+/*  use rem to be more consistent with bootstrap core, also to get rid of scss compilation errors:
+    Incompatible units: 'px' and 'rem' */
+$input-padding-x: 0.4615rem; /* 6px */
 $input-focus-border-color: #5c6273;
 $input-focus-color: #5c6273;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/dist/bootstrap.bundle.js b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/dist/bootstrap.bundle.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f2df15a239
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/dist/bootstrap.bundle.js
@@ -0,0 +1,6972 @@
+  * Bootstrap v4.6.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+  * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors)
+  * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+  */
+(function (global, factory) {
+  typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports, require('jquery')) :
+  typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports', 'jquery'], factory) :
+  (global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self, factory(global.bootstrap = {}, global.jQuery));
+})(this, (function (exports, $) { 'use strict';
+  function _interopDefaultLegacy (e) { return e && typeof e === 'object' && 'default' in e ? e : { 'default': e }; }
+  var $__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefaultLegacy($);
+  function _defineProperties(target, props) {
+    for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
+      var descriptor = props[i];
+      descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
+      descriptor.configurable = true;
+      if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
+      Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
+    }
+  }
+  function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
+    if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
+    if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
+    return Constructor;
+  }
+  function _extends$1() {
+    _extends$1 = Object.assign || function (target) {
+      for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+        var source = arguments[i];
+        for (var key in source) {
+          if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
+            target[key] = source[key];
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return target;
+    };
+    return _extends$1.apply(this, arguments);
+  }
+  function _inheritsLoose(subClass, superClass) {
+    subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass.prototype);
+    subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass;
+    _setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass);
+  }
+  function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
+    _setPrototypeOf = Object.setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) {
+      o.__proto__ = p;
+      return o;
+    };
+    return _setPrototypeOf(o, p);
+  }
+  /**
+   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   * Bootstrap (v4.6.1): util.js
+   * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   */
+  /**
+   * Private TransitionEnd Helpers
+   */
+  var TRANSITION_END = 'transitionend';
+  var MAX_UID = 1000000;
+  var MILLISECONDS_MULTIPLIER = 1000; // Shoutout AngusCroll (https://goo.gl/pxwQGp)
+  function toType(obj) {
+    if (obj === null || typeof obj === 'undefined') {
+      return "" + obj;
+    }
+    return {}.toString.call(obj).match(/\s([a-z]+)/i)[1].toLowerCase();
+  }
+  function getSpecialTransitionEndEvent() {
+    return {
+      bindType: TRANSITION_END,
+      delegateType: TRANSITION_END,
+      handle: function handle(event) {
+        if ($__default["default"](event.target).is(this)) {
+          return event.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments); // eslint-disable-line prefer-rest-params
+        }
+        return undefined;
+      }
+    };
+  }
+  function transitionEndEmulator(duration) {
+    var _this = this;
+    var called = false;
+    $__default["default"](this).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function () {
+      called = true;
+    });
+    setTimeout(function () {
+      if (!called) {
+        Util.triggerTransitionEnd(_this);
+      }
+    }, duration);
+    return this;
+  }
+  function setTransitionEndSupport() {
+    $__default["default"].fn.emulateTransitionEnd = transitionEndEmulator;
+    $__default["default"].event.special[Util.TRANSITION_END] = getSpecialTransitionEndEvent();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Public Util API
+   */
+  var Util = {
+    TRANSITION_END: 'bsTransitionEnd',
+    getUID: function getUID(prefix) {
+      do {
+        // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
+        prefix += ~~(Math.random() * MAX_UID); // "~~" acts like a faster Math.floor() here
+      } while (document.getElementById(prefix));
+      return prefix;
+    },
+    getSelectorFromElement: function getSelectorFromElement(element) {
+      var selector = element.getAttribute('data-target');
+      if (!selector || selector === '#') {
+        var hrefAttr = element.getAttribute('href');
+        selector = hrefAttr && hrefAttr !== '#' ? hrefAttr.trim() : '';
+      }
+      try {
+        return document.querySelector(selector) ? selector : null;
+      } catch (_) {
+        return null;
+      }
+    },
+    getTransitionDurationFromElement: function getTransitionDurationFromElement(element) {
+      if (!element) {
+        return 0;
+      } // Get transition-duration of the element
+      var transitionDuration = $__default["default"](element).css('transition-duration');
+      var transitionDelay = $__default["default"](element).css('transition-delay');
+      var floatTransitionDuration = parseFloat(transitionDuration);
+      var floatTransitionDelay = parseFloat(transitionDelay); // Return 0 if element or transition duration is not found
+      if (!floatTransitionDuration && !floatTransitionDelay) {
+        return 0;
+      } // If multiple durations are defined, take the first
+      transitionDuration = transitionDuration.split(',')[0];
+      transitionDelay = transitionDelay.split(',')[0];
+      return (parseFloat(transitionDuration) + parseFloat(transitionDelay)) * MILLISECONDS_MULTIPLIER;
+    },
+    reflow: function reflow(element) {
+      return element.offsetHeight;
+    },
+    triggerTransitionEnd: function triggerTransitionEnd(element) {
+      $__default["default"](element).trigger(TRANSITION_END);
+    },
+    supportsTransitionEnd: function supportsTransitionEnd() {
+      return Boolean(TRANSITION_END);
+    },
+    isElement: function isElement(obj) {
+      return (obj[0] || obj).nodeType;
+    },
+    typeCheckConfig: function typeCheckConfig(componentName, config, configTypes) {
+      for (var property in configTypes) {
+        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(configTypes, property)) {
+          var expectedTypes = configTypes[property];
+          var value = config[property];
+          var valueType = value && Util.isElement(value) ? 'element' : toType(value);
+          if (!new RegExp(expectedTypes).test(valueType)) {
+            throw new Error(componentName.toUpperCase() + ": " + ("Option \"" + property + "\" provided type \"" + valueType + "\" ") + ("but expected type \"" + expectedTypes + "\"."));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    findShadowRoot: function findShadowRoot(element) {
+      if (!document.documentElement.attachShadow) {
+        return null;
+      } // Can find the shadow root otherwise it'll return the document
+      if (typeof element.getRootNode === 'function') {
+        var root = element.getRootNode();
+        return root instanceof ShadowRoot ? root : null;
+      }
+      if (element instanceof ShadowRoot) {
+        return element;
+      } // when we don't find a shadow root
+      if (!element.parentNode) {
+        return null;
+      }
+      return Util.findShadowRoot(element.parentNode);
+    },
+    jQueryDetection: function jQueryDetection() {
+      if (typeof $__default["default"] === 'undefined') {
+        throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires jQuery. jQuery must be included before Bootstrap\'s JavaScript.');
+      }
+      var version = $__default["default"].fn.jquery.split(' ')[0].split('.');
+      var minMajor = 1;
+      var ltMajor = 2;
+      var minMinor = 9;
+      var minPatch = 1;
+      var maxMajor = 4;
+      if (version[0] < ltMajor && version[1] < minMinor || version[0] === minMajor && version[1] === minMinor && version[2] < minPatch || version[0] >= maxMajor) {
+        throw new Error('Bootstrap\'s JavaScript requires at least jQuery v1.9.1 but less than v4.0.0');
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  Util.jQueryDetection();
+  setTransitionEndSupport();
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME$a = 'alert';
+  var VERSION$a = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY$a = 'bs.alert';
+  var EVENT_KEY$a = "." + DATA_KEY$a;
+  var DATA_API_KEY$7 = '.data-api';
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$a = $__default["default"].fn[NAME$a];
+  var CLASS_NAME_ALERT = 'alert';
+  var CLASS_NAME_FADE$5 = 'fade';
+  var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$7 = 'show';
+  var EVENT_CLOSE = "close" + EVENT_KEY$a;
+  var EVENT_CLOSED = "closed" + EVENT_KEY$a;
+  var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$6 = "click" + EVENT_KEY$a + DATA_API_KEY$7;
+  var SELECTOR_DISMISS = '[data-dismiss="alert"]';
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var Alert = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+    function Alert(element) {
+      this._element = element;
+    } // Getters
+    var _proto = Alert.prototype;
+    // Public
+    _proto.close = function close(element) {
+      var rootElement = this._element;
+      if (element) {
+        rootElement = this._getRootElement(element);
+      }
+      var customEvent = this._triggerCloseEvent(rootElement);
+      if (customEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      this._removeElement(rootElement);
+    };
+    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
+      $__default["default"].removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$a);
+      this._element = null;
+    } // Private
+    ;
+    _proto._getRootElement = function _getRootElement(element) {
+      var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);
+      var parent = false;
+      if (selector) {
+        parent = document.querySelector(selector);
+      }
+      if (!parent) {
+        parent = $__default["default"](element).closest("." + CLASS_NAME_ALERT)[0];
+      }
+      return parent;
+    };
+    _proto._triggerCloseEvent = function _triggerCloseEvent(element) {
+      var closeEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_CLOSE);
+      $__default["default"](element).trigger(closeEvent);
+      return closeEvent;
+    };
+    _proto._removeElement = function _removeElement(element) {
+      var _this = this;
+      $__default["default"](element).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$7);
+      if (!$__default["default"](element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$5)) {
+        this._destroyElement(element);
+        return;
+      }
+      var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(element);
+      $__default["default"](element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function (event) {
+        return _this._destroyElement(element, event);
+      }).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+    };
+    _proto._destroyElement = function _destroyElement(element) {
+      $__default["default"](element).detach().trigger(EVENT_CLOSED).remove();
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    Alert._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var $element = $__default["default"](this);
+        var data = $element.data(DATA_KEY$a);
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new Alert(this);
+          $element.data(DATA_KEY$a, data);
+        }
+        if (config === 'close') {
+          data[config](this);
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    Alert._handleDismiss = function _handleDismiss(alertInstance) {
+      return function (event) {
+        if (event) {
+          event.preventDefault();
+        }
+        alertInstance.close(this);
+      };
+    };
+    _createClass(Alert, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: function get() {
+        return VERSION$a;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Alert;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * Data API implementation
+   */
+  $__default["default"](document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$6, SELECTOR_DISMISS, Alert._handleDismiss(new Alert()));
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$a] = Alert._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$a].Constructor = Alert;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$a].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME$a] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$a;
+    return Alert._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME$9 = 'button';
+  var VERSION$9 = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY$9 = 'bs.button';
+  var EVENT_KEY$9 = "." + DATA_KEY$9;
+  var DATA_API_KEY$6 = '.data-api';
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$9 = $__default["default"].fn[NAME$9];
+  var CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3 = 'active';
+  var CLASS_NAME_BUTTON = 'btn';
+  var CLASS_NAME_FOCUS = 'focus';
+  var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$5 = "click" + EVENT_KEY$9 + DATA_API_KEY$6;
+  var EVENT_FOCUS_BLUR_DATA_API = "focus" + EVENT_KEY$9 + DATA_API_KEY$6 + " " + ("blur" + EVENT_KEY$9 + DATA_API_KEY$6);
+  var EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$2 = "load" + EVENT_KEY$9 + DATA_API_KEY$6;
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT = '[data-toggle^="button"]';
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLES = '[data-toggle="buttons"]';
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$4 = '[data-toggle="button"]';
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLES_BUTTONS = '[data-toggle="buttons"] .btn';
+  var SELECTOR_INPUT = 'input:not([type="hidden"])';
+  var SELECTOR_ACTIVE$2 = '.active';
+  var SELECTOR_BUTTON = '.btn';
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var Button = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+    function Button(element) {
+      this._element = element;
+      this.shouldAvoidTriggerChange = false;
+    } // Getters
+    var _proto = Button.prototype;
+    // Public
+    _proto.toggle = function toggle() {
+      var triggerChangeEvent = true;
+      var addAriaPressed = true;
+      var rootElement = $__default["default"](this._element).closest(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLES)[0];
+      if (rootElement) {
+        var input = this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_INPUT);
+        if (input) {
+          if (input.type === 'radio') {
+            if (input.checked && this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3)) {
+              triggerChangeEvent = false;
+            } else {
+              var activeElement = rootElement.querySelector(SELECTOR_ACTIVE$2);
+              if (activeElement) {
+                $__default["default"](activeElement).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          if (triggerChangeEvent) {
+            // if it's not a radio button or checkbox don't add a pointless/invalid checked property to the input
+            if (input.type === 'checkbox' || input.type === 'radio') {
+              input.checked = !this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3);
+            }
+            if (!this.shouldAvoidTriggerChange) {
+              $__default["default"](input).trigger('change');
+            }
+          }
+          input.focus();
+          addAriaPressed = false;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!(this._element.hasAttribute('disabled') || this._element.classList.contains('disabled'))) {
+        if (addAriaPressed) {
+          this._element.setAttribute('aria-pressed', !this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3));
+        }
+        if (triggerChangeEvent) {
+          $__default["default"](this._element).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3);
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
+      $__default["default"].removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$9);
+      this._element = null;
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    Button._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config, avoidTriggerChange) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var $element = $__default["default"](this);
+        var data = $element.data(DATA_KEY$9);
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new Button(this);
+          $element.data(DATA_KEY$9, data);
+        }
+        data.shouldAvoidTriggerChange = avoidTriggerChange;
+        if (config === 'toggle') {
+          data[config]();
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    _createClass(Button, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: function get() {
+        return VERSION$9;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Button;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * Data API implementation
+   */
+  $__default["default"](document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$5, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE_CARROT, function (event) {
+    var button = event.target;
+    var initialButton = button;
+    if (!$__default["default"](button).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_BUTTON)) {
+      button = $__default["default"](button).closest(SELECTOR_BUTTON)[0];
+    }
+    if (!button || button.hasAttribute('disabled') || button.classList.contains('disabled')) {
+      event.preventDefault(); // work around Firefox bug #1540995
+    } else {
+      var inputBtn = button.querySelector(SELECTOR_INPUT);
+      if (inputBtn && (inputBtn.hasAttribute('disabled') || inputBtn.classList.contains('disabled'))) {
+        event.preventDefault(); // work around Firefox bug #1540995
+        return;
+      }
+      if (initialButton.tagName === 'INPUT' || button.tagName !== 'LABEL') {
+        Button._jQueryInterface.call($__default["default"](button), 'toggle', initialButton.tagName === 'INPUT');
+      }
+    }
+    var button = $__default["default"](event.target).closest(SELECTOR_BUTTON)[0];
+    $__default["default"](button).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_FOCUS, /^focus(in)?$/.test(event.type));
+  });
+  $__default["default"](window).on(EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$2, function () {
+    // ensure correct active class is set to match the controls' actual values/states
+    // find all checkboxes/readio buttons inside data-toggle groups
+    var buttons = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLES_BUTTONS));
+    for (var i = 0, len = buttons.length; i < len; i++) {
+      var button = buttons[i];
+      var input = button.querySelector(SELECTOR_INPUT);
+      if (input.checked || input.hasAttribute('checked')) {
+        button.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3);
+      } else {
+        button.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3);
+      }
+    } // find all button toggles
+    buttons = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$4));
+    for (var _i = 0, _len = buttons.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
+      var _button = buttons[_i];
+      if (_button.getAttribute('aria-pressed') === 'true') {
+        _button.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3);
+      } else {
+        _button.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$3);
+      }
+    }
+  });
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$9] = Button._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$9].Constructor = Button;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$9].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME$9] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$9;
+    return Button._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME$8 = 'carousel';
+  var VERSION$8 = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY$8 = 'bs.carousel';
+  var EVENT_KEY$8 = "." + DATA_KEY$8;
+  var DATA_API_KEY$5 = '.data-api';
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$8 = $__default["default"].fn[NAME$8];
+  var ARROW_LEFT_KEYCODE = 37; // KeyboardEvent.which value for left arrow key
+  var ARROW_RIGHT_KEYCODE = 39; // KeyboardEvent.which value for right arrow key
+  var TOUCHEVENT_COMPAT_WAIT = 500; // Time for mouse compat events to fire after touch
+  var SWIPE_THRESHOLD = 40;
+  var CLASS_NAME_CAROUSEL = 'carousel';
+  var CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2 = 'active';
+  var CLASS_NAME_SLIDE = 'slide';
+  var CLASS_NAME_RIGHT = 'carousel-item-right';
+  var CLASS_NAME_LEFT = 'carousel-item-left';
+  var CLASS_NAME_NEXT = 'carousel-item-next';
+  var CLASS_NAME_PREV = 'carousel-item-prev';
+  var CLASS_NAME_POINTER_EVENT = 'pointer-event';
+  var DIRECTION_NEXT = 'next';
+  var DIRECTION_PREV = 'prev';
+  var DIRECTION_LEFT = 'left';
+  var DIRECTION_RIGHT = 'right';
+  var EVENT_SLIDE = "slide" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_SLID = "slid" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_KEYDOWN = "keydown" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_MOUSEENTER = "mouseenter" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_MOUSELEAVE = "mouseleave" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_TOUCHSTART = "touchstart" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_TOUCHMOVE = "touchmove" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_TOUCHEND = "touchend" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_POINTERDOWN = "pointerdown" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_POINTERUP = "pointerup" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_DRAG_START = "dragstart" + EVENT_KEY$8;
+  var EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$1 = "load" + EVENT_KEY$8 + DATA_API_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$4 = "click" + EVENT_KEY$8 + DATA_API_KEY$5;
+  var SELECTOR_ACTIVE$1 = '.active';
+  var SELECTOR_ACTIVE_ITEM = '.active.carousel-item';
+  var SELECTOR_ITEM = '.carousel-item';
+  var SELECTOR_ITEM_IMG = '.carousel-item img';
+  var SELECTOR_NEXT_PREV = '.carousel-item-next, .carousel-item-prev';
+  var SELECTOR_INDICATORS = '.carousel-indicators';
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_SLIDE = '[data-slide], [data-slide-to]';
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_RIDE = '[data-ride="carousel"]';
+  var Default$7 = {
+    interval: 5000,
+    keyboard: true,
+    slide: false,
+    pause: 'hover',
+    wrap: true,
+    touch: true
+  };
+  var DefaultType$7 = {
+    interval: '(number|boolean)',
+    keyboard: 'boolean',
+    slide: '(boolean|string)',
+    pause: '(string|boolean)',
+    wrap: 'boolean',
+    touch: 'boolean'
+  };
+  var PointerType = {
+    TOUCH: 'touch',
+    PEN: 'pen'
+  };
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var Carousel = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+    function Carousel(element, config) {
+      this._items = null;
+      this._interval = null;
+      this._activeElement = null;
+      this._isPaused = false;
+      this._isSliding = false;
+      this.touchTimeout = null;
+      this.touchStartX = 0;
+      this.touchDeltaX = 0;
+      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+      this._element = element;
+      this._indicatorsElement = this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_INDICATORS);
+      this._touchSupported = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement || navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0;
+      this._pointerEvent = Boolean(window.PointerEvent || window.MSPointerEvent);
+      this._addEventListeners();
+    } // Getters
+    var _proto = Carousel.prototype;
+    // Public
+    _proto.next = function next() {
+      if (!this._isSliding) {
+        this._slide(DIRECTION_NEXT);
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.nextWhenVisible = function nextWhenVisible() {
+      var $element = $__default["default"](this._element); // Don't call next when the page isn't visible
+      // or the carousel or its parent isn't visible
+      if (!document.hidden && $element.is(':visible') && $element.css('visibility') !== 'hidden') {
+        this.next();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.prev = function prev() {
+      if (!this._isSliding) {
+        this._slide(DIRECTION_PREV);
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.pause = function pause(event) {
+      if (!event) {
+        this._isPaused = true;
+      }
+      if (this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_NEXT_PREV)) {
+        Util.triggerTransitionEnd(this._element);
+        this.cycle(true);
+      }
+      clearInterval(this._interval);
+      this._interval = null;
+    };
+    _proto.cycle = function cycle(event) {
+      if (!event) {
+        this._isPaused = false;
+      }
+      if (this._interval) {
+        clearInterval(this._interval);
+        this._interval = null;
+      }
+      if (this._config.interval && !this._isPaused) {
+        this._updateInterval();
+        this._interval = setInterval((document.visibilityState ? this.nextWhenVisible : this.next).bind(this), this._config.interval);
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.to = function to(index) {
+      var _this = this;
+      this._activeElement = this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_ACTIVE_ITEM);
+      var activeIndex = this._getItemIndex(this._activeElement);
+      if (index > this._items.length - 1 || index < 0) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (this._isSliding) {
+        $__default["default"](this._element).one(EVENT_SLID, function () {
+          return _this.to(index);
+        });
+        return;
+      }
+      if (activeIndex === index) {
+        this.pause();
+        this.cycle();
+        return;
+      }
+      var direction = index > activeIndex ? DIRECTION_NEXT : DIRECTION_PREV;
+      this._slide(direction, this._items[index]);
+    };
+    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
+      $__default["default"](this._element).off(EVENT_KEY$8);
+      $__default["default"].removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$8);
+      this._items = null;
+      this._config = null;
+      this._element = null;
+      this._interval = null;
+      this._isPaused = null;
+      this._isSliding = null;
+      this._activeElement = null;
+      this._indicatorsElement = null;
+    } // Private
+    ;
+    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
+      config = _extends$1({}, Default$7, config);
+      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$8, config, DefaultType$7);
+      return config;
+    };
+    _proto._handleSwipe = function _handleSwipe() {
+      var absDeltax = Math.abs(this.touchDeltaX);
+      if (absDeltax <= SWIPE_THRESHOLD) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var direction = absDeltax / this.touchDeltaX;
+      this.touchDeltaX = 0; // swipe left
+      if (direction > 0) {
+        this.prev();
+      } // swipe right
+      if (direction < 0) {
+        this.next();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._addEventListeners = function _addEventListeners() {
+      var _this2 = this;
+      if (this._config.keyboard) {
+        $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_KEYDOWN, function (event) {
+          return _this2._keydown(event);
+        });
+      }
+      if (this._config.pause === 'hover') {
+        $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_MOUSEENTER, function (event) {
+          return _this2.pause(event);
+        }).on(EVENT_MOUSELEAVE, function (event) {
+          return _this2.cycle(event);
+        });
+      }
+      if (this._config.touch) {
+        this._addTouchEventListeners();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._addTouchEventListeners = function _addTouchEventListeners() {
+      var _this3 = this;
+      if (!this._touchSupported) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var start = function start(event) {
+        if (_this3._pointerEvent && PointerType[event.originalEvent.pointerType.toUpperCase()]) {
+          _this3.touchStartX = event.originalEvent.clientX;
+        } else if (!_this3._pointerEvent) {
+          _this3.touchStartX = event.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX;
+        }
+      };
+      var move = function move(event) {
+        // ensure swiping with one touch and not pinching
+        _this3.touchDeltaX = event.originalEvent.touches && event.originalEvent.touches.length > 1 ? 0 : event.originalEvent.touches[0].clientX - _this3.touchStartX;
+      };
+      var end = function end(event) {
+        if (_this3._pointerEvent && PointerType[event.originalEvent.pointerType.toUpperCase()]) {
+          _this3.touchDeltaX = event.originalEvent.clientX - _this3.touchStartX;
+        }
+        _this3._handleSwipe();
+        if (_this3._config.pause === 'hover') {
+          // If it's a touch-enabled device, mouseenter/leave are fired as
+          // part of the mouse compatibility events on first tap - the carousel
+          // would stop cycling until user tapped out of it;
+          // here, we listen for touchend, explicitly pause the carousel
+          // (as if it's the second time we tap on it, mouseenter compat event
+          // is NOT fired) and after a timeout (to allow for mouse compatibility
+          // events to fire) we explicitly restart cycling
+          _this3.pause();
+          if (_this3.touchTimeout) {
+            clearTimeout(_this3.touchTimeout);
+          }
+          _this3.touchTimeout = setTimeout(function (event) {
+            return _this3.cycle(event);
+          }, TOUCHEVENT_COMPAT_WAIT + _this3._config.interval);
+        }
+      };
+      $__default["default"](this._element.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_ITEM_IMG)).on(EVENT_DRAG_START, function (e) {
+        return e.preventDefault();
+      });
+      if (this._pointerEvent) {
+        $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_POINTERDOWN, function (event) {
+          return start(event);
+        });
+        $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_POINTERUP, function (event) {
+          return end(event);
+        });
+        this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_POINTER_EVENT);
+      } else {
+        $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_TOUCHSTART, function (event) {
+          return start(event);
+        });
+        $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_TOUCHMOVE, function (event) {
+          return move(event);
+        });
+        $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_TOUCHEND, function (event) {
+          return end(event);
+        });
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._keydown = function _keydown(event) {
+      if (/input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      switch (event.which) {
+        case ARROW_LEFT_KEYCODE:
+          event.preventDefault();
+          this.prev();
+          break;
+        case ARROW_RIGHT_KEYCODE:
+          event.preventDefault();
+          this.next();
+          break;
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._getItemIndex = function _getItemIndex(element) {
+      this._items = element && element.parentNode ? [].slice.call(element.parentNode.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_ITEM)) : [];
+      return this._items.indexOf(element);
+    };
+    _proto._getItemByDirection = function _getItemByDirection(direction, activeElement) {
+      var isNextDirection = direction === DIRECTION_NEXT;
+      var isPrevDirection = direction === DIRECTION_PREV;
+      var activeIndex = this._getItemIndex(activeElement);
+      var lastItemIndex = this._items.length - 1;
+      var isGoingToWrap = isPrevDirection && activeIndex === 0 || isNextDirection && activeIndex === lastItemIndex;
+      if (isGoingToWrap && !this._config.wrap) {
+        return activeElement;
+      }
+      var delta = direction === DIRECTION_PREV ? -1 : 1;
+      var itemIndex = (activeIndex + delta) % this._items.length;
+      return itemIndex === -1 ? this._items[this._items.length - 1] : this._items[itemIndex];
+    };
+    _proto._triggerSlideEvent = function _triggerSlideEvent(relatedTarget, eventDirectionName) {
+      var targetIndex = this._getItemIndex(relatedTarget);
+      var fromIndex = this._getItemIndex(this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_ACTIVE_ITEM));
+      var slideEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_SLIDE, {
+        relatedTarget: relatedTarget,
+        direction: eventDirectionName,
+        from: fromIndex,
+        to: targetIndex
+      });
+      $__default["default"](this._element).trigger(slideEvent);
+      return slideEvent;
+    };
+    _proto._setActiveIndicatorElement = function _setActiveIndicatorElement(element) {
+      if (this._indicatorsElement) {
+        var indicators = [].slice.call(this._indicatorsElement.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_ACTIVE$1));
+        $__default["default"](indicators).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2);
+        var nextIndicator = this._indicatorsElement.children[this._getItemIndex(element)];
+        if (nextIndicator) {
+          $__default["default"](nextIndicator).addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2);
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._updateInterval = function _updateInterval() {
+      var element = this._activeElement || this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_ACTIVE_ITEM);
+      if (!element) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var elementInterval = parseInt(element.getAttribute('data-interval'), 10);
+      if (elementInterval) {
+        this._config.defaultInterval = this._config.defaultInterval || this._config.interval;
+        this._config.interval = elementInterval;
+      } else {
+        this._config.interval = this._config.defaultInterval || this._config.interval;
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._slide = function _slide(direction, element) {
+      var _this4 = this;
+      var activeElement = this._element.querySelector(SELECTOR_ACTIVE_ITEM);
+      var activeElementIndex = this._getItemIndex(activeElement);
+      var nextElement = element || activeElement && this._getItemByDirection(direction, activeElement);
+      var nextElementIndex = this._getItemIndex(nextElement);
+      var isCycling = Boolean(this._interval);
+      var directionalClassName;
+      var orderClassName;
+      var eventDirectionName;
+      if (direction === DIRECTION_NEXT) {
+        directionalClassName = CLASS_NAME_LEFT;
+        orderClassName = CLASS_NAME_NEXT;
+        eventDirectionName = DIRECTION_LEFT;
+      } else {
+        directionalClassName = CLASS_NAME_RIGHT;
+        orderClassName = CLASS_NAME_PREV;
+        eventDirectionName = DIRECTION_RIGHT;
+      }
+      if (nextElement && $__default["default"](nextElement).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2)) {
+        this._isSliding = false;
+        return;
+      }
+      var slideEvent = this._triggerSlideEvent(nextElement, eventDirectionName);
+      if (slideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (!activeElement || !nextElement) {
+        // Some weirdness is happening, so we bail
+        return;
+      }
+      this._isSliding = true;
+      if (isCycling) {
+        this.pause();
+      }
+      this._setActiveIndicatorElement(nextElement);
+      this._activeElement = nextElement;
+      var slidEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_SLID, {
+        relatedTarget: nextElement,
+        direction: eventDirectionName,
+        from: activeElementIndex,
+        to: nextElementIndex
+      });
+      if ($__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SLIDE)) {
+        $__default["default"](nextElement).addClass(orderClassName);
+        Util.reflow(nextElement);
+        $__default["default"](activeElement).addClass(directionalClassName);
+        $__default["default"](nextElement).addClass(directionalClassName);
+        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(activeElement);
+        $__default["default"](activeElement).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function () {
+          $__default["default"](nextElement).removeClass(directionalClassName + " " + orderClassName).addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2);
+          $__default["default"](activeElement).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2 + " " + orderClassName + " " + directionalClassName);
+          _this4._isSliding = false;
+          setTimeout(function () {
+            return $__default["default"](_this4._element).trigger(slidEvent);
+          }, 0);
+        }).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+      } else {
+        $__default["default"](activeElement).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2);
+        $__default["default"](nextElement).addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$2);
+        this._isSliding = false;
+        $__default["default"](this._element).trigger(slidEvent);
+      }
+      if (isCycling) {
+        this.cycle();
+      }
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    Carousel._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var data = $__default["default"](this).data(DATA_KEY$8);
+        var _config = _extends$1({}, Default$7, $__default["default"](this).data());
+        if (typeof config === 'object') {
+          _config = _extends$1({}, _config, config);
+        }
+        var action = typeof config === 'string' ? config : _config.slide;
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new Carousel(this, _config);
+          $__default["default"](this).data(DATA_KEY$8, data);
+        }
+        if (typeof config === 'number') {
+          data.to(config);
+        } else if (typeof action === 'string') {
+          if (typeof data[action] === 'undefined') {
+            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + action + "\"");
+          }
+          data[action]();
+        } else if (_config.interval && _config.ride) {
+          data.pause();
+          data.cycle();
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    Carousel._dataApiClickHandler = function _dataApiClickHandler(event) {
+      var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this);
+      if (!selector) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var target = $__default["default"](selector)[0];
+      if (!target || !$__default["default"](target).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_CAROUSEL)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var config = _extends$1({}, $__default["default"](target).data(), $__default["default"](this).data());
+      var slideIndex = this.getAttribute('data-slide-to');
+      if (slideIndex) {
+        config.interval = false;
+      }
+      Carousel._jQueryInterface.call($__default["default"](target), config);
+      if (slideIndex) {
+        $__default["default"](target).data(DATA_KEY$8).to(slideIndex);
+      }
+      event.preventDefault();
+    };
+    _createClass(Carousel, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: function get() {
+        return VERSION$8;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "Default",
+      get: function get() {
+        return Default$7;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Carousel;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * Data API implementation
+   */
+  $__default["default"](document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$4, SELECTOR_DATA_SLIDE, Carousel._dataApiClickHandler);
+  $__default["default"](window).on(EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API$1, function () {
+    var carousels = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_RIDE));
+    for (var i = 0, len = carousels.length; i < len; i++) {
+      var $carousel = $__default["default"](carousels[i]);
+      Carousel._jQueryInterface.call($carousel, $carousel.data());
+    }
+  });
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$8] = Carousel._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$8].Constructor = Carousel;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$8].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME$8] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$8;
+    return Carousel._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME$7 = 'collapse';
+  var VERSION$7 = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY$7 = 'bs.collapse';
+  var EVENT_KEY$7 = "." + DATA_KEY$7;
+  var DATA_API_KEY$4 = '.data-api';
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$7 = $__default["default"].fn[NAME$7];
+  var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6 = 'show';
+  var CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE = 'collapse';
+  var CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING = 'collapsing';
+  var CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSED = 'collapsed';
+  var DIMENSION_WIDTH = 'width';
+  var DIMENSION_HEIGHT = 'height';
+  var EVENT_SHOW$4 = "show" + EVENT_KEY$7;
+  var EVENT_SHOWN$4 = "shown" + EVENT_KEY$7;
+  var EVENT_HIDE$4 = "hide" + EVENT_KEY$7;
+  var EVENT_HIDDEN$4 = "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$7;
+  var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$3 = "click" + EVENT_KEY$7 + DATA_API_KEY$4;
+  var SELECTOR_ACTIVES = '.show, .collapsing';
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3 = '[data-toggle="collapse"]';
+  var Default$6 = {
+    toggle: true,
+    parent: ''
+  };
+  var DefaultType$6 = {
+    toggle: 'boolean',
+    parent: '(string|element)'
+  };
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var Collapse = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+    function Collapse(element, config) {
+      this._isTransitioning = false;
+      this._element = element;
+      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+      this._triggerArray = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("[data-toggle=\"collapse\"][href=\"#" + element.id + "\"]," + ("[data-toggle=\"collapse\"][data-target=\"#" + element.id + "\"]")));
+      var toggleList = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3));
+      for (var i = 0, len = toggleList.length; i < len; i++) {
+        var elem = toggleList[i];
+        var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(elem);
+        var filterElement = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector)).filter(function (foundElem) {
+          return foundElem === element;
+        });
+        if (selector !== null && filterElement.length > 0) {
+          this._selector = selector;
+          this._triggerArray.push(elem);
+        }
+      }
+      this._parent = this._config.parent ? this._getParent() : null;
+      if (!this._config.parent) {
+        this._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(this._element, this._triggerArray);
+      }
+      if (this._config.toggle) {
+        this.toggle();
+      }
+    } // Getters
+    var _proto = Collapse.prototype;
+    // Public
+    _proto.toggle = function toggle() {
+      if ($__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6)) {
+        this.hide();
+      } else {
+        this.show();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.show = function show() {
+      var _this = this;
+      if (this._isTransitioning || $__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var actives;
+      var activesData;
+      if (this._parent) {
+        actives = [].slice.call(this._parent.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_ACTIVES)).filter(function (elem) {
+          if (typeof _this._config.parent === 'string') {
+            return elem.getAttribute('data-parent') === _this._config.parent;
+          }
+          return elem.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE);
+        });
+        if (actives.length === 0) {
+          actives = null;
+        }
+      }
+      if (actives) {
+        activesData = $__default["default"](actives).not(this._selector).data(DATA_KEY$7);
+        if (activesData && activesData._isTransitioning) {
+          return;
+        }
+      }
+      var startEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_SHOW$4);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).trigger(startEvent);
+      if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (actives) {
+        Collapse._jQueryInterface.call($__default["default"](actives).not(this._selector), 'hide');
+        if (!activesData) {
+          $__default["default"](actives).data(DATA_KEY$7, null);
+        }
+      }
+      var dimension = this._getDimension();
+      $__default["default"](this._element).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE).addClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING);
+      this._element.style[dimension] = 0;
+      if (this._triggerArray.length) {
+        $__default["default"](this._triggerArray).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSED).attr('aria-expanded', true);
+      }
+      this.setTransitioning(true);
+      var complete = function complete() {
+        $__default["default"](_this._element).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING).addClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE + " " + CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6);
+        _this._element.style[dimension] = '';
+        _this.setTransitioning(false);
+        $__default["default"](_this._element).trigger(EVENT_SHOWN$4);
+      };
+      var capitalizedDimension = dimension[0].toUpperCase() + dimension.slice(1);
+      var scrollSize = "scroll" + capitalizedDimension;
+      var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+      this._element.style[dimension] = this._element[scrollSize] + "px";
+    };
+    _proto.hide = function hide() {
+      var _this2 = this;
+      if (this._isTransitioning || !$__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var startEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_HIDE$4);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).trigger(startEvent);
+      if (startEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var dimension = this._getDimension();
+      this._element.style[dimension] = this._element.getBoundingClientRect()[dimension] + "px";
+      Util.reflow(this._element);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).addClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE + " " + CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6);
+      var triggerArrayLength = this._triggerArray.length;
+      if (triggerArrayLength > 0) {
+        for (var i = 0; i < triggerArrayLength; i++) {
+          var trigger = this._triggerArray[i];
+          var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(trigger);
+          if (selector !== null) {
+            var $elem = $__default["default"]([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector)));
+            if (!$elem.hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6)) {
+              $__default["default"](trigger).addClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSED).attr('aria-expanded', false);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      this.setTransitioning(true);
+      var complete = function complete() {
+        _this2.setTransitioning(false);
+        $__default["default"](_this2._element).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSING).addClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSE).trigger(EVENT_HIDDEN$4);
+      };
+      this._element.style[dimension] = '';
+      var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+    };
+    _proto.setTransitioning = function setTransitioning(isTransitioning) {
+      this._isTransitioning = isTransitioning;
+    };
+    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
+      $__default["default"].removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$7);
+      this._config = null;
+      this._parent = null;
+      this._element = null;
+      this._triggerArray = null;
+      this._isTransitioning = null;
+    } // Private
+    ;
+    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
+      config = _extends$1({}, Default$6, config);
+      config.toggle = Boolean(config.toggle); // Coerce string values
+      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$7, config, DefaultType$6);
+      return config;
+    };
+    _proto._getDimension = function _getDimension() {
+      var hasWidth = $__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(DIMENSION_WIDTH);
+      return hasWidth ? DIMENSION_WIDTH : DIMENSION_HEIGHT;
+    };
+    _proto._getParent = function _getParent() {
+      var _this3 = this;
+      var parent;
+      if (Util.isElement(this._config.parent)) {
+        parent = this._config.parent; // It's a jQuery object
+        if (typeof this._config.parent.jquery !== 'undefined') {
+          parent = this._config.parent[0];
+        }
+      } else {
+        parent = document.querySelector(this._config.parent);
+      }
+      var selector = "[data-toggle=\"collapse\"][data-parent=\"" + this._config.parent + "\"]";
+      var children = [].slice.call(parent.querySelectorAll(selector));
+      $__default["default"](children).each(function (i, element) {
+        _this3._addAriaAndCollapsedClass(Collapse._getTargetFromElement(element), [element]);
+      });
+      return parent;
+    };
+    _proto._addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function _addAriaAndCollapsedClass(element, triggerArray) {
+      var isOpen = $__default["default"](element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$6);
+      if (triggerArray.length) {
+        $__default["default"](triggerArray).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_COLLAPSED, !isOpen).attr('aria-expanded', isOpen);
+      }
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    Collapse._getTargetFromElement = function _getTargetFromElement(element) {
+      var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);
+      return selector ? document.querySelector(selector) : null;
+    };
+    Collapse._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var $element = $__default["default"](this);
+        var data = $element.data(DATA_KEY$7);
+        var _config = _extends$1({}, Default$6, $element.data(), typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {});
+        if (!data && _config.toggle && typeof config === 'string' && /show|hide/.test(config)) {
+          _config.toggle = false;
+        }
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new Collapse(this, _config);
+          $element.data(DATA_KEY$7, data);
+        }
+        if (typeof config === 'string') {
+          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
+          }
+          data[config]();
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    _createClass(Collapse, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: function get() {
+        return VERSION$7;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "Default",
+      get: function get() {
+        return Default$6;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Collapse;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * Data API implementation
+   */
+  $__default["default"](document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$3, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$3, function (event) {
+    // preventDefault only for <a> elements (which change the URL) not inside the collapsible element
+    if (event.currentTarget.tagName === 'A') {
+      event.preventDefault();
+    }
+    var $trigger = $__default["default"](this);
+    var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this);
+    var selectors = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(selector));
+    $__default["default"](selectors).each(function () {
+      var $target = $__default["default"](this);
+      var data = $target.data(DATA_KEY$7);
+      var config = data ? 'toggle' : $trigger.data();
+      Collapse._jQueryInterface.call($target, config);
+    });
+  });
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$7] = Collapse._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$7].Constructor = Collapse;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$7].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME$7] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$7;
+    return Collapse._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  /**!
+   * @fileOverview Kickass library to create and place poppers near their reference elements.
+   * @version 1.16.1
+   * @license
+   * Copyright (c) 2016 Federico Zivolo and contributors
+   *
+   * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+   * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+   * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+   * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+   * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+   * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+   *
+   * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+   * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+   *
+   */
+  var isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined' && typeof navigator !== 'undefined';
+  var timeoutDuration = function () {
+    var longerTimeoutBrowsers = ['Edge', 'Trident', 'Firefox'];
+    for (var i = 0; i < longerTimeoutBrowsers.length; i += 1) {
+      if (isBrowser && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(longerTimeoutBrowsers[i]) >= 0) {
+        return 1;
+      }
+    }
+    return 0;
+  }();
+  function microtaskDebounce(fn) {
+    var called = false;
+    return function () {
+      if (called) {
+        return;
+      }
+      called = true;
+      window.Promise.resolve().then(function () {
+        called = false;
+        fn();
+      });
+    };
+  }
+  function taskDebounce(fn) {
+    var scheduled = false;
+    return function () {
+      if (!scheduled) {
+        scheduled = true;
+        setTimeout(function () {
+          scheduled = false;
+          fn();
+        }, timeoutDuration);
+      }
+    };
+  }
+  var supportsMicroTasks = isBrowser && window.Promise;
+  /**
+  * Create a debounced version of a method, that's asynchronously deferred
+  * but called in the minimum time possible.
+  *
+  * @method
+  * @memberof Popper.Utils
+  * @argument {Function} fn
+  * @returns {Function}
+  */
+  var debounce = supportsMicroTasks ? microtaskDebounce : taskDebounce;
+  /**
+   * Check if the given variable is a function
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Any} functionToCheck - variable to check
+   * @returns {Boolean} answer to: is a function?
+   */
+  function isFunction(functionToCheck) {
+    var getType = {};
+    return functionToCheck && getType.toString.call(functionToCheck) === '[object Function]';
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get CSS computed property of the given element
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Eement} element
+   * @argument {String} property
+   */
+  function getStyleComputedProperty(element, property) {
+    if (element.nodeType !== 1) {
+      return [];
+    }
+    // NOTE: 1 DOM access here
+    var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+    var css = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);
+    return property ? css[property] : css;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the parentNode or the host of the element
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} element
+   * @returns {Element} parent
+   */
+  function getParentNode(element) {
+    if (element.nodeName === 'HTML') {
+      return element;
+    }
+    return element.parentNode || element.host;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the scrolling parent of the given element
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} element
+   * @returns {Element} scroll parent
+   */
+  function getScrollParent(element) {
+    // Return body, `getScroll` will take care to get the correct `scrollTop` from it
+    if (!element) {
+      return document.body;
+    }
+    switch (element.nodeName) {
+      case 'HTML':
+      case 'BODY':
+        return element.ownerDocument.body;
+      case '#document':
+        return element.body;
+    }
+    // Firefox want us to check `-x` and `-y` variations as well
+    var _getStyleComputedProp = getStyleComputedProperty(element),
+        overflow = _getStyleComputedProp.overflow,
+        overflowX = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowX,
+        overflowY = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowY;
+    if (/(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX)) {
+      return element;
+    }
+    return getScrollParent(getParentNode(element));
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the reference node of the reference object, or the reference object itself.
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {Element|Object} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)
+   * @returns {Element} parent
+   */
+  function getReferenceNode(reference) {
+    return reference && reference.referenceNode ? reference.referenceNode : reference;
+  }
+  var isIE11 = isBrowser && !!(window.MSInputMethodContext && document.documentMode);
+  var isIE10 = isBrowser && /MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent);
+  /**
+   * Determines if the browser is Internet Explorer
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {Number} version to check
+   * @returns {Boolean} isIE
+   */
+  function isIE(version) {
+    if (version === 11) {
+      return isIE11;
+    }
+    if (version === 10) {
+      return isIE10;
+    }
+    return isIE11 || isIE10;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns the offset parent of the given element
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} element
+   * @returns {Element} offset parent
+   */
+  function getOffsetParent(element) {
+    if (!element) {
+      return document.documentElement;
+    }
+    var noOffsetParent = isIE(10) ? document.body : null;
+    // NOTE: 1 DOM access here
+    var offsetParent = element.offsetParent || null;
+    // Skip hidden elements which don't have an offsetParent
+    while (offsetParent === noOffsetParent && element.nextElementSibling) {
+      offsetParent = (element = element.nextElementSibling).offsetParent;
+    }
+    var nodeName = offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeName;
+    if (!nodeName || nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
+      return element ? element.ownerDocument.documentElement : document.documentElement;
+    }
+    // .offsetParent will return the closest TH, TD or TABLE in case
+    // no offsetParent is present, I hate this job...
+    if (['TH', 'TD', 'TABLE'].indexOf(offsetParent.nodeName) !== -1 && getStyleComputedProperty(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
+      return getOffsetParent(offsetParent);
+    }
+    return offsetParent;
+  }
+  function isOffsetContainer(element) {
+    var nodeName = element.nodeName;
+    if (nodeName === 'BODY') {
+      return false;
+    }
+    return nodeName === 'HTML' || getOffsetParent(element.firstElementChild) === element;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Finds the root node (document, shadowDOM root) of the given element
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} node
+   * @returns {Element} root node
+   */
+  function getRoot(node) {
+    if (node.parentNode !== null) {
+      return getRoot(node.parentNode);
+    }
+    return node;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Finds the offset parent common to the two provided nodes
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} element1
+   * @argument {Element} element2
+   * @returns {Element} common offset parent
+   */
+  function findCommonOffsetParent(element1, element2) {
+    // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason
+    if (!element1 || !element1.nodeType || !element2 || !element2.nodeType) {
+      return document.documentElement;
+    }
+    // Here we make sure to give as "start" the element that comes first in the DOM
+    var order = element1.compareDocumentPosition(element2) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING;
+    var start = order ? element1 : element2;
+    var end = order ? element2 : element1;
+    // Get common ancestor container
+    var range = document.createRange();
+    range.setStart(start, 0);
+    range.setEnd(end, 0);
+    var commonAncestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer;
+    // Both nodes are inside #document
+    if (element1 !== commonAncestorContainer && element2 !== commonAncestorContainer || start.contains(end)) {
+      if (isOffsetContainer(commonAncestorContainer)) {
+        return commonAncestorContainer;
+      }
+      return getOffsetParent(commonAncestorContainer);
+    }
+    // one of the nodes is inside shadowDOM, find which one
+    var element1root = getRoot(element1);
+    if (element1root.host) {
+      return findCommonOffsetParent(element1root.host, element2);
+    } else {
+      return findCommonOffsetParent(element1, getRoot(element2).host);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Gets the scroll value of the given element in the given side (top and left)
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} element
+   * @argument {String} side `top` or `left`
+   * @returns {number} amount of scrolled pixels
+   */
+  function getScroll(element) {
+    var side = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'top';
+    var upperSide = side === 'top' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft';
+    var nodeName = element.nodeName;
+    if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
+      var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;
+      var scrollingElement = element.ownerDocument.scrollingElement || html;
+      return scrollingElement[upperSide];
+    }
+    return element[upperSide];
+  }
+  /*
+   * Sum or subtract the element scroll values (left and top) from a given rect object
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {Object} rect - Rect object you want to change
+   * @param {HTMLElement} element - The element from the function reads the scroll values
+   * @param {Boolean} subtract - set to true if you want to subtract the scroll values
+   * @return {Object} rect - The modifier rect object
+   */
+  function includeScroll(rect, element) {
+    var subtract = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
+    var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');
+    var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');
+    var modifier = subtract ? -1 : 1;
+    rect.top += scrollTop * modifier;
+    rect.bottom += scrollTop * modifier;
+    rect.left += scrollLeft * modifier;
+    rect.right += scrollLeft * modifier;
+    return rect;
+  }
+  /*
+   * Helper to detect borders of a given element
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles
+   * Result of `getStyleComputedProperty` on the given element
+   * @param {String} axis - `x` or `y`
+   * @return {number} borders - The borders size of the given axis
+   */
+  function getBordersSize(styles, axis) {
+    var sideA = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top';
+    var sideB = sideA === 'Left' ? 'Right' : 'Bottom';
+    return parseFloat(styles['border' + sideA + 'Width']) + parseFloat(styles['border' + sideB + 'Width']);
+  }
+  function getSize(axis, body, html, computedStyle) {
+    return Math.max(body['offset' + axis], body['scroll' + axis], html['client' + axis], html['offset' + axis], html['scroll' + axis], isIE(10) ? parseInt(html['offset' + axis]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Top' : 'Left')]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Bottom' : 'Right')]) : 0);
+  }
+  function getWindowSizes(document) {
+    var body = document.body;
+    var html = document.documentElement;
+    var computedStyle = isIE(10) && getComputedStyle(html);
+    return {
+      height: getSize('Height', body, html, computedStyle),
+      width: getSize('Width', body, html, computedStyle)
+    };
+  }
+  var classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {
+    if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
+      throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
+    }
+  };
+  var createClass = function () {
+    function defineProperties(target, props) {
+      for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
+        var descriptor = props[i];
+        descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
+        descriptor.configurable = true;
+        if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
+        Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
+      }
+    }
+    return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
+      if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
+      if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
+      return Constructor;
+    };
+  }();
+  var defineProperty = function (obj, key, value) {
+    if (key in obj) {
+      Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
+        value: value,
+        enumerable: true,
+        configurable: true,
+        writable: true
+      });
+    } else {
+      obj[key] = value;
+    }
+    return obj;
+  };
+  var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
+    for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+      var source = arguments[i];
+      for (var key in source) {
+        if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
+          target[key] = source[key];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return target;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Given element offsets, generate an output similar to getBoundingClientRect
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Object} offsets
+   * @returns {Object} ClientRect like output
+   */
+  function getClientRect(offsets) {
+    return _extends({}, offsets, {
+      right: offsets.left + offsets.width,
+      bottom: offsets.top + offsets.height
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get bounding client rect of given element
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {HTMLElement} element
+   * @return {Object} client rect
+   */
+  function getBoundingClientRect(element) {
+    var rect = {};
+    // IE10 10 FIX: Please, don't ask, the element isn't
+    // considered in DOM in some circumstances...
+    // This isn't reproducible in IE10 compatibility mode of IE11
+    try {
+      if (isIE(10)) {
+        rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+        var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');
+        var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');
+        rect.top += scrollTop;
+        rect.left += scrollLeft;
+        rect.bottom += scrollTop;
+        rect.right += scrollLeft;
+      } else {
+        rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
+      }
+    } catch (e) {}
+    var result = {
+      left: rect.left,
+      top: rect.top,
+      width: rect.right - rect.left,
+      height: rect.bottom - rect.top
+    };
+    // subtract scrollbar size from sizes
+    var sizes = element.nodeName === 'HTML' ? getWindowSizes(element.ownerDocument) : {};
+    var width = sizes.width || element.clientWidth || result.width;
+    var height = sizes.height || element.clientHeight || result.height;
+    var horizScrollbar = element.offsetWidth - width;
+    var vertScrollbar = element.offsetHeight - height;
+    // if an hypothetical scrollbar is detected, we must be sure it's not a `border`
+    // we make this check conditional for performance reasons
+    if (horizScrollbar || vertScrollbar) {
+      var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(element);
+      horizScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'x');
+      vertScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'y');
+      result.width -= horizScrollbar;
+      result.height -= vertScrollbar;
+    }
+    return getClientRect(result);
+  }
+  function getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(children, parent) {
+    var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
+    var isIE10 = isIE(10);
+    var isHTML = parent.nodeName === 'HTML';
+    var childrenRect = getBoundingClientRect(children);
+    var parentRect = getBoundingClientRect(parent);
+    var scrollParent = getScrollParent(children);
+    var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(parent);
+    var borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth);
+    var borderLeftWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderLeftWidth);
+    // In cases where the parent is fixed, we must ignore negative scroll in offset calc
+    if (fixedPosition && isHTML) {
+      parentRect.top = Math.max(parentRect.top, 0);
+      parentRect.left = Math.max(parentRect.left, 0);
+    }
+    var offsets = getClientRect({
+      top: childrenRect.top - parentRect.top - borderTopWidth,
+      left: childrenRect.left - parentRect.left - borderLeftWidth,
+      width: childrenRect.width,
+      height: childrenRect.height
+    });
+    offsets.marginTop = 0;
+    offsets.marginLeft = 0;
+    // Subtract margins of documentElement in case it's being used as parent
+    // we do this only on HTML because it's the only element that behaves
+    // differently when margins are applied to it. The margins are included in
+    // the box of the documentElement, in the other cases not.
+    if (!isIE10 && isHTML) {
+      var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop);
+      var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft);
+      offsets.top -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;
+      offsets.bottom -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;
+      offsets.left -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;
+      offsets.right -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;
+      // Attach marginTop and marginLeft because in some circumstances we may need them
+      offsets.marginTop = marginTop;
+      offsets.marginLeft = marginLeft;
+    }
+    if (isIE10 && !fixedPosition ? parent.contains(scrollParent) : parent === scrollParent && scrollParent.nodeName !== 'BODY') {
+      offsets = includeScroll(offsets, parent);
+    }
+    return offsets;
+  }
+  function getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(element) {
+    var excludeScroll = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
+    var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;
+    var relativeOffset = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(element, html);
+    var width = Math.max(html.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
+    var height = Math.max(html.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
+    var scrollTop = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html) : 0;
+    var scrollLeft = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html, 'left') : 0;
+    var offset = {
+      top: scrollTop - relativeOffset.top + relativeOffset.marginTop,
+      left: scrollLeft - relativeOffset.left + relativeOffset.marginLeft,
+      width: width,
+      height: height
+    };
+    return getClientRect(offset);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Check if the given element is fixed or is inside a fixed parent
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} element
+   * @argument {Element} customContainer
+   * @returns {Boolean} answer to "isFixed?"
+   */
+  function isFixed(element) {
+    var nodeName = element.nodeName;
+    if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
+      return false;
+    }
+    if (getStyleComputedProperty(element, 'position') === 'fixed') {
+      return true;
+    }
+    var parentNode = getParentNode(element);
+    if (!parentNode) {
+      return false;
+    }
+    return isFixed(parentNode);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Finds the first parent of an element that has a transformed property defined
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} element
+   * @returns {Element} first transformed parent or documentElement
+   */
+  function getFixedPositionOffsetParent(element) {
+    // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason
+    if (!element || !element.parentElement || isIE()) {
+      return document.documentElement;
+    }
+    var el = element.parentElement;
+    while (el && getStyleComputedProperty(el, 'transform') === 'none') {
+      el = el.parentElement;
+    }
+    return el || document.documentElement;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Computed the boundaries limits and return them
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {HTMLElement} popper
+   * @param {HTMLElement} reference
+   * @param {number} padding
+   * @param {HTMLElement} boundariesElement - Element used to define the boundaries
+   * @param {Boolean} fixedPosition - Is in fixed position mode
+   * @returns {Object} Coordinates of the boundaries
+   */
+  function getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement) {
+    var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;
+    // NOTE: 1 DOM access here
+    var boundaries = { top: 0, left: 0 };
+    var offsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, getReferenceNode(reference));
+    // Handle viewport case
+    if (boundariesElement === 'viewport') {
+      boundaries = getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(offsetParent, fixedPosition);
+    } else {
+      // Handle other cases based on DOM element used as boundaries
+      var boundariesNode = void 0;
+      if (boundariesElement === 'scrollParent') {
+        boundariesNode = getScrollParent(getParentNode(reference));
+        if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'BODY') {
+          boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;
+        }
+      } else if (boundariesElement === 'window') {
+        boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;
+      } else {
+        boundariesNode = boundariesElement;
+      }
+      var offsets = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(boundariesNode, offsetParent, fixedPosition);
+      // In case of HTML, we need a different computation
+      if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'HTML' && !isFixed(offsetParent)) {
+        var _getWindowSizes = getWindowSizes(popper.ownerDocument),
+            height = _getWindowSizes.height,
+            width = _getWindowSizes.width;
+        boundaries.top += offsets.top - offsets.marginTop;
+        boundaries.bottom = height + offsets.top;
+        boundaries.left += offsets.left - offsets.marginLeft;
+        boundaries.right = width + offsets.left;
+      } else {
+        // for all the other DOM elements, this one is good
+        boundaries = offsets;
+      }
+    }
+    // Add paddings
+    padding = padding || 0;
+    var isPaddingNumber = typeof padding === 'number';
+    boundaries.left += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.left || 0;
+    boundaries.top += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.top || 0;
+    boundaries.right -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.right || 0;
+    boundaries.bottom -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.bottom || 0;
+    return boundaries;
+  }
+  function getArea(_ref) {
+    var width = _ref.width,
+        height = _ref.height;
+    return width * height;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Utility used to transform the `auto` placement to the placement with more
+   * available space.
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  function computeAutoPlacement(placement, refRect, popper, reference, boundariesElement) {
+    var padding = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 0;
+    if (placement.indexOf('auto') === -1) {
+      return placement;
+    }
+    var boundaries = getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement);
+    var rects = {
+      top: {
+        width: boundaries.width,
+        height: refRect.top - boundaries.top
+      },
+      right: {
+        width: boundaries.right - refRect.right,
+        height: boundaries.height
+      },
+      bottom: {
+        width: boundaries.width,
+        height: boundaries.bottom - refRect.bottom
+      },
+      left: {
+        width: refRect.left - boundaries.left,
+        height: boundaries.height
+      }
+    };
+    var sortedAreas = Object.keys(rects).map(function (key) {
+      return _extends({
+        key: key
+      }, rects[key], {
+        area: getArea(rects[key])
+      });
+    }).sort(function (a, b) {
+      return b.area - a.area;
+    });
+    var filteredAreas = sortedAreas.filter(function (_ref2) {
+      var width = _ref2.width,
+          height = _ref2.height;
+      return width >= popper.clientWidth && height >= popper.clientHeight;
+    });
+    var computedPlacement = filteredAreas.length > 0 ? filteredAreas[0].key : sortedAreas[0].key;
+    var variation = placement.split('-')[1];
+    return computedPlacement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get offsets to the reference element
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {Object} state
+   * @param {Element} popper - the popper element
+   * @param {Element} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)
+   * @param {Element} fixedPosition - is in fixed position mode
+   * @returns {Object} An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper
+   */
+  function getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference) {
+    var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null;
+    var commonOffsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, getReferenceNode(reference));
+    return getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(reference, commonOffsetParent, fixedPosition);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get the outer sizes of the given element (offset size + margins)
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} element
+   * @returns {Object} object containing width and height properties
+   */
+  function getOuterSizes(element) {
+    var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
+    var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
+    var x = parseFloat(styles.marginTop || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginBottom || 0);
+    var y = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginRight || 0);
+    var result = {
+      width: element.offsetWidth + y,
+      height: element.offsetHeight + x
+    };
+    return result;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get the opposite placement of the given one
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {String} placement
+   * @returns {String} flipped placement
+   */
+  function getOppositePlacement(placement) {
+    var hash = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' };
+    return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (matched) {
+      return hash[matched];
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get offsets to the popper
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {Object} position - CSS position the Popper will get applied
+   * @param {HTMLElement} popper - the popper element
+   * @param {Object} referenceOffsets - the reference offsets (the popper will be relative to this)
+   * @param {String} placement - one of the valid placement options
+   * @returns {Object} popperOffsets - An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper
+   */
+  function getPopperOffsets(popper, referenceOffsets, placement) {
+    placement = placement.split('-')[0];
+    // Get popper node sizes
+    var popperRect = getOuterSizes(popper);
+    // Add position, width and height to our offsets object
+    var popperOffsets = {
+      width: popperRect.width,
+      height: popperRect.height
+    };
+    // depending by the popper placement we have to compute its offsets slightly differently
+    var isHoriz = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
+    var mainSide = isHoriz ? 'top' : 'left';
+    var secondarySide = isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top';
+    var measurement = isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';
+    var secondaryMeasurement = !isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';
+    popperOffsets[mainSide] = referenceOffsets[mainSide] + referenceOffsets[measurement] / 2 - popperRect[measurement] / 2;
+    if (placement === secondarySide) {
+      popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[secondarySide] - popperRect[secondaryMeasurement];
+    } else {
+      popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[getOppositePlacement(secondarySide)];
+    }
+    return popperOffsets;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Mimics the `find` method of Array
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Array} arr
+   * @argument prop
+   * @argument value
+   * @returns index or -1
+   */
+  function find(arr, check) {
+    // use native find if supported
+    if (Array.prototype.find) {
+      return arr.find(check);
+    }
+    // use `filter` to obtain the same behavior of `find`
+    return arr.filter(check)[0];
+  }
+  /**
+   * Return the index of the matching object
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Array} arr
+   * @argument prop
+   * @argument value
+   * @returns index or -1
+   */
+  function findIndex(arr, prop, value) {
+    // use native findIndex if supported
+    if (Array.prototype.findIndex) {
+      return arr.findIndex(function (cur) {
+        return cur[prop] === value;
+      });
+    }
+    // use `find` + `indexOf` if `findIndex` isn't supported
+    var match = find(arr, function (obj) {
+      return obj[prop] === value;
+    });
+    return arr.indexOf(match);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Loop trough the list of modifiers and run them in order,
+   * each of them will then edit the data object.
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {dataObject} data
+   * @param {Array} modifiers
+   * @param {String} ends - Optional modifier name used as stopper
+   * @returns {dataObject}
+   */
+  function runModifiers(modifiers, data, ends) {
+    var modifiersToRun = ends === undefined ? modifiers : modifiers.slice(0, findIndex(modifiers, 'name', ends));
+    modifiersToRun.forEach(function (modifier) {
+      if (modifier['function']) {
+        // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
+        console.warn('`modifier.function` is deprecated, use `modifier.fn`!');
+      }
+      var fn = modifier['function'] || modifier.fn; // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
+      if (modifier.enabled && isFunction(fn)) {
+        // Add properties to offsets to make them a complete clientRect object
+        // we do this before each modifier to make sure the previous one doesn't
+        // mess with these values
+        data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);
+        data.offsets.reference = getClientRect(data.offsets.reference);
+        data = fn(data, modifier);
+      }
+    });
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Updates the position of the popper, computing the new offsets and applying
+   * the new style.<br />
+   * Prefer `scheduleUpdate` over `update` because of performance reasons.
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper
+   */
+  function update() {
+    // if popper is destroyed, don't perform any further update
+    if (this.state.isDestroyed) {
+      return;
+    }
+    var data = {
+      instance: this,
+      styles: {},
+      arrowStyles: {},
+      attributes: {},
+      flipped: false,
+      offsets: {}
+    };
+    // compute reference element offsets
+    data.offsets.reference = getReferenceOffsets(this.state, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.positionFixed);
+    // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,
+    // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed
+    // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value
+    data.placement = computeAutoPlacement(this.options.placement, data.offsets.reference, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, this.options.modifiers.flip.padding);
+    // store the computed placement inside `originalPlacement`
+    data.originalPlacement = data.placement;
+    data.positionFixed = this.options.positionFixed;
+    // compute the popper offsets
+    data.offsets.popper = getPopperOffsets(this.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement);
+    data.offsets.popper.position = this.options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';
+    // run the modifiers
+    data = runModifiers(this.modifiers, data);
+    // the first `update` will call `onCreate` callback
+    // the other ones will call `onUpdate` callback
+    if (!this.state.isCreated) {
+      this.state.isCreated = true;
+      this.options.onCreate(data);
+    } else {
+      this.options.onUpdate(data);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Helper used to know if the given modifier is enabled.
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @returns {Boolean}
+   */
+  function isModifierEnabled(modifiers, modifierName) {
+    return modifiers.some(function (_ref) {
+      var name = _ref.name,
+          enabled = _ref.enabled;
+      return enabled && name === modifierName;
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get the prefixed supported property name
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {String} property (camelCase)
+   * @returns {String} prefixed property (camelCase or PascalCase, depending on the vendor prefix)
+   */
+  function getSupportedPropertyName(property) {
+    var prefixes = [false, 'ms', 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'O'];
+    var upperProp = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1);
+    for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
+      var prefix = prefixes[i];
+      var toCheck = prefix ? '' + prefix + upperProp : property;
+      if (typeof document.body.style[toCheck] !== 'undefined') {
+        return toCheck;
+      }
+    }
+    return null;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Destroys the popper.
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper
+   */
+  function destroy() {
+    this.state.isDestroyed = true;
+    // touch DOM only if `applyStyle` modifier is enabled
+    if (isModifierEnabled(this.modifiers, 'applyStyle')) {
+      this.popper.removeAttribute('x-placement');
+      this.popper.style.position = '';
+      this.popper.style.top = '';
+      this.popper.style.left = '';
+      this.popper.style.right = '';
+      this.popper.style.bottom = '';
+      this.popper.style.willChange = '';
+      this.popper.style[getSupportedPropertyName('transform')] = '';
+    }
+    this.disableEventListeners();
+    // remove the popper if user explicitly asked for the deletion on destroy
+    // do not use `remove` because IE11 doesn't support it
+    if (this.options.removeOnDestroy) {
+      this.popper.parentNode.removeChild(this.popper);
+    }
+    return this;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get the window associated with the element
+   * @argument {Element} element
+   * @returns {Window}
+   */
+  function getWindow(element) {
+    var ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument;
+    return ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.defaultView : window;
+  }
+  function attachToScrollParents(scrollParent, event, callback, scrollParents) {
+    var isBody = scrollParent.nodeName === 'BODY';
+    var target = isBody ? scrollParent.ownerDocument.defaultView : scrollParent;
+    target.addEventListener(event, callback, { passive: true });
+    if (!isBody) {
+      attachToScrollParents(getScrollParent(target.parentNode), event, callback, scrollParents);
+    }
+    scrollParents.push(target);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Setup needed event listeners used to update the popper position
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @private
+   */
+  function setupEventListeners(reference, options, state, updateBound) {
+    // Resize event listener on window
+    state.updateBound = updateBound;
+    getWindow(reference).addEventListener('resize', state.updateBound, { passive: true });
+    // Scroll event listener on scroll parents
+    var scrollElement = getScrollParent(reference);
+    attachToScrollParents(scrollElement, 'scroll', state.updateBound, state.scrollParents);
+    state.scrollElement = scrollElement;
+    state.eventsEnabled = true;
+    return state;
+  }
+  /**
+   * It will add resize/scroll events and start recalculating
+   * position of the popper element when they are triggered.
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper
+   */
+  function enableEventListeners() {
+    if (!this.state.eventsEnabled) {
+      this.state = setupEventListeners(this.reference, this.options, this.state, this.scheduleUpdate);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Remove event listeners used to update the popper position
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @private
+   */
+  function removeEventListeners(reference, state) {
+    // Remove resize event listener on window
+    getWindow(reference).removeEventListener('resize', state.updateBound);
+    // Remove scroll event listener on scroll parents
+    state.scrollParents.forEach(function (target) {
+      target.removeEventListener('scroll', state.updateBound);
+    });
+    // Reset state
+    state.updateBound = null;
+    state.scrollParents = [];
+    state.scrollElement = null;
+    state.eventsEnabled = false;
+    return state;
+  }
+  /**
+   * It will remove resize/scroll events and won't recalculate popper position
+   * when they are triggered. It also won't trigger `onUpdate` callback anymore,
+   * unless you call `update` method manually.
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper
+   */
+  function disableEventListeners() {
+    if (this.state.eventsEnabled) {
+      cancelAnimationFrame(this.scheduleUpdate);
+      this.state = removeEventListeners(this.reference, this.state);
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tells if a given input is a number
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {*} input to check
+   * @return {Boolean}
+   */
+  function isNumeric(n) {
+    return n !== '' && !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Set the style to the given popper
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the style to
+   * @argument {Object} styles
+   * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element
+   */
+  function setStyles(element, styles) {
+    Object.keys(styles).forEach(function (prop) {
+      var unit = '';
+      // add unit if the value is numeric and is one of the following
+      if (['width', 'height', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].indexOf(prop) !== -1 && isNumeric(styles[prop])) {
+        unit = 'px';
+      }
+      element.style[prop] = styles[prop] + unit;
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Set the attributes to the given popper
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the attributes to
+   * @argument {Object} styles
+   * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element
+   */
+  function setAttributes(element, attributes) {
+    Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (prop) {
+      var value = attributes[prop];
+      if (value !== false) {
+        element.setAttribute(prop, attributes[prop]);
+      } else {
+        element.removeAttribute(prop);
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Modifiers
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
+   * @argument {Object} data.styles - List of style properties - values to apply to popper element
+   * @argument {Object} data.attributes - List of attribute properties - values to apply to popper element
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {Object} The same data object
+   */
+  function applyStyle(data) {
+    // any property present in `data.styles` will be applied to the popper,
+    // in this way we can make the 3rd party modifiers add custom styles to it
+    // Be aware, modifiers could override the properties defined in the previous
+    // lines of this modifier!
+    setStyles(data.instance.popper, data.styles);
+    // any property present in `data.attributes` will be applied to the popper,
+    // they will be set as HTML attributes of the element
+    setAttributes(data.instance.popper, data.attributes);
+    // if arrowElement is defined and arrowStyles has some properties
+    if (data.arrowElement && Object.keys(data.arrowStyles).length) {
+      setStyles(data.arrowElement, data.arrowStyles);
+    }
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Set the x-placement attribute before everything else because it could be used
+   * to add margins to the popper margins needs to be calculated to get the
+   * correct popper offsets.
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.modifiers
+   * @param {HTMLElement} reference - The reference element used to position the popper
+   * @param {HTMLElement} popper - The HTML element used as popper
+   * @param {Object} options - Popper.js options
+   */
+  function applyStyleOnLoad(reference, popper, options, modifierOptions, state) {
+    // compute reference element offsets
+    var referenceOffsets = getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference, options.positionFixed);
+    // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,
+    // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed
+    // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value
+    var placement = computeAutoPlacement(options.placement, referenceOffsets, popper, reference, options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, options.modifiers.flip.padding);
+    popper.setAttribute('x-placement', placement);
+    // Apply `position` to popper before anything else because
+    // without the position applied we can't guarantee correct computations
+    setStyles(popper, { position: options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' });
+    return options;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
+   * @argument {Boolean} shouldRound - If the offsets should be rounded at all
+   * @returns {Object} The popper's position offsets rounded
+   *
+   * The tale of pixel-perfect positioning. It's still not 100% perfect, but as
+   * good as it can be within reason.
+   * Discussion here: https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/pull/715
+   *
+   * Low DPI screens cause a popper to be blurry if not using full pixels (Safari
+   * as well on High DPI screens).
+   *
+   * Firefox prefers no rounding for positioning and does not have blurriness on
+   * high DPI screens.
+   *
+   * Only horizontal placement and left/right values need to be considered.
+   */
+  function getRoundedOffsets(data, shouldRound) {
+    var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
+        popper = _data$offsets.popper,
+        reference = _data$offsets.reference;
+    var round = Math.round,
+        floor = Math.floor;
+    var noRound = function noRound(v) {
+      return v;
+    };
+    var referenceWidth = round(reference.width);
+    var popperWidth = round(popper.width);
+    var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(data.placement) !== -1;
+    var isVariation = data.placement.indexOf('-') !== -1;
+    var sameWidthParity = referenceWidth % 2 === popperWidth % 2;
+    var bothOddWidth = referenceWidth % 2 === 1 && popperWidth % 2 === 1;
+    var horizontalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : isVertical || isVariation || sameWidthParity ? round : floor;
+    var verticalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : round;
+    return {
+      left: horizontalToInteger(bothOddWidth && !isVariation && shouldRound ? popper.left - 1 : popper.left),
+      top: verticalToInteger(popper.top),
+      bottom: verticalToInteger(popper.bottom),
+      right: horizontalToInteger(popper.right)
+    };
+  }
+  var isFirefox = isBrowser && /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Modifiers
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  function computeStyle(data, options) {
+    var x = options.x,
+        y = options.y;
+    var popper = data.offsets.popper;
+    // Remove this legacy support in Popper.js v2
+    var legacyGpuAccelerationOption = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {
+      return modifier.name === 'applyStyle';
+    }).gpuAcceleration;
+    if (legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined) {
+      console.warn('WARNING: `gpuAcceleration` option moved to `computeStyle` modifier and will not be supported in future versions of Popper.js!');
+    }
+    var gpuAcceleration = legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined ? legacyGpuAccelerationOption : options.gpuAcceleration;
+    var offsetParent = getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);
+    var offsetParentRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent);
+    // Styles
+    var styles = {
+      position: popper.position
+    };
+    var offsets = getRoundedOffsets(data, window.devicePixelRatio < 2 || !isFirefox);
+    var sideA = x === 'bottom' ? 'top' : 'bottom';
+    var sideB = y === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';
+    // if gpuAcceleration is set to `true` and transform is supported,
+    //  we use `translate3d` to apply the position to the popper we
+    // automatically use the supported prefixed version if needed
+    var prefixedProperty = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');
+    // now, let's make a step back and look at this code closely (wtf?)
+    // If the content of the popper grows once it's been positioned, it
+    // may happen that the popper gets misplaced because of the new content
+    // overflowing its reference element
+    // To avoid this problem, we provide two options (x and y), which allow
+    // the consumer to define the offset origin.
+    // If we position a popper on top of a reference element, we can set
+    // `x` to `top` to make the popper grow towards its top instead of
+    // its bottom.
+    var left = void 0,
+        top = void 0;
+    if (sideA === 'bottom') {
+      // when offsetParent is <html> the positioning is relative to the bottom of the screen (excluding the scrollbar)
+      // and not the bottom of the html element
+      if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {
+        top = -offsetParent.clientHeight + offsets.bottom;
+      } else {
+        top = -offsetParentRect.height + offsets.bottom;
+      }
+    } else {
+      top = offsets.top;
+    }
+    if (sideB === 'right') {
+      if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {
+        left = -offsetParent.clientWidth + offsets.right;
+      } else {
+        left = -offsetParentRect.width + offsets.right;
+      }
+    } else {
+      left = offsets.left;
+    }
+    if (gpuAcceleration && prefixedProperty) {
+      styles[prefixedProperty] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)';
+      styles[sideA] = 0;
+      styles[sideB] = 0;
+      styles.willChange = 'transform';
+    } else {
+      // othwerise, we use the standard `top`, `left`, `bottom` and `right` properties
+      var invertTop = sideA === 'bottom' ? -1 : 1;
+      var invertLeft = sideB === 'right' ? -1 : 1;
+      styles[sideA] = top * invertTop;
+      styles[sideB] = left * invertLeft;
+      styles.willChange = sideA + ', ' + sideB;
+    }
+    // Attributes
+    var attributes = {
+      'x-placement': data.placement
+    };
+    // Update `data` attributes, styles and arrowStyles
+    data.attributes = _extends({}, attributes, data.attributes);
+    data.styles = _extends({}, styles, data.styles);
+    data.arrowStyles = _extends({}, data.offsets.arrow, data.arrowStyles);
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Helper used to know if the given modifier depends from another one.<br />
+   * It checks if the needed modifier is listed and enabled.
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @param {Array} modifiers - list of modifiers
+   * @param {String} requestingName - name of requesting modifier
+   * @param {String} requestedName - name of requested modifier
+   * @returns {Boolean}
+   */
+  function isModifierRequired(modifiers, requestingName, requestedName) {
+    var requesting = find(modifiers, function (_ref) {
+      var name = _ref.name;
+      return name === requestingName;
+    });
+    var isRequired = !!requesting && modifiers.some(function (modifier) {
+      return modifier.name === requestedName && modifier.enabled && modifier.order < requesting.order;
+    });
+    if (!isRequired) {
+      var _requesting = '`' + requestingName + '`';
+      var requested = '`' + requestedName + '`';
+      console.warn(requested + ' modifier is required by ' + _requesting + ' modifier in order to work, be sure to include it before ' + _requesting + '!');
+    }
+    return isRequired;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Modifiers
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  function arrow(data, options) {
+    var _data$offsets$arrow;
+    // arrow depends on keepTogether in order to work
+    if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'arrow', 'keepTogether')) {
+      return data;
+    }
+    var arrowElement = options.element;
+    // if arrowElement is a string, suppose it's a CSS selector
+    if (typeof arrowElement === 'string') {
+      arrowElement = data.instance.popper.querySelector(arrowElement);
+      // if arrowElement is not found, don't run the modifier
+      if (!arrowElement) {
+        return data;
+      }
+    } else {
+      // if the arrowElement isn't a query selector we must check that the
+      // provided DOM node is child of its popper node
+      if (!data.instance.popper.contains(arrowElement)) {
+        console.warn('WARNING: `arrow.element` must be child of its popper element!');
+        return data;
+      }
+    }
+    var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
+    var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
+        popper = _data$offsets.popper,
+        reference = _data$offsets.reference;
+    var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
+    var len = isVertical ? 'height' : 'width';
+    var sideCapitalized = isVertical ? 'Top' : 'Left';
+    var side = sideCapitalized.toLowerCase();
+    var altSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
+    var opSide = isVertical ? 'bottom' : 'right';
+    var arrowElementSize = getOuterSizes(arrowElement)[len];
+    //
+    // extends keepTogether behavior making sure the popper and its
+    // reference have enough pixels in conjunction
+    //
+    // top/left side
+    if (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize < popper[side]) {
+      data.offsets.popper[side] -= popper[side] - (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize);
+    }
+    // bottom/right side
+    if (reference[side] + arrowElementSize > popper[opSide]) {
+      data.offsets.popper[side] += reference[side] + arrowElementSize - popper[opSide];
+    }
+    data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);
+    // compute center of the popper
+    var center = reference[side] + reference[len] / 2 - arrowElementSize / 2;
+    // Compute the sideValue using the updated popper offsets
+    // take popper margin in account because we don't have this info available
+    var css = getStyleComputedProperty(data.instance.popper);
+    var popperMarginSide = parseFloat(css['margin' + sideCapitalized]);
+    var popperBorderSide = parseFloat(css['border' + sideCapitalized + 'Width']);
+    var sideValue = center - data.offsets.popper[side] - popperMarginSide - popperBorderSide;
+    // prevent arrowElement from being placed not contiguously to its popper
+    sideValue = Math.max(Math.min(popper[len] - arrowElementSize, sideValue), 0);
+    data.arrowElement = arrowElement;
+    data.offsets.arrow = (_data$offsets$arrow = {}, defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, side, Math.round(sideValue)), defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, altSide, ''), _data$offsets$arrow);
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get the opposite placement variation of the given one
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {String} placement variation
+   * @returns {String} flipped placement variation
+   */
+  function getOppositeVariation(variation) {
+    if (variation === 'end') {
+      return 'start';
+    } else if (variation === 'start') {
+      return 'end';
+    }
+    return variation;
+  }
+  /**
+   * List of accepted placements to use as values of the `placement` option.<br />
+   * Valid placements are:
+   * - `auto`
+   * - `top`
+   * - `right`
+   * - `bottom`
+   * - `left`
+   *
+   * Each placement can have a variation from this list:
+   * - `-start`
+   * - `-end`
+   *
+   * Variations are interpreted easily if you think of them as the left to right
+   * written languages. Horizontally (`top` and `bottom`), `start` is left and `end`
+   * is right.<br />
+   * Vertically (`left` and `right`), `start` is top and `end` is bottom.
+   *
+   * Some valid examples are:
+   * - `top-end` (on top of reference, right aligned)
+   * - `right-start` (on right of reference, top aligned)
+   * - `bottom` (on bottom, centered)
+   * - `auto-end` (on the side with more space available, alignment depends by placement)
+   *
+   * @static
+   * @type {Array}
+   * @enum {String}
+   * @readonly
+   * @method placements
+   * @memberof Popper
+   */
+  var placements = ['auto-start', 'auto', 'auto-end', 'top-start', 'top', 'top-end', 'right-start', 'right', 'right-end', 'bottom-end', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'left-end', 'left', 'left-start'];
+  // Get rid of `auto` `auto-start` and `auto-end`
+  var validPlacements = placements.slice(3);
+  /**
+   * Given an initial placement, returns all the subsequent placements
+   * clockwise (or counter-clockwise).
+   *
+   * @method
+   * @memberof Popper.Utils
+   * @argument {String} placement - A valid placement (it accepts variations)
+   * @argument {Boolean} counter - Set to true to walk the placements counterclockwise
+   * @returns {Array} placements including their variations
+   */
+  function clockwise(placement) {
+    var counter = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
+    var index = validPlacements.indexOf(placement);
+    var arr = validPlacements.slice(index + 1).concat(validPlacements.slice(0, index));
+    return counter ? arr.reverse() : arr;
+  }
+  var BEHAVIORS = {
+    FLIP: 'flip',
+    CLOCKWISE: 'clockwise',
+    COUNTERCLOCKWISE: 'counterclockwise'
+  };
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Modifiers
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  function flip(data, options) {
+    // if `inner` modifier is enabled, we can't use the `flip` modifier
+    if (isModifierEnabled(data.instance.modifiers, 'inner')) {
+      return data;
+    }
+    if (data.flipped && data.placement === data.originalPlacement) {
+      // seems like flip is trying to loop, probably there's not enough space on any of the flippable sides
+      return data;
+    }
+    var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, options.boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);
+    var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
+    var placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);
+    var variation = data.placement.split('-')[1] || '';
+    var flipOrder = [];
+    switch (options.behavior) {
+      case BEHAVIORS.FLIP:
+        flipOrder = [placement, placementOpposite];
+        break;
+        flipOrder = clockwise(placement);
+        break;
+        flipOrder = clockwise(placement, true);
+        break;
+      default:
+        flipOrder = options.behavior;
+    }
+    flipOrder.forEach(function (step, index) {
+      if (placement !== step || flipOrder.length === index + 1) {
+        return data;
+      }
+      placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
+      placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);
+      var popperOffsets = data.offsets.popper;
+      var refOffsets = data.offsets.reference;
+      // using floor because the reference offsets may contain decimals we are not going to consider here
+      var floor = Math.floor;
+      var overlapsRef = placement === 'left' && floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(refOffsets.left) || placement === 'right' && floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(refOffsets.right) || placement === 'top' && floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(refOffsets.top) || placement === 'bottom' && floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(refOffsets.bottom);
+      var overflowsLeft = floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(boundaries.left);
+      var overflowsRight = floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(boundaries.right);
+      var overflowsTop = floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(boundaries.top);
+      var overflowsBottom = floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(boundaries.bottom);
+      var overflowsBoundaries = placement === 'left' && overflowsLeft || placement === 'right' && overflowsRight || placement === 'top' && overflowsTop || placement === 'bottom' && overflowsBottom;
+      // flip the variation if required
+      var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
+      // flips variation if reference element overflows boundaries
+      var flippedVariationByRef = !!options.flipVariations && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsLeft || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsRight || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsTop || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsBottom);
+      // flips variation if popper content overflows boundaries
+      var flippedVariationByContent = !!options.flipVariationsByContent && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsRight || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsLeft || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsBottom || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsTop);
+      var flippedVariation = flippedVariationByRef || flippedVariationByContent;
+      if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries || flippedVariation) {
+        // this boolean to detect any flip loop
+        data.flipped = true;
+        if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries) {
+          placement = flipOrder[index + 1];
+        }
+        if (flippedVariation) {
+          variation = getOppositeVariation(variation);
+        }
+        data.placement = placement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');
+        // this object contains `position`, we want to preserve it along with
+        // any additional property we may add in the future
+        data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, data.offsets.popper, getPopperOffsets(data.instance.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement));
+        data = runModifiers(data.instance.modifiers, data, 'flip');
+      }
+    });
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Modifiers
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  function keepTogether(data) {
+    var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
+        popper = _data$offsets.popper,
+        reference = _data$offsets.reference;
+    var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
+    var floor = Math.floor;
+    var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
+    var side = isVertical ? 'right' : 'bottom';
+    var opSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
+    var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';
+    if (popper[side] < floor(reference[opSide])) {
+      data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[opSide]) - popper[measurement];
+    }
+    if (popper[opSide] > floor(reference[side])) {
+      data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[side]);
+    }
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Converts a string containing value + unit into a px value number
+   * @function
+   * @memberof {modifiers~offset}
+   * @private
+   * @argument {String} str - Value + unit string
+   * @argument {String} measurement - `height` or `width`
+   * @argument {Object} popperOffsets
+   * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets
+   * @returns {Number|String}
+   * Value in pixels, or original string if no values were extracted
+   */
+  function toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets) {
+    // separate value from unit
+    var split = str.match(/((?:\-|\+)?\d*\.?\d*)(.*)/);
+    var value = +split[1];
+    var unit = split[2];
+    // If it's not a number it's an operator, I guess
+    if (!value) {
+      return str;
+    }
+    if (unit.indexOf('%') === 0) {
+      var element = void 0;
+      switch (unit) {
+        case '%p':
+          element = popperOffsets;
+          break;
+        case '%':
+        case '%r':
+        default:
+          element = referenceOffsets;
+      }
+      var rect = getClientRect(element);
+      return rect[measurement] / 100 * value;
+    } else if (unit === 'vh' || unit === 'vw') {
+      // if is a vh or vw, we calculate the size based on the viewport
+      var size = void 0;
+      if (unit === 'vh') {
+        size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
+      } else {
+        size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
+      }
+      return size / 100 * value;
+    } else {
+      // if is an explicit pixel unit, we get rid of the unit and keep the value
+      // if is an implicit unit, it's px, and we return just the value
+      return value;
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Parse an `offset` string to extrapolate `x` and `y` numeric offsets.
+   * @function
+   * @memberof {modifiers~offset}
+   * @private
+   * @argument {String} offset
+   * @argument {Object} popperOffsets
+   * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets
+   * @argument {String} basePlacement
+   * @returns {Array} a two cells array with x and y offsets in numbers
+   */
+  function parseOffset(offset, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets, basePlacement) {
+    var offsets = [0, 0];
+    // Use height if placement is left or right and index is 0 otherwise use width
+    // in this way the first offset will use an axis and the second one
+    // will use the other one
+    var useHeight = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
+    // Split the offset string to obtain a list of values and operands
+    // The regex addresses values with the plus or minus sign in front (+10, -20, etc)
+    var fragments = offset.split(/(\+|\-)/).map(function (frag) {
+      return frag.trim();
+    });
+    // Detect if the offset string contains a pair of values or a single one
+    // they could be separated by comma or space
+    var divider = fragments.indexOf(find(fragments, function (frag) {
+      return frag.search(/,|\s/) !== -1;
+    }));
+    if (fragments[divider] && fragments[divider].indexOf(',') === -1) {
+      console.warn('Offsets separated by white space(s) are deprecated, use a comma (,) instead.');
+    }
+    // If divider is found, we divide the list of values and operands to divide
+    // them by ofset X and Y.
+    var splitRegex = /\s*,\s*|\s+/;
+    var ops = divider !== -1 ? [fragments.slice(0, divider).concat([fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[0]]), [fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[1]].concat(fragments.slice(divider + 1))] : [fragments];
+    // Convert the values with units to absolute pixels to allow our computations
+    ops = ops.map(function (op, index) {
+      // Most of the units rely on the orientation of the popper
+      var measurement = (index === 1 ? !useHeight : useHeight) ? 'height' : 'width';
+      var mergeWithPrevious = false;
+      return op
+      // This aggregates any `+` or `-` sign that aren't considered operators
+      // e.g.: 10 + +5 => [10, +, +5]
+      .reduce(function (a, b) {
+        if (a[a.length - 1] === '' && ['+', '-'].indexOf(b) !== -1) {
+          a[a.length - 1] = b;
+          mergeWithPrevious = true;
+          return a;
+        } else if (mergeWithPrevious) {
+          a[a.length - 1] += b;
+          mergeWithPrevious = false;
+          return a;
+        } else {
+          return a.concat(b);
+        }
+      }, [])
+      // Here we convert the string values into number values (in px)
+      .map(function (str) {
+        return toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets);
+      });
+    });
+    // Loop trough the offsets arrays and execute the operations
+    ops.forEach(function (op, index) {
+      op.forEach(function (frag, index2) {
+        if (isNumeric(frag)) {
+          offsets[index] += frag * (op[index2 - 1] === '-' ? -1 : 1);
+        }
+      });
+    });
+    return offsets;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Modifiers
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @argument {Number|String} options.offset=0
+   * The offset value as described in the modifier description
+   * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  function offset(data, _ref) {
+    var offset = _ref.offset;
+    var placement = data.placement,
+        _data$offsets = data.offsets,
+        popper = _data$offsets.popper,
+        reference = _data$offsets.reference;
+    var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
+    var offsets = void 0;
+    if (isNumeric(+offset)) {
+      offsets = [+offset, 0];
+    } else {
+      offsets = parseOffset(offset, popper, reference, basePlacement);
+    }
+    if (basePlacement === 'left') {
+      popper.top += offsets[0];
+      popper.left -= offsets[1];
+    } else if (basePlacement === 'right') {
+      popper.top += offsets[0];
+      popper.left += offsets[1];
+    } else if (basePlacement === 'top') {
+      popper.left += offsets[0];
+      popper.top -= offsets[1];
+    } else if (basePlacement === 'bottom') {
+      popper.left += offsets[0];
+      popper.top += offsets[1];
+    }
+    data.popper = popper;
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Modifiers
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  function preventOverflow(data, options) {
+    var boundariesElement = options.boundariesElement || getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);
+    // If offsetParent is the reference element, we really want to
+    // go one step up and use the next offsetParent as reference to
+    // avoid to make this modifier completely useless and look like broken
+    if (data.instance.reference === boundariesElement) {
+      boundariesElement = getOffsetParent(boundariesElement);
+    }
+    // NOTE: DOM access here
+    // resets the popper's position so that the document size can be calculated excluding
+    // the size of the popper element itself
+    var transformProp = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');
+    var popperStyles = data.instance.popper.style; // assignment to help minification
+    var top = popperStyles.top,
+        left = popperStyles.left,
+        transform = popperStyles[transformProp];
+    popperStyles.top = '';
+    popperStyles.left = '';
+    popperStyles[transformProp] = '';
+    var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);
+    // NOTE: DOM access here
+    // restores the original style properties after the offsets have been computed
+    popperStyles.top = top;
+    popperStyles.left = left;
+    popperStyles[transformProp] = transform;
+    options.boundaries = boundaries;
+    var order = options.priority;
+    var popper = data.offsets.popper;
+    var check = {
+      primary: function primary(placement) {
+        var value = popper[placement];
+        if (popper[placement] < boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {
+          value = Math.max(popper[placement], boundaries[placement]);
+        }
+        return defineProperty({}, placement, value);
+      },
+      secondary: function secondary(placement) {
+        var mainSide = placement === 'right' ? 'left' : 'top';
+        var value = popper[mainSide];
+        if (popper[placement] > boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {
+          value = Math.min(popper[mainSide], boundaries[placement] - (placement === 'right' ? popper.width : popper.height));
+        }
+        return defineProperty({}, mainSide, value);
+      }
+    };
+    order.forEach(function (placement) {
+      var side = ['left', 'top'].indexOf(placement) !== -1 ? 'primary' : 'secondary';
+      popper = _extends({}, popper, check[side](placement));
+    });
+    data.offsets.popper = popper;
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Modifiers
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  function shift(data) {
+    var placement = data.placement;
+    var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
+    var shiftvariation = placement.split('-')[1];
+    // if shift shiftvariation is specified, run the modifier
+    if (shiftvariation) {
+      var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
+          reference = _data$offsets.reference,
+          popper = _data$offsets.popper;
+      var isVertical = ['bottom', 'top'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
+      var side = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
+      var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';
+      var shiftOffsets = {
+        start: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side]),
+        end: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side] + reference[measurement] - popper[measurement])
+      };
+      data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, popper, shiftOffsets[shiftvariation]);
+    }
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Modifiers
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  function hide(data) {
+    if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'hide', 'preventOverflow')) {
+      return data;
+    }
+    var refRect = data.offsets.reference;
+    var bound = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {
+      return modifier.name === 'preventOverflow';
+    }).boundaries;
+    if (refRect.bottom < bound.top || refRect.left > bound.right || refRect.top > bound.bottom || refRect.right < bound.left) {
+      // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed
+      if (data.hide === true) {
+        return data;
+      }
+      data.hide = true;
+      data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = '';
+    } else {
+      // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed
+      if (data.hide === false) {
+        return data;
+      }
+      data.hide = false;
+      data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = false;
+    }
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * @function
+   * @memberof Modifiers
+   * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  function inner(data) {
+    var placement = data.placement;
+    var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
+    var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
+        popper = _data$offsets.popper,
+        reference = _data$offsets.reference;
+    var isHoriz = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
+    var subtractLength = ['top', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) === -1;
+    popper[isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top'] = reference[basePlacement] - (subtractLength ? popper[isHoriz ? 'width' : 'height'] : 0);
+    data.placement = getOppositePlacement(placement);
+    data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(popper);
+    return data;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Modifier function, each modifier can have a function of this type assigned
+   * to its `fn` property.<br />
+   * These functions will be called on each update, this means that you must
+   * make sure they are performant enough to avoid performance bottlenecks.
+   *
+   * @function ModifierFn
+   * @argument {dataObject} data - The data object generated by `update` method
+   * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
+   * @returns {dataObject} The data object, properly modified
+   */
+  /**
+   * Modifiers are plugins used to alter the behavior of your poppers.<br />
+   * Popper.js uses a set of 9 modifiers to provide all the basic functionalities
+   * needed by the library.
+   *
+   * Usually you don't want to override the `order`, `fn` and `onLoad` props.
+   * All the other properties are configurations that could be tweaked.
+   * @namespace modifiers
+   */
+  var modifiers = {
+    /**
+     * Modifier used to shift the popper on the start or end of its reference
+     * element.<br />
+     * It will read the variation of the `placement` property.<br />
+     * It can be one either `-end` or `-start`.
+     * @memberof modifiers
+     * @inner
+     */
+    shift: {
+      /** @prop {number} order=100 - Index used to define the order of execution */
+      order: 100,
+      /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
+      enabled: true,
+      /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
+      fn: shift
+    },
+    /**
+     * The `offset` modifier can shift your popper on both its axis.
+     *
+     * It accepts the following units:
+     * - `px` or unit-less, interpreted as pixels
+     * - `%` or `%r`, percentage relative to the length of the reference element
+     * - `%p`, percentage relative to the length of the popper element
+     * - `vw`, CSS viewport width unit
+     * - `vh`, CSS viewport height unit
+     *
+     * For length is intended the main axis relative to the placement of the popper.<br />
+     * This means that if the placement is `top` or `bottom`, the length will be the
+     * `width`. In case of `left` or `right`, it will be the `height`.
+     *
+     * You can provide a single value (as `Number` or `String`), or a pair of values
+     * as `String` divided by a comma or one (or more) white spaces.<br />
+     * The latter is a deprecated method because it leads to confusion and will be
+     * removed in v2.<br />
+     * Additionally, it accepts additions and subtractions between different units.
+     * Note that multiplications and divisions aren't supported.
+     *
+     * Valid examples are:
+     * ```
+     * 10
+     * '10%'
+     * '10, 10'
+     * '10%, 10'
+     * '10 + 10%'
+     * '10 - 5vh + 3%'
+     * '-10px + 5vh, 5px - 6%'
+     * ```
+     * > **NB**: If you desire to apply offsets to your poppers in a way that may make them overlap
+     * > with their reference element, unfortunately, you will have to disable the `flip` modifier.
+     * > You can read more on this at this [issue](https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/issues/373).
+     *
+     * @memberof modifiers
+     * @inner
+     */
+    offset: {
+      /** @prop {number} order=200 - Index used to define the order of execution */
+      order: 200,
+      /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
+      enabled: true,
+      /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
+      fn: offset,
+      /** @prop {Number|String} offset=0
+       * The offset value as described in the modifier description
+       */
+      offset: 0
+    },
+    /**
+     * Modifier used to prevent the popper from being positioned outside the boundary.
+     *
+     * A scenario exists where the reference itself is not within the boundaries.<br />
+     * We can say it has "escaped the boundaries" — or just "escaped".<br />
+     * In this case we need to decide whether the popper should either:
+     *
+     * - detach from the reference and remain "trapped" in the boundaries, or
+     * - if it should ignore the boundary and "escape with its reference"
+     *
+     * When `escapeWithReference` is set to`true` and reference is completely
+     * outside its boundaries, the popper will overflow (or completely leave)
+     * the boundaries in order to remain attached to the edge of the reference.
+     *
+     * @memberof modifiers
+     * @inner
+     */
+    preventOverflow: {
+      /** @prop {number} order=300 - Index used to define the order of execution */
+      order: 300,
+      /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
+      enabled: true,
+      /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
+      fn: preventOverflow,
+      /**
+       * @prop {Array} [priority=['left','right','top','bottom']]
+       * Popper will try to prevent overflow following these priorities by default,
+       * then, it could overflow on the left and on top of the `boundariesElement`
+       */
+      priority: ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'],
+      /**
+       * @prop {number} padding=5
+       * Amount of pixel used to define a minimum distance between the boundaries
+       * and the popper. This makes sure the popper always has a little padding
+       * between the edges of its container
+       */
+      padding: 5,
+      /**
+       * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='scrollParent'
+       * Boundaries used by the modifier. Can be `scrollParent`, `window`,
+       * `viewport` or any DOM element.
+       */
+      boundariesElement: 'scrollParent'
+    },
+    /**
+     * Modifier used to make sure the reference and its popper stay near each other
+     * without leaving any gap between the two. Especially useful when the arrow is
+     * enabled and you want to ensure that it points to its reference element.
+     * It cares only about the first axis. You can still have poppers with margin
+     * between the popper and its reference element.
+     * @memberof modifiers
+     * @inner
+     */
+    keepTogether: {
+      /** @prop {number} order=400 - Index used to define the order of execution */
+      order: 400,
+      /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
+      enabled: true,
+      /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
+      fn: keepTogether
+    },
+    /**
+     * This modifier is used to move the `arrowElement` of the popper to make
+     * sure it is positioned between the reference element and its popper element.
+     * It will read the outer size of the `arrowElement` node to detect how many
+     * pixels of conjunction are needed.
+     *
+     * It has no effect if no `arrowElement` is provided.
+     * @memberof modifiers
+     * @inner
+     */
+    arrow: {
+      /** @prop {number} order=500 - Index used to define the order of execution */
+      order: 500,
+      /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
+      enabled: true,
+      /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
+      fn: arrow,
+      /** @prop {String|HTMLElement} element='[x-arrow]' - Selector or node used as arrow */
+      element: '[x-arrow]'
+    },
+    /**
+     * Modifier used to flip the popper's placement when it starts to overlap its
+     * reference element.
+     *
+     * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.
+     *
+     * **NOTE:** this modifier will interrupt the current update cycle and will
+     * restart it if it detects the need to flip the placement.
+     * @memberof modifiers
+     * @inner
+     */
+    flip: {
+      /** @prop {number} order=600 - Index used to define the order of execution */
+      order: 600,
+      /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
+      enabled: true,
+      /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
+      fn: flip,
+      /**
+       * @prop {String|Array} behavior='flip'
+       * The behavior used to change the popper's placement. It can be one of
+       * `flip`, `clockwise`, `counterclockwise` or an array with a list of valid
+       * placements (with optional variations)
+       */
+      behavior: 'flip',
+      /**
+       * @prop {number} padding=5
+       * The popper will flip if it hits the edges of the `boundariesElement`
+       */
+      padding: 5,
+      /**
+       * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='viewport'
+       * The element which will define the boundaries of the popper position.
+       * The popper will never be placed outside of the defined boundaries
+       * (except if `keepTogether` is enabled)
+       */
+      boundariesElement: 'viewport',
+      /**
+       * @prop {Boolean} flipVariations=false
+       * The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when
+       * the reference element overlaps its boundaries.
+       *
+       * The original placement should have a set variation.
+       */
+      flipVariations: false,
+      /**
+       * @prop {Boolean} flipVariationsByContent=false
+       * The popper will switch placement variation between `-start` and `-end` when
+       * the popper element overlaps its reference boundaries.
+       *
+       * The original placement should have a set variation.
+       */
+      flipVariationsByContent: false
+    },
+    /**
+     * Modifier used to make the popper flow toward the inner of the reference element.
+     * By default, when this modifier is disabled, the popper will be placed outside
+     * the reference element.
+     * @memberof modifiers
+     * @inner
+     */
+    inner: {
+      /** @prop {number} order=700 - Index used to define the order of execution */
+      order: 700,
+      /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=false - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
+      enabled: false,
+      /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
+      fn: inner
+    },
+    /**
+     * Modifier used to hide the popper when its reference element is outside of the
+     * popper boundaries. It will set a `x-out-of-boundaries` attribute which can
+     * be used to hide with a CSS selector the popper when its reference is
+     * out of boundaries.
+     *
+     * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.
+     * @memberof modifiers
+     * @inner
+     */
+    hide: {
+      /** @prop {number} order=800 - Index used to define the order of execution */
+      order: 800,
+      /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
+      enabled: true,
+      /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
+      fn: hide
+    },
+    /**
+     * Computes the style that will be applied to the popper element to gets
+     * properly positioned.
+     *
+     * Note that this modifier will not touch the DOM, it just prepares the styles
+     * so that `applyStyle` modifier can apply it. This separation is useful
+     * in case you need to replace `applyStyle` with a custom implementation.
+     *
+     * This modifier has `850` as `order` value to maintain backward compatibility
+     * with previous versions of Popper.js. Expect the modifiers ordering method
+     * to change in future major versions of the library.
+     *
+     * @memberof modifiers
+     * @inner
+     */
+    computeStyle: {
+      /** @prop {number} order=850 - Index used to define the order of execution */
+      order: 850,
+      /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
+      enabled: true,
+      /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
+      fn: computeStyle,
+      /**
+       * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true
+       * If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.
+       * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties
+       */
+      gpuAcceleration: true,
+      /**
+       * @prop {string} [x='bottom']
+       * Where to anchor the X axis (`bottom` or `top`). AKA X offset origin.
+       * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `bottom`
+       */
+      x: 'bottom',
+      /**
+       * @prop {string} [x='left']
+       * Where to anchor the Y axis (`left` or `right`). AKA Y offset origin.
+       * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `right`
+       */
+      y: 'right'
+    },
+    /**
+     * Applies the computed styles to the popper element.
+     *
+     * All the DOM manipulations are limited to this modifier. This is useful in case
+     * you want to integrate Popper.js inside a framework or view library and you
+     * want to delegate all the DOM manipulations to it.
+     *
+     * Note that if you disable this modifier, you must make sure the popper element
+     * has its position set to `absolute` before Popper.js can do its work!
+     *
+     * Just disable this modifier and define your own to achieve the desired effect.
+     *
+     * @memberof modifiers
+     * @inner
+     */
+    applyStyle: {
+      /** @prop {number} order=900 - Index used to define the order of execution */
+      order: 900,
+      /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
+      enabled: true,
+      /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
+      fn: applyStyle,
+      /** @prop {Function} */
+      onLoad: applyStyleOnLoad,
+      /**
+       * @deprecated since version 1.10.0, the property moved to `computeStyle` modifier
+       * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true
+       * If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.
+       * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties
+       */
+      gpuAcceleration: undefined
+    }
+  };
+  /**
+   * The `dataObject` is an object containing all the information used by Popper.js.
+   * This object is passed to modifiers and to the `onCreate` and `onUpdate` callbacks.
+   * @name dataObject
+   * @property {Object} data.instance The Popper.js instance
+   * @property {String} data.placement Placement applied to popper
+   * @property {String} data.originalPlacement Placement originally defined on init
+   * @property {Boolean} data.flipped True if popper has been flipped by flip modifier
+   * @property {Boolean} data.hide True if the reference element is out of boundaries, useful to know when to hide the popper
+   * @property {HTMLElement} data.arrowElement Node used as arrow by arrow modifier
+   * @property {Object} data.styles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)
+   * @property {Object} data.arrowStyles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper arrow. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)
+   * @property {Object} data.boundaries Offsets of the popper boundaries
+   * @property {Object} data.offsets The measurements of popper, reference and arrow elements
+   * @property {Object} data.offsets.popper `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values
+   * @property {Object} data.offsets.reference `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values
+   * @property {Object} data.offsets.arrow] `top` and `left` offsets, only one of them will be different from 0
+   */
+  /**
+   * Default options provided to Popper.js constructor.<br />
+   * These can be overridden using the `options` argument of Popper.js.<br />
+   * To override an option, simply pass an object with the same
+   * structure of the `options` object, as the 3rd argument. For example:
+   * ```
+   * new Popper(ref, pop, {
+   *   modifiers: {
+   *     preventOverflow: { enabled: false }
+   *   }
+   * })
+   * ```
+   * @type {Object}
+   * @static
+   * @memberof Popper
+   */
+  var Defaults = {
+    /**
+     * Popper's placement.
+     * @prop {Popper.placements} placement='bottom'
+     */
+    placement: 'bottom',
+    /**
+     * Set this to true if you want popper to position it self in 'fixed' mode
+     * @prop {Boolean} positionFixed=false
+     */
+    positionFixed: false,
+    /**
+     * Whether events (resize, scroll) are initially enabled.
+     * @prop {Boolean} eventsEnabled=true
+     */
+    eventsEnabled: true,
+    /**
+     * Set to true if you want to automatically remove the popper when
+     * you call the `destroy` method.
+     * @prop {Boolean} removeOnDestroy=false
+     */
+    removeOnDestroy: false,
+    /**
+     * Callback called when the popper is created.<br />
+     * By default, it is set to no-op.<br />
+     * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.
+     * @prop {onCreate}
+     */
+    onCreate: function onCreate() {},
+    /**
+     * Callback called when the popper is updated. This callback is not called
+     * on the initialization/creation of the popper, but only on subsequent
+     * updates.<br />
+     * By default, it is set to no-op.<br />
+     * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.
+     * @prop {onUpdate}
+     */
+    onUpdate: function onUpdate() {},
+    /**
+     * List of modifiers used to modify the offsets before they are applied to the popper.
+     * They provide most of the functionalities of Popper.js.
+     * @prop {modifiers}
+     */
+    modifiers: modifiers
+  };
+  /**
+   * @callback onCreate
+   * @param {dataObject} data
+   */
+  /**
+   * @callback onUpdate
+   * @param {dataObject} data
+   */
+  // Utils
+  // Methods
+  var Popper = function () {
+    /**
+     * Creates a new Popper.js instance.
+     * @class Popper
+     * @param {Element|referenceObject} reference - The reference element used to position the popper
+     * @param {Element} popper - The HTML / XML element used as the popper
+     * @param {Object} options - Your custom options to override the ones defined in [Defaults](#defaults)
+     * @return {Object} instance - The generated Popper.js instance
+     */
+    function Popper(reference, popper) {
+      var _this = this;
+      var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
+      classCallCheck(this, Popper);
+      this.scheduleUpdate = function () {
+        return requestAnimationFrame(_this.update);
+      };
+      // make update() debounced, so that it only runs at most once-per-tick
+      this.update = debounce(this.update.bind(this));
+      // with {} we create a new object with the options inside it
+      this.options = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults, options);
+      // init state
+      this.state = {
+        isDestroyed: false,
+        isCreated: false,
+        scrollParents: []
+      };
+      // get reference and popper elements (allow jQuery wrappers)
+      this.reference = reference && reference.jquery ? reference[0] : reference;
+      this.popper = popper && popper.jquery ? popper[0] : popper;
+      // Deep merge modifiers options
+      this.options.modifiers = {};
+      Object.keys(_extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers, options.modifiers)).forEach(function (name) {
+        _this.options.modifiers[name] = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers[name] || {}, options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : {});
+      });
+      // Refactoring modifiers' list (Object => Array)
+      this.modifiers = Object.keys(this.options.modifiers).map(function (name) {
+        return _extends({
+          name: name
+        }, _this.options.modifiers[name]);
+      })
+      // sort the modifiers by order
+      .sort(function (a, b) {
+        return a.order - b.order;
+      });
+      // modifiers have the ability to execute arbitrary code when Popper.js get inited
+      // such code is executed in the same order of its modifier
+      // they could add new properties to their options configuration
+      // BE AWARE: don't add options to `options.modifiers.name` but to `modifierOptions`!
+      this.modifiers.forEach(function (modifierOptions) {
+        if (modifierOptions.enabled && isFunction(modifierOptions.onLoad)) {
+          modifierOptions.onLoad(_this.reference, _this.popper, _this.options, modifierOptions, _this.state);
+        }
+      });
+      // fire the first update to position the popper in the right place
+      this.update();
+      var eventsEnabled = this.options.eventsEnabled;
+      if (eventsEnabled) {
+        // setup event listeners, they will take care of update the position in specific situations
+        this.enableEventListeners();
+      }
+      this.state.eventsEnabled = eventsEnabled;
+    }
+    // We can't use class properties because they don't get listed in the
+    // class prototype and break stuff like Sinon stubs
+    createClass(Popper, [{
+      key: 'update',
+      value: function update$$1() {
+        return update.call(this);
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: 'destroy',
+      value: function destroy$$1() {
+        return destroy.call(this);
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: 'enableEventListeners',
+      value: function enableEventListeners$$1() {
+        return enableEventListeners.call(this);
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: 'disableEventListeners',
+      value: function disableEventListeners$$1() {
+        return disableEventListeners.call(this);
+      }
+      /**
+       * Schedules an update. It will run on the next UI update available.
+       * @method scheduleUpdate
+       * @memberof Popper
+       */
+      /**
+       * Collection of utilities useful when writing custom modifiers.
+       * Starting from version 1.7, this method is available only if you
+       * include `popper-utils.js` before `popper.js`.
+       *
+       * **DEPRECATION**: This way to access PopperUtils is deprecated
+       * and will be removed in v2! Use the PopperUtils module directly instead.
+       * Due to the high instability of the methods contained in Utils, we can't
+       * guarantee them to follow semver. Use them at your own risk!
+       * @static
+       * @private
+       * @type {Object}
+       * @deprecated since version 1.8
+       * @member Utils
+       * @memberof Popper
+       */
+    }]);
+    return Popper;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * The `referenceObject` is an object that provides an interface compatible with Popper.js
+   * and lets you use it as replacement of a real DOM node.<br />
+   * You can use this method to position a popper relatively to a set of coordinates
+   * in case you don't have a DOM node to use as reference.
+   *
+   * ```
+   * new Popper(referenceObject, popperNode);
+   * ```
+   *
+   * NB: This feature isn't supported in Internet Explorer 10.
+   * @name referenceObject
+   * @property {Function} data.getBoundingClientRect
+   * A function that returns a set of coordinates compatible with the native `getBoundingClientRect` method.
+   * @property {number} data.clientWidth
+   * An ES6 getter that will return the width of the virtual reference element.
+   * @property {number} data.clientHeight
+   * An ES6 getter that will return the height of the virtual reference element.
+   */
+  Popper.Utils = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global).PopperUtils;
+  Popper.placements = placements;
+  Popper.Defaults = Defaults;
+  var Popper$1 = Popper;
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME$6 = 'dropdown';
+  var VERSION$6 = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY$6 = 'bs.dropdown';
+  var EVENT_KEY$6 = "." + DATA_KEY$6;
+  var DATA_API_KEY$3 = '.data-api';
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$6 = $__default["default"].fn[NAME$6];
+  var ESCAPE_KEYCODE$1 = 27; // KeyboardEvent.which value for Escape (Esc) key
+  var SPACE_KEYCODE = 32; // KeyboardEvent.which value for space key
+  var TAB_KEYCODE = 9; // KeyboardEvent.which value for tab key
+  var ARROW_UP_KEYCODE = 38; // KeyboardEvent.which value for up arrow key
+  var ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE = 40; // KeyboardEvent.which value for down arrow key
+  var RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WHICH = 3; // MouseEvent.which value for the right button (assuming a right-handed mouse)
+  var CLASS_NAME_DISABLED$1 = 'disabled';
+  var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5 = 'show';
+  var CLASS_NAME_DROPUP = 'dropup';
+  var CLASS_NAME_DROPRIGHT = 'dropright';
+  var CLASS_NAME_DROPLEFT = 'dropleft';
+  var CLASS_NAME_MENURIGHT = 'dropdown-menu-right';
+  var CLASS_NAME_POSITION_STATIC = 'position-static';
+  var EVENT_HIDE$3 = "hide" + EVENT_KEY$6;
+  var EVENT_HIDDEN$3 = "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$6;
+  var EVENT_SHOW$3 = "show" + EVENT_KEY$6;
+  var EVENT_SHOWN$3 = "shown" + EVENT_KEY$6;
+  var EVENT_CLICK = "click" + EVENT_KEY$6;
+  var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$2 = "click" + EVENT_KEY$6 + DATA_API_KEY$3;
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2 = '[data-toggle="dropdown"]';
+  var SELECTOR_FORM_CHILD = '.dropdown form';
+  var SELECTOR_MENU = '.dropdown-menu';
+  var SELECTOR_NAVBAR_NAV = '.navbar-nav';
+  var SELECTOR_VISIBLE_ITEMS = '.dropdown-menu .dropdown-item:not(.disabled):not(:disabled)';
+  var PLACEMENT_TOP = 'top-start';
+  var PLACEMENT_TOPEND = 'top-end';
+  var PLACEMENT_BOTTOM = 'bottom-start';
+  var PLACEMENT_BOTTOMEND = 'bottom-end';
+  var PLACEMENT_RIGHT = 'right-start';
+  var PLACEMENT_LEFT = 'left-start';
+  var Default$5 = {
+    offset: 0,
+    flip: true,
+    boundary: 'scrollParent',
+    reference: 'toggle',
+    display: 'dynamic',
+    popperConfig: null
+  };
+  var DefaultType$5 = {
+    offset: '(number|string|function)',
+    flip: 'boolean',
+    boundary: '(string|element)',
+    reference: '(string|element)',
+    display: 'string',
+    popperConfig: '(null|object)'
+  };
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var Dropdown = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+    function Dropdown(element, config) {
+      this._element = element;
+      this._popper = null;
+      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+      this._menu = this._getMenuElement();
+      this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar();
+      this._addEventListeners();
+    } // Getters
+    var _proto = Dropdown.prototype;
+    // Public
+    _proto.toggle = function toggle() {
+      if (this._element.disabled || $__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DISABLED$1)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var isActive = $__default["default"](this._menu).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5);
+      Dropdown._clearMenus();
+      if (isActive) {
+        return;
+      }
+      this.show(true);
+    };
+    _proto.show = function show(usePopper) {
+      if (usePopper === void 0) {
+        usePopper = false;
+      }
+      if (this._element.disabled || $__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DISABLED$1) || $__default["default"](this._menu).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var relatedTarget = {
+        relatedTarget: this._element
+      };
+      var showEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_SHOW$3, relatedTarget);
+      var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this._element);
+      $__default["default"](parent).trigger(showEvent);
+      if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      } // Totally disable Popper for Dropdowns in Navbar
+      if (!this._inNavbar && usePopper) {
+        // Check for Popper dependency
+        if (typeof Popper$1 === 'undefined') {
+          throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\'s dropdowns require Popper (https://popper.js.org)');
+        }
+        var referenceElement = this._element;
+        if (this._config.reference === 'parent') {
+          referenceElement = parent;
+        } else if (Util.isElement(this._config.reference)) {
+          referenceElement = this._config.reference; // Check if it's jQuery element
+          if (typeof this._config.reference.jquery !== 'undefined') {
+            referenceElement = this._config.reference[0];
+          }
+        } // If boundary is not `scrollParent`, then set position to `static`
+        // to allow the menu to "escape" the scroll parent's boundaries
+        // https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/24251
+        if (this._config.boundary !== 'scrollParent') {
+          $__default["default"](parent).addClass(CLASS_NAME_POSITION_STATIC);
+        }
+        this._popper = new Popper$1(referenceElement, this._menu, this._getPopperConfig());
+      } // If this is a touch-enabled device we add extra
+      // empty mouseover listeners to the body's immediate children;
+      // only needed because of broken event delegation on iOS
+      // https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html
+      if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement && $__default["default"](parent).closest(SELECTOR_NAVBAR_NAV).length === 0) {
+        $__default["default"](document.body).children().on('mouseover', null, $__default["default"].noop);
+      }
+      this._element.focus();
+      this._element.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);
+      $__default["default"](this._menu).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5);
+      $__default["default"](parent).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5).trigger($__default["default"].Event(EVENT_SHOWN$3, relatedTarget));
+    };
+    _proto.hide = function hide() {
+      if (this._element.disabled || $__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DISABLED$1) || !$__default["default"](this._menu).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var relatedTarget = {
+        relatedTarget: this._element
+      };
+      var hideEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_HIDE$3, relatedTarget);
+      var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this._element);
+      $__default["default"](parent).trigger(hideEvent);
+      if (hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (this._popper) {
+        this._popper.destroy();
+      }
+      $__default["default"](this._menu).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5);
+      $__default["default"](parent).toggleClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5).trigger($__default["default"].Event(EVENT_HIDDEN$3, relatedTarget));
+    };
+    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
+      $__default["default"].removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$6);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).off(EVENT_KEY$6);
+      this._element = null;
+      this._menu = null;
+      if (this._popper !== null) {
+        this._popper.destroy();
+        this._popper = null;
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.update = function update() {
+      this._inNavbar = this._detectNavbar();
+      if (this._popper !== null) {
+        this._popper.scheduleUpdate();
+      }
+    } // Private
+    ;
+    _proto._addEventListeners = function _addEventListeners() {
+      var _this = this;
+      $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_CLICK, function (event) {
+        event.preventDefault();
+        event.stopPropagation();
+        _this.toggle();
+      });
+    };
+    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
+      config = _extends$1({}, this.constructor.Default, $__default["default"](this._element).data(), config);
+      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$6, config, this.constructor.DefaultType);
+      return config;
+    };
+    _proto._getMenuElement = function _getMenuElement() {
+      if (!this._menu) {
+        var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this._element);
+        if (parent) {
+          this._menu = parent.querySelector(SELECTOR_MENU);
+        }
+      }
+      return this._menu;
+    };
+    _proto._getPlacement = function _getPlacement() {
+      var $parentDropdown = $__default["default"](this._element.parentNode);
+      var placement = PLACEMENT_BOTTOM; // Handle dropup
+      if ($parentDropdown.hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DROPUP)) {
+        placement = $__default["default"](this._menu).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_MENURIGHT) ? PLACEMENT_TOPEND : PLACEMENT_TOP;
+      } else if ($parentDropdown.hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DROPRIGHT)) {
+        placement = PLACEMENT_RIGHT;
+      } else if ($parentDropdown.hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DROPLEFT)) {
+        placement = PLACEMENT_LEFT;
+      } else if ($__default["default"](this._menu).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_MENURIGHT)) {
+        placement = PLACEMENT_BOTTOMEND;
+      }
+      return placement;
+    };
+    _proto._detectNavbar = function _detectNavbar() {
+      return $__default["default"](this._element).closest('.navbar').length > 0;
+    };
+    _proto._getOffset = function _getOffset() {
+      var _this2 = this;
+      var offset = {};
+      if (typeof this._config.offset === 'function') {
+        offset.fn = function (data) {
+          data.offsets = _extends$1({}, data.offsets, _this2._config.offset(data.offsets, _this2._element));
+          return data;
+        };
+      } else {
+        offset.offset = this._config.offset;
+      }
+      return offset;
+    };
+    _proto._getPopperConfig = function _getPopperConfig() {
+      var popperConfig = {
+        placement: this._getPlacement(),
+        modifiers: {
+          offset: this._getOffset(),
+          flip: {
+            enabled: this._config.flip
+          },
+          preventOverflow: {
+            boundariesElement: this._config.boundary
+          }
+        }
+      }; // Disable Popper if we have a static display
+      if (this._config.display === 'static') {
+        popperConfig.modifiers.applyStyle = {
+          enabled: false
+        };
+      }
+      return _extends$1({}, popperConfig, this._config.popperConfig);
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    Dropdown._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var data = $__default["default"](this).data(DATA_KEY$6);
+        var _config = typeof config === 'object' ? config : null;
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new Dropdown(this, _config);
+          $__default["default"](this).data(DATA_KEY$6, data);
+        }
+        if (typeof config === 'string') {
+          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
+          }
+          data[config]();
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    Dropdown._clearMenus = function _clearMenus(event) {
+      if (event && (event.which === RIGHT_MOUSE_BUTTON_WHICH || event.type === 'keyup' && event.which !== TAB_KEYCODE)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var toggles = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2));
+      for (var i = 0, len = toggles.length; i < len; i++) {
+        var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(toggles[i]);
+        var context = $__default["default"](toggles[i]).data(DATA_KEY$6);
+        var relatedTarget = {
+          relatedTarget: toggles[i]
+        };
+        if (event && event.type === 'click') {
+          relatedTarget.clickEvent = event;
+        }
+        if (!context) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        var dropdownMenu = context._menu;
+        if (!$__default["default"](parent).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5)) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        if (event && (event.type === 'click' && /input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName) || event.type === 'keyup' && event.which === TAB_KEYCODE) && $__default["default"].contains(parent, event.target)) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        var hideEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_HIDE$3, relatedTarget);
+        $__default["default"](parent).trigger(hideEvent);
+        if (hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+          continue;
+        } // If this is a touch-enabled device we remove the extra
+        // empty mouseover listeners we added for iOS support
+        if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
+          $__default["default"](document.body).children().off('mouseover', null, $__default["default"].noop);
+        }
+        toggles[i].setAttribute('aria-expanded', 'false');
+        if (context._popper) {
+          context._popper.destroy();
+        }
+        $__default["default"](dropdownMenu).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5);
+        $__default["default"](parent).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5).trigger($__default["default"].Event(EVENT_HIDDEN$3, relatedTarget));
+      }
+    };
+    Dropdown._getParentFromElement = function _getParentFromElement(element) {
+      var parent;
+      var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);
+      if (selector) {
+        parent = document.querySelector(selector);
+      }
+      return parent || element.parentNode;
+    } // eslint-disable-next-line complexity
+    ;
+    Dropdown._dataApiKeydownHandler = function _dataApiKeydownHandler(event) {
+      // If not input/textarea:
+      //  - And not a key in REGEXP_KEYDOWN => not a dropdown command
+      // If input/textarea:
+      //  - If space key => not a dropdown command
+      //  - If key is other than escape
+      //    - If key is not up or down => not a dropdown command
+      //    - If trigger inside the menu => not a dropdown command
+      if (/input|textarea/i.test(event.target.tagName) ? event.which === SPACE_KEYCODE || event.which !== ESCAPE_KEYCODE$1 && (event.which !== ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE && event.which !== ARROW_UP_KEYCODE || $__default["default"](event.target).closest(SELECTOR_MENU).length) : !REGEXP_KEYDOWN.test(event.which)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (this.disabled || $__default["default"](this).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DISABLED$1)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var parent = Dropdown._getParentFromElement(this);
+      var isActive = $__default["default"](parent).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$5);
+      if (!isActive && event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE$1) {
+        return;
+      }
+      event.preventDefault();
+      event.stopPropagation();
+      if (!isActive || event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE$1 || event.which === SPACE_KEYCODE) {
+        if (event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE$1) {
+          $__default["default"](parent.querySelector(SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2)).trigger('focus');
+        }
+        $__default["default"](this).trigger('click');
+        return;
+      }
+      var items = [].slice.call(parent.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_VISIBLE_ITEMS)).filter(function (item) {
+        return $__default["default"](item).is(':visible');
+      });
+      if (items.length === 0) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var index = items.indexOf(event.target);
+      if (event.which === ARROW_UP_KEYCODE && index > 0) {
+        // Up
+        index--;
+      }
+      if (event.which === ARROW_DOWN_KEYCODE && index < items.length - 1) {
+        // Down
+        index++;
+      }
+      if (index < 0) {
+        index = 0;
+      }
+      items[index].focus();
+    };
+    _createClass(Dropdown, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: function get() {
+        return VERSION$6;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "Default",
+      get: function get() {
+        return Default$5;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "DefaultType",
+      get: function get() {
+        return DefaultType$5;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Dropdown;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * Data API implementation
+   */
+  $__default["default"](document).on(EVENT_KEYDOWN_DATA_API, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2, Dropdown._dataApiKeydownHandler).on(EVENT_KEYDOWN_DATA_API, SELECTOR_MENU, Dropdown._dataApiKeydownHandler).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$2 + " " + EVENT_KEYUP_DATA_API, Dropdown._clearMenus).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$2, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$2, function (event) {
+    event.preventDefault();
+    event.stopPropagation();
+    Dropdown._jQueryInterface.call($__default["default"](this), 'toggle');
+  }).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$2, SELECTOR_FORM_CHILD, function (e) {
+    e.stopPropagation();
+  });
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$6] = Dropdown._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$6].Constructor = Dropdown;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$6].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME$6] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$6;
+    return Dropdown._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME$5 = 'modal';
+  var VERSION$5 = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY$5 = 'bs.modal';
+  var EVENT_KEY$5 = "." + DATA_KEY$5;
+  var DATA_API_KEY$2 = '.data-api';
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$5 = $__default["default"].fn[NAME$5];
+  var ESCAPE_KEYCODE = 27; // KeyboardEvent.which value for Escape (Esc) key
+  var CLASS_NAME_SCROLLABLE = 'modal-dialog-scrollable';
+  var CLASS_NAME_SCROLLBAR_MEASURER = 'modal-scrollbar-measure';
+  var CLASS_NAME_BACKDROP = 'modal-backdrop';
+  var CLASS_NAME_OPEN = 'modal-open';
+  var CLASS_NAME_FADE$4 = 'fade';
+  var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4 = 'show';
+  var CLASS_NAME_STATIC = 'modal-static';
+  var EVENT_HIDE$2 = "hide" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED = "hidePrevented" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_HIDDEN$2 = "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_SHOW$2 = "show" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_SHOWN$2 = "shown" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_FOCUSIN = "focusin" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_RESIZE = "resize" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS$1 = "click.dismiss" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS = "keydown.dismiss" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_MOUSEUP_DISMISS = "mouseup.dismiss" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS = "mousedown.dismiss" + EVENT_KEY$5;
+  var EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$1 = "click" + EVENT_KEY$5 + DATA_API_KEY$2;
+  var SELECTOR_DIALOG = '.modal-dialog';
+  var SELECTOR_MODAL_BODY = '.modal-body';
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$1 = '[data-toggle="modal"]';
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_DISMISS$1 = '[data-dismiss="modal"]';
+  var SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT = '.fixed-top, .fixed-bottom, .is-fixed, .sticky-top';
+  var SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT = '.sticky-top';
+  var Default$4 = {
+    backdrop: true,
+    keyboard: true,
+    focus: true,
+    show: true
+  };
+  var DefaultType$4 = {
+    backdrop: '(boolean|string)',
+    keyboard: 'boolean',
+    focus: 'boolean',
+    show: 'boolean'
+  };
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var Modal = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+    function Modal(element, config) {
+      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+      this._element = element;
+      this._dialog = element.querySelector(SELECTOR_DIALOG);
+      this._backdrop = null;
+      this._isShown = false;
+      this._isBodyOverflowing = false;
+      this._ignoreBackdropClick = false;
+      this._isTransitioning = false;
+      this._scrollbarWidth = 0;
+    } // Getters
+    var _proto = Modal.prototype;
+    // Public
+    _proto.toggle = function toggle(relatedTarget) {
+      return this._isShown ? this.hide() : this.show(relatedTarget);
+    };
+    _proto.show = function show(relatedTarget) {
+      var _this = this;
+      if (this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var showEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_SHOW$2, {
+        relatedTarget: relatedTarget
+      });
+      $__default["default"](this._element).trigger(showEvent);
+      if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      this._isShown = true;
+      if ($__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$4)) {
+        this._isTransitioning = true;
+      }
+      this._checkScrollbar();
+      this._setScrollbar();
+      this._adjustDialog();
+      this._setEscapeEvent();
+      this._setResizeEvent();
+      $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS$1, SELECTOR_DATA_DISMISS$1, function (event) {
+        return _this.hide(event);
+      });
+      $__default["default"](this._dialog).on(EVENT_MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS, function () {
+        $__default["default"](_this._element).one(EVENT_MOUSEUP_DISMISS, function (event) {
+          if ($__default["default"](event.target).is(_this._element)) {
+            _this._ignoreBackdropClick = true;
+          }
+        });
+      });
+      this._showBackdrop(function () {
+        return _this._showElement(relatedTarget);
+      });
+    };
+    _proto.hide = function hide(event) {
+      var _this2 = this;
+      if (event) {
+        event.preventDefault();
+      }
+      if (!this._isShown || this._isTransitioning) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var hideEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_HIDE$2);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).trigger(hideEvent);
+      if (!this._isShown || hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      this._isShown = false;
+      var transition = $__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$4);
+      if (transition) {
+        this._isTransitioning = true;
+      }
+      this._setEscapeEvent();
+      this._setResizeEvent();
+      $__default["default"](document).off(EVENT_FOCUSIN);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).off(EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS$1);
+      $__default["default"](this._dialog).off(EVENT_MOUSEDOWN_DISMISS);
+      if (transition) {
+        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);
+        $__default["default"](this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function (event) {
+          return _this2._hideModal(event);
+        }).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+      } else {
+        this._hideModal();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
+      [window, this._element, this._dialog].forEach(function (htmlElement) {
+        return $__default["default"](htmlElement).off(EVENT_KEY$5);
+      });
+      /**
+       * `document` has 2 events `EVENT_FOCUSIN` and `EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API`
+       * Do not move `document` in `htmlElements` array
+       * It will remove `EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API` event that should remain
+       */
+      $__default["default"](document).off(EVENT_FOCUSIN);
+      $__default["default"].removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$5);
+      this._config = null;
+      this._element = null;
+      this._dialog = null;
+      this._backdrop = null;
+      this._isShown = null;
+      this._isBodyOverflowing = null;
+      this._ignoreBackdropClick = null;
+      this._isTransitioning = null;
+      this._scrollbarWidth = null;
+    };
+    _proto.handleUpdate = function handleUpdate() {
+      this._adjustDialog();
+    } // Private
+    ;
+    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
+      config = _extends$1({}, Default$4, config);
+      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$5, config, DefaultType$4);
+      return config;
+    };
+    _proto._triggerBackdropTransition = function _triggerBackdropTransition() {
+      var _this3 = this;
+      var hideEventPrevented = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_HIDE_PREVENTED);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).trigger(hideEventPrevented);
+      if (hideEventPrevented.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var isModalOverflowing = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+      if (!isModalOverflowing) {
+        this._element.style.overflowY = 'hidden';
+      }
+      this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_STATIC);
+      var modalTransitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._dialog);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).off(Util.TRANSITION_END);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function () {
+        _this3._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_STATIC);
+        if (!isModalOverflowing) {
+          $__default["default"](_this3._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, function () {
+            _this3._element.style.overflowY = '';
+          }).emulateTransitionEnd(_this3._element, modalTransitionDuration);
+        }
+      }).emulateTransitionEnd(modalTransitionDuration);
+      this._element.focus();
+    };
+    _proto._showElement = function _showElement(relatedTarget) {
+      var _this4 = this;
+      var transition = $__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$4);
+      var modalBody = this._dialog ? this._dialog.querySelector(SELECTOR_MODAL_BODY) : null;
+      if (!this._element.parentNode || this._element.parentNode.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
+        // Don't move modal's DOM position
+        document.body.appendChild(this._element);
+      }
+      this._element.style.display = 'block';
+      this._element.removeAttribute('aria-hidden');
+      this._element.setAttribute('aria-modal', true);
+      this._element.setAttribute('role', 'dialog');
+      if ($__default["default"](this._dialog).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SCROLLABLE) && modalBody) {
+        modalBody.scrollTop = 0;
+      } else {
+        this._element.scrollTop = 0;
+      }
+      if (transition) {
+        Util.reflow(this._element);
+      }
+      $__default["default"](this._element).addClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4);
+      if (this._config.focus) {
+        this._enforceFocus();
+      }
+      var shownEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_SHOWN$2, {
+        relatedTarget: relatedTarget
+      });
+      var transitionComplete = function transitionComplete() {
+        if (_this4._config.focus) {
+          _this4._element.focus();
+        }
+        _this4._isTransitioning = false;
+        $__default["default"](_this4._element).trigger(shownEvent);
+      };
+      if (transition) {
+        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._dialog);
+        $__default["default"](this._dialog).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, transitionComplete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+      } else {
+        transitionComplete();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._enforceFocus = function _enforceFocus() {
+      var _this5 = this;
+      $__default["default"](document).off(EVENT_FOCUSIN) // Guard against infinite focus loop
+      .on(EVENT_FOCUSIN, function (event) {
+        if (document !== event.target && _this5._element !== event.target && $__default["default"](_this5._element).has(event.target).length === 0) {
+          _this5._element.focus();
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    _proto._setEscapeEvent = function _setEscapeEvent() {
+      var _this6 = this;
+      if (this._isShown) {
+        $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS, function (event) {
+          if (_this6._config.keyboard && event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE) {
+            event.preventDefault();
+            _this6.hide();
+          } else if (!_this6._config.keyboard && event.which === ESCAPE_KEYCODE) {
+            _this6._triggerBackdropTransition();
+          }
+        });
+      } else if (!this._isShown) {
+        $__default["default"](this._element).off(EVENT_KEYDOWN_DISMISS);
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._setResizeEvent = function _setResizeEvent() {
+      var _this7 = this;
+      if (this._isShown) {
+        $__default["default"](window).on(EVENT_RESIZE, function (event) {
+          return _this7.handleUpdate(event);
+        });
+      } else {
+        $__default["default"](window).off(EVENT_RESIZE);
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._hideModal = function _hideModal() {
+      var _this8 = this;
+      this._element.style.display = 'none';
+      this._element.setAttribute('aria-hidden', true);
+      this._element.removeAttribute('aria-modal');
+      this._element.removeAttribute('role');
+      this._isTransitioning = false;
+      this._showBackdrop(function () {
+        $__default["default"](document.body).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_OPEN);
+        _this8._resetAdjustments();
+        _this8._resetScrollbar();
+        $__default["default"](_this8._element).trigger(EVENT_HIDDEN$2);
+      });
+    };
+    _proto._removeBackdrop = function _removeBackdrop() {
+      if (this._backdrop) {
+        $__default["default"](this._backdrop).remove();
+        this._backdrop = null;
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._showBackdrop = function _showBackdrop(callback) {
+      var _this9 = this;
+      var animate = $__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$4) ? CLASS_NAME_FADE$4 : '';
+      if (this._isShown && this._config.backdrop) {
+        this._backdrop = document.createElement('div');
+        this._backdrop.className = CLASS_NAME_BACKDROP;
+        if (animate) {
+          this._backdrop.classList.add(animate);
+        }
+        $__default["default"](this._backdrop).appendTo(document.body);
+        $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS$1, function (event) {
+          if (_this9._ignoreBackdropClick) {
+            _this9._ignoreBackdropClick = false;
+            return;
+          }
+          if (event.target !== event.currentTarget) {
+            return;
+          }
+          if (_this9._config.backdrop === 'static') {
+            _this9._triggerBackdropTransition();
+          } else {
+            _this9.hide();
+          }
+        });
+        if (animate) {
+          Util.reflow(this._backdrop);
+        }
+        $__default["default"](this._backdrop).addClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4);
+        if (!callback) {
+          return;
+        }
+        if (!animate) {
+          callback();
+          return;
+        }
+        var backdropTransitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._backdrop);
+        $__default["default"](this._backdrop).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, callback).emulateTransitionEnd(backdropTransitionDuration);
+      } else if (!this._isShown && this._backdrop) {
+        $__default["default"](this._backdrop).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$4);
+        var callbackRemove = function callbackRemove() {
+          _this9._removeBackdrop();
+          if (callback) {
+            callback();
+          }
+        };
+        if ($__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$4)) {
+          var _backdropTransitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._backdrop);
+          $__default["default"](this._backdrop).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, callbackRemove).emulateTransitionEnd(_backdropTransitionDuration);
+        } else {
+          callbackRemove();
+        }
+      } else if (callback) {
+        callback();
+      }
+    } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    // the following methods are used to handle overflowing modals
+    // todo (fat): these should probably be refactored out of modal.js
+    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+    ;
+    _proto._adjustDialog = function _adjustDialog() {
+      var isModalOverflowing = this._element.scrollHeight > document.documentElement.clientHeight;
+      if (!this._isBodyOverflowing && isModalOverflowing) {
+        this._element.style.paddingLeft = this._scrollbarWidth + "px";
+      }
+      if (this._isBodyOverflowing && !isModalOverflowing) {
+        this._element.style.paddingRight = this._scrollbarWidth + "px";
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._resetAdjustments = function _resetAdjustments() {
+      this._element.style.paddingLeft = '';
+      this._element.style.paddingRight = '';
+    };
+    _proto._checkScrollbar = function _checkScrollbar() {
+      var rect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
+      this._isBodyOverflowing = Math.round(rect.left + rect.right) < window.innerWidth;
+      this._scrollbarWidth = this._getScrollbarWidth();
+    };
+    _proto._setScrollbar = function _setScrollbar() {
+      var _this10 = this;
+      if (this._isBodyOverflowing) {
+        // Note: DOMNode.style.paddingRight returns the actual value or '' if not set
+        //   while $(DOMNode).css('padding-right') returns the calculated value or 0 if not set
+        var fixedContent = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT));
+        var stickyContent = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT)); // Adjust fixed content padding
+        $__default["default"](fixedContent).each(function (index, element) {
+          var actualPadding = element.style.paddingRight;
+          var calculatedPadding = $__default["default"](element).css('padding-right');
+          $__default["default"](element).data('padding-right', actualPadding).css('padding-right', parseFloat(calculatedPadding) + _this10._scrollbarWidth + "px");
+        }); // Adjust sticky content margin
+        $__default["default"](stickyContent).each(function (index, element) {
+          var actualMargin = element.style.marginRight;
+          var calculatedMargin = $__default["default"](element).css('margin-right');
+          $__default["default"](element).data('margin-right', actualMargin).css('margin-right', parseFloat(calculatedMargin) - _this10._scrollbarWidth + "px");
+        }); // Adjust body padding
+        var actualPadding = document.body.style.paddingRight;
+        var calculatedPadding = $__default["default"](document.body).css('padding-right');
+        $__default["default"](document.body).data('padding-right', actualPadding).css('padding-right', parseFloat(calculatedPadding) + this._scrollbarWidth + "px");
+      }
+      $__default["default"](document.body).addClass(CLASS_NAME_OPEN);
+    };
+    _proto._resetScrollbar = function _resetScrollbar() {
+      // Restore fixed content padding
+      var fixedContent = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_FIXED_CONTENT));
+      $__default["default"](fixedContent).each(function (index, element) {
+        var padding = $__default["default"](element).data('padding-right');
+        $__default["default"](element).removeData('padding-right');
+        element.style.paddingRight = padding ? padding : '';
+      }); // Restore sticky content
+      var elements = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll("" + SELECTOR_STICKY_CONTENT));
+      $__default["default"](elements).each(function (index, element) {
+        var margin = $__default["default"](element).data('margin-right');
+        if (typeof margin !== 'undefined') {
+          $__default["default"](element).css('margin-right', margin).removeData('margin-right');
+        }
+      }); // Restore body padding
+      var padding = $__default["default"](document.body).data('padding-right');
+      $__default["default"](document.body).removeData('padding-right');
+      document.body.style.paddingRight = padding ? padding : '';
+    };
+    _proto._getScrollbarWidth = function _getScrollbarWidth() {
+      // thx d.walsh
+      var scrollDiv = document.createElement('div');
+      scrollDiv.className = CLASS_NAME_SCROLLBAR_MEASURER;
+      document.body.appendChild(scrollDiv);
+      var scrollbarWidth = scrollDiv.getBoundingClientRect().width - scrollDiv.clientWidth;
+      document.body.removeChild(scrollDiv);
+      return scrollbarWidth;
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    Modal._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config, relatedTarget) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var data = $__default["default"](this).data(DATA_KEY$5);
+        var _config = _extends$1({}, Default$4, $__default["default"](this).data(), typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {});
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new Modal(this, _config);
+          $__default["default"](this).data(DATA_KEY$5, data);
+        }
+        if (typeof config === 'string') {
+          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
+          }
+          data[config](relatedTarget);
+        } else if (_config.show) {
+          data.show(relatedTarget);
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    _createClass(Modal, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: function get() {
+        return VERSION$5;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "Default",
+      get: function get() {
+        return Default$4;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Modal;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * Data API implementation
+   */
+  $__default["default"](document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API$1, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE$1, function (event) {
+    var _this11 = this;
+    var target;
+    var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this);
+    if (selector) {
+      target = document.querySelector(selector);
+    }
+    var config = $__default["default"](target).data(DATA_KEY$5) ? 'toggle' : _extends$1({}, $__default["default"](target).data(), $__default["default"](this).data());
+    if (this.tagName === 'A' || this.tagName === 'AREA') {
+      event.preventDefault();
+    }
+    var $target = $__default["default"](target).one(EVENT_SHOW$2, function (showEvent) {
+      if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        // Only register focus restorer if modal will actually get shown
+        return;
+      }
+      $target.one(EVENT_HIDDEN$2, function () {
+        if ($__default["default"](_this11).is(':visible')) {
+          _this11.focus();
+        }
+      });
+    });
+    Modal._jQueryInterface.call($__default["default"](target), config, this);
+  });
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$5] = Modal._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$5].Constructor = Modal;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$5].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME$5] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$5;
+    return Modal._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  /**
+   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   * Bootstrap (v4.6.1): tools/sanitizer.js
+   * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+   * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+   */
+  var uriAttrs = ['background', 'cite', 'href', 'itemtype', 'longdesc', 'poster', 'src', 'xlink:href'];
+  var ARIA_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN = /^aria-[\w-]*$/i;
+  var DefaultWhitelist = {
+    // Global attributes allowed on any supplied element below.
+    '*': ['class', 'dir', 'id', 'lang', 'role', ARIA_ATTRIBUTE_PATTERN],
+    a: ['target', 'href', 'title', 'rel'],
+    area: [],
+    b: [],
+    br: [],
+    col: [],
+    code: [],
+    div: [],
+    em: [],
+    hr: [],
+    h1: [],
+    h2: [],
+    h3: [],
+    h4: [],
+    h5: [],
+    h6: [],
+    i: [],
+    img: ['src', 'srcset', 'alt', 'title', 'width', 'height'],
+    li: [],
+    ol: [],
+    p: [],
+    pre: [],
+    s: [],
+    small: [],
+    span: [],
+    sub: [],
+    sup: [],
+    strong: [],
+    u: [],
+    ul: []
+  };
+  /**
+   * A pattern that recognizes a commonly useful subset of URLs that are safe.
+   *
+   * Shoutout to Angular https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/12.2.x/packages/core/src/sanitization/url_sanitizer.ts
+   */
+  var SAFE_URL_PATTERN = /^(?:(?:https?|mailto|ftp|tel|file|sms):|[^#&/:?]*(?:[#/?]|$))/i;
+  /**
+   * A pattern that matches safe data URLs. Only matches image, video and audio types.
+   *
+   * Shoutout to Angular https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/12.2.x/packages/core/src/sanitization/url_sanitizer.ts
+   */
+  var DATA_URL_PATTERN = /^data:(?:image\/(?:bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png|tiff|webp)|video\/(?:mpeg|mp4|ogg|webm)|audio\/(?:mp3|oga|ogg|opus));base64,[\d+/a-z]+=*$/i;
+  function allowedAttribute(attr, allowedAttributeList) {
+    var attrName = attr.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+    if (allowedAttributeList.indexOf(attrName) !== -1) {
+      if (uriAttrs.indexOf(attrName) !== -1) {
+        return Boolean(SAFE_URL_PATTERN.test(attr.nodeValue) || DATA_URL_PATTERN.test(attr.nodeValue));
+      }
+      return true;
+    }
+    var regExp = allowedAttributeList.filter(function (attrRegex) {
+      return attrRegex instanceof RegExp;
+    }); // Check if a regular expression validates the attribute.
+    for (var i = 0, len = regExp.length; i < len; i++) {
+      if (regExp[i].test(attrName)) {
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+    return false;
+  }
+  function sanitizeHtml(unsafeHtml, whiteList, sanitizeFn) {
+    if (unsafeHtml.length === 0) {
+      return unsafeHtml;
+    }
+    if (sanitizeFn && typeof sanitizeFn === 'function') {
+      return sanitizeFn(unsafeHtml);
+    }
+    var domParser = new window.DOMParser();
+    var createdDocument = domParser.parseFromString(unsafeHtml, 'text/html');
+    var whitelistKeys = Object.keys(whiteList);
+    var elements = [].slice.call(createdDocument.body.querySelectorAll('*'));
+    var _loop = function _loop(i, len) {
+      var el = elements[i];
+      var elName = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
+      if (whitelistKeys.indexOf(el.nodeName.toLowerCase()) === -1) {
+        el.parentNode.removeChild(el);
+        return "continue";
+      }
+      var attributeList = [].slice.call(el.attributes); // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-spread
+      var whitelistedAttributes = [].concat(whiteList['*'] || [], whiteList[elName] || []);
+      attributeList.forEach(function (attr) {
+        if (!allowedAttribute(attr, whitelistedAttributes)) {
+          el.removeAttribute(attr.nodeName);
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    for (var i = 0, len = elements.length; i < len; i++) {
+      var _ret = _loop(i);
+      if (_ret === "continue") continue;
+    }
+    return createdDocument.body.innerHTML;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME$4 = 'tooltip';
+  var VERSION$4 = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY$4 = 'bs.tooltip';
+  var EVENT_KEY$4 = "." + DATA_KEY$4;
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$4 = $__default["default"].fn[NAME$4];
+  var CLASS_PREFIX$1 = 'bs-tooltip';
+  var BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX$1 = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + CLASS_PREFIX$1 + "\\S+", 'g');
+  var DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES = ['sanitize', 'whiteList', 'sanitizeFn'];
+  var CLASS_NAME_FADE$3 = 'fade';
+  var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3 = 'show';
+  var HOVER_STATE_SHOW = 'show';
+  var HOVER_STATE_OUT = 'out';
+  var SELECTOR_TOOLTIP_INNER = '.tooltip-inner';
+  var SELECTOR_ARROW = '.arrow';
+  var TRIGGER_HOVER = 'hover';
+  var TRIGGER_FOCUS = 'focus';
+  var TRIGGER_CLICK = 'click';
+  var TRIGGER_MANUAL = 'manual';
+  var AttachmentMap = {
+    AUTO: 'auto',
+    TOP: 'top',
+    RIGHT: 'right',
+    BOTTOM: 'bottom',
+    LEFT: 'left'
+  };
+  var Default$3 = {
+    animation: true,
+    template: '<div class="tooltip" role="tooltip">' + '<div class="arrow"></div>' + '<div class="tooltip-inner"></div></div>',
+    trigger: 'hover focus',
+    title: '',
+    delay: 0,
+    html: false,
+    selector: false,
+    placement: 'top',
+    offset: 0,
+    container: false,
+    fallbackPlacement: 'flip',
+    boundary: 'scrollParent',
+    customClass: '',
+    sanitize: true,
+    sanitizeFn: null,
+    whiteList: DefaultWhitelist,
+    popperConfig: null
+  };
+  var DefaultType$3 = {
+    animation: 'boolean',
+    template: 'string',
+    title: '(string|element|function)',
+    trigger: 'string',
+    delay: '(number|object)',
+    html: 'boolean',
+    selector: '(string|boolean)',
+    placement: '(string|function)',
+    offset: '(number|string|function)',
+    container: '(string|element|boolean)',
+    fallbackPlacement: '(string|array)',
+    boundary: '(string|element)',
+    customClass: '(string|function)',
+    sanitize: 'boolean',
+    sanitizeFn: '(null|function)',
+    whiteList: 'object',
+    popperConfig: '(null|object)'
+  };
+  var Event$1 = {
+    HIDE: "hide" + EVENT_KEY$4,
+    HIDDEN: "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$4,
+    SHOW: "show" + EVENT_KEY$4,
+    SHOWN: "shown" + EVENT_KEY$4,
+    INSERTED: "inserted" + EVENT_KEY$4,
+    CLICK: "click" + EVENT_KEY$4,
+    FOCUSIN: "focusin" + EVENT_KEY$4,
+    FOCUSOUT: "focusout" + EVENT_KEY$4,
+    MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter" + EVENT_KEY$4,
+    MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave" + EVENT_KEY$4
+  };
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var Tooltip = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+    function Tooltip(element, config) {
+      if (typeof Popper$1 === 'undefined') {
+        throw new TypeError('Bootstrap\'s tooltips require Popper (https://popper.js.org)');
+      } // Private
+      this._isEnabled = true;
+      this._timeout = 0;
+      this._hoverState = '';
+      this._activeTrigger = {};
+      this._popper = null; // Protected
+      this.element = element;
+      this.config = this._getConfig(config);
+      this.tip = null;
+      this._setListeners();
+    } // Getters
+    var _proto = Tooltip.prototype;
+    // Public
+    _proto.enable = function enable() {
+      this._isEnabled = true;
+    };
+    _proto.disable = function disable() {
+      this._isEnabled = false;
+    };
+    _proto.toggleEnabled = function toggleEnabled() {
+      this._isEnabled = !this._isEnabled;
+    };
+    _proto.toggle = function toggle(event) {
+      if (!this._isEnabled) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (event) {
+        var dataKey = this.constructor.DATA_KEY;
+        var context = $__default["default"](event.currentTarget).data(dataKey);
+        if (!context) {
+          context = new this.constructor(event.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig());
+          $__default["default"](event.currentTarget).data(dataKey, context);
+        }
+        context._activeTrigger.click = !context._activeTrigger.click;
+        if (context._isWithActiveTrigger()) {
+          context._enter(null, context);
+        } else {
+          context._leave(null, context);
+        }
+      } else {
+        if ($__default["default"](this.getTipElement()).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3)) {
+          this._leave(null, this);
+          return;
+        }
+        this._enter(null, this);
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
+      clearTimeout(this._timeout);
+      $__default["default"].removeData(this.element, this.constructor.DATA_KEY);
+      $__default["default"](this.element).off(this.constructor.EVENT_KEY);
+      $__default["default"](this.element).closest('.modal').off('hide.bs.modal', this._hideModalHandler);
+      if (this.tip) {
+        $__default["default"](this.tip).remove();
+      }
+      this._isEnabled = null;
+      this._timeout = null;
+      this._hoverState = null;
+      this._activeTrigger = null;
+      if (this._popper) {
+        this._popper.destroy();
+      }
+      this._popper = null;
+      this.element = null;
+      this.config = null;
+      this.tip = null;
+    };
+    _proto.show = function show() {
+      var _this = this;
+      if ($__default["default"](this.element).css('display') === 'none') {
+        throw new Error('Please use show on visible elements');
+      }
+      var showEvent = $__default["default"].Event(this.constructor.Event.SHOW);
+      if (this.isWithContent() && this._isEnabled) {
+        $__default["default"](this.element).trigger(showEvent);
+        var shadowRoot = Util.findShadowRoot(this.element);
+        var isInTheDom = $__default["default"].contains(shadowRoot !== null ? shadowRoot : this.element.ownerDocument.documentElement, this.element);
+        if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || !isInTheDom) {
+          return;
+        }
+        var tip = this.getTipElement();
+        var tipId = Util.getUID(this.constructor.NAME);
+        tip.setAttribute('id', tipId);
+        this.element.setAttribute('aria-describedby', tipId);
+        this.setContent();
+        if (this.config.animation) {
+          $__default["default"](tip).addClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$3);
+        }
+        var placement = typeof this.config.placement === 'function' ? this.config.placement.call(this, tip, this.element) : this.config.placement;
+        var attachment = this._getAttachment(placement);
+        this.addAttachmentClass(attachment);
+        var container = this._getContainer();
+        $__default["default"](tip).data(this.constructor.DATA_KEY, this);
+        if (!$__default["default"].contains(this.element.ownerDocument.documentElement, this.tip)) {
+          $__default["default"](tip).appendTo(container);
+        }
+        $__default["default"](this.element).trigger(this.constructor.Event.INSERTED);
+        this._popper = new Popper$1(this.element, tip, this._getPopperConfig(attachment));
+        $__default["default"](tip).addClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3);
+        $__default["default"](tip).addClass(this.config.customClass); // If this is a touch-enabled device we add extra
+        // empty mouseover listeners to the body's immediate children;
+        // only needed because of broken event delegation on iOS
+        // https://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2014/02/mouse_event_bub.html
+        if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
+          $__default["default"](document.body).children().on('mouseover', null, $__default["default"].noop);
+        }
+        var complete = function complete() {
+          if (_this.config.animation) {
+            _this._fixTransition();
+          }
+          var prevHoverState = _this._hoverState;
+          _this._hoverState = null;
+          $__default["default"](_this.element).trigger(_this.constructor.Event.SHOWN);
+          if (prevHoverState === HOVER_STATE_OUT) {
+            _this._leave(null, _this);
+          }
+        };
+        if ($__default["default"](this.tip).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$3)) {
+          var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this.tip);
+          $__default["default"](this.tip).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+        } else {
+          complete();
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.hide = function hide(callback) {
+      var _this2 = this;
+      var tip = this.getTipElement();
+      var hideEvent = $__default["default"].Event(this.constructor.Event.HIDE);
+      var complete = function complete() {
+        if (_this2._hoverState !== HOVER_STATE_SHOW && tip.parentNode) {
+          tip.parentNode.removeChild(tip);
+        }
+        _this2._cleanTipClass();
+        _this2.element.removeAttribute('aria-describedby');
+        $__default["default"](_this2.element).trigger(_this2.constructor.Event.HIDDEN);
+        if (_this2._popper !== null) {
+          _this2._popper.destroy();
+        }
+        if (callback) {
+          callback();
+        }
+      };
+      $__default["default"](this.element).trigger(hideEvent);
+      if (hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      $__default["default"](tip).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3); // If this is a touch-enabled device we remove the extra
+      // empty mouseover listeners we added for iOS support
+      if ('ontouchstart' in document.documentElement) {
+        $__default["default"](document.body).children().off('mouseover', null, $__default["default"].noop);
+      }
+      this._activeTrigger[TRIGGER_CLICK] = false;
+      this._activeTrigger[TRIGGER_FOCUS] = false;
+      this._activeTrigger[TRIGGER_HOVER] = false;
+      if ($__default["default"](this.tip).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$3)) {
+        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(tip);
+        $__default["default"](tip).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+      } else {
+        complete();
+      }
+      this._hoverState = '';
+    };
+    _proto.update = function update() {
+      if (this._popper !== null) {
+        this._popper.scheduleUpdate();
+      }
+    } // Protected
+    ;
+    _proto.isWithContent = function isWithContent() {
+      return Boolean(this.getTitle());
+    };
+    _proto.addAttachmentClass = function addAttachmentClass(attachment) {
+      $__default["default"](this.getTipElement()).addClass(CLASS_PREFIX$1 + "-" + attachment);
+    };
+    _proto.getTipElement = function getTipElement() {
+      this.tip = this.tip || $__default["default"](this.config.template)[0];
+      return this.tip;
+    };
+    _proto.setContent = function setContent() {
+      var tip = this.getTipElement();
+      this.setElementContent($__default["default"](tip.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_TOOLTIP_INNER)), this.getTitle());
+      $__default["default"](tip).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$3 + " " + CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3);
+    };
+    _proto.setElementContent = function setElementContent($element, content) {
+      if (typeof content === 'object' && (content.nodeType || content.jquery)) {
+        // Content is a DOM node or a jQuery
+        if (this.config.html) {
+          if (!$__default["default"](content).parent().is($element)) {
+            $element.empty().append(content);
+          }
+        } else {
+          $element.text($__default["default"](content).text());
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      if (this.config.html) {
+        if (this.config.sanitize) {
+          content = sanitizeHtml(content, this.config.whiteList, this.config.sanitizeFn);
+        }
+        $element.html(content);
+      } else {
+        $element.text(content);
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.getTitle = function getTitle() {
+      var title = this.element.getAttribute('data-original-title');
+      if (!title) {
+        title = typeof this.config.title === 'function' ? this.config.title.call(this.element) : this.config.title;
+      }
+      return title;
+    } // Private
+    ;
+    _proto._getPopperConfig = function _getPopperConfig(attachment) {
+      var _this3 = this;
+      var defaultBsConfig = {
+        placement: attachment,
+        modifiers: {
+          offset: this._getOffset(),
+          flip: {
+            behavior: this.config.fallbackPlacement
+          },
+          arrow: {
+            element: SELECTOR_ARROW
+          },
+          preventOverflow: {
+            boundariesElement: this.config.boundary
+          }
+        },
+        onCreate: function onCreate(data) {
+          if (data.originalPlacement !== data.placement) {
+            _this3._handlePopperPlacementChange(data);
+          }
+        },
+        onUpdate: function onUpdate(data) {
+          return _this3._handlePopperPlacementChange(data);
+        }
+      };
+      return _extends$1({}, defaultBsConfig, this.config.popperConfig);
+    };
+    _proto._getOffset = function _getOffset() {
+      var _this4 = this;
+      var offset = {};
+      if (typeof this.config.offset === 'function') {
+        offset.fn = function (data) {
+          data.offsets = _extends$1({}, data.offsets, _this4.config.offset(data.offsets, _this4.element));
+          return data;
+        };
+      } else {
+        offset.offset = this.config.offset;
+      }
+      return offset;
+    };
+    _proto._getContainer = function _getContainer() {
+      if (this.config.container === false) {
+        return document.body;
+      }
+      if (Util.isElement(this.config.container)) {
+        return $__default["default"](this.config.container);
+      }
+      return $__default["default"](document).find(this.config.container);
+    };
+    _proto._getAttachment = function _getAttachment(placement) {
+      return AttachmentMap[placement.toUpperCase()];
+    };
+    _proto._setListeners = function _setListeners() {
+      var _this5 = this;
+      var triggers = this.config.trigger.split(' ');
+      triggers.forEach(function (trigger) {
+        if (trigger === 'click') {
+          $__default["default"](_this5.element).on(_this5.constructor.Event.CLICK, _this5.config.selector, function (event) {
+            return _this5.toggle(event);
+          });
+        } else if (trigger !== TRIGGER_MANUAL) {
+          var eventIn = trigger === TRIGGER_HOVER ? _this5.constructor.Event.MOUSEENTER : _this5.constructor.Event.FOCUSIN;
+          var eventOut = trigger === TRIGGER_HOVER ? _this5.constructor.Event.MOUSELEAVE : _this5.constructor.Event.FOCUSOUT;
+          $__default["default"](_this5.element).on(eventIn, _this5.config.selector, function (event) {
+            return _this5._enter(event);
+          }).on(eventOut, _this5.config.selector, function (event) {
+            return _this5._leave(event);
+          });
+        }
+      });
+      this._hideModalHandler = function () {
+        if (_this5.element) {
+          _this5.hide();
+        }
+      };
+      $__default["default"](this.element).closest('.modal').on('hide.bs.modal', this._hideModalHandler);
+      if (this.config.selector) {
+        this.config = _extends$1({}, this.config, {
+          trigger: 'manual',
+          selector: ''
+        });
+      } else {
+        this._fixTitle();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._fixTitle = function _fixTitle() {
+      var titleType = typeof this.element.getAttribute('data-original-title');
+      if (this.element.getAttribute('title') || titleType !== 'string') {
+        this.element.setAttribute('data-original-title', this.element.getAttribute('title') || '');
+        this.element.setAttribute('title', '');
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._enter = function _enter(event, context) {
+      var dataKey = this.constructor.DATA_KEY;
+      context = context || $__default["default"](event.currentTarget).data(dataKey);
+      if (!context) {
+        context = new this.constructor(event.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig());
+        $__default["default"](event.currentTarget).data(dataKey, context);
+      }
+      if (event) {
+        context._activeTrigger[event.type === 'focusin' ? TRIGGER_FOCUS : TRIGGER_HOVER] = true;
+      }
+      if ($__default["default"](context.getTipElement()).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$3) || context._hoverState === HOVER_STATE_SHOW) {
+        context._hoverState = HOVER_STATE_SHOW;
+        return;
+      }
+      clearTimeout(context._timeout);
+      context._hoverState = HOVER_STATE_SHOW;
+      if (!context.config.delay || !context.config.delay.show) {
+        context.show();
+        return;
+      }
+      context._timeout = setTimeout(function () {
+        if (context._hoverState === HOVER_STATE_SHOW) {
+          context.show();
+        }
+      }, context.config.delay.show);
+    };
+    _proto._leave = function _leave(event, context) {
+      var dataKey = this.constructor.DATA_KEY;
+      context = context || $__default["default"](event.currentTarget).data(dataKey);
+      if (!context) {
+        context = new this.constructor(event.currentTarget, this._getDelegateConfig());
+        $__default["default"](event.currentTarget).data(dataKey, context);
+      }
+      if (event) {
+        context._activeTrigger[event.type === 'focusout' ? TRIGGER_FOCUS : TRIGGER_HOVER] = false;
+      }
+      if (context._isWithActiveTrigger()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      clearTimeout(context._timeout);
+      context._hoverState = HOVER_STATE_OUT;
+      if (!context.config.delay || !context.config.delay.hide) {
+        context.hide();
+        return;
+      }
+      context._timeout = setTimeout(function () {
+        if (context._hoverState === HOVER_STATE_OUT) {
+          context.hide();
+        }
+      }, context.config.delay.hide);
+    };
+    _proto._isWithActiveTrigger = function _isWithActiveTrigger() {
+      for (var trigger in this._activeTrigger) {
+        if (this._activeTrigger[trigger]) {
+          return true;
+        }
+      }
+      return false;
+    };
+    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
+      var dataAttributes = $__default["default"](this.element).data();
+      Object.keys(dataAttributes).forEach(function (dataAttr) {
+        if (DISALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES.indexOf(dataAttr) !== -1) {
+          delete dataAttributes[dataAttr];
+        }
+      });
+      config = _extends$1({}, this.constructor.Default, dataAttributes, typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {});
+      if (typeof config.delay === 'number') {
+        config.delay = {
+          show: config.delay,
+          hide: config.delay
+        };
+      }
+      if (typeof config.title === 'number') {
+        config.title = config.title.toString();
+      }
+      if (typeof config.content === 'number') {
+        config.content = config.content.toString();
+      }
+      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$4, config, this.constructor.DefaultType);
+      if (config.sanitize) {
+        config.template = sanitizeHtml(config.template, config.whiteList, config.sanitizeFn);
+      }
+      return config;
+    };
+    _proto._getDelegateConfig = function _getDelegateConfig() {
+      var config = {};
+      if (this.config) {
+        for (var key in this.config) {
+          if (this.constructor.Default[key] !== this.config[key]) {
+            config[key] = this.config[key];
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return config;
+    };
+    _proto._cleanTipClass = function _cleanTipClass() {
+      var $tip = $__default["default"](this.getTipElement());
+      var tabClass = $tip.attr('class').match(BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX$1);
+      if (tabClass !== null && tabClass.length) {
+        $tip.removeClass(tabClass.join(''));
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._handlePopperPlacementChange = function _handlePopperPlacementChange(popperData) {
+      this.tip = popperData.instance.popper;
+      this._cleanTipClass();
+      this.addAttachmentClass(this._getAttachment(popperData.placement));
+    };
+    _proto._fixTransition = function _fixTransition() {
+      var tip = this.getTipElement();
+      var initConfigAnimation = this.config.animation;
+      if (tip.getAttribute('x-placement') !== null) {
+        return;
+      }
+      $__default["default"](tip).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$3);
+      this.config.animation = false;
+      this.hide();
+      this.show();
+      this.config.animation = initConfigAnimation;
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    Tooltip._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var $element = $__default["default"](this);
+        var data = $element.data(DATA_KEY$4);
+        var _config = typeof config === 'object' && config;
+        if (!data && /dispose|hide/.test(config)) {
+          return;
+        }
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new Tooltip(this, _config);
+          $element.data(DATA_KEY$4, data);
+        }
+        if (typeof config === 'string') {
+          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
+          }
+          data[config]();
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    _createClass(Tooltip, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: function get() {
+        return VERSION$4;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "Default",
+      get: function get() {
+        return Default$3;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "NAME",
+      get: function get() {
+        return NAME$4;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "DATA_KEY",
+      get: function get() {
+        return DATA_KEY$4;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "Event",
+      get: function get() {
+        return Event$1;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "EVENT_KEY",
+      get: function get() {
+        return EVENT_KEY$4;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "DefaultType",
+      get: function get() {
+        return DefaultType$3;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Tooltip;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$4] = Tooltip._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$4].Constructor = Tooltip;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$4].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME$4] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$4;
+    return Tooltip._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME$3 = 'popover';
+  var VERSION$3 = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY$3 = 'bs.popover';
+  var EVENT_KEY$3 = "." + DATA_KEY$3;
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$3 = $__default["default"].fn[NAME$3];
+  var CLASS_PREFIX = 'bs-popover';
+  var BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX = new RegExp("(^|\\s)" + CLASS_PREFIX + "\\S+", 'g');
+  var CLASS_NAME_FADE$2 = 'fade';
+  var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2 = 'show';
+  var SELECTOR_TITLE = '.popover-header';
+  var SELECTOR_CONTENT = '.popover-body';
+  var Default$2 = _extends$1({}, Tooltip.Default, {
+    placement: 'right',
+    trigger: 'click',
+    content: '',
+    template: '<div class="popover" role="tooltip">' + '<div class="arrow"></div>' + '<h3 class="popover-header"></h3>' + '<div class="popover-body"></div></div>'
+  });
+  var DefaultType$2 = _extends$1({}, Tooltip.DefaultType, {
+    content: '(string|element|function)'
+  });
+  var Event = {
+    HIDE: "hide" + EVENT_KEY$3,
+    HIDDEN: "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$3,
+    SHOW: "show" + EVENT_KEY$3,
+    SHOWN: "shown" + EVENT_KEY$3,
+    INSERTED: "inserted" + EVENT_KEY$3,
+    CLICK: "click" + EVENT_KEY$3,
+    FOCUSIN: "focusin" + EVENT_KEY$3,
+    FOCUSOUT: "focusout" + EVENT_KEY$3,
+    MOUSEENTER: "mouseenter" + EVENT_KEY$3,
+    MOUSELEAVE: "mouseleave" + EVENT_KEY$3
+  };
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var Popover = /*#__PURE__*/function (_Tooltip) {
+    _inheritsLoose(Popover, _Tooltip);
+    function Popover() {
+      return _Tooltip.apply(this, arguments) || this;
+    }
+    var _proto = Popover.prototype;
+    // Overrides
+    _proto.isWithContent = function isWithContent() {
+      return this.getTitle() || this._getContent();
+    };
+    _proto.addAttachmentClass = function addAttachmentClass(attachment) {
+      $__default["default"](this.getTipElement()).addClass(CLASS_PREFIX + "-" + attachment);
+    };
+    _proto.getTipElement = function getTipElement() {
+      this.tip = this.tip || $__default["default"](this.config.template)[0];
+      return this.tip;
+    };
+    _proto.setContent = function setContent() {
+      var $tip = $__default["default"](this.getTipElement()); // We use append for html objects to maintain js events
+      this.setElementContent($tip.find(SELECTOR_TITLE), this.getTitle());
+      var content = this._getContent();
+      if (typeof content === 'function') {
+        content = content.call(this.element);
+      }
+      this.setElementContent($tip.find(SELECTOR_CONTENT), content);
+      $tip.removeClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$2 + " " + CLASS_NAME_SHOW$2);
+    } // Private
+    ;
+    _proto._getContent = function _getContent() {
+      return this.element.getAttribute('data-content') || this.config.content;
+    };
+    _proto._cleanTipClass = function _cleanTipClass() {
+      var $tip = $__default["default"](this.getTipElement());
+      var tabClass = $tip.attr('class').match(BSCLS_PREFIX_REGEX);
+      if (tabClass !== null && tabClass.length > 0) {
+        $tip.removeClass(tabClass.join(''));
+      }
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    Popover._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var data = $__default["default"](this).data(DATA_KEY$3);
+        var _config = typeof config === 'object' ? config : null;
+        if (!data && /dispose|hide/.test(config)) {
+          return;
+        }
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new Popover(this, _config);
+          $__default["default"](this).data(DATA_KEY$3, data);
+        }
+        if (typeof config === 'string') {
+          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
+          }
+          data[config]();
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    _createClass(Popover, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: // Getters
+      function get() {
+        return VERSION$3;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "Default",
+      get: function get() {
+        return Default$2;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "NAME",
+      get: function get() {
+        return NAME$3;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "DATA_KEY",
+      get: function get() {
+        return DATA_KEY$3;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "Event",
+      get: function get() {
+        return Event;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "EVENT_KEY",
+      get: function get() {
+        return EVENT_KEY$3;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "DefaultType",
+      get: function get() {
+        return DefaultType$2;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Popover;
+  }(Tooltip);
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$3] = Popover._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$3].Constructor = Popover;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$3].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME$3] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$3;
+    return Popover._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME$2 = 'scrollspy';
+  var VERSION$2 = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY$2 = 'bs.scrollspy';
+  var EVENT_KEY$2 = "." + DATA_KEY$2;
+  var DATA_API_KEY$1 = '.data-api';
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$2 = $__default["default"].fn[NAME$2];
+  var CLASS_NAME_DROPDOWN_ITEM = 'dropdown-item';
+  var CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1 = 'active';
+  var EVENT_ACTIVATE = "activate" + EVENT_KEY$2;
+  var EVENT_SCROLL = "scroll" + EVENT_KEY$2;
+  var METHOD_OFFSET = 'offset';
+  var METHOD_POSITION = 'position';
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_SPY = '[data-spy="scroll"]';
+  var SELECTOR_NAV_LIST_GROUP$1 = '.nav, .list-group';
+  var SELECTOR_NAV_LINKS = '.nav-link';
+  var SELECTOR_NAV_ITEMS = '.nav-item';
+  var SELECTOR_LIST_ITEMS = '.list-group-item';
+  var SELECTOR_DROPDOWN$1 = '.dropdown';
+  var SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_ITEMS = '.dropdown-item';
+  var SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_TOGGLE$1 = '.dropdown-toggle';
+  var Default$1 = {
+    offset: 10,
+    method: 'auto',
+    target: ''
+  };
+  var DefaultType$1 = {
+    offset: 'number',
+    method: 'string',
+    target: '(string|element)'
+  };
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var ScrollSpy = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+    function ScrollSpy(element, config) {
+      var _this = this;
+      this._element = element;
+      this._scrollElement = element.tagName === 'BODY' ? window : element;
+      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+      this._selector = this._config.target + " " + SELECTOR_NAV_LINKS + "," + (this._config.target + " " + SELECTOR_LIST_ITEMS + ",") + (this._config.target + " " + SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_ITEMS);
+      this._offsets = [];
+      this._targets = [];
+      this._activeTarget = null;
+      this._scrollHeight = 0;
+      $__default["default"](this._scrollElement).on(EVENT_SCROLL, function (event) {
+        return _this._process(event);
+      });
+      this.refresh();
+      this._process();
+    } // Getters
+    var _proto = ScrollSpy.prototype;
+    // Public
+    _proto.refresh = function refresh() {
+      var _this2 = this;
+      var autoMethod = this._scrollElement === this._scrollElement.window ? METHOD_OFFSET : METHOD_POSITION;
+      var offsetMethod = this._config.method === 'auto' ? autoMethod : this._config.method;
+      var offsetBase = offsetMethod === METHOD_POSITION ? this._getScrollTop() : 0;
+      this._offsets = [];
+      this._targets = [];
+      this._scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight();
+      var targets = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(this._selector));
+      targets.map(function (element) {
+        var target;
+        var targetSelector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(element);
+        if (targetSelector) {
+          target = document.querySelector(targetSelector);
+        }
+        if (target) {
+          var targetBCR = target.getBoundingClientRect();
+          if (targetBCR.width || targetBCR.height) {
+            // TODO (fat): remove sketch reliance on jQuery position/offset
+            return [$__default["default"](target)[offsetMethod]().top + offsetBase, targetSelector];
+          }
+        }
+        return null;
+      }).filter(function (item) {
+        return item;
+      }).sort(function (a, b) {
+        return a[0] - b[0];
+      }).forEach(function (item) {
+        _this2._offsets.push(item[0]);
+        _this2._targets.push(item[1]);
+      });
+    };
+    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
+      $__default["default"].removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$2);
+      $__default["default"](this._scrollElement).off(EVENT_KEY$2);
+      this._element = null;
+      this._scrollElement = null;
+      this._config = null;
+      this._selector = null;
+      this._offsets = null;
+      this._targets = null;
+      this._activeTarget = null;
+      this._scrollHeight = null;
+    } // Private
+    ;
+    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
+      config = _extends$1({}, Default$1, typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {});
+      if (typeof config.target !== 'string' && Util.isElement(config.target)) {
+        var id = $__default["default"](config.target).attr('id');
+        if (!id) {
+          id = Util.getUID(NAME$2);
+          $__default["default"](config.target).attr('id', id);
+        }
+        config.target = "#" + id;
+      }
+      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME$2, config, DefaultType$1);
+      return config;
+    };
+    _proto._getScrollTop = function _getScrollTop() {
+      return this._scrollElement === window ? this._scrollElement.pageYOffset : this._scrollElement.scrollTop;
+    };
+    _proto._getScrollHeight = function _getScrollHeight() {
+      return this._scrollElement.scrollHeight || Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight);
+    };
+    _proto._getOffsetHeight = function _getOffsetHeight() {
+      return this._scrollElement === window ? window.innerHeight : this._scrollElement.getBoundingClientRect().height;
+    };
+    _proto._process = function _process() {
+      var scrollTop = this._getScrollTop() + this._config.offset;
+      var scrollHeight = this._getScrollHeight();
+      var maxScroll = this._config.offset + scrollHeight - this._getOffsetHeight();
+      if (this._scrollHeight !== scrollHeight) {
+        this.refresh();
+      }
+      if (scrollTop >= maxScroll) {
+        var target = this._targets[this._targets.length - 1];
+        if (this._activeTarget !== target) {
+          this._activate(target);
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      if (this._activeTarget && scrollTop < this._offsets[0] && this._offsets[0] > 0) {
+        this._activeTarget = null;
+        this._clear();
+        return;
+      }
+      for (var i = this._offsets.length; i--;) {
+        var isActiveTarget = this._activeTarget !== this._targets[i] && scrollTop >= this._offsets[i] && (typeof this._offsets[i + 1] === 'undefined' || scrollTop < this._offsets[i + 1]);
+        if (isActiveTarget) {
+          this._activate(this._targets[i]);
+        }
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._activate = function _activate(target) {
+      this._activeTarget = target;
+      this._clear();
+      var queries = this._selector.split(',').map(function (selector) {
+        return selector + "[data-target=\"" + target + "\"]," + selector + "[href=\"" + target + "\"]";
+      });
+      var $link = $__default["default"]([].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(queries.join(','))));
+      if ($link.hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DROPDOWN_ITEM)) {
+        $link.addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1);
+      } else {
+        // Set triggered link as active
+        $link.addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1); // Set triggered links parents as active
+        // With both <ul> and <nav> markup a parent is the previous sibling of any nav ancestor
+        $link.parents(SELECTOR_NAV_LIST_GROUP$1).prev(SELECTOR_NAV_LINKS + ", " + SELECTOR_LIST_ITEMS).addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1); // Handle special case when .nav-link is inside .nav-item
+      }
+      $__default["default"](this._scrollElement).trigger(EVENT_ACTIVATE, {
+        relatedTarget: target
+      });
+    };
+    _proto._clear = function _clear() {
+      [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(this._selector)).filter(function (node) {
+        return node.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1);
+      }).forEach(function (node) {
+        return node.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE$1);
+      });
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    ScrollSpy._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var data = $__default["default"](this).data(DATA_KEY$2);
+        var _config = typeof config === 'object' && config;
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new ScrollSpy(this, _config);
+          $__default["default"](this).data(DATA_KEY$2, data);
+        }
+        if (typeof config === 'string') {
+          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
+          }
+          data[config]();
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    _createClass(ScrollSpy, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: function get() {
+        return VERSION$2;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "Default",
+      get: function get() {
+        return Default$1;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return ScrollSpy;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * Data API implementation
+   */
+  $__default["default"](window).on(EVENT_LOAD_DATA_API, function () {
+    var scrollSpys = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DATA_SPY));
+    var scrollSpysLength = scrollSpys.length;
+    for (var i = scrollSpysLength; i--;) {
+      var $spy = $__default["default"](scrollSpys[i]);
+      ScrollSpy._jQueryInterface.call($spy, $spy.data());
+    }
+  });
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$2] = ScrollSpy._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$2].Constructor = ScrollSpy;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$2].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME$2] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$2;
+    return ScrollSpy._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME$1 = 'tab';
+  var VERSION$1 = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY$1 = 'bs.tab';
+  var EVENT_KEY$1 = "." + DATA_KEY$1;
+  var DATA_API_KEY = '.data-api';
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$1 = $__default["default"].fn[NAME$1];
+  var CLASS_NAME_DROPDOWN_MENU = 'dropdown-menu';
+  var CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE = 'active';
+  var CLASS_NAME_DISABLED = 'disabled';
+  var CLASS_NAME_FADE$1 = 'fade';
+  var CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1 = 'show';
+  var EVENT_HIDE$1 = "hide" + EVENT_KEY$1;
+  var EVENT_HIDDEN$1 = "hidden" + EVENT_KEY$1;
+  var EVENT_SHOW$1 = "show" + EVENT_KEY$1;
+  var EVENT_SHOWN$1 = "shown" + EVENT_KEY$1;
+  var SELECTOR_DROPDOWN = '.dropdown';
+  var SELECTOR_NAV_LIST_GROUP = '.nav, .list-group';
+  var SELECTOR_ACTIVE = '.active';
+  var SELECTOR_ACTIVE_UL = '> li > .active';
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE = '[data-toggle="tab"], [data-toggle="pill"], [data-toggle="list"]';
+  var SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_TOGGLE = '.dropdown-toggle';
+  var SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_ACTIVE_CHILD = '> .dropdown-menu .active';
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var Tab = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+    function Tab(element) {
+      this._element = element;
+    } // Getters
+    var _proto = Tab.prototype;
+    // Public
+    _proto.show = function show() {
+      var _this = this;
+      if (this._element.parentNode && this._element.parentNode.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && $__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE) || $__default["default"](this._element).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DISABLED)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var target;
+      var previous;
+      var listElement = $__default["default"](this._element).closest(SELECTOR_NAV_LIST_GROUP)[0];
+      var selector = Util.getSelectorFromElement(this._element);
+      if (listElement) {
+        var itemSelector = listElement.nodeName === 'UL' || listElement.nodeName === 'OL' ? SELECTOR_ACTIVE_UL : SELECTOR_ACTIVE;
+        previous = $__default["default"].makeArray($__default["default"](listElement).find(itemSelector));
+        previous = previous[previous.length - 1];
+      }
+      var hideEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_HIDE$1, {
+        relatedTarget: this._element
+      });
+      var showEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_SHOW$1, {
+        relatedTarget: previous
+      });
+      if (previous) {
+        $__default["default"](previous).trigger(hideEvent);
+      }
+      $__default["default"](this._element).trigger(showEvent);
+      if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented() || hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (selector) {
+        target = document.querySelector(selector);
+      }
+      this._activate(this._element, listElement);
+      var complete = function complete() {
+        var hiddenEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_HIDDEN$1, {
+          relatedTarget: _this._element
+        });
+        var shownEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_SHOWN$1, {
+          relatedTarget: previous
+        });
+        $__default["default"](previous).trigger(hiddenEvent);
+        $__default["default"](_this._element).trigger(shownEvent);
+      };
+      if (target) {
+        this._activate(target, target.parentNode, complete);
+      } else {
+        complete();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
+      $__default["default"].removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY$1);
+      this._element = null;
+    } // Private
+    ;
+    _proto._activate = function _activate(element, container, callback) {
+      var _this2 = this;
+      var activeElements = container && (container.nodeName === 'UL' || container.nodeName === 'OL') ? $__default["default"](container).find(SELECTOR_ACTIVE_UL) : $__default["default"](container).children(SELECTOR_ACTIVE);
+      var active = activeElements[0];
+      var isTransitioning = callback && active && $__default["default"](active).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_FADE$1);
+      var complete = function complete() {
+        return _this2._transitionComplete(element, active, callback);
+      };
+      if (active && isTransitioning) {
+        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(active);
+        $__default["default"](active).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+      } else {
+        complete();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._transitionComplete = function _transitionComplete(element, active, callback) {
+      if (active) {
+        $__default["default"](active).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);
+        var dropdownChild = $__default["default"](active.parentNode).find(SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_ACTIVE_CHILD)[0];
+        if (dropdownChild) {
+          $__default["default"](dropdownChild).removeClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);
+        }
+        if (active.getAttribute('role') === 'tab') {
+          active.setAttribute('aria-selected', false);
+        }
+      }
+      $__default["default"](element).addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);
+      if (element.getAttribute('role') === 'tab') {
+        element.setAttribute('aria-selected', true);
+      }
+      Util.reflow(element);
+      if (element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_FADE$1)) {
+        element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOW$1);
+      }
+      var parent = element.parentNode;
+      if (parent && parent.nodeName === 'LI') {
+        parent = parent.parentNode;
+      }
+      if (parent && $__default["default"](parent).hasClass(CLASS_NAME_DROPDOWN_MENU)) {
+        var dropdownElement = $__default["default"](element).closest(SELECTOR_DROPDOWN)[0];
+        if (dropdownElement) {
+          var dropdownToggleList = [].slice.call(dropdownElement.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_DROPDOWN_TOGGLE));
+          $__default["default"](dropdownToggleList).addClass(CLASS_NAME_ACTIVE);
+        }
+        element.setAttribute('aria-expanded', true);
+      }
+      if (callback) {
+        callback();
+      }
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    Tab._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var $this = $__default["default"](this);
+        var data = $this.data(DATA_KEY$1);
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new Tab(this);
+          $this.data(DATA_KEY$1, data);
+        }
+        if (typeof config === 'string') {
+          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
+          }
+          data[config]();
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    _createClass(Tab, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: function get() {
+        return VERSION$1;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Tab;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * Data API implementation
+   */
+  $__default["default"](document).on(EVENT_CLICK_DATA_API, SELECTOR_DATA_TOGGLE, function (event) {
+    event.preventDefault();
+    Tab._jQueryInterface.call($__default["default"](this), 'show');
+  });
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$1] = Tab._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$1].Constructor = Tab;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME$1].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME$1] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT$1;
+    return Tab._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  /**
+   * Constants
+   */
+  var NAME = 'toast';
+  var VERSION = '4.6.1';
+  var DATA_KEY = 'bs.toast';
+  var EVENT_KEY = "." + DATA_KEY;
+  var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT = $__default["default"].fn[NAME];
+  var CLASS_NAME_FADE = 'fade';
+  var CLASS_NAME_HIDE = 'hide';
+  var CLASS_NAME_SHOW = 'show';
+  var CLASS_NAME_SHOWING = 'showing';
+  var EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS = "click.dismiss" + EVENT_KEY;
+  var EVENT_HIDE = "hide" + EVENT_KEY;
+  var EVENT_HIDDEN = "hidden" + EVENT_KEY;
+  var EVENT_SHOW = "show" + EVENT_KEY;
+  var EVENT_SHOWN = "shown" + EVENT_KEY;
+  var SELECTOR_DATA_DISMISS = '[data-dismiss="toast"]';
+  var Default = {
+    animation: true,
+    autohide: true,
+    delay: 500
+  };
+  var DefaultType = {
+    animation: 'boolean',
+    autohide: 'boolean',
+    delay: 'number'
+  };
+  /**
+   * Class definition
+   */
+  var Toast = /*#__PURE__*/function () {
+    function Toast(element, config) {
+      this._element = element;
+      this._config = this._getConfig(config);
+      this._timeout = null;
+      this._setListeners();
+    } // Getters
+    var _proto = Toast.prototype;
+    // Public
+    _proto.show = function show() {
+      var _this = this;
+      var showEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_SHOW);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).trigger(showEvent);
+      if (showEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      this._clearTimeout();
+      if (this._config.animation) {
+        this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_FADE);
+      }
+      var complete = function complete() {
+        _this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOWING);
+        _this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOW);
+        $__default["default"](_this._element).trigger(EVENT_SHOWN);
+        if (_this._config.autohide) {
+          _this._timeout = setTimeout(function () {
+            _this.hide();
+          }, _this._config.delay);
+        }
+      };
+      this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_HIDE);
+      Util.reflow(this._element);
+      this._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_SHOWING);
+      if (this._config.animation) {
+        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);
+        $__default["default"](this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+      } else {
+        complete();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto.hide = function hide() {
+      if (!this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_SHOW)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      var hideEvent = $__default["default"].Event(EVENT_HIDE);
+      $__default["default"](this._element).trigger(hideEvent);
+      if (hideEvent.isDefaultPrevented()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      this._close();
+    };
+    _proto.dispose = function dispose() {
+      this._clearTimeout();
+      if (this._element.classList.contains(CLASS_NAME_SHOW)) {
+        this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW);
+      }
+      $__default["default"](this._element).off(EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS);
+      $__default["default"].removeData(this._element, DATA_KEY);
+      this._element = null;
+      this._config = null;
+    } // Private
+    ;
+    _proto._getConfig = function _getConfig(config) {
+      config = _extends$1({}, Default, $__default["default"](this._element).data(), typeof config === 'object' && config ? config : {});
+      Util.typeCheckConfig(NAME, config, this.constructor.DefaultType);
+      return config;
+    };
+    _proto._setListeners = function _setListeners() {
+      var _this2 = this;
+      $__default["default"](this._element).on(EVENT_CLICK_DISMISS, SELECTOR_DATA_DISMISS, function () {
+        return _this2.hide();
+      });
+    };
+    _proto._close = function _close() {
+      var _this3 = this;
+      var complete = function complete() {
+        _this3._element.classList.add(CLASS_NAME_HIDE);
+        $__default["default"](_this3._element).trigger(EVENT_HIDDEN);
+      };
+      this._element.classList.remove(CLASS_NAME_SHOW);
+      if (this._config.animation) {
+        var transitionDuration = Util.getTransitionDurationFromElement(this._element);
+        $__default["default"](this._element).one(Util.TRANSITION_END, complete).emulateTransitionEnd(transitionDuration);
+      } else {
+        complete();
+      }
+    };
+    _proto._clearTimeout = function _clearTimeout() {
+      clearTimeout(this._timeout);
+      this._timeout = null;
+    } // Static
+    ;
+    Toast._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(config) {
+      return this.each(function () {
+        var $element = $__default["default"](this);
+        var data = $element.data(DATA_KEY);
+        var _config = typeof config === 'object' && config;
+        if (!data) {
+          data = new Toast(this, _config);
+          $element.data(DATA_KEY, data);
+        }
+        if (typeof config === 'string') {
+          if (typeof data[config] === 'undefined') {
+            throw new TypeError("No method named \"" + config + "\"");
+          }
+          data[config](this);
+        }
+      });
+    };
+    _createClass(Toast, null, [{
+      key: "VERSION",
+      get: function get() {
+        return VERSION;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "DefaultType",
+      get: function get() {
+        return DefaultType;
+      }
+    }, {
+      key: "Default",
+      get: function get() {
+        return Default;
+      }
+    }]);
+    return Toast;
+  }();
+  /**
+   * jQuery
+   */
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME] = Toast._jQueryInterface;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME].Constructor = Toast;
+  $__default["default"].fn[NAME].noConflict = function () {
+    $__default["default"].fn[NAME] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT;
+    return Toast._jQueryInterface;
+  };
+  exports.Alert = Alert;
+  exports.Button = Button;
+  exports.Carousel = Carousel;
+  exports.Collapse = Collapse;
+  exports.Dropdown = Dropdown;
+  exports.Modal = Modal;
+  exports.Popover = Popover;
+  exports.Scrollspy = ScrollSpy;
+  exports.Tab = Tab;
+  exports.Toast = Toast;
+  exports.Tooltip = Tooltip;
+  exports.Util = Util;
+  Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
+//# sourceMappingURL=bootstrap.bundle.js.map
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- * Bootstrap v4.2.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
- * Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors
- * Copyright 2011-2018 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * Bootstrap v4.6.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors
+ * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
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+  -ms-flex: 0 0 50%;
+  flex: 0 0 50%;
+  max-width: 50%;
+.row-cols-3 > * {
+  -ms-flex: 0 0 33.333333%;
+  flex: 0 0 33.333333%;
+  max-width: 33.333333%;
+.row-cols-4 > * {
+  -ms-flex: 0 0 25%;
+  flex: 0 0 25%;
+  max-width: 25%;
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+  -ms-flex: 0 0 20%;
+  flex: 0 0 20%;
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+    flex: 0 0 100%;
+    max-width: 100%;
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+  .row-cols-sm-2 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 50%;
+    flex: 0 0 50%;
+    max-width: 50%;
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+  .row-cols-sm-3 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 33.333333%;
+    flex: 0 0 33.333333%;
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+  .row-cols-sm-4 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 25%;
+    flex: 0 0 25%;
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+  .row-cols-sm-5 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 20%;
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+  .row-cols-sm-6 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 16.666667%;
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+    flex: 0 0 100%;
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+  .row-cols-md-2 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 50%;
+    flex: 0 0 50%;
+    max-width: 50%;
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+  .row-cols-md-3 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 33.333333%;
+    max-width: 33.333333%;
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+  .row-cols-md-4 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 25%;
+    max-width: 25%;
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+  .row-cols-md-5 > * {
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@@ -1165,6 +1262,36 @@ pre code {
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+  .row-cols-lg-1 > * {
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+  .row-cols-lg-2 > * {
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+  .row-cols-lg-4 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 25%;
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+  .row-cols-lg-5 > * {
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+  .row-cols-lg-6 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 16.666667%;
+    flex: 0 0 16.666667%;
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     flex: 0 0 auto;
@@ -1337,6 +1464,36 @@ pre code {
     flex-grow: 1;
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+  .row-cols-xl-1 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 100%;
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+  .row-cols-xl-2 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 50%;
+    flex: 0 0 50%;
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+  .row-cols-xl-3 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 33.333333%;
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+  .row-cols-xl-4 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 25%;
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+  .row-cols-xl-5 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 20%;
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+  .row-cols-xl-6 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 16.666667%;
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@@ -1504,7 +1661,7 @@ pre code {
 .table {
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-  background-color: transparent;
+  color: #212529;
 .table th,
@@ -1523,10 +1680,6 @@ pre code {
   border-top: 2px solid #dee2e6;
-.table .table {
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 .table-sm th,
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   padding: 0.3rem;
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   color: #fff;
-  background-color: #212529;
-  border-color: #32383e;
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@@ -1766,13 +1920,13 @@ pre code {
 .table-dark {
   color: #fff;
-  background-color: #212529;
+  background-color: #343a40;
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 .table-dark td,
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-  border-color: #32383e;
+  border-color: #454d55;
 .table-dark.table-bordered {
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 .table-dark.table-hover tbody tr:hover {
+  color: #fff;
   background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.075);
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     border: 0;
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     border: 0;
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     border: 0;
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   width: 100%;
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-  -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
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@@ -1854,7 +2004,7 @@ pre code {
 .form-control {
   display: block;
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(2.25rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
   padding: 0.375rem 0.75rem;
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   font-weight: 400;
@@ -1867,7 +2017,7 @@ pre code {
   transition: border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .form-control {
     transition: none;
@@ -1916,6 +2066,20 @@ pre code {
   opacity: 1;
+input[type="month"].form-control {
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+  -moz-appearance: none;
+  appearance: none;
+select.form-control:-moz-focusring {
+  color: transparent;
+  text-shadow: 0 0 0 #495057;
 select.form-control:focus::-ms-value {
   color: #495057;
   background-color: #fff;
@@ -1952,9 +2116,9 @@ select.form-control:focus::-ms-value {
 .form-control-plaintext {
   display: block;
   width: 100%;
-  padding-top: 0.375rem;
-  padding-bottom: 0.375rem;
+  padding: 0.375rem 0;
   margin-bottom: 0;
+  font-size: 1rem;
   line-height: 1.5;
   color: #212529;
   background-color: transparent;
@@ -1968,7 +2132,7 @@ select.form-control:focus::-ms-value {
 .form-control-sm {
-  height: calc(1.8125rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.5rem + 2px);
   padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem;
   font-size: 0.875rem;
   line-height: 1.5;
@@ -1976,7 +2140,7 @@ select.form-control:focus::-ms-value {
 .form-control-lg {
-  height: calc(2.875rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 1rem + 2px);
   padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
   font-size: 1.25rem;
   line-height: 1.5;
@@ -2027,6 +2191,7 @@ textarea.form-control {
   margin-left: -1.25rem;
+.form-check-input[disabled] ~ .form-check-label,
 .form-check-input:disabled ~ .form-check-label {
   color: #6c757d;
@@ -2062,6 +2227,7 @@ textarea.form-control {
 .valid-tooltip {
   position: absolute;
   top: 100%;
+  left: 0;
   z-index: 5;
   display: none;
   max-width: 100%;
@@ -2074,13 +2240,25 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.form-row > .col > .valid-tooltip,
+.form-row > [class*="col-"] > .valid-tooltip {
+  left: 5px;
+.was-validated :valid ~ .valid-feedback,
+.was-validated :valid ~ .valid-tooltip,
+.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
+.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
 .was-validated .form-control:valid, .form-control.is-valid {
   border-color: #28a745;
-  padding-right: 2.25rem;
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem) !important;
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%2328a745' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
-  background-position: center right calc(2.25rem / 4);
-  background-size: calc(2.25rem / 2) calc(2.25rem / 2);
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%2328a745' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-position: right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) center;
+  background-size: calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem);
 .was-validated .form-control:valid:focus, .form-control.is-valid:focus {
@@ -2088,21 +2266,20 @@ textarea.form-control {
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.25);
-.was-validated .form-control:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.was-validated .form-control:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, .form-control.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.form-control.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
+.was-validated select.form-control:valid, select.form-control.is-valid {
+  padding-right: 3rem !important;
+  background-position: right 1.5rem center;
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-  padding-right: 2.25rem;
-  background-position: top calc(2.25rem / 4) right calc(2.25rem / 4);
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
+  background-position: top calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
 .was-validated .custom-select:valid, .custom-select.is-valid {
   border-color: #28a745;
-  padding-right: 3.4375rem;
-  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat right 0.75rem center/8px 10px, url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%2328a745' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat center right 1.75rem/1.125rem 1.125rem;
+  padding-right: calc(0.75em + 2.3125rem) !important;
+  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='4' height='5' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") right 0.75rem center/8px 10px no-repeat, #fff url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%2328a745' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") center right 1.75rem/calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) no-repeat;
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@@ -2110,18 +2287,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.25);
-.was-validated .custom-select:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-select:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, .custom-select.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.custom-select.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
-.was-validated .form-control-file:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.was-validated .form-control-file:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, .form-control-file.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.form-control-file.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .form-check-input:valid ~ .form-check-label, .form-check-input.is-valid ~ .form-check-label {
   color: #28a745;
@@ -2140,12 +2305,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-color: #28a745;
-.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, .custom-control-input.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.custom-control-input.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .custom-control-input:valid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before, .custom-control-input.is-valid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
   border-color: #34ce57;
   background-color: #34ce57;
@@ -2163,12 +2322,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-color: #28a745;
-.was-validated .custom-file-input:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-file-input:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, .custom-file-input.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.custom-file-input.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .custom-file-input:valid:focus ~ .custom-file-label, .custom-file-input.is-valid:focus ~ .custom-file-label {
   border-color: #28a745;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.25);
@@ -2185,6 +2338,7 @@ textarea.form-control {
 .invalid-tooltip {
   position: absolute;
   top: 100%;
+  left: 0;
   z-index: 5;
   display: none;
   max-width: 100%;
@@ -2197,13 +2351,25 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.form-row > .col > .invalid-tooltip,
+.form-row > [class*="col-"] > .invalid-tooltip {
+  left: 5px;
+.was-validated :invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
+.was-validated :invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip,
+.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
+.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
 .was-validated .form-control:invalid, .form-control.is-invalid {
   border-color: #dc3545;
-  padding-right: 2.25rem;
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem) !important;
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='12' height='12' fill='none' stroke='%23dc3545' viewBox='0 0 12 12'%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='6' r='4.5'/%3e%3cpath stroke-linejoin='round' d='M5.8 3.6h.4L6 6.5z'/%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='8.2' r='.6' fill='%23dc3545' stroke='none'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
-  background-position: center right calc(2.25rem / 4);
-  background-size: calc(2.25rem / 2) calc(2.25rem / 2);
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23dc3545' viewBox='-2 -2 7 7'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23d9534f' d='M0 0l3 3m0-3L0 3'/%3e%3ccircle r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3c/svg%3E");
+  background-position: right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) center;
+  background-size: calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem);
 .was-validated .form-control:invalid:focus, .form-control.is-invalid:focus {
@@ -2211,21 +2377,20 @@ textarea.form-control {
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.25);
-.was-validated .form-control:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.was-validated .form-control:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, .form-control.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.form-control.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
+.was-validated select.form-control:invalid, select.form-control.is-invalid {
+  padding-right: 3rem !important;
+  background-position: right 1.5rem center;
 .was-validated textarea.form-control:invalid, textarea.form-control.is-invalid {
-  padding-right: 2.25rem;
-  background-position: top calc(2.25rem / 4) right calc(2.25rem / 4);
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
+  background-position: top calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
 .was-validated .custom-select:invalid, .custom-select.is-invalid {
   border-color: #dc3545;
-  padding-right: 3.4375rem;
-  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat right 0.75rem center/8px 10px, url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23dc3545' viewBox='-2 -2 7 7'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23d9534f' d='M0 0l3 3m0-3L0 3'/%3e%3ccircle r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3c/svg%3E") no-repeat center right 1.75rem/1.125rem 1.125rem;
+  padding-right: calc(0.75em + 2.3125rem) !important;
+  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='4' height='5' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") right 0.75rem center/8px 10px no-repeat, #fff url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='12' height='12' fill='none' stroke='%23dc3545' viewBox='0 0 12 12'%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='6' r='4.5'/%3e%3cpath stroke-linejoin='round' d='M5.8 3.6h.4L6 6.5z'/%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='8.2' r='.6' fill='%23dc3545' stroke='none'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") center right 1.75rem/calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) no-repeat;
 .was-validated .custom-select:invalid:focus, .custom-select.is-invalid:focus {
@@ -2233,18 +2398,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.25);
-.was-validated .custom-select:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-select:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, .custom-select.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.custom-select.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
-.was-validated .form-control-file:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.was-validated .form-control-file:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, .form-control-file.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.form-control-file.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .form-check-input:invalid ~ .form-check-label, .form-check-input.is-invalid ~ .form-check-label {
   color: #dc3545;
@@ -2263,12 +2416,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-color: #dc3545;
-.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, .custom-control-input.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.custom-control-input.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before, .custom-control-input.is-invalid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
   border-color: #e4606d;
   background-color: #e4606d;
@@ -2286,12 +2433,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-color: #dc3545;
-.was-validated .custom-file-input:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-file-input:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, .custom-file-input.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.custom-file-input.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .custom-file-input:invalid:focus ~ .custom-file-label, .custom-file-input.is-invalid:focus ~ .custom-file-label {
   border-color: #dc3545;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.25);
@@ -2355,6 +2496,8 @@ textarea.form-control {
   .form-inline .form-check-input {
     position: relative;
+    -ms-flex-negative: 0;
+    flex-shrink: 0;
     margin-top: 0;
     margin-right: 0.25rem;
     margin-left: 0;
@@ -2389,7 +2532,7 @@ textarea.form-control {
   transition: color 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .btn {
     transition: none;
@@ -2431,6 +2574,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-primary:focus, .btn-primary.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #0069d9;
+  border-color: #0062cc;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(38, 143, 255, 0.5);
@@ -2465,6 +2611,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-secondary:focus, .btn-secondary.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #5a6268;
+  border-color: #545b62;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(130, 138, 145, 0.5);
@@ -2499,6 +2648,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-success:focus, .btn-success.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #218838;
+  border-color: #1e7e34;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(72, 180, 97, 0.5);
@@ -2533,6 +2685,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-info:focus, .btn-info.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #138496;
+  border-color: #117a8b;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(58, 176, 195, 0.5);
@@ -2567,6 +2722,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-warning:focus, .btn-warning.focus {
+  color: #212529;
+  background-color: #e0a800;
+  border-color: #d39e00;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(222, 170, 12, 0.5);
@@ -2601,6 +2759,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-danger:focus, .btn-danger.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #c82333;
+  border-color: #bd2130;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(225, 83, 97, 0.5);
@@ -2635,6 +2796,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-light:focus, .btn-light.focus {
+  color: #212529;
+  background-color: #e2e6ea;
+  border-color: #dae0e5;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(216, 217, 219, 0.5);
@@ -2669,6 +2833,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-dark:focus, .btn-dark.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #23272b;
+  border-color: #1d2124;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(82, 88, 93, 0.5);
@@ -2949,6 +3116,7 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-link {
   font-weight: 400;
   color: #007bff;
+  text-decoration: none;
 .btn-link:hover {
@@ -2958,7 +3126,6 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-link:focus, .btn-link.focus {
   text-decoration: underline;
-  box-shadow: none;
 .btn-link:disabled, .btn-link.disabled {
@@ -2999,7 +3166,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   transition: opacity 0.15s linear;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .fade {
     transition: none;
@@ -3020,7 +3187,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   transition: height 0.35s ease;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .collapsing {
     transition: none;
@@ -3033,6 +3200,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   position: relative;
+.dropdown-toggle {
+  white-space: nowrap;
 .dropdown-toggle::after {
   display: inline-block;
   margin-left: 0.255em;
@@ -3068,49 +3239,25 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
-.dropdown-menu-right {
-  right: 0;
-  left: auto;
- at media (min-width: 576px) {
-  .dropdown-menu-sm-right {
-    right: 0;
-    left: auto;
-  }
- at media (min-width: 768px) {
-  .dropdown-menu-md-right {
-    right: 0;
-    left: auto;
-  }
- at media (min-width: 992px) {
-  .dropdown-menu-lg-right {
-    right: 0;
-    left: auto;
-  }
- at media (min-width: 1200px) {
-  .dropdown-menu-xl-right {
-    right: 0;
-    left: auto;
-  }
 .dropdown-menu-left {
   right: auto;
   left: 0;
+.dropdown-menu-right {
+  right: 0;
+  left: auto;
 @media (min-width: 576px) {
   .dropdown-menu-sm-left {
     right: auto;
     left: 0;
+  .dropdown-menu-sm-right {
+    right: 0;
+    left: auto;
+  }
 @media (min-width: 768px) {
@@ -3118,6 +3265,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     right: auto;
     left: 0;
+  .dropdown-menu-md-right {
+    right: 0;
+    left: auto;
+  }
 @media (min-width: 992px) {
@@ -3125,6 +3276,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     right: auto;
     left: 0;
+  .dropdown-menu-lg-right {
+    right: 0;
+    left: auto;
+  }
 @media (min-width: 1200px) {
@@ -3132,6 +3287,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     right: auto;
     left: 0;
+  .dropdown-menu-xl-right {
+    right: 0;
+    left: auto;
+  }
 .dropup .dropdown-menu {
@@ -3245,20 +3404,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border: 0;
-.dropdown-item:first-child {
-  border-top-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
-  border-top-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
-.dropdown-item:last-child {
-  border-bottom-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
-  border-bottom-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
 .dropdown-item:hover, .dropdown-item:focus {
   color: #16181b;
   text-decoration: none;
-  background-color: #f8f9fa;
+  background-color: #e9ecef;
 .dropdown-item.active, .dropdown-item:active {
@@ -3268,7 +3417,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .dropdown-item.disabled, .dropdown-item:disabled {
-  color: #6c757d;
+  color: #adb5bd;
   pointer-events: none;
   background-color: transparent;
@@ -3438,6 +3587,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
   flex: 1 1 auto;
   width: 1%;
+  min-width: 0;
   margin-bottom: 0;
@@ -3466,12 +3616,6 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   z-index: 4;
-.input-group > .form-control:not(:last-child),
-.input-group > .custom-select:not(:last-child) {
-  border-top-right-radius: 0;
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
 .input-group > .form-control:not(:first-child),
 .input-group > .custom-select:not(:first-child) {
   border-top-left-radius: 0;
@@ -3496,6 +3640,22 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .form-control:not(:last-child),
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .custom-select:not(:last-child),
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .custom-file:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label,
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .custom-file:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label::after {
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+.input-group.has-validation > .form-control:nth-last-child(n + 3),
+.input-group.has-validation > .custom-select:nth-last-child(n + 3),
+.input-group.has-validation > .custom-file:nth-last-child(n + 3) .custom-file-label,
+.input-group.has-validation > .custom-file:nth-last-child(n + 3) .custom-file-label::after {
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
 .input-group-append {
   display: -ms-flexbox;
@@ -3557,7 +3717,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .input-group-lg > .form-control:not(textarea),
 .input-group-lg > .custom-select {
-  height: calc(2.875rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 1rem + 2px);
 .input-group-lg > .form-control,
@@ -3574,7 +3734,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .input-group-sm > .form-control:not(textarea),
 .input-group-sm > .custom-select {
-  height: calc(1.8125rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.5rem + 2px);
 .input-group-sm > .form-control,
@@ -3596,8 +3756,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .input-group > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
 .input-group > .input-group-prepend > .input-group-text,
-.input-group > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .btn,
-.input-group > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .input-group-text,
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .btn,
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .input-group-text,
+.input-group.has-validation > .input-group-append:nth-last-child(n + 3) > .btn,
+.input-group.has-validation > .input-group-append:nth-last-child(n + 3) > .input-group-text,
 .input-group > .input-group-append:last-child > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
 .input-group > .input-group-append:last-child > .input-group-text:not(:last-child) {
   border-top-right-radius: 0;
@@ -3616,9 +3778,12 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-control {
   position: relative;
+  z-index: 1;
   display: block;
   min-height: 1.5rem;
   padding-left: 1.5rem;
+  -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;
+  color-adjust: exact;
 .custom-control-inline {
@@ -3629,7 +3794,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-control-input {
   position: absolute;
+  left: 0;
   z-index: -1;
+  width: 1rem;
+  height: 1.25rem;
   opacity: 0;
@@ -3653,11 +3821,11 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border-color: #b3d7ff;
-.custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label {
+.custom-control-input[disabled] ~ .custom-control-label, .custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label {
   color: #6c757d;
-.custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+.custom-control-input[disabled] ~ .custom-control-label::before, .custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label::before {
   background-color: #e9ecef;
@@ -3688,9 +3856,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   width: 1rem;
   height: 1rem;
   content: "";
-  background-repeat: no-repeat;
-  background-position: center center;
-  background-size: 50% 50%;
+  background: 50% / 50% 50% no-repeat;
 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-label::before {
@@ -3698,7 +3864,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label::after {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%23fff' d='M6.564.75l-3.59 3.612-1.538-1.55L0 4.26 2.974 7.25 8 2.193z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%23fff' d='M6.564.75l-3.59 3.612-1.538-1.55L0 4.26l2.974 2.99L8 2.193z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label::before {
@@ -3707,7 +3873,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label::after {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 4'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23fff' d='M0 2h4'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='4' height='4' viewBox='0 0 4 4'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23fff' d='M0 2h4'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:disabled:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
@@ -3723,7 +3889,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-radio .custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label::after {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='-4 -4 8 8'%3e%3ccircle r='3' fill='%23fff'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='12' height='12' viewBox='-4 -4 8 8'%3e%3ccircle r='3' fill='%23fff'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .custom-radio .custom-control-input:disabled:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
@@ -3753,7 +3919,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   transition: transform 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.15s ease-in-out;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .custom-switch .custom-control-label::after {
     transition: none;
@@ -3772,14 +3938,14 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-select {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(2.25rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
   padding: 0.375rem 1.75rem 0.375rem 0.75rem;
+  font-size: 1rem;
   font-weight: 400;
   line-height: 1.5;
   color: #495057;
   vertical-align: middle;
-  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat right 0.75rem center/8px 10px;
-  background-color: #fff;
+  background: #fff url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='4' height='5' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") right 0.75rem center/8px 10px no-repeat;
   border: 1px solid #ced4da;
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
   -webkit-appearance: none;
@@ -3790,7 +3956,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-select:focus {
   border-color: #80bdff;
   outline: 0;
-  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(128, 189, 255, 0.5);
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.25);
 .custom-select:focus::-ms-value {
@@ -3810,11 +3976,16 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-select::-ms-expand {
-  opacity: 0;
+  display: none;
+.custom-select:-moz-focusring {
+  color: transparent;
+  text-shadow: 0 0 0 #495057;
 .custom-select-sm {
-  height: calc(1.8125rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.5rem + 2px);
   padding-top: 0.25rem;
   padding-bottom: 0.25rem;
   padding-left: 0.5rem;
@@ -3822,7 +3993,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-select-lg {
-  height: calc(2.875rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 1rem + 2px);
   padding-top: 0.5rem;
   padding-bottom: 0.5rem;
   padding-left: 1rem;
@@ -3833,7 +4004,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   position: relative;
   display: inline-block;
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(2.25rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
   margin-bottom: 0;
@@ -3841,8 +4012,9 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   position: relative;
   z-index: 2;
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(2.25rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
   margin: 0;
+  overflow: hidden;
   opacity: 0;
@@ -3851,6 +4023,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.25);
+.custom-file-input[disabled] ~ .custom-file-label,
 .custom-file-input:disabled ~ .custom-file-label {
   background-color: #e9ecef;
@@ -3869,8 +4042,9 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   right: 0;
   left: 0;
   z-index: 1;
-  height: calc(2.25rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
   padding: 0.375rem 0.75rem;
+  overflow: hidden;
   font-weight: 400;
   line-height: 1.5;
   color: #495057;
@@ -3886,7 +4060,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   bottom: 0;
   z-index: 3;
   display: block;
-  height: 2.25rem;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
   padding: 0.375rem 0.75rem;
   line-height: 1.5;
   color: #495057;
@@ -3898,7 +4072,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-range {
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(1rem + 0.4rem);
+  height: 1.4rem;
   padding: 0;
   background-color: transparent;
   -webkit-appearance: none;
@@ -3907,7 +4081,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-range:focus {
-  outline: none;
+  outline: 0;
 .custom-range:focus::-webkit-slider-thumb {
@@ -3933,13 +4107,15 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   background-color: #007bff;
   border: 0;
   border-radius: 1rem;
+  -webkit-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   -webkit-appearance: none;
   appearance: none;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .custom-range::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+    -webkit-transition: none;
     transition: none;
@@ -3964,13 +4140,15 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   background-color: #007bff;
   border: 0;
   border-radius: 1rem;
+  -moz-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   -moz-appearance: none;
   appearance: none;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .custom-range::-moz-range-thumb {
+    -moz-transition: none;
     transition: none;
@@ -3998,12 +4176,14 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   background-color: #007bff;
   border: 0;
   border-radius: 1rem;
+  -ms-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   appearance: none;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .custom-range::-ms-thumb {
+    -ms-transition: none;
     transition: none;
@@ -4059,7 +4239,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .custom-select {
@@ -4096,11 +4276,8 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border-bottom: 1px solid #dee2e6;
-.nav-tabs .nav-item {
-  margin-bottom: -1px;
 .nav-tabs .nav-link {
+  margin-bottom: -1px;
   border: 1px solid transparent;
   border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
   border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
@@ -4139,12 +4316,14 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   background-color: #007bff;
+.nav-fill > .nav-link,
 .nav-fill .nav-item {
   -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
   flex: 1 1 auto;
   text-align: center;
+.nav-justified > .nav-link,
 .nav-justified .nav-item {
   -ms-flex-preferred-size: 0;
   flex-basis: 0;
@@ -4174,8 +4353,8 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
-.navbar > .container,
-.navbar > .container-fluid {
+.navbar .container,
+.navbar .container-fluid, .navbar .container-sm, .navbar .container-md, .navbar .container-lg, .navbar .container-xl {
   display: -ms-flexbox;
   display: flex;
   -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
@@ -4248,23 +4427,23 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   text-decoration: none;
-.navbar-toggler:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
-  cursor: pointer;
 .navbar-toggler-icon {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 1.5em;
   height: 1.5em;
   vertical-align: middle;
   content: "";
-  background: no-repeat center center;
-  background-size: 100% 100%;
+  background: 50% / 100% 100% no-repeat;
+.navbar-nav-scroll {
+  max-height: 75vh;
+  overflow-y: auto;
 @media (max-width: 575.98px) {
   .navbar-expand-sm > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-sm > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-sm > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-md, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-xl {
     padding-right: 0;
     padding-left: 0;
@@ -4289,10 +4468,13 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     padding-left: 0.5rem;
   .navbar-expand-sm > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-sm > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-sm > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-md, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-xl {
     -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
     flex-wrap: nowrap;
+  .navbar-expand-sm .navbar-nav-scroll {
+    overflow: visible;
+  }
   .navbar-expand-sm .navbar-collapse {
     display: -ms-flexbox !important;
     display: flex !important;
@@ -4306,7 +4488,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 @media (max-width: 767.98px) {
   .navbar-expand-md > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-md > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-md > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-md > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-md > .container-md, .navbar-expand-md > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-md > .container-xl {
     padding-right: 0;
     padding-left: 0;
@@ -4331,10 +4513,13 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     padding-left: 0.5rem;
   .navbar-expand-md > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-md > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-md > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-md > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-md > .container-md, .navbar-expand-md > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-md > .container-xl {
     -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
     flex-wrap: nowrap;
+  .navbar-expand-md .navbar-nav-scroll {
+    overflow: visible;
+  }
   .navbar-expand-md .navbar-collapse {
     display: -ms-flexbox !important;
     display: flex !important;
@@ -4348,7 +4533,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 @media (max-width: 991.98px) {
   .navbar-expand-lg > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-lg > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-lg > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-md, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-xl {
     padding-right: 0;
     padding-left: 0;
@@ -4373,10 +4558,13 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     padding-left: 0.5rem;
   .navbar-expand-lg > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-lg > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-lg > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-md, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-xl {
     -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
     flex-wrap: nowrap;
+  .navbar-expand-lg .navbar-nav-scroll {
+    overflow: visible;
+  }
   .navbar-expand-lg .navbar-collapse {
     display: -ms-flexbox !important;
     display: flex !important;
@@ -4390,7 +4578,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 @media (max-width: 1199.98px) {
   .navbar-expand-xl > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-xl > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-xl > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-md, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-xl {
     padding-right: 0;
     padding-left: 0;
@@ -4415,10 +4603,13 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     padding-left: 0.5rem;
   .navbar-expand-xl > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-xl > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-xl > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-md, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-xl {
     -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
     flex-wrap: nowrap;
+  .navbar-expand-xl .navbar-nav-scroll {
+    overflow: visible;
+  }
   .navbar-expand-xl .navbar-collapse {
     display: -ms-flexbox !important;
     display: flex !important;
@@ -4438,7 +4629,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .navbar-expand > .container,
-.navbar-expand > .container-fluid {
+.navbar-expand > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand > .container-sm, .navbar-expand > .container-md, .navbar-expand > .container-lg, .navbar-expand > .container-xl {
   padding-right: 0;
   padding-left: 0;
@@ -4458,11 +4649,15 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .navbar-expand > .container,
-.navbar-expand > .container-fluid {
+.navbar-expand > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand > .container-sm, .navbar-expand > .container-md, .navbar-expand > .container-lg, .navbar-expand > .container-xl {
   -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
   flex-wrap: nowrap;
+.navbar-expand .navbar-nav-scroll {
+  overflow: visible;
 .navbar-expand .navbar-collapse {
   display: -ms-flexbox !important;
   display: flex !important;
@@ -4507,7 +4702,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .navbar-light .navbar-toggler-icon {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg viewBox='0 0 30 30' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3e%3cpath stroke='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='30' height='30' viewBox='0 0 30 30'%3e%3cpath stroke='rgba%280, 0, 0, 0.5%29' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='2' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .navbar-light .navbar-text {
@@ -4555,7 +4750,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .navbar-dark .navbar-toggler-icon {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg viewBox='0 0 30 30' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3e%3cpath stroke='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='30' height='30' viewBox='0 0 30 30'%3e%3cpath stroke='rgba%28255, 255, 255, 0.5%29' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='2' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .navbar-dark .navbar-text {
@@ -4589,19 +4784,32 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   margin-left: 0;
-.card > .list-group:first-child .list-group-item:first-child {
-  border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
-  border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+.card > .list-group {
+  border-top: inherit;
+  border-bottom: inherit;
-.card > .list-group:last-child .list-group-item:last-child {
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+.card > .list-group:first-child {
+  border-top-width: 0;
+  border-top-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
+  border-top-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
+.card > .list-group:last-child {
+  border-bottom-width: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
+  border-bottom-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
+.card > .card-header + .list-group,
+.card > .list-group + .card-footer {
+  border-top: 0;
 .card-body {
   -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
   flex: 1 1 auto;
+  min-height: 1px;
   padding: 1.25rem;
@@ -4629,7 +4837,6 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .card-header {
   padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem;
   margin-bottom: 0;
-  color: inherit;
   background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
   border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
@@ -4638,10 +4845,6 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px) calc(0.25rem - 1px) 0 0;
-.card-header + .list-group .list-group-item:first-child {
-  border-top: 0;
 .card-footer {
   padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem;
   background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
@@ -4671,69 +4874,59 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   bottom: 0;
   left: 0;
   padding: 1.25rem;
+  border-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
-.card-img {
+.card-img-bottom {
+  -ms-flex-negative: 0;
+  flex-shrink: 0;
   width: 100%;
-  border-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
 .card-img-top {
-  width: 100%;
   border-top-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
   border-top-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
 .card-img-bottom {
-  width: 100%;
   border-bottom-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
   border-bottom-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
-.card-deck {
-  display: -ms-flexbox;
-  display: flex;
-  -ms-flex-direction: column;
-  flex-direction: column;
 .card-deck .card {
   margin-bottom: 15px;
 @media (min-width: 576px) {
   .card-deck {
+    display: -ms-flexbox;
+    display: flex;
     -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
     flex-flow: row wrap;
     margin-right: -15px;
     margin-left: -15px;
   .card-deck .card {
-    display: -ms-flexbox;
-    display: flex;
     -ms-flex: 1 0 0%;
     flex: 1 0 0%;
-    -ms-flex-direction: column;
-    flex-direction: column;
     margin-right: 15px;
     margin-bottom: 0;
     margin-left: 15px;
-.card-group {
-  display: -ms-flexbox;
-  display: flex;
-  -ms-flex-direction: column;
-  flex-direction: column;
 .card-group > .card {
   margin-bottom: 15px;
 @media (min-width: 576px) {
   .card-group {
+    display: -ms-flexbox;
+    display: flex;
     -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
     flex-flow: row wrap;
@@ -4746,52 +4939,30 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     margin-left: 0;
     border-left: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:first-child {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:last-child) {
     border-top-right-radius: 0;
     border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:first-child .card-img-top,
-  .card-group > .card:first-child .card-header {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:last-child) .card-img-top,
+  .card-group > .card:not(:last-child) .card-header {
     border-top-right-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:first-child .card-img-bottom,
-  .card-group > .card:first-child .card-footer {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:last-child) .card-img-bottom,
+  .card-group > .card:not(:last-child) .card-footer {
     border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:last-child {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child) {
     border-top-left-radius: 0;
     border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:last-child .card-img-top,
-  .card-group > .card:last-child .card-header {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child) .card-img-top,
+  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child) .card-header {
     border-top-left-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:last-child .card-img-bottom,
-  .card-group > .card:last-child .card-footer {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child) .card-img-bottom,
+  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child) .card-footer {
     border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:only-child {
-    border-radius: 0.25rem;
-  }
-  .card-group > .card:only-child .card-img-top,
-  .card-group > .card:only-child .card-header {
-    border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
-    border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
-  }
-  .card-group > .card:only-child .card-img-bottom,
-  .card-group > .card:only-child .card-footer {
-    border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem;
-    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
-  }
-  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) {
-    border-radius: 0;
-  }
-  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) .card-img-top,
-  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) .card-img-bottom,
-  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) .card-header,
-  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) .card-footer {
-    border-radius: 0;
-  }
 .card-columns .card {
@@ -4815,31 +4986,27 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
-.accordion .card {
-  overflow: hidden;
-.accordion .card:not(:first-of-type) .card-header:first-child {
-  border-radius: 0;
+.accordion {
+  overflow-anchor: none;
-.accordion .card:not(:first-of-type):not(:last-of-type) {
-  border-bottom: 0;
-  border-radius: 0;
+.accordion > .card {
+  overflow: hidden;
-.accordion .card:first-of-type {
+.accordion > .card:not(:last-of-type) {
   border-bottom: 0;
   border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
   border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
-.accordion .card:last-of-type {
+.accordion > .card:not(:first-of-type) {
   border-top-left-radius: 0;
   border-top-right-radius: 0;
-.accordion .card .card-header {
+.accordion > .card > .card-header {
+  border-radius: 0;
   margin-bottom: -1px;
@@ -4860,7 +5027,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .breadcrumb-item + .breadcrumb-item::before {
-  display: inline-block;
+  float: left;
   padding-right: 0.5rem;
   color: #6c757d;
   content: "/";
@@ -4906,15 +5073,11 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .page-link:focus {
-  z-index: 2;
+  z-index: 3;
   outline: 0;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.25);
-.page-link:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
-  cursor: pointer;
 .page-item:first-child .page-link {
   margin-left: 0;
   border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
@@ -4927,7 +5090,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .page-item.active .page-link {
-  z-index: 1;
+  z-index: 3;
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #007bff;
   border-color: #007bff;
@@ -4983,6 +5146,13 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   white-space: nowrap;
   vertical-align: baseline;
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
+  transition: color 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+  .badge {
+    transition: none;
+  }
 a.badge:hover, a.badge:focus {
@@ -5014,6 +5184,11 @@ a.badge-primary:hover, a.badge-primary:focus {
   background-color: #0062cc;
+a.badge-primary:focus, a.badge-primary.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.5);
 .badge-secondary {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #6c757d;
@@ -5024,6 +5199,11 @@ a.badge-secondary:hover, a.badge-secondary:focus {
   background-color: #545b62;
+a.badge-secondary:focus, a.badge-secondary.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(108, 117, 125, 0.5);
 .badge-success {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #28a745;
@@ -5034,6 +5214,11 @@ a.badge-success:hover, a.badge-success:focus {
   background-color: #1e7e34;
+a.badge-success:focus, a.badge-success.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.5);
 .badge-info {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #17a2b8;
@@ -5044,6 +5229,11 @@ a.badge-info:hover, a.badge-info:focus {
   background-color: #117a8b;
+a.badge-info:focus, a.badge-info.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(23, 162, 184, 0.5);
 .badge-warning {
   color: #212529;
   background-color: #ffc107;
@@ -5054,6 +5244,11 @@ a.badge-warning:hover, a.badge-warning:focus {
   background-color: #d39e00;
+a.badge-warning:focus, a.badge-warning.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(255, 193, 7, 0.5);
 .badge-danger {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #dc3545;
@@ -5064,6 +5259,11 @@ a.badge-danger:hover, a.badge-danger:focus {
   background-color: #bd2130;
+a.badge-danger:focus, a.badge-danger.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.5);
 .badge-light {
   color: #212529;
   background-color: #f8f9fa;
@@ -5074,6 +5274,11 @@ a.badge-light:hover, a.badge-light:focus {
   background-color: #dae0e5;
+a.badge-light:focus, a.badge-light.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(248, 249, 250, 0.5);
 .badge-dark {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #343a40;
@@ -5084,6 +5289,11 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   background-color: #1d2124;
+a.badge-dark:focus, a.badge-dark.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(52, 58, 64, 0.5);
 .jumbotron {
   padding: 2rem 1rem;
   margin-bottom: 2rem;
@@ -5127,6 +5337,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   position: absolute;
   top: 0;
   right: 0;
+  z-index: 2;
   padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem;
   color: inherit;
@@ -5266,6 +5477,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   display: flex;
   height: 1rem;
   overflow: hidden;
+  line-height: 0;
   font-size: 0.75rem;
   background-color: #e9ecef;
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
@@ -5278,6 +5490,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   flex-direction: column;
   -ms-flex-pack: center;
   justify-content: center;
+  overflow: hidden;
   color: #fff;
   text-align: center;
   white-space: nowrap;
@@ -5285,7 +5498,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   transition: width 0.6s ease;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .progress-bar {
     transition: none;
@@ -5297,8 +5510,15 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
 .progress-bar-animated {
-  -webkit-animation: progress-bar-stripes 1s linear infinite;
-  animation: progress-bar-stripes 1s linear infinite;
+  -webkit-animation: 1s linear infinite progress-bar-stripes;
+  animation: 1s linear infinite progress-bar-stripes;
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+  .progress-bar-animated {
+    -webkit-animation: none;
+    animation: none;
+  }
 .media {
@@ -5320,6 +5540,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   flex-direction: column;
   padding-left: 0;
   margin-bottom: 0;
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
 .list-group-item-action {
@@ -5329,6 +5550,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
 .list-group-item-action:hover, .list-group-item-action:focus {
+  z-index: 1;
   color: #495057;
   text-decoration: none;
   background-color: #f8f9fa;
@@ -5343,25 +5565,18 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   position: relative;
   display: block;
   padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem;
-  margin-bottom: -1px;
   background-color: #fff;
   border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
 .list-group-item:first-child {
-  border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
-  border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+  border-top-left-radius: inherit;
+  border-top-right-radius: inherit;
 .list-group-item:last-child {
-  margin-bottom: 0;
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
-.list-group-item:hover, .list-group-item:focus {
-  z-index: 1;
-  text-decoration: none;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: inherit;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: inherit;
 .list-group-item.disabled, .list-group-item:disabled {
@@ -5377,23 +5592,158 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   border-color: #007bff;
-.list-group-flush .list-group-item {
-  border-right: 0;
-  border-left: 0;
-  border-radius: 0;
+.list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+  border-top-width: 0;
-.list-group-flush .list-group-item:last-child {
-  margin-bottom: -1px;
+.list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+  margin-top: -1px;
+  border-top-width: 1px;
-.list-group-flush:first-child .list-group-item:first-child {
-  border-top: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal {
+  -ms-flex-direction: row;
+  flex-direction: row;
-.list-group-flush:last-child .list-group-item:last-child {
-  margin-bottom: 0;
-  border-bottom: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal > .list-group-item:first-child {
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal > .list-group-item:last-child {
+  border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal > .list-group-item.active {
+  margin-top: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal > .list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+  border-top-width: 1px;
+  border-left-width: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal > .list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+  margin-left: -1px;
+  border-left-width: 1px;
+ at media (min-width: 576px) {
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm {
+    -ms-flex-direction: row;
+    flex-direction: row;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm > .list-group-item:first-child {
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm > .list-group-item:last-child {
+    border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm > .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-top: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm > .list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+    border-top-width: 1px;
+    border-left-width: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm > .list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-left: -1px;
+    border-left-width: 1px;
+  }
+ at media (min-width: 768px) {
+  .list-group-horizontal-md {
+    -ms-flex-direction: row;
+    flex-direction: row;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-md > .list-group-item:first-child {
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-md > .list-group-item:last-child {
+    border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-md > .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-top: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-md > .list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+    border-top-width: 1px;
+    border-left-width: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-md > .list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-left: -1px;
+    border-left-width: 1px;
+  }
+ at media (min-width: 992px) {
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg {
+    -ms-flex-direction: row;
+    flex-direction: row;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg > .list-group-item:first-child {
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg > .list-group-item:last-child {
+    border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg > .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-top: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg > .list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+    border-top-width: 1px;
+    border-left-width: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg > .list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-left: -1px;
+    border-left-width: 1px;
+  }
+ at media (min-width: 1200px) {
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl {
+    -ms-flex-direction: row;
+    flex-direction: row;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl > .list-group-item:first-child {
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl > .list-group-item:last-child {
+    border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl > .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-top: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl > .list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+    border-top-width: 1px;
+    border-left-width: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl > .list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-left: -1px;
+    border-left-width: 1px;
+  }
+.list-group-flush {
+  border-radius: 0;
+.list-group-flush > .list-group-item {
+  border-width: 0 0 1px;
+.list-group-flush > .list-group-item:last-child {
+  border-bottom-width: 0;
 .list-group-item-primary {
@@ -5539,10 +5889,6 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   text-decoration: none;
-.close:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
-  cursor: pointer;
 .close:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):hover, .close:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):focus {
   opacity: .75;
@@ -5551,9 +5897,6 @@ button.close {
   padding: 0;
   background-color: transparent;
   border: 0;
-  -webkit-appearance: none;
-  -moz-appearance: none;
-  appearance: none;
 a.close.disabled {
@@ -5561,17 +5904,16 @@ a.close.disabled {
 .toast {
+  -ms-flex-preferred-size: 350px;
+  flex-basis: 350px;
   max-width: 350px;
-  overflow: hidden;
   font-size: 0.875rem;
   background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);
   background-clip: padding-box;
   border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
-  border-radius: 0.25rem;
   box-shadow: 0 0.25rem 0.75rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
-  -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
-  backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
   opacity: 0;
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
 .toast:not(:last-child) {
@@ -5601,6 +5943,8 @@ a.close.disabled {
   background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);
   background-clip: padding-box;
   border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
+  border-top-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
+  border-top-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
 .toast-body {
@@ -5643,7 +5987,7 @@ a.close.disabled {
   transform: translate(0, -50px);
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .modal.fade .modal-dialog {
     transition: none;
@@ -5654,20 +5998,65 @@ a.close.disabled {
   transform: none;
+.modal.modal-static .modal-dialog {
+  -webkit-transform: scale(1.02);
+  transform: scale(1.02);
+.modal-dialog-scrollable {
+  display: -ms-flexbox;
+  display: flex;
+  max-height: calc(100% - 1rem);
+.modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-content {
+  max-height: calc(100vh - 1rem);
+  overflow: hidden;
+.modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-header,
+.modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-footer {
+  -ms-flex-negative: 0;
+  flex-shrink: 0;
+.modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-body {
+  overflow-y: auto;
 .modal-dialog-centered {
   display: -ms-flexbox;
   display: flex;
   -ms-flex-align: center;
   align-items: center;
-  min-height: calc(100% - (0.5rem * 2));
+  min-height: calc(100% - 1rem);
 .modal-dialog-centered::before {
   display: block;
-  height: calc(100vh - (0.5rem * 2));
+  height: calc(100vh - 1rem);
+  height: -webkit-min-content;
+  height: -moz-min-content;
+  height: min-content;
   content: "";
+.modal-dialog-centered.modal-dialog-scrollable {
+  -ms-flex-direction: column;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  -ms-flex-pack: center;
+  justify-content: center;
+  height: 100%;
+.modal-dialog-centered.modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-content {
+  max-height: none;
+.modal-dialog-centered.modal-dialog-scrollable::before {
+  content: none;
 .modal-content {
   position: relative;
   display: -ms-flexbox;
@@ -5709,9 +6098,9 @@ a.close.disabled {
   -ms-flex-pack: justify;
   justify-content: space-between;
   padding: 1rem 1rem;
-  border-bottom: 1px solid #e9ecef;
-  border-top-left-radius: 0.3rem;
-  border-top-right-radius: 0.3rem;
+  border-bottom: 1px solid #dee2e6;
+  border-top-left-radius: calc(0.3rem - 1px);
+  border-top-right-radius: calc(0.3rem - 1px);
 .modal-header .close {
@@ -5734,22 +6123,20 @@ a.close.disabled {
 .modal-footer {
   display: -ms-flexbox;
   display: flex;
+  -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
+  flex-wrap: wrap;
   -ms-flex-align: center;
   align-items: center;
   -ms-flex-pack: end;
   justify-content: flex-end;
-  padding: 1rem;
-  border-top: 1px solid #e9ecef;
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: 0.3rem;
-.modal-footer > :not(:first-child) {
-  margin-left: .25rem;
+  padding: 0.75rem;
+  border-top: 1px solid #dee2e6;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: calc(0.3rem - 1px);
+  border-bottom-left-radius: calc(0.3rem - 1px);
-.modal-footer > :not(:last-child) {
-  margin-right: .25rem;
+.modal-footer > * {
+  margin: 0.25rem;
 .modal-scrollbar-measure {
@@ -5765,11 +6152,20 @@ a.close.disabled {
     max-width: 500px;
     margin: 1.75rem auto;
+  .modal-dialog-scrollable {
+    max-height: calc(100% - 3.5rem);
+  }
+  .modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-content {
+    max-height: calc(100vh - 3.5rem);
+  }
   .modal-dialog-centered {
-    min-height: calc(100% - (1.75rem * 2));
+    min-height: calc(100% - 3.5rem);
   .modal-dialog-centered::before {
-    height: calc(100vh - (1.75rem * 2));
+    height: calc(100vh - 3.5rem);
+    height: -webkit-min-content;
+    height: -moz-min-content;
+    height: min-content;
   .modal-sm {
     max-width: 300px;
@@ -5794,7 +6190,7 @@ a.close.disabled {
   z-index: 1070;
   display: block;
   margin: 0;
-  font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
+  font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", "Liberation Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
   font-style: normal;
   font-weight: 400;
   line-height: 1.5;
@@ -5907,7 +6303,7 @@ a.close.disabled {
   z-index: 1060;
   display: block;
   max-width: 276px;
-  font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
+  font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", "Liberation Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji";
   font-style: normal;
   font-weight: 400;
   line-height: 1.5;
@@ -5949,25 +6345,19 @@ a.close.disabled {
   margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
-.bs-popover-top .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] .arrow {
-  bottom: calc((0.5rem + 1px) * -1);
-.bs-popover-top .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] .arrow::before,
-.bs-popover-top .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] .arrow::after {
-  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
+.bs-popover-top > .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] > .arrow {
+  bottom: calc(-0.5rem - 1px);
-.bs-popover-top .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] .arrow::before {
+.bs-popover-top > .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] > .arrow::before {
   bottom: 0;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
   border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
-.bs-popover-top .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] .arrow::after {
+.bs-popover-top > .arrow::after, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] > .arrow::after {
   bottom: 1px;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
   border-top-color: #fff;
@@ -5975,28 +6365,22 @@ a.close.disabled {
   margin-left: 0.5rem;
-.bs-popover-right .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] .arrow {
-  left: calc((0.5rem + 1px) * -1);
+.bs-popover-right > .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] > .arrow {
+  left: calc(-0.5rem - 1px);
   width: 0.5rem;
   height: 1rem;
   margin: 0.3rem 0;
-.bs-popover-right .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] .arrow::before,
-.bs-popover-right .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] .arrow::after {
-  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
-.bs-popover-right .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] .arrow::before {
+.bs-popover-right > .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] > .arrow::before {
   left: 0;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
   border-right-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
-.bs-popover-right .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] .arrow::after {
+.bs-popover-right > .arrow::after, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] > .arrow::after {
   left: 1px;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
   border-right-color: #fff;
@@ -6004,25 +6388,19 @@ a.close.disabled {
   margin-top: 0.5rem;
-.bs-popover-bottom .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .arrow {
-  top: calc((0.5rem + 1px) * -1);
-.bs-popover-bottom .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .arrow::before,
-.bs-popover-bottom .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .arrow::after {
-  border-width: 0 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem;
+.bs-popover-bottom > .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] > .arrow {
+  top: calc(-0.5rem - 1px);
-.bs-popover-bottom .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .arrow::before {
+.bs-popover-bottom > .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] > .arrow::before {
   top: 0;
+  border-width: 0 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem;
   border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
-.bs-popover-bottom .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .arrow::after {
+.bs-popover-bottom > .arrow::after, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] > .arrow::after {
   top: 1px;
+  border-width: 0 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem;
   border-bottom-color: #fff;
@@ -6041,28 +6419,22 @@ a.close.disabled {
   margin-right: 0.5rem;
-.bs-popover-left .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] .arrow {
-  right: calc((0.5rem + 1px) * -1);
+.bs-popover-left > .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] > .arrow {
+  right: calc(-0.5rem - 1px);
   width: 0.5rem;
   height: 1rem;
   margin: 0.3rem 0;
-.bs-popover-left .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] .arrow::before,
-.bs-popover-left .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] .arrow::after {
-  border-width: 0.5rem 0 0.5rem 0.5rem;
-.bs-popover-left .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] .arrow::before {
+.bs-popover-left > .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] > .arrow::before {
   right: 0;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0 0.5rem 0.5rem;
   border-left-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
-.bs-popover-left .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] .arrow::after {
+.bs-popover-left > .arrow::after, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] > .arrow::after {
   right: 1px;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0 0.5rem 0.5rem;
   border-left-color: #fff;
@@ -6070,7 +6442,6 @@ a.close.disabled {
   padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem;
   margin-bottom: 0;
   font-size: 1rem;
-  color: inherit;
   background-color: #f7f7f7;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #ebebeb;
   border-top-left-radius: calc(0.3rem - 1px);
@@ -6120,7 +6491,7 @@ a.close.disabled {
   transition: transform 0.6s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .carousel-item {
     transition: none;
@@ -6162,10 +6533,10 @@ a.close.disabled {
 .carousel-fade .active.carousel-item-right {
   z-index: 0;
   opacity: 0;
-  transition: 0s 0.6s opacity;
+  transition: opacity 0s 0.6s;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .carousel-fade .active.carousel-item-left,
   .carousel-fade .active.carousel-item-right {
     transition: none;
@@ -6185,13 +6556,16 @@ a.close.disabled {
   -ms-flex-pack: center;
   justify-content: center;
   width: 15%;
+  padding: 0;
   color: #fff;
   text-align: center;
+  background: none;
+  border: 0;
   opacity: 0.5;
   transition: opacity 0.15s ease;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .carousel-control-next {
     transition: none;
@@ -6220,16 +6594,15 @@ a.close.disabled {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 20px;
   height: 20px;
-  background: transparent no-repeat center center;
-  background-size: 100% 100%;
+  background: 50% / 100% 100% no-repeat;
 .carousel-control-prev-icon {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23fff' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath d='M5.25 0l-4 4 4 4 1.5-1.5-2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5-1.5-1.5z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23fff' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath d='M5.25 0l-4 4 4 4 1.5-1.5L4.25 4l2.5-2.5L5.25 0z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .carousel-control-next-icon {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23fff' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath d='M2.75 0l-1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 4-4-4-4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23fff' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath d='M2.75 0l-1.5 1.5L3.75 4l-2.5 2.5L2.75 8l4-4-4-4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .carousel-indicators {
@@ -6266,7 +6639,7 @@ a.close.disabled {
   transition: opacity 0.6s ease;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .carousel-indicators li {
     transition: none;
@@ -6306,12 +6679,12 @@ a.close.disabled {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 2rem;
   height: 2rem;
-  vertical-align: text-bottom;
+  vertical-align: -0.125em;
   border: 0.25em solid currentColor;
   border-right-color: transparent;
   border-radius: 50%;
-  -webkit-animation: spinner-border .75s linear infinite;
-  animation: spinner-border .75s linear infinite;
+  -webkit-animation: .75s linear infinite spinner-border;
+  animation: .75s linear infinite spinner-border;
 .spinner-border-sm {
@@ -6327,6 +6700,8 @@ a.close.disabled {
   50% {
     opacity: 1;
+    -webkit-transform: none;
+    transform: none;
@@ -6337,6 +6712,8 @@ a.close.disabled {
   50% {
     opacity: 1;
+    -webkit-transform: none;
+    transform: none;
@@ -6344,12 +6721,12 @@ a.close.disabled {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 2rem;
   height: 2rem;
-  vertical-align: text-bottom;
+  vertical-align: -0.125em;
   background-color: currentColor;
   border-radius: 50%;
   opacity: 0;
-  -webkit-animation: spinner-grow .75s linear infinite;
-  animation: spinner-grow .75s linear infinite;
+  -webkit-animation: .75s linear infinite spinner-grow;
+  animation: .75s linear infinite spinner-grow;
 .spinner-grow-sm {
@@ -6357,6 +6734,14 @@ a.close.disabled {
   height: 1rem;
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+  .spinner-border,
+  .spinner-grow {
+    -webkit-animation-duration: 1.5s;
+    animation-duration: 1.5s;
+  }
 .align-baseline {
   vertical-align: baseline !important;
@@ -6545,6 +6930,10 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
   border-color: #fff !important;
+.rounded-sm {
+  border-radius: 0.2rem !important;
 .rounded {
   border-radius: 0.25rem !important;
@@ -6569,6 +6958,10 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
   border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem !important;
+.rounded-lg {
+  border-radius: 0.3rem !important;
 .rounded-circle {
   border-radius: 50% !important;
@@ -6820,8 +7213,8 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
   padding-top: 56.25%;
-.embed-responsive-3by4::before {
-  padding-top: 133.333333%;
+.embed-responsive-4by3::before {
+  padding-top: 75%;
 .embed-responsive-1by1::before {
@@ -7614,6 +8007,26 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
+.user-select-all {
+  -webkit-user-select: all !important;
+  -moz-user-select: all !important;
+  user-select: all !important;
+.user-select-auto {
+  -webkit-user-select: auto !important;
+  -moz-user-select: auto !important;
+  -ms-user-select: auto !important;
+  user-select: auto !important;
+.user-select-none {
+  -webkit-user-select: none !important;
+  -moz-user-select: none !important;
+  -ms-user-select: none !important;
+  user-select: none !important;
 .overflow-auto {
   overflow: auto !important;
@@ -7673,6 +8086,7 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
   width: 1px;
   height: 1px;
   padding: 0;
+  margin: -1px;
   overflow: hidden;
   clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
   white-space: nowrap;
@@ -9580,8 +9994,20 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
+.stretched-link::after {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0;
+  right: 0;
+  bottom: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  z-index: 1;
+  pointer-events: auto;
+  content: "";
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
 .text-monospace {
-  font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace;
+  font-family: SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace !important;
 .text-justify {
@@ -9794,6 +10220,11 @@ a.text-dark:hover, a.text-dark:focus {
   text-decoration: none !important;
+.text-break {
+  word-break: break-word !important;
+  word-wrap: break-word !important;
 .text-reset {
   color: inherit !important;
@@ -9827,9 +10258,6 @@ a.text-dark:hover, a.text-dark:focus {
     border: 1px solid #adb5bd;
     page-break-inside: avoid;
-  thead {
-    display: table-header-group;
-  }
   img {
     page-break-inside: avoid;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/postcss.config.js b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/postcss.config.js
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/postcss.config.js
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/postcss.config.js
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_alert.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_alert.scss
similarity index 98%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_alert.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_alert.scss
index da2a98af94..4aa1fc2039 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_alert.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_alert.scss
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
     position: absolute;
     top: 0;
     right: 0;
+    z-index: 2;
     padding: $alert-padding-y $alert-padding-x;
     color: inherit;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_badge.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_badge.scss
similarity index 90%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_badge.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_badge.scss
index bdbe4b9cc8..42c5d08d74 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_badge.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_badge.scss
@@ -6,16 +6,17 @@
 .badge {
   display: inline-block;
   padding: $badge-padding-y $badge-padding-x;
-  font-size: $badge-font-size;
+  @include font-size($badge-font-size);
   font-weight: $badge-font-weight;
   line-height: 1;
   text-align: center;
   white-space: nowrap;
   vertical-align: baseline;
   @include border-radius($badge-border-radius);
+  @include transition($badge-transition);
   @at-root a#{&} {
-    @include hover-focus {
+    @include hover-focus() {
       text-decoration: none;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_breadcrumb.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_breadcrumb.scss
similarity index 86%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_breadcrumb.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_breadcrumb.scss
index be30950690..9c204c7d55 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_breadcrumb.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_breadcrumb.scss
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
   flex-wrap: wrap;
   padding: $breadcrumb-padding-y $breadcrumb-padding-x;
   margin-bottom: $breadcrumb-margin-bottom;
+  @include font-size($breadcrumb-font-size);
   list-style: none;
   background-color: $breadcrumb-bg;
   @include border-radius($breadcrumb-border-radius);
@@ -14,10 +15,10 @@
     padding-left: $breadcrumb-item-padding;
     &::before {
-      display: inline-block; // Suppress underlining of the separator in modern browsers
+      float: left; // Suppress inline spacings and underlining of the separator
       padding-right: $breadcrumb-item-padding;
       color: $breadcrumb-divider-color;
-      content: $breadcrumb-divider;
+      content: escape-svg($breadcrumb-divider);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_button-group.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_button-group.scss
similarity index 99%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_button-group.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_button-group.scss
index d7220029ad..da02d7931b 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_button-group.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_button-group.scss
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
     // Bring the hover, focused, and "active" buttons to the front to overlay
     // the borders properly
-    @include hover {
+    @include hover() {
       z-index: 1;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_buttons.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_buttons.scss
similarity index 83%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_buttons.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_buttons.scss
index 7c45534e00..6ee24ba1fc 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_buttons.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_buttons.scss
@@ -6,9 +6,12 @@
 .btn {
   display: inline-block;
+  font-family: $btn-font-family;
   font-weight: $btn-font-weight;
   color: $body-color;
   text-align: center;
+  text-decoration: if($link-decoration == none, null, none);
+  white-space: $btn-white-space;
   vertical-align: middle;
   user-select: none;
   background-color: transparent;
@@ -16,7 +19,7 @@
   @include button-size($btn-padding-y, $btn-padding-x, $btn-font-size, $btn-line-height, $btn-border-radius);
   @include transition($btn-transition);
-  @include hover {
+  @include hover() {
     color: $body-color;
     text-decoration: none;
@@ -34,17 +37,16 @@
     @include box-shadow(none);
-  // Opinionated: add "hand" cursor to non-disabled .btn elements
   &:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
-    cursor: pointer;
-  }
+    cursor: if($enable-pointer-cursor-for-buttons, pointer, null);
-  &:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):active,
-  &:not(:disabled):not(.disabled).active {
-    @include box-shadow($btn-active-box-shadow);
+    &:active,
+    &.active {
+      @include box-shadow($btn-active-box-shadow);
-    &:focus {
-      @include box-shadow($btn-focus-box-shadow, $btn-active-box-shadow);
+      &:focus {
+        @include box-shadow($btn-focus-box-shadow, $btn-active-box-shadow);
+      }
@@ -81,8 +83,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-link {
   font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
   color: $link-color;
+  text-decoration: $link-decoration;
-  @include hover {
+  @include hover() {
     color: $link-hover-color;
     text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration;
@@ -90,7 +93,6 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
   &.focus {
     text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration;
-    box-shadow: none;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_card.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_card.scss
similarity index 68%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_card.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_card.scss
index 377bec0f1a..a974163f82 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_card.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_card.scss
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@
   position: relative;
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: column;
-  min-width: 0;
+  min-width: 0; // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/22740#issuecomment-305868106
+  height: $card-height;
   word-wrap: break-word;
   background-color: $card-bg;
   background-clip: border-box;
@@ -18,24 +19,38 @@
     margin-left: 0;
-  > .list-group:first-child {
-    .list-group-item:first-child {
-      @include border-top-radius($card-border-radius);
+  > .list-group {
+    border-top: inherit;
+    border-bottom: inherit;
+    &:first-child {
+      border-top-width: 0;
+      @include border-top-radius($card-inner-border-radius);
-  }
-  > .list-group:last-child {
-    .list-group-item:last-child {
-      @include border-bottom-radius($card-border-radius);
+    &:last-child  {
+      border-bottom-width: 0;
+      @include border-bottom-radius($card-inner-border-radius);
+  // Due to specificity of the above selector (`.card > .list-group`), we must
+  // use a child selector here to prevent double borders.
+  > .card-header + .list-group,
+  > .list-group + .card-footer {
+    border-top: 0;
+  }
 .card-body {
   // Enable `flex-grow: 1` for decks and groups so that card blocks take up
   // as much space as possible, ensuring footers are aligned to the bottom.
   flex: 1 1 auto;
+  // Workaround for the image size bug in IE
+  // See: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/28855
+  min-height: 1px;
   padding: $card-spacer-x;
+  color: $card-color;
 .card-title {
@@ -43,7 +58,7 @@
 .card-subtitle {
-  margin-top: -$card-spacer-y / 2;
+  margin-top: -$card-spacer-y * .5;
   margin-bottom: 0;
@@ -52,7 +67,7 @@
 .card-link {
-  @include hover {
+  @include hover() {
     text-decoration: none;
@@ -75,16 +90,11 @@
   &:first-child {
     @include border-radius($card-inner-border-radius $card-inner-border-radius 0 0);
-  + .list-group {
-    .list-group-item:first-child {
-      border-top: 0;
-    }
-  }
 .card-footer {
   padding: $card-spacer-y $card-spacer-x;
+  color: $card-cap-color;
   background-color: $card-cap-bg;
   border-top: $card-border-width solid $card-border-color;
@@ -99,15 +109,15 @@
 .card-header-tabs {
-  margin-right: -$card-spacer-x / 2;
+  margin-right: -$card-spacer-x * .5;
   margin-bottom: -$card-spacer-y;
-  margin-left: -$card-spacer-x / 2;
+  margin-left: -$card-spacer-x * .5;
   border-bottom: 0;
 .card-header-pills {
-  margin-right: -$card-spacer-x / 2;
-  margin-left: -$card-spacer-x / 2;
+  margin-right: -$card-spacer-x * .5;
+  margin-left: -$card-spacer-x * .5;
 // Card image
@@ -118,21 +128,23 @@
   bottom: 0;
   left: 0;
   padding: $card-img-overlay-padding;
+  @include border-radius($card-inner-border-radius);
-.card-img {
+.card-img-bottom {
+  flex-shrink: 0; // For IE: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/29396
   width: 100%; // Required because we use flexbox and this inherently applies align-self: stretch
-  @include border-radius($card-inner-border-radius);
-// Card image caps
 .card-img-top {
-  width: 100%; // Required because we use flexbox and this inherently applies align-self: stretch
   @include border-top-radius($card-inner-border-radius);
 .card-img-bottom {
-  width: 100%; // Required because we use flexbox and this inherently applies align-self: stretch
   @include border-bottom-radius($card-inner-border-radius);
@@ -140,23 +152,19 @@
 // Card deck
 .card-deck {
-  display: flex;
-  flex-direction: column;
   .card {
     margin-bottom: $card-deck-margin;
   @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
+    display: flex;
     flex-flow: row wrap;
     margin-right: -$card-deck-margin;
     margin-left: -$card-deck-margin;
     .card {
-      display: flex;
       // Flexbugs #4: https://github.com/philipwalton/flexbugs#flexbug-4
       flex: 1 0 0%;
-      flex-direction: column;
       margin-right: $card-deck-margin;
       margin-bottom: 0; // Override the default
       margin-left: $card-deck-margin;
@@ -170,9 +178,6 @@
 .card-group {
-  display: flex;
-  flex-direction: column;
   // The child selector allows nested `.card` within `.card-group`
   // to display properly.
   > .card {
@@ -180,6 +185,7 @@
   @include media-breakpoint-up(sm) {
+    display: flex;
     flex-flow: row wrap;
     // The child selector allows nested `.card` within `.card-group`
     // to display properly.
@@ -195,55 +201,35 @@
       // Handle rounded corners
       @if $enable-rounded {
-        &:first-child {
+        &:not(:last-child) {
           @include border-right-radius(0);
           .card-header {
+            // stylelint-disable-next-line property-disallowed-list
             border-top-right-radius: 0;
           .card-footer {
+            // stylelint-disable-next-line property-disallowed-list
             border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
-        &:last-child {
+        &:not(:first-child) {
           @include border-left-radius(0);
           .card-header {
+            // stylelint-disable-next-line property-disallowed-list
             border-top-left-radius: 0;
           .card-footer {
+            // stylelint-disable-next-line property-disallowed-list
             border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
-        &:only-child {
-          @include border-radius($card-border-radius);
-          .card-img-top,
-          .card-header {
-            @include border-top-radius($card-border-radius);
-          }
-          .card-img-bottom,
-          .card-footer {
-            @include border-bottom-radius($card-border-radius);
-          }
-        }
-        &:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) {
-          @include border-radius(0);
-          .card-img-top,
-          .card-img-bottom,
-          .card-header,
-          .card-footer {
-            @include border-radius(0);
-          }
-        }
@@ -278,32 +264,22 @@
 .accordion {
-  .card {
-    overflow: hidden;
-    &:not(:first-of-type) {
-      .card-header:first-child {
-        border-radius: 0;
-      }
+  overflow-anchor: none;
-      &:not(:last-of-type) {
-        border-bottom: 0;
-        border-radius: 0;
-      }
-    }
+  > .card {
+    overflow: hidden;
-    &:first-of-type {
+    &:not(:last-of-type) {
       border-bottom: 0;
-      border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
-      border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+      @include border-bottom-radius(0);
-    &:last-of-type {
-      border-top-left-radius: 0;
-      border-top-right-radius: 0;
+    &:not(:first-of-type) {
+      @include border-top-radius(0);
-    .card-header {
+    > .card-header {
+      @include border-radius(0);
       margin-bottom: -$card-border-width;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_carousel.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_carousel.scss
similarity index 88%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_carousel.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_carousel.scss
index 8e6639ac07..25aaf5873f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_carousel.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_carousel.scss
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
   .active.carousel-item-right {
     z-index: 0;
     opacity: 0;
-    @include transition(0s $carousel-transition-duration opacity);
+    @include transition(opacity 0s $carousel-transition-duration);
@@ -95,13 +95,16 @@
   align-items: center; // 2. vertically center contents
   justify-content: center; // 3. horizontally center contents
   width: $carousel-control-width;
+  padding: 0;
   color: $carousel-control-color;
   text-align: center;
+  background: none;
+  border: 0;
   opacity: $carousel-control-opacity;
   @include transition($carousel-control-transition);
   // Hover/focus state
-  @include hover-focus {
+  @include hover-focus() {
     color: $carousel-control-color;
     text-decoration: none;
     outline: 0;
@@ -111,13 +114,13 @@
 .carousel-control-prev {
   left: 0;
   @if $enable-gradients {
-    background: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($black, .25), rgba($black, .001));
+    background-image: linear-gradient(90deg, rgba($black, .25), rgba($black, .001));
 .carousel-control-next {
   right: 0;
   @if $enable-gradients {
-    background: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba($black, .25), rgba($black, .001));
+    background-image: linear-gradient(270deg, rgba($black, .25), rgba($black, .001));
@@ -127,14 +130,13 @@
   display: inline-block;
   width: $carousel-control-icon-width;
   height: $carousel-control-icon-width;
-  background: transparent no-repeat center center;
-  background-size: 100% 100%;
+  background: 50% / 100% 100% no-repeat;
 .carousel-control-prev-icon {
-  background-image: $carousel-control-prev-icon-bg;
+  background-image: escape-svg($carousel-control-prev-icon-bg);
 .carousel-control-next-icon {
-  background-image: $carousel-control-next-icon-bg;
+  background-image: escape-svg($carousel-control-next-icon-bg);
@@ -187,9 +189,9 @@
 .carousel-caption {
   position: absolute;
-  right: (100% - $carousel-caption-width) / 2;
+  right: (100% - $carousel-caption-width) * .5;
   bottom: 20px;
-  left: (100% - $carousel-caption-width) / 2;
+  left: (100% - $carousel-caption-width) * .5;
   z-index: 10;
   padding-top: 20px;
   padding-bottom: 20px;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_close.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_close.scss
similarity index 81%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_close.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_close.scss
index 821922f4c4..82e9593ef1 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_close.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_close.scss
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 .close {
   float: right;
-  font-size: $close-font-size;
+  @include font-size($close-font-size);
   font-weight: $close-font-weight;
   line-height: 1;
   color: $close-color;
@@ -8,18 +8,15 @@
   opacity: .5;
   // Override <a>'s hover style
-  @include hover {
+  @include hover() {
     color: $close-color;
     text-decoration: none;
   &:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
-    @include hover-focus {
+    @include hover-focus() {
       opacity: .75;
-    // Opinionated: add "hand" cursor to non-disabled .close elements
-    cursor: pointer;
@@ -33,7 +30,6 @@ button.close {
   padding: 0;
   background-color: transparent;
   border: 0;
-  appearance: none;
 // Future-proof disabling of clicks on `<a>` elements
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_code.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_code.scss
similarity index 79%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_code.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_code.scss
index 9b2e027f40..4bc117a96d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_code.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_code.scss
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 // Inline code
 code {
-  font-size: $code-font-size;
+  @include font-size($code-font-size);
   color: $code-color;
-  word-break: break-word;
+  word-wrap: break-word;
   // Streamline the style when inside anchors to avoid broken underline and more
   a > & {
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ code {
 // User input typically entered via keyboard
 kbd {
   padding: $kbd-padding-y $kbd-padding-x;
-  font-size: $kbd-font-size;
+  @include font-size($kbd-font-size);
   color: $kbd-color;
   background-color: $kbd-bg;
   @include border-radius($border-radius-sm);
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ kbd {
   kbd {
     padding: 0;
-    font-size: 100%;
+    @include font-size(100%);
     font-weight: $nested-kbd-font-weight;
     @include box-shadow(none);
@@ -30,12 +30,12 @@ kbd {
 // Blocks of code
 pre {
   display: block;
-  font-size: $code-font-size;
+  @include font-size($code-font-size);
   color: $pre-color;
   // Account for some code outputs that place code tags in pre tags
   code {
-    font-size: inherit;
+    @include font-size(inherit);
     color: inherit;
     word-break: normal;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_custom-forms.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_custom-forms.scss
similarity index 83%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_custom-forms.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_custom-forms.scss
index e6bf7ad6f5..b3db8c48fa 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_custom-forms.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_custom-forms.scss
@@ -9,9 +9,11 @@
 .custom-control {
   position: relative;
+  z-index: 1;
   display: block;
   min-height: $font-size-base * $line-height-base;
   padding-left: $custom-control-gutter + $custom-control-indicator-size;
+  color-adjust: exact; // Keep themed appearance for print
 .custom-control-inline {
@@ -21,7 +23,10 @@
 .custom-control-input {
   position: absolute;
+  left: 0;
   z-index: -1; // Put the input behind the label so it doesn't overlay text
+  width: $custom-control-indicator-size;
+  height: ($font-size-base * $line-height-base + $custom-control-indicator-size) * .5;
   opacity: 0;
   &:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
@@ -34,7 +39,7 @@
   &:focus ~ .custom-control-label::before {
     // the mixin is not used here to make sure there is feedback
     @if $enable-shadows {
-      box-shadow: $input-box-shadow, $input-focus-box-shadow;
+      box-shadow: $input-box-shadow, $custom-control-indicator-focus-box-shadow;
     } @else {
       box-shadow: $custom-control-indicator-focus-box-shadow;
@@ -51,6 +56,8 @@
     @include box-shadow($custom-control-indicator-active-box-shadow);
+  // Use [disabled] and :disabled to work around https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/28247
+  &[disabled],
   &:disabled {
     ~ .custom-control-label {
       color: $custom-control-label-disabled-color;
@@ -69,12 +76,14 @@
 .custom-control-label {
   position: relative;
   margin-bottom: 0;
+  color: $custom-control-label-color;
   vertical-align: top;
+  cursor: $custom-control-cursor;
   // Background-color and (when enabled) gradient
   &::before {
     position: absolute;
-    top: ($font-size-base * $line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size) / 2;
+    top: ($font-size-base * $line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size) * .5;
     left: -($custom-control-gutter + $custom-control-indicator-size);
     display: block;
     width: $custom-control-indicator-size;
@@ -89,15 +98,13 @@
   // Foreground (icon)
   &::after {
     position: absolute;
-    top: ($font-size-base * $line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size) / 2;
+    top: ($font-size-base * $line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size) * .5;
     left: -($custom-control-gutter + $custom-control-indicator-size);
     display: block;
     width: $custom-control-indicator-size;
     height: $custom-control-indicator-size;
     content: "";
-    background-repeat: no-repeat;
-    background-position: center center;
-    background-size: $custom-control-indicator-bg-size;
+    background: 50% / #{$custom-control-indicator-bg-size} no-repeat;
@@ -113,7 +120,7 @@
   .custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label {
     &::after {
-      background-image: $custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-checked;
+      background-image: escape-svg($custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-checked);
@@ -124,16 +131,16 @@
       @include box-shadow($custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-box-shadow);
     &::after {
-      background-image: $custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-indeterminate;
+      background-image: escape-svg($custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-indeterminate);
   .custom-control-input:disabled {
     &:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
-      background-color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg;
+      @include gradient-bg($custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg);
     &:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label::before {
-      background-color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg;
+      @include gradient-bg($custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg);
@@ -144,18 +151,19 @@
 .custom-radio {
   .custom-control-label::before {
+    // stylelint-disable-next-line property-disallowed-list
     border-radius: $custom-radio-indicator-border-radius;
   .custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label {
     &::after {
-      background-image: $custom-radio-indicator-icon-checked;
+      background-image: escape-svg($custom-radio-indicator-icon-checked);
   .custom-control-input:disabled {
     &:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
-      background-color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg;
+      @include gradient-bg($custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg);
@@ -173,15 +181,17 @@
       left: -($custom-switch-width + $custom-control-gutter);
       width: $custom-switch-width;
       pointer-events: all;
+      // stylelint-disable-next-line property-disallowed-list
       border-radius: $custom-switch-indicator-border-radius;
     &::after {
-      top: calc(#{(($font-size-base * $line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size) / 2)} + #{$custom-control-indicator-border-width * 2});
-      left: calc(#{-($custom-switch-width + $custom-control-gutter)} + #{$custom-control-indicator-border-width * 2});
+      top: add(($font-size-base * $line-height-base - $custom-control-indicator-size) * .5, $custom-control-indicator-border-width * 2);
+      left: add(-($custom-switch-width + $custom-control-gutter), $custom-control-indicator-border-width * 2);
       width: $custom-switch-indicator-size;
       height: $custom-switch-indicator-size;
       background-color: $custom-control-indicator-border-color;
+      // stylelint-disable-next-line property-disallowed-list
       border-radius: $custom-switch-indicator-border-radius;
       @include transition(transform .15s ease-in-out, $custom-forms-transition);
@@ -196,7 +206,7 @@
   .custom-control-input:disabled {
     &:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
-      background-color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg;
+      @include gradient-bg($custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg);
@@ -213,18 +223,15 @@
   width: 100%;
   height: $custom-select-height;
   padding: $custom-select-padding-y ($custom-select-padding-x + $custom-select-indicator-padding) $custom-select-padding-y $custom-select-padding-x;
+  font-family: $custom-select-font-family;
+  @include font-size($custom-select-font-size);
   font-weight: $custom-select-font-weight;
   line-height: $custom-select-line-height;
   color: $custom-select-color;
   vertical-align: middle;
-  background: $custom-select-background;
-  background-color: $custom-select-bg;
+  background: $custom-select-bg $custom-select-background;
   border: $custom-select-border-width solid $custom-select-border-color;
-  @if $enable-rounded {
-    border-radius: $custom-select-border-radius;
-  } @else {
-    border-radius: 0;
-  }
+  @include border-radius($custom-select-border-radius, 0);
   @include box-shadow($custom-select-box-shadow);
   appearance: none;
@@ -232,8 +239,9 @@
     border-color: $custom-select-focus-border-color;
     outline: 0;
     @if $enable-shadows {
-      box-shadow: $custom-select-box-shadow, $custom-select-focus-box-shadow;
+      @include box-shadow($custom-select-box-shadow, $custom-select-focus-box-shadow);
     } @else {
+      // Avoid using mixin so we can pass custom focus shadow properly
       box-shadow: $custom-select-focus-box-shadow;
@@ -262,7 +270,13 @@
   // Hides the default caret in IE11
   &::-ms-expand {
-    opacity: 0;
+    display: none;
+  }
+  // Remove outline from select box in FF
+  &:-moz-focusring {
+    color: transparent;
+    text-shadow: 0 0 0 $custom-select-color;
@@ -271,7 +285,7 @@
   padding-top: $custom-select-padding-y-sm;
   padding-bottom: $custom-select-padding-y-sm;
   padding-left: $custom-select-padding-x-sm;
-  font-size: $custom-select-font-size-sm;
+  @include font-size($custom-select-font-size-sm);
 .custom-select-lg {
@@ -279,7 +293,7 @@
   padding-top: $custom-select-padding-y-lg;
   padding-bottom: $custom-select-padding-y-lg;
   padding-left: $custom-select-padding-x-lg;
-  font-size: $custom-select-font-size-lg;
+  @include font-size($custom-select-font-size-lg);
@@ -301,6 +315,7 @@
   width: 100%;
   height: $custom-file-height;
   margin: 0;
+  overflow: hidden;
   opacity: 0;
   &:focus ~ .custom-file-label {
@@ -308,6 +323,8 @@
     box-shadow: $custom-file-focus-box-shadow;
+  // Use [disabled] and :disabled to work around https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/28247
+  &[disabled] ~ .custom-file-label,
   &:disabled ~ .custom-file-label {
     background-color: $custom-file-disabled-bg;
@@ -331,6 +348,8 @@
   z-index: 1;
   height: $custom-file-height;
   padding: $custom-file-padding-y $custom-file-padding-x;
+  overflow: hidden;
+  font-family: $custom-file-font-family;
   font-weight: $custom-file-font-weight;
   line-height: $custom-file-line-height;
   color: $custom-file-color;
@@ -365,13 +384,13 @@
 .custom-range {
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(#{$custom-range-thumb-height} + #{$custom-range-thumb-focus-box-shadow-width * 2});
+  height: add($custom-range-thumb-height, $custom-range-thumb-focus-box-shadow-width * 2);
   padding: 0; // Need to reset padding
   background-color: transparent;
   appearance: none;
   &:focus {
-    outline: none;
+    outline: 0;
     // Pseudo-elements must be split across multiple rulesets to have an effect.
     // No box-shadow() mixin for focus accessibility.
@@ -387,7 +406,7 @@
   &::-webkit-slider-thumb {
     width: $custom-range-thumb-width;
     height: $custom-range-thumb-height;
-    margin-top: ($custom-range-track-height - $custom-range-thumb-height) / 2; // Webkit specific
+    margin-top: ($custom-range-track-height - $custom-range-thumb-height) * .5; // Webkit specific
     @include gradient-bg($custom-range-thumb-bg);
     border: $custom-range-thumb-border;
     @include border-radius($custom-range-thumb-border-radius);
@@ -462,7 +481,7 @@
     cursor: $custom-range-track-cursor;
     background-color: transparent;
     border-color: transparent;
-    border-width: $custom-range-thumb-height / 2;
+    border-width: $custom-range-thumb-height * .5;
     @include box-shadow($custom-range-track-box-shadow);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_dropdown.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_dropdown.scss
similarity index 82%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_dropdown.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_dropdown.scss
index 93c1d78e95..f39de11857 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_dropdown.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_dropdown.scss
@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
 .dropdown-toggle {
+  white-space: nowrap;
   // Generate the caret automatically
-  @include caret;
+  @include caret();
 // The dropdown menu
@@ -20,10 +22,10 @@
   display: none; // none by default, but block on "open" of the menu
   float: left;
   min-width: $dropdown-min-width;
-  padding: $dropdown-padding-y 0;
+  padding: $dropdown-padding-y $dropdown-padding-x;
   margin: $dropdown-spacer 0 0; // override default ul
-  font-size: $font-size-base; // Redeclare because nesting can cause inheritance issues
-  color: $body-color;
+  @include font-size($dropdown-font-size);
+  color: $dropdown-color;
   text-align: left; // Ensures proper alignment if parent has it changed (e.g., modal footer)
   list-style: none;
   background-color: $dropdown-bg;
@@ -33,17 +35,6 @@
   @include box-shadow($dropdown-box-shadow);
- at each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
-  @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
-    $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
-    .dropdown-menu#{$infix}-right {
-      right: 0;
-      left: auto;
-    }
-  }
 @each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
   @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
     $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
@@ -52,6 +43,11 @@
       right: auto;
       left: 0;
+    .dropdown-menu#{$infix}-right {
+      right: 0;
+      left: auto;
+    }
@@ -104,7 +100,7 @@
-// When enabled Popper.js, reset basic dropdown position
+// When Popper is enabled, reset the basic dropdown position
 // stylelint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-selectors
 .dropdown-menu {
@@ -118,7 +114,7 @@
 // Dividers (basically an `<hr>`) within the dropdown
 .dropdown-divider {
-  @include nav-divider($dropdown-divider-bg);
+  @include nav-divider($dropdown-divider-bg, $dropdown-divider-margin-y, true);
 // Links, buttons, and more within the dropdown menu
@@ -132,19 +128,24 @@
   font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
   color: $dropdown-link-color;
   text-align: inherit; // For `<button>`s
+  text-decoration: if($link-decoration == none, null, none);
   white-space: nowrap; // prevent links from randomly breaking onto new lines
   background-color: transparent; // For `<button>`s
   border: 0; // For `<button>`s
-  &:first-child {
-    @include border-top-radius($dropdown-inner-border-radius);
-  }
+  // Prevent dropdown overflow if there's no padding
+  // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/27703
+  @if $dropdown-padding-y == 0 {
+    &:first-child {
+      @include border-top-radius($dropdown-inner-border-radius);
+    }
-  &:last-child {
-    @include border-bottom-radius($dropdown-inner-border-radius);
+    &:last-child {
+      @include border-bottom-radius($dropdown-inner-border-radius);
+    }
-  @include hover-focus {
+  @include hover-focus() {
     color: $dropdown-link-hover-color;
     text-decoration: none;
     @include gradient-bg($dropdown-link-hover-bg);
@@ -176,9 +177,9 @@
 // Dropdown section headers
 .dropdown-header {
   display: block;
-  padding: $dropdown-padding-y $dropdown-item-padding-x;
+  padding: $dropdown-header-padding;
   margin-bottom: 0; // for use with heading elements
-  font-size: $font-size-sm;
+  @include font-size($font-size-sm);
   color: $dropdown-header-color;
   white-space: nowrap; // as with > li > a
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_forms.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_forms.scss
similarity index 82%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_forms.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_forms.scss
index 3622db4c40..cde466327b 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_forms.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_forms.scss
@@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
   width: 100%;
   height: $input-height;
   padding: $input-padding-y $input-padding-x;
-  font-size: $input-font-size;
+  font-family: $input-font-family;
+  @include font-size($input-font-size);
   font-weight: $input-font-weight;
   line-height: $input-line-height;
   color: $input-color;
@@ -18,13 +19,7 @@
   border: $input-border-width solid $input-border-color;
   // Note: This has no effect on <select>s in some browsers, due to the limited stylability of `<select>`s in CSS.
-  @if $enable-rounded {
-    // Manually use the if/else instead of the mixin to account for iOS override
-    border-radius: $input-border-radius;
-  } @else {
-    // Otherwise undo the iOS default
-    border-radius: 0;
-  }
+  @include border-radius($input-border-radius, 0);
   @include box-shadow($input-box-shadow);
   @include transition($input-transition);
@@ -36,7 +31,7 @@
   // Customize the `:focus` state to imitate native WebKit styles.
-  @include form-control-focus();
+  @include form-control-focus($ignore-warning: true);
   // Placeholder
   &::placeholder {
@@ -58,7 +53,22 @@
+input[type="month"] {
+  &.form-control {
+    appearance: none; // Fix appearance for date inputs in Safari
+  }
 select.form-control {
+  // Remove select outline from select box in FF
+  &:-moz-focusring {
+    color: transparent;
+    text-shadow: 0 0 0 $input-color;
+  }
   &:focus::-ms-value {
     // Suppress the nested default white text on blue background highlight given to
     // the selected option text when the (still closed) <select> receives focus
@@ -85,24 +95,24 @@ select.form-control {
 // For use with horizontal and inline forms, when you need the label (or legend)
 // text to align with the form controls.
 .col-form-label {
-  padding-top: calc(#{$input-padding-y} + #{$input-border-width});
-  padding-bottom: calc(#{$input-padding-y} + #{$input-border-width});
+  padding-top: add($input-padding-y, $input-border-width);
+  padding-bottom: add($input-padding-y, $input-border-width);
   margin-bottom: 0; // Override the `<label>/<legend>` default
-  font-size: inherit; // Override the `<legend>` default
+  @include font-size(inherit); // Override the `<legend>` default
   line-height: $input-line-height;
 .col-form-label-lg {
-  padding-top: calc(#{$input-padding-y-lg} + #{$input-border-width});
-  padding-bottom: calc(#{$input-padding-y-lg} + #{$input-border-width});
-  font-size: $input-font-size-lg;
+  padding-top: add($input-padding-y-lg, $input-border-width);
+  padding-bottom: add($input-padding-y-lg, $input-border-width);
+  @include font-size($input-font-size-lg);
   line-height: $input-line-height-lg;
 .col-form-label-sm {
-  padding-top: calc(#{$input-padding-y-sm} + #{$input-border-width});
-  padding-bottom: calc(#{$input-padding-y-sm} + #{$input-border-width});
-  font-size: $input-font-size-sm;
+  padding-top: add($input-padding-y-sm, $input-border-width);
+  padding-bottom: add($input-padding-y-sm, $input-border-width);
+  @include font-size($input-font-size-sm);
   line-height: $input-line-height-sm;
@@ -115,9 +125,9 @@ select.form-control {
 .form-control-plaintext {
   display: block;
   width: 100%;
-  padding-top: $input-padding-y;
-  padding-bottom: $input-padding-y;
+  padding: $input-padding-y 0;
   margin-bottom: 0; // match inputs if this class comes on inputs with default margins
+  @include font-size($input-font-size);
   line-height: $input-line-height;
   color: $input-plaintext-color;
   background-color: transparent;
@@ -142,7 +152,7 @@ select.form-control {
 .form-control-sm {
   height: $input-height-sm;
   padding: $input-padding-y-sm $input-padding-x-sm;
-  font-size: $input-font-size-sm;
+  @include font-size($input-font-size-sm);
   line-height: $input-line-height-sm;
   @include border-radius($input-border-radius-sm);
@@ -150,7 +160,7 @@ select.form-control {
 .form-control-lg {
   height: $input-height-lg;
   padding: $input-padding-y-lg $input-padding-x-lg;
-  font-size: $input-font-size-lg;
+  @include font-size($input-font-size-lg);
   line-height: $input-line-height-lg;
   @include border-radius($input-border-radius-lg);
@@ -163,7 +173,6 @@ select.form-control {
-// stylelint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-selectors
 textarea.form-control {
   height: auto;
@@ -190,13 +199,13 @@ textarea.form-control {
 .form-row {
   display: flex;
   flex-wrap: wrap;
-  margin-right: -$form-grid-gutter-width / 2;
-  margin-left: -$form-grid-gutter-width / 2;
+  margin-right: -$form-grid-gutter-width * .5;
+  margin-left: -$form-grid-gutter-width * .5;
   > .col,
   > [class*="col-"] {
-    padding-right: $form-grid-gutter-width / 2;
-    padding-left: $form-grid-gutter-width / 2;
+    padding-right: $form-grid-gutter-width * .5;
+    padding-left: $form-grid-gutter-width * .5;
@@ -216,6 +225,8 @@ textarea.form-control {
   margin-top: $form-check-input-margin-y;
   margin-left: -$form-check-input-gutter;
+  // Use [disabled] and :disabled for workaround https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/28247
+  &[disabled] ~ .form-check-label,
   &:disabled ~ .form-check-label {
     color: $text-muted;
@@ -248,8 +259,9 @@ textarea.form-control {
 // pseudo-classes but also includes `.is-invalid` and `.is-valid` classes for
 // server side validation.
- at include form-validation-state("valid", $form-feedback-valid-color);
- at include form-validation-state("invalid", $form-feedback-invalid-color);
+ at each $state, $data in $form-validation-states {
+  @include form-validation-state($state, map-get($data, color), map-get($data, icon));
 // Inline forms
@@ -318,6 +330,7 @@ textarea.form-control {
     .form-check-input {
       position: relative;
+      flex-shrink: 0;
       margin-top: 0;
       margin-right: $form-check-input-margin-x;
       margin-left: 0;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_functions.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_functions.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..13d9de0c1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_functions.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// Bootstrap functions
+// Utility mixins and functions for evaluating source code across our variables, maps, and mixins.
+// Ascending
+// Used to evaluate Sass maps like our grid breakpoints.
+ at mixin _assert-ascending($map, $map-name) {
+  $prev-key: null;
+  $prev-num: null;
+  @each $key, $num in $map {
+    @if $prev-num == null or unit($num) == "%" or unit($prev-num) == "%" {
+      // Do nothing
+    } @else if not comparable($prev-num, $num) {
+      @warn "Potentially invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} whose unit makes it incomparable to #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
+    } @else if $prev-num >= $num {
+      @warn "Invalid value for #{$map-name}: This map must be in ascending order, but key '#{$key}' has value #{$num} which isn't greater than #{$prev-num}, the value of the previous key '#{$prev-key}' !";
+    }
+    $prev-key: $key;
+    $prev-num: $num;
+  }
+// Starts at zero
+// Used to ensure the min-width of the lowest breakpoint starts at 0.
+ at mixin _assert-starts-at-zero($map, $map-name: "$grid-breakpoints") {
+  @if length($map) > 0 {
+    $values: map-values($map);
+    $first-value: nth($values, 1);
+    @if $first-value != 0 {
+      @warn "First breakpoint in #{$map-name} must start at 0, but starts at #{$first-value}.";
+    }
+  }
+// Replace `$search` with `$replace` in `$string`
+// Used on our SVG icon backgrounds for custom forms.
+// @author Hugo Giraudel
+// @param {String} $string - Initial string
+// @param {String} $search - Substring to replace
+// @param {String} $replace ('') - New value
+// @return {String} - Updated string
+ at function str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") {
+  $index: str-index($string, $search);
+  @if $index {
+    @return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace + str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace);
+  }
+  @return $string;
+// See https://codepen.io/kevinweber/pen/dXWoRw
+// Requires the use of quotes around data URIs.
+ at function escape-svg($string) {
+  @if str-index($string, "data:image/svg+xml") {
+    @each $char, $encoded in $escaped-characters {
+      // Do not escape the url brackets
+      @if str-index($string, "url(") == 1 {
+        $string: url("#{str-replace(str-slice($string, 6, -3), $char, $encoded)}");
+      } @else {
+        $string: str-replace($string, $char, $encoded);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  @return $string;
+// Color contrast
+ at function color-yiq($color, $dark: $yiq-text-dark, $light: $yiq-text-light) {
+  $r: red($color);
+  $g: green($color);
+  $b: blue($color);
+  $yiq: (($r * 299) + ($g * 587) + ($b * 114)) * .001;
+  @if ($yiq >= $yiq-contrasted-threshold) {
+    @return $dark;
+  } @else {
+    @return $light;
+  }
+// Retrieve color Sass maps
+ at function color($key: "blue") {
+  @return map-get($colors, $key);
+ at function theme-color($key: "primary") {
+  @return map-get($theme-colors, $key);
+ at function gray($key: "100") {
+  @return map-get($grays, $key);
+// Request a theme color level
+ at function theme-color-level($color-name: "primary", $level: 0) {
+  $color: theme-color($color-name);
+  $color-base: if($level > 0, $black, $white);
+  $level: abs($level);
+  @return mix($color-base, $color, $level * $theme-color-interval);
+// Return valid calc
+ at function add($value1, $value2, $return-calc: true) {
+  @if $value1 == null {
+    @return $value2;
+  }
+  @if $value2 == null {
+    @return $value1;
+  }
+  @if type-of($value1) == number and type-of($value2) == number and comparable($value1, $value2) {
+    @return $value1 + $value2;
+  }
+  @return if($return-calc == true, calc(#{$value1} + #{$value2}), $value1 + unquote(" + ") + $value2);
+ at function subtract($value1, $value2, $return-calc: true) {
+  @if $value1 == null and $value2 == null {
+    @return null;
+  }
+  @if $value1 == null {
+    @return -$value2;
+  }
+  @if $value2 == null {
+    @return $value1;
+  }
+  @if type-of($value1) == number and type-of($value2) == number and comparable($value1, $value2) {
+    @return $value1 - $value2;
+  }
+  @if type-of($value2) != number {
+    $value2: unquote("(") + $value2 + unquote(")");
+  }
+  @return if($return-calc == true, calc(#{$value1} - #{$value2}), $value1 + unquote(" - ") + $value2);
+ at function divide($dividend, $divisor, $precision: 10) {
+  $sign: if($dividend > 0 and $divisor > 0 or $dividend < 0 and $divisor < 0, 1, -1);
+  $dividend: abs($dividend);
+  $divisor: abs($divisor);
+  @if $dividend == 0 {
+    @return 0;
+  }
+  @if $divisor == 0 {
+    @error "Cannot divide by 0";
+  }
+  $remainder: $dividend;
+  $result: 0;
+  $factor: 10;
+  @while ($remainder > 0 and $precision >= 0) {
+    $quotient: 0;
+    @while ($remainder >= $divisor) {
+      $remainder: $remainder - $divisor;
+      $quotient: $quotient + 1;
+    }
+    $result: $result * 10 + $quotient;
+    $factor: $factor * .1;
+    $remainder: $remainder * 10;
+    $precision: $precision - 1;
+    @if ($precision < 0 and $remainder >= $divisor * 5) {
+      $result: $result + 1;
+    }
+  }
+  $result: $result * $factor * $sign;
+  $dividend-unit: unit($dividend);
+  $divisor-unit: unit($divisor);
+  $unit-map: (
+    "px": 1px,
+    "rem": 1rem,
+    "em": 1em,
+    "%": 1%
+  );
+  @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) {
+    $result: $result * map-get($unit-map, $dividend-unit);
+  }
+  @return $result;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_grid.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_grid.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0bfe5303b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_grid.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+// Container widths
+// Set the container width, and override it for fixed navbars in media queries.
+ at if $enable-grid-classes {
+  // Single container class with breakpoint max-widths
+  .container,
+  // 100% wide container at all breakpoints
+  .container-fluid {
+    @include make-container();
+  }
+  // Responsive containers that are 100% wide until a breakpoint
+  @each $breakpoint, $container-max-width in $container-max-widths {
+    .container-#{$breakpoint} {
+      @extend .container-fluid;
+    }
+    @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints) {
+      %responsive-container-#{$breakpoint} {
+        max-width: $container-max-width;
+      }
+      // Extend each breakpoint which is smaller or equal to the current breakpoint
+      $extend-breakpoint: true;
+      @each $name, $width in $grid-breakpoints {
+        @if ($extend-breakpoint) {
+          .container#{breakpoint-infix($name, $grid-breakpoints)} {
+            @extend %responsive-container-#{$breakpoint};
+          }
+          // Once the current breakpoint is reached, stop extending
+          @if ($breakpoint == $name) {
+            $extend-breakpoint: false;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// Row
+// Rows contain your columns.
+ at if $enable-grid-classes {
+  .row {
+    @include make-row();
+  }
+  // Remove the negative margin from default .row, then the horizontal padding
+  // from all immediate children columns (to prevent runaway style inheritance).
+  .no-gutters {
+    margin-right: 0;
+    margin-left: 0;
+    > .col,
+    > [class*="col-"] {
+      padding-right: 0;
+      padding-left: 0;
+    }
+  }
+// Columns
+// Common styles for small and large grid columns
+ at if $enable-grid-classes {
+  @include make-grid-columns();
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_images.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_images.scss
similarity index 88%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_images.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_images.scss
index 8e69b772f8..3d6a1014c4 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_images.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_images.scss
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 // which weren't expecting the images within themselves to be involuntarily resized.
 // See also https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/18178
 .img-fluid {
-  @include img-fluid;
+  @include img-fluid();
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
   @include box-shadow($thumbnail-box-shadow);
   // Keep them at most 100% wide
-  @include img-fluid;
+  @include img-fluid();
@@ -32,11 +32,11 @@
 .figure-img {
-  margin-bottom: $spacer / 2;
+  margin-bottom: $spacer * .5;
   line-height: 1;
 .figure-caption {
-  font-size: $figure-caption-font-size;
+  @include font-size($figure-caption-font-size);
   color: $figure-caption-color;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_input-group.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_input-group.scss
similarity index 82%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_input-group.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_input-group.scss
index 81b33077a6..5acedd696e 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_input-group.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_input-group.scss
@@ -17,9 +17,8 @@
   > .custom-file {
     position: relative; // For focus state's z-index
     flex: 1 1 auto;
-    // Add width 1% and flex-basis auto to ensure that button will not wrap out
-    // the column. Applies to IE Edge+ and Firefox. Chrome does not require this.
     width: 1%;
+    min-width: 0; // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/36247140/why-dont-flex-items-shrink-past-content-size
     margin-bottom: 0;
     + .form-control,
@@ -43,7 +42,6 @@
   > .form-control,
   > .custom-select {
-    &:not(:last-child) { @include border-right-radius(0); }
     &:not(:first-child) { @include border-left-radius(0); }
@@ -57,6 +55,24 @@
     &:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label::after { @include border-right-radius(0); }
     &:not(:first-child) .custom-file-label { @include border-left-radius(0); }
+  &:not(.has-validation) {
+    > .form-control:not(:last-child),
+    > .custom-select:not(:last-child),
+    > .custom-file:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label,
+    > .custom-file:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label::after {
+      @include border-right-radius(0);
+    }
+  }
+  &.has-validation {
+    > .form-control:nth-last-child(n + 3),
+    > .custom-select:nth-last-child(n + 3),
+    > .custom-file:nth-last-child(n + 3) .custom-file-label,
+    > .custom-file:nth-last-child(n + 3) .custom-file-label::after {
+      @include border-right-radius(0);
+    }
+  }
@@ -104,7 +120,7 @@
   align-items: center;
   padding: $input-padding-y $input-padding-x;
   margin-bottom: 0; // Allow use of <label> elements by overriding our default margin-bottom
-  font-size: $font-size-base; // Match inputs
+  @include font-size($input-font-size); // Match inputs
   font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
   line-height: $input-line-height;
   color: $input-group-addon-color;
@@ -139,7 +155,7 @@
 .input-group-lg > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
 .input-group-lg > .input-group-append > .btn {
   padding: $input-padding-y-lg $input-padding-x-lg;
-  font-size: $input-font-size-lg;
+  @include font-size($input-font-size-lg);
   line-height: $input-line-height-lg;
   @include border-radius($input-border-radius-lg);
@@ -156,7 +172,7 @@
 .input-group-sm > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
 .input-group-sm > .input-group-append > .btn {
   padding: $input-padding-y-sm $input-padding-x-sm;
-  font-size: $input-font-size-sm;
+  @include font-size($input-font-size-sm);
   line-height: $input-line-height-sm;
   @include border-radius($input-border-radius-sm);
@@ -176,8 +192,10 @@
 .input-group > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
 .input-group > .input-group-prepend > .input-group-text,
-.input-group > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .btn,
-.input-group > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .input-group-text,
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .btn,
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .input-group-text,
+.input-group.has-validation > .input-group-append:nth-last-child(n + 3) > .btn,
+.input-group.has-validation > .input-group-append:nth-last-child(n + 3) > .input-group-text,
 .input-group > .input-group-append:last-child > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
 .input-group > .input-group-append:last-child > .input-group-text:not(:last-child) {
   @include border-right-radius(0);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_jumbotron.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_jumbotron.scss
similarity index 79%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_jumbotron.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_jumbotron.scss
index 7966bba1e2..2c617edb59 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_jumbotron.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_jumbotron.scss
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 .jumbotron {
-  padding: $jumbotron-padding ($jumbotron-padding / 2);
+  padding: $jumbotron-padding ($jumbotron-padding * .5);
   margin-bottom: $jumbotron-padding;
+  color: $jumbotron-color;
   background-color: $jumbotron-bg;
   @include border-radius($border-radius-lg);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_list-group.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_list-group.scss
similarity index 58%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_list-group.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_list-group.scss
index 796cc461f4..ec25ba8a1f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_list-group.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_list-group.scss
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
   // No need to set list-style: none; since .list-group-item is block level
   padding-left: 0; // reset padding because ul and ol
   margin-bottom: 0;
+  @include border-radius($list-group-border-radius);
@@ -23,7 +24,8 @@
   text-align: inherit; // For `<button>`s (anchors inherit)
   // Hover state
-  @include hover-focus {
+  @include hover-focus() {
+    z-index: 1; // Place hover/focus items above their siblings for proper border styling
     color: $list-group-action-hover-color;
     text-decoration: none;
     background-color: $list-group-hover-bg;
@@ -44,23 +46,17 @@
   position: relative;
   display: block;
   padding: $list-group-item-padding-y $list-group-item-padding-x;
-  // Place the border on the list items and negative margin up for better styling
-  margin-bottom: -$list-group-border-width;
+  color: $list-group-color;
+  text-decoration: if($link-decoration == none, null, none);
   background-color: $list-group-bg;
   border: $list-group-border-width solid $list-group-border-color;
   &:first-child {
-    @include border-top-radius($list-group-border-radius);
+    @include border-top-radius(inherit);
   &:last-child {
-    margin-bottom: 0;
-    @include border-bottom-radius($list-group-border-radius);
-  }
-  @include hover-focus {
-    z-index: 1; // Place hover/active items above their siblings for proper border styling
-    text-decoration: none;
+    @include border-bottom-radius(inherit);
@@ -77,6 +73,56 @@
     background-color: $list-group-active-bg;
     border-color: $list-group-active-border-color;
+  & + & {
+    border-top-width: 0;
+    &.active {
+      margin-top: -$list-group-border-width;
+      border-top-width: $list-group-border-width;
+    }
+  }
+// Horizontal
+// Change the layout of list group items from vertical (default) to horizontal.
+ at each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
+  @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
+    $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
+    .list-group-horizontal#{$infix} {
+      flex-direction: row;
+      > .list-group-item {
+        &:first-child {
+          @include border-bottom-left-radius($list-group-border-radius);
+          @include border-top-right-radius(0);
+        }
+        &:last-child {
+          @include border-top-right-radius($list-group-border-radius);
+          @include border-bottom-left-radius(0);
+        }
+        &.active {
+          margin-top: 0;
+        }
+        + .list-group-item {
+          border-top-width: $list-group-border-width;
+          border-left-width: 0;
+          &.active {
+            margin-left: -$list-group-border-width;
+            border-left-width: $list-group-border-width;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
@@ -86,26 +132,13 @@
 // useful within other components (e.g., cards).
 .list-group-flush {
-  .list-group-item {
-    border-right: 0;
-    border-left: 0;
-    @include border-radius(0);
+  @include border-radius(0);
-    &:last-child {
-      margin-bottom: -$list-group-border-width;
-    }
-  }
+  > .list-group-item {
+    border-width: 0 0 $list-group-border-width;
-  &:first-child {
-    .list-group-item:first-child {
-      border-top: 0;
-    }
-  }
-  &:last-child {
-    .list-group-item:last-child {
-      margin-bottom: 0;
-      border-bottom: 0;
+    &:last-child {
+      border-bottom-width: 0;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_media.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_media.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_media.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_media.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_mixins.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_mixins.scss
similarity index 89%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_mixins.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_mixins.scss
index 8710166660..7e7a23d254 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_mixins.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_mixins.scss
@@ -2,6 +2,12 @@
 // Used in conjunction with global variables to enable certain theme features.
+// Vendor
+ at import "vendor/rfs";
+// Deprecate
+ at import "mixins/deprecate";
 // Utilities
 @import "mixins/breakpoints";
 @import "mixins/hover";
@@ -16,7 +22,7 @@
 @import "mixins/text-truncate";
 @import "mixins/visibility";
-// // Components
+// Components
 @import "mixins/alert";
 @import "mixins/buttons";
 @import "mixins/caret";
@@ -27,14 +33,14 @@
 @import "mixins/forms";
 @import "mixins/table-row";
-// // Skins
+// Skins
 @import "mixins/background-variant";
 @import "mixins/border-radius";
 @import "mixins/box-shadow";
 @import "mixins/gradients";
 @import "mixins/transition";
-// // Layout
+// Layout
 @import "mixins/clearfix";
 @import "mixins/grid-framework";
 @import "mixins/grid";
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_modal.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_modal.scss
similarity index 71%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_modal.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_modal.scss
index 65b61d90c2..4d01788d70 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_modal.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_modal.scss
@@ -48,19 +48,59 @@
   .modal.show & {
     transform: $modal-show-transform;
+  // When trying to close, animate focus to scale
+  .modal.modal-static & {
+    transform: $modal-scale-transform;
+  }
+.modal-dialog-scrollable {
+  display: flex; // IE10/11
+  max-height: subtract(100%, $modal-dialog-margin * 2);
+  .modal-content {
+    max-height: subtract(100vh, $modal-dialog-margin * 2); // IE10/11
+    overflow: hidden;
+  }
+  .modal-header,
+  .modal-footer {
+    flex-shrink: 0;
+  }
+  .modal-body {
+    overflow-y: auto;
+  }
 .modal-dialog-centered {
   display: flex;
   align-items: center;
-  min-height: calc(100% - (#{$modal-dialog-margin} * 2));
+  min-height: subtract(100%, $modal-dialog-margin * 2);
   // Ensure `modal-dialog-centered` extends the full height of the view (IE10/11)
   &::before {
     display: block; // IE10
-    height: calc(100vh - (#{$modal-dialog-margin} * 2));
+    height: subtract(100vh, $modal-dialog-margin * 2);
+    height: min-content; // Reset height to 0 except on IE
     content: "";
+  // Ensure `.modal-body` shows scrollbar (IE10/11)
+  &.modal-dialog-scrollable {
+    flex-direction: column;
+    justify-content: center;
+    height: 100%;
+    .modal-content {
+      max-height: none;
+    }
+    &::before {
+      content: none;
+    }
+  }
 // Actual modal
@@ -70,6 +110,7 @@
   flex-direction: column;
   width: 100%; // Ensure `.modal-content` extends the full width of the parent `.modal-dialog`
   // counteract the pointer-events: none; in the .modal-dialog
+  color: $modal-content-color;
   pointer-events: auto;
   background-color: $modal-content-bg;
   background-clip: padding-box;
@@ -103,7 +144,7 @@
   justify-content: space-between; // Put modal header elements (title and dismiss) on opposite ends
   padding: $modal-header-padding;
   border-bottom: $modal-header-border-width solid $modal-header-border-color;
-  @include border-top-radius($modal-content-border-radius);
+  @include border-top-radius($modal-content-inner-border-radius);
   .close {
     padding: $modal-header-padding;
@@ -123,7 +164,7 @@
 .modal-body {
   position: relative;
   // Enable `flex-grow: 1` so that the body take up as much space as possible
-  // when should there be a fixed height on `.modal-dialog`.
+  // when there should be a fixed height on `.modal-dialog`.
   flex: 1 1 auto;
   padding: $modal-inner-padding;
@@ -131,15 +172,19 @@
 // Footer (for actions)
 .modal-footer {
   display: flex;
+  flex-wrap: wrap;
   align-items: center; // vertically center
   justify-content: flex-end; // Right align buttons with flex property because text-align doesn't work on flex items
-  padding: $modal-inner-padding;
+  padding: $modal-inner-padding - $modal-footer-margin-between * .5;
   border-top: $modal-footer-border-width solid $modal-footer-border-color;
-  @include border-bottom-radius($modal-content-border-radius);
+  @include border-bottom-radius($modal-content-inner-border-radius);
-  // Easily place margin between footer elements
-  > :not(:first-child) { margin-left: .25rem; }
-  > :not(:last-child) { margin-right: .25rem; }
+  // Place margin between footer elements
+  // This solution is far from ideal because of the universal selector usage,
+  // but is needed to fix https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/24800
+  > * {
+    margin: $modal-footer-margin-between * .5;
+  }
 // Measure scrollbar width for padding body during modal show/hide
@@ -159,11 +204,20 @@
     margin: $modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up auto;
+  .modal-dialog-scrollable {
+    max-height: subtract(100%, $modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up * 2);
+    .modal-content {
+      max-height: subtract(100vh, $modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up * 2);
+    }
+  }
   .modal-dialog-centered {
-    min-height: calc(100% - (#{$modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up} * 2));
+    min-height: subtract(100%, $modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up * 2);
     &::before {
-      height: calc(100vh - (#{$modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up} * 2));
+      height: subtract(100vh, $modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up * 2);
+      height: min-content;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_nav.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_nav.scss
similarity index 91%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_nav.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_nav.scss
index e5519b3a4d..fad684e57b 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_nav.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_nav.scss
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Base class
 // Kickstart any navigation component with a set of style resets. Works with
-// `<nav>`s or `<ul>`s.
+// `<nav>`s, `<ul>`s or `<ol>`s.
 .nav {
   display: flex;
@@ -14,8 +14,9 @@
 .nav-link {
   display: block;
   padding: $nav-link-padding-y $nav-link-padding-x;
+  text-decoration: if($link-decoration == none, null, none);
-  @include hover-focus {
+  @include hover-focus() {
     text-decoration: none;
@@ -34,15 +35,12 @@
 .nav-tabs {
   border-bottom: $nav-tabs-border-width solid $nav-tabs-border-color;
-  .nav-item {
-    margin-bottom: -$nav-tabs-border-width;
-  }
   .nav-link {
+    margin-bottom: -$nav-tabs-border-width;
     border: $nav-tabs-border-width solid transparent;
     @include border-top-radius($nav-tabs-border-radius);
-    @include hover-focus {
+    @include hover-focus() {
       border-color: $nav-tabs-link-hover-border-color;
@@ -91,6 +89,7 @@
 .nav-fill {
+  > .nav-link,
   .nav-item {
     flex: 1 1 auto;
     text-align: center;
@@ -98,6 +97,7 @@
 .nav-justified {
+  > .nav-link,
   .nav-item {
     flex-basis: 0;
     flex-grow: 1;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_navbar.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_navbar.scss
similarity index 77%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_navbar.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_navbar.scss
index b5bc5a9748..cf5b667908 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_navbar.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_navbar.scss
@@ -25,13 +25,23 @@
   // Because flex properties aren't inherited, we need to redeclare these first
   // few properties so that content nested within behave properly.
-  > .container,
-  > .container-fluid {
+  %container-flex-properties {
     display: flex;
     flex-wrap: wrap;
     align-items: center;
     justify-content: space-between;
+  .container,
+  .container-fluid {
+    @extend %container-flex-properties;
+  }
+  @each $breakpoint, $container-max-width in $container-max-widths {
+    > .container#{breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $container-max-widths)} {
+      @extend %container-flex-properties;
+    }
+  }
@@ -44,11 +54,11 @@
   padding-top: $navbar-brand-padding-y;
   padding-bottom: $navbar-brand-padding-y;
   margin-right: $navbar-padding-x;
-  font-size: $navbar-brand-font-size;
+  @include font-size($navbar-brand-font-size);
   line-height: inherit;
   white-space: nowrap;
-  @include hover-focus {
+  @include hover-focus() {
     text-decoration: none;
@@ -107,20 +117,15 @@
 // Button for toggling the navbar when in its collapsed state
 .navbar-toggler {
   padding: $navbar-toggler-padding-y $navbar-toggler-padding-x;
-  font-size: $navbar-toggler-font-size;
+  @include font-size($navbar-toggler-font-size);
   line-height: 1;
   background-color: transparent; // remove default button style
   border: $border-width solid transparent; // remove default button style
   @include border-radius($navbar-toggler-border-radius);
-  @include hover-focus {
+  @include hover-focus() {
     text-decoration: none;
-  // Opinionated: add "hand" cursor to non-disabled .navbar-toggler elements
-  &:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
-    cursor: pointer;
-  }
 // Keep as a separate element so folks can easily override it with another icon
@@ -131,8 +136,12 @@
   height: 1.5em;
   vertical-align: middle;
   content: "";
-  background: no-repeat center center;
-  background-size: 100% 100%;
+  background: 50% / 100% 100% no-repeat;
+.navbar-nav-scroll {
+  max-height: $navbar-nav-scroll-max-height;
+  overflow-y: auto;
 // Generate series of `.navbar-expand-*` responsive classes for configuring
@@ -144,11 +153,21 @@
     &#{$infix} {
       @include media-breakpoint-down($breakpoint) {
-        > .container,
-        > .container-fluid {
+        %container-navbar-expand-#{$breakpoint} {
           padding-right: 0;
           padding-left: 0;
+        > .container,
+        > .container-fluid {
+          @extend %container-navbar-expand-#{$breakpoint};
+        }
+        @each $size, $container-max-width in $container-max-widths {
+          > .container#{breakpoint-infix($size, $container-max-widths)} {
+            @extend %container-navbar-expand-#{$breakpoint};
+          }
+        }
       @include media-breakpoint-up($next) {
@@ -169,13 +188,27 @@
         // For nesting containers, have to redeclare for alignment purposes
+        %container-nesting-#{$breakpoint} {
+          flex-wrap: nowrap;
+        }
         > .container,
         > .container-fluid {
-          flex-wrap: nowrap;
+          @extend %container-nesting-#{$breakpoint};
+        }
+        @each $size, $container-max-width in $container-max-widths {
+          > .container#{breakpoint-infix($size, $container-max-widths)} {
+            @extend %container-nesting-#{$breakpoint};
+          }
+        }
+        .navbar-nav-scroll {
+          overflow: visible;
         .navbar-collapse {
-          display: flex !important;  // stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important
+          display: flex !important; // stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important
           // Changes flex-bases to auto because of an IE10 bug
           flex-basis: auto;
@@ -199,7 +232,7 @@
   .navbar-brand {
     color: $navbar-light-brand-color;
-    @include hover-focus {
+    @include hover-focus() {
       color: $navbar-light-brand-hover-color;
@@ -208,7 +241,7 @@
     .nav-link {
       color: $navbar-light-color;
-      @include hover-focus {
+      @include hover-focus() {
         color: $navbar-light-hover-color;
@@ -231,7 +264,7 @@
   .navbar-toggler-icon {
-    background-image: $navbar-light-toggler-icon-bg;
+    background-image: escape-svg($navbar-light-toggler-icon-bg);
   .navbar-text {
@@ -239,7 +272,7 @@
     a {
       color: $navbar-light-active-color;
-      @include hover-focus {
+      @include hover-focus() {
         color: $navbar-light-active-color;
@@ -251,7 +284,7 @@
   .navbar-brand {
     color: $navbar-dark-brand-color;
-    @include hover-focus {
+    @include hover-focus() {
       color: $navbar-dark-brand-hover-color;
@@ -260,7 +293,7 @@
     .nav-link {
       color: $navbar-dark-color;
-      @include hover-focus {
+      @include hover-focus() {
         color: $navbar-dark-hover-color;
@@ -283,7 +316,7 @@
   .navbar-toggler-icon {
-    background-image: $navbar-dark-toggler-icon-bg;
+    background-image: escape-svg($navbar-dark-toggler-icon-bg);
   .navbar-text {
@@ -291,7 +324,7 @@
     a {
       color: $navbar-dark-active-color;
-      @include hover-focus {
+      @include hover-focus() {
         color: $navbar-dark-active-color;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_pagination.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_pagination.scss
similarity index 83%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_pagination.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_pagination.scss
index 9349f3f900..9313cc5475 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_pagination.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_pagination.scss
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
   margin-left: -$pagination-border-width;
   line-height: $pagination-line-height;
   color: $pagination-color;
+  text-decoration: if($link-decoration == none, null, none);
   background-color: $pagination-bg;
   border: $pagination-border-width solid $pagination-border-color;
@@ -23,15 +24,10 @@
   &:focus {
-    z-index: 2;
+    z-index: 3;
     outline: $pagination-focus-outline;
     box-shadow: $pagination-focus-box-shadow;
-  // Opinionated: add "hand" cursor to non-disabled .page-link elements
-  &:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
-    cursor: pointer;
-  }
 .page-item {
@@ -48,7 +44,7 @@
   &.active .page-link {
-    z-index: 1;
+    z-index: 3;
     color: $pagination-active-color;
     background-color: $pagination-active-bg;
     border-color: $pagination-active-border-color;
@@ -70,9 +66,9 @@
 .pagination-lg {
-  @include pagination-size($pagination-padding-y-lg, $pagination-padding-x-lg, $font-size-lg, $line-height-lg, $border-radius-lg);
+  @include pagination-size($pagination-padding-y-lg, $pagination-padding-x-lg, $font-size-lg, $line-height-lg, $pagination-border-radius-lg);
 .pagination-sm {
-  @include pagination-size($pagination-padding-y-sm, $pagination-padding-x-sm, $font-size-sm, $line-height-sm, $border-radius-sm);
+  @include pagination-size($pagination-padding-y-sm, $pagination-padding-x-sm, $font-size-sm, $line-height-sm, $pagination-border-radius-sm);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_popover.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_popover.scss
similarity index 51%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_popover.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_popover.scss
index 4a79fb7517..c7106a809d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_popover.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_popover.scss
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
   // Our parent element can be arbitrary since tooltips are by default inserted as a sibling of their target element.
   // So reset our font and text properties to avoid inheriting weird values.
   @include reset-text();
-  font-size: $popover-font-size;
+  @include font-size($popover-font-size);
   // Allow breaking very long words so they don't overflow the popover's bounds
   word-wrap: break-word;
   background-color: $popover-bg;
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
     display: block;
     width: $popover-arrow-width;
     height: $popover-arrow-height;
-    margin: 0 $border-radius-lg;
+    margin: 0 $popover-border-radius;
     &::after {
@@ -38,72 +38,63 @@
 .bs-popover-top {
   margin-bottom: $popover-arrow-height;
-  .arrow {
-    bottom: calc((#{$popover-arrow-height} + #{$popover-border-width}) * -1);
-  }
+  > .arrow {
+    bottom: subtract(-$popover-arrow-height, $popover-border-width);
-  .arrow::before,
-  .arrow::after {
-    border-width: $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width / 2) 0;
-  }
-  .arrow::before {
-    bottom: 0;
-    border-top-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
-  }
+    &::before {
+      bottom: 0;
+      border-width: $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width * .5) 0;
+      border-top-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
+    }
-  .arrow::after {
-    bottom: $popover-border-width;
-    border-top-color: $popover-arrow-color;
+    &::after {
+      bottom: $popover-border-width;
+      border-width: $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width * .5) 0;
+      border-top-color: $popover-arrow-color;
+    }
 .bs-popover-right {
   margin-left: $popover-arrow-height;
-  .arrow {
-    left: calc((#{$popover-arrow-height} + #{$popover-border-width}) * -1);
+  > .arrow {
+    left: subtract(-$popover-arrow-height, $popover-border-width);
     width: $popover-arrow-height;
     height: $popover-arrow-width;
-    margin: $border-radius-lg 0; // make sure the arrow does not touch the popover's rounded corners
-  }
-  .arrow::before,
-  .arrow::after {
-    border-width: ($popover-arrow-width / 2) $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width / 2) 0;
-  }
+    margin: $popover-border-radius 0; // make sure the arrow does not touch the popover's rounded corners
-  .arrow::before {
-    left: 0;
-    border-right-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
-  }
+    &::before {
+      left: 0;
+      border-width: ($popover-arrow-width * .5) $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width * .5) 0;
+      border-right-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
+    }
-  .arrow::after {
-    left: $popover-border-width;
-    border-right-color: $popover-arrow-color;
+    &::after {
+      left: $popover-border-width;
+      border-width: ($popover-arrow-width * .5) $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width * .5) 0;
+      border-right-color: $popover-arrow-color;
+    }
 .bs-popover-bottom {
   margin-top: $popover-arrow-height;
-  .arrow {
-    top: calc((#{$popover-arrow-height} + #{$popover-border-width}) * -1);
-  }
-  .arrow::before,
-  .arrow::after {
-    border-width: 0 ($popover-arrow-width / 2) $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width / 2);
-  }
+  > .arrow {
+    top: subtract(-$popover-arrow-height, $popover-border-width);
-  .arrow::before {
-    top: 0;
-    border-bottom-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
-  }
+    &::before {
+      top: 0;
+      border-width: 0 ($popover-arrow-width * .5) $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width * .5);
+      border-bottom-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
+    }
-  .arrow::after {
-    top: $popover-border-width;
-    border-bottom-color: $popover-arrow-color;
+    &::after {
+      top: $popover-border-width;
+      border-width: 0 ($popover-arrow-width * .5) $popover-arrow-height ($popover-arrow-width * .5);
+      border-bottom-color: $popover-arrow-color;
+    }
   // This will remove the popover-header's border just below the arrow
@@ -113,7 +104,7 @@
     left: 50%;
     display: block;
     width: $popover-arrow-width;
-    margin-left: -$popover-arrow-width / 2;
+    margin-left: -$popover-arrow-width * .5;
     content: "";
     border-bottom: $popover-border-width solid $popover-header-bg;
@@ -122,26 +113,23 @@
 .bs-popover-left {
   margin-right: $popover-arrow-height;
-  .arrow {
-    right: calc((#{$popover-arrow-height} + #{$popover-border-width}) * -1);
+  > .arrow {
+    right: subtract(-$popover-arrow-height, $popover-border-width);
     width: $popover-arrow-height;
     height: $popover-arrow-width;
-    margin: $border-radius-lg 0; // make sure the arrow does not touch the popover's rounded corners
-  }
-  .arrow::before,
-  .arrow::after {
-    border-width: ($popover-arrow-width / 2) 0 ($popover-arrow-width / 2) $popover-arrow-height;
-  }
+    margin: $popover-border-radius 0; // make sure the arrow does not touch the popover's rounded corners
-  .arrow::before {
-    right: 0;
-    border-left-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
-  }
+    &::before {
+      right: 0;
+      border-width: ($popover-arrow-width * .5) 0 ($popover-arrow-width * .5) $popover-arrow-height;
+      border-left-color: $popover-arrow-outer-color;
+    }
-  .arrow::after {
-    right: $popover-border-width;
-    border-left-color: $popover-arrow-color;
+    &::after {
+      right: $popover-border-width;
+      border-width: ($popover-arrow-width * .5) 0 ($popover-arrow-width * .5) $popover-arrow-height;
+      border-left-color: $popover-arrow-color;
+    }
@@ -165,12 +153,11 @@
 .popover-header {
   padding: $popover-header-padding-y $popover-header-padding-x;
   margin-bottom: 0; // Reset the default from Reboot
-  font-size: $font-size-base;
+  @include font-size($font-size-base);
   color: $popover-header-color;
   background-color: $popover-header-bg;
   border-bottom: $popover-border-width solid darken($popover-header-bg, 5%);
-  $offset-border-width: calc(#{$border-radius-lg} - #{$popover-border-width});
-  @include border-top-radius($offset-border-width);
+  @include border-top-radius($popover-inner-border-radius);
   &:empty {
     display: none;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_print.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_print.scss
similarity index 88%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_print.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_print.scss
index 1df9487358..915298aaae 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_print.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_print.scss
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 // stylelint-disable declaration-no-important, selector-no-qualifying-type
-// Source: https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/src/css/main.css
+// Source: https://github.com/h5bp/main.css/blob/master/src/_print.css
 // ==========================================================================
 // Print styles.
@@ -51,19 +51,10 @@
     blockquote {
-      border: $border-width solid $gray-500;   // Bootstrap custom code; using `$border-width` instead of 1px
+      border: $border-width solid $gray-500; // Bootstrap custom code; using `$border-width` instead of 1px
       page-break-inside: avoid;
-    //
-    // Printing Tables:
-    // http://css-discuss.incutio.com/wiki/Printing_Tables
-    //
-    thead {
-      display: table-header-group;
-    }
     img {
       page-break-inside: avoid;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_progress.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_progress.scss
similarity index 52%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_progress.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_progress.scss
index 0ac3e0c93f..e206474a83 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_progress.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_progress.scss
@@ -1,13 +1,17 @@
- at keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
-  from { background-position: $progress-height 0; }
-  to { background-position: 0 0; }
+// Disable animation if transitions are disabled
+ at if $enable-transitions {
+  @keyframes progress-bar-stripes {
+    from { background-position: $progress-height 0; }
+    to { background-position: 0 0; }
+  }
 .progress {
   display: flex;
   height: $progress-height;
   overflow: hidden; // force rounded corners by cropping it
-  font-size: $progress-font-size;
+  line-height: 0;
+  @include font-size($progress-font-size);
   background-color: $progress-bg;
   @include border-radius($progress-border-radius);
   @include box-shadow($progress-box-shadow);
@@ -17,6 +21,7 @@
   display: flex;
   flex-direction: column;
   justify-content: center;
+  overflow: hidden;
   color: $progress-bar-color;
   text-align: center;
   white-space: nowrap;
@@ -29,6 +34,14 @@
   background-size: $progress-height $progress-height;
-.progress-bar-animated {
-  animation: progress-bar-stripes $progress-bar-animation-timing;
+ at if $enable-transitions {
+  .progress-bar-animated {
+    animation: $progress-bar-animation-timing progress-bar-stripes;
+    @if $enable-prefers-reduced-motion-media-query {
+      @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+        animation: none;
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_reboot.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_reboot.scss
similarity index 77%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_reboot.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_reboot.scss
index d4167cc8ec..cd93bfe240 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_reboot.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_reboot.scss
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// stylelint-disable at-rule-no-vendor-prefix, declaration-no-important, selector-no-qualifying-type, property-no-vendor-prefix
+// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important, selector-no-qualifying-type, property-no-vendor-prefix
 // Reboot
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ article, aside, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, main, nav, section {
 body {
   margin: 0; // 1
   font-family: $font-family-base;
-  font-size: $font-size-base;
+  @include font-size($font-size-base);
   font-weight: $font-weight-base;
   line-height: $line-height-base;
   color: $body-color;
@@ -54,12 +54,16 @@ body {
   background-color: $body-bg; // 2
-// Suppress the focus outline on elements that cannot be accessed via keyboard.
-// This prevents an unwanted focus outline from appearing around elements that
-// might still respond to pointer events.
+// Future-proof rule: in browsers that support :focus-visible, suppress the focus outline
+// on elements that programmatically receive focus but wouldn't normally show a visible
+// focus outline. In general, this would mean that the outline is only applied if the
+// interaction that led to the element receiving programmatic focus was a keyboard interaction,
+// or the browser has somehow determined that the user is primarily a keyboard user and/or
+// wants focus outlines to always be presented.
-// Credit: https://github.com/suitcss/base
-[tabindex="-1"]:focus {
+// See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/:focus-visible
+// and https://developer.paciellogroup.com/blog/2018/03/focus-visible-and-backwards-compatibility/
+[tabindex="-1"]:focus:not(:focus-visible) {
   outline: 0 !important;
@@ -155,7 +159,7 @@ strong {
 small {
-  font-size: 80%; // Add the correct font size in all browsers
+  @include font-size(80%); // Add the correct font size in all browsers
@@ -166,7 +170,7 @@ small {
 sup {
   position: relative;
-  font-size: 75%;
+  @include font-size(75%);
   line-height: 0;
   vertical-align: baseline;
@@ -184,30 +188,25 @@ a {
   text-decoration: $link-decoration;
   background-color: transparent; // Remove the gray background on active links in IE 10.
-  @include hover {
+  @include hover() {
     color: $link-hover-color;
     text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration;
-// And undo these styles for placeholder links/named anchors (without href)
-// which have not been made explicitly keyboard-focusable (without tabindex).
+// And undo these styles for placeholder links/named anchors (without href).
 // It would be more straightforward to just use a[href] in previous block, but that
 // causes specificity issues in many other styles that are too complex to fix.
 // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/19402
-a:not([href]):not([tabindex]) {
+a:not([href]):not([class]) {
   color: inherit;
   text-decoration: none;
-  @include hover-focus {
+  @include hover() {
     color: inherit;
     text-decoration: none;
-  &:focus {
-    outline: 0;
-  }
@@ -220,7 +219,7 @@ code,
 samp {
   font-family: $font-family-monospace;
-  font-size: 1em; // Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
+  @include font-size(1em); // Correct the odd `em` font sizing in all browsers.
 pre {
@@ -230,6 +229,9 @@ pre {
   margin-bottom: 1rem;
   // Don't allow content to break outside
   overflow: auto;
+  // Disable auto-hiding scrollbar in IE & legacy Edge to avoid overlap,
+  // making it impossible to interact with the content
+  -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar;
@@ -276,10 +278,14 @@ caption {
   caption-side: bottom;
+// 1. Removes font-weight bold by inheriting
+// 2. Matches default `<td>` alignment by inheriting `text-align`.
+// 3. Fix alignment for Safari
 th {
-  // Matches default `<td>` alignment by inheriting from the `<body>`, or the
-  // closest parent with a set `text-align`.
-  text-align: inherit;
+  font-weight: $table-th-font-weight; // 1
+  text-align: inherit; // 2
+  text-align: -webkit-match-parent; // 3
@@ -297,16 +303,17 @@ label {
 // Details at https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/24093
 button {
+  // stylelint-disable-next-line property-disallowed-list
   border-radius: 0;
-// Work around a Firefox/IE bug where the transparent `button` background
-// results in a loss of the default `button` focus styles.
-// Credit: https://github.com/suitcss/base/
-button:focus {
-  outline: 1px dotted;
-  outline: 5px auto -webkit-focus-ring-color;
+// Explicitly remove focus outline in Chromium when it shouldn't be
+// visible (e.g. as result of mouse click or touch tap). It already
+// should be doing this automatically, but seems to currently be
+// confused and applies its very visible two-tone outline anyway.
+button:focus:not(:focus-visible) {
+  outline: 0;
@@ -316,7 +323,7 @@ optgroup,
 textarea {
   margin: 0; // Remove the margin in Firefox and Safari
   font-family: inherit;
-  font-size: inherit;
+  @include font-size(inherit);
   line-height: inherit;
@@ -330,6 +337,21 @@ select {
   text-transform: none; // Remove the inheritance of text transform in Firefox
+// Set the cursor for non-`<button>` buttons
+// Details at https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/30562
+[role="button"] {
+  cursor: pointer;
+// Remove the inheritance of word-wrap in Safari.
+// Details at https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/24990
+select {
+  word-wrap: normal;
 // 1. Prevent a WebKit bug where (2) destroys native `audio` and `video`
 //    controls in Android 4.
 // 2. Correct the inability to style clickable types in iOS and Safari.
@@ -340,6 +362,18 @@ button,
   -webkit-appearance: button; // 2
+// Opinionated: add "hand" cursor to non-disabled button elements.
+ at if $enable-pointer-cursor-for-buttons {
+  button,
+  [type="button"],
+  [type="reset"],
+  [type="submit"] {
+    &:not(:disabled) {
+      cursor: pointer;
+    }
+  }
 // Remove inner border and padding from Firefox, but don't restore the outline like Normalize.
@@ -356,18 +390,6 @@ input[type="checkbox"] {
-input[type="month"] {
-  // Remove the default appearance of temporal inputs to avoid a Mobile Safari
-  // bug where setting a custom line-height prevents text from being vertically
-  // centered within the input.
-  // See https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=139848
-  // and https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/11266
-  -webkit-appearance: listbox;
 textarea {
   overflow: auto; // Remove the default vertical scrollbar in IE.
   // Textareas should really only resize vertically so they don't break their (horizontal) containers.
@@ -395,7 +417,7 @@ legend {
   max-width: 100%; // 1
   padding: 0;
   margin-bottom: .5rem;
-  font-size: 1.5rem;
+  @include font-size(1.5rem);
   line-height: inherit;
   color: inherit; // 2
   white-space: normal; // 1
@@ -421,7 +443,7 @@ progress {
-// Remove the inner padding and cancel buttons in Chrome and Safari on macOS.
+// Remove the inner padding in Chrome and Safari on macOS.
 [type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_root.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_root.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_root.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_root.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_spinners.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_spinners.scss
similarity index 61%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_spinners.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_spinners.scss
index ed7e2bc650..98c0108e39 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_spinners.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_spinners.scss
@@ -10,11 +10,12 @@
   display: inline-block;
   width: $spinner-width;
   height: $spinner-height;
-  vertical-align: text-bottom;
+  vertical-align: $spinner-vertical-align;
   border: $spinner-border-width solid currentColor;
   border-right-color: transparent;
+  // stylelint-disable-next-line property-disallowed-list
   border-radius: 50%;
-  animation: spinner-border .75s linear infinite;
+  animation: .75s linear infinite spinner-border;
 .spinner-border-sm {
@@ -33,6 +34,7 @@
   50% {
     opacity: 1;
+    transform: none;
@@ -40,14 +42,24 @@
   display: inline-block;
   width: $spinner-width;
   height: $spinner-height;
-  vertical-align: text-bottom;
+  vertical-align: $spinner-vertical-align;
   background-color: currentColor;
+  // stylelint-disable-next-line property-disallowed-list
   border-radius: 50%;
   opacity: 0;
-  animation: spinner-grow .75s linear infinite;
+  animation: .75s linear infinite spinner-grow;
 .spinner-grow-sm {
   width: $spinner-width-sm;
   height: $spinner-height-sm;
+ at if $enable-prefers-reduced-motion-media-query {
+  @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+    .spinner-border,
+    .spinner-grow {
+      animation-duration: 1.5s;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_tables.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_tables.scss
similarity index 93%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_tables.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_tables.scss
index a1150420f1..5fd77a4eb0 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_tables.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_tables.scss
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 .table {
   width: 100%;
   margin-bottom: $spacer;
+  color: $table-color;
   background-color: $table-bg; // Reset for nesting within parents with `background-color`.
@@ -22,10 +23,6 @@
   tbody + tbody {
     border-top: (2 * $table-border-width) solid $table-border-color;
-  .table {
-    background-color: $body-bg;
-  }
@@ -87,7 +84,8 @@
 .table-hover {
   tbody tr {
-    @include hover {
+    @include hover() {
+      color: $table-hover-color;
       background-color: $table-hover-bg;
@@ -144,14 +142,15 @@
   &.table-striped {
-    tbody tr:nth-of-type(odd) {
+    tbody tr:nth-of-type(#{$table-striped-order}) {
       background-color: $table-dark-accent-bg;
   &.table-hover {
     tbody tr {
-      @include hover {
+      @include hover() {
+        color: $table-dark-hover-color;
         background-color: $table-dark-hover-bg;
@@ -175,7 +174,6 @@
         width: 100%;
         overflow-x: auto;
         -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
-        -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar; // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/10057
         // Prevent double border on horizontal scroll due to use of `display: block;`
         > .table-bordered {
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_toasts.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_toasts.scss
similarity index 69%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_toasts.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_toasts.scss
index 5babc3e4f8..f9ca8d91cd 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_toasts.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_toasts.scss
@@ -1,14 +1,16 @@
 .toast {
+  // Prevents from shrinking in IE11, when in a flex container
+  // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/28341
+  flex-basis: $toast-max-width;
   max-width: $toast-max-width;
-  overflow: hidden; // cheap rounded corners on nested items
-  font-size: $toast-font-size; // knock it down to 14px
+  @include font-size($toast-font-size);
+  color: $toast-color;
   background-color: $toast-background-color;
   background-clip: padding-box;
   border: $toast-border-width solid $toast-border-color;
-  border-radius: $toast-border-radius;
   box-shadow: $toast-box-shadow;
-  backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
   opacity: 0;
+  @include border-radius($toast-border-radius);
   &:not(:last-child) {
     margin-bottom: $toast-padding-x;
@@ -36,6 +38,7 @@
   background-color: $toast-header-background-color;
   background-clip: padding-box;
   border-bottom: $toast-border-width solid $toast-header-border-color;
+  @include border-top-radius(subtract($toast-border-radius, $toast-border-width));
 .toast-body {
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_tooltip.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_tooltip.scss
similarity index 87%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_tooltip.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_tooltip.scss
index 1286ebfcf9..6771b4eb4f 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_tooltip.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_tooltip.scss
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   // Our parent element can be arbitrary since tooltips are by default inserted as a sibling of their target element.
   // So reset our font and text properties to avoid inheriting weird values.
   @include reset-text();
-  font-size: $tooltip-font-size;
+  @include font-size($tooltip-font-size);
   // Allow breaking very long words so they don't overflow the tooltip's bounds
   word-wrap: break-word;
   opacity: 0;
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
     &::before {
       top: 0;
-      border-width: $tooltip-arrow-height ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) 0;
+      border-width: $tooltip-arrow-height ($tooltip-arrow-width * .5) 0;
       border-top-color: $tooltip-arrow-color;
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
     &::before {
       right: 0;
-      border-width: ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) $tooltip-arrow-height ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) 0;
+      border-width: ($tooltip-arrow-width * .5) $tooltip-arrow-height ($tooltip-arrow-width * .5) 0;
       border-right-color: $tooltip-arrow-color;
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
     &::before {
       bottom: 0;
-      border-width: 0 ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) $tooltip-arrow-height;
+      border-width: 0 ($tooltip-arrow-width * .5) $tooltip-arrow-height;
       border-bottom-color: $tooltip-arrow-color;
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
     &::before {
       left: 0;
-      border-width: ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) 0 ($tooltip-arrow-width / 2) $tooltip-arrow-height;
+      border-width: ($tooltip-arrow-width * .5) 0 ($tooltip-arrow-width * .5) $tooltip-arrow-height;
       border-left-color: $tooltip-arrow-color;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_transitions.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_transitions.scss
similarity index 83%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_transitions.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_transitions.scss
index c8d91e2717..40be4d918a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_transitions.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_transitions.scss
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-// stylelint-disable selector-no-qualifying-type
 .fade {
   @include transition($transition-fade);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_type.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_type.scss
similarity index 66%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_type.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_type.scss
index 37dd967328..3112a734bb 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_type.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_type.scss
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important, selector-list-comma-newline-after
+// stylelint-disable selector-list-comma-newline-after
 // Headings
@@ -13,36 +13,36 @@ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6,
   color: $headings-color;
-h1, .h1 { font-size: $h1-font-size; }
-h2, .h2 { font-size: $h2-font-size; }
-h3, .h3 { font-size: $h3-font-size; }
-h4, .h4 { font-size: $h4-font-size; }
-h5, .h5 { font-size: $h5-font-size; }
-h6, .h6 { font-size: $h6-font-size; }
+h1, .h1 { @include font-size($h1-font-size); }
+h2, .h2 { @include font-size($h2-font-size); }
+h3, .h3 { @include font-size($h3-font-size); }
+h4, .h4 { @include font-size($h4-font-size); }
+h5, .h5 { @include font-size($h5-font-size); }
+h6, .h6 { @include font-size($h6-font-size); }
 .lead {
-  font-size: $lead-font-size;
+  @include font-size($lead-font-size);
   font-weight: $lead-font-weight;
 // Type display classes
 .display-1 {
-  font-size: $display1-size;
+  @include font-size($display1-size);
   font-weight: $display1-weight;
   line-height: $display-line-height;
 .display-2 {
-  font-size: $display2-size;
+  @include font-size($display2-size);
   font-weight: $display2-weight;
   line-height: $display-line-height;
 .display-3 {
-  font-size: $display3-size;
+  @include font-size($display3-size);
   font-weight: $display3-weight;
   line-height: $display-line-height;
 .display-4 {
-  font-size: $display4-size;
+  @include font-size($display4-size);
   font-weight: $display4-weight;
   line-height: $display-line-height;
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ hr {
 .small {
-  font-size: $small-font-size;
+  @include font-size($small-font-size);
   font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
@@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ mark,
 .list-unstyled {
-  @include list-unstyled;
+  @include list-unstyled();
 // Inline turns list items into inline-block
 .list-inline {
-  @include list-unstyled;
+  @include list-unstyled();
 .list-inline-item {
   display: inline-block;
@@ -104,19 +104,19 @@ mark,
 // Builds on `abbr`
 .initialism {
-  font-size: 90%;
+  @include font-size(90%);
   text-transform: uppercase;
 // Blockquotes
 .blockquote {
   margin-bottom: $spacer;
-  font-size: $blockquote-font-size;
+  @include font-size($blockquote-font-size);
 .blockquote-footer {
   display: block;
-  font-size: $blockquote-small-font-size;
+  @include font-size($blockquote-small-font-size);
   color: $blockquote-small-color;
   &::before {
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_utilities.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_utilities.scss
similarity index 86%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_utilities.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_utilities.scss
index 913fb852d5..10e31dd7e9 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_utilities.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_utilities.scss
@@ -6,11 +6,13 @@
 @import "utilities/embed";
 @import "utilities/flex";
 @import "utilities/float";
+ at import "utilities/interactions";
 @import "utilities/overflow";
 @import "utilities/position";
 @import "utilities/screenreaders";
 @import "utilities/shadows";
 @import "utilities/sizing";
 @import "utilities/spacing";
+ at import "utilities/stretched-link";
 @import "utilities/text";
 @import "utilities/visibility";
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_variables.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_variables.scss
similarity index 78%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_variables.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_variables.scss
index 25e26843e0..7d8fb3b3bf 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/_variables.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/_variables.scss
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ $gray-900: #212529 !default;
 $black:    #000 !default;
 $grays: () !default;
-// stylelint-disable-next-line scss/dollar-variable-default
 $grays: map-merge(
     "100": $gray-100,
@@ -46,7 +45,6 @@ $teal:    #20c997 !default;
 $cyan:    #17a2b8 !default;
 $colors: () !default;
-// stylelint-disable-next-line scss/dollar-variable-default
 $colors: map-merge(
     "blue":       $blue,
@@ -76,7 +74,6 @@ $light:         $gray-100 !default;
 $dark:          $gray-800 !default;
 $theme-colors: () !default;
-// stylelint-disable-next-line scss/dollar-variable-default
 $theme-colors: map-merge(
     "primary":    $primary,
@@ -101,6 +98,15 @@ $yiq-contrasted-threshold:  150 !default;
 $yiq-text-dark:             $gray-900 !default;
 $yiq-text-light:            $white !default;
+// Characters which are escaped by the escape-svg function
+$escaped-characters: (
+  ("<", "%3c"),
+  (">", "%3e"),
+  ("#", "%23"),
+  ("(", "%28"),
+  (")", "%29"),
+) !default;
 // Options
@@ -114,8 +120,11 @@ $enable-transitions:                          true !default;
 $enable-prefers-reduced-motion-media-query:   true !default;
 $enable-hover-media-query:                    false !default; // Deprecated, no longer affects any compiled CSS
 $enable-grid-classes:                         true !default;
+$enable-pointer-cursor-for-buttons:           true !default;
 $enable-print-styles:                         true !default;
+$enable-responsive-font-sizes:                false !default;
 $enable-validation-icons:                     true !default;
+$enable-deprecation-messages:                 true !default;
 // Spacing
@@ -126,7 +135,6 @@ $enable-validation-icons:                     true !default;
 $spacer: 1rem !default;
 $spacers: () !default;
-// stylelint-disable-next-line scss/dollar-variable-default
 $spacers: map-merge(
     0: 0,
@@ -141,7 +149,6 @@ $spacers: map-merge(
 // This variable affects the `.h-*` and `.w-*` classes.
 $sizes: () !default;
-// stylelint-disable-next-line scss/dollar-variable-default
 $sizes: map-merge(
     25: 25%,
@@ -185,38 +192,28 @@ $paragraph-margin-bottom:   1rem !default;
 // Define the minimum dimensions at which your layout will change,
 // adapting to different screen sizes, for use in media queries.
-$grid-breakpoints: () !default;
-// stylelint-disable-next-line scss/dollar-variable-default
-$grid-breakpoints: map-merge(
-  (
-    xs: 0,
-    sm: 576px,
-    md: 768px,
-    lg: 992px,
-    xl: 1200px
-  ),
-  $grid-breakpoints
+$grid-breakpoints: (
+  xs: 0,
+  sm: 576px,
+  md: 768px,
+  lg: 992px,
+  xl: 1200px
+) !default;
 @include _assert-ascending($grid-breakpoints, "$grid-breakpoints");
- at include _assert-starts-at-zero($grid-breakpoints);
+ at include _assert-starts-at-zero($grid-breakpoints, "$grid-breakpoints");
 // Grid containers
 // Define the maximum width of `.container` for different screen sizes.
-$container-max-widths: () !default;
-// stylelint-disable-next-line scss/dollar-variable-default
-$container-max-widths: map-merge(
-  (
-    sm: 540px,
-    md: 720px,
-    lg: 960px,
-    xl: 1140px
-  ),
-  $container-max-widths
+$container-max-widths: (
+  sm: 540px,
+  md: 720px,
+  lg: 960px,
+  xl: 1140px
+) !default;
 @include _assert-ascending($container-max-widths, "$container-max-widths");
@@ -227,6 +224,7 @@ $container-max-widths: map-merge(
 $grid-columns:                12 !default;
 $grid-gutter-width:           30px !default;
+$grid-row-columns:            6 !default;
 // Components
@@ -253,36 +251,37 @@ $component-active-color:      $white !default;
 $component-active-bg:         theme-color("primary") !default;
 $caret-width:                 .3em !default;
+$caret-vertical-align:        $caret-width * .85 !default;
+$caret-spacing:               $caret-width * .85 !default;
 $transition-base:             all .2s ease-in-out !default;
 $transition-fade:             opacity .15s linear !default;
 $transition-collapse:         height .35s ease !default;
 $embed-responsive-aspect-ratios: () !default;
-// stylelint-disable-next-line scss/dollar-variable-default
 $embed-responsive-aspect-ratios: join(
     (21 9),
     (16 9),
-    (3 4),
+    (4 3),
     (1 1),
-// Fonts
+// Typography
 // Font, line-height, and color for body text, headings, and more.
 // stylelint-disable value-keyword-case
-$font-family-sans-serif:      -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji" !default;
+$font-family-sans-serif:      -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, "Noto Sans", "Liberation Sans", sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol", "Noto Color Emoji" !default;
 $font-family-monospace:       SFMono-Regular, Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, "Liberation Mono", "Courier New", monospace !default;
 $font-family-base:            $font-family-sans-serif !default;
 // stylelint-enable value-keyword-case
 $font-size-base:              1rem !default; // Assumes the browser default, typically `16px`
-$font-size-lg:                ($font-size-base * 1.25) !default;
-$font-size-sm:                ($font-size-base * .875) !default;
+$font-size-lg:                $font-size-base * 1.25 !default;
+$font-size-sm:                $font-size-base * .875 !default;
 $font-weight-lighter:         lighter !default;
 $font-weight-light:           300 !default;
@@ -300,11 +299,11 @@ $h4-font-size:                $font-size-base * 1.5 !default;
 $h5-font-size:                $font-size-base * 1.25 !default;
 $h6-font-size:                $font-size-base !default;
-$headings-margin-bottom:      $spacer / 2 !default;
-$headings-font-family:        inherit !default;
+$headings-margin-bottom:      $spacer * .5 !default;
+$headings-font-family:        null !default;
 $headings-font-weight:        500 !default;
 $headings-line-height:        1.2 !default;
-$headings-color:              inherit !default;
+$headings-color:              null !default;
 $display1-size:               6rem !default;
 $display2-size:               5.5rem !default;
@@ -317,7 +316,7 @@ $display3-weight:             300 !default;
 $display4-weight:             300 !default;
 $display-line-height:         $headings-line-height !default;
-$lead-font-size:              ($font-size-base * 1.25) !default;
+$lead-font-size:              $font-size-base * 1.25 !default;
 $lead-font-weight:            300 !default;
 $small-font-size:             80% !default;
@@ -326,7 +325,7 @@ $text-muted:                  $gray-600 !default;
 $blockquote-small-color:      $gray-600 !default;
 $blockquote-small-font-size:  $small-font-size !default;
-$blockquote-font-size:        ($font-size-base * 1.25) !default;
+$blockquote-font-size:        $font-size-base * 1.25 !default;
 $hr-border-color:             rgba($black, .1) !default;
 $hr-border-width:             $border-width !default;
@@ -352,22 +351,26 @@ $hr-margin-y:                 $spacer !default;
 $table-cell-padding:          .75rem !default;
 $table-cell-padding-sm:       .3rem !default;
-$table-bg:                    transparent !default;
+$table-color:                 $body-color !default;
+$table-bg:                    null !default;
 $table-accent-bg:             rgba($black, .05) !default;
+$table-hover-color:           $table-color !default;
 $table-hover-bg:              rgba($black, .075) !default;
 $table-active-bg:             $table-hover-bg !default;
 $table-border-width:          $border-width !default;
-$table-border-color:          $gray-300 !default;
+$table-border-color:          $border-color !default;
 $table-head-bg:               $gray-200 !default;
 $table-head-color:            $gray-700 !default;
+$table-th-font-weight:        null !default;
-$table-dark-bg:               $gray-900 !default;
+$table-dark-color:            $white !default;
+$table-dark-bg:               $gray-800 !default;
 $table-dark-accent-bg:        rgba($white, .05) !default;
+$table-dark-hover-color:      $table-dark-color !default;
 $table-dark-hover-bg:         rgba($white, .075) !default;
-$table-dark-border-color:     lighten($gray-900, 7.5%) !default;
-$table-dark-color:            $white !default;
+$table-dark-border-color:     lighten($table-dark-bg, 7.5%) !default;
 $table-striped-order:         odd !default;
@@ -383,6 +386,7 @@ $table-border-level:          -6 !default;
 $input-btn-padding-y:         .375rem !default;
 $input-btn-padding-x:         .75rem !default;
+$input-btn-font-family:       null !default;
 $input-btn-font-size:         $font-size-base !default;
 $input-btn-line-height:       $line-height-base !default;
@@ -409,8 +413,10 @@ $input-btn-border-width:      $border-width !default;
 $btn-padding-y:               $input-btn-padding-y !default;
 $btn-padding-x:               $input-btn-padding-x !default;
+$btn-font-family:             $input-btn-font-family !default;
 $btn-font-size:               $input-btn-font-size !default;
 $btn-line-height:             $input-btn-line-height !default;
+$btn-white-space:             null !default; // Set to `nowrap` to prevent text wrapping
 $btn-padding-y-sm:            $input-btn-padding-y-sm !default;
 $btn-padding-x-sm:            $input-btn-padding-x-sm !default;
@@ -449,6 +455,7 @@ $label-margin-bottom:                   .5rem !default;
 $input-padding-y:                       $input-btn-padding-y !default;
 $input-padding-x:                       $input-btn-padding-x !default;
+$input-font-family:                     $input-btn-font-family !default;
 $input-font-size:                       $input-btn-font-size !default;
 $input-font-weight:                     $font-weight-base !default;
 $input-line-height:                     $input-btn-line-height !default;
@@ -486,14 +493,13 @@ $input-plaintext-color:                 $body-color !default;
 $input-height-border:                   $input-border-width * 2 !default;
-$input-height-inner:                    ($input-btn-font-size * $input-btn-line-height) + ($input-btn-padding-y * 2) !default;
-$input-height:                          calc(#{$input-height-inner} + #{$input-height-border}) !default;
-$input-height-inner-sm:                 ($input-btn-font-size-sm * $input-btn-line-height-sm) + ($input-btn-padding-y-sm * 2) !default;
-$input-height-sm:                       calc(#{$input-height-inner-sm} + #{$input-height-border}) !default;
+$input-height-inner:                    add($input-line-height * 1em, $input-padding-y * 2) !default;
+$input-height-inner-half:               add($input-line-height * .5em, $input-padding-y) !default;
+$input-height-inner-quarter:            add($input-line-height * .25em, $input-padding-y * .5) !default;
-$input-height-inner-lg:                 ($input-btn-font-size-lg * $input-btn-line-height-lg) + ($input-btn-padding-y-lg * 2) !default;
-$input-height-lg:                       calc(#{$input-height-inner-lg} + #{$input-height-border}) !default;
+$input-height:                          add($input-line-height * 1em, add($input-padding-y * 2, $input-height-border, false)) !default;
+$input-height-sm:                       add($input-line-height-sm * 1em, add($input-padding-y-sm * 2, $input-height-border, false)) !default;
+$input-height-lg:                       add($input-line-height-lg * 1em, add($input-padding-y-lg * 2, $input-height-border, false)) !default;
 $input-transition:                      border-color .15s ease-in-out, box-shadow .15s ease-in-out !default;
@@ -517,6 +523,7 @@ $custom-forms-transition:               background-color .15s ease-in-out, borde
 $custom-control-gutter:                 .5rem !default;
 $custom-control-spacer-x:               1rem !default;
+$custom-control-cursor:                 null !default;
 $custom-control-indicator-size:         1rem !default;
 $custom-control-indicator-bg:           $input-bg !default;
@@ -526,41 +533,45 @@ $custom-control-indicator-box-shadow:   $input-box-shadow !default;
 $custom-control-indicator-border-color: $gray-500 !default;
 $custom-control-indicator-border-width: $input-border-width !default;
+$custom-control-label-color:            null !default;
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 $custom-control-label-disabled-color:           $gray-600 !default;
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 $custom-control-indicator-checked-bg:           $component-active-bg !default;
 $custom-control-indicator-checked-disabled-bg:  rgba(theme-color("primary"), .5) !default;
-$custom-control-indicator-checked-box-shadow:   none !default;
+$custom-control-indicator-checked-box-shadow:   null !default;
 $custom-control-indicator-checked-border-color: $custom-control-indicator-checked-bg !default;
-$custom-control-indicator-focus-box-shadow:     $input-btn-focus-box-shadow !default;
+$custom-control-indicator-focus-box-shadow:     $input-focus-box-shadow !default;
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 $custom-control-indicator-active-bg:            lighten($component-active-bg, 35%) !default;
-$custom-control-indicator-active-box-shadow:    none !default;
+$custom-control-indicator-active-box-shadow:    null !default;
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 $custom-checkbox-indicator-border-radius:       $border-radius !default;
-$custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-checked:        str-replace(url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='#{$custom-control-indicator-checked-color}' d='M6.564.75l-3.59 3.612-1.538-1.55L0 4.26 2.974 7.25 8 2.193z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"), "#", "%23") !default;
+$custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-checked:        url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'><path fill='#{$custom-control-indicator-checked-color}' d='M6.564.75l-3.59 3.612-1.538-1.55L0 4.26l2.974 2.99L8 2.193z'/></svg>") !default;
 $custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-bg:           $component-active-bg !default;
 $custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-color:        $custom-control-indicator-checked-color !default;
-$custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-indeterminate:         str-replace(url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 4'%3e%3cpath stroke='#{$custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-color}' d='M0 2h4'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"), "#", "%23") !default;
-$custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-box-shadow:   none !default;
+$custom-checkbox-indicator-icon-indeterminate:         url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='4' height='4' viewBox='0 0 4 4'><path stroke='#{$custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-color}' d='M0 2h4'/></svg>") !default;
+$custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-box-shadow:   null !default;
 $custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-border-color: $custom-checkbox-indicator-indeterminate-bg !default;
 $custom-radio-indicator-border-radius:          50% !default;
-$custom-radio-indicator-icon-checked:           str-replace(url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='-4 -4 8 8'%3e%3ccircle r='3' fill='#{$custom-control-indicator-checked-color}'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"), "#", "%23") !default;
+$custom-radio-indicator-icon-checked:           url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='12' height='12' viewBox='-4 -4 8 8'><circle r='3' fill='#{$custom-control-indicator-checked-color}'/></svg>") !default;
 $custom-switch-width:                           $custom-control-indicator-size * 1.75 !default;
-$custom-switch-indicator-border-radius:         $custom-control-indicator-size / 2 !default;
-$custom-switch-indicator-size:                  calc(#{$custom-control-indicator-size} - #{$custom-control-indicator-border-width * 4}) !default;
+$custom-switch-indicator-border-radius:         $custom-control-indicator-size * .5 !default;
+$custom-switch-indicator-size:                  subtract($custom-control-indicator-size, $custom-control-indicator-border-width * 4) !default;
-$custom-select-padding-y:           $input-btn-padding-y !default;
-$custom-select-padding-x:           $input-btn-padding-x !default;
+$custom-select-padding-y:           $input-padding-y !default;
+$custom-select-padding-x:           $input-padding-x !default;
+$custom-select-font-family:         $input-font-family !default;
+$custom-select-font-size:           $input-font-size !default;
 $custom-select-height:              $input-height !default;
 $custom-select-indicator-padding:   1rem !default; // Extra padding to account for the presence of the background-image based indicator
 $custom-select-font-weight:         $input-font-weight !default;
@@ -571,12 +582,12 @@ $custom-select-bg:                  $input-bg !default;
 $custom-select-disabled-bg:         $gray-200 !default;
 $custom-select-bg-size:             8px 10px !default; // In pixels because image dimensions
 $custom-select-indicator-color:     $gray-800 !default;
-$custom-select-indicator:           str-replace(url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='#{$custom-select-indicator-color}' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"), "#", "%23") !default;
-$custom-select-background:          $custom-select-indicator no-repeat right $custom-select-padding-x center / $custom-select-bg-size !default; // Used so we can have multiple background elements (e.g., arrow and feedback icon)
+$custom-select-indicator:           url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='4' height='5' viewBox='0 0 4 5'><path fill='#{$custom-select-indicator-color}' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/></svg>") !default;
+$custom-select-background:          escape-svg($custom-select-indicator) right $custom-select-padding-x center / $custom-select-bg-size no-repeat !default; // Used so we can have multiple background elements (e.g., arrow and feedback icon)
-$custom-select-feedback-icon-padding-right: $input-height-inner * 3 / 4 + $custom-select-padding-x + $custom-select-indicator-padding !default;
+$custom-select-feedback-icon-padding-right: add(1em * .75, (2 * $custom-select-padding-y * .75) + $custom-select-padding-x + $custom-select-indicator-padding) !default;
 $custom-select-feedback-icon-position:      center right ($custom-select-padding-x + $custom-select-indicator-padding) !default;
-$custom-select-feedback-icon-size:          ($input-height-inner / 2) ($input-height-inner / 2) !default;
+$custom-select-feedback-icon-size:          $input-height-inner-half $input-height-inner-half !default;
 $custom-select-border-width:        $input-border-width !default;
 $custom-select-border-color:        $input-border-color !default;
@@ -585,16 +596,16 @@ $custom-select-box-shadow:          inset 0 1px 2px rgba($black, .075) !default;
 $custom-select-focus-border-color:  $input-focus-border-color !default;
 $custom-select-focus-width:         $input-focus-width !default;
-$custom-select-focus-box-shadow:    0 0 0 $custom-select-focus-width rgba($custom-select-focus-border-color, .5) !default;
+$custom-select-focus-box-shadow:    0 0 0 $custom-select-focus-width $input-btn-focus-color !default;
 $custom-select-padding-y-sm:        $input-padding-y-sm !default;
 $custom-select-padding-x-sm:        $input-padding-x-sm !default;
-$custom-select-font-size-sm:        $input-btn-font-size-sm !default;
+$custom-select-font-size-sm:        $input-font-size-sm !default;
 $custom-select-height-sm:           $input-height-sm !default;
 $custom-select-padding-y-lg:        $input-padding-y-lg !default;
 $custom-select-padding-x-lg:        $input-padding-x-lg !default;
-$custom-select-font-size-lg:        $input-btn-font-size-lg !default;
+$custom-select-font-size-lg:        $input-font-size-lg !default;
 $custom-select-height-lg:           $input-height-lg !default;
 $custom-range-track-width:          100% !default;
@@ -624,6 +635,7 @@ $custom-file-disabled-bg:           $input-disabled-bg !default;
 $custom-file-padding-y:             $input-padding-y !default;
 $custom-file-padding-x:             $input-padding-x !default;
 $custom-file-line-height:           $input-line-height !default;
+$custom-file-font-family:           $input-font-family !default;
 $custom-file-font-weight:           $input-font-weight !default;
 $custom-file-color:                 $input-color !default;
 $custom-file-bg:                    $input-bg !default;
@@ -646,40 +658,24 @@ $form-feedback-valid-color:         theme-color("success") !default;
 $form-feedback-invalid-color:       theme-color("danger") !default;
 $form-feedback-icon-valid-color:    $form-feedback-valid-color !default;
-$form-feedback-icon-valid:          str-replace(url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='#{$form-feedback-icon-valid-color}' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"), "#", "%23") !default;
+$form-feedback-icon-valid:          url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'><path fill='#{$form-feedback-icon-valid-color}' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/></svg>") !default;
 $form-feedback-icon-invalid-color:  $form-feedback-invalid-color !default;
-$form-feedback-icon-invalid:        str-replace(url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='#{$form-feedback-icon-invalid-color}' viewBox='-2 -2 7 7'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23d9534f' d='M0 0l3 3m0-3L0 3'/%3e%3ccircle r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3c/svg%3E"), "#", "%23") !default;
-// Dropdowns
-// Dropdown menu container and contents.
-$dropdown-min-width:                10rem !default;
-$dropdown-padding-y:                .5rem !default;
-$dropdown-spacer:                   .125rem !default;
-$dropdown-bg:                       $white !default;
-$dropdown-border-color:             rgba($black, .15) !default;
-$dropdown-border-radius:            $border-radius !default;
-$dropdown-border-width:             $border-width !default;
-$dropdown-inner-border-radius:      calc(#{$dropdown-border-radius} - #{$dropdown-border-width}) !default;
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-$dropdown-box-shadow:               0 .5rem 1rem rgba($black, .175) !default;
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-$dropdown-link-hover-color:         darken($gray-900, 5%) !default;
-$dropdown-link-hover-bg:            $gray-100 !default;
-$dropdown-link-active-color:        $component-active-color !default;
-$dropdown-link-active-bg:           $component-active-bg !default;
-$dropdown-link-disabled-color:      $gray-600 !default;
-$dropdown-item-padding-y:           .25rem !default;
-$dropdown-item-padding-x:           1.5rem !default;
-$dropdown-header-color:             $gray-600 !default;
+$form-feedback-icon-invalid:        url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='12' height='12' fill='none' stroke='#{$form-feedback-icon-invalid-color}' viewBox='0 0 12 12'><circle cx='6' cy='6' r='4.5'/><path stroke-linejoin='round' d='M5.8 3.6h.4L6 6.5z'/><circle cx='6' cy='8.2' r='.6' fill='#{$form-feedback-icon-invalid-color}' stroke='none'/></svg>") !default;
+$form-validation-states: () !default;
+$form-validation-states: map-merge(
+  (
+    "valid": (
+      "color": $form-feedback-valid-color,
+      "icon": $form-feedback-icon-valid
+    ),
+    "invalid": (
+      "color": $form-feedback-invalid-color,
+      "icon": $form-feedback-icon-invalid
+    ),
+  ),
+  $form-validation-states
 // Z-index master list
@@ -714,12 +710,12 @@ $nav-pills-link-active-color:       $component-active-color !default;
 $nav-pills-link-active-bg:          $component-active-bg !default;
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+$nav-divider-margin-y:              $spacer * .5 !default;
 // Navbar
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+$navbar-padding-y:                  $spacer * .5 !default;
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@@ -728,25 +724,27 @@ $navbar-brand-font-size:            $font-size-lg !default;
 // Compute the navbar-brand padding-y so the navbar-brand will have the same height as navbar-text and nav-link
 $nav-link-height:                   $font-size-base * $line-height-base + $nav-link-padding-y * 2 !default;
 $navbar-brand-height:               $navbar-brand-font-size * $line-height-base !default;
-$navbar-brand-padding-y:            ($nav-link-height - $navbar-brand-height) / 2 !default;
+$navbar-brand-padding-y:            ($nav-link-height - $navbar-brand-height) * .5 !default;
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+$navbar-nav-scroll-max-height:      75vh !default;
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-$navbar-dark-toggler-icon-bg:       str-replace(url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg viewBox='0 0 30 30' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3e%3cpath stroke='#{$navbar-dark-color}' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"), "#", "%23") !default;
+$navbar-dark-toggler-icon-bg:       url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='30' height='30' viewBox='0 0 30 30'><path stroke='#{$navbar-dark-color}' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='2' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/></svg>") !default;
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-$navbar-light-toggler-icon-bg:      str-replace(url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg viewBox='0 0 30 30' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3e%3cpath stroke='#{$navbar-light-color}' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"), "#", "%23") !default;
+$navbar-light-toggler-icon-bg:      url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='30' height='30' viewBox='0 0 30 30'><path stroke='#{$navbar-light-color}' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='2' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/></svg>") !default;
 $navbar-light-toggler-border-color: rgba($black, .1) !default;
 $navbar-light-brand-color:                $navbar-light-active-color !default;
@@ -755,6 +753,41 @@ $navbar-dark-brand-color:                 $navbar-dark-active-color !default;
 $navbar-dark-brand-hover-color:           $navbar-dark-active-color !default;
+// Dropdowns
+// Dropdown menu container and contents.
+$dropdown-min-width:                10rem !default;
+$dropdown-padding-x:                0 !default;
+$dropdown-padding-y:                .5rem !default;
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+$dropdown-border-color:             rgba($black, .15) !default;
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+$dropdown-border-width:             $border-width !default;
+$dropdown-inner-border-radius:      subtract($dropdown-border-radius, $dropdown-border-width) !default;
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+$dropdown-divider-margin-y:         $nav-divider-margin-y !default;
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+$dropdown-link-hover-bg:            $gray-200 !default;
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+$dropdown-link-active-bg:           $component-active-bg !default;
+$dropdown-link-disabled-color:      $gray-500 !default;
+$dropdown-item-padding-y:           .25rem !default;
+$dropdown-item-padding-x:           1.5rem !default;
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+$dropdown-header-padding:           $dropdown-padding-y $dropdown-item-padding-x !default;
 // Pagination
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@@ -785,10 +818,14 @@ $pagination-disabled-color:         $gray-600 !default;
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 // Jumbotron
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+$jumbotron-color:                   null !default;
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@@ -799,14 +836,16 @@ $card-spacer-x:                     1.25rem !default;
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 $card-border-radius:                $border-radius !default;
 $card-border-color:                 rgba($black, .125) !default;
-$card-inner-border-radius:          calc(#{$card-border-radius} - #{$card-border-width}) !default;
+$card-inner-border-radius:          subtract($card-border-radius, $card-border-width) !default;
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+$card-cap-color:                    null !default;
+$card-height:                       null !default;
+$card-color:                        null !default;
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-$card-group-margin:                 $grid-gutter-width / 2 !default;
+$card-group-margin:                 $grid-gutter-width * .5 !default;
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@@ -847,6 +886,7 @@ $popover-max-width:                 276px !default;
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 $popover-border-color:              rgba($black, .2) !default;
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+$popover-inner-border-radius:       subtract($popover-border-radius, $popover-border-width) !default;
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 $popover-header-bg:                 darken($popover-bg, 3%) !default;
@@ -866,19 +906,21 @@ $popover-arrow-outer-color:         fade-in($popover-border-color, .05) !default
 // Toasts
-$toast-max-width: 350px !default;
-$toast-padding-x: .75rem !default;
-$toast-padding-y: .25rem !default;
-$toast-font-size: .875rem !default;
-$toast-background-color: rgba($white, .85) !default;
-$toast-border-width: 1px !default;
-$toast-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .1) !default;
-$toast-border-radius: .25rem !default;
-$toast-box-shadow: 0 .25rem .75rem rgba($black, .1) !default;
-$toast-header-color: $gray-600 !default;
-$toast-header-background-color: rgba($white, .85) !default;
-$toast-header-border-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .05) !default;
+$toast-max-width:                   350px !default;
+$toast-padding-x:                   .75rem !default;
+$toast-padding-y:                   .25rem !default;
+$toast-font-size:                   .875rem !default;
+$toast-color:                       null !default;
+$toast-background-color:            rgba($white, .85) !default;
+$toast-border-width:                1px !default;
+$toast-border-color:                rgba(0, 0, 0, .1) !default;
+$toast-border-radius:               .25rem !default;
+$toast-box-shadow:                  0 .25rem .75rem rgba($black, .1) !default;
+$toast-header-color:                $gray-600 !default;
+$toast-header-background-color:     rgba($white, .85) !default;
+$toast-header-border-color:         rgba(0, 0, 0, .05) !default;
 // Badges
@@ -889,6 +931,9 @@ $badge-padding-y:                   .25em !default;
 $badge-padding-x:                   .4em !default;
 $badge-border-radius:               $border-radius !default;
+$badge-transition:                  $btn-transition !default;
+$badge-focus-width:                 $input-btn-focus-width !default;
 $badge-pill-padding-x:              .6em !default;
 // Use a higher than normal value to ensure completely rounded edges when
 // customizing padding or font-size on labels.
@@ -900,21 +945,26 @@ $badge-pill-border-radius:          10rem !default;
 // Padding applied to the modal body
 $modal-inner-padding:               1rem !default;
+// Margin between elements in footer, must be lower than or equal to 2 * $modal-inner-padding
+$modal-footer-margin-between:       .5rem !default;
 $modal-dialog-margin:               .5rem !default;
 $modal-dialog-margin-y-sm-up:       1.75rem !default;
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+$modal-content-color:               null !default;
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+$modal-content-inner-border-radius: subtract($modal-content-border-radius, $modal-content-border-width) !default;
 $modal-content-box-shadow-xs:       0 .25rem .5rem rgba($black, .5) !default;
 $modal-content-box-shadow-sm-up:    0 .5rem 1rem rgba($black, .5) !default;
 $modal-backdrop-bg:                 $black !default;
 $modal-backdrop-opacity:            .5 !default;
-$modal-header-border-color:         $gray-200 !default;
+$modal-header-border-color:         $border-color !default;
 $modal-footer-border-color:         $modal-header-border-color !default;
 $modal-header-border-width:         $modal-content-border-width !default;
 $modal-footer-border-width:         $modal-header-border-width !default;
@@ -930,6 +980,7 @@ $modal-sm:                          300px !default;
 $modal-fade-transform:              translate(0, -50px) !default;
 $modal-show-transform:              none !default;
 $modal-transition:                  transform .3s ease-out !default;
+$modal-scale-transform:             scale(1.02) !default;
 // Alerts
@@ -951,7 +1002,7 @@ $alert-color-level:                 6 !default;
 // Progress bars
 $progress-height:                   1rem !default;
-$progress-font-size:                ($font-size-base * .75) !default;
+$progress-font-size:                $font-size-base * .75 !default;
 $progress-bg:                       $gray-200 !default;
 $progress-border-radius:            $border-radius !default;
 $progress-box-shadow:               inset 0 .1rem .1rem rgba($black, .1) !default;
@@ -963,6 +1014,7 @@ $progress-bar-transition:           width .6s ease !default;
 // List group
+$list-group-color:                  null !default;
 $list-group-bg:                     $white !default;
 $list-group-border-color:           rgba($black, .125) !default;
 $list-group-border-width:           $border-width !default;
@@ -1004,6 +1056,8 @@ $figure-caption-color:              $gray-600 !default;
 // Breadcrumbs
+$breadcrumb-font-size:              null !default;
 $breadcrumb-padding-y:              .75rem !default;
 $breadcrumb-padding-x:              1rem !default;
 $breadcrumb-item-padding:           .5rem !default;
@@ -1038,8 +1092,8 @@ $carousel-caption-color:             $white !default;
 $carousel-control-icon-width:        20px !default;
-$carousel-control-prev-icon-bg:      str-replace(url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='#{$carousel-control-color}' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath d='M5.25 0l-4 4 4 4 1.5-1.5-2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5-1.5-1.5z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"), "#", "%23") !default;
-$carousel-control-next-icon-bg:      str-replace(url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='#{$carousel-control-color}' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath d='M2.75 0l-1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 4-4-4-4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e"), "#", "%23") !default;
+$carousel-control-prev-icon-bg:      url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='#{$carousel-control-color}' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'><path d='M5.25 0l-4 4 4 4 1.5-1.5L4.25 4l2.5-2.5L5.25 0z'/></svg>") !default;
+$carousel-control-next-icon-bg:      url("data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='#{$carousel-control-color}' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'><path d='M2.75 0l-1.5 1.5L3.75 4l-2.5 2.5L2.75 8l4-4-4-4z'/></svg>") !default;
 $carousel-transition-duration:       .6s !default;
 $carousel-transition:                transform $carousel-transition-duration ease-in-out !default; // Define transform transition first if using multiple transitions (e.g., `transform 2s ease, opacity .5s ease-out`)
@@ -1047,9 +1101,10 @@ $carousel-transition:                transform $carousel-transition-duration eas
 // Spinners
-$spinner-width:         2rem !default;
-$spinner-height:        $spinner-width !default;
-$spinner-border-width:  .25em !default;
+$spinner-width:           2rem !default;
+$spinner-height:          $spinner-width !default;
+$spinner-vertical-align:  -.125em !default;
+$spinner-border-width:    .25em !default;
 $spinner-width-sm:        1rem !default;
 $spinner-height-sm:       $spinner-width-sm !default;
@@ -1081,8 +1136,10 @@ $pre-scrollable-max-height:         340px !default;
 // Utilities
+$displays: none, inline, inline-block, block, table, table-row, table-cell, flex, inline-flex !default;
 $overflows: auto, hidden !default;
 $positions: static, relative, absolute, fixed, sticky !default;
+$user-selects: all, auto, none !default;
 // Printing
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/bootstrap-grid.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/bootstrap-grid.scss
similarity index 70%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/bootstrap-grid.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/bootstrap-grid.scss
index 9b3e77cb47..0de912bff7 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/bootstrap-grid.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/bootstrap-grid.scss
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * Bootstrap Grid v4.2.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
- * Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors
- * Copyright 2011-2018 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * Bootstrap Grid v4.6.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors
+ * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
 html {
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ html {
 @import "functions";
 @import "variables";
+ at import "mixins/deprecate";
 @import "mixins/breakpoints";
 @import "mixins/grid-framework";
 @import "mixins/grid";
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/bootstrap-reboot.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/bootstrap-reboot.scss
similarity index 63%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/bootstrap-reboot.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/bootstrap-reboot.scss
index 717417810c..aed4e378cc 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/bootstrap-reboot.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/bootstrap-reboot.scss
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * Bootstrap Reboot v4.2.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
- * Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors
- * Copyright 2011-2018 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * Bootstrap Reboot v4.6.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors
+ * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
  * Forked from Normalize.css, licensed MIT (https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/blob/master/LICENSE.md)
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/bootstrap.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/bootstrap.scss
similarity index 84%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/bootstrap.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/bootstrap.scss
index 44b04b2931..60bb836f04 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/bootstrap.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/bootstrap.scss
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
- * Bootstrap v4.2.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
- * Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors
- * Copyright 2011-2018 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * Bootstrap v4.6.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors
+ * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
 @import "functions";
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_alert.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_alert.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_alert.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_alert.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_background-variant.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_background-variant.scss
similarity index 52%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_background-variant.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_background-variant.scss
index 494439d2b4..80580189ad 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_background-variant.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_background-variant.scss
@@ -2,20 +2,22 @@
 // Contextual backgrounds
- at mixin bg-variant($parent, $color) {
+ at mixin bg-variant($parent, $color, $ignore-warning: false) {
   #{$parent} {
     background-color: $color !important;
   button#{$parent} {
-    @include hover-focus {
+    @include hover-focus() {
       background-color: darken($color, 10%) !important;
+  @include deprecate("The `bg-variant` mixin", "v4.4.0", "v5", $ignore-warning);
- at mixin bg-gradient-variant($parent, $color) {
+ at mixin bg-gradient-variant($parent, $color, $ignore-warning: false) {
   #{$parent} {
     background: $color linear-gradient(180deg, mix($body-bg, $color, 15%), $color) repeat-x !important;
+  @include deprecate("The `bg-gradient-variant` mixin", "v4.5.0", "v5", $ignore-warning);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_badge.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_badge.scss
similarity index 56%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_badge.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_badge.scss
index cf99b3537a..f1c499141a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_badge.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_badge.scss
@@ -3,9 +3,15 @@
   background-color: $bg;
   @at-root a#{&} {
-    @include hover-focus {
+    @include hover-focus() {
       color: color-yiq($bg);
       background-color: darken($bg, 10%);
+    &:focus,
+    &.focus {
+      outline: 0;
+      box-shadow: 0 0 0 $badge-focus-width rgba($bg, .5);
+    }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_border-radius.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_border-radius.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4fad91d676
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_border-radius.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// stylelint-disable property-disallowed-list
+// Single side border-radius
+// Helper function to replace negative values with 0
+ at function valid-radius($radius) {
+  $return: ();
+  @each $value in $radius {
+    @if type-of($value) == number {
+      $return: append($return, max($value, 0));
+    } @else {
+      $return: append($return, $value);
+    }
+  }
+  @return $return;
+ at mixin border-radius($radius: $border-radius, $fallback-border-radius: false) {
+  @if $enable-rounded {
+    border-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+  }
+  @else if $fallback-border-radius != false {
+    border-radius: $fallback-border-radius;
+  }
+ at mixin border-top-radius($radius) {
+  @if $enable-rounded {
+    border-top-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+    border-top-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+  }
+ at mixin border-right-radius($radius) {
+  @if $enable-rounded {
+    border-top-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+    border-bottom-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+  }
+ at mixin border-bottom-radius($radius) {
+  @if $enable-rounded {
+    border-bottom-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+    border-bottom-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+  }
+ at mixin border-left-radius($radius) {
+  @if $enable-rounded {
+    border-top-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+    border-bottom-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+  }
+ at mixin border-top-left-radius($radius) {
+  @if $enable-rounded {
+    border-top-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+  }
+ at mixin border-top-right-radius($radius) {
+  @if $enable-rounded {
+    border-top-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+  }
+ at mixin border-bottom-right-radius($radius) {
+  @if $enable-rounded {
+    border-bottom-right-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+  }
+ at mixin border-bottom-left-radius($radius) {
+  @if $enable-rounded {
+    border-bottom-left-radius: valid-radius($radius);
+  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_box-shadow.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_box-shadow.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0726d4359a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_box-shadow.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ at mixin box-shadow($shadow...) {
+  @if $enable-shadows {
+    $result: ();
+    @if (length($shadow) == 1) {
+      // We can pass `@include box-shadow(none);`
+      $result: $shadow;
+    } @else {
+      // Filter to avoid invalid properties for example `box-shadow: none, 1px 1px black;`
+      @for $i from 1 through length($shadow) {
+        @if nth($shadow, $i) != "none" {
+          $result: append($result, nth($shadow, $i), "comma");
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    @if (length($result) > 0) {
+      box-shadow: $result;
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_breakpoints.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_buttons.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_buttons.scss
similarity index 77%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_buttons.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_buttons.scss
index 3e1e2c09d0..d6235aa27c 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_buttons.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_buttons.scss
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   border-color: $border;
   @include box-shadow($btn-box-shadow);
-  @include hover {
+  @include hover() {
     color: color-yiq($hover-background);
     @include gradient-bg($hover-background);
     border-color: $hover-border;
@@ -17,10 +17,13 @@
   &.focus {
-    // Avoid using mixin so we can pass custom focus shadow properly
+    color: color-yiq($hover-background);
+    @include gradient-bg($hover-background);
+    border-color: $hover-border;
     @if $enable-shadows {
-      box-shadow: $btn-box-shadow, 0 0 0 $btn-focus-width rgba(mix(color-yiq($background), $border, 15%), .5);
+      @include box-shadow($btn-box-shadow, 0 0 0 $btn-focus-width rgba(mix(color-yiq($background), $border, 15%), .5));
     } @else {
+      // Avoid using mixin so we can pass custom focus shadow properly
       box-shadow: 0 0 0 $btn-focus-width rgba(mix(color-yiq($background), $border, 15%), .5);
@@ -48,10 +51,10 @@
     border-color: $active-border;
     &:focus {
-      // Avoid using mixin so we can pass custom focus shadow properly
-      @if $enable-shadows {
-        box-shadow: $btn-active-box-shadow, 0 0 0 $btn-focus-width rgba(mix(color-yiq($background), $border, 15%), .5);
+      @if $enable-shadows and $btn-active-box-shadow != none {
+        @include box-shadow($btn-active-box-shadow, 0 0 0 $btn-focus-width rgba(mix(color-yiq($background), $border, 15%), .5));
       } @else {
+        // Avoid using mixin so we can pass custom focus shadow properly
         box-shadow: 0 0 0 $btn-focus-width rgba(mix(color-yiq($background), $border, 15%), .5);
@@ -62,7 +65,7 @@
   color: $color;
   border-color: $color;
-  @include hover {
+  @include hover() {
     color: $color-hover;
     background-color: $active-background;
     border-color: $active-border;
@@ -87,10 +90,10 @@
     border-color: $active-border;
     &:focus {
-      // Avoid using mixin so we can pass custom focus shadow properly
       @if $enable-shadows and $btn-active-box-shadow != none {
-        box-shadow: $btn-active-box-shadow, 0 0 0 $btn-focus-width rgba($color, .5);
+        @include box-shadow($btn-active-box-shadow, 0 0 0 $btn-focus-width rgba($color, .5));
       } @else {
+        // Avoid using mixin so we can pass custom focus shadow properly
         box-shadow: 0 0 0 $btn-focus-width rgba($color, .5);
@@ -100,12 +103,8 @@
 // Button sizes
 @mixin button-size($padding-y, $padding-x, $font-size, $line-height, $border-radius) {
   padding: $padding-y $padding-x;
-  font-size: $font-size;
+  @include font-size($font-size);
   line-height: $line-height;
   // Manually declare to provide an override to the browser default
-  @if $enable-rounded {
-    border-radius: $border-radius;
-  } @else {
-    border-radius: 0;
-  }
+  @include border-radius($border-radius, 0);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_caret.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_caret.scss
similarity index 73%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_caret.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_caret.scss
index 982522c54b..27466495b2 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_caret.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_caret.scss
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
- at mixin caret-down {
+ at mixin caret-down() {
   border-top: $caret-width solid;
   border-right: $caret-width solid transparent;
   border-bottom: 0;
   border-left: $caret-width solid transparent;
- at mixin caret-up {
+ at mixin caret-up() {
   border-top: 0;
   border-right: $caret-width solid transparent;
   border-bottom: $caret-width solid;
   border-left: $caret-width solid transparent;
- at mixin caret-right {
+ at mixin caret-right() {
   border-top: $caret-width solid transparent;
   border-right: 0;
   border-bottom: $caret-width solid transparent;
   border-left: $caret-width solid;
- at mixin caret-left {
+ at mixin caret-left() {
   border-top: $caret-width solid transparent;
   border-right: $caret-width solid;
   border-bottom: $caret-width solid transparent;
@@ -29,15 +29,15 @@
   @if $enable-caret {
     &::after {
       display: inline-block;
-      margin-left: $caret-width * .85;
-      vertical-align: $caret-width * .85;
+      margin-left: $caret-spacing;
+      vertical-align: $caret-vertical-align;
       content: "";
       @if $direction == down {
-        @include caret-down;
+        @include caret-down();
       } @else if $direction == up {
-        @include caret-up;
+        @include caret-up();
       } @else if $direction == right {
-        @include caret-right;
+        @include caret-right();
@@ -48,10 +48,10 @@
       &::before {
         display: inline-block;
-        margin-right: $caret-width * .85;
-        vertical-align: $caret-width * .85;
+        margin-right: $caret-spacing;
+        vertical-align: $caret-vertical-align;
         content: "";
-        @include caret-left;
+        @include caret-left();
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_clearfix.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_clearfix.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_clearfix.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_clearfix.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_deprecate.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_deprecate.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df070bc596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_deprecate.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// Deprecate mixin
+// This mixin can be used to deprecate mixins or functions.
+// `$enable-deprecation-messages` is a global variable, `$ignore-warning` is a variable that can be passed to
+// some deprecated mixins to suppress the warning (for example if the mixin is still be used in the current version of Bootstrap)
+ at mixin deprecate($name, $deprecate-version, $remove-version, $ignore-warning: false) {
+  @if ($enable-deprecation-messages != false and $ignore-warning != true) {
+    @warn "#{$name} has been deprecated as of #{$deprecate-version}. It will be removed entirely in #{$remove-version}.";
+  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_float.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_float.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6b376a2580
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_float.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
+ at mixin float-left() {
+  float: left !important;
+  @include deprecate("The `float-left` mixin", "v4.3.0", "v5");
+ at mixin float-right() {
+  float: right !important;
+  @include deprecate("The `float-right` mixin", "v4.3.0", "v5");
+ at mixin float-none() {
+  float: none !important;
+  @include deprecate("The `float-none` mixin", "v4.3.0", "v5");
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_forms.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_forms.scss
similarity index 56%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_forms.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_forms.scss
index b8eb59d836..b8847cc80d 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_forms.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_forms.scss
@@ -10,124 +10,133 @@
 // Example usage: change the default blue border and shadow to white for better
 // contrast against a dark gray background.
- at mixin form-control-focus() {
+ at mixin form-control-focus($ignore-warning: false) {
   &:focus {
     color: $input-focus-color;
     background-color: $input-focus-bg;
     border-color: $input-focus-border-color;
     outline: 0;
-    // Avoid using mixin so we can pass custom focus shadow properly
     @if $enable-shadows {
-      box-shadow: $input-box-shadow, $input-focus-box-shadow;
+      @include box-shadow($input-box-shadow, $input-focus-box-shadow);
     } @else {
+      // Avoid using mixin so we can pass custom focus shadow properly
       box-shadow: $input-focus-box-shadow;
+  @include deprecate("The `form-control-focus()` mixin", "v4.4.0", "v5", $ignore-warning);
+// This mixin uses an `if()` technique to be compatible with Dart Sass
+// See https://github.com/sass/sass/issues/1873#issuecomment-152293725 for more details
+ at mixin form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+  @if ($state == "valid" or $state == "invalid") {
+    .was-validated #{if(&, "&", "")}:#{$state},
+    #{if(&, "&", "")}.is-#{$state} {
+      @content;
+    }
+  } @else {
+    #{if(&, "&", "")}.is-#{$state} {
+      @content;
+    }
+  }
- at mixin form-validation-state($state, $color) {
+ at mixin form-validation-state($state, $color, $icon) {
   .#{$state}-feedback {
     display: none;
     width: 100%;
     margin-top: $form-feedback-margin-top;
-    font-size: $form-feedback-font-size;
+    @include font-size($form-feedback-font-size);
     color: $color;
   .#{$state}-tooltip {
     position: absolute;
     top: 100%;
+    left: 0;
     z-index: 5;
     display: none;
     max-width: 100%; // Contain to parent when possible
     padding: $form-feedback-tooltip-padding-y $form-feedback-tooltip-padding-x;
     margin-top: .1rem;
-    font-size: $form-feedback-tooltip-font-size;
+    @include font-size($form-feedback-tooltip-font-size);
     line-height: $form-feedback-tooltip-line-height;
     color: color-yiq($color);
     background-color: rgba($color, $form-feedback-tooltip-opacity);
     @include border-radius($form-feedback-tooltip-border-radius);
+    // See https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/pull/31557
+    // Align tooltip to form elements
+    .form-row > .col > &,
+    .form-row > [class*="col-"] > & {
+      left: $form-grid-gutter-width * .5;
+    }
+  }
+  @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+    ~ .#{$state}-feedback,
+    ~ .#{$state}-tooltip {
+      display: block;
+    }
   .form-control {
-    .was-validated &:#{$state},
-    &.is-#{$state} {
+    @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
       border-color: $color;
       @if $enable-validation-icons {
-        padding-right: $input-height-inner;
+        padding-right: $input-height-inner !important; // stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important
+        background-image: escape-svg($icon);
         background-repeat: no-repeat;
-        background-position: center right calc(#{$input-height-inner} / 4);
-        background-size: calc(#{$input-height-inner} / 2) calc(#{$input-height-inner} / 2);
-        @if $state == "valid" {
-          background-image: $form-feedback-icon-valid;
-        } @else {
-          background-image: $form-feedback-icon-invalid;
-        }
+        background-position: right $input-height-inner-quarter center;
+        background-size: $input-height-inner-half $input-height-inner-half;
       &:focus {
         border-color: $color;
         box-shadow: 0 0 0 $input-focus-width rgba($color, .25);
+    }
+  }
-      ~ .#{$state}-feedback,
-      ~ .#{$state}-tooltip {
-        display: block;
+  // stylelint-disable-next-line selector-no-qualifying-type
+  select.form-control {
+    @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
+      @if $enable-validation-icons {
+        padding-right: $input-padding-x * 4 !important; // stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important
+        background-position: right $input-padding-x * 2 center;
   // stylelint-disable-next-line selector-no-qualifying-type
   textarea.form-control {
-    .was-validated &:#{$state},
-    &.is-#{$state} {
+    @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
       @if $enable-validation-icons {
         padding-right: $input-height-inner;
-        background-position: top calc(#{$input-height-inner} / 4) right calc(#{$input-height-inner} / 4);
+        background-position: top $input-height-inner-quarter right $input-height-inner-quarter;
   .custom-select {
-    .was-validated &:#{$state},
-    &.is-#{$state} {
+    @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
       border-color: $color;
       @if $enable-validation-icons {
-        $form-feedback-icon: if($state == "valid", $form-feedback-icon-valid, $form-feedback-icon-invalid);
-        padding-right: $custom-select-feedback-icon-padding-right;
-        background: $custom-select-background, $form-feedback-icon no-repeat $custom-select-feedback-icon-position / $custom-select-feedback-icon-size;
+        padding-right: $custom-select-feedback-icon-padding-right !important; // stylelint-disable-line declaration-no-important
+        background: $custom-select-background, $custom-select-bg escape-svg($icon) $custom-select-feedback-icon-position / $custom-select-feedback-icon-size no-repeat;
       &:focus {
         border-color: $color;
         box-shadow: 0 0 0 $input-focus-width rgba($color, .25);
-      ~ .#{$state}-feedback,
-      ~ .#{$state}-tooltip {
-        display: block;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  .form-control-file {
-    .was-validated &:#{$state},
-    &.is-#{$state} {
-      ~ .#{$state}-feedback,
-      ~ .#{$state}-tooltip {
-        display: block;
-      }
   .form-check-input {
-    .was-validated &:#{$state},
-    &.is-#{$state} {
+    @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
       ~ .form-check-label {
         color: $color;
@@ -140,8 +149,7 @@
   .custom-control-input {
-    .was-validated &:#{$state},
-    &.is-#{$state} {
+    @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
       ~ .custom-control-label {
         color: $color;
@@ -150,11 +158,6 @@
-      ~ .#{$state}-feedback,
-      ~ .#{$state}-tooltip {
-        display: block;
-      }
       &:checked {
         ~ .custom-control-label::before {
           border-color: lighten($color, 10%);
@@ -176,17 +179,11 @@
   // custom file
   .custom-file-input {
-    .was-validated &:#{$state},
-    &.is-#{$state} {
+    @include form-validation-state-selector($state) {
       ~ .custom-file-label {
         border-color: $color;
-      ~ .#{$state}-feedback,
-      ~ .#{$state}-tooltip {
-        display: block;
-      }
       &:focus {
         ~ .custom-file-label {
           border-color: $color;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_gradients.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_gradients.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_gradients.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_gradients.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss
similarity index 55%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss
index 649c28bf77..ef32917530 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_grid-framework.scss
@@ -8,19 +8,22 @@
   %grid-column {
     position: relative;
     width: 100%;
-    padding-right: $gutter / 2;
-    padding-left: $gutter / 2;
+    padding-right: $gutter * .5;
+    padding-left: $gutter * .5;
   @each $breakpoint in map-keys($breakpoints) {
     $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $breakpoints);
-    // Allow columns to stretch full width below their breakpoints
-    @for $i from 1 through $columns {
-      .col#{$infix}-#{$i} {
-        @extend %grid-column;
+    @if $columns > 0 {
+      // Allow columns to stretch full width below their breakpoints
+      @for $i from 1 through $columns {
+        .col#{$infix}-#{$i} {
+          @extend %grid-column;
+        }
     .col#{$infix}-auto {
       @extend %grid-column;
@@ -33,15 +36,24 @@
         flex-grow: 1;
         max-width: 100%;
+      @if $grid-row-columns > 0 {
+        @for $i from 1 through $grid-row-columns {
+          .row-cols#{$infix}-#{$i} {
+            @include row-cols($i);
+          }
+        }
+      }
       .col#{$infix}-auto {
-        flex: 0 0 auto;
-        width: auto;
-        max-width: 100%; // Reset earlier grid tiers
+        @include make-col-auto();
-      @for $i from 1 through $columns {
-        .col#{$infix}-#{$i} {
-          @include make-col($i, $columns);
+      @if $columns > 0 {
+        @for $i from 1 through $columns {
+          .col#{$infix}-#{$i} {
+            @include make-col($i, $columns);
+          }
@@ -53,11 +65,13 @@
         .order#{$infix}-#{$i} { order: $i; }
-      // `$columns - 1` because offsetting by the width of an entire row isn't possible
-      @for $i from 0 through ($columns - 1) {
-        @if not ($infix == "" and $i == 0) { // Avoid emitting useless .offset-0
-          .offset#{$infix}-#{$i} {
-            @include make-col-offset($i, $columns);
+      @if $columns > 0 {
+        // `$columns - 1` because offsetting by the width of an entire row isn't possible
+        @for $i from 0 through ($columns - 1) {
+          @if not ($infix == "" and $i == 0) { // Avoid emitting useless .offset-0
+            .offset#{$infix}-#{$i} {
+              @include make-col-offset($i, $columns);
+            }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_grid.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_grid.scss
similarity index 61%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_grid.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_grid.scss
index 924eb0cfc0..0eb09910d1 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_grid.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_grid.scss
@@ -4,12 +4,18 @@
 @mixin make-container($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
   width: 100%;
-  padding-right: $gutter / 2;
-  padding-left: $gutter / 2;
+  padding-right: $gutter * .5;
+  padding-left: $gutter * .5;
   margin-right: auto;
   margin-left: auto;
+ at mixin make-row($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
+  display: flex;
+  flex-wrap: wrap;
+  margin-right: -$gutter * .5;
+  margin-left: -$gutter * .5;
 // For each breakpoint, define the maximum width of the container in a media query
 @mixin make-container-max-widths($max-widths: $container-max-widths, $breakpoints: $grid-breakpoints) {
@@ -18,13 +24,7 @@
       max-width: $container-max-width;
- at mixin make-row($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
-  display: flex;
-  flex-wrap: wrap;
-  margin-right: -$gutter / 2;
-  margin-left: -$gutter / 2;
+  @include deprecate("The `make-container-max-widths` mixin", "v4.5.2", "v5");
 @mixin make-col-ready($gutter: $grid-gutter-width) {
@@ -33,19 +33,37 @@
   // always setting `width: 100%;`. This works because we use `flex` values
   // later on to override this initial width.
   width: 100%;
-  padding-right: $gutter / 2;
-  padding-left: $gutter / 2;
+  padding-right: $gutter * .5;
+  padding-left: $gutter * .5;
 @mixin make-col($size, $columns: $grid-columns) {
-  flex: 0 0 percentage($size / $columns);
+  flex: 0 0 percentage(divide($size, $columns));
   // Add a `max-width` to ensure content within each column does not blow out
   // the width of the column. Applies to IE10+ and Firefox. Chrome and Safari
   // do not appear to require this.
-  max-width: percentage($size / $columns);
+  max-width: percentage(divide($size, $columns));
+ at mixin make-col-auto() {
+  flex: 0 0 auto;
+  width: auto;
+  max-width: 100%; // Reset earlier grid tiers
 @mixin make-col-offset($size, $columns: $grid-columns) {
-  $num: $size / $columns;
+  $num: divide($size, $columns);
   margin-left: if($num == 0, 0, percentage($num));
+// Row columns
+// Specify on a parent element(e.g., .row) to force immediate children into NN
+// numberof columns. Supports wrapping to new lines, but does not do a Masonry
+// style grid.
+ at mixin row-cols($count) {
+  > * {
+    flex: 0 0 divide(100%, $count);
+    max-width: divide(100%, $count);
+  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_hover.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_hover.scss
similarity index 86%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_hover.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_hover.scss
index 192f847e17..409f8244e1 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_hover.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_hover.scss
@@ -9,18 +9,18 @@
 // Issue: https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/25195
- at mixin hover {
+ at mixin hover() {
   &:hover { @content; }
- at mixin hover-focus {
+ at mixin hover-focus() {
   &:focus {
- at mixin plain-hover-focus {
+ at mixin plain-hover-focus() {
   &:focus {
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- at mixin hover-focus-active {
+ at mixin hover-focus-active() {
   &:active {
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_image.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_image.scss
similarity index 81%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_image.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_image.scss
index 0544f0d2a3..3aaa0d7046 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_image.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_image.scss
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 // Keep images from scaling beyond the width of their parents.
- at mixin img-fluid {
+ at mixin img-fluid() {
   // Part 1: Set a maximum relative to the parent
   max-width: 100%;
   // Part 2: Override the height to auto, otherwise images will be stretched
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@
 // Short retina mixin for setting background-image and -size.
-// stylelint-disable indentation, media-query-list-comma-newline-after
 @mixin img-retina($file-1x, $file-2x, $width-1x, $height-1x) {
   background-image: url($file-1x);
   // Autoprefixer takes care of adding -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio and -o-min-device-pixel-ratio,
   // but doesn't convert dppx=>dpi.
   // There's no such thing as unprefixed min-device-pixel-ratio since it's nonstandard.
-  // Compatibility info: https://caniuse.com/#feat=css-media-resolution
+  // Compatibility info: https://caniuse.com/css-media-resolution
   @media only screen and (min-resolution: 192dpi), // IE9-11 don't support dppx
-  only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) { // Standardized
+    only screen and (min-resolution: 2dppx) { // Standardized
     background-image: url($file-2x);
     background-size: $width-1x $height-1x;
+  @include deprecate("`img-retina()`", "v4.3.0", "v5");
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_list-group.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_list-group.scss
similarity index 92%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_list-group.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_list-group.scss
index cd47a4e9fa..0da3531561 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_list-group.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_list-group.scss
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
     background-color: $background;
     &.list-group-item-action {
-      @include hover-focus {
+      @include hover-focus() {
         color: $color;
         background-color: darken($background, 5%);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_lists.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_lists.scss
similarity index 85%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_lists.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_lists.scss
index 2518562669..251cb07331 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_lists.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_lists.scss
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 // Lists
 // Unstyled keeps list items block level, just removes default browser padding and list-style
- at mixin list-unstyled {
+ at mixin list-unstyled() {
   padding-left: 0;
   list-style: none;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_nav-divider.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_nav-divider.scss
similarity index 65%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_nav-divider.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_nav-divider.scss
index 4fb37b6224..3e0cceafef 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_nav-divider.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_nav-divider.scss
@@ -2,9 +2,10 @@
 // Dividers (basically an hr) within dropdowns and nav lists
- at mixin nav-divider($color: $nav-divider-color, $margin-y: $nav-divider-margin-y) {
+ at mixin nav-divider($color: $nav-divider-color, $margin-y: $nav-divider-margin-y, $ignore-warning: false) {
   height: 0;
   margin: $margin-y 0;
   overflow: hidden;
   border-top: 1px solid $color;
+  @include deprecate("The `nav-divider()` mixin", "v4.4.0", "v5", $ignore-warning);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_pagination.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_pagination.scss
similarity index 92%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_pagination.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_pagination.scss
index ff36eb6b40..af8e16d6a9 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_pagination.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_pagination.scss
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 @mixin pagination-size($padding-y, $padding-x, $font-size, $line-height, $border-radius) {
   .page-link {
     padding: $padding-y $padding-x;
-    font-size: $font-size;
+    @include font-size($font-size);
     line-height: $line-height;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_reset-text.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_reset-text.scss
similarity index 80%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_reset-text.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_reset-text.scss
index 71edb0061a..15b4407a0a 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_reset-text.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_reset-text.scss
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
- at mixin reset-text {
+ at mixin reset-text() {
   font-family: $font-family-base;
   // We deliberately do NOT reset font-size or word-wrap.
   font-style: normal;
   font-weight: $font-weight-normal;
   line-height: $line-height-base;
   text-align: left; // Fallback for where `start` is not supported
-  text-align: start; // stylelint-disable-line declaration-block-no-duplicate-properties
+  text-align: start;
   text-decoration: none;
   text-shadow: none;
   text-transform: none;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_resize.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_resize.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_resize.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_resize.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_screen-reader.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_screen-reader.scss
similarity index 68%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_screen-reader.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_screen-reader.scss
index 812591bc5e..70b677e3f4 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_screen-reader.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_screen-reader.scss
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 // Only display content to screen readers
-// See: https://a11yproject.com/posts/how-to-hide-content/
-// See: https://hugogiraudel.com/2016/10/13/css-hide-and-seek/
+// See: https://www.a11yproject.com/posts/2013-01-11-how-to-hide-content/
+// See: https://kittygiraudel.com/2016/10/13/css-hide-and-seek/
- at mixin sr-only {
+ at mixin sr-only() {
   position: absolute;
   width: 1px;
   height: 1px;
   padding: 0;
+  margin: -1px; // Fix for https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/issues/25686
   overflow: hidden;
   clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
   white-space: nowrap;
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@
 // Credit: HTML5 Boilerplate
- at mixin sr-only-focusable {
+ at mixin sr-only-focusable() {
   &:focus {
     position: static;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_size.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_size.scss
similarity index 66%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_size.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_size.scss
index b9dd48e8df..69e056d2c1 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_size.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_size.scss
@@ -3,4 +3,5 @@
 @mixin size($width, $height: $width) {
   width: $width;
   height: $height;
+  @include deprecate("`size()`", "v4.3.0", "v5");
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_table-row.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_table-row.scss
similarity index 96%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_table-row.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_table-row.scss
index f8d61869a4..1ccde6b6c5 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_table-row.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_table-row.scss
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     $hover-background: darken($background, 5%);
     .table-#{$state} {
-      @include hover {
+      @include hover() {
         background-color: $hover-background;
         > td,
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_text-emphasis.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_text-emphasis.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5eb8a55154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_text-emphasis.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
+// Typography
+ at mixin text-emphasis-variant($parent, $color, $ignore-warning: false) {
+  #{$parent} {
+    color: $color !important;
+  }
+  @if $emphasized-link-hover-darken-percentage != 0 {
+    a#{$parent} {
+      @include hover-focus() {
+        color: darken($color, $emphasized-link-hover-darken-percentage) !important;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  @include deprecate("`text-emphasis-variant()`", "v4.4.0", "v5", $ignore-warning);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_text-hide.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_text-hide.scss
similarity index 63%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_text-hide.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_text-hide.scss
index 9ffab169f3..3a923011ec 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_text-hide.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_text-hide.scss
@@ -7,7 +7,5 @@
   background-color: transparent;
   border: 0;
-  @if ($ignore-warning != true) {
-    @warn "The `text-hide()` mixin has been deprecated as of v4.1.0. It will be removed entirely in v5.";
-  }
+  @include deprecate("`text-hide()`", "v4.1.0", "v5", $ignore-warning);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_text-truncate.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_text-truncate.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_text-truncate.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_text-truncate.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_transition.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_transition.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54870bf6a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_transition.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// stylelint-disable property-disallowed-list
+ at mixin transition($transition...) {
+  @if length($transition) == 0 {
+    $transition: $transition-base;
+  }
+  @if length($transition) > 1 {
+    @each $value in $transition {
+      @if $value == null or $value == none {
+        @warn "The keyword 'none' or 'null' must be used as a single argument.";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  @if $enable-transitions {
+    @if nth($transition, 1) != null {
+      transition: $transition;
+    }
+    @if $enable-prefers-reduced-motion-media-query and nth($transition, 1) != null and nth($transition, 1) != none {
+      @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+        transition: none;
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_visibility.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_visibility.scss
similarity index 70%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_visibility.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_visibility.scss
index fe523d0ee3..f174673117 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/mixins/_visibility.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/mixins/_visibility.scss
@@ -4,4 +4,5 @@
 @mixin invisible($visibility) {
   visibility: $visibility !important;
+  @include deprecate("`invisible()`", "v4.3.0", "v5");
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_align.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_align.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_align.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_align.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_background.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_background.scss
similarity index 84%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_background.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_background.scss
index 1f18b2f3f3..3accbc4fd4 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_background.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_background.scss
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 // stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
 @each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
-  @include bg-variant(".bg-#{$color}", $value);
+  @include bg-variant(".bg-#{$color}", $value, true);
 @if $enable-gradients {
   @each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
-    @include bg-gradient-variant(".bg-gradient-#{$color}", $value);
+    @include bg-gradient-variant(".bg-gradient-#{$color}", $value, true);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_borders.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_borders.scss
similarity index 88%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_borders.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_borders.scss
index fb759c9ba0..205f3fc24e 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_borders.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_borders.scss
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
+// stylelint-disable property-disallowed-list, declaration-no-important
 // Border
@@ -30,26 +30,38 @@
 // Border-radius
+.rounded-sm {
+  border-radius: $border-radius-sm !important;
 .rounded {
   border-radius: $border-radius !important;
 .rounded-top {
   border-top-left-radius: $border-radius !important;
   border-top-right-radius: $border-radius !important;
 .rounded-right {
   border-top-right-radius: $border-radius !important;
   border-bottom-right-radius: $border-radius !important;
 .rounded-bottom {
   border-bottom-right-radius: $border-radius !important;
   border-bottom-left-radius: $border-radius !important;
 .rounded-left {
   border-top-left-radius: $border-radius !important;
   border-bottom-left-radius: $border-radius !important;
+.rounded-lg {
+  border-radius: $border-radius-lg !important;
 .rounded-circle {
   border-radius: 50% !important;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_clearfix.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_clearfix.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_clearfix.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_clearfix.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_display.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_display.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..130367998f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_display.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
+// Utilities for common `display` values
+ at each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
+  @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
+    $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
+    @each $value in $displays {
+      .d#{$infix}-#{$value} { display: $value !important; }
+    }
+  }
+// Utilities for toggling `display` in print
+ at media print {
+  @each $value in $displays {
+    .d-print-#{$value} { display: $value !important; }
+  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_embed.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_embed.scss
similarity index 87%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_embed.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_embed.scss
index 4497ac0400..e37465e408 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_embed.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_embed.scss
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
   .embed-responsive-#{$embed-responsive-aspect-ratio-x}by#{$embed-responsive-aspect-ratio-y} {
     &::before {
-      padding-top: percentage($embed-responsive-aspect-ratio-y / $embed-responsive-aspect-ratio-x);
+      padding-top: percentage(divide($embed-responsive-aspect-ratio-y, $embed-responsive-aspect-ratio-x));
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_flex.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_flex.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_flex.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_flex.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_float.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_float.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54250844ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_float.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
+ at each $breakpoint in map-keys($grid-breakpoints) {
+  @include media-breakpoint-up($breakpoint) {
+    $infix: breakpoint-infix($breakpoint, $grid-breakpoints);
+    .float#{$infix}-left  { float: left !important; }
+    .float#{$infix}-right { float: right !important; }
+    .float#{$infix}-none  { float: none !important; }
+  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_interactions.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_interactions.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc75fc21b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_interactions.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
+ at each $value in $user-selects {
+  .user-select-#{$value} { user-select: $value !important; }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_overflow.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_overflow.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_overflow.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_overflow.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_position.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_position.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_position.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_position.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_screenreaders.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_screenreaders.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_screenreaders.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_screenreaders.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_shadows.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_shadows.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_shadows.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_shadows.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_sizing.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_sizing.scss
similarity index 100%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_sizing.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_sizing.scss
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_spacing.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_spacing.scss
similarity index 98%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_spacing.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_spacing.scss
index 351136790a..3e98581a94 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_spacing.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_spacing.scss
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
     // Negative margins (e.g., where `.mb-n1` is negative version of `.mb-1`)
     @each $size, $length in $spacers {
-      @if $size != 0 {
+      @if "#{$size}" != "0" {
         .m#{$infix}-n#{$size} { margin: -$length !important; }
         .my#{$infix}-n#{$size} {
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_stretched-link.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_stretched-link.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb5066bf55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_stretched-link.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+// Stretched link
+.stretched-link {
+  &::after {
+    position: absolute;
+    top: 0;
+    right: 0;
+    bottom: 0;
+    left: 0;
+    z-index: 1;
+    // Just in case `pointer-events: none` is set on a parent
+    pointer-events: auto;
+    content: "";
+    // IE10 bugfix, see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16947967/ie10-hover-pseudo-class-doesnt-work-without-background-color
+    background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
+  }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_text.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_text.scss
similarity index 82%
rename from devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_text.scss
rename to devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_text.scss
index 0edb8e58ba..3a9f83edf0 100644
--- a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1/scss/utilities/_text.scss
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_text.scss
@@ -4,14 +4,14 @@
 // Text
-.text-monospace { font-family: $font-family-monospace; }
+.text-monospace { font-family: $font-family-monospace !important; }
 // Alignment
 .text-justify  { text-align: justify !important; }
 .text-wrap     { white-space: normal !important; }
 .text-nowrap   { white-space: nowrap !important; }
-.text-truncate { @include text-truncate; }
+.text-truncate { @include text-truncate(); }
 // Responsive alignment
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 .text-white { color: $white !important; }
 @each $color, $value in $theme-colors {
-  @include text-emphasis-variant(".text-#{$color}", $value);
+  @include text-emphasis-variant(".text-#{$color}", $value, true);
 .text-body { color: $body-color !important; }
@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@
 .text-decoration-none { text-decoration: none !important; }
+.text-break {
+  word-break: break-word !important; // Deprecated, but avoids issues with flex containers
+  word-wrap: break-word !important; // Used instead of `overflow-wrap` for IE & Edge Legacy
 // Reset
 .text-reset { color: inherit !important; }
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_visibility.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_visibility.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7756c3bfac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/utilities/_visibility.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// stylelint-disable declaration-no-important
+// Visibility utilities
+.visible {
+  visibility: visible !important;
+.invisible {
+  visibility: hidden !important;
diff --git a/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e453f441ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1/scss/vendor/_rfs.scss
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+// stylelint-disable property-blacklist, scss/dollar-variable-default
+// SCSS RFS mixin
+// Automated responsive font sizes
+// Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/rfs/blob/v8.x/LICENSE)
+// Configuration
+// Base font size
+$rfs-base-font-size: 1.25rem !default;
+$rfs-font-size-unit: rem !default;
+ at if $rfs-font-size-unit != rem and $rfs-font-size-unit != px {
+  @error "`#{$rfs-font-size-unit}` is not a valid unit for $rfs-font-size-unit. Use `px` or `rem`.";
+// Breakpoint at where font-size starts decreasing if screen width is smaller
+$rfs-breakpoint: 1200px !default;
+$rfs-breakpoint-unit: px !default;
+ at if $rfs-breakpoint-unit != px and $rfs-breakpoint-unit != em and $rfs-breakpoint-unit != rem {
+  @error "`#{$rfs-breakpoint-unit}` is not a valid unit for $rfs-breakpoint-unit. Use `px`, `em` or `rem`.";
+// Resize font size based on screen height and width
+$rfs-two-dimensional: false !default;
+// Factor of decrease
+$rfs-factor: 10 !default;
+ at if type-of($rfs-factor) != "number" or $rfs-factor <= 1 {
+  @error "`#{$rfs-factor}` is not a valid  $rfs-factor, it must be greater than 1.";
+// Generate enable or disable classes. Possibilities: false, "enable" or "disable"
+$rfs-class: false !default;
+// 1 rem = $rfs-rem-value px
+$rfs-rem-value: 16 !default;
+// Safari iframe resize bug: https://github.com/twbs/rfs/issues/14
+$rfs-safari-iframe-resize-bug-fix: false !default;
+// Disable RFS by setting $enable-responsive-font-sizes to false
+$enable-responsive-font-sizes: true !default;
+// Cache $rfs-base-font-size unit
+$rfs-base-font-size-unit: unit($rfs-base-font-size);
+ at function divide($dividend, $divisor, $precision: 10) {
+  $sign: if($dividend > 0 and $divisor > 0 or $dividend < 0 and $divisor < 0, 1, -1);
+  $dividend: abs($dividend);
+  $divisor: abs($divisor);
+  @if $dividend == 0 {
+    @return 0;
+  }
+  @if $divisor == 0 {
+    @error "Cannot divide by 0";
+  }
+  $remainder: $dividend;
+  $result: 0;
+  $factor: 10;
+  @while ($remainder > 0 and $precision >= 0) {
+    $quotient: 0;
+    @while ($remainder >= $divisor) {
+      $remainder: $remainder - $divisor;
+      $quotient: $quotient + 1;
+    }
+    $result: $result * 10 + $quotient;
+    $factor: $factor * .1;
+    $remainder: $remainder * 10;
+    $precision: $precision - 1;
+    @if ($precision < 0 and $remainder >= $divisor * 5) {
+      $result: $result + 1;
+    }
+  }
+  $result: $result * $factor * $sign;
+  $dividend-unit: unit($dividend);
+  $divisor-unit: unit($divisor);
+  $unit-map: (
+    "px": 1px,
+    "rem": 1rem,
+    "em": 1em,
+    "%": 1%
+  );
+  @if ($dividend-unit != $divisor-unit and map-has-key($unit-map, $dividend-unit)) {
+    $result: $result * map-get($unit-map, $dividend-unit);
+  }
+  @return $result;
+// Remove px-unit from $rfs-base-font-size for calculations
+ at if $rfs-base-font-size-unit == "px" {
+  $rfs-base-font-size: divide($rfs-base-font-size, $rfs-base-font-size * 0 + 1);
+ at else if $rfs-base-font-size-unit == "rem" {
+  $rfs-base-font-size: divide($rfs-base-font-size, divide($rfs-base-font-size * 0 + 1, $rfs-rem-value));
+// Cache $rfs-breakpoint unit to prevent multiple calls
+$rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache: unit($rfs-breakpoint);
+// Remove unit from $rfs-breakpoint for calculations
+ at if $rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == "px" {
+  $rfs-breakpoint: divide($rfs-breakpoint, $rfs-breakpoint * 0 + 1);
+ at else if $rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == "rem" or $rfs-breakpoint-unit-cache == "em" {
+  $rfs-breakpoint: divide($rfs-breakpoint, divide($rfs-breakpoint * 0 + 1, $rfs-rem-value));
+// Internal mixin that adds disable classes to the selector if needed.
+ at mixin _rfs-disable-class {
+  @if $rfs-class == "disable" {
+    // Adding an extra class increases specificity, which prevents the media query to override the font size
+    &,
+    .disable-responsive-font-size &,
+    &.disable-responsive-font-size {
+      @content;
+    }
+  }
+  @else {
+    @content;
+  }
+// Internal mixin that adds enable classes to the selector if needed.
+ at mixin _rfs-enable-class {
+  @if $rfs-class == "enable" {
+    .enable-responsive-font-size &,
+    &.enable-responsive-font-size {
+      @content;
+    }
+  }
+  @else {
+    @content;
+  }
+// Internal mixin used to determine which media query needs to be used
+ at mixin _rfs-media-query($mq-value) {
+  @if $rfs-two-dimensional {
+    @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}), (max-height: #{$mq-value}) {
+      @content;
+    }
+  }
+  @else {
+    @media (max-width: #{$mq-value}) {
+      @content;
+    }
+  }
+// Responsive font size mixin
+ at mixin rfs($fs, $important: false) {
+  // Cache $fs unit
+  $fs-unit: if(type-of($fs) == "number", unit($fs), false);
+  // Add !important suffix if needed
+  $rfs-suffix: if($important, " !important", "");
+  // If $fs isn't a number (like inherit) or $fs has a unit (not px or rem, like 1.5em) or $ is 0, just print the value
+  @if not $fs-unit or $fs-unit != "" and $fs-unit != "px" and $fs-unit != "rem" or $fs == 0 {
+    font-size: #{$fs}#{$rfs-suffix};
+  }
+  @else {
+    // Remove unit from $fs for calculations
+    @if $fs-unit == "px" {
+      $fs: divide($fs, $fs * 0 + 1);
+    }
+    @else if $fs-unit == "rem" {
+      $fs: divide($fs, divide($fs * 0 + 1, $rfs-rem-value));
+    }
+    // Set default font size
+    $rfs-static: if($rfs-font-size-unit == rem, #{divide($fs, $rfs-rem-value)}rem, #{$fs}px);
+    // Only add the media query if the font size is bigger than the minimum font size
+    @if $fs <= $rfs-base-font-size or not $enable-responsive-font-sizes {
+      font-size: #{$rfs-static}#{$rfs-suffix};
+    }
+    @else {
+      // Calculate the minimum font size for $fs
+      $fs-min: $rfs-base-font-size + divide($fs - $rfs-base-font-size, $rfs-factor);
+      // Calculate difference between $fs and the minimum font size
+      $fs-diff: $fs - $fs-min;
+      // Base font-size formatting
+      $min-width: if($rfs-font-size-unit == rem, #{divide($fs-min, $rfs-rem-value)}rem, #{$fs-min}px);
+      // Use `vmin` if two-dimensional is enabled
+      $variable-unit: if($rfs-two-dimensional, vmin, vw);
+      // Calculate the variable width between 0 and $rfs-breakpoint
+      $variable-width: #{divide($fs-diff * 100, $rfs-breakpoint)}#{$variable-unit};
+      // Set the calculated font-size
+      $rfs-fluid: calc(#{$min-width} + #{$variable-width}) #{$rfs-suffix};
+      // Breakpoint formatting
+      $mq-value: if($rfs-breakpoint-unit == px, #{$rfs-breakpoint}px, #{divide($rfs-breakpoint, $rfs-rem-value)}#{$rfs-breakpoint-unit});
+      @include _rfs-disable-class {
+        font-size: #{$rfs-static}#{$rfs-suffix};
+      }
+      @include _rfs-media-query($mq-value) {
+        @include _rfs-enable-class {
+          font-size: $rfs-fluid;
+        }
+        // Include safari iframe resize fix if needed
+        min-width: if($rfs-safari-iframe-resize-bug-fix, (0 * 1vw), null);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+// The font-size & responsive-font-size mixins use RFS to rescale the font size
+ at mixin font-size($fs, $important: false) {
+  @include rfs($fs, $important);
+ at mixin responsive-font-size($fs, $important: false) {
+  @include rfs($fs, $important);
diff --git a/devel/third-party/popper-1.14.6.js b/devel/third-party/popper-1.14.6.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e23029ad0..0000000000
--- a/devel/third-party/popper-1.14.6.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2580 +0,0 @@
- * @fileOverview Kickass library to create and place poppers near their reference elements.
- * @version 1.14.6
- * @license
- * Copyright (c) 2016 Federico Zivolo and contributors
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
- * copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- */
-(function (global, factory) {
-	typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
-	typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
-	(global.Popper = factory());
-}(this, (function () { 'use strict';
-var isBrowser = typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof document !== 'undefined';
-var longerTimeoutBrowsers = ['Edge', 'Trident', 'Firefox'];
-var timeoutDuration = 0;
-for (var i = 0; i < longerTimeoutBrowsers.length; i += 1) {
-  if (isBrowser && navigator.userAgent.indexOf(longerTimeoutBrowsers[i]) >= 0) {
-    timeoutDuration = 1;
-    break;
-  }
-function microtaskDebounce(fn) {
-  var called = false;
-  return function () {
-    if (called) {
-      return;
-    }
-    called = true;
-    window.Promise.resolve().then(function () {
-      called = false;
-      fn();
-    });
-  };
-function taskDebounce(fn) {
-  var scheduled = false;
-  return function () {
-    if (!scheduled) {
-      scheduled = true;
-      setTimeout(function () {
-        scheduled = false;
-        fn();
-      }, timeoutDuration);
-    }
-  };
-var supportsMicroTasks = isBrowser && window.Promise;
-* Create a debounced version of a method, that's asynchronously deferred
-* but called in the minimum time possible.
-* @method
-* @memberof Popper.Utils
-* @argument {Function} fn
-* @returns {Function}
-var debounce = supportsMicroTasks ? microtaskDebounce : taskDebounce;
- * Check if the given variable is a function
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Any} functionToCheck - variable to check
- * @returns {Boolean} answer to: is a function?
- */
-function isFunction(functionToCheck) {
-  var getType = {};
-  return functionToCheck && getType.toString.call(functionToCheck) === '[object Function]';
- * Get CSS computed property of the given element
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Eement} element
- * @argument {String} property
- */
-function getStyleComputedProperty(element, property) {
-  if (element.nodeType !== 1) {
-    return [];
-  }
-  // NOTE: 1 DOM access here
-  var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
-  var css = window.getComputedStyle(element, null);
-  return property ? css[property] : css;
- * Returns the parentNode or the host of the element
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} element
- * @returns {Element} parent
- */
-function getParentNode(element) {
-  if (element.nodeName === 'HTML') {
-    return element;
-  }
-  return element.parentNode || element.host;
- * Returns the scrolling parent of the given element
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} element
- * @returns {Element} scroll parent
- */
-function getScrollParent(element) {
-  // Return body, `getScroll` will take care to get the correct `scrollTop` from it
-  if (!element) {
-    return document.body;
-  }
-  switch (element.nodeName) {
-    case 'HTML':
-    case 'BODY':
-      return element.ownerDocument.body;
-    case '#document':
-      return element.body;
-  }
-  // Firefox want us to check `-x` and `-y` variations as well
-  var _getStyleComputedProp = getStyleComputedProperty(element),
-      overflow = _getStyleComputedProp.overflow,
-      overflowX = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowX,
-      overflowY = _getStyleComputedProp.overflowY;
-  if (/(auto|scroll|overlay)/.test(overflow + overflowY + overflowX)) {
-    return element;
-  }
-  return getScrollParent(getParentNode(element));
-var isIE11 = isBrowser && !!(window.MSInputMethodContext && document.documentMode);
-var isIE10 = isBrowser && /MSIE 10/.test(navigator.userAgent);
- * Determines if the browser is Internet Explorer
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @param {Number} version to check
- * @returns {Boolean} isIE
- */
-function isIE(version) {
-  if (version === 11) {
-    return isIE11;
-  }
-  if (version === 10) {
-    return isIE10;
-  }
-  return isIE11 || isIE10;
- * Returns the offset parent of the given element
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} element
- * @returns {Element} offset parent
- */
-function getOffsetParent(element) {
-  if (!element) {
-    return document.documentElement;
-  }
-  var noOffsetParent = isIE(10) ? document.body : null;
-  // NOTE: 1 DOM access here
-  var offsetParent = element.offsetParent || null;
-  // Skip hidden elements which don't have an offsetParent
-  while (offsetParent === noOffsetParent && element.nextElementSibling) {
-    offsetParent = (element = element.nextElementSibling).offsetParent;
-  }
-  var nodeName = offsetParent && offsetParent.nodeName;
-  if (!nodeName || nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
-    return element ? element.ownerDocument.documentElement : document.documentElement;
-  }
-  // .offsetParent will return the closest TH, TD or TABLE in case
-  // no offsetParent is present, I hate this job...
-  if (['TH', 'TD', 'TABLE'].indexOf(offsetParent.nodeName) !== -1 && getStyleComputedProperty(offsetParent, 'position') === 'static') {
-    return getOffsetParent(offsetParent);
-  }
-  return offsetParent;
-function isOffsetContainer(element) {
-  var nodeName = element.nodeName;
-  if (nodeName === 'BODY') {
-    return false;
-  }
-  return nodeName === 'HTML' || getOffsetParent(element.firstElementChild) === element;
- * Finds the root node (document, shadowDOM root) of the given element
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} node
- * @returns {Element} root node
- */
-function getRoot(node) {
-  if (node.parentNode !== null) {
-    return getRoot(node.parentNode);
-  }
-  return node;
- * Finds the offset parent common to the two provided nodes
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} element1
- * @argument {Element} element2
- * @returns {Element} common offset parent
- */
-function findCommonOffsetParent(element1, element2) {
-  // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason
-  if (!element1 || !element1.nodeType || !element2 || !element2.nodeType) {
-    return document.documentElement;
-  }
-  // Here we make sure to give as "start" the element that comes first in the DOM
-  var order = element1.compareDocumentPosition(element2) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING;
-  var start = order ? element1 : element2;
-  var end = order ? element2 : element1;
-  // Get common ancestor container
-  var range = document.createRange();
-  range.setStart(start, 0);
-  range.setEnd(end, 0);
-  var commonAncestorContainer = range.commonAncestorContainer;
-  // Both nodes are inside #document
-  if (element1 !== commonAncestorContainer && element2 !== commonAncestorContainer || start.contains(end)) {
-    if (isOffsetContainer(commonAncestorContainer)) {
-      return commonAncestorContainer;
-    }
-    return getOffsetParent(commonAncestorContainer);
-  }
-  // one of the nodes is inside shadowDOM, find which one
-  var element1root = getRoot(element1);
-  if (element1root.host) {
-    return findCommonOffsetParent(element1root.host, element2);
-  } else {
-    return findCommonOffsetParent(element1, getRoot(element2).host);
-  }
- * Gets the scroll value of the given element in the given side (top and left)
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} element
- * @argument {String} side `top` or `left`
- * @returns {number} amount of scrolled pixels
- */
-function getScroll(element) {
-  var side = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'top';
-  var upperSide = side === 'top' ? 'scrollTop' : 'scrollLeft';
-  var nodeName = element.nodeName;
-  if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
-    var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;
-    var scrollingElement = element.ownerDocument.scrollingElement || html;
-    return scrollingElement[upperSide];
-  }
-  return element[upperSide];
- * Sum or subtract the element scroll values (left and top) from a given rect object
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @param {Object} rect - Rect object you want to change
- * @param {HTMLElement} element - The element from the function reads the scroll values
- * @param {Boolean} subtract - set to true if you want to subtract the scroll values
- * @return {Object} rect - The modifier rect object
- */
-function includeScroll(rect, element) {
-  var subtract = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
-  var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');
-  var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');
-  var modifier = subtract ? -1 : 1;
-  rect.top += scrollTop * modifier;
-  rect.bottom += scrollTop * modifier;
-  rect.left += scrollLeft * modifier;
-  rect.right += scrollLeft * modifier;
-  return rect;
- * Helper to detect borders of a given element
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @param {CSSStyleDeclaration} styles
- * Result of `getStyleComputedProperty` on the given element
- * @param {String} axis - `x` or `y`
- * @return {number} borders - The borders size of the given axis
- */
-function getBordersSize(styles, axis) {
-  var sideA = axis === 'x' ? 'Left' : 'Top';
-  var sideB = sideA === 'Left' ? 'Right' : 'Bottom';
-  return parseFloat(styles['border' + sideA + 'Width'], 10) + parseFloat(styles['border' + sideB + 'Width'], 10);
-function getSize(axis, body, html, computedStyle) {
-  return Math.max(body['offset' + axis], body['scroll' + axis], html['client' + axis], html['offset' + axis], html['scroll' + axis], isIE(10) ? parseInt(html['offset' + axis]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Top' : 'Left')]) + parseInt(computedStyle['margin' + (axis === 'Height' ? 'Bottom' : 'Right')]) : 0);
-function getWindowSizes(document) {
-  var body = document.body;
-  var html = document.documentElement;
-  var computedStyle = isIE(10) && getComputedStyle(html);
-  return {
-    height: getSize('Height', body, html, computedStyle),
-    width: getSize('Width', body, html, computedStyle)
-  };
-var classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {
-  if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
-    throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
-  }
-var createClass = function () {
-  function defineProperties(target, props) {
-    for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
-      var descriptor = props[i];
-      descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
-      descriptor.configurable = true;
-      if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
-      Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
-    }
-  }
-  return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
-    if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
-    if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
-    return Constructor;
-  };
-var defineProperty = function (obj, key, value) {
-  if (key in obj) {
-    Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
-      value: value,
-      enumerable: true,
-      configurable: true,
-      writable: true
-    });
-  } else {
-    obj[key] = value;
-  }
-  return obj;
-var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
-  for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-    var source = arguments[i];
-    for (var key in source) {
-      if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
-        target[key] = source[key];
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return target;
- * Given element offsets, generate an output similar to getBoundingClientRect
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Object} offsets
- * @returns {Object} ClientRect like output
- */
-function getClientRect(offsets) {
-  return _extends({}, offsets, {
-    right: offsets.left + offsets.width,
-    bottom: offsets.top + offsets.height
-  });
- * Get bounding client rect of given element
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @param {HTMLElement} element
- * @return {Object} client rect
- */
-function getBoundingClientRect(element) {
-  var rect = {};
-  // IE10 10 FIX: Please, don't ask, the element isn't
-  // considered in DOM in some circumstances...
-  // This isn't reproducible in IE10 compatibility mode of IE11
-  try {
-    if (isIE(10)) {
-      rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
-      var scrollTop = getScroll(element, 'top');
-      var scrollLeft = getScroll(element, 'left');
-      rect.top += scrollTop;
-      rect.left += scrollLeft;
-      rect.bottom += scrollTop;
-      rect.right += scrollLeft;
-    } else {
-      rect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
-    }
-  } catch (e) {}
-  var result = {
-    left: rect.left,
-    top: rect.top,
-    width: rect.right - rect.left,
-    height: rect.bottom - rect.top
-  };
-  // subtract scrollbar size from sizes
-  var sizes = element.nodeName === 'HTML' ? getWindowSizes(element.ownerDocument) : {};
-  var width = sizes.width || element.clientWidth || result.right - result.left;
-  var height = sizes.height || element.clientHeight || result.bottom - result.top;
-  var horizScrollbar = element.offsetWidth - width;
-  var vertScrollbar = element.offsetHeight - height;
-  // if an hypothetical scrollbar is detected, we must be sure it's not a `border`
-  // we make this check conditional for performance reasons
-  if (horizScrollbar || vertScrollbar) {
-    var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(element);
-    horizScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'x');
-    vertScrollbar -= getBordersSize(styles, 'y');
-    result.width -= horizScrollbar;
-    result.height -= vertScrollbar;
-  }
-  return getClientRect(result);
-function getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(children, parent) {
-  var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : false;
-  var isIE10 = isIE(10);
-  var isHTML = parent.nodeName === 'HTML';
-  var childrenRect = getBoundingClientRect(children);
-  var parentRect = getBoundingClientRect(parent);
-  var scrollParent = getScrollParent(children);
-  var styles = getStyleComputedProperty(parent);
-  var borderTopWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderTopWidth, 10);
-  var borderLeftWidth = parseFloat(styles.borderLeftWidth, 10);
-  // In cases where the parent is fixed, we must ignore negative scroll in offset calc
-  if (fixedPosition && isHTML) {
-    parentRect.top = Math.max(parentRect.top, 0);
-    parentRect.left = Math.max(parentRect.left, 0);
-  }
-  var offsets = getClientRect({
-    top: childrenRect.top - parentRect.top - borderTopWidth,
-    left: childrenRect.left - parentRect.left - borderLeftWidth,
-    width: childrenRect.width,
-    height: childrenRect.height
-  });
-  offsets.marginTop = 0;
-  offsets.marginLeft = 0;
-  // Subtract margins of documentElement in case it's being used as parent
-  // we do this only on HTML because it's the only element that behaves
-  // differently when margins are applied to it. The margins are included in
-  // the box of the documentElement, in the other cases not.
-  if (!isIE10 && isHTML) {
-    var marginTop = parseFloat(styles.marginTop, 10);
-    var marginLeft = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft, 10);
-    offsets.top -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;
-    offsets.bottom -= borderTopWidth - marginTop;
-    offsets.left -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;
-    offsets.right -= borderLeftWidth - marginLeft;
-    // Attach marginTop and marginLeft because in some circumstances we may need them
-    offsets.marginTop = marginTop;
-    offsets.marginLeft = marginLeft;
-  }
-  if (isIE10 && !fixedPosition ? parent.contains(scrollParent) : parent === scrollParent && scrollParent.nodeName !== 'BODY') {
-    offsets = includeScroll(offsets, parent);
-  }
-  return offsets;
-function getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(element) {
-  var excludeScroll = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
-  var html = element.ownerDocument.documentElement;
-  var relativeOffset = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(element, html);
-  var width = Math.max(html.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
-  var height = Math.max(html.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
-  var scrollTop = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html) : 0;
-  var scrollLeft = !excludeScroll ? getScroll(html, 'left') : 0;
-  var offset = {
-    top: scrollTop - relativeOffset.top + relativeOffset.marginTop,
-    left: scrollLeft - relativeOffset.left + relativeOffset.marginLeft,
-    width: width,
-    height: height
-  };
-  return getClientRect(offset);
- * Check if the given element is fixed or is inside a fixed parent
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} element
- * @argument {Element} customContainer
- * @returns {Boolean} answer to "isFixed?"
- */
-function isFixed(element) {
-  var nodeName = element.nodeName;
-  if (nodeName === 'BODY' || nodeName === 'HTML') {
-    return false;
-  }
-  if (getStyleComputedProperty(element, 'position') === 'fixed') {
-    return true;
-  }
-  return isFixed(getParentNode(element));
- * Finds the first parent of an element that has a transformed property defined
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} element
- * @returns {Element} first transformed parent or documentElement
- */
-function getFixedPositionOffsetParent(element) {
-  // This check is needed to avoid errors in case one of the elements isn't defined for any reason
-  if (!element || !element.parentElement || isIE()) {
-    return document.documentElement;
-  }
-  var el = element.parentElement;
-  while (el && getStyleComputedProperty(el, 'transform') === 'none') {
-    el = el.parentElement;
-  }
-  return el || document.documentElement;
- * Computed the boundaries limits and return them
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @param {HTMLElement} popper
- * @param {HTMLElement} reference
- * @param {number} padding
- * @param {HTMLElement} boundariesElement - Element used to define the boundaries
- * @param {Boolean} fixedPosition - Is in fixed position mode
- * @returns {Object} Coordinates of the boundaries
- */
-function getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement) {
-  var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 4 && arguments[4] !== undefined ? arguments[4] : false;
-  // NOTE: 1 DOM access here
-  var boundaries = { top: 0, left: 0 };
-  var offsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, reference);
-  // Handle viewport case
-  if (boundariesElement === 'viewport') {
-    boundaries = getViewportOffsetRectRelativeToArtbitraryNode(offsetParent, fixedPosition);
-  } else {
-    // Handle other cases based on DOM element used as boundaries
-    var boundariesNode = void 0;
-    if (boundariesElement === 'scrollParent') {
-      boundariesNode = getScrollParent(getParentNode(reference));
-      if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'BODY') {
-        boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;
-      }
-    } else if (boundariesElement === 'window') {
-      boundariesNode = popper.ownerDocument.documentElement;
-    } else {
-      boundariesNode = boundariesElement;
-    }
-    var offsets = getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(boundariesNode, offsetParent, fixedPosition);
-    // In case of HTML, we need a different computation
-    if (boundariesNode.nodeName === 'HTML' && !isFixed(offsetParent)) {
-      var _getWindowSizes = getWindowSizes(popper.ownerDocument),
-          height = _getWindowSizes.height,
-          width = _getWindowSizes.width;
-      boundaries.top += offsets.top - offsets.marginTop;
-      boundaries.bottom = height + offsets.top;
-      boundaries.left += offsets.left - offsets.marginLeft;
-      boundaries.right = width + offsets.left;
-    } else {
-      // for all the other DOM elements, this one is good
-      boundaries = offsets;
-    }
-  }
-  // Add paddings
-  padding = padding || 0;
-  var isPaddingNumber = typeof padding === 'number';
-  boundaries.left += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.left || 0;
-  boundaries.top += isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.top || 0;
-  boundaries.right -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.right || 0;
-  boundaries.bottom -= isPaddingNumber ? padding : padding.bottom || 0;
-  return boundaries;
-function getArea(_ref) {
-  var width = _ref.width,
-      height = _ref.height;
-  return width * height;
- * Utility used to transform the `auto` placement to the placement with more
- * available space.
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
- */
-function computeAutoPlacement(placement, refRect, popper, reference, boundariesElement) {
-  var padding = arguments.length > 5 && arguments[5] !== undefined ? arguments[5] : 0;
-  if (placement.indexOf('auto') === -1) {
-    return placement;
-  }
-  var boundaries = getBoundaries(popper, reference, padding, boundariesElement);
-  var rects = {
-    top: {
-      width: boundaries.width,
-      height: refRect.top - boundaries.top
-    },
-    right: {
-      width: boundaries.right - refRect.right,
-      height: boundaries.height
-    },
-    bottom: {
-      width: boundaries.width,
-      height: boundaries.bottom - refRect.bottom
-    },
-    left: {
-      width: refRect.left - boundaries.left,
-      height: boundaries.height
-    }
-  };
-  var sortedAreas = Object.keys(rects).map(function (key) {
-    return _extends({
-      key: key
-    }, rects[key], {
-      area: getArea(rects[key])
-    });
-  }).sort(function (a, b) {
-    return b.area - a.area;
-  });
-  var filteredAreas = sortedAreas.filter(function (_ref2) {
-    var width = _ref2.width,
-        height = _ref2.height;
-    return width >= popper.clientWidth && height >= popper.clientHeight;
-  });
-  var computedPlacement = filteredAreas.length > 0 ? filteredAreas[0].key : sortedAreas[0].key;
-  var variation = placement.split('-')[1];
-  return computedPlacement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');
- * Get offsets to the reference element
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @param {Object} state
- * @param {Element} popper - the popper element
- * @param {Element} reference - the reference element (the popper will be relative to this)
- * @param {Element} fixedPosition - is in fixed position mode
- * @returns {Object} An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper
- */
-function getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference) {
-  var fixedPosition = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : null;
-  var commonOffsetParent = fixedPosition ? getFixedPositionOffsetParent(popper) : findCommonOffsetParent(popper, reference);
-  return getOffsetRectRelativeToArbitraryNode(reference, commonOffsetParent, fixedPosition);
- * Get the outer sizes of the given element (offset size + margins)
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} element
- * @returns {Object} object containing width and height properties
- */
-function getOuterSizes(element) {
-  var window = element.ownerDocument.defaultView;
-  var styles = window.getComputedStyle(element);
-  var x = parseFloat(styles.marginTop || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginBottom || 0);
-  var y = parseFloat(styles.marginLeft || 0) + parseFloat(styles.marginRight || 0);
-  var result = {
-    width: element.offsetWidth + y,
-    height: element.offsetHeight + x
-  };
-  return result;
- * Get the opposite placement of the given one
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {String} placement
- * @returns {String} flipped placement
- */
-function getOppositePlacement(placement) {
-  var hash = { left: 'right', right: 'left', bottom: 'top', top: 'bottom' };
-  return placement.replace(/left|right|bottom|top/g, function (matched) {
-    return hash[matched];
-  });
- * Get offsets to the popper
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @param {Object} position - CSS position the Popper will get applied
- * @param {HTMLElement} popper - the popper element
- * @param {Object} referenceOffsets - the reference offsets (the popper will be relative to this)
- * @param {String} placement - one of the valid placement options
- * @returns {Object} popperOffsets - An object containing the offsets which will be applied to the popper
- */
-function getPopperOffsets(popper, referenceOffsets, placement) {
-  placement = placement.split('-')[0];
-  // Get popper node sizes
-  var popperRect = getOuterSizes(popper);
-  // Add position, width and height to our offsets object
-  var popperOffsets = {
-    width: popperRect.width,
-    height: popperRect.height
-  };
-  // depending by the popper placement we have to compute its offsets slightly differently
-  var isHoriz = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
-  var mainSide = isHoriz ? 'top' : 'left';
-  var secondarySide = isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top';
-  var measurement = isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';
-  var secondaryMeasurement = !isHoriz ? 'height' : 'width';
-  popperOffsets[mainSide] = referenceOffsets[mainSide] + referenceOffsets[measurement] / 2 - popperRect[measurement] / 2;
-  if (placement === secondarySide) {
-    popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[secondarySide] - popperRect[secondaryMeasurement];
-  } else {
-    popperOffsets[secondarySide] = referenceOffsets[getOppositePlacement(secondarySide)];
-  }
-  return popperOffsets;
- * Mimics the `find` method of Array
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Array} arr
- * @argument prop
- * @argument value
- * @returns index or -1
- */
-function find(arr, check) {
-  // use native find if supported
-  if (Array.prototype.find) {
-    return arr.find(check);
-  }
-  // use `filter` to obtain the same behavior of `find`
-  return arr.filter(check)[0];
- * Return the index of the matching object
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Array} arr
- * @argument prop
- * @argument value
- * @returns index or -1
- */
-function findIndex(arr, prop, value) {
-  // use native findIndex if supported
-  if (Array.prototype.findIndex) {
-    return arr.findIndex(function (cur) {
-      return cur[prop] === value;
-    });
-  }
-  // use `find` + `indexOf` if `findIndex` isn't supported
-  var match = find(arr, function (obj) {
-    return obj[prop] === value;
-  });
-  return arr.indexOf(match);
- * Loop trough the list of modifiers and run them in order,
- * each of them will then edit the data object.
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @param {dataObject} data
- * @param {Array} modifiers
- * @param {String} ends - Optional modifier name used as stopper
- * @returns {dataObject}
- */
-function runModifiers(modifiers, data, ends) {
-  var modifiersToRun = ends === undefined ? modifiers : modifiers.slice(0, findIndex(modifiers, 'name', ends));
-  modifiersToRun.forEach(function (modifier) {
-    if (modifier['function']) {
-      // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
-      console.warn('`modifier.function` is deprecated, use `modifier.fn`!');
-    }
-    var fn = modifier['function'] || modifier.fn; // eslint-disable-line dot-notation
-    if (modifier.enabled && isFunction(fn)) {
-      // Add properties to offsets to make them a complete clientRect object
-      // we do this before each modifier to make sure the previous one doesn't
-      // mess with these values
-      data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);
-      data.offsets.reference = getClientRect(data.offsets.reference);
-      data = fn(data, modifier);
-    }
-  });
-  return data;
- * Updates the position of the popper, computing the new offsets and applying
- * the new style.<br />
- * Prefer `scheduleUpdate` over `update` because of performance reasons.
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper
- */
-function update() {
-  // if popper is destroyed, don't perform any further update
-  if (this.state.isDestroyed) {
-    return;
-  }
-  var data = {
-    instance: this,
-    styles: {},
-    arrowStyles: {},
-    attributes: {},
-    flipped: false,
-    offsets: {}
-  };
-  // compute reference element offsets
-  data.offsets.reference = getReferenceOffsets(this.state, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.positionFixed);
-  // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,
-  // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed
-  // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value
-  data.placement = computeAutoPlacement(this.options.placement, data.offsets.reference, this.popper, this.reference, this.options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, this.options.modifiers.flip.padding);
-  // store the computed placement inside `originalPlacement`
-  data.originalPlacement = data.placement;
-  data.positionFixed = this.options.positionFixed;
-  // compute the popper offsets
-  data.offsets.popper = getPopperOffsets(this.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement);
-  data.offsets.popper.position = this.options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute';
-  // run the modifiers
-  data = runModifiers(this.modifiers, data);
-  // the first `update` will call `onCreate` callback
-  // the other ones will call `onUpdate` callback
-  if (!this.state.isCreated) {
-    this.state.isCreated = true;
-    this.options.onCreate(data);
-  } else {
-    this.options.onUpdate(data);
-  }
- * Helper used to know if the given modifier is enabled.
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @returns {Boolean}
- */
-function isModifierEnabled(modifiers, modifierName) {
-  return modifiers.some(function (_ref) {
-    var name = _ref.name,
-        enabled = _ref.enabled;
-    return enabled && name === modifierName;
-  });
- * Get the prefixed supported property name
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {String} property (camelCase)
- * @returns {String} prefixed property (camelCase or PascalCase, depending on the vendor prefix)
- */
-function getSupportedPropertyName(property) {
-  var prefixes = [false, 'ms', 'Webkit', 'Moz', 'O'];
-  var upperProp = property.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + property.slice(1);
-  for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
-    var prefix = prefixes[i];
-    var toCheck = prefix ? '' + prefix + upperProp : property;
-    if (typeof document.body.style[toCheck] !== 'undefined') {
-      return toCheck;
-    }
-  }
-  return null;
- * Destroys the popper.
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper
- */
-function destroy() {
-  this.state.isDestroyed = true;
-  // touch DOM only if `applyStyle` modifier is enabled
-  if (isModifierEnabled(this.modifiers, 'applyStyle')) {
-    this.popper.removeAttribute('x-placement');
-    this.popper.style.position = '';
-    this.popper.style.top = '';
-    this.popper.style.left = '';
-    this.popper.style.right = '';
-    this.popper.style.bottom = '';
-    this.popper.style.willChange = '';
-    this.popper.style[getSupportedPropertyName('transform')] = '';
-  }
-  this.disableEventListeners();
-  // remove the popper if user explicity asked for the deletion on destroy
-  // do not use `remove` because IE11 doesn't support it
-  if (this.options.removeOnDestroy) {
-    this.popper.parentNode.removeChild(this.popper);
-  }
-  return this;
- * Get the window associated with the element
- * @argument {Element} element
- * @returns {Window}
- */
-function getWindow(element) {
-  var ownerDocument = element.ownerDocument;
-  return ownerDocument ? ownerDocument.defaultView : window;
-function attachToScrollParents(scrollParent, event, callback, scrollParents) {
-  var isBody = scrollParent.nodeName === 'BODY';
-  var target = isBody ? scrollParent.ownerDocument.defaultView : scrollParent;
-  target.addEventListener(event, callback, { passive: true });
-  if (!isBody) {
-    attachToScrollParents(getScrollParent(target.parentNode), event, callback, scrollParents);
-  }
-  scrollParents.push(target);
- * Setup needed event listeners used to update the popper position
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @private
- */
-function setupEventListeners(reference, options, state, updateBound) {
-  // Resize event listener on window
-  state.updateBound = updateBound;
-  getWindow(reference).addEventListener('resize', state.updateBound, { passive: true });
-  // Scroll event listener on scroll parents
-  var scrollElement = getScrollParent(reference);
-  attachToScrollParents(scrollElement, 'scroll', state.updateBound, state.scrollParents);
-  state.scrollElement = scrollElement;
-  state.eventsEnabled = true;
-  return state;
- * It will add resize/scroll events and start recalculating
- * position of the popper element when they are triggered.
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper
- */
-function enableEventListeners() {
-  if (!this.state.eventsEnabled) {
-    this.state = setupEventListeners(this.reference, this.options, this.state, this.scheduleUpdate);
-  }
- * Remove event listeners used to update the popper position
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @private
- */
-function removeEventListeners(reference, state) {
-  // Remove resize event listener on window
-  getWindow(reference).removeEventListener('resize', state.updateBound);
-  // Remove scroll event listener on scroll parents
-  state.scrollParents.forEach(function (target) {
-    target.removeEventListener('scroll', state.updateBound);
-  });
-  // Reset state
-  state.updateBound = null;
-  state.scrollParents = [];
-  state.scrollElement = null;
-  state.eventsEnabled = false;
-  return state;
- * It will remove resize/scroll events and won't recalculate popper position
- * when they are triggered. It also won't trigger `onUpdate` callback anymore,
- * unless you call `update` method manually.
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper
- */
-function disableEventListeners() {
-  if (this.state.eventsEnabled) {
-    cancelAnimationFrame(this.scheduleUpdate);
-    this.state = removeEventListeners(this.reference, this.state);
-  }
- * Tells if a given input is a number
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @param {*} input to check
- * @return {Boolean}
- */
-function isNumeric(n) {
-  return n !== '' && !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);
- * Set the style to the given popper
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the style to
- * @argument {Object} styles
- * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element
- */
-function setStyles(element, styles) {
-  Object.keys(styles).forEach(function (prop) {
-    var unit = '';
-    // add unit if the value is numeric and is one of the following
-    if (['width', 'height', 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left'].indexOf(prop) !== -1 && isNumeric(styles[prop])) {
-      unit = 'px';
-    }
-    element.style[prop] = styles[prop] + unit;
-  });
- * Set the attributes to the given popper
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Element} element - Element to apply the attributes to
- * @argument {Object} styles
- * Object with a list of properties and values which will be applied to the element
- */
-function setAttributes(element, attributes) {
-  Object.keys(attributes).forEach(function (prop) {
-    var value = attributes[prop];
-    if (value !== false) {
-      element.setAttribute(prop, attributes[prop]);
-    } else {
-      element.removeAttribute(prop);
-    }
-  });
- * @function
- * @memberof Modifiers
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
- * @argument {Object} data.styles - List of style properties - values to apply to popper element
- * @argument {Object} data.attributes - List of attribute properties - values to apply to popper element
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {Object} The same data object
- */
-function applyStyle(data) {
-  // any property present in `data.styles` will be applied to the popper,
-  // in this way we can make the 3rd party modifiers add custom styles to it
-  // Be aware, modifiers could override the properties defined in the previous
-  // lines of this modifier!
-  setStyles(data.instance.popper, data.styles);
-  // any property present in `data.attributes` will be applied to the popper,
-  // they will be set as HTML attributes of the element
-  setAttributes(data.instance.popper, data.attributes);
-  // if arrowElement is defined and arrowStyles has some properties
-  if (data.arrowElement && Object.keys(data.arrowStyles).length) {
-    setStyles(data.arrowElement, data.arrowStyles);
-  }
-  return data;
- * Set the x-placement attribute before everything else because it could be used
- * to add margins to the popper margins needs to be calculated to get the
- * correct popper offsets.
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.modifiers
- * @param {HTMLElement} reference - The reference element used to position the popper
- * @param {HTMLElement} popper - The HTML element used as popper
- * @param {Object} options - Popper.js options
- */
-function applyStyleOnLoad(reference, popper, options, modifierOptions, state) {
-  // compute reference element offsets
-  var referenceOffsets = getReferenceOffsets(state, popper, reference, options.positionFixed);
-  // compute auto placement, store placement inside the data object,
-  // modifiers will be able to edit `placement` if needed
-  // and refer to originalPlacement to know the original value
-  var placement = computeAutoPlacement(options.placement, referenceOffsets, popper, reference, options.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement, options.modifiers.flip.padding);
-  popper.setAttribute('x-placement', placement);
-  // Apply `position` to popper before anything else because
-  // without the position applied we can't guarantee correct computations
-  setStyles(popper, { position: options.positionFixed ? 'fixed' : 'absolute' });
-  return options;
- * @function
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
- * @argument {Boolean} shouldRound - If the offsets should be rounded at all
- * @returns {Object} The popper's position offsets rounded
- *
- * The tale of pixel-perfect positioning. It's still not 100% perfect, but as
- * good as it can be within reason.
- * Discussion here: https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/pull/715
- *
- * Low DPI screens cause a popper to be blurry if not using full pixels (Safari
- * as well on High DPI screens).
- *
- * Firefox prefers no rounding for positioning and does not have blurriness on
- * high DPI screens.
- *
- * Only horizontal placement and left/right values need to be considered.
- */
-function getRoundedOffsets(data, shouldRound) {
-  var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
-      popper = _data$offsets.popper,
-      reference = _data$offsets.reference;
-  var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(data.placement) !== -1;
-  var isVariation = data.placement.indexOf('-') !== -1;
-  var sameWidthOddness = reference.width % 2 === popper.width % 2;
-  var bothOddWidth = reference.width % 2 === 1 && popper.width % 2 === 1;
-  var noRound = function noRound(v) {
-    return v;
-  };
-  var horizontalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : isVertical || isVariation || sameWidthOddness ? Math.round : Math.floor;
-  var verticalToInteger = !shouldRound ? noRound : Math.round;
-  return {
-    left: horizontalToInteger(bothOddWidth && !isVariation && shouldRound ? popper.left - 1 : popper.left),
-    top: verticalToInteger(popper.top),
-    bottom: verticalToInteger(popper.bottom),
-    right: horizontalToInteger(popper.right)
-  };
-var isFirefox = isBrowser && /Firefox/i.test(navigator.userAgent);
- * @function
- * @memberof Modifiers
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
- */
-function computeStyle(data, options) {
-  var x = options.x,
-      y = options.y;
-  var popper = data.offsets.popper;
-  // Remove this legacy support in Popper.js v2
-  var legacyGpuAccelerationOption = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {
-    return modifier.name === 'applyStyle';
-  }).gpuAcceleration;
-  if (legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined) {
-    console.warn('WARNING: `gpuAcceleration` option moved to `computeStyle` modifier and will not be supported in future versions of Popper.js!');
-  }
-  var gpuAcceleration = legacyGpuAccelerationOption !== undefined ? legacyGpuAccelerationOption : options.gpuAcceleration;
-  var offsetParent = getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);
-  var offsetParentRect = getBoundingClientRect(offsetParent);
-  // Styles
-  var styles = {
-    position: popper.position
-  };
-  var offsets = getRoundedOffsets(data, window.devicePixelRatio < 2 || !isFirefox);
-  var sideA = x === 'bottom' ? 'top' : 'bottom';
-  var sideB = y === 'right' ? 'left' : 'right';
-  // if gpuAcceleration is set to `true` and transform is supported,
-  //  we use `translate3d` to apply the position to the popper we
-  // automatically use the supported prefixed version if needed
-  var prefixedProperty = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');
-  // now, let's make a step back and look at this code closely (wtf?)
-  // If the content of the popper grows once it's been positioned, it
-  // may happen that the popper gets misplaced because of the new content
-  // overflowing its reference element
-  // To avoid this problem, we provide two options (x and y), which allow
-  // the consumer to define the offset origin.
-  // If we position a popper on top of a reference element, we can set
-  // `x` to `top` to make the popper grow towards its top instead of
-  // its bottom.
-  var left = void 0,
-      top = void 0;
-  if (sideA === 'bottom') {
-    // when offsetParent is <html> the positioning is relative to the bottom of the screen (excluding the scrollbar)
-    // and not the bottom of the html element
-    if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {
-      top = -offsetParent.clientHeight + offsets.bottom;
-    } else {
-      top = -offsetParentRect.height + offsets.bottom;
-    }
-  } else {
-    top = offsets.top;
-  }
-  if (sideB === 'right') {
-    if (offsetParent.nodeName === 'HTML') {
-      left = -offsetParent.clientWidth + offsets.right;
-    } else {
-      left = -offsetParentRect.width + offsets.right;
-    }
-  } else {
-    left = offsets.left;
-  }
-  if (gpuAcceleration && prefixedProperty) {
-    styles[prefixedProperty] = 'translate3d(' + left + 'px, ' + top + 'px, 0)';
-    styles[sideA] = 0;
-    styles[sideB] = 0;
-    styles.willChange = 'transform';
-  } else {
-    // othwerise, we use the standard `top`, `left`, `bottom` and `right` properties
-    var invertTop = sideA === 'bottom' ? -1 : 1;
-    var invertLeft = sideB === 'right' ? -1 : 1;
-    styles[sideA] = top * invertTop;
-    styles[sideB] = left * invertLeft;
-    styles.willChange = sideA + ', ' + sideB;
-  }
-  // Attributes
-  var attributes = {
-    'x-placement': data.placement
-  };
-  // Update `data` attributes, styles and arrowStyles
-  data.attributes = _extends({}, attributes, data.attributes);
-  data.styles = _extends({}, styles, data.styles);
-  data.arrowStyles = _extends({}, data.offsets.arrow, data.arrowStyles);
-  return data;
- * Helper used to know if the given modifier depends from another one.<br />
- * It checks if the needed modifier is listed and enabled.
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @param {Array} modifiers - list of modifiers
- * @param {String} requestingName - name of requesting modifier
- * @param {String} requestedName - name of requested modifier
- * @returns {Boolean}
- */
-function isModifierRequired(modifiers, requestingName, requestedName) {
-  var requesting = find(modifiers, function (_ref) {
-    var name = _ref.name;
-    return name === requestingName;
-  });
-  var isRequired = !!requesting && modifiers.some(function (modifier) {
-    return modifier.name === requestedName && modifier.enabled && modifier.order < requesting.order;
-  });
-  if (!isRequired) {
-    var _requesting = '`' + requestingName + '`';
-    var requested = '`' + requestedName + '`';
-    console.warn(requested + ' modifier is required by ' + _requesting + ' modifier in order to work, be sure to include it before ' + _requesting + '!');
-  }
-  return isRequired;
- * @function
- * @memberof Modifiers
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
- */
-function arrow(data, options) {
-  var _data$offsets$arrow;
-  // arrow depends on keepTogether in order to work
-  if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'arrow', 'keepTogether')) {
-    return data;
-  }
-  var arrowElement = options.element;
-  // if arrowElement is a string, suppose it's a CSS selector
-  if (typeof arrowElement === 'string') {
-    arrowElement = data.instance.popper.querySelector(arrowElement);
-    // if arrowElement is not found, don't run the modifier
-    if (!arrowElement) {
-      return data;
-    }
-  } else {
-    // if the arrowElement isn't a query selector we must check that the
-    // provided DOM node is child of its popper node
-    if (!data.instance.popper.contains(arrowElement)) {
-      console.warn('WARNING: `arrow.element` must be child of its popper element!');
-      return data;
-    }
-  }
-  var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
-  var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
-      popper = _data$offsets.popper,
-      reference = _data$offsets.reference;
-  var isVertical = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
-  var len = isVertical ? 'height' : 'width';
-  var sideCapitalized = isVertical ? 'Top' : 'Left';
-  var side = sideCapitalized.toLowerCase();
-  var altSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
-  var opSide = isVertical ? 'bottom' : 'right';
-  var arrowElementSize = getOuterSizes(arrowElement)[len];
-  //
-  // extends keepTogether behavior making sure the popper and its
-  // reference have enough pixels in conjunction
-  //
-  // top/left side
-  if (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize < popper[side]) {
-    data.offsets.popper[side] -= popper[side] - (reference[opSide] - arrowElementSize);
-  }
-  // bottom/right side
-  if (reference[side] + arrowElementSize > popper[opSide]) {
-    data.offsets.popper[side] += reference[side] + arrowElementSize - popper[opSide];
-  }
-  data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(data.offsets.popper);
-  // compute center of the popper
-  var center = reference[side] + reference[len] / 2 - arrowElementSize / 2;
-  // Compute the sideValue using the updated popper offsets
-  // take popper margin in account because we don't have this info available
-  var css = getStyleComputedProperty(data.instance.popper);
-  var popperMarginSide = parseFloat(css['margin' + sideCapitalized], 10);
-  var popperBorderSide = parseFloat(css['border' + sideCapitalized + 'Width'], 10);
-  var sideValue = center - data.offsets.popper[side] - popperMarginSide - popperBorderSide;
-  // prevent arrowElement from being placed not contiguously to its popper
-  sideValue = Math.max(Math.min(popper[len] - arrowElementSize, sideValue), 0);
-  data.arrowElement = arrowElement;
-  data.offsets.arrow = (_data$offsets$arrow = {}, defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, side, Math.round(sideValue)), defineProperty(_data$offsets$arrow, altSide, ''), _data$offsets$arrow);
-  return data;
- * Get the opposite placement variation of the given one
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {String} placement variation
- * @returns {String} flipped placement variation
- */
-function getOppositeVariation(variation) {
-  if (variation === 'end') {
-    return 'start';
-  } else if (variation === 'start') {
-    return 'end';
-  }
-  return variation;
- * List of accepted placements to use as values of the `placement` option.<br />
- * Valid placements are:
- * - `auto`
- * - `top`
- * - `right`
- * - `bottom`
- * - `left`
- *
- * Each placement can have a variation from this list:
- * - `-start`
- * - `-end`
- *
- * Variations are interpreted easily if you think of them as the left to right
- * written languages. Horizontally (`top` and `bottom`), `start` is left and `end`
- * is right.<br />
- * Vertically (`left` and `right`), `start` is top and `end` is bottom.
- *
- * Some valid examples are:
- * - `top-end` (on top of reference, right aligned)
- * - `right-start` (on right of reference, top aligned)
- * - `bottom` (on bottom, centered)
- * - `auto-end` (on the side with more space available, alignment depends by placement)
- *
- * @static
- * @type {Array}
- * @enum {String}
- * @readonly
- * @method placements
- * @memberof Popper
- */
-var placements = ['auto-start', 'auto', 'auto-end', 'top-start', 'top', 'top-end', 'right-start', 'right', 'right-end', 'bottom-end', 'bottom', 'bottom-start', 'left-end', 'left', 'left-start'];
-// Get rid of `auto` `auto-start` and `auto-end`
-var validPlacements = placements.slice(3);
- * Given an initial placement, returns all the subsequent placements
- * clockwise (or counter-clockwise).
- *
- * @method
- * @memberof Popper.Utils
- * @argument {String} placement - A valid placement (it accepts variations)
- * @argument {Boolean} counter - Set to true to walk the placements counterclockwise
- * @returns {Array} placements including their variations
- */
-function clockwise(placement) {
-  var counter = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : false;
-  var index = validPlacements.indexOf(placement);
-  var arr = validPlacements.slice(index + 1).concat(validPlacements.slice(0, index));
-  return counter ? arr.reverse() : arr;
-var BEHAVIORS = {
-  FLIP: 'flip',
-  CLOCKWISE: 'clockwise',
-  COUNTERCLOCKWISE: 'counterclockwise'
- * @function
- * @memberof Modifiers
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
- */
-function flip(data, options) {
-  // if `inner` modifier is enabled, we can't use the `flip` modifier
-  if (isModifierEnabled(data.instance.modifiers, 'inner')) {
-    return data;
-  }
-  if (data.flipped && data.placement === data.originalPlacement) {
-    // seems like flip is trying to loop, probably there's not enough space on any of the flippable sides
-    return data;
-  }
-  var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, options.boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);
-  var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
-  var placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);
-  var variation = data.placement.split('-')[1] || '';
-  var flipOrder = [];
-  switch (options.behavior) {
-      flipOrder = [placement, placementOpposite];
-      break;
-      flipOrder = clockwise(placement);
-      break;
-      flipOrder = clockwise(placement, true);
-      break;
-    default:
-      flipOrder = options.behavior;
-  }
-  flipOrder.forEach(function (step, index) {
-    if (placement !== step || flipOrder.length === index + 1) {
-      return data;
-    }
-    placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
-    placementOpposite = getOppositePlacement(placement);
-    var popperOffsets = data.offsets.popper;
-    var refOffsets = data.offsets.reference;
-    // using floor because the reference offsets may contain decimals we are not going to consider here
-    var floor = Math.floor;
-    var overlapsRef = placement === 'left' && floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(refOffsets.left) || placement === 'right' && floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(refOffsets.right) || placement === 'top' && floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(refOffsets.top) || placement === 'bottom' && floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(refOffsets.bottom);
-    var overflowsLeft = floor(popperOffsets.left) < floor(boundaries.left);
-    var overflowsRight = floor(popperOffsets.right) > floor(boundaries.right);
-    var overflowsTop = floor(popperOffsets.top) < floor(boundaries.top);
-    var overflowsBottom = floor(popperOffsets.bottom) > floor(boundaries.bottom);
-    var overflowsBoundaries = placement === 'left' && overflowsLeft || placement === 'right' && overflowsRight || placement === 'top' && overflowsTop || placement === 'bottom' && overflowsBottom;
-    // flip the variation if required
-    var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
-    var flippedVariation = !!options.flipVariations && (isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsLeft || isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsRight || !isVertical && variation === 'start' && overflowsTop || !isVertical && variation === 'end' && overflowsBottom);
-    if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries || flippedVariation) {
-      // this boolean to detect any flip loop
-      data.flipped = true;
-      if (overlapsRef || overflowsBoundaries) {
-        placement = flipOrder[index + 1];
-      }
-      if (flippedVariation) {
-        variation = getOppositeVariation(variation);
-      }
-      data.placement = placement + (variation ? '-' + variation : '');
-      // this object contains `position`, we want to preserve it along with
-      // any additional property we may add in the future
-      data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, data.offsets.popper, getPopperOffsets(data.instance.popper, data.offsets.reference, data.placement));
-      data = runModifiers(data.instance.modifiers, data, 'flip');
-    }
-  });
-  return data;
- * @function
- * @memberof Modifiers
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
- */
-function keepTogether(data) {
-  var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
-      popper = _data$offsets.popper,
-      reference = _data$offsets.reference;
-  var placement = data.placement.split('-')[0];
-  var floor = Math.floor;
-  var isVertical = ['top', 'bottom'].indexOf(placement) !== -1;
-  var side = isVertical ? 'right' : 'bottom';
-  var opSide = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
-  var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';
-  if (popper[side] < floor(reference[opSide])) {
-    data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[opSide]) - popper[measurement];
-  }
-  if (popper[opSide] > floor(reference[side])) {
-    data.offsets.popper[opSide] = floor(reference[side]);
-  }
-  return data;
- * Converts a string containing value + unit into a px value number
- * @function
- * @memberof {modifiers~offset}
- * @private
- * @argument {String} str - Value + unit string
- * @argument {String} measurement - `height` or `width`
- * @argument {Object} popperOffsets
- * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets
- * @returns {Number|String}
- * Value in pixels, or original string if no values were extracted
- */
-function toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets) {
-  // separate value from unit
-  var split = str.match(/((?:\-|\+)?\d*\.?\d*)(.*)/);
-  var value = +split[1];
-  var unit = split[2];
-  // If it's not a number it's an operator, I guess
-  if (!value) {
-    return str;
-  }
-  if (unit.indexOf('%') === 0) {
-    var element = void 0;
-    switch (unit) {
-      case '%p':
-        element = popperOffsets;
-        break;
-      case '%':
-      case '%r':
-      default:
-        element = referenceOffsets;
-    }
-    var rect = getClientRect(element);
-    return rect[measurement] / 100 * value;
-  } else if (unit === 'vh' || unit === 'vw') {
-    // if is a vh or vw, we calculate the size based on the viewport
-    var size = void 0;
-    if (unit === 'vh') {
-      size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientHeight, window.innerHeight || 0);
-    } else {
-      size = Math.max(document.documentElement.clientWidth, window.innerWidth || 0);
-    }
-    return size / 100 * value;
-  } else {
-    // if is an explicit pixel unit, we get rid of the unit and keep the value
-    // if is an implicit unit, it's px, and we return just the value
-    return value;
-  }
- * Parse an `offset` string to extrapolate `x` and `y` numeric offsets.
- * @function
- * @memberof {modifiers~offset}
- * @private
- * @argument {String} offset
- * @argument {Object} popperOffsets
- * @argument {Object} referenceOffsets
- * @argument {String} basePlacement
- * @returns {Array} a two cells array with x and y offsets in numbers
- */
-function parseOffset(offset, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets, basePlacement) {
-  var offsets = [0, 0];
-  // Use height if placement is left or right and index is 0 otherwise use width
-  // in this way the first offset will use an axis and the second one
-  // will use the other one
-  var useHeight = ['right', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
-  // Split the offset string to obtain a list of values and operands
-  // The regex addresses values with the plus or minus sign in front (+10, -20, etc)
-  var fragments = offset.split(/(\+|\-)/).map(function (frag) {
-    return frag.trim();
-  });
-  // Detect if the offset string contains a pair of values or a single one
-  // they could be separated by comma or space
-  var divider = fragments.indexOf(find(fragments, function (frag) {
-    return frag.search(/,|\s/) !== -1;
-  }));
-  if (fragments[divider] && fragments[divider].indexOf(',') === -1) {
-    console.warn('Offsets separated by white space(s) are deprecated, use a comma (,) instead.');
-  }
-  // If divider is found, we divide the list of values and operands to divide
-  // them by ofset X and Y.
-  var splitRegex = /\s*,\s*|\s+/;
-  var ops = divider !== -1 ? [fragments.slice(0, divider).concat([fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[0]]), [fragments[divider].split(splitRegex)[1]].concat(fragments.slice(divider + 1))] : [fragments];
-  // Convert the values with units to absolute pixels to allow our computations
-  ops = ops.map(function (op, index) {
-    // Most of the units rely on the orientation of the popper
-    var measurement = (index === 1 ? !useHeight : useHeight) ? 'height' : 'width';
-    var mergeWithPrevious = false;
-    return op
-    // This aggregates any `+` or `-` sign that aren't considered operators
-    // e.g.: 10 + +5 => [10, +, +5]
-    .reduce(function (a, b) {
-      if (a[a.length - 1] === '' && ['+', '-'].indexOf(b) !== -1) {
-        a[a.length - 1] = b;
-        mergeWithPrevious = true;
-        return a;
-      } else if (mergeWithPrevious) {
-        a[a.length - 1] += b;
-        mergeWithPrevious = false;
-        return a;
-      } else {
-        return a.concat(b);
-      }
-    }, [])
-    // Here we convert the string values into number values (in px)
-    .map(function (str) {
-      return toValue(str, measurement, popperOffsets, referenceOffsets);
-    });
-  });
-  // Loop trough the offsets arrays and execute the operations
-  ops.forEach(function (op, index) {
-    op.forEach(function (frag, index2) {
-      if (isNumeric(frag)) {
-        offsets[index] += frag * (op[index2 - 1] === '-' ? -1 : 1);
-      }
-    });
-  });
-  return offsets;
- * @function
- * @memberof Modifiers
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @argument {Number|String} options.offset=0
- * The offset value as described in the modifier description
- * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
- */
-function offset(data, _ref) {
-  var offset = _ref.offset;
-  var placement = data.placement,
-      _data$offsets = data.offsets,
-      popper = _data$offsets.popper,
-      reference = _data$offsets.reference;
-  var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
-  var offsets = void 0;
-  if (isNumeric(+offset)) {
-    offsets = [+offset, 0];
-  } else {
-    offsets = parseOffset(offset, popper, reference, basePlacement);
-  }
-  if (basePlacement === 'left') {
-    popper.top += offsets[0];
-    popper.left -= offsets[1];
-  } else if (basePlacement === 'right') {
-    popper.top += offsets[0];
-    popper.left += offsets[1];
-  } else if (basePlacement === 'top') {
-    popper.left += offsets[0];
-    popper.top -= offsets[1];
-  } else if (basePlacement === 'bottom') {
-    popper.left += offsets[0];
-    popper.top += offsets[1];
-  }
-  data.popper = popper;
-  return data;
- * @function
- * @memberof Modifiers
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
- */
-function preventOverflow(data, options) {
-  var boundariesElement = options.boundariesElement || getOffsetParent(data.instance.popper);
-  // If offsetParent is the reference element, we really want to
-  // go one step up and use the next offsetParent as reference to
-  // avoid to make this modifier completely useless and look like broken
-  if (data.instance.reference === boundariesElement) {
-    boundariesElement = getOffsetParent(boundariesElement);
-  }
-  // NOTE: DOM access here
-  // resets the popper's position so that the document size can be calculated excluding
-  // the size of the popper element itself
-  var transformProp = getSupportedPropertyName('transform');
-  var popperStyles = data.instance.popper.style; // assignment to help minification
-  var top = popperStyles.top,
-      left = popperStyles.left,
-      transform = popperStyles[transformProp];
-  popperStyles.top = '';
-  popperStyles.left = '';
-  popperStyles[transformProp] = '';
-  var boundaries = getBoundaries(data.instance.popper, data.instance.reference, options.padding, boundariesElement, data.positionFixed);
-  // NOTE: DOM access here
-  // restores the original style properties after the offsets have been computed
-  popperStyles.top = top;
-  popperStyles.left = left;
-  popperStyles[transformProp] = transform;
-  options.boundaries = boundaries;
-  var order = options.priority;
-  var popper = data.offsets.popper;
-  var check = {
-    primary: function primary(placement) {
-      var value = popper[placement];
-      if (popper[placement] < boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {
-        value = Math.max(popper[placement], boundaries[placement]);
-      }
-      return defineProperty({}, placement, value);
-    },
-    secondary: function secondary(placement) {
-      var mainSide = placement === 'right' ? 'left' : 'top';
-      var value = popper[mainSide];
-      if (popper[placement] > boundaries[placement] && !options.escapeWithReference) {
-        value = Math.min(popper[mainSide], boundaries[placement] - (placement === 'right' ? popper.width : popper.height));
-      }
-      return defineProperty({}, mainSide, value);
-    }
-  };
-  order.forEach(function (placement) {
-    var side = ['left', 'top'].indexOf(placement) !== -1 ? 'primary' : 'secondary';
-    popper = _extends({}, popper, check[side](placement));
-  });
-  data.offsets.popper = popper;
-  return data;
- * @function
- * @memberof Modifiers
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
- */
-function shift(data) {
-  var placement = data.placement;
-  var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
-  var shiftvariation = placement.split('-')[1];
-  // if shift shiftvariation is specified, run the modifier
-  if (shiftvariation) {
-    var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
-        reference = _data$offsets.reference,
-        popper = _data$offsets.popper;
-    var isVertical = ['bottom', 'top'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
-    var side = isVertical ? 'left' : 'top';
-    var measurement = isVertical ? 'width' : 'height';
-    var shiftOffsets = {
-      start: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side]),
-      end: defineProperty({}, side, reference[side] + reference[measurement] - popper[measurement])
-    };
-    data.offsets.popper = _extends({}, popper, shiftOffsets[shiftvariation]);
-  }
-  return data;
- * @function
- * @memberof Modifiers
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by update method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
- */
-function hide(data) {
-  if (!isModifierRequired(data.instance.modifiers, 'hide', 'preventOverflow')) {
-    return data;
-  }
-  var refRect = data.offsets.reference;
-  var bound = find(data.instance.modifiers, function (modifier) {
-    return modifier.name === 'preventOverflow';
-  }).boundaries;
-  if (refRect.bottom < bound.top || refRect.left > bound.right || refRect.top > bound.bottom || refRect.right < bound.left) {
-    // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed
-    if (data.hide === true) {
-      return data;
-    }
-    data.hide = true;
-    data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = '';
-  } else {
-    // Avoid unnecessary DOM access if visibility hasn't changed
-    if (data.hide === false) {
-      return data;
-    }
-    data.hide = false;
-    data.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries'] = false;
-  }
-  return data;
- * @function
- * @memberof Modifiers
- * @argument {Object} data - The data object generated by `update` method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {Object} The data object, properly modified
- */
-function inner(data) {
-  var placement = data.placement;
-  var basePlacement = placement.split('-')[0];
-  var _data$offsets = data.offsets,
-      popper = _data$offsets.popper,
-      reference = _data$offsets.reference;
-  var isHoriz = ['left', 'right'].indexOf(basePlacement) !== -1;
-  var subtractLength = ['top', 'left'].indexOf(basePlacement) === -1;
-  popper[isHoriz ? 'left' : 'top'] = reference[basePlacement] - (subtractLength ? popper[isHoriz ? 'width' : 'height'] : 0);
-  data.placement = getOppositePlacement(placement);
-  data.offsets.popper = getClientRect(popper);
-  return data;
- * Modifier function, each modifier can have a function of this type assigned
- * to its `fn` property.<br />
- * These functions will be called on each update, this means that you must
- * make sure they are performant enough to avoid performance bottlenecks.
- *
- * @function ModifierFn
- * @argument {dataObject} data - The data object generated by `update` method
- * @argument {Object} options - Modifiers configuration and options
- * @returns {dataObject} The data object, properly modified
- */
- * Modifiers are plugins used to alter the behavior of your poppers.<br />
- * Popper.js uses a set of 9 modifiers to provide all the basic functionalities
- * needed by the library.
- *
- * Usually you don't want to override the `order`, `fn` and `onLoad` props.
- * All the other properties are configurations that could be tweaked.
- * @namespace modifiers
- */
-var modifiers = {
-  /**
-   * Modifier used to shift the popper on the start or end of its reference
-   * element.<br />
-   * It will read the variation of the `placement` property.<br />
-   * It can be one either `-end` or `-start`.
-   * @memberof modifiers
-   * @inner
-   */
-  shift: {
-    /** @prop {number} order=100 - Index used to define the order of execution */
-    order: 100,
-    /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
-    enabled: true,
-    /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
-    fn: shift
-  },
-  /**
-   * The `offset` modifier can shift your popper on both its axis.
-   *
-   * It accepts the following units:
-   * - `px` or unit-less, interpreted as pixels
-   * - `%` or `%r`, percentage relative to the length of the reference element
-   * - `%p`, percentage relative to the length of the popper element
-   * - `vw`, CSS viewport width unit
-   * - `vh`, CSS viewport height unit
-   *
-   * For length is intended the main axis relative to the placement of the popper.<br />
-   * This means that if the placement is `top` or `bottom`, the length will be the
-   * `width`. In case of `left` or `right`, it will be the `height`.
-   *
-   * You can provide a single value (as `Number` or `String`), or a pair of values
-   * as `String` divided by a comma or one (or more) white spaces.<br />
-   * The latter is a deprecated method because it leads to confusion and will be
-   * removed in v2.<br />
-   * Additionally, it accepts additions and subtractions between different units.
-   * Note that multiplications and divisions aren't supported.
-   *
-   * Valid examples are:
-   * ```
-   * 10
-   * '10%'
-   * '10, 10'
-   * '10%, 10'
-   * '10 + 10%'
-   * '10 - 5vh + 3%'
-   * '-10px + 5vh, 5px - 6%'
-   * ```
-   * > **NB**: If you desire to apply offsets to your poppers in a way that may make them overlap
-   * > with their reference element, unfortunately, you will have to disable the `flip` modifier.
-   * > You can read more on this at this [issue](https://github.com/FezVrasta/popper.js/issues/373).
-   *
-   * @memberof modifiers
-   * @inner
-   */
-  offset: {
-    /** @prop {number} order=200 - Index used to define the order of execution */
-    order: 200,
-    /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
-    enabled: true,
-    /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
-    fn: offset,
-    /** @prop {Number|String} offset=0
-     * The offset value as described in the modifier description
-     */
-    offset: 0
-  },
-  /**
-   * Modifier used to prevent the popper from being positioned outside the boundary.
-   *
-   * A scenario exists where the reference itself is not within the boundaries.<br />
-   * We can say it has "escaped the boundaries" — or just "escaped".<br />
-   * In this case we need to decide whether the popper should either:
-   *
-   * - detach from the reference and remain "trapped" in the boundaries, or
-   * - if it should ignore the boundary and "escape with its reference"
-   *
-   * When `escapeWithReference` is set to`true` and reference is completely
-   * outside its boundaries, the popper will overflow (or completely leave)
-   * the boundaries in order to remain attached to the edge of the reference.
-   *
-   * @memberof modifiers
-   * @inner
-   */
-  preventOverflow: {
-    /** @prop {number} order=300 - Index used to define the order of execution */
-    order: 300,
-    /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
-    enabled: true,
-    /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
-    fn: preventOverflow,
-    /**
-     * @prop {Array} [priority=['left','right','top','bottom']]
-     * Popper will try to prevent overflow following these priorities by default,
-     * then, it could overflow on the left and on top of the `boundariesElement`
-     */
-    priority: ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom'],
-    /**
-     * @prop {number} padding=5
-     * Amount of pixel used to define a minimum distance between the boundaries
-     * and the popper. This makes sure the popper always has a little padding
-     * between the edges of its container
-     */
-    padding: 5,
-    /**
-     * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='scrollParent'
-     * Boundaries used by the modifier. Can be `scrollParent`, `window`,
-     * `viewport` or any DOM element.
-     */
-    boundariesElement: 'scrollParent'
-  },
-  /**
-   * Modifier used to make sure the reference and its popper stay near each other
-   * without leaving any gap between the two. Especially useful when the arrow is
-   * enabled and you want to ensure that it points to its reference element.
-   * It cares only about the first axis. You can still have poppers with margin
-   * between the popper and its reference element.
-   * @memberof modifiers
-   * @inner
-   */
-  keepTogether: {
-    /** @prop {number} order=400 - Index used to define the order of execution */
-    order: 400,
-    /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
-    enabled: true,
-    /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
-    fn: keepTogether
-  },
-  /**
-   * This modifier is used to move the `arrowElement` of the popper to make
-   * sure it is positioned between the reference element and its popper element.
-   * It will read the outer size of the `arrowElement` node to detect how many
-   * pixels of conjunction are needed.
-   *
-   * It has no effect if no `arrowElement` is provided.
-   * @memberof modifiers
-   * @inner
-   */
-  arrow: {
-    /** @prop {number} order=500 - Index used to define the order of execution */
-    order: 500,
-    /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
-    enabled: true,
-    /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
-    fn: arrow,
-    /** @prop {String|HTMLElement} element='[x-arrow]' - Selector or node used as arrow */
-    element: '[x-arrow]'
-  },
-  /**
-   * Modifier used to flip the popper's placement when it starts to overlap its
-   * reference element.
-   *
-   * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.
-   *
-   * **NOTE:** this modifier will interrupt the current update cycle and will
-   * restart it if it detects the need to flip the placement.
-   * @memberof modifiers
-   * @inner
-   */
-  flip: {
-    /** @prop {number} order=600 - Index used to define the order of execution */
-    order: 600,
-    /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
-    enabled: true,
-    /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
-    fn: flip,
-    /**
-     * @prop {String|Array} behavior='flip'
-     * The behavior used to change the popper's placement. It can be one of
-     * `flip`, `clockwise`, `counterclockwise` or an array with a list of valid
-     * placements (with optional variations)
-     */
-    behavior: 'flip',
-    /**
-     * @prop {number} padding=5
-     * The popper will flip if it hits the edges of the `boundariesElement`
-     */
-    padding: 5,
-    /**
-     * @prop {String|HTMLElement} boundariesElement='viewport'
-     * The element which will define the boundaries of the popper position.
-     * The popper will never be placed outside of the defined boundaries
-     * (except if `keepTogether` is enabled)
-     */
-    boundariesElement: 'viewport'
-  },
-  /**
-   * Modifier used to make the popper flow toward the inner of the reference element.
-   * By default, when this modifier is disabled, the popper will be placed outside
-   * the reference element.
-   * @memberof modifiers
-   * @inner
-   */
-  inner: {
-    /** @prop {number} order=700 - Index used to define the order of execution */
-    order: 700,
-    /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=false - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
-    enabled: false,
-    /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
-    fn: inner
-  },
-  /**
-   * Modifier used to hide the popper when its reference element is outside of the
-   * popper boundaries. It will set a `x-out-of-boundaries` attribute which can
-   * be used to hide with a CSS selector the popper when its reference is
-   * out of boundaries.
-   *
-   * Requires the `preventOverflow` modifier before it in order to work.
-   * @memberof modifiers
-   * @inner
-   */
-  hide: {
-    /** @prop {number} order=800 - Index used to define the order of execution */
-    order: 800,
-    /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
-    enabled: true,
-    /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
-    fn: hide
-  },
-  /**
-   * Computes the style that will be applied to the popper element to gets
-   * properly positioned.
-   *
-   * Note that this modifier will not touch the DOM, it just prepares the styles
-   * so that `applyStyle` modifier can apply it. This separation is useful
-   * in case you need to replace `applyStyle` with a custom implementation.
-   *
-   * This modifier has `850` as `order` value to maintain backward compatibility
-   * with previous versions of Popper.js. Expect the modifiers ordering method
-   * to change in future major versions of the library.
-   *
-   * @memberof modifiers
-   * @inner
-   */
-  computeStyle: {
-    /** @prop {number} order=850 - Index used to define the order of execution */
-    order: 850,
-    /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
-    enabled: true,
-    /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
-    fn: computeStyle,
-    /**
-     * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true
-     * If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.
-     * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties
-     */
-    gpuAcceleration: true,
-    /**
-     * @prop {string} [x='bottom']
-     * Where to anchor the X axis (`bottom` or `top`). AKA X offset origin.
-     * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `bottom`
-     */
-    x: 'bottom',
-    /**
-     * @prop {string} [x='left']
-     * Where to anchor the Y axis (`left` or `right`). AKA Y offset origin.
-     * Change this if your popper should grow in a direction different from `right`
-     */
-    y: 'right'
-  },
-  /**
-   * Applies the computed styles to the popper element.
-   *
-   * All the DOM manipulations are limited to this modifier. This is useful in case
-   * you want to integrate Popper.js inside a framework or view library and you
-   * want to delegate all the DOM manipulations to it.
-   *
-   * Note that if you disable this modifier, you must make sure the popper element
-   * has its position set to `absolute` before Popper.js can do its work!
-   *
-   * Just disable this modifier and define your own to achieve the desired effect.
-   *
-   * @memberof modifiers
-   * @inner
-   */
-  applyStyle: {
-    /** @prop {number} order=900 - Index used to define the order of execution */
-    order: 900,
-    /** @prop {Boolean} enabled=true - Whether the modifier is enabled or not */
-    enabled: true,
-    /** @prop {ModifierFn} */
-    fn: applyStyle,
-    /** @prop {Function} */
-    onLoad: applyStyleOnLoad,
-    /**
-     * @deprecated since version 1.10.0, the property moved to `computeStyle` modifier
-     * @prop {Boolean} gpuAcceleration=true
-     * If true, it uses the CSS 3D transformation to position the popper.
-     * Otherwise, it will use the `top` and `left` properties
-     */
-    gpuAcceleration: undefined
-  }
- * The `dataObject` is an object containing all the information used by Popper.js.
- * This object is passed to modifiers and to the `onCreate` and `onUpdate` callbacks.
- * @name dataObject
- * @property {Object} data.instance The Popper.js instance
- * @property {String} data.placement Placement applied to popper
- * @property {String} data.originalPlacement Placement originally defined on init
- * @property {Boolean} data.flipped True if popper has been flipped by flip modifier
- * @property {Boolean} data.hide True if the reference element is out of boundaries, useful to know when to hide the popper
- * @property {HTMLElement} data.arrowElement Node used as arrow by arrow modifier
- * @property {Object} data.styles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)
- * @property {Object} data.arrowStyles Any CSS property defined here will be applied to the popper arrow. It expects the JavaScript nomenclature (eg. `marginBottom`)
- * @property {Object} data.boundaries Offsets of the popper boundaries
- * @property {Object} data.offsets The measurements of popper, reference and arrow elements
- * @property {Object} data.offsets.popper `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values
- * @property {Object} data.offsets.reference `top`, `left`, `width`, `height` values
- * @property {Object} data.offsets.arrow] `top` and `left` offsets, only one of them will be different from 0
- */
- * Default options provided to Popper.js constructor.<br />
- * These can be overridden using the `options` argument of Popper.js.<br />
- * To override an option, simply pass an object with the same
- * structure of the `options` object, as the 3rd argument. For example:
- * ```
- * new Popper(ref, pop, {
- *   modifiers: {
- *     preventOverflow: { enabled: false }
- *   }
- * })
- * ```
- * @type {Object}
- * @static
- * @memberof Popper
- */
-var Defaults = {
-  /**
-   * Popper's placement.
-   * @prop {Popper.placements} placement='bottom'
-   */
-  placement: 'bottom',
-  /**
-   * Set this to true if you want popper to position it self in 'fixed' mode
-   * @prop {Boolean} positionFixed=false
-   */
-  positionFixed: false,
-  /**
-   * Whether events (resize, scroll) are initially enabled.
-   * @prop {Boolean} eventsEnabled=true
-   */
-  eventsEnabled: true,
-  /**
-   * Set to true if you want to automatically remove the popper when
-   * you call the `destroy` method.
-   * @prop {Boolean} removeOnDestroy=false
-   */
-  removeOnDestroy: false,
-  /**
-   * Callback called when the popper is created.<br />
-   * By default, it is set to no-op.<br />
-   * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.
-   * @prop {onCreate}
-   */
-  onCreate: function onCreate() {},
-  /**
-   * Callback called when the popper is updated. This callback is not called
-   * on the initialization/creation of the popper, but only on subsequent
-   * updates.<br />
-   * By default, it is set to no-op.<br />
-   * Access Popper.js instance with `data.instance`.
-   * @prop {onUpdate}
-   */
-  onUpdate: function onUpdate() {},
-  /**
-   * List of modifiers used to modify the offsets before they are applied to the popper.
-   * They provide most of the functionalities of Popper.js.
-   * @prop {modifiers}
-   */
-  modifiers: modifiers
- * @callback onCreate
- * @param {dataObject} data
- */
- * @callback onUpdate
- * @param {dataObject} data
- */
-// Utils
-// Methods
-var Popper = function () {
-  /**
-   * Creates a new Popper.js instance.
-   * @class Popper
-   * @param {HTMLElement|referenceObject} reference - The reference element used to position the popper
-   * @param {HTMLElement} popper - The HTML element used as the popper
-   * @param {Object} options - Your custom options to override the ones defined in [Defaults](#defaults)
-   * @return {Object} instance - The generated Popper.js instance
-   */
-  function Popper(reference, popper) {
-    var _this = this;
-    var options = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : {};
-    classCallCheck(this, Popper);
-    this.scheduleUpdate = function () {
-      return requestAnimationFrame(_this.update);
-    };
-    // make update() debounced, so that it only runs at most once-per-tick
-    this.update = debounce(this.update.bind(this));
-    // with {} we create a new object with the options inside it
-    this.options = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults, options);
-    // init state
-    this.state = {
-      isDestroyed: false,
-      isCreated: false,
-      scrollParents: []
-    };
-    // get reference and popper elements (allow jQuery wrappers)
-    this.reference = reference && reference.jquery ? reference[0] : reference;
-    this.popper = popper && popper.jquery ? popper[0] : popper;
-    // Deep merge modifiers options
-    this.options.modifiers = {};
-    Object.keys(_extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers, options.modifiers)).forEach(function (name) {
-      _this.options.modifiers[name] = _extends({}, Popper.Defaults.modifiers[name] || {}, options.modifiers ? options.modifiers[name] : {});
-    });
-    // Refactoring modifiers' list (Object => Array)
-    this.modifiers = Object.keys(this.options.modifiers).map(function (name) {
-      return _extends({
-        name: name
-      }, _this.options.modifiers[name]);
-    })
-    // sort the modifiers by order
-    .sort(function (a, b) {
-      return a.order - b.order;
-    });
-    // modifiers have the ability to execute arbitrary code when Popper.js get inited
-    // such code is executed in the same order of its modifier
-    // they could add new properties to their options configuration
-    // BE AWARE: don't add options to `options.modifiers.name` but to `modifierOptions`!
-    this.modifiers.forEach(function (modifierOptions) {
-      if (modifierOptions.enabled && isFunction(modifierOptions.onLoad)) {
-        modifierOptions.onLoad(_this.reference, _this.popper, _this.options, modifierOptions, _this.state);
-      }
-    });
-    // fire the first update to position the popper in the right place
-    this.update();
-    var eventsEnabled = this.options.eventsEnabled;
-    if (eventsEnabled) {
-      // setup event listeners, they will take care of update the position in specific situations
-      this.enableEventListeners();
-    }
-    this.state.eventsEnabled = eventsEnabled;
-  }
-  // We can't use class properties because they don't get listed in the
-  // class prototype and break stuff like Sinon stubs
-  createClass(Popper, [{
-    key: 'update',
-    value: function update$$1() {
-      return update.call(this);
-    }
-  }, {
-    key: 'destroy',
-    value: function destroy$$1() {
-      return destroy.call(this);
-    }
-  }, {
-    key: 'enableEventListeners',
-    value: function enableEventListeners$$1() {
-      return enableEventListeners.call(this);
-    }
-  }, {
-    key: 'disableEventListeners',
-    value: function disableEventListeners$$1() {
-      return disableEventListeners.call(this);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Schedules an update. It will run on the next UI update available.
-     * @method scheduleUpdate
-     * @memberof Popper
-     */
-    /**
-     * Collection of utilities useful when writing custom modifiers.
-     * Starting from version 1.7, this method is available only if you
-     * include `popper-utils.js` before `popper.js`.
-     *
-     * **DEPRECATION**: This way to access PopperUtils is deprecated
-     * and will be removed in v2! Use the PopperUtils module directly instead.
-     * Due to the high instability of the methods contained in Utils, we can't
-     * guarantee them to follow semver. Use them at your own risk!
-     * @static
-     * @private
-     * @type {Object}
-     * @deprecated since version 1.8
-     * @member Utils
-     * @memberof Popper
-     */
-  }]);
-  return Popper;
- * The `referenceObject` is an object that provides an interface compatible with Popper.js
- * and lets you use it as replacement of a real DOM node.<br />
- * You can use this method to position a popper relatively to a set of coordinates
- * in case you don't have a DOM node to use as reference.
- *
- * ```
- * new Popper(referenceObject, popperNode);
- * ```
- *
- * NB: This feature isn't supported in Internet Explorer 10.
- * @name referenceObject
- * @property {Function} data.getBoundingClientRect
- * A function that returns a set of coordinates compatible with the native `getBoundingClientRect` method.
- * @property {number} data.clientWidth
- * An ES6 getter that will return the width of the virtual reference element.
- * @property {number} data.clientHeight
- * An ES6 getter that will return the height of the virtual reference element.
- */
-Popper.Utils = (typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global).PopperUtils;
-Popper.placements = placements;
-Popper.Defaults = Defaults;
-return Popper;
-//# sourceMappingURL=popper.js.map
diff --git a/docs/customizing/styling_rt.pod b/docs/customizing/styling_rt.pod
index 590019d030..ac8eb5dd5a 100644
--- a/docs/customizing/styling_rt.pod
+++ b/docs/customizing/styling_rt.pod
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ create your own version of bootstrap.css
     brew install node
     npm install -g node-sass postcss postcss-cli
-    cd devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.2.1
+    cd devel/third-party/bootstrap-4.6.1
     npm install autoprefixer
 =item Create bootstrap_customized.scss
diff --git a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
index bb5e158516..4215bdc32f 100644
--- a/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
+++ b/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm
@@ -118,8 +118,7 @@ sub JSFiles {
-        popper.min.js
-        bootstrap.min.js
+        bootstrap.bundle.min.js
diff --git a/share/static/css/elevator-light/bootstrap.css b/share/static/css/elevator-light/bootstrap.css
index 0a155d6615..1b5cf1e362 100644
--- a/share/static/css/elevator-light/bootstrap.css
+++ b/share/static/css/elevator-light/bootstrap.css
@@ -1,8 +1,11 @@
+/*  use rem to be more consistent with bootstrap core, also to get rid of scss compilation errors:
+    Incompatible units: 'px' and 'rem' */
+/* 6px */
- * Bootstrap v4.2.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
- * Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors
- * Copyright 2011-2018 Twitter, Inc.
- * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
+ * Bootstrap v4.6.1 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
+ * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors
+ * Copyright 2011-2021 Twitter, Inc.
+ * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
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+  .row-cols-lg-3 > * {
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+  .row-cols-lg-4 > * {
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+  .row-cols-lg-5 > * {
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+  .row-cols-lg-6 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 16.666667%;
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     flex: 0 0 auto;
@@ -1338,6 +1467,36 @@ pre code {
     flex-grow: 1;
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+  .row-cols-xl-1 > * {
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+    flex: 0 0 100%;
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+  .row-cols-xl-2 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 50%;
+    flex: 0 0 50%;
+    max-width: 50%;
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+  .row-cols-xl-3 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 33.333333%;
+    flex: 0 0 33.333333%;
+    max-width: 33.333333%;
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+  .row-cols-xl-4 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 25%;
+    flex: 0 0 25%;
+    max-width: 25%;
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+  .row-cols-xl-5 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 20%;
+    flex: 0 0 20%;
+    max-width: 20%;
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+  .row-cols-xl-6 > * {
+    -ms-flex: 0 0 16.666667%;
+    flex: 0 0 16.666667%;
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     -ms-flex: 0 0 auto;
     flex: 0 0 auto;
@@ -1505,7 +1664,7 @@ pre code {
 .table {
   width: 100%;
   margin-bottom: 1rem;
-  background-color: transparent;
+  color: #212529;
 .table th,
@@ -1524,10 +1683,6 @@ pre code {
   border-top: 2px solid #dee2e6;
-.table .table {
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 .table-sm th,
 .table-sm td {
   padding: 0.3rem;
@@ -1559,6 +1714,7 @@ pre code {
 .table-hover tbody tr:hover {
+  color: #212529;
   background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.075);
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   color: #fff;
-  background-color: #212529;
-  border-color: #32383e;
+  background-color: #343a40;
+  border-color: #454d55;
 .table .thead-light th {
@@ -1767,13 +1923,13 @@ pre code {
 .table-dark {
   color: #fff;
-  background-color: #212529;
+  background-color: #343a40;
 .table-dark th,
 .table-dark td,
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-  border-color: #32383e;
+  border-color: #454d55;
 .table-dark.table-bordered {
@@ -1785,6 +1941,7 @@ pre code {
 .table-dark.table-hover tbody tr:hover {
+  color: #fff;
   background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.075);
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     width: 100%;
     overflow-x: auto;
     -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
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     border: 0;
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     width: 100%;
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     border: 0;
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     border: 0;
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     width: 100%;
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-    -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
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     border: 0;
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   width: 100%;
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-  -ms-overflow-style: -ms-autohiding-scrollbar;
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@@ -1855,8 +2007,8 @@ pre code {
 .form-control {
   display: block;
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(2.13465rem + 2px);
-  padding: 6px 6px;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
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   font-size: 0.9231rem;
   font-weight: 400;
   line-height: 1.5;
@@ -1868,7 +2020,7 @@ pre code {
   transition: border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .form-control {
     transition: none;
@@ -1917,6 +2069,20 @@ pre code {
   opacity: 1;
+input[type="month"].form-control {
+  -webkit-appearance: none;
+  -moz-appearance: none;
+  appearance: none;
+select.form-control:-moz-focusring {
+  color: transparent;
+  text-shadow: 0 0 0 #495057;
 select.form-control:focus::-ms-value {
   color: #495057;
   background-color: #fff;
@@ -1929,8 +2095,8 @@ select.form-control:focus::-ms-value {
 .col-form-label {
-  padding-top: calc(6px + 1px);
-  padding-bottom: calc(6px + 1px);
+  padding-top: calc(0.375rem + 1px);
+  padding-bottom: calc(0.375rem + 1px);
   margin-bottom: 0;
   font-size: inherit;
   line-height: 1.5;
@@ -1953,9 +2119,9 @@ select.form-control:focus::-ms-value {
 .form-control-plaintext {
   display: block;
   width: 100%;
-  padding-top: 6px;
-  padding-bottom: 6px;
+  padding: 0.375rem 0;
   margin-bottom: 0;
+  font-size: 0.9231rem;
   line-height: 1.5;
   color: #212529;
   background-color: transparent;
@@ -1969,7 +2135,7 @@ select.form-control:focus::-ms-value {
 .form-control-sm {
-  height: calc(1.8125rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.5rem + 2px);
   padding: 0.25rem 0.5rem;
   font-size: 0.875rem;
   line-height: 1.5;
@@ -1977,7 +2143,7 @@ select.form-control:focus::-ms-value {
 .form-control-lg {
-  height: calc(2.875rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 1rem + 2px);
   padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
   font-size: 1.25rem;
   line-height: 1.5;
@@ -2028,6 +2194,7 @@ textarea.form-control {
   margin-left: -1.25rem;
+.form-check-input[disabled] ~ .form-check-label,
 .form-check-input:disabled ~ .form-check-label {
   color: #6c757d;
@@ -2063,6 +2230,7 @@ textarea.form-control {
 .valid-tooltip {
   position: absolute;
   top: 100%;
+  left: 0;
   z-index: 5;
   display: none;
   max-width: 100%;
@@ -2075,13 +2243,25 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.form-row > .col > .valid-tooltip,
+.form-row > [class*="col-"] > .valid-tooltip {
+  left: 5px;
+.was-validated :valid ~ .valid-feedback,
+.was-validated :valid ~ .valid-tooltip,
+.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
+.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
 .was-validated .form-control:valid, .form-control.is-valid {
   border-color: #28a745;
-  padding-right: 2.13465rem;
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem) !important;
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%2328a745' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
-  background-position: center right calc(2.13465rem / 4);
-  background-size: calc(2.13465rem / 2) calc(2.13465rem / 2);
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%2328a745' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-position: right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) center;
+  background-size: calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem);
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@@ -2089,21 +2269,20 @@ textarea.form-control {
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.25);
-.was-validated .form-control:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.was-validated .form-control:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, .form-control.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.form-control.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
+.was-validated select.form-control:valid, select.form-control.is-valid {
+  padding-right: 1.846rem !important;
+  background-position: right 0.923rem center;
 .was-validated textarea.form-control:valid, textarea.form-control.is-valid {
-  padding-right: 2.13465rem;
-  background-position: top calc(2.13465rem / 4) right calc(2.13465rem / 4);
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
+  background-position: top calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
 .was-validated .custom-select:valid, .custom-select.is-valid {
   border-color: #28a745;
-  padding-right: 3.350988rem;
-  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat right 0.75rem center/8px 10px, url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%2328a745' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat center right 1.75rem/1.067325rem 1.067325rem;
+  padding-right: calc(0.75em + 2.024rem) !important;
+  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='4' height='5' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") right 0.4615rem center/8px 10px no-repeat, #fff url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%2328a745' d='M2.3 6.73L.6 4.53c-.4-1.04.46-1.4 1.1-.8l1.1 1.4 3.4-3.8c.6-.63 1.6-.27 1.2.7l-4 4.6c-.43.5-.8.4-1.1.1z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") center right 1.4615rem/calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) no-repeat;
 .was-validated .custom-select:valid:focus, .custom-select.is-valid:focus {
@@ -2111,18 +2290,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.25);
-.was-validated .custom-select:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-select:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, .custom-select.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.custom-select.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
-.was-validated .form-control-file:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.was-validated .form-control-file:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, .form-control-file.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.form-control-file.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .form-check-input:valid ~ .form-check-label, .form-check-input.is-valid ~ .form-check-label {
   color: #28a745;
@@ -2141,12 +2308,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-color: #28a745;
-.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-control-input:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, .custom-control-input.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.custom-control-input.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .custom-control-input:valid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before, .custom-control-input.is-valid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
   border-color: #34ce57;
   background-color: #34ce57;
@@ -2164,12 +2325,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-color: #28a745;
-.was-validated .custom-file-input:valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-file-input:valid ~ .valid-tooltip, .custom-file-input.is-valid ~ .valid-feedback,
-.custom-file-input.is-valid ~ .valid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .custom-file-input:valid:focus ~ .custom-file-label, .custom-file-input.is-valid:focus ~ .custom-file-label {
   border-color: #28a745;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.25);
@@ -2186,6 +2341,7 @@ textarea.form-control {
 .invalid-tooltip {
   position: absolute;
   top: 100%;
+  left: 0;
   z-index: 5;
   display: none;
   max-width: 100%;
@@ -2198,13 +2354,25 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
+.form-row > .col > .invalid-tooltip,
+.form-row > [class*="col-"] > .invalid-tooltip {
+  left: 5px;
+.was-validated :invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
+.was-validated :invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip,
+.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
+.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
+  display: block;
 .was-validated .form-control:invalid, .form-control.is-invalid {
   border-color: #dc3545;
-  padding-right: 2.13465rem;
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem) !important;
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='12' height='12' fill='none' stroke='%23dc3545' viewBox='0 0 12 12'%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='6' r='4.5'/%3e%3cpath stroke-linejoin='round' d='M5.8 3.6h.4L6 6.5z'/%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='8.2' r='.6' fill='%23dc3545' stroke='none'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
-  background-position: center right calc(2.13465rem / 4);
-  background-size: calc(2.13465rem / 2) calc(2.13465rem / 2);
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23dc3545' viewBox='-2 -2 7 7'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23d9534f' d='M0 0l3 3m0-3L0 3'/%3e%3ccircle r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3c/svg%3E");
+  background-position: right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) center;
+  background-size: calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem);
 .was-validated .form-control:invalid:focus, .form-control.is-invalid:focus {
@@ -2212,21 +2380,20 @@ textarea.form-control {
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.25);
-.was-validated .form-control:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.was-validated .form-control:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, .form-control.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.form-control.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
+.was-validated select.form-control:invalid, select.form-control.is-invalid {
+  padding-right: 1.846rem !important;
+  background-position: right 0.923rem center;
 .was-validated textarea.form-control:invalid, textarea.form-control.is-invalid {
-  padding-right: 2.13465rem;
-  background-position: top calc(2.13465rem / 4) right calc(2.13465rem / 4);
+  padding-right: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
+  background-position: top calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem) right calc(0.375em + 0.1875rem);
 .was-validated .custom-select:invalid, .custom-select.is-invalid {
   border-color: #dc3545;
-  padding-right: 3.350988rem;
-  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat right 0.75rem center/8px 10px, url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23dc3545' viewBox='-2 -2 7 7'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23d9534f' d='M0 0l3 3m0-3L0 3'/%3e%3ccircle r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3ccircle cx='3' cy='3' r='.5'/%3e%3c/svg%3E") no-repeat center right 1.75rem/1.067325rem 1.067325rem;
+  padding-right: calc(0.75em + 2.024rem) !important;
+  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='4' height='5' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") right 0.4615rem center/8px 10px no-repeat, #fff url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='12' height='12' fill='none' stroke='%23dc3545' viewBox='0 0 12 12'%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='6' r='4.5'/%3e%3cpath stroke-linejoin='round' d='M5.8 3.6h.4L6 6.5z'/%3e%3ccircle cx='6' cy='8.2' r='.6' fill='%23dc3545' stroke='none'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") center right 1.4615rem/calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) calc(0.75em + 0.375rem) no-repeat;
 .was-validated .custom-select:invalid:focus, .custom-select.is-invalid:focus {
@@ -2234,18 +2401,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.25);
-.was-validated .custom-select:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-select:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, .custom-select.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.custom-select.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
-.was-validated .form-control-file:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.was-validated .form-control-file:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, .form-control-file.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.form-control-file.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .form-check-input:invalid ~ .form-check-label, .form-check-input.is-invalid ~ .form-check-label {
   color: #dc3545;
@@ -2264,12 +2419,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-color: #dc3545;
-.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, .custom-control-input.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.custom-control-input.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .custom-control-input:invalid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before, .custom-control-input.is-invalid:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
   border-color: #e4606d;
   background-color: #e4606d;
@@ -2287,12 +2436,6 @@ textarea.form-control {
   border-color: #dc3545;
-.was-validated .custom-file-input:invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.was-validated .custom-file-input:invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip, .custom-file-input.is-invalid ~ .invalid-feedback,
-.custom-file-input.is-invalid ~ .invalid-tooltip {
-  display: block;
 .was-validated .custom-file-input:invalid:focus ~ .custom-file-label, .custom-file-input.is-invalid:focus ~ .custom-file-label {
   border-color: #dc3545;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.25);
@@ -2356,6 +2499,8 @@ textarea.form-control {
   .form-inline .form-check-input {
     position: relative;
+    -ms-flex-negative: 0;
+    flex-shrink: 0;
     margin-top: 0;
     margin-right: 0.25rem;
     margin-left: 0;
@@ -2390,7 +2535,7 @@ textarea.form-control {
   transition: color 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .btn {
     transition: none;
@@ -2432,6 +2577,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-primary:focus, .btn-primary.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #0069d9;
+  border-color: #0062cc;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(38, 143, 255, 0.5);
@@ -2466,6 +2614,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-secondary:focus, .btn-secondary.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #5a6268;
+  border-color: #545b62;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(130, 138, 145, 0.5);
@@ -2500,6 +2651,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-success:focus, .btn-success.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #218838;
+  border-color: #1e7e34;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(72, 180, 97, 0.5);
@@ -2534,6 +2688,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-info:focus, .btn-info.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #138496;
+  border-color: #117a8b;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(58, 176, 195, 0.5);
@@ -2568,6 +2725,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-warning:focus, .btn-warning.focus {
+  color: #212529;
+  background-color: #e0a800;
+  border-color: #d39e00;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(222, 170, 12, 0.5);
@@ -2602,6 +2762,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-danger:focus, .btn-danger.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #c82333;
+  border-color: #bd2130;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(225, 83, 97, 0.5);
@@ -2636,6 +2799,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-light:focus, .btn-light.focus {
+  color: #212529;
+  background-color: #e2e6ea;
+  border-color: #dae0e5;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(216, 217, 219, 0.5);
@@ -2670,6 +2836,9 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-dark:focus, .btn-dark.focus {
+  color: #fff;
+  background-color: #23272b;
+  border-color: #1d2124;
   box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(82, 88, 93, 0.5);
@@ -2950,6 +3119,7 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-link {
   font-weight: 400;
   color: #007bff;
+  text-decoration: none;
 .btn-link:hover {
@@ -2959,7 +3129,6 @@ fieldset:disabled a.btn {
 .btn-link:focus, .btn-link.focus {
   text-decoration: underline;
-  box-shadow: none;
 .btn-link:disabled, .btn-link.disabled {
@@ -3000,7 +3169,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   transition: opacity 0.15s linear;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .fade {
     transition: none;
@@ -3021,7 +3190,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   transition: height 0.35s ease;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .collapsing {
     transition: none;
@@ -3034,6 +3203,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   position: relative;
+.dropdown-toggle {
+  white-space: nowrap;
 .dropdown-toggle::after {
   display: inline-block;
   margin-left: 0.255em;
@@ -3069,49 +3242,25 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
-.dropdown-menu-right {
-  right: 0;
-  left: auto;
- at media (min-width: 576px) {
-  .dropdown-menu-sm-right {
-    right: 0;
-    left: auto;
-  }
- at media (min-width: 768px) {
-  .dropdown-menu-md-right {
-    right: 0;
-    left: auto;
-  }
- at media (min-width: 992px) {
-  .dropdown-menu-lg-right {
-    right: 0;
-    left: auto;
-  }
- at media (min-width: 1200px) {
-  .dropdown-menu-xl-right {
-    right: 0;
-    left: auto;
-  }
 .dropdown-menu-left {
   right: auto;
   left: 0;
+.dropdown-menu-right {
+  right: 0;
+  left: auto;
 @media (min-width: 576px) {
   .dropdown-menu-sm-left {
     right: auto;
     left: 0;
+  .dropdown-menu-sm-right {
+    right: 0;
+    left: auto;
+  }
 @media (min-width: 768px) {
@@ -3119,6 +3268,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     right: auto;
     left: 0;
+  .dropdown-menu-md-right {
+    right: 0;
+    left: auto;
+  }
 @media (min-width: 992px) {
@@ -3126,6 +3279,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     right: auto;
     left: 0;
+  .dropdown-menu-lg-right {
+    right: 0;
+    left: auto;
+  }
 @media (min-width: 1200px) {
@@ -3133,6 +3290,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     right: auto;
     left: 0;
+  .dropdown-menu-xl-right {
+    right: 0;
+    left: auto;
+  }
 .dropup .dropdown-menu {
@@ -3246,16 +3407,6 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border: 0;
-.dropdown-item:first-child {
-  border-top-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
-  border-top-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
-.dropdown-item:last-child {
-  border-bottom-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
-  border-bottom-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
 .dropdown-item:hover, .dropdown-item:focus {
   color: #16181b;
   text-decoration: none;
@@ -3269,7 +3420,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .dropdown-item.disabled, .dropdown-item:disabled {
-  color: #6c757d;
+  color: #adb5bd;
   pointer-events: none;
   background-color: transparent;
@@ -3439,6 +3590,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
   flex: 1 1 auto;
   width: 1%;
+  min-width: 0;
   margin-bottom: 0;
@@ -3467,12 +3619,6 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   z-index: 4;
-.input-group > .form-control:not(:last-child),
-.input-group > .custom-select:not(:last-child) {
-  border-top-right-radius: 0;
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
 .input-group > .form-control:not(:first-child),
 .input-group > .custom-select:not(:first-child) {
   border-top-left-radius: 0;
@@ -3497,6 +3643,22 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .form-control:not(:last-child),
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .custom-select:not(:last-child),
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .custom-file:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label,
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .custom-file:not(:last-child) .custom-file-label::after {
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
+.input-group.has-validation > .form-control:nth-last-child(n + 3),
+.input-group.has-validation > .custom-select:nth-last-child(n + 3),
+.input-group.has-validation > .custom-file:nth-last-child(n + 3) .custom-file-label,
+.input-group.has-validation > .custom-file:nth-last-child(n + 3) .custom-file-label::after {
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
 .input-group-append {
   display: -ms-flexbox;
@@ -3538,9 +3700,9 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   display: flex;
   -ms-flex-align: center;
   align-items: center;
-  padding: 6px 6px;
+  padding: 0.375rem 0.4615rem;
   margin-bottom: 0;
-  font-size: 1rem;
+  font-size: 0.9231rem;
   font-weight: 400;
   line-height: 1.5;
   color: #495057;
@@ -3558,7 +3720,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .input-group-lg > .form-control:not(textarea),
 .input-group-lg > .custom-select {
-  height: calc(2.875rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 1rem + 2px);
 .input-group-lg > .form-control,
@@ -3575,7 +3737,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .input-group-sm > .form-control:not(textarea),
 .input-group-sm > .custom-select {
-  height: calc(1.8125rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.5rem + 2px);
 .input-group-sm > .form-control,
@@ -3592,13 +3754,15 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .input-group-lg > .custom-select,
 .input-group-sm > .custom-select {
-  padding-right: 1.75rem;
+  padding-right: 1.4615rem;
 .input-group > .input-group-prepend > .btn,
 .input-group > .input-group-prepend > .input-group-text,
-.input-group > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .btn,
-.input-group > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .input-group-text,
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .btn,
+.input-group:not(.has-validation) > .input-group-append:not(:last-child) > .input-group-text,
+.input-group.has-validation > .input-group-append:nth-last-child(n + 3) > .btn,
+.input-group.has-validation > .input-group-append:nth-last-child(n + 3) > .input-group-text,
 .input-group > .input-group-append:last-child > .btn:not(:last-child):not(.dropdown-toggle),
 .input-group > .input-group-append:last-child > .input-group-text:not(:last-child) {
   border-top-right-radius: 0;
@@ -3617,9 +3781,12 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-control {
   position: relative;
+  z-index: 1;
   display: block;
   min-height: 1.5rem;
   padding-left: 1.5rem;
+  -webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;
+  color-adjust: exact;
 .custom-control-inline {
@@ -3630,7 +3797,10 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-control-input {
   position: absolute;
+  left: 0;
   z-index: -1;
+  width: 1rem;
+  height: 1.25rem;
   opacity: 0;
@@ -3654,11 +3824,11 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border-color: #b3d7ff;
-.custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label {
+.custom-control-input[disabled] ~ .custom-control-label, .custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label {
   color: #6c757d;
-.custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label::before {
+.custom-control-input[disabled] ~ .custom-control-label::before, .custom-control-input:disabled ~ .custom-control-label::before {
   background-color: #e9ecef;
@@ -3689,9 +3859,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   width: 1rem;
   height: 1rem;
   content: "";
-  background-repeat: no-repeat;
-  background-position: center center;
-  background-size: 50% 50%;
+  background: 50% / 50% 50% no-repeat;
 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-label::before {
@@ -3699,7 +3867,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label::after {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%23fff' d='M6.564.75l-3.59 3.612-1.538-1.55L0 4.26 2.974 7.25 8 2.193z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath fill='%23fff' d='M6.564.75l-3.59 3.612-1.538-1.55L0 4.26l2.974 2.99L8 2.193z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label::before {
@@ -3708,7 +3876,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:indeterminate ~ .custom-control-label::after {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 4'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23fff' d='M0 2h4'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='4' height='4' viewBox='0 0 4 4'%3e%3cpath stroke='%23fff' d='M0 2h4'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .custom-checkbox .custom-control-input:disabled:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
@@ -3724,7 +3892,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-radio .custom-control-input:checked ~ .custom-control-label::after {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='-4 -4 8 8'%3e%3ccircle r='3' fill='%23fff'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='12' height='12' viewBox='-4 -4 8 8'%3e%3ccircle r='3' fill='%23fff'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .custom-radio .custom-control-input:disabled:checked ~ .custom-control-label::before {
@@ -3754,7 +3922,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   transition: transform 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.15s ease-in-out;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .custom-switch .custom-control-label::after {
     transition: none;
@@ -3773,14 +3941,14 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-select {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(2.13465rem + 2px);
-  padding: 0.375rem 1.75rem 0.375rem 0.75rem;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
+  padding: 0.375rem 1.4615rem 0.375rem 0.4615rem;
+  font-size: 0.9231rem;
   font-weight: 400;
   line-height: 1.5;
   color: #495057;
   vertical-align: middle;
-  background: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") no-repeat right 0.75rem center/8px 10px;
-  background-color: #fff;
+  background: #fff url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='4' height='5' viewBox='0 0 4 5'%3e%3cpath fill='%23343a40' d='M2 0L0 2h4zm0 5L0 3h4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e") right 0.4615rem center/8px 10px no-repeat;
   border: 1px solid #c0c7d1;
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
   -webkit-appearance: none;
@@ -3791,7 +3959,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-select:focus {
   border-color: #5c6273;
   outline: 0;
-  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(92, 98, 115, 0.5);
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.25);
 .custom-select:focus::-ms-value {
@@ -3801,7 +3969,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-select[multiple], .custom-select[size]:not([size="1"]) {
   height: auto;
-  padding-right: 0.75rem;
+  padding-right: 0.4615rem;
   background-image: none;
@@ -3811,11 +3979,16 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-select::-ms-expand {
-  opacity: 0;
+  display: none;
+.custom-select:-moz-focusring {
+  color: transparent;
+  text-shadow: 0 0 0 #495057;
 .custom-select-sm {
-  height: calc(1.8125rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.5rem + 2px);
   padding-top: 0.25rem;
   padding-bottom: 0.25rem;
   padding-left: 0.5rem;
@@ -3823,7 +3996,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-select-lg {
-  height: calc(2.875rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 1rem + 2px);
   padding-top: 0.5rem;
   padding-bottom: 0.5rem;
   padding-left: 1rem;
@@ -3834,7 +4007,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   position: relative;
   display: inline-block;
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(2.13465rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
   margin-bottom: 0;
@@ -3842,8 +4015,9 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   position: relative;
   z-index: 2;
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(2.13465rem + 2px);
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
   margin: 0;
+  overflow: hidden;
   opacity: 0;
@@ -3852,6 +4026,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   box-shadow: none;
+.custom-file-input[disabled] ~ .custom-file-label,
 .custom-file-input:disabled ~ .custom-file-label {
   background-color: #e9ecef;
@@ -3870,8 +4045,9 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   right: 0;
   left: 0;
   z-index: 1;
-  height: calc(2.13465rem + 2px);
-  padding: 6px 6px;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem + 2px);
+  padding: 0.375rem 0.4615rem;
+  overflow: hidden;
   font-weight: 400;
   line-height: 1.5;
   color: #495057;
@@ -3887,8 +4063,8 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   bottom: 0;
   z-index: 3;
   display: block;
-  height: 2.13465rem;
-  padding: 6px 6px;
+  height: calc(1.5em + 0.75rem);
+  padding: 0.375rem 0.4615rem;
   line-height: 1.5;
   color: #495057;
   content: "Browse";
@@ -3899,7 +4075,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-range {
   width: 100%;
-  height: calc(1rem + 0.4rem);
+  height: 1.4rem;
   padding: 0;
   background-color: transparent;
   -webkit-appearance: none;
@@ -3908,7 +4084,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .custom-range:focus {
-  outline: none;
+  outline: 0;
 .custom-range:focus::-webkit-slider-thumb {
@@ -3934,13 +4110,15 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   background-color: #007bff;
   border: 0;
   border-radius: 1rem;
+  -webkit-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   -webkit-appearance: none;
   appearance: none;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .custom-range::-webkit-slider-thumb {
+    -webkit-transition: none;
     transition: none;
@@ -3965,13 +4143,15 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   background-color: #007bff;
   border: 0;
   border-radius: 1rem;
+  -moz-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   -moz-appearance: none;
   appearance: none;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .custom-range::-moz-range-thumb {
+    -moz-transition: none;
     transition: none;
@@ -3999,12 +4179,14 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   background-color: #007bff;
   border: 0;
   border-radius: 1rem;
+  -ms-transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
   appearance: none;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .custom-range::-ms-thumb {
+    -ms-transition: none;
     transition: none;
@@ -4060,7 +4242,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   transition: background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .custom-select {
@@ -4097,11 +4279,8 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border-bottom: 1px solid #dee2e6;
-.nav-tabs .nav-item {
-  margin-bottom: -1px;
 .nav-tabs .nav-link {
+  margin-bottom: -1px;
   border: 1px solid transparent;
   border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
   border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
@@ -4140,12 +4319,14 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   background-color: #4868b3;
+.nav-fill > .nav-link,
 .nav-fill .nav-item {
   -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
   flex: 1 1 auto;
   text-align: center;
+.nav-justified > .nav-link,
 .nav-justified .nav-item {
   -ms-flex-preferred-size: 0;
   flex-basis: 0;
@@ -4175,8 +4356,8 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
-.navbar > .container,
-.navbar > .container-fluid {
+.navbar .container,
+.navbar .container-fluid, .navbar .container-sm, .navbar .container-md, .navbar .container-lg, .navbar .container-xl {
   display: -ms-flexbox;
   display: flex;
   -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
@@ -4249,23 +4430,23 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   text-decoration: none;
-.navbar-toggler:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
-  cursor: pointer;
 .navbar-toggler-icon {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 1.5em;
   height: 1.5em;
   vertical-align: middle;
   content: "";
-  background: no-repeat center center;
-  background-size: 100% 100%;
+  background: 50% / 100% 100% no-repeat;
+.navbar-nav-scroll {
+  max-height: 75vh;
+  overflow-y: auto;
 @media (max-width: 575.98px) {
   .navbar-expand-sm > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-sm > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-sm > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-md, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-xl {
     padding-right: 0;
     padding-left: 0;
@@ -4290,10 +4471,13 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     padding-left: 0.5rem;
   .navbar-expand-sm > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-sm > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-sm > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-md, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-sm > .container-xl {
     -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
     flex-wrap: nowrap;
+  .navbar-expand-sm .navbar-nav-scroll {
+    overflow: visible;
+  }
   .navbar-expand-sm .navbar-collapse {
     display: -ms-flexbox !important;
     display: flex !important;
@@ -4307,7 +4491,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 @media (max-width: 767.98px) {
   .navbar-expand-md > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-md > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-md > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-md > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-md > .container-md, .navbar-expand-md > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-md > .container-xl {
     padding-right: 0;
     padding-left: 0;
@@ -4332,10 +4516,13 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     padding-left: 0.5rem;
   .navbar-expand-md > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-md > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-md > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-md > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-md > .container-md, .navbar-expand-md > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-md > .container-xl {
     -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
     flex-wrap: nowrap;
+  .navbar-expand-md .navbar-nav-scroll {
+    overflow: visible;
+  }
   .navbar-expand-md .navbar-collapse {
     display: -ms-flexbox !important;
     display: flex !important;
@@ -4349,7 +4536,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 @media (max-width: 991.98px) {
   .navbar-expand-lg > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-lg > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-lg > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-md, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-xl {
     padding-right: 0;
     padding-left: 0;
@@ -4374,10 +4561,13 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     padding-left: 0.5rem;
   .navbar-expand-lg > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-lg > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-lg > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-md, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-lg > .container-xl {
     -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
     flex-wrap: nowrap;
+  .navbar-expand-lg .navbar-nav-scroll {
+    overflow: visible;
+  }
   .navbar-expand-lg .navbar-collapse {
     display: -ms-flexbox !important;
     display: flex !important;
@@ -4391,7 +4581,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 @media (max-width: 1199.98px) {
   .navbar-expand-xl > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-xl > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-xl > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-md, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-xl {
     padding-right: 0;
     padding-left: 0;
@@ -4416,10 +4606,13 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     padding-left: 0.5rem;
   .navbar-expand-xl > .container,
-  .navbar-expand-xl > .container-fluid {
+  .navbar-expand-xl > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-sm, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-md, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-lg, .navbar-expand-xl > .container-xl {
     -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
     flex-wrap: nowrap;
+  .navbar-expand-xl .navbar-nav-scroll {
+    overflow: visible;
+  }
   .navbar-expand-xl .navbar-collapse {
     display: -ms-flexbox !important;
     display: flex !important;
@@ -4439,7 +4632,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .navbar-expand > .container,
-.navbar-expand > .container-fluid {
+.navbar-expand > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand > .container-sm, .navbar-expand > .container-md, .navbar-expand > .container-lg, .navbar-expand > .container-xl {
   padding-right: 0;
   padding-left: 0;
@@ -4459,11 +4652,15 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .navbar-expand > .container,
-.navbar-expand > .container-fluid {
+.navbar-expand > .container-fluid, .navbar-expand > .container-sm, .navbar-expand > .container-md, .navbar-expand > .container-lg, .navbar-expand > .container-xl {
   -ms-flex-wrap: nowrap;
   flex-wrap: nowrap;
+.navbar-expand .navbar-nav-scroll {
+  overflow: visible;
 .navbar-expand .navbar-collapse {
   display: -ms-flexbox !important;
   display: flex !important;
@@ -4508,7 +4705,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .navbar-light .navbar-toggler-icon {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg viewBox='0 0 30 30' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3e%3cpath stroke='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='30' height='30' viewBox='0 0 30 30'%3e%3cpath stroke='rgba%280, 0, 0, 0.5%29' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='2' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .navbar-light .navbar-text {
@@ -4556,7 +4753,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .navbar-dark .navbar-toggler-icon {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg viewBox='0 0 30 30' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%3e%3cpath stroke='rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)' stroke-width='2' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' width='30' height='30' viewBox='0 0 30 30'%3e%3cpath stroke='rgba%28255, 255, 255, 0.5%29' stroke-linecap='round' stroke-miterlimit='10' stroke-width='2' d='M4 7h22M4 15h22M4 23h22'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .navbar-dark .navbar-text {
@@ -4590,19 +4787,32 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   margin-left: 0;
-.card > .list-group:first-child .list-group-item:first-child {
-  border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
-  border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+.card > .list-group {
+  border-top: inherit;
+  border-bottom: inherit;
-.card > .list-group:last-child .list-group-item:last-child {
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+.card > .list-group:first-child {
+  border-top-width: 0;
+  border-top-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
+  border-top-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
+.card > .list-group:last-child {
+  border-bottom-width: 0;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
+  border-bottom-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
+.card > .card-header + .list-group,
+.card > .list-group + .card-footer {
+  border-top: 0;
 .card-body {
   -ms-flex: 1 1 auto;
   flex: 1 1 auto;
+  min-height: 1px;
   padding: 1.25rem;
@@ -4630,7 +4840,6 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .card-header {
   padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem;
   margin-bottom: 0;
-  color: inherit;
   background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
   border-bottom: 1px solid #dde4eb;
@@ -4639,10 +4848,6 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   border-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px) calc(0.25rem - 1px) 0 0;
-.card-header + .list-group .list-group-item:first-child {
-  border-top: 0;
 .card-footer {
   padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem;
   background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
@@ -4672,69 +4877,59 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   bottom: 0;
   left: 0;
   padding: 1.25rem;
+  border-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
-.card-img {
+.card-img-bottom {
+  -ms-flex-negative: 0;
+  flex-shrink: 0;
   width: 100%;
-  border-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
 .card-img-top {
-  width: 100%;
   border-top-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
   border-top-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
 .card-img-bottom {
-  width: 100%;
   border-bottom-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
   border-bottom-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
-.card-deck {
-  display: -ms-flexbox;
-  display: flex;
-  -ms-flex-direction: column;
-  flex-direction: column;
 .card-deck .card {
   margin-bottom: 15px;
 @media (min-width: 576px) {
   .card-deck {
+    display: -ms-flexbox;
+    display: flex;
     -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
     flex-flow: row wrap;
     margin-right: -15px;
     margin-left: -15px;
   .card-deck .card {
-    display: -ms-flexbox;
-    display: flex;
     -ms-flex: 1 0 0%;
     flex: 1 0 0%;
-    -ms-flex-direction: column;
-    flex-direction: column;
     margin-right: 15px;
     margin-bottom: 0;
     margin-left: 15px;
-.card-group {
-  display: -ms-flexbox;
-  display: flex;
-  -ms-flex-direction: column;
-  flex-direction: column;
 .card-group > .card {
   margin-bottom: 15px;
 @media (min-width: 576px) {
   .card-group {
+    display: -ms-flexbox;
+    display: flex;
     -ms-flex-flow: row wrap;
     flex-flow: row wrap;
@@ -4747,52 +4942,30 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
     margin-left: 0;
     border-left: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:first-child {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:last-child) {
     border-top-right-radius: 0;
     border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:first-child .card-img-top,
-  .card-group > .card:first-child .card-header {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:last-child) .card-img-top,
+  .card-group > .card:not(:last-child) .card-header {
     border-top-right-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:first-child .card-img-bottom,
-  .card-group > .card:first-child .card-footer {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:last-child) .card-img-bottom,
+  .card-group > .card:not(:last-child) .card-footer {
     border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:last-child {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child) {
     border-top-left-radius: 0;
     border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:last-child .card-img-top,
-  .card-group > .card:last-child .card-header {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child) .card-img-top,
+  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child) .card-header {
     border-top-left-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:last-child .card-img-bottom,
-  .card-group > .card:last-child .card-footer {
+  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child) .card-img-bottom,
+  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child) .card-footer {
     border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
-  .card-group > .card:only-child {
-    border-radius: 0.25rem;
-  }
-  .card-group > .card:only-child .card-img-top,
-  .card-group > .card:only-child .card-header {
-    border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
-    border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
-  }
-  .card-group > .card:only-child .card-img-bottom,
-  .card-group > .card:only-child .card-footer {
-    border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem;
-    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
-  }
-  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) {
-    border-radius: 0;
-  }
-  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) .card-img-top,
-  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) .card-img-bottom,
-  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) .card-header,
-  .card-group > .card:not(:first-child):not(:last-child):not(:only-child) .card-footer {
-    border-radius: 0;
-  }
 .card-columns .card {
@@ -4816,31 +4989,27 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
-.accordion .card {
-  overflow: hidden;
-.accordion .card:not(:first-of-type) .card-header:first-child {
-  border-radius: 0;
+.accordion {
+  overflow-anchor: none;
-.accordion .card:not(:first-of-type):not(:last-of-type) {
-  border-bottom: 0;
-  border-radius: 0;
+.accordion > .card {
+  overflow: hidden;
-.accordion .card:first-of-type {
+.accordion > .card:not(:last-of-type) {
   border-bottom: 0;
   border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
   border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
-.accordion .card:last-of-type {
+.accordion > .card:not(:first-of-type) {
   border-top-left-radius: 0;
   border-top-right-radius: 0;
-.accordion .card .card-header {
+.accordion > .card > .card-header {
+  border-radius: 0;
   margin-bottom: -1px;
@@ -4861,7 +5030,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .breadcrumb-item + .breadcrumb-item::before {
-  display: inline-block;
+  float: left;
   padding-right: 0.5rem;
   color: #6c757d;
   content: "/";
@@ -4907,15 +5076,11 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .page-link:focus {
-  z-index: 2;
+  z-index: 3;
   outline: 0;
   box-shadow: none;
-.page-link:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
-  cursor: pointer;
 .page-item:first-child .page-link {
   margin-left: 0;
   border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
@@ -4928,7 +5093,7 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
 .page-item.active .page-link {
-  z-index: 1;
+  z-index: 3;
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #007bff;
   border-color: #007bff;
@@ -4984,6 +5149,13 @@ input[type="button"].btn-block {
   white-space: nowrap;
   vertical-align: baseline;
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
+  transition: color 0.15s ease-in-out, background-color 0.15s ease-in-out, border-color 0.15s ease-in-out, box-shadow 0.15s ease-in-out;
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+  .badge {
+    transition: none;
+  }
 a.badge:hover, a.badge:focus {
@@ -5015,6 +5187,11 @@ a.badge-primary:hover, a.badge-primary:focus {
   background-color: #0062cc;
+a.badge-primary:focus, a.badge-primary.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(0, 123, 255, 0.5);
 .badge-secondary {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #6c757d;
@@ -5025,6 +5202,11 @@ a.badge-secondary:hover, a.badge-secondary:focus {
   background-color: #545b62;
+a.badge-secondary:focus, a.badge-secondary.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(108, 117, 125, 0.5);
 .badge-success {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #28a745;
@@ -5035,6 +5217,11 @@ a.badge-success:hover, a.badge-success:focus {
   background-color: #1e7e34;
+a.badge-success:focus, a.badge-success.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(40, 167, 69, 0.5);
 .badge-info {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #17a2b8;
@@ -5045,6 +5232,11 @@ a.badge-info:hover, a.badge-info:focus {
   background-color: #117a8b;
+a.badge-info:focus, a.badge-info.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(23, 162, 184, 0.5);
 .badge-warning {
   color: #212529;
   background-color: #ffc107;
@@ -5055,6 +5247,11 @@ a.badge-warning:hover, a.badge-warning:focus {
   background-color: #d39e00;
+a.badge-warning:focus, a.badge-warning.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(255, 193, 7, 0.5);
 .badge-danger {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #dc3545;
@@ -5065,6 +5262,11 @@ a.badge-danger:hover, a.badge-danger:focus {
   background-color: #bd2130;
+a.badge-danger:focus, a.badge-danger.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(220, 53, 69, 0.5);
 .badge-light {
   color: #212529;
   background-color: #f8f9fa;
@@ -5075,6 +5277,11 @@ a.badge-light:hover, a.badge-light:focus {
   background-color: #dae0e5;
+a.badge-light:focus, a.badge-light.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(248, 249, 250, 0.5);
 .badge-dark {
   color: #fff;
   background-color: #343a40;
@@ -5085,6 +5292,11 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   background-color: #1d2124;
+a.badge-dark:focus, a.badge-dark.focus {
+  outline: 0;
+  box-shadow: 0 0 0 0.2rem rgba(52, 58, 64, 0.5);
 .jumbotron {
   padding: 2rem 1rem;
   margin-bottom: 2rem;
@@ -5128,6 +5340,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   position: absolute;
   top: 0;
   right: 0;
+  z-index: 2;
   padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem;
   color: inherit;
@@ -5267,6 +5480,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   display: flex;
   height: 1rem;
   overflow: hidden;
+  line-height: 0;
   font-size: 0.75rem;
   background-color: #e9ecef;
   border-radius: 0.25rem;
@@ -5279,6 +5493,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   flex-direction: column;
   -ms-flex-pack: center;
   justify-content: center;
+  overflow: hidden;
   color: #fff;
   text-align: center;
   white-space: nowrap;
@@ -5286,7 +5501,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   transition: width 0.6s ease;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .progress-bar {
     transition: none;
@@ -5298,8 +5513,15 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
 .progress-bar-animated {
-  -webkit-animation: progress-bar-stripes 1s linear infinite;
-  animation: progress-bar-stripes 1s linear infinite;
+  -webkit-animation: 1s linear infinite progress-bar-stripes;
+  animation: 1s linear infinite progress-bar-stripes;
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+  .progress-bar-animated {
+    -webkit-animation: none;
+    animation: none;
+  }
 .media {
@@ -5321,6 +5543,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   flex-direction: column;
   padding-left: 0;
   margin-bottom: 0;
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
 .list-group-item-action {
@@ -5330,6 +5553,7 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
 .list-group-item-action:hover, .list-group-item-action:focus {
+  z-index: 1;
   color: #495057;
   text-decoration: none;
   background-color: #f8f9fa;
@@ -5344,25 +5568,18 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   position: relative;
   display: block;
   padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem;
-  margin-bottom: -1px;
   background-color: #fff;
   border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
 .list-group-item:first-child {
-  border-top-left-radius: 0.25rem;
-  border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+  border-top-left-radius: inherit;
+  border-top-right-radius: inherit;
 .list-group-item:last-child {
-  margin-bottom: 0;
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 0.25rem;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
-.list-group-item:hover, .list-group-item:focus {
-  z-index: 1;
-  text-decoration: none;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: inherit;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: inherit;
 .list-group-item.disabled, .list-group-item:disabled {
@@ -5378,23 +5595,158 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   border-color: #007bff;
-.list-group-flush .list-group-item {
-  border-right: 0;
-  border-left: 0;
-  border-radius: 0;
+.list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+  border-top-width: 0;
-.list-group-flush .list-group-item:last-child {
-  margin-bottom: -1px;
+.list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+  margin-top: -1px;
+  border-top-width: 1px;
-.list-group-flush:first-child .list-group-item:first-child {
-  border-top: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal {
+  -ms-flex-direction: row;
+  flex-direction: row;
-.list-group-flush:last-child .list-group-item:last-child {
-  margin-bottom: 0;
-  border-bottom: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal > .list-group-item:first-child {
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+  border-top-right-radius: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal > .list-group-item:last-child {
+  border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+  border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal > .list-group-item.active {
+  margin-top: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal > .list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+  border-top-width: 1px;
+  border-left-width: 0;
+.list-group-horizontal > .list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+  margin-left: -1px;
+  border-left-width: 1px;
+ at media (min-width: 576px) {
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm {
+    -ms-flex-direction: row;
+    flex-direction: row;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm > .list-group-item:first-child {
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm > .list-group-item:last-child {
+    border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm > .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-top: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm > .list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+    border-top-width: 1px;
+    border-left-width: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-sm > .list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-left: -1px;
+    border-left-width: 1px;
+  }
+ at media (min-width: 768px) {
+  .list-group-horizontal-md {
+    -ms-flex-direction: row;
+    flex-direction: row;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-md > .list-group-item:first-child {
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-md > .list-group-item:last-child {
+    border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-md > .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-top: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-md > .list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+    border-top-width: 1px;
+    border-left-width: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-md > .list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-left: -1px;
+    border-left-width: 1px;
+  }
+ at media (min-width: 992px) {
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg {
+    -ms-flex-direction: row;
+    flex-direction: row;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg > .list-group-item:first-child {
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg > .list-group-item:last-child {
+    border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg > .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-top: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg > .list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+    border-top-width: 1px;
+    border-left-width: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-lg > .list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-left: -1px;
+    border-left-width: 1px;
+  }
+ at media (min-width: 1200px) {
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl {
+    -ms-flex-direction: row;
+    flex-direction: row;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl > .list-group-item:first-child {
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-top-right-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl > .list-group-item:last-child {
+    border-top-right-radius: 0.25rem;
+    border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl > .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-top: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl > .list-group-item + .list-group-item {
+    border-top-width: 1px;
+    border-left-width: 0;
+  }
+  .list-group-horizontal-xl > .list-group-item + .list-group-item.active {
+    margin-left: -1px;
+    border-left-width: 1px;
+  }
+.list-group-flush {
+  border-radius: 0;
+.list-group-flush > .list-group-item {
+  border-width: 0 0 1px;
+.list-group-flush > .list-group-item:last-child {
+  border-bottom-width: 0;
 .list-group-item-primary {
@@ -5540,10 +5892,6 @@ a.badge-dark:hover, a.badge-dark:focus {
   text-decoration: none;
-.close:not(:disabled):not(.disabled) {
-  cursor: pointer;
 .close:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):hover, .close:not(:disabled):not(.disabled):focus {
   opacity: .75;
@@ -5552,9 +5900,6 @@ button.close {
   padding: 0;
   background-color: transparent;
   border: 0;
-  -webkit-appearance: none;
-  -moz-appearance: none;
-  appearance: none;
 a.close.disabled {
@@ -5562,17 +5907,16 @@ a.close.disabled {
 .toast {
+  -ms-flex-preferred-size: 350px;
+  flex-basis: 350px;
   max-width: 350px;
-  overflow: hidden;
   font-size: 0.875rem;
   background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);
   background-clip: padding-box;
   border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
-  border-radius: 0.25rem;
   box-shadow: 0 0.25rem 0.75rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);
-  -webkit-backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
-  backdrop-filter: blur(10px);
   opacity: 0;
+  border-radius: 0.25rem;
 .toast:not(:last-child) {
@@ -5602,6 +5946,8 @@ a.close.disabled {
   background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.85);
   background-clip: padding-box;
   border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05);
+  border-top-left-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
+  border-top-right-radius: calc(0.25rem - 1px);
 .toast-body {
@@ -5644,7 +5990,7 @@ a.close.disabled {
   transform: translate(0, -50px);
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .modal.fade .modal-dialog {
     transition: none;
@@ -5655,20 +6001,65 @@ a.close.disabled {
   transform: none;
+.modal.modal-static .modal-dialog {
+  -webkit-transform: scale(1.02);
+  transform: scale(1.02);
+.modal-dialog-scrollable {
+  display: -ms-flexbox;
+  display: flex;
+  max-height: calc(100% - 1rem);
+.modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-content {
+  max-height: calc(100vh - 1rem);
+  overflow: hidden;
+.modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-header,
+.modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-footer {
+  -ms-flex-negative: 0;
+  flex-shrink: 0;
+.modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-body {
+  overflow-y: auto;
 .modal-dialog-centered {
   display: -ms-flexbox;
   display: flex;
   -ms-flex-align: center;
   align-items: center;
-  min-height: calc(100% - (0.5rem * 2));
+  min-height: calc(100% - 1rem);
 .modal-dialog-centered::before {
   display: block;
-  height: calc(100vh - (0.5rem * 2));
+  height: calc(100vh - 1rem);
+  height: -webkit-min-content;
+  height: -moz-min-content;
+  height: min-content;
   content: "";
+.modal-dialog-centered.modal-dialog-scrollable {
+  -ms-flex-direction: column;
+  flex-direction: column;
+  -ms-flex-pack: center;
+  justify-content: center;
+  height: 100%;
+.modal-dialog-centered.modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-content {
+  max-height: none;
+.modal-dialog-centered.modal-dialog-scrollable::before {
+  content: none;
 .modal-content {
   position: relative;
   display: -ms-flexbox;
@@ -5710,9 +6101,9 @@ a.close.disabled {
   -ms-flex-pack: justify;
   justify-content: space-between;
   padding: 1rem 1rem;
-  border-bottom: 1px solid #e9ecef;
-  border-top-left-radius: 0.3rem;
-  border-top-right-radius: 0.3rem;
+  border-bottom: 1px solid #dee2e6;
+  border-top-left-radius: calc(0.3rem - 1px);
+  border-top-right-radius: calc(0.3rem - 1px);
 .modal-header .close {
@@ -5735,22 +6126,20 @@ a.close.disabled {
 .modal-footer {
   display: -ms-flexbox;
   display: flex;
+  -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;
+  flex-wrap: wrap;
   -ms-flex-align: center;
   align-items: center;
   -ms-flex-pack: end;
   justify-content: flex-end;
-  padding: 1rem;
-  border-top: 1px solid #e9ecef;
-  border-bottom-right-radius: 0.3rem;
-  border-bottom-left-radius: 0.3rem;
-.modal-footer > :not(:first-child) {
-  margin-left: .25rem;
+  padding: 0.75rem;
+  border-top: 1px solid #dee2e6;
+  border-bottom-right-radius: calc(0.3rem - 1px);
+  border-bottom-left-radius: calc(0.3rem - 1px);
-.modal-footer > :not(:last-child) {
-  margin-right: .25rem;
+.modal-footer > * {
+  margin: 0.25rem;
 .modal-scrollbar-measure {
@@ -5766,11 +6155,20 @@ a.close.disabled {
     max-width: 500px;
     margin: 1.75rem auto;
+  .modal-dialog-scrollable {
+    max-height: calc(100% - 3.5rem);
+  }
+  .modal-dialog-scrollable .modal-content {
+    max-height: calc(100vh - 3.5rem);
+  }
   .modal-dialog-centered {
-    min-height: calc(100% - (1.75rem * 2));
+    min-height: calc(100% - 3.5rem);
   .modal-dialog-centered::before {
-    height: calc(100vh - (1.75rem * 2));
+    height: calc(100vh - 3.5rem);
+    height: -webkit-min-content;
+    height: -moz-min-content;
+    height: min-content;
   .modal-sm {
     max-width: 300px;
@@ -5950,25 +6348,19 @@ a.close.disabled {
   margin-bottom: 0.5rem;
-.bs-popover-top .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] .arrow {
-  bottom: calc((0.5rem + 1px) * -1);
-.bs-popover-top .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] .arrow::before,
-.bs-popover-top .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] .arrow::after {
-  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
+.bs-popover-top > .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] > .arrow {
+  bottom: calc(-0.5rem - 1px);
-.bs-popover-top .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] .arrow::before {
+.bs-popover-top > .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] > .arrow::before {
   bottom: 0;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
   border-top-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
-.bs-popover-top .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] .arrow::after {
+.bs-popover-top > .arrow::after, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="top"] > .arrow::after {
   bottom: 1px;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
   border-top-color: #fff;
@@ -5976,28 +6368,22 @@ a.close.disabled {
   margin-left: 0.5rem;
-.bs-popover-right .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] .arrow {
-  left: calc((0.5rem + 1px) * -1);
+.bs-popover-right > .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] > .arrow {
+  left: calc(-0.5rem - 1px);
   width: 0.5rem;
   height: 1rem;
   margin: 0.3rem 0;
-.bs-popover-right .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] .arrow::before,
-.bs-popover-right .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] .arrow::after {
-  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
-.bs-popover-right .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] .arrow::before {
+.bs-popover-right > .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] > .arrow::before {
   left: 0;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
   border-right-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
-.bs-popover-right .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] .arrow::after {
+.bs-popover-right > .arrow::after, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="right"] > .arrow::after {
   left: 1px;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem 0;
   border-right-color: #fff;
@@ -6005,25 +6391,19 @@ a.close.disabled {
   margin-top: 0.5rem;
-.bs-popover-bottom .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .arrow {
-  top: calc((0.5rem + 1px) * -1);
-.bs-popover-bottom .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .arrow::before,
-.bs-popover-bottom .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .arrow::after {
-  border-width: 0 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem;
+.bs-popover-bottom > .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] > .arrow {
+  top: calc(-0.5rem - 1px);
-.bs-popover-bottom .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .arrow::before {
+.bs-popover-bottom > .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] > .arrow::before {
   top: 0;
+  border-width: 0 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem;
   border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
-.bs-popover-bottom .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] .arrow::after {
+.bs-popover-bottom > .arrow::after, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="bottom"] > .arrow::after {
   top: 1px;
+  border-width: 0 0.5rem 0.5rem 0.5rem;
   border-bottom-color: #fff;
@@ -6042,28 +6422,22 @@ a.close.disabled {
   margin-right: 0.5rem;
-.bs-popover-left .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] .arrow {
-  right: calc((0.5rem + 1px) * -1);
+.bs-popover-left > .arrow, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] > .arrow {
+  right: calc(-0.5rem - 1px);
   width: 0.5rem;
   height: 1rem;
   margin: 0.3rem 0;
-.bs-popover-left .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] .arrow::before,
-.bs-popover-left .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] .arrow::after {
-  border-width: 0.5rem 0 0.5rem 0.5rem;
-.bs-popover-left .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] .arrow::before {
+.bs-popover-left > .arrow::before, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] > .arrow::before {
   right: 0;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0 0.5rem 0.5rem;
   border-left-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
-.bs-popover-left .arrow::after,
-.bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] .arrow::after {
+.bs-popover-left > .arrow::after, .bs-popover-auto[x-placement^="left"] > .arrow::after {
   right: 1px;
+  border-width: 0.5rem 0 0.5rem 0.5rem;
   border-left-color: #fff;
@@ -6071,7 +6445,6 @@ a.close.disabled {
   padding: 0.5rem 0.75rem;
   margin-bottom: 0;
   font-size: 1rem;
-  color: inherit;
   background-color: #f7f7f7;
   border-bottom: 1px solid #ebebeb;
   border-top-left-radius: calc(0.3rem - 1px);
@@ -6121,7 +6494,7 @@ a.close.disabled {
   transition: transform 0.6s ease-in-out, -webkit-transform 0.6s ease-in-out;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .carousel-item {
     transition: none;
@@ -6163,10 +6536,10 @@ a.close.disabled {
 .carousel-fade .active.carousel-item-right {
   z-index: 0;
   opacity: 0;
-  transition: 0s 0.6s opacity;
+  transition: opacity 0s 0.6s;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .carousel-fade .active.carousel-item-left,
   .carousel-fade .active.carousel-item-right {
     transition: none;
@@ -6186,13 +6559,16 @@ a.close.disabled {
   -ms-flex-pack: center;
   justify-content: center;
   width: 15%;
+  padding: 0;
   color: #fff;
   text-align: center;
+  background: none;
+  border: 0;
   opacity: 0.5;
   transition: opacity 0.15s ease;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .carousel-control-next {
     transition: none;
@@ -6221,16 +6597,15 @@ a.close.disabled {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 20px;
   height: 20px;
-  background: transparent no-repeat center center;
-  background-size: 100% 100%;
+  background: 50% / 100% 100% no-repeat;
 .carousel-control-prev-icon {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23fff' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath d='M5.25 0l-4 4 4 4 1.5-1.5-2.5-2.5 2.5-2.5-1.5-1.5z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23fff' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath d='M5.25 0l-4 4 4 4 1.5-1.5L4.25 4l2.5-2.5L5.25 0z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .carousel-control-next-icon {
-  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23fff' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath d='M2.75 0l-1.5 1.5 2.5 2.5-2.5 2.5 1.5 1.5 4-4-4-4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
+  background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' fill='%23fff' width='8' height='8' viewBox='0 0 8 8'%3e%3cpath d='M2.75 0l-1.5 1.5L3.75 4l-2.5 2.5L2.75 8l4-4-4-4z'/%3e%3c/svg%3e");
 .carousel-indicators {
@@ -6267,7 +6642,7 @@ a.close.disabled {
   transition: opacity 0.6s ease;
- at media screen and (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
   .carousel-indicators li {
     transition: none;
@@ -6307,12 +6682,12 @@ a.close.disabled {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 2rem;
   height: 2rem;
-  vertical-align: text-bottom;
+  vertical-align: -0.125em;
   border: 0.25em solid currentColor;
   border-right-color: transparent;
   border-radius: 50%;
-  -webkit-animation: spinner-border .75s linear infinite;
-  animation: spinner-border .75s linear infinite;
+  -webkit-animation: .75s linear infinite spinner-border;
+  animation: .75s linear infinite spinner-border;
 .spinner-border-sm {
@@ -6328,6 +6703,8 @@ a.close.disabled {
   50% {
     opacity: 1;
+    -webkit-transform: none;
+    transform: none;
@@ -6338,6 +6715,8 @@ a.close.disabled {
   50% {
     opacity: 1;
+    -webkit-transform: none;
+    transform: none;
@@ -6345,12 +6724,12 @@ a.close.disabled {
   display: inline-block;
   width: 2rem;
   height: 2rem;
-  vertical-align: text-bottom;
+  vertical-align: -0.125em;
   background-color: currentColor;
   border-radius: 50%;
   opacity: 0;
-  -webkit-animation: spinner-grow .75s linear infinite;
-  animation: spinner-grow .75s linear infinite;
+  -webkit-animation: .75s linear infinite spinner-grow;
+  animation: .75s linear infinite spinner-grow;
 .spinner-grow-sm {
@@ -6358,6 +6737,14 @@ a.close.disabled {
   height: 1rem;
+ at media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
+  .spinner-border,
+  .spinner-grow {
+    -webkit-animation-duration: 1.5s;
+    animation-duration: 1.5s;
+  }
 .align-baseline {
   vertical-align: baseline !important;
@@ -6546,6 +6933,10 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
   border-color: #fff !important;
+.rounded-sm {
+  border-radius: 0.2rem !important;
 .rounded {
   border-radius: 0.25rem !important;
@@ -6570,6 +6961,10 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
   border-bottom-left-radius: 0.25rem !important;
+.rounded-lg {
+  border-radius: 0.3rem !important;
 .rounded-circle {
   border-radius: 50% !important;
@@ -6821,8 +7216,8 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
   padding-top: 56.25%;
-.embed-responsive-3by4::before {
-  padding-top: 133.333333%;
+.embed-responsive-4by3::before {
+  padding-top: 75%;
 .embed-responsive-1by1::before {
@@ -7615,6 +8010,26 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
+.user-select-all {
+  -webkit-user-select: all !important;
+  -moz-user-select: all !important;
+  user-select: all !important;
+.user-select-auto {
+  -webkit-user-select: auto !important;
+  -moz-user-select: auto !important;
+  -ms-user-select: auto !important;
+  user-select: auto !important;
+.user-select-none {
+  -webkit-user-select: none !important;
+  -moz-user-select: none !important;
+  -ms-user-select: none !important;
+  user-select: none !important;
 .overflow-auto {
   overflow: auto !important;
@@ -7674,6 +8089,7 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
   width: 1px;
   height: 1px;
   padding: 0;
+  margin: -1px;
   overflow: hidden;
   clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0);
   white-space: nowrap;
@@ -9581,8 +9997,20 @@ button.bg-dark:focus {
+.stretched-link::after {
+  position: absolute;
+  top: 0;
+  right: 0;
+  bottom: 0;
+  left: 0;
+  z-index: 1;
+  pointer-events: auto;
+  content: "";
+  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);
 .text-monospace {
-  font-family: "Inter", monospace;
+  font-family: "Inter", monospace !important;
 .text-justify {
@@ -9795,6 +10223,11 @@ a.text-dark:hover, a.text-dark:focus {
   text-decoration: none !important;
+.text-break {
+  word-break: break-word !important;
+  word-wrap: break-word !important;
 .text-reset {
   color: inherit !important;
@@ -9828,9 +10261,6 @@ a.text-dark:hover, a.text-dark:focus {
     border: 1px solid #adb5bd;
     page-break-inside: avoid;
-  thead {
-    display: table-header-group;
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   img {
     page-break-inside: avoid;
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+  * Copyright 2011-2021 The Bootstrap Authors (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/graphs/contributors)
+  * Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/main/LICENSE)
+  */
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- Copyright (C) Federico Zivolo 2018
- Distributed under the MIT License (license terms are at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).
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 erence,o=C(e.instance.modifiers,function(e){return'preventOverflow'===e.name}).boundaries;if(t.bottom<o.top||t.left>o.right||t.top>o.bottom||t.right<o.left){if(!0===e.hide)return e;e.hide=!0,e.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries']=''}else{if(!1===e.hide)return e;e.hide=!1,e.attributes['x-out-of-boundaries']=!1}return e}},computeStyle:{order:850,enabled:!0,fn:function(e,t){var o=t.x,n=t.y,i=e.offsets.popper,r=C(e.instance.modifiers,function(e){return'applyStyle'===e.name}).gpuAcceleration;void 0!==r&&console.warn('WARNING: `gpuAcceleration` option moved to `computeStyle` modifier and will not be supported in future versions of Popper.js!');var s,d,a=void 0===r?t.gpuAcceleration:r,l=p(e.instance.popper),f=u(l),m={position:i.position},h=q(e,2>window.devicePixelRatio||!me),c='bottom'===o?'top':'bottom',g='right'===n?'left':'right',b=H('transform');if(d='bottom'==c?'HTML'===l.nodeName?-l.clientHeight+h.bottom:-f.height+h.bottom:h.top,s='right'==g?'HTML'===l.nodeName?-l.clientWidth+h.right:-f
 .width+h.right:h.left,a&&b)m[b]='translate3d('+s+'px, '+d+'px, 0)',m[c]=0,m[g]=0,m.willChange='transform';else{var w='bottom'==c?-1:1,y='right'==g?-1:1;m[c]=d*w,m[g]=s*y,m.willChange=c+', '+g}var E={"x-placement":e.placement};return e.attributes=fe({},E,e.attributes),e.styles=fe({},m,e.styles),e.arrowStyles=fe({},e.offsets.arrow,e.arrowStyles),e},gpuAcceleration:!0,x:'bottom',y:'right'},applyStyle:{order:900,enabled:!0,fn:function(e){return j(e.instance.popper,e.styles),V(e.instance.popper,e.attributes),e.arrowElement&&Object.keys(e.arrowStyles).length&&j(e.arrowElement,e.arrowStyles),e},onLoad:function(e,t,o,n,i){var r=L(i,t,e,o.positionFixed),p=O(o.placement,r,t,e,o.modifiers.flip.boundariesElement,o.modifiers.flip.padding);return t.setAttribute('x-placement',p),j(t,{position:o.positionFixed?'fixed':'absolute'}),o},gpuAcceleration:void 0}}},ue});



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