[Rt-commit] rt branch, 5.0/create-tickets-skip-flag, repushed
Craig Kaiser
craig at bestpractical.com
Thu Jun 3 17:12:37 EDT 2021
The branch 5.0/create-tickets-skip-flag was deleted and repushed:
was f1f1aa1bd20a167b0c085984575ccfcfde8fa28d
now b196bfe7f336b4568d9b41ab485f6f348abd2c7c
1: f1f1aa1bd2 ! 1: b196bfe7f3 Allow skipping of create ticket blocks through passing arg
@@ -14,6 +14,22 @@
+=head3 SkipCreate
++This flag allows for ticket creation to be skipped programatically. For example, taking a looking at
++the example above. The template creates two different tickets, maybe a sexond approval ticket shouldn't
++be created if the tickets priority is low. Using Perl logic we can check some information about the
++ticket and decide using this flag if we should skip creating this ticket:
++ ===Create-Ticket: two
++ SkipCreate: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Priority eq 'Low' ? 1 : 0}
++ Subject: Manager approval
++ Type: approval
++ Depended-On-By: TOP
++ Refers-To: {$Tickets{"create-approval"}->Id}
++ Queue: ___Approvals
++ Content-Type: text/plain
++ Content: Your approval is requred for this ticket, too.
=head2 Acceptable Fields
A complete list of acceptable fields:
@@ -27,17 +43,24 @@
Fields marked with a C<+> may have multiple values, simply
- # Make sure we have at least the minimum set of
- # reasonable data and do our thang
+ $T::ID = $template_id;
+ @T::AllID = @{ $self->{'create_tickets'} };
++ my (@links_local, @postponed_local);
+ ( $T::Tickets{$template_id}, $ticketargs )
+- = $self->ParseLines( $template_id, \@links, \@postponed );
++ = $self->ParseLines( $template_id, \@links_local, \@postponed_local );
+ if ( $ticketargs->{'SkipCreate'} ) {
+ RT::Logger->debug( "Skip flag found for template $template_id, skipping" );
+ next;
+ }
- my ( $id, $transid, $msg )
- = $T::Tickets{$template_id}->Create(%$ticketargs);
++ push @links, @links_local;
++ push @postponed, @postponed_local;
+ # Now we have a %args to work with.
+ # Make sure we have at least the minimum set of
FinalPriority => $args{'finalpriority'} || 0,
SquelchMailTo => $args{'squelchmailto'},
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