[Rt-commit] rt branch 5.0/show-calendar-invite-brief created. rt-5.0.2-258-gbe38d6f1d9
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Thu May 26 21:27:30 UTC 2022
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The branch, 5.0/show-calendar-invite-brief has been created
at be38d6f1d97b2c4be1bcb4ff74b71b6223b8ea4b (commit)
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit be38d6f1d97b2c4be1bcb4ff74b71b6223b8ea4b
Author: Brian Conry <bconry at bestpractical.com>
Date: Thu May 26 16:21:04 2022 -0500
Add rudimentary brief for calendar invites
Unnamed calendar invites (text/calendar) didn't have any of their text
rendcered and didn't have clear download links.
This change extracts some of the key information from an invite and
displays it in the ticket and also gives an explicit download link.
diff --git a/share/html/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments b/share/html/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments
index 13a789ca85..e9b9e045c9 100644
--- a/share/html/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments
+++ b/share/html/Elements/ShowTransactionAttachments
@@ -145,6 +145,126 @@ elsif (!$ShowHeaders) {
$m->callback(CallbackName => 'MassageDisplayHeaders', DisplayHeaders => \@DisplayHeaders, Transaction => $Transaction, ShowHeaders => $ShowHeaders);
+my $extract_cal_data;
+$extract_cal_data = sub {
+ # Notes on the VCALENDAR structure,
+ # primary sources: RFCs 5545, 5546
+ # other RFCs may also apply
+ # PUBLISH (no interactivity, probably can be ignored)
+ # REQUEST (interactive, looking for responses)
+ # REPLY (a response, conveying status)
+ # ADD (add instances to a recurring series)
+ # CANCEL (cancel one or more instances)
+ # REFRESH (used by an attendee to request an update, probably can be ignored)
+ # COUNTER (used to propose alternate times, probably can be ignored)
+ # DECLINECOUNTER (probably can be ignored)
+ # CALSCALE - should be absent or GREGORIAN
+ # use https://metacpan.org/pod/DateTime::TimeZone::ICal ?
+ # TZID - how it will be referred to later
+ # DTSTART - irrelevant (start of timezone applicability?)
+ # DTSTART - irrelevant (start of timezone applicability?)
+ # N.B. I've never seen an invite with multiple VTIMEZONE records, but it's not against the standard.
+ # Each non-UTC datetime MUST have a tzid, but because I've never seen more than one I'm
+ # not bothering to look at it. This might be a problem for interpreting some attachments.
+ # DTSTAMP - last-modified date/time
+ # SEQUENCE - kind of like a DNS serial number
+ # CN - if present would be the name
+ # RECURRENCE-ID - used when referring to a specific instance of a recurring event
+ # EXDATE - exceptions to the recurrence rule
+ my $into = shift; # hashref
+ my $entry = shift; # Data::ICal::Entry object
+ my $descr = shift || 'entry'; # used only in debugging
+ my $indent = shift || ''; # used only in debugging
+ my $parent_type = shift || undef;
+ my $i;
+ my $entry_type = $entry->ical_entry_type();
+ #$m->out( $indent . $descr . " type: " . $entry_type . "\n" );
+ my $properties = $entry->properties();
+ if ($entry_type eq 'VCALENDAR' and exists $properties->{method}) {
+ my $method = $properties->{method}[0]->value();
+ if ($method eq 'REQUEST') {
+ $into->{type} = loc('Meeting Invite');
+ }
+ elsif ($method eq 'CANCEL') {
+ $into->{type} = loc('Meeting Cancellation');
+ }
+ }
+ elsif ($entry_type eq 'VTIMEZONE' and exists $properties->{tzid}) {
+ $into->{timezone_name} = $properties->{tzid}[0]->value();
+ }
+ elsif ($parent_type and $parent_type eq 'VTIMEZONE' and $entry_type =~ /^(STANDARD|DAYLIGHT)$/ and exists $properties->{tzoffsetto}) {
+ my $offset_type = $1;
+ my $value = $properties->{tzoffsetto}[0]->value();
+ $value =~ s/(..)$/:$1/;
+ $value =~ s/(\D)0/$1/;
+ $value =~ s/:00$//;
+ $into->{timezone_offset}{$offset_type} = $value;
+ }
+ elsif ($entry_type eq 'VEVENT') {
+ foreach my $property_name (qw{organizer summary location description sequence dtstamp dtstart recurrence-id}) {
+ if (exists $properties->{$property_name}) {
+ $into->{$property_name} = $properties->{$property_name}[0]->value();
+ }
+ }
+ if (exists $properties->{rrule}) {
+ $into->{recurring} = 1;
+ if (exists $properties->{exdate}) {
+ $into->{exceptions} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #foreach my $prop_name ( sort keys %$properties ) {
+ # $i = 0;
+ # foreach my $prop ( @{ $properties->{$prop_name} } ) {
+ # $m->out( $indent . " " . $prop_name . "[" . $i++ . "] = " . $prop->value() . "\n" );
+ # my $parameters = $prop->parameters();
+ # if ($parameters and keys %$parameters) {
+ # foreach my $param (sort keys %$parameters) {
+ # $m->out( $indent . " " . $param . " = " . $parameters->{$param} . "\n" );
+ # }
+ # }
+ # }
+ #}
+ my $subentries = $entry->entries;
+ $i = 0;
+ foreach my $subentry (@$subentries) {
+ $extract_cal_data->( $into, $subentry, $descr . "[" . $i++ . "]", $indent . " ", $entry_type );
+ }
my $render_attachment = sub {
my $message = shift;
my $name = defined $message->Filename && length $message->Filename ? $message->Filename : '';
@@ -160,9 +280,138 @@ my $render_attachment = sub {
$disposition = 'inline';
+ my $max_size = RT->Config->Get( 'MaxInlineBody', $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ if ( $content_type eq 'text/calendar' ) {
+ require Data::ICal;
+ # A named attachment will already have a download button
+ if (not $name) {
+ $m->out('<div class="downloadattachment">');
+ if (my $url = RT->System->ExternalStorageURLFor($message)) {
+ $m->out('<a href="' . $url . '"');
+ }
+ else {
+ $m->out('<a href="' . $AttachmentPath . '/' . $Transaction->Id . '/' . $message->Id . '/meeting.ics' . '" target="_blank"');
+ }
+ my $download_alt = loc( 'Download Meeting Invite' );
+ $m->out('alt="' . $download_alt . '" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-original-title="' . $download_alt . '">');
+ $m->out('<span class="fas fa-paperclip fa-2x"></span>');
+ $m->out('<span class="downloadfilename">meeting.ics</span>');
+ $m->out('</a>');
+ $m->out('</div>');
+ }
+ if ( $disposition ne 'inline' ) {
+ $m->out('<p>'. loc( 'Calendar invite is not shown because sender requested not to inline it.' ) .'</p>');
+ return;
+ }
+ elsif ( $max_size && $message->ContentLength > $max_size ) {
+ $m->out('<p>'. loc( 'Calendar invite is not shown because it is too large.' ) .'</p>');
+ return;
+ }
+ my $content;
+ # If we've cached the content, use it from there
+ if (my $x = $AttachmentContent->{ $Transaction->id }->{$message->id}) {
+ $content = $x->Content;
+ }
+ else {
+ $content = $message->Content;
+ }
+ my $cal_item = Data::ICal->new(data => $content);
+ if ( ref $cal_item and $cal_item->isa( 'Data::ICal::Entry' )) {
+ local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
+ local $Data::Dumper::Indent = 2;
+ my %calendar_info = (
+ location => loc('not given'),
+ sequence => 0,
+ type => loc('Calendar Attachmet'),
+ );
+ $extract_cal_data->( \%calendar_info, $cal_item, 'Top Level Entry' );
+ if (exists $calendar_info{timezone_name}) {
+ my $offsets = join( '/', grep { defined $_ } @{$calendar_info{timezone_offset}}{ qw(STANDARD DAYLIGHT) } );
+ if ($offsets) {
+ $calendar_info{timezone_text} = "$calendar_info{timezone_name} (UTC $offsets)";
+ }
+ else {
+ $calendar_info{timezone_text} = $calendar_info{timezone_name};
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $datetime ( qw(dtstamp dtstart) ) {
+ # dates with a trailing 'Z' actually are in UTC while the other dates are in some
+ # other timezine and the best we can do is to use their values unmodified, which
+ # is most easily accomplished by using UTC.
+ next unless exists $calendar_info{$datetime};
+ my $date = RT::Date->new( $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ $date->Set(Format => 'iso', Value => $calendar_info{$datetime}, Timezone => 'UTC');
+ if ($calendar_info{$datetime} =~ /Z$/) {
+ # explicitly in UTC, so we know when it is, so go ahead and present it in the user's timezone
+ $calendar_info{$datetime} = $date->AsString();
+ }
+ else {
+ $calendar_info{$datetime} = $date->AsString( Timezone => 'UTC' ) . ' ' . ($calendar_info{timezone_text} || loc("unknown timezone"));
+ }
+ }
+ if ($calendar_info{organizer}) {
+ $calendar_info{organizer} =~ s/^MAILTO://;
+ }
+ $m->out('<table><tbody>');
+ $m->out('<tr>');
+ $m->out('<td align="right" class="message-header-key">' . $calendar_info{type} . '</td>');
+ $m->out('<td class="message-header-value">');
+ if ($calendar_info{recurring}) {
+ $m->out(loc('Recurring'));
+ if ($calendar_info{exceptions}) {
+ $m->out(' ' . loc('with exceptions'));
+ }
+ }
+ $m->out('</td>');
+ $m->out('</tr>');
+ $m->out('<tr>');
+ $m->out('<td align="right" class="message-header-key">From:</td>');
+ $m->out('<td class="message-header-value">' . $calendar_info{organizer} . '</td>');
+ $m->out('</tr>');
+ $m->out('<div class="message-stanza">');
+ $m->out('<td align="right" class="message-header-key">Last Modified:</td>');
+ $m->out('<td class="message-header-value">' . $calendar_info{dtstamp} . '</td>');
+ $m->out('</tr>');
+ $m->out('<div class="message-stanza">');
+ $m->out('<td align="right" class="message-header-key">Subject:</td>');
+ $m->out('<td class="message-header-value">' . $calendar_info{summary} . '</td>');
+ $m->out('</tr>');
+ $m->out('<div class="message-stanza">');
+ $m->out('<td align="right" class="message-header-key">Location:</td>');
+ $m->out('<td class="message-header-value">' . $calendar_info{location} . '</td>');
+ $m->out('</tr>');
+ $m->out('<div class="message-stanza">');
+ $m->out('<td align="right" class="message-header-key">Starting:</td>');
+ $m->out('<td class="message-header-value">' . $calendar_info{dtstart} . '</td>');
+ $m->out('</tr>');
+ $m->out('</tbody></table>');
+ $m->out('<div class="messagebody">');
+ $m->out(q{<div class="message-stanza-folder closed" onclick="fold_message_stanza(this, 'Show\x20full\x20description', 'Hide\x20full\x20description');">Show full description</div>});
+ $m->out(qq{<div class="message-stanza closed"><div class="message-stanza plain-text-white-space">$calendar_info{description}</div></div>});
+ $m->out('</div>');
+ }
+ return;
+ }
# If it's text
- if ( $content_type =~ m{^(text|message)/} ) {
- my $max_size = RT->Config->Get( 'MaxInlineBody', $session{'CurrentUser'} );
+ elsif ( $content_type =~ m{^(text|message)/} ) {
if ( $disposition ne 'inline' ) {
$m->out('<p>'. loc( 'Message body is not shown because sender requested not to inline it.' ) .'</p>');
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