[rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] Re: Problem with mail-interface

Christian Kurz Christian.Kurz at planNET.de
Mon Dec 11 10:45:10 EST 2000

On 00-12-11 Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
> On Monday, December 11, 2000 15:51:31 +0100, Christian Kurz 
> <Christian.Kurz at planNET.de> wrote:
> +-----
> | On 00-12-06 Christian Kurz wrote:
> | > we are currently in the process of evaluating if rt will fit our needs.
> | > We got the webinterface working and functional, but the mail-interface
> | > is not working. We have some queues, where the names consist only of
> | > alphabetic letters and no extra-chars. We also changed the configuration
> | > so that non-members are allowed to create request in the queue. Now we
> | > set up exim according to the exim-documentation in contrib and exim
> | > hands the email correct to rtmux.pl and rt-mailgate. But now we have the
> | > problem, that if I send mail to an alias which calls rtmux.pl, I get a
> | > mail back that I'm not allowed to create request. With some debugging
> | > of the perl-code we noticed that the variable queues in
> | > can_create_request is not set and we assume that therefor the system
> +--->8

> Which interface are you using?  Reportedly the old-style interface is 
> broken in 1.0.5; the new-style one works.

Hm, could someone please explain to me, what the old-style and what the
new-style interface is? And where I can find more information about

Christian Kurz                                   http://www.planNET.de
planNET Systems GmbH                            mailto:info at planNET.de
Schoenfeldstr. 8                              Telefon: +49 721 66 36 0
D-76131 Karlsruhe                           Telefax: +49 721 66 36 199 

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