[rt-devel] Is there any way...

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Wed Jul 5 10:20:09 EDT 2000

Not in 1.0.x.

On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 08:30:18AM -0500, Dan St.André wrote:
> Is there a builtin way to make the queue display filter settings
> 'sticky' on a per user basis?
> 1.  We've tried bookmarks, but that does not seem to work right.
> 2.  This is specifically annoying when you enter a new incident
> and them press "Display Queue" and get flooded with all open
> incidents for all queues and persons.
> Thanks,
> ~~~ Dan 0:-D

jesse reed vincent --- root at eruditorum.org --- jesse at fsck.com 
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