[rt-devel] RT on NT?

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Thu Jun 1 15:54:53 EDT 2000

I don't know of anyone who's gotten RT to run on NT, but it should be _possible_ with 
a bit of hacking.  I don't know of any equivalent NT-based packages.


On Thu, Jun 01, 2000 at 03:53:18PM -0400, Allen Dean wrote:
> At the risk of being completely ridiculed by your group, does RT run on NT?
> If so, do you have a zipped download?
> If RT does not run on NT, do you have any recommendations for a package that
> does. RT looks quite good.
> Thanks, 
> Allen Dean
> fourthchannel.com
> Director of Hosting Operations
> 978-927-0770 /  adean at fourthchannel.com
> http://www.fourthchannel.com
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jesse reed vincent --- root at eruditorum.org --- jesse at fsck.com 
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