[rt-devel] Re: [rt-commit] CVS Update: DBIx

Tobias Brox tobiasb at tobiasb.funcom.com
Wed Mar 1 16:24:54 EST 2000

> I think this may call for a specialized gateway.  I've seen people do this with bugzilla, I think.
> It would be useful for us here, i think. 


> > We will need hooks for user-customized actions anyway.  We've forgotten
> > about that.  I think it's just as important as the Scrips hook.
> >
> What do you mean here? 

For the case above a specialized mailgate must clearly be the best.  But I
can imagine that people might want customized transaction types - most
important specialized Link transactions.  Those customized transaction
types must be available through all three UIs.

Tobias Brox (alias TobiX) - +4722925871 - _urgent_ emails to
sms at tobiasb.funcom.com.  Check our upcoming MMORPG at 
http://www.anarchy-online.com/ (Qt) and play multiplayer Spades, 
Backgammon, Poker etc for free at http://www.funcom.com/ (Java)

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