[rt-devel] RT fixes and changes (still 1.0.1)

Marco Nijdam marco at West.NL
Mon Mar 6 06:40:34 EST 2000

Dear all,

First of all, thanks to the RT authors for giving us RT.
It is a nice product, and we are looking forward to version 2.0, promissing
many interesting new features (including Oracle support).
I hope you can change the Web interface to use templates to build the
pages, so they are better customizable.

Attached are some changed and fixes we've made to make RT more useful
for us for the time being. Please note the following:

- Diffs are against 1.0.1 (not 1.0.2, though a quick check seems to
  indicate that there are hardly conflicts)
- fixes and changes are mixed.
- We've imported RT on a vendor branch of our own. Thus version numbers
  in the files do not refer to version numbers in RT's CVS repository.

Below are our CVS log entries for the changes.
Attached are the diffs.

Change description:

- Several bug fixes in the Admin Web UI.

  Normal users could see too much information, to our taste, including
  information of all users, and names of all the queues.
  Since we want external people to look in RT for issues, we do not
  want them to see information of other queues or users, for which
  they have no access rights.

  Also, the queue page in the Admin Web UI shows for each user that is
  an administrator always that this user has admin priviledges. If you
  change it to "No access", this is correctly recorded in the database,
  but the form keeps displaying that the user has Admin priviledges.
  The problem here was that in this case no SELECTED keyword
  is added to any option, so the first is shown by default. A fix
  for this is included.

- Remember the last query made in a cookie.

  When browsing through requests, especially in no-frames mode, every
  time you return to the queue-list display, it does a default query.

  This change sets a cookie when you do a query, and uses the information
  again when you return to the query page.
  URL parameters for the query have a preference, so you can still
  use bookmarks to quickly access preferred views. The advantage now
  is that this sets the cookie to this new view, so you can easily
  browse through the requests.

- Added two extra states (accept and assign).

  These useful for us to better track whether someone is working on
  an issue.
  Additions in Mail, CLI and Web interfaces.

- Shortcut to directly give an issue owned by anyone to anyone,
  instead of first having to steal it, and then assign it to someone else.
- Some minor changes, including a selection field to show either
  dates or ages (or both) on the queue-list display.

Kind regards,
-- Marco Nijdam,       marco at west.nl
-- West Consulting bv, Bagijnhof 80,  2611 AR  Delft, The Netherlands
--                     P.O. Box 3318, 2601 DH  Delft
-- Tel: +31 15 219 1600, Fax: +31 15 214 7889

Working file: lib/rt/database/manipulate.pm
revision 1.2
date: 2000/02/15 14:55:38;  author: marco;  state: Exp;  lines: +61 -1
Added procedure to change status a an arbitrary value.
Added procedure to do a steal and give to someone else of a request
in one transaction.

Working file: lib/rt/ui/cli/manipulate.pm
revision 1.2
date: 2000/02/15 14:57:29;  author: marco;  state: Exp;  lines: +20 -0
Added new status "accepted" and "assigned", and options to use the
those values in queries and actions.

Working file: lib/rt/ui/cli/query.pm
revision 1.2
date: 2000/02/15 14:57:29;  author: marco;  state: Exp;  lines: +17 -1
Added new status "accepted" and "assigned", and options to use the
those values in queries and actions.

Working file: lib/rt/ui/mail/manipulate.pm
revision 1.2
date: 2000/02/15 14:58:36;  author: marco;  state: Exp;  lines: +10 -2
Added new status "accepted" and "assigned", and options to use the
those values.

Working file: lib/rt/ui/web/admin.pm
revision 1.2
date: 2000/02/15 15:03:41;  author: marco;  state: Exp;  lines: +107 -18
- Fixed some security holes: if you are not an administrator, you are
  only allowed to update your own account information.
  You can no longer (try to) update queue information, or (via the queue
  information) accounts of other users.
  You will no longer even see other existing queues or users not in the
  queue you are viewing.
- Fixed bug: If user is an admin, but has not display rights given for
  a queue, now displays correctly "No access".

Working file: lib/rt/ui/web/forms.pm
revision 1.3
date: 2000/02/15 16:13:11;  author: marco;  state: Exp;  lines: +23 -4
Added selection for type of date-showing in queue list (age, date or both).
revision 1.2
date: 2000/02/15 15:31:43;  author: marco;  state: Exp;  lines: +49 -6
Added new status "accepted" and "assigned".
Added space before the "CHECKED" keyword.
Added form to assign a request to a user and change the status to "assigned".
Use last queue that was queried as default for creating new requests.

Working file: lib/rt/ui/web/manipulate.pm
revision 1.2
date: 2000/02/15 16:11:13;  author: marco;  state: Exp;  lines: +148 -15
- Added new status "accepted" and "assigned".
- Added form to assign a request to a user and change the status to "assigned".
- Remember the last query parameters in a cookie, so the next time you
  view the queue, the same query will be used again. Also, in other
  pages, it is now possible to use the settings of the last query.
- Changing (Giving) the owner of a request is now allowed regardless
  whether you are owner or not. You no longer need to steal a request first.
- Show dates in queue as age, absolute date or both, depending on
  user preferences.

Working file: lib/rt/ui/web/support.pm
revision 1.2
date: 2000/02/15 16:12:01;  author: marco;  state: Exp;  lines: +8 -1
Set a decent title for the pages, so it is easier to check the browser history.

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