[rt-devel] Re: [rt-users] RT 1.3.18. AKA 2.0 Alpha 1 AKA The Bear Suit Release

Wozz wozz+rt at wookie.net
Mon Oct 2 15:33:28 EDT 2000

Out of curiosity, does this Alpha support hierarchical tickets?  If not,
when is that planned?

On Mon, Sep 18, 2000 at 12:19:37AM -0400, Jesse wrote:
> I'm proud to announce RT 1.3.18.  This release satisfies the requirements
> I set for RT 2.0 Alpha 1.  Thanks to ivan for doing a bit of spot checking
> as I got this release ready.  For his help, I forced him to name this release.
> If you're up for playing with rough, unpolished but basically functional code,
> please download and check out the "Bear Suit" release of RT.  Please 
> direct all questions and comments to rt-devel at lists.fsck.com.
> This release has functional, if fragile, Commandline, Mail and Web 
> interfaces that should permit all the basic operations that one would
> want to perform on a ticket.  It's still somewhat rickety and terribly
> insecure, but that's why it's just an Alpha.  
> Alpha 1 supports both mysql and Oracle (though the oracle support is untested ;)
> Drag a copy down from
>         http://www.fsck.com/pub/rt/devel/rt-1-3-18.tar.gz or our CMU
> mirror: ftp://rhinst.ece.cmu.edu/rt/devel/rt-1-3-18.tar.gz 
> and kick the tires a bit.
> I'd caution you not to put it in production yet, as it's likely to lose incoming
> tickets if things go wrong in the mail gateway.
> I expect that alpha 2 will come within 2 weeks, but, as always, startup life
> has a tendency to get a bit crazy.
>         Jesse
> -- 
> jesse reed vincent --- root at eruditorum.org --- jesse at fsck.com 
> pgp keyprint: 50 41 9C 03 D0 BC BC C8 2C B9 77 26 6F E1 EB 91
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> A REAL sysadmin challenge is "resurrect five dead mailserver while so ripped
> to the gills on mdma that you can't focus on any given line of text for more 
> than 10 seconds continuously."
> 					-Nathan Mehl
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