[rt-devel] Re: Howto for running two instances of webrt on one machine

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Wed Apr 4 04:08:24 EDT 2001

On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 10:03:25AM +0200, Christian Kurz wrote:
> On 01-04-03 Jesse wrote:
> > Apache/mod_perl doesn't actually really sandbox virtual hosts properly.
> > There's not too much I can do about it. If someone else wants to look
> > at what it would take to get the speedycgi or fastcgi handlers into place,
> > that could also be a solution to this problem.
> So I would either have to get the two instance of apache running and
> then work around the other problems to get two instance of rt on one
> host running?

It's really not that hard. It took me about 10 minutes the first time.
Besides running seperate apache instances, you just need to put your
two copies of RT in two seperate directories and point them at two different
databases on your mysql/postgresql/oracle server.

jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

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 (that said, it's better than most of the alternatives)  -- Nathan Mehl

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