[rt-devel] RT2 + postgresql over ssl

Sebek Pavel Pavel.Sebek at i.cz
Wed Aug 1 14:47:51 EDT 2001


I have followed problem:

I installed postgresql 7.1.2 with option --with-openssl,
because i want communicate with remote database only over ssl.
I have setup in pg_hba.conf where postgresql running:
hostssl         all     trust
I installed RT2 (with remote database) on server with ip 
(of course over ssl) and everything was OK. I even imported all data 
from RT1.When i wanted connect from http, which running on server with 
ip, i saw in the apache log followed:
DBI->connect(dbname=rt2;host=rt.i.cz) failed: No pg_hba.conf entry for 
host, user rt, database rt2 at 
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 118

[Wed Aug  1 14:03:13 2001] [error] Connect Failed No pg_hba.conf entry 
for host, user rt, database rt2  at /opt/rt2ssl/lib/RT.pm 
line 14
I have installed DBIx-SearchBuilder-0.40.

When i add line to pg_hba.conf on server where postgresql running:
host     all         trust
everything at the web is OK. But this setup i don't want. I want 
communicate with database only over ssl.

I hope that my explanation of my problem was enough

Thank you for your answer

Sebek Pavel

PS:Excuse me for my english

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