[rt-devel] Objects based on EasySearch without a current user

Timo Hummel timo.hummel at isg.de
Tue Dec 18 11:48:36 EST 2001


I have created a new Class which uses EasySearch as Superclass. The
problem is that the class needs to be used before a CurrentUser exists
(i.e. no login occured yet). Is there a predefined object which I can
use in such situations?

Best regards,


Timo A. Hummel, IT Specialist
IS Innovative Software AG               Phone:  +49 69 505030-302
Feuerbachstraße 26-32                   Fax:    +49 69 505030-505
60325 Frankfurt a.M.                    E-Mail:
mailto:timo.hummel at isg.de
GERMANY                                 WWW:    http://is.ag

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