[rt-devel] [rt-announce] RT 1.3.30 released

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Wed Jan 10 01:32:09 EST 2001

thanks. There's actually an easier fix.   mason can be told not to parse
the value of a <% %> using a |n flag

so <%$AttachmentObj->Content%>  should
become <%$AttachmentObj->Content |n %> 

The abort is somewhat more important ;)

I'd not actually gotten to the point of testing binary attachments yet. good to
know that works (with the patch). Thanks! It'll be in 1.3.33 (.32 was a test release that went out tonight for a few testers)


On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 04:22:43PM +1000, Byron Ellacott wrote:
> On Wed, 3 Jan 2001, Jesse wrote:
> [snip]
> I noticed 1-3-31 sitting around, so I installed that.  I'm giving a
> demonstration tomorrow, so I've been running through the web UI.  I
> noticed a problem with attachments - HTML::Mason was munging everything to
> be HTML-nice, but a jpg doesn't display if its < characters are changed to
> &lt;, and it's not good to have </BODY></HTML> on the end of binary
> attachments.
> Attached is a quick patch to the attachments dhandler to get HTML::Mason
> out of the way and provide the raw data, which can be applied with
> rt-1-3-31$ patch -p1 < rt-1-3-31-attachments.diff
> (Apply it when at the root of the rt2 tree).
> Since it only modifies webrt/Ticket/Attachment/dhandler, you can just
> apply it by hand, too.
> -- 
> bje

> diff -Naur rt-1-3-31/webrt/Ticket/Attachment/dhandler rt-1-3-31-attch/webrt/Ticket/Attachment/dhandler
> --- rt-1-3-31/webrt/Ticket/Attachment/dhandler	Fri Dec 15 14:04:00 2000
> +++ rt-1-3-31-attch/webrt/Ticket/Attachment/dhandler	Wed Jan 10 16:19:29 2001
> @@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
> -<%$AttachmentObj->Content%>
> -<%init>
> +<%perl>
>       my ($ticket, $trans,$attach, $filename);
>       my $arg = $m->dhandler_arg;                # get rest of path
>       if ($arg =~ '^(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)/(.*)$') {
> @@ -22,5 +21,7 @@
>       }
>       my $content_type = $AttachmentObj->ContentType || 'text/html';
>       $r->content_type($content_type);
> -</%init>
> +     $m->out($AttachmentObj->Content);
> +     $m->abort;
> +</%perl>

jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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