[rt-devel] problem with scrip + postgres

Alek Cesarz a.cesarz at datastar.pl
Wed Jul 4 09:20:46 EDT 2001

maybe somebody has seen such problem:
rt 2.0.0 rc3 is working smoothly for me with one exception. i have scrip
which should send nootification to AdminCC when ticket is resolved:
 OnResolve NotifyAdminCcs with template std_admin_ticket_closed
but when rt tries to execute it logs show:
 now requiring RT::Condition::StatusChange
 RT::Transaction=HASH(0x956cef4): Checking condition OnResolve...
 RT::Transaction=HASH(0x956cef4): Matches condition OnResolve...
 now requiring RT::Action::Notify
 RT::Transaction=HASH(0x956cef4): Prepared NotifyAdminCcs
 RT::Action::Notify=HASH(0x957f1fc): No recipients found. Not sending.
 RT::Transaction=HASH(0x956cef4): Committed NotifyAdminCcs
 Database handle destroyed without explicit disconnect at  
/usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 219.
what is strange, similar scrip:
 OnCreate NotifyAdminCcs with template std_admin_ticket_opened
works perfectly.

i found only one suspicious thing in system log:
 pq_recvbuf: unexpected EOF on client connection

any ideas?

Alek Cesarz : NOC manager : ALEK1-RIPE
+48 22 860 69 58 : Crowley Data Poland

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