[rt-devel] First attempt at importing

Bob Finch bob at nas.com
Wed Jun 6 14:45:34 EDT 2001

Tried importing a 8000 ticket RT1 database yesterday using rt-1-3-90.

I'm running Postgres on another box and found that bin/initacls.Pg is
missing the -h option:

*** initacls.Pg-orig	Tue Jun  5 18:14:50 2001
--- initacls.Pg	Tue Jun  5 18:15:27 2001
*** 14,18 ****
  export PATH
  echo "Enter the postgres administrator's database password to create a new user for rt"
--- 14,18 ----
  export PATH
  echo "Enter the postgres administrator's database password to create a new user for rt"

My RT1 database has tickets imported from Req -- import-1.0-to-2.0
didn't like the "import" transaction type.  I changed it to treat
"import" like "create".  I'm not sure if it's correct, but it seems to

*** 502,507 ****
--- 502,511 ----
  	    $load_content = 1;
  	    $trans_args{'Type'} = "Create";
+ 	elsif ( $row->{type} eq 'import' ) {
+ 	    $load_content = 1;
+ 	    $trans_args{'Type'} = "Create";
+ 	} 
  	elsif ( $row->{type} eq 'status' ) {
  	    $trans_args{'Type'} = "Status";
  	    $trans_args{'Field'} = "Status";

There were a number of warnings in the log that I haven't had a chance
to track down yet.  These two appeared once near the start:

Odd number of elements in hash assignment at /usr/local/rt/lib/RT/User.pm line 538.
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record/Cachable.pm line 188.

The following errors frequently occur while importing tickets:

Use of uninitialized value at /usr/local/rt/lib/RT/Ticket.pm line 397, <FILE> chunk 521.
Use of uninitialized value at /usr/local/rt/lib/RT/Ticket.pm line 409, <FILE> chunk 521.
RT::Ticket=HASH(0x881b9c8) ->Create called with an unknown datatype for Owner: . Defaulting to Nobody.


RT::Ticket=HASH(0x87d3f6c) user sharris(4) was proposed as a ticket owner but has no rights to own tickets in this queue

It appears that user acls were not imported correctly.  The tickets in
the database look OK but I can't access them from the web ui.  Sounds
like this may be fixed already, I'll try again with the current
snapshot this afternoon.

-- Bob

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