[rt-devel] RT 1.3.48

ivan ivan-rt-devel at 420.am
Sun Mar 4 22:50:51 EST 2001

On Sun, Mar 04, 2001 at 10:06:45PM -0500, Alex Pilosov wrote:
> On Sun, 4 Mar 2001, Jesse wrote:
> > As I understand it, toast-based columns aren't embedded-null-safe.
> > The plan is currently to BASE64 encode attachments that contain embedded nulls
> > if the database engine (like PG7.1) doesn't have support for a true blob
> > type.
> a) I'm not sure about embedded nulls, AFAIK, if the field is declared of
> type 'bytea' it must be embedded-null-safe.

Nope.  Try it.  7.2 should have a proper binary type, but 7.1 doesn't.

> b) If you chose to base64 encode, then you can use TOASTs and forget about
> blobs...Or that's what you do?

That's correct.

The thing that's actually causing me the most aggrivation is
DBD::Pg.  It's quote() method is broken and placeholders segfault if you
try to insert more than ~64k of data.  Ick.


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