[rt-devel] Installation problems with 1.3.49_01

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Fri Mar 9 15:00:06 EST 2001

Are you sure you're running mysql 3.23? those errors sound a lot like what
would happen with 3.22.  

I don't in fact get any such errors running  make install
on an up to date debian unstable box.

what does perl tools/testdep -warn mysql
tell you?

if you could rerun the broken install and capture the error messages, I'd
greatly appreciate it.


On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 08:56:04PM +0100, Jonas Liljegren wrote:
> I started using RT 1 six months ago.  This is my first look at RT2.
> The installation was done on a Debian GNU/Linux system using mostly
> I wanted to use PostgreSQL, but the latest version (in unstable) is
> 7.0.3-4. So I used MySQL.
>  - MySQL 3.23.33
>  - Perl v5.6.0
>  - DBI 1.13
>  - DBD::mysql 2.0415
>  - DBIx::DataSource 0.02
>  - DBIx::DBSchema 0.16
> The initdb didn't work. I got errors on tows 71 and 73:
> print "\nCreating database schema.\n";
> my $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $DB_DBA, $DB_DBA_PASSWORD ) or die $DBI::errstr;
> foreach my $statement ( $schema->sql($dsn, $DB_DBA, $DB_DBA_PASSWORD ) ) {
>   print STDERR $statement if $DEBUG;
>   my $sth = $dbh->prepare($statement) or die $dbh->errstr;
>   unless ($sth->execute) {
>     print STDERR "Problem with statement:\n $statement\n";
>     die $sth->errstr;
>   }
> }
> It was a lot of errors (sorry, didn't save them) about two things
> during table creation:
> 1. It tried to create indexes there one of the keys was marked as NULL
>    instead of NOT NULL.  That was not allowed.
> 2. It tried to produce keys longer that 255 bytes.  Ie, the combined
>    length of an primary key or index key was too long.
> I changed a number of NULL to not NULL and commented out many
> indexes.  The changed file is included here:

> Hmm. Maby should have given a patch also...

Content-Description: Diff against 1.3.49_01

> -- 
> jonas at rit.se   RIT AB   http://www.rit.se
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jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
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