[rt-devel] RT2 bugs and comments

Arthur de Jong arthur at West.NL
Mon Mar 19 08:21:04 EST 2001

I've been checking out rt-1-3-49_01 to replace our current working rt 1.0.7 
(with a lot of our own modifications). First of all the source of RT2 is MUCH 
MUCH MUCH better readable than RT1! I am aware that RT2 is not yet finished 
but I had some comments and questions anyway (hope this is not too much for 
this list).

* In the Search/Listing.html page:
  When you select Next page:
  Can't locate object method "NextPage" via package "RT::Tickets" at 
/vol/RT-2.beta-test/lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm line 232, <GEN49> chunk 377.
  When you try to update search criteria
  Can't locate object method "OrderBy" via package "RT::Tickets"

* If a user is not privileged his/her uid does not show in any lists
  (Admin/Users/index.html or Admin/Groups/Members.html)

* In the SelfService stuff the Preferences link does not work
  (SelfService/Prefs.html does not exist) (what is the SelfService and
  unprivileged stuff for anyway or did i miss some documentation?) (The
  SelfService stuff does not display any requests even if I own them)

* User interface:
  We currently use RT1 for handling customer requests. Is it possible to
  shield RT2 so that different customers (who would be in different groups)
  will only be able to see their own information? We don't think our
  customers need to known all our customers and their users. Also the list
  of users in RT2 should not be public in all setups. Can this be
  implemented with a ShowAdministration right (or something equivalent)?

* Typo: (might be in more places)
  Add a scrip which will apply to all queues:

* Error in outgoing mail:
  If no To: header would be filled in an "Undisclosed recipients" is
  used. Our sendmail says this is an unknown user.
  See patch.outgoingmail

* In the main screen (home) the "Tickets I requested"
  window is always empty somehow...

* If you update information on a user the signature is appended with a extra
  new line (probably browser specific still using Netscape 4.75 on Solaris)
  For this and other text areas see patch.textareas.

* The installed programs in bin have the location of perl hard coded to
  /usr/bin/perl (not modified during install).

* The CVS directories are installed as well (and the distribution version
  does not contain a useful CVS/Root file. You could consider using the
  pserver CVS/Root here.)

* In the modify ticket basics (Ticket/Modify.html) there are '-' options for
  queues and status that should not be there.
  See patch.nooptions.
  This probably modifies all status and queue selectors but I couldn't find
  any place where that would be incorrect and couldn't think of one either.

* Just something I think is a little annoying is that almost all files have
  their execute bit set (including README). If you remove the execute bits in
  the CVS repository this can be fixed and instead of chmod 0755 you could
  used chmod u+rwX,go-w,go+rX in the install (is a bit longer but does not
  set unneeded x bits and is more readable).

* When I receive a notification email the "Requestors" field is set to
  ARRAY(0xfe1918) (instead of a list of requestors) in the template.

* Shouldn't a "Take" result in a status change to "open"?

* What is exactly the difference between the xxAsComment and xx actions?

* What is exactly the difference between CC and Administrative CC?

* When a request is created by the mail interface and the mail contains a CC:
  this is not entered into the CC field of the request. Not sure this is
  needed though.

* Is the next diagram correct for describing mail actions?
1 Requestors
2 Owner
3 CC in ticket
4 CC in queue (via Admin->Queues->People)
5 ACC in ticket
6 ACC in queue (via Admin->Queues->People)
                              | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
NotifyRequestor               | + | - | - | - | - | - |
NotifyOwnerAsComment          | - | + | - | - | - | - |
NotifyOwner                   | - | + | - | - | - | - |
NotifyAdminWatchersAsComment  | - | - | - | - | + | + |
NotifyAdminWatchers           | - | - | - | - | + | + |
NotifyRequestorAndCcsAsComment| + | - | + | + | ? | ? |
NotifyRequestorAndCcs         | + | - | + | + | ? | ? |
NotifyAllWatchersAsComment    | ? | ? | + | + | + | + |
NotifyAllWatchers             | ? | ? | + | + | + | + |

* When using the [Users] and [Groups] links in the [Administration] menu
  there is no easy way to select a different user when a user (or group) is
  already selected. The [Users] and [Groups] links don't work then. This is

Ok that's it for now. I'll try a newer version soon and see what problems I 
run in to. RT2 looks very promising.

-- arthur de jong - arthur at west.nl - west consulting b.v. --
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Naur WebRT.orig/html/Elements/SelectQueue WebRT/html/Elements/SelectQueue
--- WebRT.orig/html/Elements/SelectQueue	Mon Jan 22 08:51:36 2001
+++ WebRT/html/Elements/SelectQueue	Wed Mar 14 11:36:10 2001
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 %# $Header: /raid/cvsroot/rt/webrt/Elements/Attic/SelectQueue,v 2001/01/22 07:51:36 jesse Exp $
 <SELECT NAME ="<%$Name%>">
 % while (my $queue=$q->Next) {
 <OPTION VALUE="<%$queue->Id%>" <%($queue->Id == $Default) && 'SELECTED'%>><%$queue->Name%>
 %   if (($Verbose) and ($queue->Description) ){
diff -Naur WebRT.orig/html/Elements/SelectStatus WebRT/html/Elements/SelectStatus
--- WebRT.orig/html/Elements/SelectStatus	Mon Aug 14 03:57:32 2000
+++ WebRT/html/Elements/SelectStatus	Wed Mar 14 11:36:16 2001
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 %# $Header: /raid/cvsroot/rt/webrt/Elements/Attic/SelectStatus,v 2000/08/14 01:57:32 jesse Exp $
 <SELECT NAME ="<%$Name%>">
 %foreach $status (@status) {
 <OPTION VALUE="<%$status%>" <%($Default eq $status) && 'SELECTED'%>><%$status%></OPTION>
 % }
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Naur ~/rt/src/rt-1-3-49_01/lib/RT/Action/Notify.pm lib/RT/Action/Notify.pm
--- /home/arthur/rt/src/rt-1-3-49_01/lib/RT/Action/Notify.pm	Mon Jan 22 18:51:25 2001
+++ lib/RT/Action/Notify.pm	Tue Mar 13 09:55:44 2001
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
 	$To = join(',', at To);
     else {
-	$To = '"Undisclosed recipients";';
+	$To = '';
     $Cc = join(',', at Cc);
-------------- next part --------------
diff -Naur WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate WebRT/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate
--- WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate	Mon Jan 22 08:51:32 2001
+++ WebRT/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate	Wed Mar 14 16:00:01 2001
@@ -10,13 +10,11 @@
 Retype Password: <input type=password name="Pass2"><BR>
 Comments: <TEXTAREA name="Comments" COLS=20 ROWS=5>
 Signature: <TEXTAREA COLS=80 ROWS=5 name="Signature">
 EmailAddress: <input name="EmailAddress" value="<%$UserObj->EmailAddress%>">
diff -Naur WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyUser WebRT/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyUser
--- WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyUser	Mon Jan 22 08:51:32 2001
+++ WebRT/html/Admin/Elements/ModifyUser	Wed Mar 14 15:59:52 2001
@@ -10,13 +10,11 @@
 Retype Password: <input type=password name="Pass2"><BR>
 Comments: <TEXTAREA name="Comments" COLS=80 ROWS=5 WRAP=VIRTUAL>
 Signature: <TEXTAREA COLS=80 ROWS=5 name="Signature" WRAP=HARD>
 EmailAddress: <input name="EmailAddress" value="<%$UserObj->EmailAddress%>">
diff -Naur WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Global/Template.html WebRT/html/Admin/Global/Template.html
--- WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Global/Template.html	Tue Jan 30 05:58:14 2001
+++ WebRT/html/Admin/Global/Template.html	Wed Mar 14 15:59:37 2001
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 Description <input name="Description" VALUE="<%$TemplateObj->Description%>" SIZE=80><BR>
 <& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd&>
diff -Naur WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Queues/Template.html WebRT/html/Admin/Queues/Template.html
--- WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Queues/Template.html	Tue Jan 30 05:58:14 2001
+++ WebRT/html/Admin/Queues/Template.html	Wed Mar 14 15:59:29 2001
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
 Description: <input name="Description" VALUE="<%$TemplateObj->Description%>" SIZE=80><BR>
 <& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd&>
diff -Naur WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Templates/Modify.html WebRT/html/Admin/Templates/Modify.html
--- WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Templates/Modify.html	Mon Jan 22 08:51:36 2001
+++ WebRT/html/Admin/Templates/Modify.html	Wed Mar 14 15:59:20 2001
@@ -10,8 +10,7 @@
 Description: <input name="Description" VALUE="<%$TemplateObj->Description%>" SIZE=80>
diff -Naur WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html WebRT/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html
--- WebRT.orig/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html	Tue Feb 20 20:07:29 2001
+++ WebRT/html/Admin/Users/Modify.html	Tue Mar 13 09:37:52 2001
@@ -105,8 +105,7 @@
 <& /Elements/TitleBoxStart, title => 'Signature' &>
 <TEXTAREA COLS=80 ROWS=5 name="Signature" WRAP=HARD>
 <& /Elements/TitleBoxEnd &>
 % }
diff -Naur WebRT.orig/html/Elements/MessageBox WebRT/html/Elements/MessageBox
--- WebRT.orig/html/Elements/MessageBox	Mon Dec 18 04:17:37 2000
+++ WebRT/html/Elements/MessageBox	Wed Mar 14 16:00:48 2001
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 <TEXTAREA COLS=<%$Width%> ROWS=15 WRAP=HARD NAME="<%$Name%>"><% $Default %>
 $QuoteTransaction => undef

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