[rt-devel] 1.3.57 RT

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Tue Mar 20 04:29:41 EST 2001

pallas:/tmp/rt-1-3-57# more ChangeLog
2001-03-20 04:26  jesse

        * Makefile: bumping the version

2001-03-20 04:20  jesse

        * lib/RT/Action/SendEmail.pm: regexps with three /s need a leading
        s ;)

2001-03-20 04:16  jesse

        * bin/rt-mailgate, lib/RT/Template.pm: fixing scrips-related
        mailing stuff. some transaction mailing used to bomb out.

2001-03-20 02:46  jesse

        * etc/config.pm, tools/insertdata: Work on robustification of the
        mail gateway. including single-transaction blacklisting of
        addresses that might generate bounces.

2001-03-20 00:41  jesse

        * lib/RT/User.pm: Work on user.pm to allow users to be disabled.

2001-03-19 18:03  jesse

        * webrt/: autohandler, Elements/MyRequests, NoAuth/Login.html,
        NoAuth/Reminder.html: fixed the MyRequests bug that caused them not
        to be listed.  nonexistent users no longer get shunted to

2001-03-19 15:30  jesse

        * bin/mason_handler.fcgi, bin/mason_handler.scgi, bin/rt,
        bin/rtadmin, webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyTemplate,
        webrt/Admin/Elements/ModifyUser, webrt/Admin/Global/Template.html,
        webrt/Admin/Queues/Template.html, webrt/Admin/Users/Modify.html,
        webrt/Elements/MessageBox: Fixes for perl path and textarea bugs
        noted by Arthur de Jong

2001-03-18 14:58  jesse

        * lib/RT/Attachment.pm: Removed an extra signature attachment

jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

<Dr_Memory> the point is that words were exchanged.  neurolinguistic
programming will do the rest.  they should be showing up at my house
any day now.

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