[rt-devel] Problems with a RT2 support scenario
Jonas Liljegren
jonas at liljegren.org
Sun May 6 13:54:18 EDT 2001
I downloaded the latest version from CVS at 2001-05-02 (YYYY-MM-DD),
version 1.3.70.
I can't decide if I want to include too much or too little
information. Just say if I should supply more info.
The intention is to have mail to support at rit.se placed in the RT2
system. An email should go out to those who answer support emails.
That email should include the message and a link to the ticket.
We don't want two persons to answer the email. The ideal would maby
be to have a link for taking the ticket wight from the email and have
that fail if somebody else already have taken in.
I can't find out what AdminWatchers and AdminCC is supposed to be used
for. I set up the support staff as AsminWatchers. I created a new
template NewTicket based on the AdminCorrespondence template. And
created a scrip in the support cue:
OnCreate NotifyAdminWatchers with template NewTicket
The following correspondence should not generate emails to the staff.
Only the ticket owner (and persons involved in the correspondence)
should get the emails.
The person who do a change, comment or correspondence should not get
an email, but if it's not the owner, the owner should get one. I
entered these two global scrips:
OnComment NotifyOwnerAsComment AdminComment
OnCorrespond NotifyRequestorsAndCcs Correspondence
Is this how it is supposed to be done?
And now to the problems:
1. The NewTicket templated does not include the actual correspondence
in the ticket. Sometimes it does, but often it doesn't. Is it the
case that a multipart message isn't resent with the NewTicket
Here is the NewTicket template:
Subject: {$Transaction->Message()->First()->Subject}
New ticket:
<URL {$RT::WebURL}/Ticket/Display.html?id={$Ticket->id} >
I would like to know there I can finde documentation for the methods
availible for $Ticket, $Transaction, Message(), First(), etc...
2. An admin gets the email about the new ticket, goes to the web
interface and along with the reply, changes the status to open and
changes the owner.
I think that the status of a ticket should change to open at the same
time it is taken or a reply is made. It seems uneccessary extra job
to first take a ticket and then open it. This can be done in one step
during a reply to a new ticket, but it still seems strange.
3. A reply to a ticket via the web interface back to the requestor
somethimes has CRLF line endings. I guess this showes up because at
least one line ending is not CRLF.
4. I used a scrip to notify a change of status to the ticket owner:
OnStatus NotifyOwner StatusChange
In (2) above, an admin has just taken the ticket, changing it's status
to open. That triggerd the changed status email. But that email a)
bounced because no recipient was specified, and b) the template
produced an error response:
From: Mail Delivery System <Mailer-Daemon at karl.rit.se>
Subject: Mail failure - no recipient addresses
To: www-data at karl.rit.se
Date: Thu, 03 May 2001 16:12:24 +0200
A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and so no
delivery could be attempted.
------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------
Received: from www-data by karl.rit.se with local (Exim 3.12 #1 (Debian))
id 14vJqC-0006en-00; Thu, 03 May 2001 16:12:24 +0200
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.41 (Entity 5.404)
Subject: [RIT #15] Status Changed to: open
From: Kenneth Ekdahl via RT <test at karl.rit.se>
Reply-To: test at karl.rit.se
In-Reply-To: <rt-15 at RIT>
Message-Id: <rt-15-54.0.305257744102505 at RIT>
Precedence: bulk
RT-Ticket: RIT #15
Managed-BY: Request Tracker 1.3.70 (http://www.fsck.com/projects/rt)
RT-Originator: sensei at rit.se
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Sender: www-data <www-data at karl.rit.se>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2001 16:12:24 +0200
Program fragment at line 6 delivered error ``Can't call method "Content" on an undefined value''
5. I winder if the dubble '/' in the templates is because the template
of the configuration is faulty. Is says:
$WebURL = $WebBaseURL . $WebPath. "/";
6. It may be that the requestors response to the admin reply (from
www) got sent in two copies. Because one of them bounced in the same
way as the above (4) msg about changed status. This is part of the
header of a normal correspondence message, bouncde back by the mailer
Subject: Re: [RIT #15] Re: Test: Hjälp mig!
From: Jonas Liljegren via RT <test at karl.rit.se>
Reply-To: test at karl.rit.se
In-Reply-To: <rt-15 at RIT>
Message-Id: <rt-15-57.0.366593357499241 at RIT>
Precedence: bulk
RT-Ticket: RIT #15
Managed-BY: Request Tracker 1.3.70 (http://www.fsck.com/projects/rt)
RT-Originator: jonas at liljegren.org
Content-Disposition: inline
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
Sender: nobody <nobody at karl.rit.se>
Date: Thu, 03 May 2001 16:18:05 +0200
7. I am glad to find configuration options for initial and final
priority for tickets in a specific que, along with how many days
before the request is due.
But it seems that the priority isn't calculated based on the creation
date, due days, start and end priority. I set the sorting of requests
in priority order and found that only the start priority was used.
I would like to have the current dpriority for a ticket displayd and
used then sorting on priority.
I would also like the home page display of owned tickets to be sorted
in priority order, or at least show the current priority.
8. In Administration : Queues : Watchers, the title just says "Modify
people related to queue3" instead of using the name of the queue.
(It seems strange to push "save changes" to find people. It's more
like 'submit'.)
9. I would like to have filters convert word and PDF documents to HTML
or plain text.
That's all for now.
/ Jonas - http://jonas.liljegren.org/myself/en/index.html
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