[rt-devel] Mail sent with no recipient

Jonas Liljegren jonas at liljegren.org
Thu May 10 10:54:56 EDT 2001

Jonas Liljegren <jonas at liljegren.org> writes:

> This is the most disturbing bug.  
> Mail is generated with no reciever.  In one case, we got a mail from
> an outside requestor.  The ticket was taken and a reply was made.
> The requestors response to the reply made it to the ticket system, but
> it was sent out with an empty 'to'.  It should have gone to the owner.

Correction: It *did* also go to the owner.  But one copy of the outgoing email bounced as described below.

I should also mention that I has:

$MailCommand = 'sendmailpipe';
$SendmailArguments="-oi -t";
$SendmailPath = "/usr/sbin/sendmail";
$UseFriendlyToLine = 1;

And I'm using exim.

There is no real reson why I'm using 'sendmailpipe'.  I tried it out
too see if it worked better and didn't switch back again.

> On the other side, there are some occations there a person is sent a
> copy of a correspondence he originated.  That should not happen.
> My global scrips are now:
>   OnComment NotifyOwnerAsComment AdminComment 
>   OnCorrespond NotifyRequestorsAndCcs Correspondence 
>   OnCreate NotifyAdminWatchers NewTicket 
>   OnComment NotifyAdminWatchersAsComment AdminComment 
>   OnCorrespond NotifyOwner AdminCorrespondence
> Is this right?  Even if it's not. There shouldn't go out emails with
> no recipient.  Example:
> Subject: Mail failure - no recipient addresses
> Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 14:46:39 +0200
> From: Mail Delivery System <Mailer-Daemon at karl.rit.se>
> To: www-data at karl.rit.se
> A message that you sent contained no recipient addresses, and so no
> delivery could be attempted.
> ------ This is a copy of your message, including all the headers. ------
> Received: from www-data by karl.rit.se with local (Exim 3.12 #1
> (Debian))
> 	id 14xpq3-0007ZC-00; Thu, 10 May 2001 14:46:39 +0200
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> X-Mailer: MIME-tools 5.41 (Entity 5.404)
> Subject: [RIT #156] Re: Vots, hjälp mig!
> To:
> Cc:
> Bcc:
> From: Björn Nordblom via RT <support at rit.se>
> Reply-To: support at rit.se
> In-Reply-To: <rt-156 at RIT>
> Message-Id: <rt-156-522.3.36092484829251 at RIT>
> Precedence: bulk
> RT-Ticket: RIT #156
> Managed-BY: Request Tracker 1.3.70 (http://www.fsck.com/projects/rt)
> RT-Originator: bjorn at rit.se
> Content-Disposition: inline
> Content-Type: text/plain
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
> Sender: www-data <www-data at karl.rit.se>
> Date: Thu, 10 May 2001 14:46:39 +0200
> <URL: http://karl.rit.se/tools/rt2//Ticket/Display.html?id=156 >
> -- 
> / Jonas  -  http://jonas.liljegren.org/myself/en/index.html
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/ Jonas  -  http://jonas.liljegren.org/myself/en/index.html

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