[rt-devel] Performance (was: Kill spam from mail)]
jesse at fsck.com
Fri May 11 11:32:06 EDT 2001
On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 04:23:00PM +0100, Mark Vevers wrote:
> Jesse wrote
> > There's a bunch of stuff that's untuned as of 1.3.70. I've put some time into
> > it in the past couple of days. What I'm currently hacking on has several
> > new indices that help considerably. The next version of DBIx::Searchbuilder
> > also has a couple of improvements that drastically improve performance.
> Ok, just got your last CVS update for that
RT doesn't yet use Record::Cachable. you'll need to modify RT::Record.
> > The two biggies are a much better Count method (when the search that's been
> > described hasn't yet been performed) and Matt Knopp's amazing new
> > DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable, which caches Record objects pretty much
> > completely transparently.
> I've updated my CVS working directory and also patched the DB to match the
> latest Schema. BTW Why do you create two indices each time? The schema.pm
> defines one, but you translate that to create two as the INDEX (column1,
> column2
It's an issue with older versions of DBIx::DBSchema related to how mysql
used to be broken. It's fixed in ivan's CVS. I haven't had time to
suck it down and rerun the schema generation.
> It certainly seems to have helped. Much snappier.
*grin* I'm glad. Most of what you're seeing is likely the Count(); fix.
That alone should help drastically with CPU usage.
> >> From the cpu usage it all seems to be disappearing into apache,
> >> so I suspect it is all the perl/mod-perl code.
> >> That's kind of odd and runs counter to all my experience.
> >
> I'll look at this in more detail if I get the time.
I'm definitely seeing some of this that I didn't before.
> > We use placeholders (thanks to ivan) in the lookups stuff within Record.pm,
> > but Searchbuilder objects are not currently using placeholders...then again
> > the claim I've read is that pre-prepared SELECTS are not a speed issue with
> > mysql (though they certainly help with pg and oracle)
> MySQL AB seem to think placeholders help.
Inneresting. that's a change then. it used to be "Mysql ignores statement
> Also something else I spotted, make upgrade splats config.pm. Good job
> I kept a backup copy ... ;-)
It should move the old one to config.pm.bak.
I'm actually right in the middle of another of what I hope will be a bigish
performance tweak with ACLs. Long term, I'm going to need to drastically
rewrite the ACL check routines, but for now, I think that I can get
some fairly significant performance gains for most cases by flipping around
the way we do ACL checks to cut out 3 sql queries per check for most cases
by adding an additional check in case of 'metagroup' rights.
> Cheers
> Mark
jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com
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