[rt-devel] Apache error

Mark Vevers mark at ifl.net
Mon May 14 11:08:02 EDT 2001


This is from version 1.3.70 + patches on RH 7.0  (CVS as of Friday 
5:00pm GMT)

Apache logs:

[Mon May 14 11:03:48 2001] [notice] child pid 12230 exit signal 
Segmentation fault (11)
[Mon May 14 11:04:47 2001] [notice] child pid 12233 exit signal 
Segmentation fault (11)
WebRT: Could not create queue: No permission to create queues ()[Mon May 
14 15:14:53 2001] [warn] child process 12226 still did not exit, sending 

First off, this occurs more regularly on ticket creates / updates than 
on read only
operations.  It sometimes happens at log in as well.   It seems to 
complete the
ticket creation/update , but doesn't return any of the webpage when this 
(just closes connection).  It also appears that any errors do not exit 
correctly - see the
third line above ....

It used to do it a lot more, but as rt got faster, and I removed all the 
Apaches modules which made things a bit bitter again.  A race 
condition?  Timeout?
Also, we haven't used rt for a while (i.e. overnight) it seems to be a 
bit worse for
a while - stuff swapped out excaberating the issue?

Hope this helps.

BTW if you want any more info let me know.


Jesse wrote:

> Thanks for the heads up.
> I noticed something like that this morning, though it never affected
> my sessions.  Are you doing any of the debugging that ivan described
> or using Apache::DProf or anything?  What RT rev? If you can track it down
> any more, a 'formal' bug report would be appreciated.
>         Thanks,
>                 j
> On Fri, May 11, 2001 at 04:06:19PM -0400, Eric Mandel wrote:
>> I am experiencing a strange problem with Apache (v 1.3.19). I will
>> intermittently try to go to the main page of RT2 and I receive a page cannot
>> be displayed error. The following line appears in my apache error_log.
>> [Fri May 11 15:50:37 2001] [notice] child pid 11549 exit signal Segmentation
>> fault (11)
>> I have to refresh 3-4 times to get the login page up. Once I'm in, my
>> session is fine. I don't get the error until I try get back into the system
>> later on. The server is running RH 7.1 and it's sole purpose is RT. Apache
>> is not serving out any other pages other than the RT virtual. Also, I am
>> currently the only user on the system. Any pointers are greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks.
>> Eric Mandel
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Mark Vevers.    mark at ifl.net / mvevers at rm.com
Internet Backbone Engineering Team
Internet for Learning, Research Machines Plc
Tel: +44 1235 823380,   Fax: +44 1235 823424

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