[rt-devel] Problem with entering updates
Mark Vevers
mark at ifl.net
Wed May 16 09:30:38 EDT 2001
rt-1-3-72 is OK. Upgrade to cvs head and the bug returns. Doesn't look
like it is in the main rt code (downgrading that from rt-1-1 head
doesn't fix problem). I am checking out changes to webrt from 1-3-72
Mark Vevers wrote:
> I'm having a problem after upgrading to the latest CVS yesterday
> where if I cannot enter a reply or comment via the web interface.
> Email works fine.
> All other changes including modifying things like signatures
> in users works fine.
> If I use the jumbo page, everything except the comment/reply sections
> for the tickets work. If I use the comment/reply pages either from
> the top or from individual history entries, nothing works on that
> page.
> I couldn't find anything in the error logs, so just to check it wasn't a
> corrupt DB / CVS tree I moved all my current rt stuff out of the
> way and did a complete reinstall, including pulling a new working
> directory and creating a new db, however the problem doesn't go away.
> I've looked in the database and there are no attachments missing
> transactions and no transactions are entered at all for the failed
> updates.
> Any ideas?
> Mark
Mark Vevers. mark at ifl.net / mvevers at rm.com
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