[rt-devel] Mysql DBI error on make install

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Wed May 16 14:49:59 EDT 2001

> I have a feeling you'll see a lot of these errors as I don't think this
> version of RT has been tested with an older driver. 

Nope. And I'm not really interested in porting RT to out of date versions
of DBD::mysql, when the current versions are fully backward compatible.
The next version of RT will specify a minimum DBD::mysql version.

> (I wasn't aware you could get it out of a dbh, is that correct? What if
> you have multiple sth's doing inserts, which id would it be, the last
> one?)

Both are correct. DBI isn't threadsafe, so it's pretty much impossible to 
run into the problem you suggest. Iirc, the $sth-> version is deprecated.

jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

I have images of Marc in well worn combat fatigues, covered in mud, 
sweat and blood, knife in one hand and PSION int he other, being 
restrained by several other people, screaming "Let me at it! 
Just let me at it!"  Eichin standing calmly by with something 
automated, milspec, and likely recoilless.
				-xiphmont on opensource peer review

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