[rt-devel] RT 1.3.74

Jesse jesse at fsck.com
Wed May 16 17:48:31 EDT 2001

Hey! Look! It's yet another  thrilling release on the trail to Beta 3. 
(1.3.73 was never announced. It got rolled 5 seconds before a bug report
came in ;)


        Users can now edit their own password from preferences.
        Now depends on a better version of Cachable.
        Fewer memory leaks.
        More performance optimizations.
        Better memory utilization.
        Switched from Date::Manip to Date::Parse

2001-05-16 17:30  jesse

	* Makefile:

	bumped to 1.3.74
2001-05-16 17:30  jesse

	* webrt/Admin/Groups/Modify.html:

	Fixed a small bug in Groups editing
2001-05-16 17:21  jesse

	* tools/testdeps:

	Bumped version to 1.3.73.
	Bumped dependency on searchbuilder to 0.33
2001-05-16 17:15  jesse

	* webrt/: Elements/TitleBoxStart, Ticket/Update.html,

	The quick link for 'Resolve' now requests that the user enter a ticket update
2001-05-16 15:45  jesse

	* README, lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm, tools/testdeps,

	Added some documentation about what to do if the install fails.
	Specified a minimum working version of DBD::mysql.
	Fixed support for entering updates via the webui.
2001-05-15 00:55  jesse

	* lib/RT/Action/Autoreply.pm:

	Fixed a typo that broke autoreplies
2001-05-15 00:37  jesse

	* tools/testdeps:

	added Errno dependency
2001-05-14 23:44  jesse

	* etc/config.pm, tools/insertdata, webrt/Admin/Queues/People.html:

	Cleaned up a bit of phrasing. cleaned up some extra /s in urls.
2001-05-14 22:49  jesse

	* Makefile, bin/mason_handler.fcgi, bin/mason_handler.scgi, bin/rt,
	bin/webmux.pl, lib/Makefile.PL, lib/RT/Date.pm,
	lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm, tools/testdeps:

	Switched from Date::Manip To Graham Barr's Date::Parse
2001-05-14 18:58  jesse

	* lib/RT/Scrips.pm, lib/RT/Ticket.pm, lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm,
	webrt/Ticket/Display.html, webrt/Ticket/Elements/Tabs:

	Work on the web frontend. the "quick" links have been cleaned up and decomplexified.
2001-05-14 17:11  jesse

	* lib/RT/User.pm, lib/RT/Interface/Web.pm,
	webrt/Admin/Groups/Modify.html, webrt/Admin/Users/Modify.html:

	Cleaned up bugs related to spurious extra display of information in user and group modification and ACL deletion
	when the user didn't have the right to do so.
2001-05-13 23:05  jesse

	* webrt/Admin/Users/index.html:

	no longer provide a link to create a new user to someone who doesn't have rights to do so.
2001-05-13 22:49  jesse

	* lib/RT/Ticket.pm, tools/insertdata, webrt/Ticket/Modify.html:

	yanked bogus Ticket Queue caching
	rephrased ticket creation autoreply
2001-05-13 22:15  jesse

	* webrt/User/Prefs.html:

	Added a hack to make sure that session gets written to disk
2001-05-13 22:11  jesse

	* webrt/User/Prefs.html:

	more work on letting users edit their own passwords
2001-05-13 21:40  jesse

	* webrt/Ticket/: Attachment/dhandler, Elements/ShowTransaction:

	Fix for #433. now attachements are displayable after merges.

jesse reed vincent -- root at eruditorum.org -- jesse at fsck.com 
70EBAC90: 2A07 FC22 7DB4 42C1 9D71 0108 41A3 3FB3 70EB AC90

that's security the same way that asking for directions to topeka and
being told that a seal is a mammal is informative
					-robin at apocalypse.org

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