[rt-devel] RT2 - 1.3.79-test1 - removing privileged user flag - bug?

Alesh Mustar alesh at sportina.si
Wed May 23 11:14:34 EDT 2001

Same thing with the queues?

Unchecking => Enabled (Unchecking this box disables this queue) the 
queue disapears.


Alesh Mustar wrote:

> I'm not sure if this is a bug, but gonna report it anyhow...
> - logged in as root
> - under configuration, users
> - i click on a user, lets say alesh
> - the user has *Privileged user. (Can be granted rights.)* flag CHECKED
> - i uncheck the flag
> - click again on users, the user disappears from the list of users
> - i didn't manage to get the user in the GUI in any way but to 
> manually update the Users table, setting the Privileged field to from 
> 0 to 1.
> - re-clicking the users link after manually updating the flag in the 
> table, shows the user back, with all info.
> If this is actually a feature :-) and not a bug, please point me in 
> the right direction to get back the user, otherwise lemme know if it's 
> a bug.
> A.
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