[rt-devel] rt "boilerplate" responses

Teo de Hesselle teo.dehesselle at uts.edu.au
Fri Nov 9 00:54:21 EST 2001

Robert Spier wrote:

> Right now, I've got it down to one component call, which pulls in a
> component which does the all important javascript:window.open(), but
> I'd love not to have to remember to patch Updates.html every time I
> upgrade :)

Put your custom version in ~rt/local/WebRT/ instead of ~rt/WebRT

Then mason will use that version instead - each time you upgrade, diff the
old and new versions of the 'original', ie the unhacked file, and you can
see if your version needs any updates - mine rarely do.

Téo de Hesselle,               \  One possible reason that things
Unix Systems Administrator      \  aren't going according to plan
                                 \  is that there never was a plan
University of Technology, Sydney  \  in the first place.

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