[rt-devel] SOAP , RT & MON

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Wed Nov 21 00:07:35 EST 2001

So yeah, I would be rather interested in this.  Go fig. 
It's something I'd been hoping to look at for the 2.1 development series.  If
you've got a foundation I can work with, even if it's not done, 
that would be really cool ;) 


On Tue, Nov 20, 2001 at 04:39:46PM -0500, Michael wrote:
> Greetings.
> Some weeks back there was some discussion on rt-devel regarding remote-control
> of RT via SOAP or some other mechanism .. 
> I'm writing to state that I was able to establish a working RPC link between 
> our monitoring system (MON) and RT 2.X (from CVS) using SOAP::Lite.
> If anyone else is interested , a brief overview follows.  
> If there is sufficient interest, I can provide the actual MON/RT files
> at some later date..  There are some security concerns that should
> probably be addressed (or at least acknowledged) before anyone
> goes installing this type of setup in production.
> * What i did 
> - Installed SOAP::Lite PERL Module
> - Wrote a custom PERL module (RT/RPC/SimpleRT.pm) , which 
>   exports a simplified ticket creation routine (create_ticket)
>   to the remote application.  
>   In this way the complexity of the RT API is hidden behind
>   a very simple interface.
> -  The RT/RPC directory is then auto-dispatched by Apache::SOAP
>    via httpd.conf .  This is a very clean approach as it requires 
>    zero on-disk configuration for providing SOAP HTTP transport.
>    This RPC directory can (and will be used by us) also be used
>     to provide much more complex RT-RPC interactions at a later
>     time.
> - Apache config
> 	<Location /SOAP>
> 	SetHandler perl-script
> 	PerlHandler Apache::SOAP
> 	## Only export RPC stuff!
> 	PerlSetVar dispatch_to "<RT_INSTALL_ROOT>/lib/RT/RPC"
> 	PerlSetVar options "compress_threshold => 10000"
> 	</Location>
> - Finally, i wrote a MON alert in PERL to create tickets in
>   our tracking database for network events.  The RT specific
>   code for that looks something like this: 
> 	## Last but not least..
> 	use SOAP::Lite +autodispatch =>
> 	  uri => 'urn:/SimpleRT',
> 	  proxy => 'http://<OUR_RT_SERVER>/SOAP';
> 	my $s = SimpleRT->new();
> 	## [ snip ]
> 	my ($id,$resp) = $s->create_ticket($queue,$subject,$own,$ops,$msg);
> 	## thats all
> - Well, thats my overview.  I'd been putting off sending this 
>   email for a while now , so i'll hit send right now. 
> best,
> _Michael.
>  [  Note that i had to rebuild my mod_perl apache for Apache::SOAP to
>      work properly (ie: not segfault!).  This was due to some type of 
>      conflict with the expat library (or something like that) .  
>      The configure directive i used follows
> 	./configure \
> 	"--with-layout=Apache" \
> 	"--prefix=/usr/local/apache_modperl" \
> 	"--activate-module=src/modules/perl/libperl.a" \
> 	"--disable-rule=EXPAT" 
> --
> Michael A. Jastremski  				Openphoto.net
> Megaglobal Corporation				Megaglobal.net
> Philadelphia, PA, USA				Westphila.net
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