[rt-devel] SetQueue in Ticket.pm

Michael Alan Dorman mdorman at debian.org
Sun Nov 25 23:00:04 EST 2001

Edstrom Johan johan.edstrom at sca.com writes:
> I've got a rather silly problem and was hoping somebody had
> a workaround....
> in Ticket.pm when trying to move a case without a owner to a new queue (from
> the default)
> it'll blow up with a Mason Error as follows:
>   line 355:  Can't call method "fetchrow" on an undefined value
> context:   ...
> 351:  my $query = shift;
> 352:  my @bind_values = @_;
> 353:  my $sth = $self->SimpleQuery($query, @bind_values);
> 354:
> 355:  return ($sth->fetchrow);
> I assume it's trying to find the Owner of the ticket?
> Is this working as "Designed" or is it a bug.

I entered this as bug #1016, with the attached patch, which Jesse
seems to have found acceptable in intent if not in execution.  It does
solve the problem.

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