[rt-devel] [rt-announce] RT Documentation has moved. There's a new tool in town.

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Tue Nov 27 00:27:34 EST 2001

	I'm pleased to announce that the new RT documentation managment system,
RT/FM[1] is now ready for public use.  The documentation maintained at 
www.helgrim.com/rtdocs/  has been imported into RT/FM, which lives
at http://fsck.com/rtfm/.  

	As it stabilizes, the RT/FM codebase will be released as another
Best Practical product.  In the not too distant future, RT/FM will be integrated
with RT. (Imagine using a FAQ database to automatically generate boilerplate
answers or filing bugs against FAQ articles.)

	If you've _just gotta_ have the RT/FM code now, write me personally
and I'll hook you up. 

	I'd like to thank Feargal for getting the ball rolling on RT 
documentation and for hosting the documentation on helgrim.com up until now.  
It's been a great help to mee and to the community.


	Jesse Vincent
	Best Practical Solutions, LLC

[1] RT FAQ Manager

http://www.bestpractical.com/products/rt  -- Trouble Ticketing. Free.

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