[rt-devel] [PATCH] Display userlist as SELECT box instead of UL

Robert Spier rspier at pobox.com
Sat Sep 15 00:27:27 EDT 2001

Display userlist as SELECT box instead of UL -

    when you have lots of users, the list gets annoying to deal with.-
    this makes it a little more managable.  I'm not so sure about
    SIZE=4, maybe 6 or 8 would be more appropriate.


RCS file: WebRT/html/Admin/Users/index.html,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 WebRT/html/Admin/Users/index.html
--- WebRT/html/Admin/Users/index.html   2001/09/15 04:12:05     1.1
+++ WebRT/html/Admin/Users/index.html   2001/09/15 04:23:50
@@ -24,15 +24,17 @@
 % }
 %if ($users->Count == 0) {
-<LI> <i>No users matching search criteria found.</i>
+<i>No users matching search criteria found.</i>
 % }
+<FORM ACTION="Modify.html" METHOD="GET">
 %while ( $user = $users->Next) {
-<LI><A HREF="Modify.html?id=<%$user->id%>"><%$user->Name%></a></LI>
+<OPTION VALUE="<%$user->id%>"><%$user->Name%>

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