[rt-devel] AutoCreate Tickets as specific UserID...

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Mon Sep 17 23:17:08 EDT 2001

That will break other things in subtle, hard to notice, ways. 

On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 12:42:38PM -0500, Jay Kramer wrote:
> Okay, instead of autocreating tickets as a "Nobody" user, I would like all
> tickets to be automatically created as a specific user..  What would the
> easiest way to do this be?  I've looked at some hacks, and the easiest way
> seems to just be changing /lib/RT.pm $Nobody->LoadByName('Nobody'); to
> $Nobody->LoadByName('RoutingHandler');
> Is that feasible, will it break anything else?  I think thats what I want
> instead of using the Nobody user anyway..  Anyhow, tell me what you think..
> Jay
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