[rt-devel] RT 2.1.53 Custom Fields

Stefan Fischer info at debian.homeunix.net
Mon Dec 2 16:01:42 EST 2002

Hello !

with your help i get RT 2.1.53 working :) The new installation procedure
works for me.

The reason for testing the new RT 2.1.53 developement snapshot was to
evaluate the new custom field function. But when i create a freeform field
there is an error dispayed within the browser:

error:  could not find component for path

context:  ...
41:  </dd>
42:  % }
43:  </dl>
44:  % if (@entry_fields) {
45:  <& /Ticket/Elements/EditCustomFieldEntries, ReadOnly => 1,
CustomFields => \@entry_fields, TicketObj => $Ticket &>
46:  % }
47:  <%INIT>
48:  my $CustomFields = $Ticket->QueueObj->CustomFields();
49:  </%INIT>

code stack:  /opt/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Elements/ShowCustomFields:45

Is this module not yet ready?

Thanks for your help!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind Regards
Stefan Fischer

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