[rt-devel] quandry: secure parts of a ticket... should this be done with related tickets?

Phil Homewood pdh at snapgear.com
Mon Dec 16 21:23:25 EST 2002

Colleen wrote:
> I put in rights for all 10 users for the 4 ordinary queues and for the
> secure queue, I only put permissions in for those 3 users.  I logged out
> and logged back in as an average user (no secure permissions) and I
> tried to 'Create a Ticket' in the secure queue.  I was allowed to do
> this.

What do the following commands show?

rtadmin --queue secure_queue --list-rights
rtadmin --system --list-rights

(You probably want to run those as the unix user corresponding
to your SuperUser, eg. root.)
Phil Homewood, Systems Janitor, www.SnapGear.com
pdh at snapgear.com Ph: +61 7 3435 2810 Fx: +61 7 3891 3630
SnapGear - Custom Embedded Solutions and Security Appliances

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