[rt-devel] SourceForge for RT add-ons?

Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 28 13:09:25 EST 2002

--- Jesse Vincent <jesse at bestpractical.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 06:36:17AM -0800, Stanislav Sinyagin wrote:
> > What about opening a new SF.net project, "rt-addons" ?
> I sort of have a bias against sourceforge. 

well, you weren't sure about autoconf, and now we use it...
There are good things about SF, and it doesn't mean there's no 
other solution:

-- multiple developers with CVS write access
-- public CVS repository 
-- file distribution system
-- bug tracking (well, we all know a better way for doing this)
-- zero cost of ownership
-- documentation management

There are nice projects which feel fine at SF, with dozens of developers 
on the list. 

What are you afraid of with SF? even if you loose control due 
to some politic changes at SF, you still have your CVS tarball backup.
And since there seem to be big companies interested, 
SF will last for long time. 

> What about creating a new RT
> queue at fsck.com for tracking contributed addons that I haven't yet
> manually added to contrib? Would that satisfy the need you have?

that would be nice for a start. 


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